Browse Source

[svn r21874] fix some icon

Juan Carlos Raña 15 years ago
1 changed files with 1116 additions and 1116 deletions
  1. 1116 1116

+ 1116 - 1116

@@ -1,1116 +1,1116 @@
-<?php //$Id: myStudents.php 21050 2009-05-28 19:09:21Z ivantcholakov $
-/* For licensing terms, see /dokeos_license.txt */
- * Implements the tracking of students in the Reporting pages
- * @package dokeos.mySpace
- */
- // name of the language file that needs to be included 
-$language_file = array ('registration', 'index', 'tracking', 'exercice','admin');
-require '../inc/';
-require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'tracking.lib.php';
-require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'';
-require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'usermanager.lib.php';
-require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'course.lib.php';
-require_once '../newscorm/learnpath.class.php';
-$htmlHeadXtra[] = '<script type="text/javascript">
-function show_image(image,width,height) {
-	width = parseInt(width) + 20;
-	height = parseInt(height) + 20;			
-	window_x =,\'windowX\',\'width=\'+ width + \', height=\'+ height + \'\');		
-$export_csv = isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'csv' ? true : false;
-if ($export_csv) {
-	ob_start();
-$csv_content = array();
-$this_section = "session_my_space";
-if (isset($_GET['details'])) {
- 	if (!empty($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'user_course') {
- 		$course_infos = CourseManager :: get_course_information($get_course_code);
- 		if (empty($cidReq)) {
- 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_infos['directory'], 'name' => $course_infos['title']);
- 		}
- 		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "../user/user.php?cidReq=".$get_course_code, "name" => get_lang("Users"));
- 	} else if (!empty($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'tracking_course') {
- 		$course_infos = CourseManager :: get_course_information($get_course_code);
- 		if (empty($cidReq)) {
- 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_infos['directory'], 'name' => $course_infos['title']);
- 		}
- 		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "../tracking/courseLog.php?cidReq=".$get_course_code.'&studentlist=true&id_session='.(empty($_SESSION['id_session'])?'':$_SESSION['id_session']), "name" => get_lang("Tracking"));
- 	} else if (!empty($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'resume_session') {
-		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => '../admin/index.php',"name" => get_lang('PlatformAdmin'));
-		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => "../admin/session_list.php","name" => get_lang('SessionList'));
-		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => "../admin/resume_session.php?id_session=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']),"name" => get_lang('SessionOverview'));
- 	} else {
- 		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "index.php", "name" => get_lang('MySpace'));
- 		if (isset($_GET['id_coach']) && intval($_GET['id_coach'])!=0) {
- 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php?id_coach=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']), "name" => get_lang("CoachStudents"));
- 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "myStudents.php?student=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']).'&id_coach='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']), "name" => get_lang("StudentDetails"));
- 		} else {
- 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php", "name" => get_lang("MyStudents"));
- 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "myStudents.php?student=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']), "name" => get_lang("StudentDetails"));
- 		}	 	
- 	}
- 	$nameTools=get_lang("DetailsStudentInCourse");
-} else {
- 	if (!empty($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'resume_session') {
-		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => '../admin/index.php',"name" => get_lang('PlatformAdmin'));
-		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => "../admin/session_list.php","name" => get_lang('SessionList'));
-		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => "../admin/resume_session.php?id_session=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']),"name" => get_lang('SessionOverview'));
- 	} else {
- 		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "index.php", "name" => get_lang('MySpace'));
-	 	if (isset($_GET['id_coach']) && intval($_GET['id_coach'])!=0) {
-	 		if (isset($_GET['id_session']) && intval($_GET['id_session'])!=0) {
-	 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php?id_coach=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach'])."&id_session=".$_GET['id_session'], "name" => get_lang("CoachStudents"));
-	 		} else {
-	 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php?id_coach=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']), "name" => get_lang("CoachStudents"));
-	 		}
-	 	} else {
-	 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php", "name" => get_lang("MyStudents"));
-	 	}
- 	}
-if(empty($_SESSION['is_allowedCreateCourse']) && !api_is_coach() && $_user['status']!=DRH && $_user['status']!=SESSIONADMIN){
-	api_not_allowed(true);
-Display :: display_header($nameTools);
- /*
-  * ======================================================================================
-  * ======================================================================================
-  */
-function calculHours($seconds)
-  //How many hours ?
-  $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
-  //How many minutes ?
-  $min = floor(($seconds - ($hours * 3600)) / 60);
-  if ($min < 10)
-    $min = "0".$min;
-  //How many seconds
-  $sec = $seconds - ($hours * 3600) - ($min * 60);
-  if ($sec < 10)
-    $sec = "0".$sec;
-  return $hours."h".$min."m".$sec."s" ;
-function is_teacher($course_code){
-	global $_user;
-	$tbl_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER);
-	$sql="SELECT 1 FROM $tbl_course_user WHERE user_id='".$_user["user_id"]."' AND course_code='".Database::escape_string($course_code)."' AND status='1'";
-	$result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-	if(Database::result($result)!=1)
-	{
-		return true;
-	}
-	else{
-		return false;
-	}
- *===============================================================================
- *===============================================================================  
- */
-// Database Table Definitions
-$tbl_user 					= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
-$tbl_session_user 			= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_USER);
-$tbl_session 				= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION);
-$tbl_session_course 		= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE);
-$tbl_session_course_user 	= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER);
-$tbl_course 				= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
-$tbl_course_user 			= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER);
-$tbl_stats_exercices 		= Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES);
-$tbl_stats_exercices_attempts 		= Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT);
-//$tbl_course_lp_view 		= Database :: get_course_table('lp_view');
-//$tbl_course_lp_view_item = Database :: get_course_table('lp_item_view');
-//$tbl_course_lp_item 		= Database :: get_course_table('lp_item');
-$tbl_course_lp_view = 'lp_view';
-$tbl_course_lp_view_item = 'lp_item_view';
-$tbl_course_lp_item = 'lp_item';
-$tbl_course_lp = 'lp';
-$tbl_course_quiz = 'quiz';
-$course_quiz_question = 'quiz_question';
-$course_quiz_rel_question = 'quiz_rel_question';
-$course_quiz_answer = 'quiz_answer';
-$course_student_publication = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
-if(isset($_GET["user_id"]) && $_GET["user_id"]!="")
-	$i_user_id=(int)$_GET["user_id"];
-	$i_user_id =$_user['user_id'];
-	$student_id = intval($_GET['student']);
-	// infos about user
-	$a_infosUser = UserManager::get_user_info_by_id($student_id);
-	if($_user['status']==DRH && $a_infosUser['hr_dept_id']!=$_user['user_id'])
-	{
-		api_not_allowed();
-	}
-	$a_infosUser['name'] = $a_infosUser['firstname'].' '.$a_infosUser['lastname'];
-	// Actions bar
-	echo '<div class="actions">';
-	echo '<a href="#" onclick="window.print()"><img src="../img/printmgr.gif">&nbsp;'.get_lang('Print').'</a>';
-	echo '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.Security::remove_XSS($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']).'&export=csv"><img src="../img/excel.gif">&nbsp;'.get_lang('ExportAsCSV').'</a>';
-	if(!empty($a_infosUser['email']))
-	{
-		$sendMail = Display::encrypted_mailto_link($a_infosUser['email'], /*Display::return_icon('send_mail.gif').' '.*/get_lang('SendMail'));
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-		$sendMail = Display::return_icon('send_mail.gif',get_lang('SendMail')).' '.get_lang('SendMail');
-	}
-	echo $sendMail;
-	if(!empty($_GET['student']) && !empty($_GET['course']))
-	{   //only show link to connection details if course and student were defined in the URL
-		echo '<a href="access_details.php?student='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']).'&course='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']).'&amp;origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'&amp;cidReq='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']).'">'.Display::return_icon('statistics.gif',get_lang('AccessDetails')).' '.get_lang('AccessDetails').'</a>';
-	}
-	echo '</div>';
-	// is the user online ?
