@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+var HotSpotAdmin = (function () {
+ var HotSpotSquare = function () {
+ this.x = 0;
+ this.y = 0;
+ this.width = 0;
+ this.height = 0;
+ };
+ HotSpotSquare.prototype.setStartPoint = function (x, y) {
+ this.x = parseInt(x);
+ this.y = parseInt(y);
+ };
+ HotSpotSquare.prototype.setEndPoint = function (x, y) {
+ var x2, y2;
+ x = parseInt(x);
+ y = parseInt(y);
+ if (x < this.x) {
+ x2 = this.x;
+ this.x = x;
+ } else {
+ x2 = x;
+ }
+ if (y < this.y) {
+ y2 = this.y;
+ this.y = y;
+ } else {
+ y2 = y;
+ }
+ this.width = Math.round(x2 - this.x);
+ this.height = Math.round(y2 - this.y);
+ };
+ HotSpotSquare.prototype.encode = function () {
+ var encodedPosition = [this.x, this.y].join(';');
+ return [
+ encodedPosition,
+ this.width,
+ this.height
+ ].join('|');
+ }
+ var HotSpotEllipse = function () {
+ this.centerX = 0;
+ this.centerY = 0;
+ this.radiusX = 0;
+ this.radiusY = 0;
+ };
+ HotSpotEllipse.prototype.setStartPoint = function (x, y) {
+ this.centerX = parseInt(x);
+ this.centerY = parseInt(y);
+ };
+ HotSpotEllipse.prototype.setEndPoint = function (x, y) {
+ var startX = this.centerX,
+ startY = this.centerY,
+ endX = 0,
+ endY = 0;
+ x = parseInt(x);
+ y = parseInt(y);
+ if (x < startX) {
+ endX = startX;
+ startX = x;
+ } else {
+ endX = x;
+ }
+ if (y < startY) {
+ endY = startY;
+ startY = y;
+ } else {
+ endY = y;
+ }
+ var width = Math.round(endX - startX);
+ var height = Math.round(endY - startY);
+ this.radiusX = Math.round(width / 2);
+ this.radiusY = Math.round(height / 2);
+ this.centerX = startX + this.radiusX;
+ this.centerY = startY + this.radiusY;
+ };
+ HotSpotEllipse.prototype.encode = function () {
+ var encodedCenter = [this.centerX, this.centerY].join(';');
+ return [
+ encodedCenter,
+ this.radiusX,
+ this.radiusY
+ ].join('|');
+ };
+ var HotSpotPolygon = function () {
+ this.points = [];
+ };
+ HotSpotPolygon.prototype.addPoint = function (x, y) {
+ this.points.push([
+ parseInt(x),
+ parseInt(y)
+ ]);
+ };
+ HotSpotPolygon.prototype.encode = function () {
+ var encodedPoints = [];
+ this.points.forEach(function (point) {
+ encodedPoints.push(point.join(';'));
+ });
+ return encodedPoints.join('|');
+ };
+ var HotSpotEl = function (hotspot, color) {
+ this.hotspot = hotspot;
+ this.element = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect');
+ this.elStroke = 'rgb(' + color + ')';
+ this.elFill = 'rgba(' + color + ', 0.5)';
+ };
+ HotSpotEl.prototype.render = function () {
+ return this;
+ };
+ HotSpotEl.prototype.remove = function () {
+ if (!this.element) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ this.hotspot = null;
+ };
+ var SquareEl = function (hotspot, color) {
+ HotSpotEl.call(this, hotspot, color);
+ this.element = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect');
+ this.element.setAttribute('stroke-width', 2);
+ this.element.setAttribute('stroke', this.elStroke);
+ this.element.setAttribute('fill', this.elFill);
+ };
+ SquareEl.prototype = Object.create(HotSpotEl.prototype);
+ SquareEl.prototype.render = function () {
+ this.element.setAttribute('x', this.hotspot.x);
+ this.element.setAttribute('y', this.hotspot.y);
+ this.element.setAttribute('width', this.hotspot.width);
+ this.element.setAttribute('height', this.hotspot.height);
+ return this.element;
+ };
+ var EllipseEl = function (hotspot, color) {
+ HotSpotEl.call(this, hotspot, color);
+ this.element = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'ellipse');
+ this.element.setAttribute('stroke-width', 2);
+ this.element.setAttribute('stroke', this.elStroke);
+ this.element.setAttribute('fill', this.elFill);
+ };
+ EllipseEl.prototype = Object.create(HotSpotEl.prototype);
+ EllipseEl.prototype.render = function () {
+ this.element.setAttribute('cx', this.hotspot.centerX);
+ this.element.setAttribute('cy', this.hotspot.centerY);
+ this.element.setAttribute('rx', this.hotspot.radiusX);
+ this.element.setAttribute('ry', this.hotspot.radiusY);
+ return this.element;
+ };
+ var PolygonEl = function (hotspot, color) {
+ HotSpotEl.call(this, hotspot, color);
+ this.element = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'polygon');
+ this.element.setAttribute('stroke-width', 2);
+ this.element.setAttribute('stroke', this.elStroke);
