Browse Source

[svn r18091] FS#2970 - FCKEditor, plugins: Removing (after check) the unused folders Flash_afm and flvPlayer_afm and their content.

Ivan Tcholakov 16 years ago
28 changed files with 0 additions and 2342 deletions
  1. 0 31
  2. BIN
  3. 0 159
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  5. 0 12
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  8. 0 12
  9. BIN
  10. 0 234
  11. 0 599
  12. 0 33
  13. 0 52
  14. 0 57
  15. 0 8
  16. 0 45
  17. 0 45
  18. 0 45
  19. 0 45
  20. 0 45
  21. 0 45
  22. 0 8
  23. 0 45
  24. 0 45
  25. 0 46
  26. BIN
  27. 0 42
  28. 0 7

+ 0 - 31

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-This plugin was improved by Andrey Grebnev
-I've taken Hernux's Flash patch [see 1] and turned it into a plugin for FCKeditor-2.0FC to make installing it easier.
-Installation Instructions
-1. Unzip the Flash plugin zip and paste it into "editor/plugins/"
-2. In fckconfig.js make the following additions;
-3. add the following line after where "FCKConfig.PluginsPath" is defined
- FCKConfig.Plugins.Add("Flash", "en,ru"); 
-4. Add 'Flash' to your toolsbarset in fckconfig.js. E.G., 
-  FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Default"] = [
-    ['Flash', 'Bold', 'Italic']
-  ] ;
-5. Add the Flash file browser config like so,
-  // Flash Browsing
-  FCKConfig.FlashBrowser = true ;
-  FCKConfig.FlashBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + "filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=Flash&Connector=connectors/jsp/connector" ;
-  FCKConfig.FlashBrowserWindowWidth  = screen.width * 0.7 ;	//70% ;
-  FCKConfig.FlashBrowserWindowHeight = screen.height * 0.7 ;	//70% ;
-The FlashBrowserURL line will be slightly different depending on how you've configured your connector. Generally it's the same as your ImageBrowserURL except that the 'type=Image' should be 'type=Flash'
-Please let me know if you experience any issues.
-1 - Hernux Flash Patch []
-2 - Installing the FindReplace Plugin []


+ 0 - 159

@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- * 
- * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
- *
- * 
- * For further information visit:
- *
- * 
- * File Name: fck_image.html
- * 	Image Properties dialog window.
- * 
- * Version:  2.0 Beta 2
- * Modified: 2004-06-19 00:24:56
- * 
- * File Authors:
- * 		hmlyons (
- * 		Andrey Grebnev (
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-	<head>
-		<title>Movie Properties</title>
-		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-		<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
-		<script src="../../dialog/common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script src="fck_flash.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<link href="../../dialog/common/fck_dialog_common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-		<script type="text/javascript">
-		<!--
-		document.writeln(FCK.TempBaseTag);
-		-->
-		</script>
-	</head>
-	<body scroll="no">
-		<div id="divInfo">
-		<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%" height="100%">
-			<tr>
-				<td>
-					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
-						<tr>
-							<td valign="top" width="100%">								
-								<span fckLang="DlgFlashURL">URL</span><br>
-								<input style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" id="txtURL" onblur="updatePreview();">
-							</td>
-							<td id="tdBrowse" valign="bottom" style="DISPLAY: none" nowrap>
-								<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFlashBtnBrowse" value="Browse Server" onclick="BrowseServer();" id="btnBrowse">
-							</td>
-						</tr>
-					</table>
-					<hr width="100%" color="#000000" size="2">
-				</td>
-			</tr>
-		<tr height="100%">
-		    <td valign="top"> 
-		      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" height="100%">
-				<tr>
-		          	<td height="140" valign="top"> 
-		          		<br>
-						<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1" border="0">
-							<tr>
-								<td><span fckLang="DlgFlashWidth">Width</span>&nbsp;</td>
-								<td><input type="text" size="3" id="txtWidth" onkeyup="OnSizeChanged('Width',this.value);"></td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td><span fckLang="DlgFlashHeight">Height</span>&nbsp;</td>
-								<td><input type="text" size="3" id="txtHeight" onkeyup="OnSizeChanged('Height',this.value);"></td>
-							</tr>
-		              		<tr> 
-		                		<td><span fckLang="DlgFlashAlign">Align</span>&nbsp;</td>
-		                		<td>
-		                			<select name="selAlign" id="selAlign" onchange="updatePreview();">
-		                    			<option value="" selected></option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignLeft" value="left">Left</option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignAbsBottom" value="absBottom">Abs Bottom</option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignAbsMiddle" value="absMiddle">Abs Middle</option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignBaseline" value="baseline">Baseline</option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignBottom" value="bottom">Bottom</option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignMiddle" value="middle">Middle</option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignRight" value="right">Right</option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignTextTop" value="textTop">Text Top</option>
-		                    			<option fckLang="DlgFlashAlignTop" value="top">Top</option>
-		                  			</select>
-		                  		</td>
-		              		</tr>
-		              		<tr> 
-		                		<td height="24"><span fckLang="DlgFlashHSpace">HSpace</span>&nbsp;</td>
-		                		<td><input name="txtHSpace" type="text" id="txtHSpace" onkeyup="updatePreview();" size="2"></td>
-		              		</tr>
-		              		<tr> 
-		                		<td><span fckLang="DlgFlashVSpace">VSpace</span>&nbsp;</td>
-			                	<td><input name="txtVSpace" type="text" id="txtVSpace" onkeyup="updatePreview();" size="2"></td>
-			              	</tr>
-			              	<tr> 
-			                	<td><span fckLang="DlgFlashQuality">Quality</span>&nbsp;</td>
-			                	<td>
-			                		<select name="selQuality" id="selQuality" onchange="updatePreview();">
-			                    		<option fckLang="DlgFlashQualityLow" value="low">Low</option>
-			                    		<option fckLang="DlgFlashQualityAutoLow" value="autolow">Auto Low</option>
-			                    		<option fckLang="DlgFlashQualityAutoHigh" value="autohigh">Auto High</option>
-			                    		<option fckLang="DlgFlashQualityHigh" value="high" selected>High</option>
-			                  		</select>
-			                  	</td>
-			              	</tr>
-			              	<tr> 
-			                	<td><span fckLang="DlgFlashScale">Scale</span>&nbsp;</td>
-			                	<td>
-			                		<select name="selScale" id="selScale" onchange="updatePreview();">
-			                    		<option fckLang="DlgFlashScaleShowAll" value="showall" selected>Show all</option>
-			                    		<option fckLang="DlgFlashScaleNoBorder" value="noborder">No border</option>
-			                    		<option fckLang="DlgFlashScaleExactFit" value="exactfit">Exact fit</option>
-			                  		</select>
-			                  	</td>
-			              	</tr>
-			              	<tr> 
-			                	<td><span fckLang="DlgFlashBgColor">Bg Color</span>&nbsp;</td>
-			                	<td><input id="txtBgColor" type="text" onkeyup="updatePreview();" size="8">
-			                	<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFlashBtnSelect" value="Select..." onclick="SelectColor()">
-			                	</td>
-			              	</tr>
-			            </table>
-			            <br>
-			            <input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" checked id="chkAutoplay">
-						<span fckLang="DlgFlashAutoplay">Autoplay</span>
-						<br>
-						<input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" checked id="chkLoop">
-						<span fckLang="DlgFlashLoop">Loop</span>
-						<br>
-			          </td>
-								<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-								<td width="100%" valign="top">
-									<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;">
-										<tr>
-											<td><span fckLang="DlgImgPreview">Preview</span></td>
-										</tr>
-										<tr>
-											<td valign="top">
-												<div class="FlashPreviewArea">
-													<object
-														id="flashPreview"
-														classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" 
-														codebase=",0,0,0"
-														style="DISPLAY: none">
-													</object>
-												</div>
-											</td>
-										</tr>
-									</table>
-								</td>
-					</tr>
-			    </table>
-			  </td>
-			</tr>
-		  </table>
-		</div>
-		<script language="javascript">window_onload();</script>
-	</body>