-	$statistics_database = Database :: get_statistic_database();
-	$student_on_line=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']);
-	$a_usersOnline = WhoIsOnline($student_on_line, $statistics_database, 30);
-	foreach($a_usersOnline as $a_online)
-	{
-		if(in_array($_GET['student'],$a_online))
-		{
-			$online = get_lang('Yes');
-			break;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$online = get_lang('No');
-		}
-	}
-	$avg_student_progress = $avg_student_score = $nb_courses = 0;
-	$sql = 'SELECT course_code FROM '.$tbl_course_user.' WHERE user_id='.Database::escape_string($a_infosUser['user_id']);
-	$rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	$a_courses = array();
-	while($row = Database :: fetch_array($rs))
-	{
-		$a_courses[$row['course_code']] = $row['course_code'];
-	}
-	// get the list of sessions where the user is subscribed as student
-	$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT course_code FROM '.Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER).' WHERE id_user='.intval($a_infosUser['user_id']);
-	$rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-	while($row = Database :: fetch_array($rs))
-	{
-		$a_courses[$row['course_code']] = $row['course_code'];
-	}
-	$course_id=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']);
-	if(!CourseManager::is_user_subscribed_in_course($a_infosUser['user_id'],$course_id, true))
-	{
-		unset($a_courses[$key]);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		$nb_courses++;
-		$avg_student_progress = Tracking :: get_avg_student_progress($a_infosUser['user_id'],$course_id);
-		//the score inside the Reporting table
-		$avg_student_score=Tracking::get_average_test_scorm_and_lp($a_infosUser['user_id'],$course_id);
-	}
-	$avg_student_progress = round($avg_student_progress,2);
-	$avg_student_score = round($avg_student_score,2);
-	$first_connection_date = Tracking::get_first_connection_date($a_infosUser['user_id']);
-	if($first_connection_date==''){
-		$first_connection_date=get_lang('NoConnexion');
-	}
-	$last_connection_date = Tracking::get_last_connection_date($a_infosUser['user_id'],true);
-	if($last_connection_date==''){
-		$last_connection_date=get_lang('NoConnexion');
-	}
-	$time_spent_on_the_course = api_time_to_hms(Tracking :: get_time_spent_on_the_course($a_infosUser['user_id'], $course_id));
-	// cvs informations
-	$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Informations'));
-	$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Name'), get_lang('Email'), get_lang('Tel'));
-	$csv_content[] = array($a_infosUser['name'], $a_infosUser['email'],$a_infosUser['phone']);
-	$csv_content[] = array();
-	// csv tracking
-	$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Tracking'));
-	$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('FirstLogin'),get_lang('LatestLogin'), get_lang('TimeSpentInTheCourse'), get_lang('Progress'), get_lang('Score'));
-	$csv_content[] = array(strip_tags($first_connection_date),strip_tags($last_connection_date), $time_spent_on_the_course , $avg_student_progress.' %',$avg_student_score.' %');
-	<a name="infosStudent"></a>
-				<table width="100%" border="0" >
-					<tr>
-							<?php							
-								$image_array=UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id($a_infosUser['user_id'],'web',false, true);																					
-								echo '<td class="borderRight" width="10%" valign="top">';								
-								// get the path,width and height from original picture
-								$image_file = $image_array['dir'].$image_array['file'];
-								$big_image = $image_array['dir'].'big_'.$image_array['file'];
-								$big_image_size = @getimagesize(api_url_to_local_path($big_image));
-								$big_image_width= $big_image_size[0];
-								$big_image_height= $big_image_size[1];
-								$url_big_image = $big_image.'?rnd='.time();
-								$img_attributes = 'src="'.$image_file.'?rand='.time().'" '
-								.'alt="'.$a_infosUser['lastname'].' '.$a_infosUser['firstname'].'" '
-								.'style="float:'.($text_dir == 'rtl' ? 'left' : 'right').'; padding:5px;" ';
-								if ($image_array['file']=='unknown.jpg') {
-								echo '<img '.$img_attributes.' />';
-								} else {
-								echo '<input type="image" '.$img_attributes.' onclick="return show_image(\''.$url_big_image.'\',\''.$big_image_width.'\',\''.$big_image_height.'\');"/>';
-								}								
-								echo '</td>';
-							?>
-			<td width="40%" valign="top">
-				<table width="100%" class="data_table">
-								<tr>
-									<th>
-										<?php echo get_lang('Information'); ?>
-									</th>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-						<td>
-										<?php 
-											echo get_lang('Name').' : ';
-											echo $a_infosUser['name']; 
-										?>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-						<td>
-										<?php
-											echo get_lang('Email').' : ';
-											if(!empty($a_infosUser['email']))
-											{
-												echo '<a href="mailto:'.$a_infosUser['email'].'">'.$a_infosUser['email'].'</a>';
-											}
-											else
-											{
-												echo get_lang('NoEmail');
-											}
-										?>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-						<td>
-										<?php
-											echo get_lang('Tel').'. ';
-											if(!empty($a_infosUser['phone']))
-											{
-												echo $a_infosUser['phone'];
-											}
-											else
-											{
-												echo get_lang('NoTel');
-											} 
-										?>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-						<td>
-										<?php
-											echo get_lang('OfficialCode').' : ';
-											if(!empty($a_infosUser['official_code']))
-											{
-												echo $a_infosUser['official_code'];
-											}
-											else 
-											{ 
-												echo get_lang('NoOfficialCode');
-											} 
-										?>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-						<td>
-										<?php
-											echo get_lang('OnLine').' : ';
-											echo $online;
-										?>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-							</table>
-						</td>
-						<td class="borderLeft" width="35%" valign="top">
-				<table width="100%" class="data_table">
-								<tr>
-						<th colspan="2">
-										<?php echo get_lang('Tracking'); ?>
-									</th>
-								</tr>
-								<tr>
-						<td align="right">
-													<?php echo get_lang('FirstLogin') ?>
-												</td>
-						<td align="left">
-													<?php echo $first_connection_date ?>
-												</td>
-											</tr>
-											<tr>
-						<td align="right">
-													<?php echo get_lang('LatestLogin') ?>
-												</td>
-						<td align="left">
-													<?php echo $last_connection_date ?>
-												</td>
-											</tr>
-											<tr>
-						<td align="right">
-													<?php echo get_lang('TimeSpentInTheCourse') ?>
-												</td>
-						<td align="left">
-													<?php echo $time_spent_on_the_course ?>
-												</td>
-											</tr>
-											<tr>
-						<td align="right">
-													<?php 
-													echo get_lang('Progress'); 
-													Display :: display_icon('info2.gif',get_lang('ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
-													?>
-												</td>
-						<td align="left">
-													<?php echo $avg_student_progress.' %' ?>
-												</td>
-											</tr>
-											<tr>
-						<td align="right">
-													<?php 
-													echo get_lang('Score');
-													Display :: display_icon('info2.gif',get_lang('ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
-													?>
-												</td>
-						<td align="left">
-													<?php  echo $avg_student_score.' %' ?>
-												</td>
-											</tr>
-										</table>
-									</td>
-					</tr>
-				</table>
-	<table class="data_table">
-		<tr>
-			<td colspan="5" style="border-width: 0px;">&nbsp;</td>
-		</tr>
-			if(!empty($_GET['details']))
-			{
-				$course_code_info=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']);
-				$a_infosCours = CourseManager :: get_course_information($course_code_info);
-				//get coach and session_name if there is one and if session_mode is activated
-				if(api_get_setting('use_session_mode')=='true')
-				{
-					$tbl_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
-					$tbl_session = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION);
-					$tbl_session_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE);
-					$tbl_session_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER);
-					$sql = 'SELECT id_session 
-							FROM '.$tbl_session_course_user.' session_course_user
-							WHERE session_course_user.id_user = '.intval($a_infosUser['user_id']).'
-							AND session_course_user.course_code = "'.Database::escape_string($course_code_info).'"
-							ORDER BY id_session DESC';
-					$rs = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-					$num_row=Database::num_rows($rs);
-					if ($num_row > 0) 
-					{
-					$le_session_id = intval(Database::result($rs,0,0));					
-						if($le_session_id>0)
-						{
-							// get session name and coach of the session
-							$sql = 'SELECT name, id_coach FROM '.$tbl_session.' 
-									WHERE id='.$le_session_id;
-							$rs = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);						
-							$session_name = Database::result($rs,0,'name');
-							$session_coach_id = intval(Database::result($rs,0,'id_coach'));
-							// get coach of the course in the session
-							$sql = 'SELECT id_coach FROM '.$tbl_session_course.' 
-									WHERE id_session='.$le_session_id.'
