@@ -1,599 +0,0 @@
-var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
-var FCK = oEditor.FCK ;
-// Set the language direction.
-window.document.dir = oEditor.FCKLang.Dir ;
-// Set the Skin CSS.
-document.write( '<link href="' + oEditor.FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_dialog.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">' ) ;
-var sAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ;
-var is_ie = (sAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1); // FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE
-var is_gecko = !is_ie; // FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko
-var oMedia = null;
-var is_new_flvplayer = true;
-function window_onload()
- // Translate the dialog box texts.
- oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;
- // Load the selected element information (if any).
- LoadSelection() ;
- // Show/Hide the "Browse Server" button.
- GetE('tdBrowse').style.display = oEditor.FCKConfig.FlashBrowser ? '' : 'none' ;
- // Activate the "OK" button.
- window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
-function getSelectedMovie(){
- var oSel = null;
- oMedia = new Media();
- oSel = FCK.Selection.GetParentElement();
- // If in "Get the Flash Player" a href, do it again
- if (oSel.id != null && !oSel.id.match(/^player[0-9]*$/)) {
- oSel = oSel.parentNode;
- }
- if (oSel.id != null && oSel.id.match(/^player[0-9]*$/)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < oSel.childNodes.length; i++) {
- if (oSel.childNodes.item(i).nodeName=="DIV") {
- var oC=oSel.childNodes.item(i).innerHTML.split(' ');
- for (var o = 0; o < oC.length ; o++) {
- var tmp=oC[o].split('=');
- oMedia.setAttribute(tmp[0],tmp[1]);
- }
- is_new_flvplayer = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return oMedia;
-function updatePlaylistOption () {
- if (GetE('selDispPlaylist').value == "right" || GetE('selDispPlaylist').value == "below") {
- GetE('chkPLThumbs').disabled=false;
- GetE('chkPLThumbs').checked=true;
- GetE('txtPLDim').disabled=false;
- GetE('txtPLDim').style.background='#ffffff';
- GetE('spanDimText').style.display='none';
- if (GetE('selDispPlaylist').value == "right") {
- GetE('spanDimWText').style.display='';
- GetE('spanDimHText').style.display='none';
- } else if (GetE('selDispPlaylist').value == "below") {
- GetE('spanDimWText').style.display='none';
- GetE('spanDimHText').style.display='';
- }
- } else {
- GetE('chkPLThumbs').disabled=true;
- GetE('chkPLThumbs').checked=false;
- GetE('txtPLDim').value = "";
- GetE('txtPLDim').disabled=true;
- GetE('txtPLDim').style.background='transparent';
- GetE('spanDimText').style.display='';
- GetE('spanDimWText').style.display='none';
- GetE('spanDimHText').style.display='none';
- }
-function LoadSelection()
- oMedia = new Media();
- oMedia = getSelectedMovie();
- //alert('test');
- alert (
- "id: " + oMedia.id +
- "\nUrl: " + oMedia.url +
- "\nWidth: " + oMedia.width +
- "\nHeight: " + oMedia.height +
- "\nQuality: " + oMedia.quality +
- "\nScale: " + oMedia.scale +
- "\nVSpace: " + oMedia.vspace +
- "\nHSpace: " + oMedia.hspace +
- "\nAlign: " + oMedia.align +
- "\nBgcolor: " + oMedia.bgcolor +
- "\nLoop: " + oMedia.loop +
- "\nPlay: " + oMedia.play
- );
- GetE('rbFileType').value = oMedia.fileType;
- GetE('txtURL').value = oMedia.url;
- GetE('txtPlaylist').value = oMedia.purl;
- GetE('txtImgURL').value = oMedia.iurl;
- GetE('txtWMURL').value = oMedia.wmurl;
- GetE('txtWidth').value = oMedia.width;
- GetE('txtHeight').value = oMedia.height;
- GetE('chkLoop').checked = oMedia.loop;
- GetE('chkAutoplay').checked = oMedia.play;
- GetE('chkDownload').checked = oMedia.downloadable;
- GetE('chkFullscreen').checked = oMedia.fullscreen;
- GetE('txtBgColor').value = oMedia.bgcolor;
- GetE('txtToolbarColor').value = oMedia.toolcolor;
- GetE('txtToolbarTxtColor').value = oMedia.tooltcolor;
- GetE('txtToolbarTxtRColor').value = oMedia.tooltrcolor;
- GetE('chkShowNavigation').checked = oMedia.displayNavigation;
- GetE('chkShowDigits').checked = oMedia.displayDigits;
- GetE('selAlign').value = oMedia.align;
- GetE('selDispPlaylist').value = oMedia.dispPlaylist;
- GetE('txtRURL').value = oMedia.rurl;
- GetE('txtPLDim').value = oMedia.playlistDim;
- GetE('chkPLThumbs').checked = oMedia.playlistThumbs;
- //updatePreview();
-//#### The OK button was hit.