+ 0 - 621

@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
-var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
-var FCK		= oEditor.FCK ;
-// Set the language direction.
-window.document.dir = oEditor.FCKLang.Dir ;
-// Set the Skin CSS.
-document.write( '<link href="' + oEditor.FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_dialog.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">' ) ;
-var sAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ;
-var is_ie = ( sAgent.indexOf( "msie" ) != -1 ) ; // FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE
-var is_gecko = !is_ie; // FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko
-// contendr� el object sobre el que trabajamos.
-// Contains the object on which we work.
-var oMedia = null ;
-function window_onload()
-	// Translate the dialog box texts.
-	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;
-	// Load the selected element information (if any).
-	LoadSelection() ;
-	// Show/Hide the "Browse Server" button.
-	GetE('tdBrowse').style.display = oEditor.FCKConfig.FlashBrowser ? '' : 'none' ;
-	// Activate the "OK" button.
-	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
- * obtiene el elemento seleccionado
- * Gets the selected item.
- */
-function getSelectedMovie()
-	var oSel = null ;
-	// explorer..
-	if ( is_ie )
-	{
-		oSel = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement( 'OBJECT' ) ;
-	}
-	// gecko
-	else if ( is_gecko )
-	{
-		var o = FCK.EditorWindow.getSelection() ;
-		if ( ( o != null ) && ( o.anchorNode.tagName == 'OBJECT' ) )
-		{
-			oSel = o.anchorNode ;
-		}
-	}	
-	// other
-	else
-	{
-		alert ( 'Browser Not Supported' ) ;
-	}
-	return oSel;
-function LoadSelection()
-	oMedia = new Media() ;
-	oMedia.setObjectElement( getSelectedMovie() ) ;
-	alert (
-		"id: " + +
-		"\nUrl: " + oMedia.url + 
-		"\nWidth: " + oMedia.width +
-		"\nHeight: " + oMedia.height +
-		"\nQuality: " + oMedia.quality +
-		"\nScale: " + oMedia.scale +
-		"\nVSpace: " + oMedia.vspace +
-		"\nHSpace: " + oMedia.hspace +
-		"\nAlign: " + oMedia.align +
-		"\nBgcolor: " + oMedia.bgcolor +
-		"\nLoop: " + oMedia.loop +
-		"\nPlay: " +
-	);
-	GetE( 'txtURL' ).value    	= oMedia.url ;
-	GetE( 'txtVSpace' ).value		= oMedia.vspace ;
-	GetE( 'txtHSpace' ).value		= oMedia.hspace ;
-	GetE( 'selAlign' ).value		= oMedia.align ;
-	GetE( 'txtWidth' ).value		= oMedia.width ;
-	GetE( 'txtHeight' ).value		= oMedia.height ;
-	GetE( 'selQuality' ).value	= oMedia.quality ;
-	GetE( 'selScale' ).value		= oMedia.scale ;
-	GetE( 'txtBgColor' ).value	= oMedia.bgcolor ;
-	GetE( 'chkLoop' ).value		= oMedia.loop ;
-	GetE( 'chkAutoplay' ).value	= ;
-	updatePreview() ;
-//#### The OK button was hit.
-function Ok()
-	if ( GetE( 'txtURL' ).value.length == 0 )
-	{
-		GetE( 'txtURL' ).focus() ;
-		alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFlashAlertUrl ) ;
-		return false ;
-	}
-	//var e = ( oMedia || FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'OBJECT' ) ) ;
-	var e = ( oMedia || new Media() ) ;
-	e.url = setFlashUrl(  GetE( 'txtURL' ).value ) ;
-	//e.url = oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir + GetE( 'txtURL' ).value;	
-	updateMovie(e) ;	
-	FCK.InsertHtml( e.getInnerHTML() ) ;
-	return true ;
-function setFlashUrl( url )
-	return_url = '' ;
-	if ( oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir == '/' )
-	{
-		return_url = url; // // FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir variable is defined in create_document.php	
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return_url = url;// For ajaxfilemanager this line replaces the lower line
-		//return_url = oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir  + url ;
-	}
-	return return_url;	
- * Obtiene los datos del form y actualiza el objeto..
- * Obtains data from the form and updates the object ...
- */
-function updateMovie( e )
-	e.width = ( isNaN( GetE( 'txtWidth' ).value ) ) ? 0 : parseInt( GetE( 'txtWidth' ).value ) ;
-	e.height = ( isNaN( GetE( 'txtHeight' ).value ) ) ? 0 : parseInt(GetE( 'txtHeight' ).value ) ;
-	e.vspace = ( isNaN( GetE( 'txtVSpace' ).value ) ) ? 0 : parseInt(GetE( 'txtVSpace' ).value ) ;
-	e.hspace = ( isNaN( GetE( 'txtHSpace' ).value ) ) ? 0 : parseInt(GetE( 'txtHSpace' ).value ) ;
-	e.quality = GetE( 'selQuality' ).value ;
-	e.scale = GetE( 'selScale' ).value ;
-	e.align = GetE( 'selAlign' ).value ;
-	e.bgcolor = GetE( 'txtBgColor' ).value ;
-	e.loop = ( GetE( 'chkLoop' ).checked ) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
- = ( GetE( 'chkAutoplay' ).checked ) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
-function updatePreview()
-	if ( GetE( 'txtURL' ).value.length == 0 )
-	{
-		ShowE( 'flashPreview', false ) ;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		var preview = GetE( 'flashPreview' ) ;  
-		/*
-		var sUrl = oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentWebDir + GetE( 'txtURL' ).value ;
-		if ( sUrl.indexOf( '?' ) > -1 ) 
-		{
-    		sUrl = sUrl.substr( 0, sUrl.indexOf( '?' ) ) ;
-    		GetE( 'txtURL' ).value = sUrl ; 
-		}
-		*/
-		oMedia.url = GetE('txtURL').value;	// For ajaxfilemanager this line replaces the lower line
-		//oMedia.url = oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentWebDir + GetE( 'txtURL' ).value ;	 // this variable is call in document/create_document.php
-		updateMovie( oMedia ) ;
-		// preview.innerHTML dies on IE.. why?? :S
-		if ( is_ie )
-		{
-			preview.outerHTML = oMedia.getInnerHTML( 'flashPreview' ) ;
-		}
-		// preview.outerHTML does nothing on gecko..
-		if ( is_gecko )
-		{
-			oMedia.replaceObject( preview ) ;
-		}
-		ShowE( 'flashPreview', true ) ;	
-	}
-// Fired when the width or height input texts change
-function OnSizeChanged( dimension, value ) 
-	// Verifies if the aspect ration has to be mantained
-	/*
-	if ( oMovieOriginal && bLockRatio )
-	{
-		if ( value.length == 0 || isNaN( value ) )
-		{
-			GetE('txtHeight').value = GetE('txtWidth').value = '' ;
-			return ;
-		}
-		if ( dimension == 'Width' )
-			GetE('txtHeight').value = Math.round( oMovieOriginal.height * ( value  / oMovieOriginal.width ) ) ;
-		else
-			GetE('txtWidth').value  = Math.round( oMovieOriginal.width  * ( value / oMovieOriginal.height ) ) ;
-	}
-	*/
-	updatePreview() ;
-function BrowseServer()
-	// Set the browser window feature.
-	var iWidth	= oEditor.FCKConfig.FlashBrowserWindowWidth ;
-	var iHeight	= oEditor.FCKConfig.FlashBrowserWindowHeight ;
-	var iLeft = ( screen.width  - iWidth ) / 2 ;
-	var iTop  = ( screen.height - iHeight ) / 2 ;
-	var sOptions = "toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,dependent=yes" ;
-	sOptions += ",width=" + iWidth ; 
-	sOptions += ",height=" + iHeight ;
-	sOptions += ",left=" + iLeft ;
-	sOptions += ",top=" + iTop ;
-	// Open the browser window.	
-	var oWindow = oEditor.FCKConfig.FlashBrowserURL, "FCKBrowseWindow", sOptions ) ;
-function SetUrl( url )
-	document.getElementById( 'txtURL' ).value = url ;
-	GetE( 'txtHeight' ).value = GetE( 'txtWidth' ).value = '' ;
-	updatePreview() ;
-/* ============================================================ */
-/* Esta clase contendra el elemento. 							*/
-/* This class will contain the element.                         */
-/* ============================================================ */
-//'url' : '',
-//'width' : '',
-//'height' : '',
-//'quality' : 'high',
-//'scale' : 'showall',
-//'id' : '',
-//'vspace' : '',
-//'hspace' : '',
-//'align' : '',
-//'bgcolor' : '',
-//'loop' : 'true',
-//'play' : 'true'
-var Media = function ( o )
-	this.url = '' ;
-	this.width = '' ;
-	this.height = '' ;
-	this.quality = 'high' ;
-	this.scale = 'showall' ;
- = '' ;
-	this.vspace = '' ;
-	this.hspace = '' ;
-	this.align = '' ;
-	this.bgcolor = '' ;
-	this.loop = 'true' ;
- = 'true' ;
-	this.controller = 'true' ;
-	if ( o )
-	{
-		this.setObjectElement( o ) ;
-	}
-} ;
- * Toma los datos de un elemento.
- * 	Takes data from an item.
- */ 
-Media.prototype.setObjectElement = function ( e )
-	if (!e) return ;
- = GetAttribute( e, 'id', ) ;
-	this.align = GetAttribute( e, 'align', this.align ) ;
-	this.width = GetAttribute( e, 'width', this.width ) ;
-	this.height = GetAttribute( e, 'height', this.height ) ;