-									AND course_code = "'.Database::escape_string($_GET['course']).'"';
-							$rs = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);						
-							$session_course_coach_id = intval(Database::result($rs,0,0));
-							if($session_course_coach_id!=0)
-							{
-								$coach_infos = UserManager :: get_user_info_by_id($session_course_coach_id);
-								$a_infosCours['tutor_name'] = $coach_infos['firstname'].' '.$coach_infos['lastname'];
-							}
-							else if($session_coach_id!=0)
-							{
-								$coach_infos = UserManager :: get_user_info_by_id($session_coach_id);
-								$a_infosCours['tutor_name'] = $coach_infos['firstname'].' '.$coach_infos['lastname'];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				} // end if(api_get_setting('use_session_mode')=='true')
-				$date_start = '';
-				if(!empty($a_infosCours['date_start']))
-				{
-					$a_date_start = explode('-',$a_infosCours['date_start']);
-					$date_start = $a_date_start[2].'/'.$a_date_start[1].'/'.$a_date_start[0];
-				}
-				$date_end = '';
-				if(!empty($a_infosCours['date_end']))
-				{	
-					$a_date_end = explode('-',$a_infosCours['date_end']);
-					$date_end = $a_date_end[2].'/'.$a_date_end[1].'/'.$a_date_end[0];
-				}
-				$dateSession = get_lang('From').' '.$date_start.' '.get_lang('To').' '.$date_end;
-				$nb_login = Tracking :: count_login_per_student($a_infosUser['user_id'], $_GET['course']);
-				$tableTitle = $a_infosCours['title'].'&nbsp;|&nbsp;'.get_lang('CountToolAccess').' : '.$nb_login.'&nbsp; | &nbsp;'.get_lang('Tutor').' : '.stripslashes($a_infosCours['tutor_name']).((!empty($session_name)) ? ' | '.get_lang('Session').' : '.$session_name : '');
-				$csv_content[] = array();
-				$csv_content[] = array(str_replace('&nbsp;','',$tableTitle));	
-		<tr>
-			<td colspan="6">
-					<strong><?php echo $tableTitle; ?></strong>
-			</td>
-		</tr>
-	</table>
-	<!-- line about learnpaths -->
-				<table class="data_table">
-					<tr>
-						<th>
-							<?php echo get_lang('Learnpaths');?>
-						</th>
-						<th>
-							<?php 
-							echo get_lang('Time');
-							Display :: display_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('TotalTimeByCourse') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
-							?>
-						</th>
-						<th>
-							<?php 
-							echo get_lang('Score');
-							Display :: display_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('LPTestScore') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
-							?>
-						</th>
-						<th>
-							<?php 
-							echo get_lang('Progress'); 
-							Display :: display_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('LPProgressScore') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
-							?>
-						</th>
-						<th>
-							<?php 
-							echo get_lang('LastConnexion');
-							Display :: display_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
-							?>
-						</th>
-						<th>
-							<?php echo get_lang('Details');?>
-						</th>
-					</tr>
-			$a_headerLearnpath = array(get_lang('Learnpath'),get_lang('Time'),get_lang('Progress'),get_lang('LastConnexion'));
-			$t_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-			$t_lpi = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-			$t_lpv = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_VIEW,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-			$t_lpiv = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM_VIEW,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-			$tbl_stats_exercices = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES);
-			$tbl_stats_attempts= Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT);
-			$tbl_quiz_questions= Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-			$sqlLearnpath = "SELECT,
-								FROM $t_lp AS lp ORDER BY ASC
-							";
-			$resultLearnpath = api_sql_query($sqlLearnpath,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-			$csv_content[] = array();
-			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Learnpath'),get_lang('Time'),get_lang('Score'),get_lang('Progress'),get_lang('LastConnexion'));
-			if(Database::num_rows($resultLearnpath)>0)
-			{
-				$i = 0;
-				while($a_learnpath = Database::fetch_array($resultLearnpath))
-				{
-					$any_result = false;
-					$progress = learnpath :: get_db_progress($a_learnpath['id'],$student_id, '%',$a_infosCours['db_name'],true);
-					if($progress === null)
-					{
-						$progress = '0%';
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						$any_result = true;
-					}
-					// calculates time
-					$sql = 'SELECT SUM(total_time) 
-								FROM '.$t_lpiv.' AS item_view
-								INNER JOIN '.$t_lpv.' AS view
-									ON item_view.lp_view_id =
-									AND view.lp_id = '.$a_learnpath['id'].'
-									AND view.user_id = '.intval($_GET['student']);
-					$rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-					$total_time = 0;
-					if(Database::num_rows($rs)>0)
-					{
-						$total_time = Database::result($rs, 0, 0);
-						if($total_time>0) $any_result = true;
-					}
-					// calculates last connection time
-					$sql = 'SELECT MAX(start_time) 
-								FROM '.$t_lpiv.' AS item_view
-								INNER JOIN '.$t_lpv.' AS view
-									ON item_view.lp_view_id =
-									AND view.lp_id = '.$a_learnpath['id'].'
-									AND view.user_id = '.intval($_GET['student']);
-					$rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-					$start_time = null;
-					if(Database::num_rows($rs)>0)
-					{
-						$start_time = Database::result($rs, 0, 0);
-						if($start_time > 0) $any_result = true;
-					}
-					//QUIZZ IN LP
-					$score = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(intval($_GET['student']), Database::escape_string($_GET['course']), array($a_learnpath['id']));				
-					if (empty($score)) {
-						//$score = 0;
-					}
-					if($i%2==0){
-						$s_css_class="row_odd";
-					}
-					else{
-						$s_css_class="row_even";
-					}
-					$i++;
-					$csv_content[] = array(api_html_entity_decode(stripslashes($a_learnpath['name']),ENT_QUOTES,$charset),api_time_to_hms($total_time),$score.'%',$progress,date('Y-m-d',$start_time));
-				?>
-					<tr class="<?php echo $s_css_class;?>">
-						<td>
-							<?php echo stripslashes($a_learnpath['name']); ?>
-						</td>
-						<td align="center">
-						<?php echo api_time_to_hms($total_time) ?>
-						</td>
-						<td align="center">
-							<?php 
-							if(!is_null($score)) {
-								 echo $score.' %';
-								} else {
-									if ('0'==$progress{0}) {
-										echo '/';
-									} else {
-										echo '0%';
-									}
-								 	$score=0;
-							} 
-							?>
-						</td>
-						<td align="center">
-							<?php echo $progress ?>
-						</td>
-						<td align="center">
-							<?php if($start_time!='' && $start_time>0) {
-									 echo format_locale_date(get_lang('DateFormatLongWithoutDay'),$start_time);
-								} else {
-								 	echo '-';
-								} ?>
-						</td>
-						<td align="center">
-							<?php
-							if($any_result === true)
-							{
-							?>
-							<a href="lp_tracking.php?course=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']) ?>&origin=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']) ?>&lp_id=<?php echo $a_learnpath['id']?>&student_id=<?php echo $a_infosUser['user_id'] ?>">
-								<img src="../img/2rightarrow.gif" border="0" />
-							</a>
-							<?php
-							}
-							?>
-						</td>
-					</tr>
-				<?php
-				$dataLearnpath[$i][] = $a_learnpath['name'];
-				$dataLearnpath[$i][] = $progress.'%';
-				$i++;
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				echo "	<tr>	
-							<td colspan='6'>
-								".get_lang('NoLearnpath')."
-							</td>
-						</tr>
-					 ";
-				}
-				</table>
-	<!-- line about exercises -->
-			<table class="data_table">
-				<tr>
-					<th>
-						<?php echo get_lang('Exercices'); ?>
-					</th>
-					<th>
-						<?php echo get_lang('Score').Display :: return_icon('info3.gif', get_lang('LastScoreTest'), array('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px')) ?>
-					</th>
-					<th>
-						<?php echo get_lang('Attempts'); ?>
-					</th>
-					<th>
-						<?php echo get_lang('CorrectTest'); ?>
-					</th>
-				</tr>
-			<?php
-			$csv_content[] = array();
-			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Exercices'),get_lang('Score'),get_lang('Attempts'));
-			$a_infosCours = CourseManager :: get_course_information(Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']));			
-			$t_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST,$a_infosCours['db_name']);									
-			$sql='SELECT visibility FROM '.$t_tool.' WHERE name="quiz"';			
-			$resultVisibilityQuizz = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-			$t_quiz = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-			if(Database::result($resultVisibilityQuizz,0,'visibility')==1){
-				$sqlExercices = "	SELECT quiz.title,id
-									FROM ".$t_quiz." AS quiz
-									WHERE active='1' ORDER BY quiz.title ASC
-									";
-				$resultExercices = api_sql_query($sqlExercices,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-				$i = 0;
-				$is_student=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']);
-				if(Database::num_rows($resultExercices)>0)
-				{
-					while($a_exercices = Database::fetch_array($resultExercices))
-					{
-						$sqlEssais = "	SELECT COUNT(ex.exe_id) as essais
-										FROM $tbl_stats_exercices AS ex
-										WHERE  ex.exe_cours_id = '".$a_infosCours['code']."'
-										AND ex.exe_exo_id = ".$a_exercices['id']."
-										AND orig_lp_id = 0
-										AND orig_lp_item_id = 0				
-										AND exe_user_id='".Database::escape_string($is_student)."'"
-									 ;
-						$resultEssais = api_sql_query($sqlEssais,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-						$a_essais = Database::fetch_array($resultEssais);
-						$sqlScore = "SELECT exe_id, exe_result,exe_weighting
-									 FROM $tbl_stats_exercices
-									 WHERE exe_user_id = ".Database::escape_string($is_student)."
-									 AND exe_cours_id = '".$a_infosCours['code']."'
-									 AND exe_exo_id = ".$a_exercices['id']."