-function Ok()
- var rbFileTypeVal = "single";
- if (GetE('rbFileType').checked == false) {
- rbFileTypeVal = "list";
- }
- if ( rbFileTypeVal == "single") {
- if ( GetE('txtURL').value.length == 0 )
- {
- GetE('txtURL').focus() ;
- alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl ) ;
- return false ;
- }
- }
- if (rbFileTypeVal == "list") {
- if ( GetE('txtPlaylist').value.length == 0 )
- {
- GetE('txtPlaylist').focus() ;
- alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist ) ;
- return false ;
- }
- }
- if ( GetE('txtWidth').value.length == 0 )
- {
- GetE('txtWidth').focus() ;
- alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth ) ;
- return false ;
- }
- if ( GetE('txtHeight').value.length == 0 )
- {
- GetE('txtHeight').focus() ;
- alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight ) ;
- return false ;
- }
- var e = (oMedia || new Media()) ;
- updateMovie(e) ;
- // Replace or insert?
- if (!is_new_flvplayer) {
- // Find parent..
- oSel = FCK.Selection.GetParentElement();
- while (oSel != null && !oSel.id.match(/^player[0-9]*-parent$/)) {
- oSel=oSel.parentNode;
- }
- // Found - So replace
- if (oSel != null) {
- oSel.parentNode.removeChild(oSel);
- FCK.InsertHtml(e.getInnerHTML());
- }
- } else {
- FCK.InsertHtml(e.getInnerHTML());
- }
- return true ;
-// For ajaxfilemanager uncoment this function setFlvPlayerUrl(url)
-function setFlvPlayerUrl(url)
- return_url='';
- if (oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir == '/')
- {
- return_url = url; // // FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir variable is defined in create_document.php
- }
- else
- {
- return_url = url; // For ajaxfilemanager this line replaces the lower line
- //return_url = oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir + url ;
- }
- return return_url;
-function updateMovie(e)
- e.fileType = GetE('rbFileType').value;
- temp_url = setFlvPlayerUrl(GetE('txtURL').value); // Uncomment this line for ajaxfilemanager
- // e.url = oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentWebDir + GetE('txtURL').value; //Comment this line for ajaxfilemanager
- e.url = temp_url; // Uncomment this line for ajaxfilemanager
- e.purl = GetE('txtPlaylist').value;
- e.iurl = GetE('txtImgURL').value;
- e.wmurl = GetE('txtWMURL').value;
- e.bgcolor = GetE('txtBgColor').value;
- e.toolcolor = GetE('txtToolbarColor').value;
- e.tooltcolor = GetE('txtToolbarTxtColor').value;
- e.tooltrcolor = GetE('txtToolbarTxtRColor').value;
- e.width = (isNaN(GetE('txtWidth').value)) ? 0 : parseInt(GetE('txtWidth').value);
- e.height = (isNaN(GetE('txtHeight').value)) ? 0 : parseInt(GetE('txtHeight').value);
- e.loop = (GetE('chkLoop').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
- e.play = (GetE('chkAutoplay').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
- e.downloadable = (GetE('chkDownload').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
- e.fullscreen = (GetE('chkFullscreen').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
- e.displayNavigation = (GetE('chkShowNavigation').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
- e.displayDigits = (GetE('chkShowDigits').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
- e.align = GetE('selAlign').value;
- e.dispPlaylist = GetE('selDispPlaylist').value;
- e.rurl = GetE('txtRURL').value;
- e.playlistDim = GetE('txtPLDim').value;
- e.playlistThumbs = (GetE('chkPLThumbs').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
-function BrowseServer()
- OpenServerBrowser(
- 'flv',
- oEditor.FCKConfig.MediaBrowserURL,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.MediaBrowserWindowWidth,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.MediaBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function LnkBrowseServer()
- OpenServerBrowser(
- 'link',
- oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowWidth,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function Lnk2BrowseServer()
- OpenServerBrowser(
- 'link2',
- oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowWidth,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function img1BrowseServer()
- OpenServerBrowser(
- 'img1',
- oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowWidth,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function img2BrowseServer()
- OpenServerBrowser(
- 'img2',
- oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowWidth,
- oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function OpenServerBrowser( type, url, width, height )