-	this.vspace = GetAttribute( e, 'vspace', this.vspace ) ;
-	this.hspace = GetAttribute( e, 'hspace', this.hspace ) ;
-	// params
-	for ( var i = 0 ; i < e.childNodes.length ; i++ ) {
-		if ( e.childNodes[i].tagName == 'PARAM' ) {
-			var paramName = GetAttribute( e.childNodes[i], 'name', '' ).toLowerCase() ;
-			var paramValue = GetAttribute( e.childNodes[i], 'value', '' ) ;
-			switch ( paramName )
-			{
-				case 'movie' :
-					this.url = paramValue ;
-					break ;
-				case 'quality' :
-					this.quality = paramValue ;
-					break ;
-				case 'scale' :
-					this.scale = paramValue ;
-					break ;
-				case 'bgcolor' :
-					this.bgcolor = paramValue ;
-					break ;
-				case 'loop' :
-					this.loop = paramValue ;
-					break ;
-				case 'play' :
- = paramValue ;
-					break ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-} ;
-Media.prototype.replaceObject = function( o )
-	if ( !o ) return ;
-	SetAttribute( o, 'classid', 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' ) ;
-	SetAttribute( o, 'codebase', ',0,0,0' ) ;
-	if ( this.align != '' )
-	{
-		SetAttribute( o, 'align', this.align ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.width > 0 )
-	{
-		SetAttribute( o, 'width', this.width ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.height > 0 )
-	{
-		SetAttribute( o, 'height', this.height ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.vspace > 0 )
-	{
-		SetAttribute( o, 'vspace', this.vspace ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.hspace > 0 )
-	{
-		SetAttribute( o, 'hspace', this.height ) ;
-	}
-	o.innerHTML = this.getInnerHTML() ;
-} ;
- * Devuelve el valor de classid para el elemento que estamos visualizando.
- * Returns the value of classid for the item you're viewing.
- */
-Media.prototype.getClassId = function ()
-	var fl = 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' ;
-	var qt = 'clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B' ;
-	if ( this.isFlash() )
-	{
-		return fl ;
-	}
-	else if ( this.isQuickTime() )
-	{
-		return qt ;
-	}
- * Devuelve el valor de codebase para el elemento que estamos visualizando.
- * Returns the value of codebase for the item you're viewing.
- */
-Media.prototype.getCodeBase = function ()
-	var fl = ',0,0,0' ;
-	var qt = ',0,2,0' ;
-	if ( this.isFlash() )
-	{
-		return fl ;
-	}
-	else if ( this.isQuickTime() )
-	{
-		return qt ;
-	}
- * Devuelve el valor de pluginpage para el elemento que estamos visualizando.
- * Returns the value of pluginpage for the item you're viewing.
- */
-Media.prototype.getPluginsPage = function ()
-	var fl = '' ;
-	var qt = '' ;
-	if ( this.isFlash() )
-	{
-		return fl ;
-	}
-	else if ( this.isQuickTime() )
-	{
-		return qt ;
-	}
- * Devuelve el valor de mime type para el elemento que estamos visualizando.
- * Returns the value of mime type for the item you're viewing.
- */
-Media.prototype.getMimeType = function ()
-	var fl = 'application/x-shockwave-flash' ;
-	var qt = 'video/quicktime' ;
-	if ( this.isFlash() )
-	{
-		return fl ;
-	}
-	else if ( this.isQuickTime() )
-	{
-		return qt ;
-	}
- * Devuelve el codigo HTML externo del elemento
- * Returns the HTML code of the external element
- */
-Media.prototype.getOuterHTML = function ( objectId )
-	var s ;
-	s = '<object ' ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'classid', this.getClassId() ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'codebase', this.getCodeBase() ) ;
-	// si me paso el id, lo uso..
-	// if I pass the id, what use ...
-	if ( objectId )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'id', objectId ) ;
-	}
-	else if ( != '' )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'id', ) ; 
-	}
-	if ( this.width > 0 )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'width', this.width ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.height > 0 )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'height', this.height ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.align != '' )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'align', this.align ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.vspace > 0 )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'vspace', this.vspace ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.hspace > 0 )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'hspace', this.hspace ) ;
-	}
-	s += '>' ;
-	s += this.getInnerHTML( objectId ) ;
-	s += '</object>' ;
-	return s ;
-} ;
- * Devuelve el codigo HTML interno del elemento
- * 	Returns the HTML code inside the element
- */
-Media.prototype.getInnerHTML = function ( objectId )
-	var s = '' ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'movie', this.url ) ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'src', this.url ) ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'quality', this.quality ) ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'scale', this.scale );
-//	s += this.createParam( 'bgcolor', this.bgcolor ) ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'loop', this.loop ) ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'play', ) ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'pluginspage', this.getPluginsPage() ) ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'type', this.getMimeType() ) ;
-//	s += this.createParam( 'controller', this.controller ) ;
-	if ( objectId )		
-		var my_id = objectId ;
-	else 
-	if ( != '' ) 
-		my_id = ;	
-	s += '<object ';
-	if ( my_id > 0 )
-		s += 'id="' + my_id  + '" ' ;
-	if (this.align > 0)
-		s += 'align="'+ this.align +'" ' ;
-	if (this.height > 0)
-		s += 'height="'+ this.height +'" ' ;	
-	if (this.width > 0)
-		s += 'width="'+ this.width +'" ' ;		
-	s += 'codebase=",0,0,0" ' ;
-	s += 'classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" > ' ;
-	s += '<param value="' + this.url + '" name="movie"> ' ;
-	if (this.quality > 0)
-		s += '<param value="' + this.quality+ '" name="quality"> ' ;
-	if (this.bgcolor > 0)
-		s += '<param value="' + this.bgcolor+ '" name="quality"> ' ;
-	 s+= '<embed ' ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'controller', this.controller ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'pluginspage', this.getPluginsPage() ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'type', this.getMimeType() ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'src', this.url ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'quality', this.quality ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'scale', this.scale ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'bgcolor', this.bgcolor ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'loop', this.loop ) ;
-	s += this.createAttribute( 'play', ) ;
-	if ( objectId )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'id', objectId ) ;
-	}
-	else if ( != '' )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'id', ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.width > 0 )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'width', this.width ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.height > 0 )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'height', this.height ) ;
-	}
-	if ( this.align != '' )
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'align', this.align ) ;
-	}
-	if (this.vspace > 0) 
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'vspace', this.vspace ) ;
-	}
-	if (this.hspace > 0)
-	{
-		s += this.createAttribute( 'hspace', this.hspace ) ;
-	}
-	s += '></embed>' ;
-	/*
-	s += '</object>' ;
-	*/
-	return s ;
-} ;
-Media.prototype.createParam = function( n, v )
-	return '<param name="' + n + '" value="' + v + '">' ;
-Media.prototype.createAttribute = function( n, v )
-	return ' ' + n + '="' + v + '" ' ;
-Media.prototype.isQuickTime = function ()
-	return ( this.url.match( new RegExp( '.*\.mov$' ) ) != null ) ;
-Media.prototype.isFlash = function ()
-	return ( this.url.match( new RegExp( '.*\.swf$' ) ) != null ) ;
-function SelectColor()
-	oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectBackColor, window ) ;
-function SelectBackColor( color )
-	if ( color && color.length > 0 )
-	{
-		GetE( 'txtBgColor' ).value = color ;
-		updatePreview() ;
-	}