-									 AND orig_lp_id = 0
-									 AND orig_lp_item_id = 0
-									 ORDER BY exe_date DESC LIMIT 1";
-						$resultScore = api_sql_query($sqlScore,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-						$score = 0; 
-						while($a_score = Database::fetch_array($resultScore))
-						{
-							$score = $score + $a_score['exe_result'];
-							$weighting = $weighting + $a_score['exe_weighting'];
-							$exe_id = $a_score['exe_id'];
-						}
-						$pourcentageScore = 0;
-						if($weighting!=0) {
-							//i.e 10.50 
-							$pourcentageScore = round(($score*100)/$weighting,2);
-						}
-						$weighting = 0;
-						$csv_content[] = array($a_exercices['title'], $pourcentageScore.' %', $a_essais['essais']);
-						if($i%2==0){
-							$s_css_class="row_odd";
-						}
-						else{
-							$s_css_class="row_even";
-						}
-						$i++;
-				echo '<tr class="'.$s_css_class.'">
-								<td>
-					 ';
-						echo 		$a_exercices['title'];
-						echo "	</td>
-							 ";
-						echo "	<td align='center'>
-							  ";
-						if ($a_essais['essais']>0 ) {
-							echo $pourcentageScore.' %';
-						} else {
-							echo '/';
-							$pourcentageScore=0;
-						}
-						echo "	</td>
-								<td align='center'>
-							 ";
-						echo 		$a_essais['essais'];
-						echo "	</td>
-								<td align='center'>
-							 ";
-						$sql_last_attempt='SELECT exe_id FROM '.$tbl_stats_exercices.' WHERE exe_exo_id="'.$a_exercices['id'].'" AND exe_user_id="'.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']).'" AND exe_cours_id="'.$a_infosCours['code'].'" AND orig_lp_id = 0 AND orig_lp_item_id = 0 ORDER BY exe_date DESC LIMIT 1';
-						$resultLastAttempt = api_sql_query($sql_last_attempt,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-						if(Database::num_rows($resultLastAttempt)>0)
-						{
-							$id_last_attempt=Database::result($resultLastAttempt,0,0);
-							if($a_essais['essais']>0)
-								echo '<a href="../exercice/exercise_show.php?id='.$id_last_attempt.'&cidReq='.$a_infosCours['code'].'&student='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']).'&origin='.(empty($_GET['origin']) ? 'tracking' : Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin'])).'"> <img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'quiz.gif" border="0" /> </a>';
-						}
-						echo "	</td>
-							  </tr>
-							 ";							 
-						$dataExercices[$i][] =  $a_exercices['title'];
-						$dataExercices[$i][] = $pourcentageScore.'%';
-						$dataExercices[$i][] =  $a_essais['essais'];
-						//$dataExercices[$i][] =  corrections;
-						$i++;
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					echo "	<tr>	
-								<td colspan='6'>
-									".get_lang('NoExercise')."
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-						 ";
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				echo "	<tr>	
-							<td colspan='6'>
-								".get_lang('NoExercise')."
-							</td>
-						</tr>
-					 ";
-			}
-					</table>
-	<!-- line about other tools -->
-			<table class="data_table">
-	<tr>
-		<td>
-			<?php
-			$csv_content[] = array();
-			$nb_assignments = Tracking :: count_student_assignments($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
-			$messages = Tracking :: count_student_messages($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
-			$links = Tracking :: count_student_visited_links($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
-			$documents = Tracking :: count_student_downloaded_documents($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
-			$chat_last_connection = Tracking::chat_last_connection($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
-			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Student_publication'), $nb_assignments);
-			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Messages'), $messages);
-			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('LinksDetails'), $links);
-			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('DocumentsDetails'), $documents);
-			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('ChatLastConnection'), $chat_last_connection);
-			?>
-				<tr>
-					<th colspan="2">
-						<?php echo get_lang('OtherTools'); ?>
-					</th>
-				</tr>
-				<tr><!-- assignments -->
-					<td width="40%">
-						<?php echo get_lang('Student_publication') ?>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-						<?php echo $nb_assignments ?>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr><!-- messages -->
-					<td>
-						<?php echo get_lang('Messages') ?>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-						<?php echo $messages ?>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr><!-- links -->
-					<td>
-						<?php echo get_lang('LinksDetails') ?>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-						<?php echo $links ?>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr><!-- documents -->
-					<td>
-						<?php echo get_lang('DocumentsDetails') ?>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-						<?php echo $documents ?>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr><!-- Chats -->
-					<td>
-						<?php echo get_lang('ChatLastConnection') ?>
-					</td>
-					<td>
-						<?php echo $chat_last_connection; ?>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-			</table>
-			</td>
-		</tr>
-		</table>
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		<tr>
-			<th>
-				<?php echo get_lang('Course'); ?>
-			</th>
-			<th>
-				<?php echo get_lang('Time'); ?>
-			</th>
-			<th>
-				<?php echo get_lang('Progress'); ?>
-			</th>
-			<th>
-				<?php echo get_lang('Score'); ?>
-			</th>
-			<th>
-				<?php echo get_lang('Details'); ?>
-			</th>
-		</tr>
-		if(!api_is_platform_admin(true) && $_user['status']!=DRH){
-			// courses followed by user where we are coach
-			if(!isset($_GET['id_coach'])){
-				$a_courses = Tracking :: get_courses_followed_by_coach($_user['user_id']);
-			}
-			else{
-				$a_courses = Tracking :: get_courses_followed_by_coach(Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']));
-			}
-		}
-		if(count($a_courses)>0)
-		{
-			$csv_content[] = array();
-			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Course'),get_lang('Time'),get_lang('Progress'),get_lang('Score'));
-			foreach($a_courses as $course_code)
-			{				
-				if(CourseManager :: is_user_subscribed_in_course($student_id,$course_code, true)){
-					$course_infos = CourseManager :: get_course_information($course_code);
-					$time_spent_on_course = api_time_to_hms(Tracking :: get_time_spent_on_the_course($a_infosUser['user_id'], $course_code));
-					$progress = Tracking :: get_avg_student_progress($a_infosUser['user_id'], $course_code).' %';
-					$score = Tracking :: get_avg_student_score($a_infosUser['user_id'], $course_code).' %';
-					$csv_content[] = array($course_infos['title'], $time_spent_on_course, $progress, $score);
-					echo '
-					<tr>				
-						<td align="right">
-							'.$course_infos['title'].'
-						</td>
-						<td align="right">
-							'.$time_spent_on_course.'
-						</td>
-						<td align="right">
-							'.$progress.'
-						</td>
-						<td align="right">
-							'.$score.'
-						</td>';
-						if(isset($_GET['id_coach']) && intval($_GET['id_coach'])!=0){
-							echo '<td align="center" width="10">
-								<a href="'.api_get_self().'?student='.$a_infosUser['user_id'].'&details=true&course='.$course_infos['code'].'&id_coach='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']).'&origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'&id_session='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']).'#infosStudent"><img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'2rightarrow.gif" border="0" /></a>
-							</td>';
-						}
-						else{
-							echo '<td align="center" width="10">
-								<a href="'.api_get_self().'?student='.$a_infosUser['user_id'].'&details=true&course='.$course_infos['code'].'&origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'&id_session='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']).'#infosStudent"><img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'2rightarrow.gif" border="0" /></a>
-							</td>';
-						}
-					echo '</tr>';
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			echo "<tr>
-					<td colspan='5'>
-						".get_lang('NoCourse')."
-					</td>
-				  </tr>
-				 ";
-		}
-		}//end of else !empty($details)
-	?>
-	</table>
-	<br />
-	if(!empty($_GET['details']) && $_GET['origin'] != 'tracking_course' && $_GET['origin'] != 'user_course')
-	{
-		<br /><br />
-		}
-		if(!empty($_GET['exe_id']))
-	{
-		$t_q = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-		$t_qq = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-		$t_qa = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-		$t_qtq = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
-		$sqlExerciceDetails = " SELECT qq.question, qq.ponderation,
-				 				FROM ".$t_qq." as qq
-								INNER JOIN ".$t_qtq." as qrq
-									ON qrq.question_id =
-									AND qrq.exercice_id = ".intval($_GET['exe_id']);
-		$resultExerciceDetails = api_sql_query($sqlExerciceDetails,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-		$sqlExName = "	SELECT quiz.title
-						FROM ".$t_q." AS quiz
-					 	WHERE = ".intval($_GET['exe_id']);
-					 ;
-		$resultExName = api_sql_query($sqlExName,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-		$a_exName = Database::fetch_array($resultExName);
-		echo "<table class='data_table'>
-			 	<tr>
-					<th colspan='2'>
-						".$a_exName['title']."
-					</th>
-				</tr>
-             ";
-		while($a_exerciceDetails = Database::fetch_array($resultExerciceDetails))
-		{
-			$sqlAnswer = "	SELECT qa.comment, qa.answer
-							FROM  ".$t_qa." as qa
-							WHERE qa.question_id = ".$a_exerciceDetails['id']
-					 	 ;
-			$resultAnswer = api_sql_query($sqlAnswer,__FILE__,__LINE__);
-			echo "<a name='infosExe'></a>";
-			echo"	
-			<tr>
-				<td colspan='2'>
-					<strong>".$a_exerciceDetails['question'].' /'.$a_exerciceDetails['ponderation']."</strong>
-				</td>
-			</tr>
-			";
-			while($a_answer = Database::fetch_array($resultAnswer))
-			{
-				echo"
-				<tr>
-					<td>
-						".$a_answer['answer']."
