@@ -3583,6 +3583,8 @@ function api_item_property_update(
return false;
+ $em = Database::getManager();
// Definition of variables.
$tool = Database::escape_string($tool);
$item_id = intval($item_id);
@@ -3802,14 +3804,41 @@ function api_item_property_update(
// Insert if no entries are found (can only happen in case of $last_edit_type switch is 'default').
if ($result == false || Database::affected_rows($result) == 0) {
- $sessionCondition = empty($session_id) ? "NULL" : "'$session_id'";
- $sql = "INSERT INTO $tableItemProperty (c_id, tool,ref,insert_date,insert_user_id,lastedit_date,lastedit_type, lastedit_user_id, $to_field, visibility, start_visible, end_visible, session_id)
- VALUES ($course_id, '$tool', $item_id, '$time', $user_id, '$time', '$last_edit_type', $user_id, $toValueCondition, $visibility, $startVisible, $endVisible, $sessionCondition)";
- Database::query($sql);
- $id = Database::insert_id();
+ $objCourse = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', intval($course_id));
+ $objTime = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
+ $objUser = $em->find('ChamiloUserBundle:User', intval($user_id));
+ $objGroup = $em->find('ChamiloCourseBundle:CGroupInfo', intval($to_group_id));
+ $objToUser = $em->find('ChamiloUserBundle:User', intval($to_user_id));
+ $objSession = $em->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', intval($session_id));
+ $startVisibleDate = !empty($start_visible) ? new DateTime($start_visible, new DateTimeZone('UTC')) : null;
+ $endVisibleDate = !empty($endVisibleDate) ? new DateTime($endVisibleDate, new DateTimeZone('UTC')) : null;
+ $cItemProperty = new \Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CItemProperty($objCourse);
+ $cItemProperty
+ ->setTool($tool)
+ ->setRef($item_id)
+ ->setInsertDate($objTime)
+ ->setInsertUser($objUser)
+ ->setLasteditDate($objTime)
+ ->setLasteditType($last_edit_type)
+ ->setGroup($objGroup)
+ ->setToUser($objToUser)
+ ->setVisibility($visibility)
+ ->setStartVisible($startVisibleDate)
+ ->setEndVisible($endVisibleDate)
+ ->setSession($objSession);
+ $em->persist($cItemProperty);
+ $em->flush();
+ $id = $cItemProperty->getIid();
if ($id) {
- $sql = "UPDATE $tableItemProperty SET id = iid WHERE iid = $id";
- Database::query($sql);
+ $cItemProperty->setId($id);
+ $em->merge($cItemProperty);
+ $em->flush();
return false;