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// Register the related commands.
-var dialogPath = FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'Flash/fck_flash.html';
-var flashDialogCmd = new FCKDialogCommand( FCKLang["DlgFlashTitle"], FCKLang["DlgFlashTitle"], dialogPath, 540, 450 );
-FCKCommands.RegisterCommand( 'Flash', flashDialogCmd ) ;
-// Create the Flash toolbar button.
-var oFlashItem		= new FCKToolbarButton( 'Flash', FCKLang["DlgFlashTitle"]) ;
-oFlashItem.IconPath	= FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'Flash/button.flash.gif' ;
-FCKToolbarItems.RegisterItem( 'Flash', oFlashItem ) ;			
-// 'Flash' is the name used in the Toolbar config.

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-<br />

+ 0 - 53

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html xmlns="">
-	<title>JW FLV Media Player</title>
-	<style type="text/css">
-		body { background-color: #fff; padding: 0 25px; color:#000; font: 13px/18px Arial, sans-serif; }
-		a { color: #360; }
-		h3 { padding-top: 50px; }
-		ol { margin:5px 0 15px 16px; padding:0; list-style-type:square; }
-	</style>
-	<h3>Example</h3>
-	<p>Here's a simple example of the <a href="">JW FLV Media Player</a> embedded in a page. Copy-paste the source code and put the files on your site to get started.</p>
-	<div id="container"><a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</div>
-	<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
-	<script type="text/javascript">
-		var s1 = new SWFObject("mediaplayer.swf","mediaplayer","300","185","8");
-		s1.addParam("allowfullscreen","true");
-		s1.addVariable("width","300");
-		s1.addVariable("height","185");
-		s1.addVariable("file","video.flv");
-		s1.write("container");
-	</script>
-	<h3>Quickstart</h3>
-	<p>The easiest way to get going with the mediaplayer is <a href="">by using the setup wizard</a>. Select an example, set the file or playlist you want to play and copy-paste the embed code to your site!</p>
-	<h3>Licensing</h3>
-	<p>The FLV Media Player is licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons License</a>. It allows you to use, modify and redistribute the script for free for noncommercial purposes. For corporate use, <a href="" title="Order commercial licenses">please apply for a 20 euros commercial license</a>!</p>
-	<h3>Documentation</h3>
-	<ol>
-	<li>All <a href="">supported flashvars</a> (variables) you can set to customize the mediaplayer.</li>
-	<li>All <a href="">supported playlist formats</a> you can use, plus some implementation info.</li>
-	<li>A large list <a href="">of all third-party plugins</a> for the mediaplayer.</li>
-	<li>A tutorial on <a href=""> embedding the mediaplayer</a> in your site.</li>
-	<li>A tutorial with <a href="">all functions of the javascript API</a>.</li>
-	<li>A tutorial on <a href="">adding captions and an audiodescription</a> (accessibility).</li>
-	</ol>

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// Register the related commands.
-var dialogPath = FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'flvPlayer/flvPlayer.html';
-var flvPlayerDialogCmd = new FCKDialogCommand( FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"], FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"], dialogPath, 600, 520 );
-FCKCommands.RegisterCommand( 'flvPlayer', flvPlayerDialogCmd ) ;
-// Create the Flash toolbar button.
-var oFlvPlayerItem		= new FCKToolbarButton( 'flvPlayer', FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]) ;
-oFlvPlayerItem.IconPath	= FCKPlugins.Items['flvPlayer'].Path + 'flvPlayer.gif' ;
-FCKToolbarItems.RegisterItem( 'flvPlayer', oFlvPlayerItem ) ;			
-// 'Flash' is the name used in the Toolbar config.