-					</td>
-					<td>
-				";
-				if(!empty($a_answer['comment']))
-						echo $a_answer['comment'];
-				else
-						echo get_lang('NoComment');
-				echo "
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				";
-			}
-		}
-		echo "</table>";
-	}
-	//YW - commented out because it doesn't seem to be used
-	//$a_header = array_merge($a_headerLearnpath,$a_headerExercices,$a_headerProductions);
-	ob_end_clean();
-	Export :: export_table_csv($csv_content, 'reporting_student');
+<?php //$Id: myStudents.php 21874 2009-07-08 08:45:18Z herodoto $
+/* For licensing terms, see /dokeos_license.txt */
+ * Implements the tracking of students in the Reporting pages
+ * @package dokeos.mySpace
+ */
+ // name of the language file that needs to be included 
+$language_file = array ('registration', 'index', 'tracking', 'exercice','admin');
+require '../inc/';
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'tracking.lib.php';
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'';
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'usermanager.lib.php';
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'course.lib.php';
+require_once '../newscorm/learnpath.class.php';
+$htmlHeadXtra[] = '<script type="text/javascript">
+function show_image(image,width,height) {
+	width = parseInt(width) + 20;
+	height = parseInt(height) + 20;			
+	window_x =,\'windowX\',\'width=\'+ width + \', height=\'+ height + \'\');		
+$export_csv = isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'csv' ? true : false;
+if ($export_csv) {
+	ob_start();
+$csv_content = array();
+$this_section = "session_my_space";
+if (isset($_GET['details'])) {
+ 	if (!empty($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'user_course') {
+ 		$course_infos = CourseManager :: get_course_information($get_course_code);
+ 		if (empty($cidReq)) {
+ 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_infos['directory'], 'name' => $course_infos['title']);
+ 		}
+ 		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "../user/user.php?cidReq=".$get_course_code, "name" => get_lang("Users"));
+ 	} else if (!empty($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'tracking_course') {
+ 		$course_infos = CourseManager :: get_course_information($get_course_code);
+ 		if (empty($cidReq)) {
+ 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_infos['directory'], 'name' => $course_infos['title']);
+ 		}
+ 		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "../tracking/courseLog.php?cidReq=".$get_course_code.'&studentlist=true&id_session='.(empty($_SESSION['id_session'])?'':$_SESSION['id_session']), "name" => get_lang("Tracking"));
+ 	} else if (!empty($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'resume_session') {
+		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => '../admin/index.php',"name" => get_lang('PlatformAdmin'));
+		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => "../admin/session_list.php","name" => get_lang('SessionList'));
+		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => "../admin/resume_session.php?id_session=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']),"name" => get_lang('SessionOverview'));
+ 	} else {
+ 		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "index.php", "name" => get_lang('MySpace'));
+ 		if (isset($_GET['id_coach']) && intval($_GET['id_coach'])!=0) {
+ 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php?id_coach=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']), "name" => get_lang("CoachStudents"));
+ 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "myStudents.php?student=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']).'&id_coach='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']), "name" => get_lang("StudentDetails"));
+ 		} else {
+ 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php", "name" => get_lang("MyStudents"));
+ 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "myStudents.php?student=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']), "name" => get_lang("StudentDetails"));
+ 		}	 	
+ 	}
+ 	$nameTools=get_lang("DetailsStudentInCourse");
+} else {
+ 	if (!empty($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'resume_session') {
+		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => '../admin/index.php',"name" => get_lang('PlatformAdmin'));
+		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => "../admin/session_list.php","name" => get_lang('SessionList'));
+		$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => "../admin/resume_session.php?id_session=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']),"name" => get_lang('SessionOverview'));
+ 	} else {
+ 		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "index.php", "name" => get_lang('MySpace'));
+	 	if (isset($_GET['id_coach']) && intval($_GET['id_coach'])!=0) {
+	 		if (isset($_GET['id_session']) && intval($_GET['id_session'])!=0) {
+	 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php?id_coach=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach'])."&id_session=".$_GET['id_session'], "name" => get_lang("CoachStudents"));
+	 		} else {
+	 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php?id_coach=".Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']), "name" => get_lang("CoachStudents"));
+	 		}
+	 	} else {
+	 			$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "student.php", "name" => get_lang("MyStudents"));
+	 	}
+ 	}
+if(empty($_SESSION['is_allowedCreateCourse']) && !api_is_coach() && $_user['status']!=DRH && $_user['status']!=SESSIONADMIN){
+	api_not_allowed(true);
+Display :: display_header($nameTools);
+ /*
+  * ======================================================================================
+  * ======================================================================================
+  */
+function calculHours($seconds)
+  //How many hours ?
+  $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
+  //How many minutes ?
+  $min = floor(($seconds - ($hours * 3600)) / 60);
+  if ($min < 10)
+    $min = "0".$min;
+  //How many seconds
+  $sec = $seconds - ($hours * 3600) - ($min * 60);
+  if ($sec < 10)
+    $sec = "0".$sec;
+  return $hours."h".$min."m".$sec."s" ;
+function is_teacher($course_code){
+	global $_user;
+	$tbl_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER);
+	$sql="SELECT 1 FROM $tbl_course_user WHERE user_id='".$_user["user_id"]."' AND course_code='".Database::escape_string($course_code)."' AND status='1'";
+	$result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+	if(Database::result($result)!=1)
+	{
+		return true;
+	}
+	else{
+		return false;
+	}
+ *===============================================================================
+ *===============================================================================  
+ */
+// Database Table Definitions
+$tbl_user 					= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
+$tbl_session_user 			= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_USER);
+$tbl_session 				= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION);
+$tbl_session_course 		= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE);
+$tbl_session_course_user 	= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER);
+$tbl_course 				= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
+$tbl_course_user 			= Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER);
+$tbl_stats_exercices 		= Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES);
+$tbl_stats_exercices_attempts 		= Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT);
+//$tbl_course_lp_view 		= Database :: get_course_table('lp_view');
+//$tbl_course_lp_view_item = Database :: get_course_table('lp_item_view');
+//$tbl_course_lp_item 		= Database :: get_course_table('lp_item');
+$tbl_course_lp_view = 'lp_view';
+$tbl_course_lp_view_item = 'lp_item_view';
+$tbl_course_lp_item = 'lp_item';
+$tbl_course_lp = 'lp';
+$tbl_course_quiz = 'quiz';
+$course_quiz_question = 'quiz_question';
+$course_quiz_rel_question = 'quiz_rel_question';
+$course_quiz_answer = 'quiz_answer';
+$course_student_publication = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
+if(isset($_GET["user_id"]) && $_GET["user_id"]!="")
+	$i_user_id=(int)$_GET["user_id"];
+	$i_user_id =$_user['user_id'];
+	$student_id = intval($_GET['student']);
+	// infos about user
+	$a_infosUser = UserManager::get_user_info_by_id($student_id);
+	if($_user['status']==DRH && $a_infosUser['hr_dept_id']!=$_user['user_id'])
+	{
+		api_not_allowed();
+	}
+	$a_infosUser['name'] = $a_infosUser['firstname'].' '.$a_infosUser['lastname'];
+	// Actions bar
+	echo '<div class="actions">';
+	echo '<a href="#" onclick="window.print()"><img src="../img/printmgr.gif">&nbsp;'.get_lang('Print').'</a>';
+	echo '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?'.Security::remove_XSS($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']).'&export=csv"><img src="../img/excel.gif">&nbsp;'.get_lang('ExportAsCSV').'</a>';
+	if(!empty($a_infosUser['email']))
+	{
+		$sendMail = Display::return_icon('send_mail.gif',get_lang('SendMail')).' '.Display::encrypted_mailto_link($a_infosUser['email'], get_lang('SendMail'));
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		$sendMail = Display::return_icon('send_mail.gif',get_lang('SendMail')).' '.get_lang('SendMail');
+	}
+	echo $sendMail;
+	if(!empty($_GET['student']) && !empty($_GET['course']))
+	{   //only show link to connection details if course and student were defined in the URL
+		echo '<a href="access_details.php?student='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']).'&course='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']).'&amp;origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'&amp;cidReq='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']).'">'.Display::return_icon('statistics.gif',get_lang('AccessDetails')).' '.get_lang('AccessDetails').'</a>';
+	}
+	echo '</div>';
+	// is the user online ?