- sActualBrowser = type ;
- OpenFileBrowser( url, width, height ) ;
-var sActualBrowser ;
-function SetUrl( url ) {
- if ( sActualBrowser == 'flv' ) {
- document.getElementById('txtURL').value = url ;
- GetE('txtHeight').value = GetE('txtWidth').value = '' ;
- } else if ( sActualBrowser == 'link' ) {
- document.getElementById('txtPlaylist').value = url ;
- } else if ( sActualBrowser == 'link2' ) {
- document.getElementById('txtRURL').value = url ;
- } else if ( sActualBrowser == 'img1' ) {
- document.getElementById('txtImgURL').value = url ;
- } else if ( sActualBrowser == 'img2' ) {
- document.getElementById('txtWMURL').value = url ;
- }
-var Media = function (o){
- this.fileType = '';
- this.url = '';
- this.purl = '';
- this.iurl = '';
- this.wmurl = '';
- this.width = '';
- this.height = '';
- this.loop = '';
- this.play = '';
- this.downloadable = '';
- this.fullscreen = true;
- this.bgcolor = '';
- this.toolcolor = '';
- this.tooltcolor = '';
- this.tooltrcolor = '';
- this.displayNavigation = true;
- this.displayDigits = true;
- this.align = '';
- this.dispPlaylist = '';
- this.rurl = '';
- this.playlistDim = '';
- this.playlistThumbs = '';
- if (o)
- this.setObjectElement(o);
-Media.prototype.setObjectElement = function (e){
- if (!e) return ;
- this.width = GetAttribute( e, 'width', this.width );
- this.height = GetAttribute( e, 'height', this.height );
-Media.prototype.setAttribute = function(attr, val) {
- if (val=="true") {
- this[attr]=true;
- } else if (val=="false") {
- this[attr]=false;
- } else {
- this[attr]=val;
- }
-Media.prototype.getInnerHTML = function (objectId){
- var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000001);
- var thisWidth = this.width;
- var thisHeight = this.height;
- var thisMediaType = "single";
- if (GetE('rbFileType').checked == false) {
- thisMediaType = "mpl";
- }
- // Align
- var cssalign='';
- var cssfloat='';
- if (this.align=="center") {
- cssalign='margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;';
- } else if (this.align=="right") {
- cssfloat='float: right;';
- } else if (this.align=="left") {
- cssfloat='float: left;';
- }
- var s = "";
- //s+= '<p>\n';
- s+= '<div id="player' + randomnumber + '-parent" style="text-align: center;' + cssfloat + '">\n';
- s+= '<div style="border-style: none; height: ' + thisHeight + 'px; width: ' + thisWidth + 'px; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(220, 220, 220); background-image: url(' + oEditor.FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'flvPlayer/flvPlayer.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center;' + cssalign + '">';
- s+= '<script src="' + oEditor.FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'flvPlayer/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>\n';
- s+= '<div id="player' + randomnumber + '">';
- s+= '<a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.';
- // Moved after info - Added width,height,overflow for MSIE7
- s+= '<div id="player' + randomnumber + '-config" style="display: none;visibility: hidden;width: 0px;height:0px;overflow: hidden;">';
- // Save settings
- for (var i in this) {
- if (!i || !this[i]) continue;
- if (!i.match(/(set|get)/)) {
- s+=i+"="+this[i]+" ";
- }
- }
- s+= '</div>';
- s+= '</div>';
- s+= '<script type="text/javascript">\n';
- //s+= ' //NOTE: FOR LIST OF POSSIBLE SETTINGS GOTO http://www.jeroenwijering.com/extras/readme.html\n';
- s+= ' var s1 = new SWFObject("' + oEditor.FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'flvPlayer/mediaplayer.swf","' + thisMediaType + '","' + thisWidth + '","' + thisHeight + '","7");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("width","' + thisWidth + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("height","' + thisHeight + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("autostart","' + this.play + '");\n';
- if (thisMediaType == 'mpl') {
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("file","' + this.purl + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("autoscroll","true");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always");\n';
- var dispWidth = thisWidth
- var dispHeight = thisHeight
- var dispThumbs = false
- if (this.dispPlaylist != "none") {
- if (this.dispPlaylist == "right") {
- if (this.playlistDim.length > 0) {
- dispWidth = thisWidth - this.playlistDim
- if (this.playlistDim < 100) {
- dispThumbs = false
- } else {
- dispThumbs = true