+ 0 - 234

@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-	<head>
-		<title>FLV Movie Player</title>
-		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
-		<script src="../../dialog/common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script src="flvPlayer.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<link href="../../dialog/common/fck_dialog_common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-		<style>
-			body, td, input, textarea, select, label {font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; }
-		</style>
-		<script type="text/javascript">
-		<!--
-		document.writeln(FCK.TempBaseTag);
-		-->
-		</script>
-	</head>
-	<body scroll="no">
-		<div id="divInfo">
-			<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%" height="100%">
-				<tr>
-					<td valign="top" colspan=3>
-						<fieldset>
-							<legend><span fcklang="DlgFLVPlayerFileType">File Type</span></legend>
-							<input type="radio" id="rbFileType" name="rbFileType" value="single" onclick="btnBrowse.disabled=false; btnImgBrowse.disabled=false; btnLnkBrowse.disabled=true; txtURL.disabled=false; txtImgURL.disabled=false; txtPlaylist.disabled=true; txtPlaylist.value='';'#ffffff';'#ffffff';'transparent'; selDispPlaylist.disabled=true;" checked="checked" />&nbsp;<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile">Single File</span><br>
-							<input type="radio" id="rbFileType" name="rbFileType" value="list" onclick="btnBrowse.disabled=true; btnImgBrowse.disabled=true; btnLnkBrowse.disabled=false; txtURL.disabled=true; txtImgURL.disabled=true; txtPlaylist.disabled=false; txtURL.value=''; txtImgURL.value='';'transparent';'transparent';'#ffffff'; selDispPlaylist.disabled=false;" />&nbsp;<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile">Playlist</span>
-						</fieldset>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td valign="top" colspan=3>
-						<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
-							<tr>
-								<td valign="top" width="100%">								
-									<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerURL">.FLV Movie</span><br>
-									<input style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" id="txtURL">
-								</td>
-								<td id="tdBrowse" valign="bottom" nowrap>
-									<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse" value="Browse Server" onclick="BrowseServer();" id="btnBrowse">
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-						</table>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td valign="top" colspan=3>
-						<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
-							<tr>
-								<td valign="top" width="100%">								
-									<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerImgURL">Preview Image</span><br>
-									<input style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" id="txtImgURL">
-								</td>
-								<td id="tdBrowse" valign="bottom" nowrap>
-									<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse" value="Browse Server" onclick="img1BrowseServer();" id="btnImgBrowse">
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-						</table>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td valign="top" colspan=3>
-						<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
-							<tr>
-								<td valign="top" width="100%">								
-									<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL">Playlist URL</span><br>
-									<input style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" id="txtPlaylist" style="background:transparent;" disabled>
-								</td>
-								<td id="tdBrowse" valign="bottom" nowrap>
-									<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse" value="Browse Server" onclick="LnkBrowseServer();" id="btnLnkBrowse" disabled>
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-						</table>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td valign="top" colspan=3>&nbsp;</td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td valign="top" width="50%">
-						<fieldset>
-							<legend><span fcklang="DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs">Movie Attributes</span></legend>
-								<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
-												<tr>
-													<td valign="top" width="100%">								
-														<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL">Watermark Image</span><br>
-														<input style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" id="txtWMURL">
-													</td>
-													<td id="tdBrowse" valign="bottom" nowrap>
-														<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse" value="Browse Server" onclick="img2BrowseServer();" id="btnImg2Browse">
-													</td>
-												</tr>
-											</table>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
-												<tr>
-													<td valign="top" width="100%">								
-														<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL">Recommendations List</span><br>
-														<input style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" id="txtRURL">
-													</td>
-													<td id="tdBrowse" valign="bottom" nowrap>
-														<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse" value="Browse Server" onclick="Lnk2BrowseServer();" id="btnLnk2Browse">
-													</td>
-												</tr>
-											</table>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" id="chkAutoplay">
-											<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay">Autoplay</span>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" id="chkLoop">
-											<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerLoop">Loop</span>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" checked id="chkDownload">
-											<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerDownload">Downloadable</span>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" checked id="chkFullscreen">
-											<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen">Allow Fullscreen</span>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist">Display Playlist</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td>
-											<select name="selDispPlaylist" id="selDispPlaylist" style="width:120px;" disabled onchange="updatePlaylistOption();">
-												<option fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone" value="none" selected>None</option>
-												<option fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight" value="right">Right</option>
-												<option fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow" value="below">Below</option>
-											</select>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top"><span id="spanDimText" fckLang="DlgFLVPlaylistDimText">Playlist Dimension</span><span id="spanDimWText" fckLang="DlgFLVPlaylistWidth" style="display: none;">Playlist Width (px)</span><span id="spanDimHText" fckLang="DlgFLVPlaylistHeight" style="display: none;">Playlist Height (px)</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td valign="top"><input type="text" size="5" id="txtPLDim" style="background:transparent;" disabled></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" id="chkPLThumbs" disabled>
-											<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs">Display Thumbnails in Playlist</span>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-								</table>
-						</fieldset>
-					</td>
-					<td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
-					<td valign="top" width="50%">
-						<fieldset>
-							<legend><span fcklang="DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs">Player Attributes</span></legend>
-								<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top"><span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerWidth">Movie Width (px)</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td valign="top"><input type="text" size="5" id="txtWidth"></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top"><span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerHeight">Movie Height (px)</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td valign="top"><input type="text" size="5" id="txtHeight"></td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr> 
-										<td><span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBgColor">Bg Color</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td><input id="txtBgColor" type="text" size="8">
-										<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect" value="Select..." onclick="SelectColor1()">
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr> 
-										<td><span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerTBColor">Toolbar Color</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td><input id="txtToolbarColor" type="text" size="8">
-										<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect" value="Select..." onclick="SelectColor2()">
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr> 
-										<td><span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor">Toolbar Text Color</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td><input id="txtToolbarTxtColor" type="text" size="8">
-										<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect" value="Select..." onclick="SelectColor3()">
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr> 
-										<td><span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor">Toolbar Text Rollover Color</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td><input id="txtToolbarTxtRColor" type="text" size="8">
-										<input type="button" fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect" value="Select..." onclick="SelectColor4()">
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" checked id="chkShowNavigation">
-											<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation">Display Navigation</span>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>
-											<input type="checkbox" class="CheckBox" checked id="chkShowDigits">
-											<span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits">Display Time</span>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td><span fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerAlign">Align</span>&nbsp;</td>
-										<td>
-											<select name="selAlign" id="selAlign" style="width:120px;">
-												<option fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft" value="left" selected>Left</option>
-												<option fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter" value="center">Center</option>
-												<option fckLang="DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight" value="right">Right</option>
-											</select>
-										</td>
-									</tr>
-									<tr>
-										<td valign="top" colspan=2>&nbsp;</td>
-									</tr>
-								</table>
-						</fieldset>
-					</td>
-				</tr>
-		  </table>
-		</div>
-		<script type="text/javascript">window_onload();</script>
-	</body>