+	$statistics_database = Database :: get_statistic_database();
+	$student_on_line=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']);
+	$a_usersOnline = WhoIsOnline($student_on_line, $statistics_database, 30);
+	foreach($a_usersOnline as $a_online)
+	{
+		if(in_array($_GET['student'],$a_online))
+		{
+			$online = get_lang('Yes');
+			break;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$online = get_lang('No');
+		}
+	}
+	$avg_student_progress = $avg_student_score = $nb_courses = 0;
+	$sql = 'SELECT course_code FROM '.$tbl_course_user.' WHERE user_id='.Database::escape_string($a_infosUser['user_id']);
+	$rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+	$a_courses = array();
+	while($row = Database :: fetch_array($rs))
+	{
+		$a_courses[$row['course_code']] = $row['course_code'];
+	}
+	// get the list of sessions where the user is subscribed as student
+	$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT course_code FROM '.Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER).' WHERE id_user='.intval($a_infosUser['user_id']);
+	$rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+	while($row = Database :: fetch_array($rs))
+	{
+		$a_courses[$row['course_code']] = $row['course_code'];
+	}
+	$course_id=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']);
+	if(!CourseManager::is_user_subscribed_in_course($a_infosUser['user_id'],$course_id, true))
+	{
+		unset($a_courses[$key]);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$nb_courses++;
+		$avg_student_progress = Tracking :: get_avg_student_progress($a_infosUser['user_id'],$course_id);
+		//the score inside the Reporting table
+		$avg_student_score=Tracking::get_average_test_scorm_and_lp($a_infosUser['user_id'],$course_id);
+	}
+	$avg_student_progress = round($avg_student_progress,2);
+	$avg_student_score = round($avg_student_score,2);
+	$first_connection_date = Tracking::get_first_connection_date($a_infosUser['user_id']);
+	if($first_connection_date==''){
+		$first_connection_date=get_lang('NoConnexion');
+	}
+	$last_connection_date = Tracking::get_last_connection_date($a_infosUser['user_id'],true);
+	if($last_connection_date==''){
+		$last_connection_date=get_lang('NoConnexion');
+	}
+	$time_spent_on_the_course = api_time_to_hms(Tracking :: get_time_spent_on_the_course($a_infosUser['user_id'], $course_id));
+	// cvs informations
+	$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Informations'));
+	$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Name'), get_lang('Email'), get_lang('Tel'));
+	$csv_content[] = array($a_infosUser['name'], $a_infosUser['email'],$a_infosUser['phone']);
+	$csv_content[] = array();
+	// csv tracking
+	$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Tracking'));
+	$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('FirstLogin'),get_lang('LatestLogin'), get_lang('TimeSpentInTheCourse'), get_lang('Progress'), get_lang('Score'));
+	$csv_content[] = array(strip_tags($first_connection_date),strip_tags($last_connection_date), $time_spent_on_the_course , $avg_student_progress.' %',$avg_student_score.' %');
+	<a name="infosStudent"></a>
+				<table width="100%" border="0" >
+					<tr>
+							<?php							
+								$image_array=UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id($a_infosUser['user_id'],'web',false, true);																					
+								echo '<td class="borderRight" width="10%" valign="top">';								
+								// get the path,width and height from original picture
+								$image_file = $image_array['dir'].$image_array['file'];
+								$big_image = $image_array['dir'].'big_'.$image_array['file'];
+								$big_image_size = @getimagesize(api_url_to_local_path($big_image));
+								$big_image_width= $big_image_size[0];
+								$big_image_height= $big_image_size[1];
+								$url_big_image = $big_image.'?rnd='.time();
+								$img_attributes = 'src="'.$image_file.'?rand='.time().'" '
+								.'alt="'.$a_infosUser['lastname'].' '.$a_infosUser['firstname'].'" '
+								.'style="float:'.($text_dir == 'rtl' ? 'left' : 'right').'; padding:5px;" ';
+								if ($image_array['file']=='unknown.jpg') {
+								echo '<img '.$img_attributes.' />';
+								} else {
+								echo '<input type="image" '.$img_attributes.' onclick="return show_image(\''.$url_big_image.'\',\''.$big_image_width.'\',\''.$big_image_height.'\');"/>';
+								}								
+								echo '</td>';
+							?>
+			<td width="40%" valign="top">
+				<table width="100%" class="data_table">
+								<tr>
+									<th>
+										<?php echo get_lang('Information'); ?>
+									</th>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+						<td>
+										<?php 
+											echo get_lang('Name').' : ';
+											echo $a_infosUser['name']; 
+										?>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+						<td>
+										<?php
+											echo get_lang('Email').' : ';
+											if(!empty($a_infosUser['email']))
+											{
+												echo '<a href="mailto:'.$a_infosUser['email'].'">'.$a_infosUser['email'].'</a>';
+											}
+											else
+											{
+												echo get_lang('NoEmail');
+											}
+										?>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+						<td>
+										<?php
+											echo get_lang('Tel').'. ';
+											if(!empty($a_infosUser['phone']))
+											{
+												echo $a_infosUser['phone'];
+											}
+											else
+											{
+												echo get_lang('NoTel');
+											} 
+										?>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+						<td>
+										<?php
+											echo get_lang('OfficialCode').' : ';
+											if(!empty($a_infosUser['official_code']))
+											{
+												echo $a_infosUser['official_code'];
+											}
+											else 
+											{ 
+												echo get_lang('NoOfficialCode');
+											} 
+										?>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+						<td>
+										<?php
+											echo get_lang('OnLine').' : ';
+											echo $online;
+										?>
+									</td>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+						<td class="borderLeft" width="35%" valign="top">
+				<table width="100%" class="data_table">
+								<tr>
+						<th colspan="2">
+										<?php echo get_lang('Tracking'); ?>
+									</th>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+						<td align="right">
+													<?php echo get_lang('FirstLogin') ?>
+												</td>
+						<td align="left">
+													<?php echo $first_connection_date ?>
+												</td>
+											</tr>
+											<tr>
+						<td align="right">
+													<?php echo get_lang('LatestLogin') ?>
+												</td>
+						<td align="left">
+													<?php echo $last_connection_date ?>
+												</td>
+											</tr>
+											<tr>
+						<td align="right">
+													<?php echo get_lang('TimeSpentInTheCourse') ?>
+												</td>
+						<td align="left">
+													<?php echo $time_spent_on_the_course ?>
+												</td>
+											</tr>
+											<tr>
+						<td align="right">
+													<?php 
+													echo get_lang('Progress'); 
+													Display :: display_icon('info2.gif',get_lang('ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
+													?>
+												</td>
+						<td align="left">
+													<?php echo $avg_student_progress.' %' ?>
+												</td>
+											</tr>
+											<tr>
+						<td align="right">
+													<?php 
+													echo get_lang('Score');
+													Display :: display_icon('info2.gif',get_lang('ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
+													?>
+												</td>
+						<td align="left">
+													<?php  echo $avg_student_score.' %' ?>
+												</td>
+											</tr>
+										</table>
+									</td>
+					</tr>
+				</table>
+	<table class="data_table">
+		<tr>
+			<td colspan="5" style="border-width: 0px;">&nbsp;</td>
+		</tr>
+			if(!empty($_GET['details']))
+			{
+				$course_code_info=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']);
+				$a_infosCours = CourseManager :: get_course_information($course_code_info);
+				//get coach and session_name if there is one and if session_mode is activated
+				if(api_get_setting('use_session_mode')=='true')
+				{
+					$tbl_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
+					$tbl_session = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION);
+					$tbl_session_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE);
+					$tbl_session_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER);
+					$sql = 'SELECT id_session 
+							FROM '.$tbl_session_course_user.' session_course_user
+							WHERE session_course_user.id_user = '.intval($a_infosUser['user_id']).'
+							AND session_course_user.course_code = "'.Database::escape_string($course_code_info).'"
+							ORDER BY id_session DESC';
+					$rs = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+					$num_row=Database::num_rows($rs);
+					if ($num_row > 0) 
+					{
+					$le_session_id = intval(Database::result($rs,0,0));					
+						if($le_session_id>0)
+						{
+							// get session name and coach of the session
+							$sql = 'SELECT name, id_coach FROM '.$tbl_session.' 
+									WHERE id='.$le_session_id;
+							$rs = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);						
+							$session_name = Database::result($rs,0,'name');
+							$session_coach_id = intval(Database::result($rs,0,'id_coach'));
+							// get coach of the course in the session
+							$sql = 'SELECT id_coach FROM '.$tbl_session_course.' 
+									WHERE id_session='.$le_session_id.'