- }
- } else {
- if (thisWidth >= 550) {
- dispWidth = thisWidth - 200
- dispThumbs = true
- } else if (thisWidth >= 450) {
- dispWidth = thisWidth - 100
- dispThumbs = false
- } else if (thisWidth >= 350) {
- dispWidth = thisWidth - 50
- dispThumbs = false
- }
- }
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("displaywidth","' + dispWidth + '");\n';
- } else if (this.dispPlaylist == "below") {
- dispThumbs = true
- if (this.playlistDim.length > 0) {
- dispHeight = thisWidth - this.playlistDim
- } else {
- if (thisHeight >= 550) {
- dispHeight = thisWidth - 200
- } else if (thisHeight >= 450) {
- dispHeight = thisHeight - 150
- } else if (thisHeight >= 350) {
- dispHeight = thisHeight - 100
- }
- }
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("displayheight","' + dispHeight + '");\n';
- }
- if (this.playlistThumbs == "false") {
- dispThumbs = false;
- }
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("thumbsinplaylist","' + dispThumbs + '");\n';
- }
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("shuffle","false");\n';
- if (this.loop == true) {
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("repeat","list");\n';
- } else {
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("repeat","' + this.loop + '");\n';
- }
- s+= ' //s1.addVariable("transition","bgfade");\n';
- } else {
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("file","' + this.url + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("repeat","' + this.loop + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("image","' + this.iurl + '");\n';
- }
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("showdownload","' + this.downloadable + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("link","' + this.url + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addParam("allowfullscreen","' + this.fullscreen + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("showdigits","' + this.displayDigits + '");\n';
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("shownavigation","' + this.displayNavigation + '");\n';
- var colorChoice1 = this.toolcolor
- if (colorChoice1.length > 0) {
- colorChoice1 = colorChoice1.replace("#","0x")
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("backcolor","' + colorChoice1 + '");\n';
- }
- var colorChoice2 = this.tooltcolor
- if (colorChoice2.length > 0) {
- colorChoice2 = colorChoice2.replace("#","0x")
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("frontcolor","' + colorChoice2 + '");\n';
- }
- var colorChoice3 = this.tooltrcolor
- if (colorChoice3.length > 0) {
- colorChoice3 = colorChoice3.replace("#","0x")
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("lightcolor","' + colorChoice3 + '");\n';
- }
- var colorChoice4 = this.bgcolor
- if (colorChoice4.length > 0) {
- colorChoice4 = colorChoice4.replace("#","0x")
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("screencolor","' + colorChoice4 + '");\n';
- }
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("logo","' + this.wmurl + '");\n';
- if (this.rurl.length > 0) {
- s+= ' s1.addVariable("recommendations","' + this.rurl + '");\n';
- }
- //s+= ' //s1.addVariable("largecontrols","true");\n';
- //s+= ' //s1.addVariable("bufferlength","3");\n';
- //s+= ' //s1.addVariable("audio","http://www.jeroenwijering.com/extras/readme.html");\n';
- s+= ' s1.write("player' + randomnumber + '");\n';
- s+= '</script>\n';
- s+= '</div>\n';
- s+= '</div>\n';
- //s+= '</p>\n';
- return s;
-function SelectColor1()
- oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectBackColor, window ) ;
-function SelectColor2()
- oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectToolColor, window ) ;
-function SelectColor3()
- oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectToolTextColor, window ) ;
-function SelectColor4()
- oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectToolTextRColor, window ) ;
-function SelectBackColor( color )
- if ( color && color.length > 0 ) {
- GetE('txtBgColor').value = color ;
- //updatePreview()
- }
-function SelectToolColor( color )
- if ( color && color.length > 0 ) {
- GetE('txtToolbarColor').value = color ;
- //updatePreview()
- }
-function SelectToolTextColor( color )
- if ( color && color.length > 0 ) {
- GetE('txtToolbarTxtColor').value = color ;
- //updatePreview()
- }
-function SelectToolTextRColor( color )
- if ( color && color.length > 0 ) {
- GetE('txtToolbarTxtRColor').value = color ;
- //updatePreview()
- }