+ 0 - 599

@@ -1,599 +0,0 @@
-var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
-var FCK		= oEditor.FCK ;
-// Set the language direction.
-window.document.dir = oEditor.FCKLang.Dir ;
-// Set the Skin CSS.
-document.write( '<link href="' + oEditor.FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_dialog.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">' ) ;
-var sAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ;
-var is_ie = (sAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1); // FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE
-var is_gecko = !is_ie; // FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko
-var oMedia = null;
-var is_new_flvplayer = true;
-function window_onload()
-	// Translate the dialog box texts.
-	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;
-	// Load the selected element information (if any).
-	LoadSelection() ;
-	// Show/Hide the "Browse Server" button.
-	GetE('tdBrowse').style.display = oEditor.FCKConfig.FlashBrowser ? '' : 'none' ;
-	// Activate the "OK" button.
-	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
-function getSelectedMovie(){
-	var oSel = null;
-	oMedia = new Media();
-	oSel = FCK.Selection.GetParentElement();
-	// If in "Get the Flash Player" a href, do it again
-	if ( != null && !^player[0-9]*$/)) {
-		oSel = oSel.parentNode;
-	}
-	if ( != null &&^player[0-9]*$/)) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < oSel.childNodes.length; i++) {
-			if (oSel.childNodes.item(i).nodeName=="DIV") {
-				var oC=oSel.childNodes.item(i).innerHTML.split(' ');
-				for (var o = 0; o < oC.length ; o++) {
-					var tmp=oC[o].split('=');
-					oMedia.setAttribute(tmp[0],tmp[1]);
-				}
-				is_new_flvplayer = false;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return oMedia;
-function updatePlaylistOption () {
-	if (GetE('selDispPlaylist').value == "right" || GetE('selDispPlaylist').value == "below") {
-		GetE('chkPLThumbs').disabled=false;
-		GetE('chkPLThumbs').checked=true;
-		GetE('txtPLDim').disabled=false;
-		GetE('txtPLDim').style.background='#ffffff';
-		GetE('spanDimText').style.display='none';
-		if (GetE('selDispPlaylist').value == "right") {
-			GetE('spanDimWText').style.display='';
-			GetE('spanDimHText').style.display='none';
-		} else if (GetE('selDispPlaylist').value == "below") {
-			GetE('spanDimWText').style.display='none';
-			GetE('spanDimHText').style.display='';
-		}
-	} else {
-		GetE('chkPLThumbs').disabled=true;
-		GetE('chkPLThumbs').checked=false;
-		GetE('txtPLDim').value = "";
-		GetE('txtPLDim').disabled=true;
-		GetE('txtPLDim').style.background='transparent';
-		GetE('spanDimText').style.display='';
-		GetE('spanDimWText').style.display='none';
-		GetE('spanDimHText').style.display='none';
-	}
-function LoadSelection()
-	oMedia = new Media();
-	oMedia = getSelectedMovie();
-	//alert('test');
-	alert (
-		"id: " + +
-		"\nUrl: " + oMedia.url + 
-		"\nWidth: " + oMedia.width +
-		"\nHeight: " + oMedia.height +
-		"\nQuality: " + oMedia.quality +
-		"\nScale: " + oMedia.scale +
-		"\nVSpace: " + oMedia.vspace +
-		"\nHSpace: " + oMedia.hspace +
-		"\nAlign: " + oMedia.align +
-		"\nBgcolor: " + oMedia.bgcolor +
-		"\nLoop: " + oMedia.loop +
-		"\nPlay: " +
-	);
-	GetE('rbFileType').value	= oMedia.fileType;
-	GetE('txtURL').value    	= oMedia.url;
-	GetE('txtPlaylist').value   = oMedia.purl;
-	GetE('txtImgURL').value    	= oMedia.iurl;
-	GetE('txtWMURL').value    	= oMedia.wmurl;
-	GetE('txtWidth').value		= oMedia.width;
-	GetE('txtHeight').value		= oMedia.height;
-	GetE('chkLoop').checked		= oMedia.loop;
-	GetE('chkAutoplay').checked	=;
-	GetE('chkDownload').checked 	= oMedia.downloadable;
-	GetE('chkFullscreen').checked	= oMedia.fullscreen;
-	GetE('txtBgColor').value	= oMedia.bgcolor;
-	GetE('txtToolbarColor').value	= oMedia.toolcolor;
-	GetE('txtToolbarTxtColor').value	= oMedia.tooltcolor;
-	GetE('txtToolbarTxtRColor').value	= oMedia.tooltrcolor;
-	GetE('chkShowNavigation').checked	= oMedia.displayNavigation;
-	GetE('chkShowDigits').checked	= oMedia.displayDigits;
-	GetE('selAlign').value		= oMedia.align;
-	GetE('selDispPlaylist').value = oMedia.dispPlaylist;
-	GetE('txtRURL').value = oMedia.rurl;
-	GetE('txtPLDim').value = oMedia.playlistDim;
-	GetE('chkPLThumbs').checked = oMedia.playlistThumbs;
-	//updatePreview();
-//#### The OK button was hit.
-function Ok()
-	var rbFileTypeVal = "single";
-	if (GetE('rbFileType').checked == false) {
-		rbFileTypeVal = "list";
-	}
-	if ( rbFileTypeVal == "single") {
-		if ( GetE('txtURL').value.length == 0 )
-		{
-			GetE('txtURL').focus() ;	
-			alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl ) ;
-			return false ;
-		}
-	}
-	if (rbFileTypeVal == "list") {
-		if ( GetE('txtPlaylist').value.length == 0 )
-		{
-			GetE('txtPlaylist').focus() ;	
-			alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist ) ;
-			return false ;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( GetE('txtWidth').value.length == 0 )
-	{
-		GetE('txtWidth').focus() ;	
-		alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth ) ;
-		return false ;
-	}
-	if ( GetE('txtHeight').value.length == 0 )
-	{
-		GetE('txtHeight').focus() ;	
-		alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight ) ;
-		return false ;
-	}
-	var e = (oMedia || new Media()) ;
-	updateMovie(e) ;
-	// Replace or insert?
-	if (!is_new_flvplayer) {
-		// Find parent..
-	        oSel = FCK.Selection.GetParentElement();
-		while (oSel != null && !^player[0-9]*-parent$/)) {
-			oSel=oSel.parentNode;
-		}
-		// Found - So replace
-		if (oSel != null) {
-			oSel.parentNode.removeChild(oSel);
-			FCK.InsertHtml(e.getInnerHTML());
-		}
-	} else {
-		FCK.InsertHtml(e.getInnerHTML());
-	}
-	return true ;
-// For ajaxfilemanager uncoment this function setFlvPlayerUrl(url)
-function setFlvPlayerUrl(url)
-	return_url='';
-	if (oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir == '/')
-	{
-		return_url = url; // // FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir variable is defined in create_document.php	
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		return_url = url; // For ajaxfilemanager this line replaces the lower line
-		//return_url = oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentDir  + url ;
-	}	
-	return return_url;	
-function updateMovie(e)