+									AND course_code = "'.Database::escape_string($_GET['course']).'"';
+							$rs = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);						
+							$session_course_coach_id = intval(Database::result($rs,0,0));
+							if($session_course_coach_id!=0)
+							{
+								$coach_infos = UserManager :: get_user_info_by_id($session_course_coach_id);
+								$a_infosCours['tutor_name'] = $coach_infos['firstname'].' '.$coach_infos['lastname'];
+							}
+							else if($session_coach_id!=0)
+							{
+								$coach_infos = UserManager :: get_user_info_by_id($session_coach_id);
+								$a_infosCours['tutor_name'] = $coach_infos['firstname'].' '.$coach_infos['lastname'];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} // end if(api_get_setting('use_session_mode')=='true')
+				$date_start = '';
+				if(!empty($a_infosCours['date_start']))
+				{
+					$a_date_start = explode('-',$a_infosCours['date_start']);
+					$date_start = $a_date_start[2].'/'.$a_date_start[1].'/'.$a_date_start[0];
+				}
+				$date_end = '';
+				if(!empty($a_infosCours['date_end']))
+				{	
+					$a_date_end = explode('-',$a_infosCours['date_end']);
+					$date_end = $a_date_end[2].'/'.$a_date_end[1].'/'.$a_date_end[0];
+				}
+				$dateSession = get_lang('From').' '.$date_start.' '.get_lang('To').' '.$date_end;
+				$nb_login = Tracking :: count_login_per_student($a_infosUser['user_id'], $_GET['course']);
+				$tableTitle = $a_infosCours['title'].'&nbsp;|&nbsp;'.get_lang('CountToolAccess').' : '.$nb_login.'&nbsp; | &nbsp;'.get_lang('Tutor').' : '.stripslashes($a_infosCours['tutor_name']).((!empty($session_name)) ? ' | '.get_lang('Session').' : '.$session_name : '');
+				$csv_content[] = array();
+				$csv_content[] = array(str_replace('&nbsp;','',$tableTitle));	
+		<tr>
+			<td colspan="6">
+					<strong><?php echo $tableTitle; ?></strong>
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+	</table>
+	<!-- line about learnpaths -->
+				<table class="data_table">
+					<tr>
+						<th>
+							<?php echo get_lang('Learnpaths');?>
+						</th>
+						<th>
+							<?php 
+							echo get_lang('Time');
+							Display :: display_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('TotalTimeByCourse') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
+							?>
+						</th>
+						<th>
+							<?php 
+							echo get_lang('Score');
+							Display :: display_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('LPTestScore') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
+							?>
+						</th>
+						<th>
+							<?php 
+							echo get_lang('Progress'); 
+							Display :: display_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('LPProgressScore') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
+							?>
+						</th>
+						<th>
+							<?php 
+							echo get_lang('LastConnexion');
+							Display :: display_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed') , array ('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px'));
+							?>
+						</th>
+						<th>
+							<?php echo get_lang('Details');?>
+						</th>
+					</tr>
+			$a_headerLearnpath = array(get_lang('Learnpath'),get_lang('Time'),get_lang('Progress'),get_lang('LastConnexion'));
+			$t_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+			$t_lpi = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+			$t_lpv = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_VIEW,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+			$t_lpiv = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM_VIEW,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+			$tbl_stats_exercices = Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES);
+			$tbl_stats_attempts= Database :: get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT);
+			$tbl_quiz_questions= Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+			$sqlLearnpath = "SELECT,
+								FROM $t_lp AS lp ORDER BY ASC
+							";
+			$resultLearnpath = api_sql_query($sqlLearnpath,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+			$csv_content[] = array();
+			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Learnpath'),get_lang('Time'),get_lang('Score'),get_lang('Progress'),get_lang('LastConnexion'));
+			if(Database::num_rows($resultLearnpath)>0)
+			{
+				$i = 0;
+				while($a_learnpath = Database::fetch_array($resultLearnpath))
+				{
+					$any_result = false;
+					$progress = learnpath :: get_db_progress($a_learnpath['id'],$student_id, '%',$a_infosCours['db_name'],true);
+					if($progress === null)
+					{
+						$progress = '0%';
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						$any_result = true;
+					}
+					// calculates time
+					$sql = 'SELECT SUM(total_time) 
+								FROM '.$t_lpiv.' AS item_view
+								INNER JOIN '.$t_lpv.' AS view
+									ON item_view.lp_view_id =
+									AND view.lp_id = '.$a_learnpath['id'].'
+									AND view.user_id = '.intval($_GET['student']);
+					$rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+					$total_time = 0;
+					if(Database::num_rows($rs)>0)
+					{
+						$total_time = Database::result($rs, 0, 0);
+						if($total_time>0) $any_result = true;
+					}
+					// calculates last connection time
+					$sql = 'SELECT MAX(start_time) 
+								FROM '.$t_lpiv.' AS item_view
+								INNER JOIN '.$t_lpv.' AS view
+									ON item_view.lp_view_id =
+									AND view.lp_id = '.$a_learnpath['id'].'
+									AND view.user_id = '.intval($_GET['student']);
+					$rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+					$start_time = null;
+					if(Database::num_rows($rs)>0)
+					{
+						$start_time = Database::result($rs, 0, 0);
+						if($start_time > 0) $any_result = true;
+					}
+					//QUIZZ IN LP
+					$score = Tracking::get_avg_student_score(intval($_GET['student']), Database::escape_string($_GET['course']), array($a_learnpath['id']));				
+					if (empty($score)) {
+						//$score = 0;
+					}
+					if($i%2==0){
+						$s_css_class="row_odd";
+					}
+					else{
+						$s_css_class="row_even";
+					}
+					$i++;
+					$csv_content[] = array(api_html_entity_decode(stripslashes($a_learnpath['name']),ENT_QUOTES,$charset),api_time_to_hms($total_time),$score.'%',$progress,date('Y-m-d',$start_time));
+				?>
+					<tr class="<?php echo $s_css_class;?>">
+						<td>
+							<?php echo stripslashes($a_learnpath['name']); ?>
+						</td>
+						<td align="center">
+						<?php echo api_time_to_hms($total_time) ?>
+						</td>
+						<td align="center">
+							<?php 
+							if(!is_null($score)) {
+								 echo $score.' %';
+								} else {
+									if ('0'==$progress{0}) {
+										echo '/';
+									} else {
+										echo '0%';
+									}
+								 	$score=0;
+							} 
+							?>
+						</td>
+						<td align="center">
+							<?php echo $progress ?>
+						</td>
+						<td align="center">
+							<?php if($start_time!='' && $start_time>0) {
+									 echo format_locale_date(get_lang('DateFormatLongWithoutDay'),$start_time);
+								} else {
+								 	echo '-';
+								} ?>
+						</td>
+						<td align="center">
+							<?php
+							if($any_result === true)
+							{
+							?>
+							<a href="lp_tracking.php?course=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']) ?>&origin=<?php echo Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']) ?>&lp_id=<?php echo $a_learnpath['id']?>&student_id=<?php echo $a_infosUser['user_id'] ?>">
+								<img src="../img/2rightarrow.gif" border="0" />
+							</a>
+							<?php
+							}
+							?>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+				<?php
+				$dataLearnpath[$i][] = $a_learnpath['name'];
+				$dataLearnpath[$i][] = $progress.'%';
+				$i++;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				echo "	<tr>	
+							<td colspan='6'>
+								".get_lang('NoLearnpath')."
+							</td>
+						</tr>
+					 ";
+				}
+				</table>
+	<!-- line about exercises -->
+			<table class="data_table">
+				<tr>
+					<th>
+						<?php echo get_lang('Exercices'); ?>
+					</th>
+					<th>
+						<?php echo get_lang('Score').Display :: return_icon('info3.gif', get_lang('LastScoreTest'), array('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px')) ?>
+					</th>
+					<th>
+						<?php echo get_lang('Attempts'); ?>
+					</th>
+					<th>
+						<?php echo get_lang('CorrectTest'); ?>
+					</th>
+				</tr>
+			<?php
+			$csv_content[] = array();
+			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Exercices'),get_lang('Score'),get_lang('Attempts'));
+			$a_infosCours = CourseManager :: get_course_information(Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']));			
+			$t_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST,$a_infosCours['db_name']);									
+			$sql='SELECT visibility FROM '.$t_tool.' WHERE name="quiz"';			
+			$resultVisibilityQuizz = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+			$t_quiz = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+			if(Database::result($resultVisibilityQuizz,0,'visibility')==1){
+				$sqlExercices = "	SELECT quiz.title,id
+									FROM ".$t_quiz." AS quiz
+									WHERE active='1' ORDER BY quiz.title ASC
+									";
+				$resultExercices = api_sql_query($sqlExercices,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+				$i = 0;
+				$is_student=Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']);
+				if(Database::num_rows($resultExercices)>0)
+				{
+					while($a_exercices = Database::fetch_array($resultExercices))
+					{
+						$sqlEssais = "	SELECT COUNT(ex.exe_id) as essais
+										FROM $tbl_stats_exercices AS ex
+										WHERE  ex.exe_cours_id = '".$a_infosCours['code']."'
+										AND ex.exe_exo_id = ".$a_exercices['id']."
+										AND orig_lp_id = 0
+										AND orig_lp_item_id = 0				
+										AND exe_user_id='".Database::escape_string($is_student)."'"
+									 ;
+						$resultEssais = api_sql_query($sqlEssais,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+						$a_essais = Database::fetch_array($resultEssais);
+						$sqlScore = "SELECT exe_id, exe_result,exe_weighting
+									 FROM $tbl_stats_exercices
+									 WHERE exe_user_id = ".Database::escape_string($is_student)."
+									 AND exe_cours_id = '".$a_infosCours['code']."'
+									 AND exe_exo_id = ".$a_exercices['id']."