+ this.element.setAttribute('fill', this.elFill);
+ };
+ PolygonEl.prototype = Object.create(HotSpotEl.prototype);
+ PolygonEl.prototype.render = function () {
+ var pointsPaired = [];
+ this.hotspot.points.forEach(function (point) {
+ pointsPaired.push(point.join(','));
+ });
+ this.element.setAttribute(
+ 'points',
+ pointsPaired.join(' ')
+ );
+ return this.element;
+ };
+ var HotSpotSelectorEl = function (color, index, selectedValue) {
+ this.hotSpotIndex = parseInt(index);
+ this.elStroke = 'rgb(' + color + ')';
+ this.elFill = 'rgba(' + color + ', 0.5)';
+ switch (selectedValue) {
+ case 'square':
+ default:
+ this.selectedValue = 'square';
+ break;
+ case 'circle':
+ this.selectedValue = 'ellipse';
+ break;
+ case 'poly':
+ this.selectedValue = 'polygon';
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ HotSpotSelectorEl.prototype.render = function () {
+ var self = this;
+ this.el = document.createElement('div');
+ this.el.className = 'col-xs-6 col-sm-3 col-md-2';
+ this.el.innerHTML = '\n\
+ <div class="input-group">\n\
+ <span class="input-group-addon" id="hotspot-' + this.hotSpotIndex + '">\n\
+ <span class="fa fa-square fa-fw" data-hidden="true" style="color: ' + this.elStroke + '"></span>\n\
+ </span>\n\
+ <select class="form-control" aria-describedby="hotspot-' + this.hotSpotIndex + '">\n\
+ <option value="">Select</option>\n\
+ <option value="square">Square</option>\n\
+ <option value="ellipse">Ellipse</option>\n\
+ <option value="polygon">Polygon</option>\n\
+ </select>\n\
+ </div>\n\
+ ';
+ $(this.el).find('select').val(this.selectedValue);
+ var selectShapeEvent = function (e) {
+ switch (this.value) {
+ case 'square':
+ //no break
+ case 'ellipse':
+ //no break
+ case 'polygon':
+ currentShapeType = this.value;
+ currentHotSpotIndex = self.hotSpotIndex;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ $(this.el).on('click', selectShapeEvent);
+ $(this.el).find('select').on('change', selectShapeEvent);
+ return this.el;
+ };
+ var colors = [
+ '66, 113, 181',
+ '254, 142, 22',
+ '69, 199, 240',
+ '188, 214, 49',
+ '214, 49, 115',
+ '215, 215, 215',
+ '144, 175, 221',
+ '174, 134, 64',
+ '79, 146, 66',
+ '244, 235, 36',
+ '237, 32, 36',
+ '59, 59, 59',
+ '247, 189, 226'
+ ];
+ var getPointOnImage = function (x, y) {
+ var pointerPosition = {
+ left: x + window.scrollX,
+ top: y + window.scrollY
+ },
+ canvasOffset = {
+ x: canvas.getBoundingClientRect().x + window.scrollX,
+ y: canvas.getBoundingClientRect().y + window.scrollY
+ };
+ return {
+ x: Math.round(pointerPosition.left - canvasOffset.x),
+ y: Math.round(pointerPosition.top - canvasOffset.y)
+ };
+ };
+ var startCanvas = function () {
+ var newHotSpotEl = null,
+ pressingShift = false;
+ document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
+ if (e.keyCode === 16) {
+ pressingShift = true;
+ }
+ }, false);
+ document.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
+ if (e.keyCode === 16) {
+ pressingShift = false;
+ }
+ }, false);
+ canvas.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }, false);
+ container.addEventListener('dragstart', function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }, false);
+ container.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
+ if (shapes.length >= colors.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ newHotSpotEl = draw(newHotSpotEl, e.clientX, e.clientY, pressingShift);
+ if (!newHotSpotEl) {
+ updateValues();
+ }
+ }, false);
+ };
+ var draw = function (hotSpotEl, x, y, isPressingShift) {
+ var pointerPosition = getPointOnImage(x, y),
+ hotSpot = null;
+ if (!hotSpotEl) {
+ switch (currentShapeType) {
+ case 'square':
+ //no break
+ case 'ellipse':
+ if (currentShapeType === 'ellipse') {
+ hotSpot = new HotSpotEllipse();
+ hotSpotEl = new EllipseEl(hotSpot, colors[currentHotSpotIndex]);
+ } else {
+ hotSpot = new HotSpotSquare();
+ hotSpotEl = new SquareEl(hotSpot, colors[currentHotSpotIndex]);
+ }
+ hotSpot.setStartPoint(pointerPosition.x, pointerPosition.y);
+ break;
+ case 'polygon':
+ hotSpot = new HotSpotPolygon();
+ hotSpotEl = new PolygonEl(hotSpot, colors[currentHotSpotIndex]);
+ hotSpot.addPoint(pointerPosition.x, pointerPosition.y);
+ break;
+ }
+ shapes[currentHotSpotIndex].remove();
+ shapes.splice(currentHotSpotIndex, 1, hotSpotEl);