-	e.fileType = GetE('rbFileType').value;
-	temp_url = setFlvPlayerUrl(GetE('txtURL').value); // Uncomment this line for ajaxfilemanager
-	// e.url = oEditor.FCKConfig.CreateDocumentWebDir + GetE('txtURL').value; //Comment this line for ajaxfilemanager
-	e.url = temp_url; // Uncomment this line for ajaxfilemanager
-	e.purl = GetE('txtPlaylist').value;
-	e.iurl = GetE('txtImgURL').value;
-	e.wmurl = GetE('txtWMURL').value;
-	e.bgcolor = GetE('txtBgColor').value;
-	e.toolcolor = GetE('txtToolbarColor').value;
-	e.tooltcolor = GetE('txtToolbarTxtColor').value;
-	e.tooltrcolor = GetE('txtToolbarTxtRColor').value;
-	e.width = (isNaN(GetE('txtWidth').value)) ? 0 : parseInt(GetE('txtWidth').value);
-	e.height = (isNaN(GetE('txtHeight').value)) ? 0 : parseInt(GetE('txtHeight').value);
-	e.loop = (GetE('chkLoop').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
- = (GetE('chkAutoplay').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
-	e.downloadable = (GetE('chkDownload').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
-	e.fullscreen = (GetE('chkFullscreen').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
-	e.displayNavigation = (GetE('chkShowNavigation').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
-	e.displayDigits = (GetE('chkShowDigits').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
-	e.align =	GetE('selAlign').value;
-	e.dispPlaylist =	GetE('selDispPlaylist').value;
-	e.rurl = GetE('txtRURL').value;
-	e.playlistDim = GetE('txtPLDim').value;
-	e.playlistThumbs = (GetE('chkPLThumbs').checked) ? 'true' : 'false';
-function BrowseServer()
-	OpenServerBrowser(
-		'flv',
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.MediaBrowserURL,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.MediaBrowserWindowWidth,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.MediaBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function LnkBrowseServer()
-	OpenServerBrowser(
-		'link',
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowWidth,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function Lnk2BrowseServer()
-	OpenServerBrowser(
-		'link2',
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowWidth,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function img1BrowseServer()
-	OpenServerBrowser(
-		'img1',
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowWidth,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function img2BrowseServer()
-	OpenServerBrowser(
-		'img2',
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowWidth,
-		oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowHeight ) ;
-function OpenServerBrowser( type, url, width, height )
-	sActualBrowser = type ;
-	OpenFileBrowser( url, width, height ) ;
-var sActualBrowser ;
-function SetUrl( url ) {
-	if ( sActualBrowser == 'flv' ) {
-		document.getElementById('txtURL').value = url ;
-		GetE('txtHeight').value = GetE('txtWidth').value = '' ;
-	} else if ( sActualBrowser == 'link' ) {
-		document.getElementById('txtPlaylist').value = url ;
-	} else if ( sActualBrowser == 'link2' ) {
-		document.getElementById('txtRURL').value = url ;
-	} else if ( sActualBrowser == 'img1' ) {
-		document.getElementById('txtImgURL').value = url ;
-	} else if ( sActualBrowser == 'img2' ) {
-		document.getElementById('txtWMURL').value = url ;
-	}
-var Media = function (o){
-	this.fileType = '';
-	this.url = '';
-	this.purl = '';
-	this.iurl = '';
-	this.wmurl = '';
-	this.width = '';
-	this.height = '';
-	this.loop = '';
- = '';
-	this.downloadable = '';
-	this.fullscreen = true;
-	this.bgcolor = '';
-	this.toolcolor = '';
-	this.tooltcolor = '';
-	this.tooltrcolor = '';
-	this.displayNavigation = true;
-	this.displayDigits = true;
-	this.align = '';
-	this.dispPlaylist = '';
-	this.rurl = '';
-	this.playlistDim = '';
-	this.playlistThumbs = '';
-	if (o) 
-		this.setObjectElement(o);
-Media.prototype.setObjectElement = function (e){
-	if (!e) return ;
-	this.width = GetAttribute( e, 'width', this.width );
-	this.height = GetAttribute( e, 'height', this.height );
-Media.prototype.setAttribute = function(attr, val) {
-	if (val=="true") {
-		this[attr]=true;
-	} else if (val=="false") {
-		this[attr]=false;
-	} else {
-		this[attr]=val;
-	}
-Media.prototype.getInnerHTML = function (objectId){
-	var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000001);
-	var thisWidth = this.width;
-	var thisHeight = this.height;
-	var thisMediaType = "single";
-	if (GetE('rbFileType').checked == false) {
-		thisMediaType = "mpl";
-	}
-	// Align
-	var cssalign='';
-	var cssfloat='';
-	if (this.align=="center") {
-		cssalign='margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;';
-	} else if (this.align=="right") {
-		cssfloat='float: right;';
-	} else if (this.align=="left") {
-		cssfloat='float: left;';
-	}
-	var s = "";
-	//s+= '<p>\n';
-	s+= '<div id="player' + randomnumber + '-parent" style="text-align: center;' + cssfloat + '">\n';
-	s+= '<div style="border-style: none; height: ' + thisHeight + 'px; width: ' + thisWidth + 'px; overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(220, 220, 220); background-image: url(' + oEditor.FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'flvPlayer/flvPlayer.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center;' + cssalign + '">';
-	s+= '<script src="' + oEditor.FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'flvPlayer/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>\n';
-	s+= '<div id="player' + randomnumber + '">';
-	s+= '<a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.';
-	// Moved after info - Added width,height,overflow for MSIE7
-	s+= '<div id="player' + randomnumber + '-config" style="display: none;visibility: hidden;width: 0px;height:0px;overflow: hidden;">';
-	// Save settings
-	for (var i in this) {
-		if (!i || !this[i]) continue;
-	        if (!i.match(/(set|get)/)) {
-        	        s+=i+"="+this[i]+" ";
-        	}
-	}
-	s+= '</div>';
-	s+= '</div>';
-	s+= '<script type="text/javascript">\n';
-	s+= '	var s1 = new SWFObject("' + oEditor.FCKConfig.PluginsPath + 'flvPlayer/mediaplayer.swf","' + thisMediaType + '","' + thisWidth + '","' + thisHeight + '","7");\n';
-	s+= '	s1.addVariable("width","' + thisWidth + '");\n';
-	s+= '	s1.addVariable("height","' + thisHeight + '");\n';
-	s+= '	s1.addVariable("autostart","' + + '");\n';
-	if (thisMediaType == 'mpl') {