+									 AND orig_lp_id = 0
+									 AND orig_lp_item_id = 0
+									 ORDER BY exe_date DESC LIMIT 1";
+						$resultScore = api_sql_query($sqlScore,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+						$score = 0; 
+						while($a_score = Database::fetch_array($resultScore))
+						{
+							$score = $score + $a_score['exe_result'];
+							$weighting = $weighting + $a_score['exe_weighting'];
+							$exe_id = $a_score['exe_id'];
+						}
+						$pourcentageScore = 0;
+						if($weighting!=0) {
+							//i.e 10.50 
+							$pourcentageScore = round(($score*100)/$weighting,2);
+						}
+						$weighting = 0;
+						$csv_content[] = array($a_exercices['title'], $pourcentageScore.' %', $a_essais['essais']);
+						if($i%2==0){
+							$s_css_class="row_odd";
+						}
+						else{
+							$s_css_class="row_even";
+						}
+						$i++;
+				echo '<tr class="'.$s_css_class.'">
+								<td>
+					 ';
+						echo 		$a_exercices['title'];
+						echo "	</td>
+							 ";
+						echo "	<td align='center'>
+							  ";
+						if ($a_essais['essais']>0 ) {
+							echo $pourcentageScore.' %';
+						} else {
+							echo '/';
+							$pourcentageScore=0;
+						}
+						echo "	</td>
+								<td align='center'>
+							 ";
+						echo 		$a_essais['essais'];
+						echo "	</td>
+								<td align='center'>
+							 ";
+						$sql_last_attempt='SELECT exe_id FROM '.$tbl_stats_exercices.' WHERE exe_exo_id="'.$a_exercices['id'].'" AND exe_user_id="'.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']).'" AND exe_cours_id="'.$a_infosCours['code'].'" AND orig_lp_id = 0 AND orig_lp_item_id = 0 ORDER BY exe_date DESC LIMIT 1';
+						$resultLastAttempt = api_sql_query($sql_last_attempt,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+						if(Database::num_rows($resultLastAttempt)>0)
+						{
+							$id_last_attempt=Database::result($resultLastAttempt,0,0);
+							if($a_essais['essais']>0)
+								echo '<a href="../exercice/exercise_show.php?id='.$id_last_attempt.'&cidReq='.$a_infosCours['code'].'&student='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['student']).'&origin='.(empty($_GET['origin']) ? 'tracking' : Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin'])).'"> <img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'quiz.gif" border="0" /> </a>';
+						}
+						echo "	</td>
+							  </tr>
+							 ";							 
+						$dataExercices[$i][] =  $a_exercices['title'];
+						$dataExercices[$i][] = $pourcentageScore.'%';
+						$dataExercices[$i][] =  $a_essais['essais'];
+						//$dataExercices[$i][] =  corrections;
+						$i++;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					echo "	<tr>	
+								<td colspan='6'>
+									".get_lang('NoExercise')."
+								</td>
+							</tr>
+						 ";
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				echo "	<tr>	
+							<td colspan='6'>
+								".get_lang('NoExercise')."
+							</td>
+						</tr>
+					 ";
+			}
+					</table>
+	<!-- line about other tools -->
+			<table class="data_table">
+	<tr>
+		<td>
+			<?php
+			$csv_content[] = array();
+			$nb_assignments = Tracking :: count_student_assignments($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
+			$messages = Tracking :: count_student_messages($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
+			$links = Tracking :: count_student_visited_links($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
+			$documents = Tracking :: count_student_downloaded_documents($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
+			$chat_last_connection = Tracking::chat_last_connection($a_infosUser['user_id'], $a_infosCours['code']);
+			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Student_publication'), $nb_assignments);
+			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Messages'), $messages);
+			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('LinksDetails'), $links);
+			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('DocumentsDetails'), $documents);
+			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('ChatLastConnection'), $chat_last_connection);
+			?>
+				<tr>
+					<th colspan="2">
+						<?php echo get_lang('OtherTools'); ?>
+					</th>
+				</tr>
+				<tr><!-- assignments -->
+					<td width="40%">
+						<?php echo get_lang('Student_publication') ?>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+						<?php echo $nb_assignments ?>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr><!-- messages -->
+					<td>
+						<?php echo get_lang('Messages') ?>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+						<?php echo $messages ?>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr><!-- links -->
+					<td>
+						<?php echo get_lang('LinksDetails') ?>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+						<?php echo $links ?>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr><!-- documents -->
+					<td>
+						<?php echo get_lang('DocumentsDetails') ?>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+						<?php echo $documents ?>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr><!-- Chats -->
+					<td>
+						<?php echo get_lang('ChatLastConnection') ?>
+					</td>
+					<td>
+						<?php echo $chat_last_connection; ?>
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+			</table>
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+		</table>
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		<tr>
+			<th>
+				<?php echo get_lang('Course'); ?>
+			</th>
+			<th>
+				<?php echo get_lang('Time'); ?>
+			</th>
+			<th>
+				<?php echo get_lang('Progress'); ?>
+			</th>
+			<th>
+				<?php echo get_lang('Score'); ?>
+			</th>
+			<th>
+				<?php echo get_lang('Details'); ?>
+			</th>
+		</tr>
+		if(!api_is_platform_admin(true) && $_user['status']!=DRH){
+			// courses followed by user where we are coach
+			if(!isset($_GET['id_coach'])){
+				$a_courses = Tracking :: get_courses_followed_by_coach($_user['user_id']);
+			}
+			else{
+				$a_courses = Tracking :: get_courses_followed_by_coach(Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']));
+			}
+		}
+		if(count($a_courses)>0)
+		{
+			$csv_content[] = array();
+			$csv_content[] = array(get_lang('Course'),get_lang('Time'),get_lang('Progress'),get_lang('Score'));
+			foreach($a_courses as $course_code)
+			{				
+				if(CourseManager :: is_user_subscribed_in_course($student_id,$course_code, true)){
+					$course_infos = CourseManager :: get_course_information($course_code);
+					$time_spent_on_course = api_time_to_hms(Tracking :: get_time_spent_on_the_course($a_infosUser['user_id'], $course_code));
+					$progress = Tracking :: get_avg_student_progress($a_infosUser['user_id'], $course_code).' %';
+					$score = Tracking :: get_avg_student_score($a_infosUser['user_id'], $course_code).' %';
+					$csv_content[] = array($course_infos['title'], $time_spent_on_course, $progress, $score);
+					echo '
+					<tr>				
+						<td align="right">
+							'.$course_infos['title'].'
+						</td>
+						<td align="right">
+							'.$time_spent_on_course.'
+						</td>
+						<td align="right">
+							'.$progress.'
+						</td>
+						<td align="right">
+							'.$score.'
+						</td>';
+						if(isset($_GET['id_coach']) && intval($_GET['id_coach'])!=0){
+							echo '<td align="center" width="10">
+								<a href="'.api_get_self().'?student='.$a_infosUser['user_id'].'&details=true&course='.$course_infos['code'].'&id_coach='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_coach']).'&origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'&id_session='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']).'#infosStudent"><img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'2rightarrow.gif" border="0" /></a>
+							</td>';
+						}
+						else{
+							echo '<td align="center" width="10">
+								<a href="'.api_get_self().'?student='.$a_infosUser['user_id'].'&details=true&course='.$course_infos['code'].'&origin='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']).'&id_session='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id_session']).'#infosStudent"><img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'2rightarrow.gif" border="0" /></a>
+							</td>';
+						}
+					echo '</tr>';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			echo "<tr>
+					<td colspan='5'>
+						".get_lang('NoCourse')."
+					</td>
+				  </tr>
+				 ";
+		}
+		}//end of else !empty($details)
+	?>
+	</table>
+	<br />
+	if(!empty($_GET['details']) && $_GET['origin'] != 'tracking_course' && $_GET['origin'] != 'user_course')
+	{
+		<br /><br />
+		}
+		if(!empty($_GET['exe_id']))
+	{
+		$t_q = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+		$t_qq = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+		$t_qa = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_ANSWER,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+		$t_qtq = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION,$a_infosCours['db_name']);
+		$sqlExerciceDetails = " SELECT qq.question, qq.ponderation,
+				 				FROM ".$t_qq." as qq
+								INNER JOIN ".$t_qtq." as qrq
+									ON qrq.question_id =
+									AND qrq.exercice_id = ".intval($_GET['exe_id']);
+		$resultExerciceDetails = api_sql_query($sqlExerciceDetails,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+		$sqlExName = "	SELECT quiz.title
+						FROM ".$t_q." AS quiz
+					 	WHERE = ".intval($_GET['exe_id']);
+					 ;
+		$resultExName = api_sql_query($sqlExName,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+		$a_exName = Database::fetch_array($resultExName);
+		echo "<table class='data_table'>
+			 	<tr>
+					<th colspan='2'>
+						".$a_exName['title']."
+					</th>
+				</tr>
+             ";
+		while($a_exerciceDetails = Database::fetch_array($resultExerciceDetails))
+		{
+			$sqlAnswer = "	SELECT qa.comment, qa.answer
+							FROM  ".$t_qa." as qa
+							WHERE qa.question_id = ".$a_exerciceDetails['id']
+					 	 ;
+			$resultAnswer = api_sql_query($sqlAnswer,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+			echo "<a name='infosExe'></a>";
+			echo"	
+			<tr>
+				<td colspan='2'>
+					<strong>".$a_exerciceDetails['question'].' /'.$a_exerciceDetails['ponderation']."</strong>
+				</td>
+			</tr>
+			";
+			while($a_answer = Database::fetch_array($resultAnswer))
+			{
+				echo"
+				<tr>
+					<td>
+						".$a_answer['answer']."
+					</td>
+					<td>
+				";
+				if(!empty($a_answer['comment']))
+						echo $a_answer['comment'];
+				else
+						echo get_lang('NoComment');
+				echo "
+					</td>
+				</tr>
+				";
+			}
+		}
+		echo "</table>";
+	}
+	//YW - commented out because it doesn't seem to be used
+	//$a_header = array_merge($a_headerLearnpath,$a_headerExercices,$a_headerProductions);
+	ob_end_clean();
+	Export :: export_table_csv($csv_content, 'reporting_student');