+ canvas.appendChild(hotSpotEl.render());
+ return hotSpotEl;
+ }
+ switch (currentShapeType) {
+ case 'square':
+ //no break
+ case 'ellipse':
+ hotSpotEl.hotspot.setEndPoint(pointerPosition.x, pointerPosition.y);
+ hotSpotEl.render();
+ hotSpotEl = null;
+ break;
+ case 'polygon':
+ $(container).find('#hotspot-alert').text('Keed pressed the SHIFT key and click the image to close the polygon');
+ hotSpotEl.hotspot.addPoint(pointerPosition.x, pointerPosition.y);
+ hotSpotEl.render();
+ if (isPressingShift) {
+ hotSpotEl = null;
+ $(container).find('#hotspot-alert').text('');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return hotSpotEl;
+ };
+ var updateValues = function () {
+ var currentHotSpotEl = shapes[currentHotSpotIndex];
+ if (currentHotSpotIndex === undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (currentHotSpotEl.hotspot instanceof HotSpotSquare) {
+ $('[name="hotspot_type[' + (currentHotSpotIndex + 1) + ']"]').val('square');
+ } else if (currentHotSpotEl.hotspot instanceof HotSpotEllipse) {
+ $('[name="hotspot_type[' + (currentHotSpotIndex + 1) + ']"]').val('circle');
+ } else if (currentHotSpotEl.hotspot instanceof HotSpotPolygon) {
+ $('[name="hotspot_type[' + (currentHotSpotIndex + 1) + ']"]').val('poly');
+ }
+ $('[name="hotspot_coordinates[' + (currentHotSpotIndex + 1) + ']"]').val(
+ currentHotSpotEl.hotspot.encode()
+ );
+ };
+ var loadHotSpots = function (hotSpotList) {
+ hotSpotList.forEach(function (hotSpotData, index) {
+ var hotSpot = null,
+ hotSpotEl = null,
+ color = colors[shapes.length];
+ switch (hotSpotData.type) {
+ case 'square':
+ hotSpot = new HotSpotSquare();
+ hotSpotEl = new SquareEl(hotSpot, color);
+ var coords = hotSpotData.coord.split('|'),
+ position = coords[0].split(';'),
+ x = parseInt(position[0]),
+ y = parseInt(position[1]),
+ width = parseInt(coords[1]),
+ height = parseInt(coords[2]);
+ hotSpot.setStartPoint(x, y);
+ hotSpot.setEndPoint(x + width, y + height);
+ break;
+ case 'circle':
+ hotSpot = new HotSpotEllipse();
+ hotSpotEl = new EllipseEl(hotSpot, color);
+ var coords = hotSpotData.coord.split('|'),
+ position = coords[0].split(';'),
+ x = parseInt(position[0] - coords[1]),
+ y = parseInt(position[1] - coords[2]),
+ width = parseInt(coords[1]) * 2,
+ height = parseInt(coords[2]) * 2;
+ hotSpot.setStartPoint(x, y);
+ hotSpot.setEndPoint(x + width, y + height);
+ break;
+ case 'poly':
+ hotSpot = new HotSpotPolygon();
+ hotSpotEl = new PolygonEl(hotSpot, color);
+ hotSpotData.coord.split('|').forEach(function (point) {
+ var exis = point.split(';');
+ hotSpot.addPoint(exis[0], exis[1]);
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ if (hotSpotEl) {
+ var hotSpotSelector = new HotSpotSelectorEl(color, index, hotSpotData.type);
+ selectors.appendChild(hotSpotSelector.render());
+ canvas.appendChild(hotSpotEl.render());
+ shapes.push(hotSpotEl);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var container, canvas, selectors, currentShapeType, currentHotSpotIndex, shapes = [];
+ return {
+ init: function (questionId, imageSrc) {
+ if (!questionId || !imageSrc) {
+ return;
+ }
+ selectors = document.querySelector('#hotspot-selectors');
+ container = document.querySelector('#hotspot-container');
+ canvas = document.querySelector('#hotspot-container svg');
+ currentShapeType = 'square';
+ var xhrImage = new $.Deferred();
+ var image = new Image();
+ image.onload = function () {
+ xhrImage.resolve(this);
+ };
+ image.onerror = function () {
+ xhrImage.reject();
+ };
+ image.src = imageSrc;
+ var xhrHotSpots = $.get('/main/exercice/hotspot_actionscript_admin.as.php', {
+ modifyAnswers: parseInt(questionId)
+ });
+ $.when.apply($, [xhrImage, xhrHotSpots]).done(function (imageRequest, hotSpotsRequest) {
+ var imageSvg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'image');
+ imageSvg.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href', imageRequest.src);
+ imageSvg.setAttribute('width', imageRequest.width);
+ imageSvg.setAttribute('height', imageRequest.height);
+ container.style.width = imageRequest.width + 'px';
+ canvas.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 ' + imageRequest.width + ' ' + imageRequest.height);
+ canvas.appendChild(imageSvg);
+ loadHotSpots(hotSpotsRequest[0].hotspots);
+ startCanvas();
+ });
+ }
+ };