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("file","' + this.purl + '");\n';
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("autoscroll","true");\n';
-		s+= '	s1.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always");\n';
-		var dispWidth = thisWidth
-		var dispHeight = thisHeight
-		var dispThumbs = false
-		if (this.dispPlaylist != "none") {
-			if (this.dispPlaylist == "right") {
-				if (this.playlistDim.length > 0) {
-					dispWidth = thisWidth - this.playlistDim
-					if (this.playlistDim < 100) {
-						dispThumbs = false
-					} else {
-						dispThumbs = true
-					}
-				} else {
-					if (thisWidth >= 550) {
-						dispWidth = thisWidth - 200
-						dispThumbs = true
-					} else if (thisWidth >= 450) {
-						dispWidth = thisWidth - 100
-						dispThumbs = false
-					} else if (thisWidth >= 350) {
-						dispWidth = thisWidth - 50
-						dispThumbs = false
-					}
-				}
-				s+= '	s1.addVariable("displaywidth","' + dispWidth + '");\n';
-			} else if (this.dispPlaylist == "below") {
-				dispThumbs = true
-				if (this.playlistDim.length > 0) {
-					dispHeight = thisWidth - this.playlistDim
-				} else {
-					if (thisHeight >= 550) {
-						dispHeight = thisWidth - 200
-					} else if (thisHeight >= 450) {
-						dispHeight = thisHeight - 150
-					} else if (thisHeight >= 350) {
-						dispHeight = thisHeight - 100
-					}
-				}
-				s+= '	s1.addVariable("displayheight","' + dispHeight + '");\n';
-			}
-			if (this.playlistThumbs == "false") {
-				dispThumbs = false;
-			}
-			s+= '	s1.addVariable("thumbsinplaylist","' + dispThumbs + '");\n';
-		}
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("shuffle","false");\n';
-		if (this.loop == true) {
-			s+= '	s1.addVariable("repeat","list");\n';
-		} else {
-			s+= '	s1.addVariable("repeat","' + this.loop + '");\n';
-		}
-		s+= '	//s1.addVariable("transition","bgfade");\n';
-	} else {
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("file","' + this.url + '");\n';
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("repeat","' + this.loop + '");\n';
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("image","' + this.iurl + '");\n';
-	}
-	s+= '	s1.addVariable("showdownload","' + this.downloadable + '");\n';
-	s+= '	s1.addVariable("link","' + this.url + '");\n';
-	s+= '	s1.addParam("allowfullscreen","' + this.fullscreen + '");\n';
-	s+= '	s1.addVariable("showdigits","' + this.displayDigits + '");\n';
-	s+= '	s1.addVariable("shownavigation","' + this.displayNavigation + '");\n';
-	var colorChoice1 = this.toolcolor
-	if (colorChoice1.length > 0) {
-		colorChoice1 = colorChoice1.replace("#","0x")
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("backcolor","' + colorChoice1 + '");\n';
-	}
-	var colorChoice2 = this.tooltcolor
-	if (colorChoice2.length > 0) {
-		colorChoice2 = colorChoice2.replace("#","0x")
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("frontcolor","' + colorChoice2 + '");\n';
-	}
-	var colorChoice3 = this.tooltrcolor
-	if (colorChoice3.length > 0) {
-		colorChoice3 = colorChoice3.replace("#","0x")
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("lightcolor","' + colorChoice3 + '");\n';
-	}
-	var colorChoice4 = this.bgcolor
-	if (colorChoice4.length > 0) {
-		colorChoice4 = colorChoice4.replace("#","0x")
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("screencolor","' + colorChoice4 + '");\n';
-	}
-	s+= '	s1.addVariable("logo","' + this.wmurl + '");\n';
-	if (this.rurl.length > 0) {
-		s+= '	s1.addVariable("recommendations","' + this.rurl + '");\n';
-	}
-	//s+= '	//s1.addVariable("largecontrols","true");\n';
-	//s+= '	//s1.addVariable("bufferlength","3");\n';
-	//s+= '	//s1.addVariable("audio","");\n';
-	s+= '	s1.write("player' + randomnumber + '");\n';
-	s+= '</script>\n';
-	s+= '</div>\n';
-	s+= '</div>\n';
-	//s+= '</p>\n';
-	return s;
-function SelectColor1()
-	oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectBackColor, window ) ;
-function SelectColor2()
-	oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectToolColor, window ) ;
-function SelectColor3()
-	oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectToolTextColor, window ) ;
-function SelectColor4()
-	oEditor.FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'FCKDialog_Color', oEditor.FCKLang.DlgColorTitle, 'dialog/fck_colorselector.html', 400, 330, SelectToolTextRColor, window ) ;
-function SelectBackColor( color )
-	if ( color && color.length > 0 ) {
-		GetE('txtBgColor').value = color ;
-		//updatePreview()
-	}
-function SelectToolColor( color )
-	if ( color && color.length > 0 ) {
-		GetE('txtToolbarColor').value = color ;
-		//updatePreview()
-	}
-function SelectToolTextColor( color )
-	if ( color && color.length > 0 ) {
-		GetE('txtToolbarTxtColor').value = color ;
-		//updatePreview()
-	}
-function SelectToolTextRColor( color )
-	if ( color && color.length > 0 ) {
-		GetE('txtToolbarTxtRColor').value = color ;
-		//updatePreview()
-	}

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-	<recommendation>
-		<title>Reporting screenshot from Mint</title>
-		<image></image>
-		<link></link>
-	</recommendation>
-	<recommendation>
-		<title>Joost introduction video</title>
-		<image></image>
-		<link></link>
-	</recommendation>
-	<recommendation>
-		<title>The one and only VideoEgg egg</title>
-		<image></image>
-		<link></link>
-	</recommendation>
-	<recommendation>
-		<title>Cool long-exposure video from Flickr</title>
-		<image></image>
-		<link></link>
-	</recommendation>
-	<recommendation>
-		<title>Extreme closeup of the MT logo</title>
-		<image></image>
-		<link></link>
-	</recommendation>

+ 0 - 52

@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="">
-	<channel>
-		<title>RSS  Example Playlist</title>
-		<link></link>
-		<item>
-			<title>Afraid of the dark</title>
-			<enclosure url="" type="video/x-flv" />
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<title>Sunshine up Ahead</title>
-			<author>Peter Jones</author>
-			<link></link>
-			<media:content url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
-			<media:thumbnail href="" />
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<title>Aggressive Wallpaper</title>
-			<author>Jeroen Wijering</author>
-			<link></link>
-			<description>
-				This is an aggressive wallpaper for public spaces where you don't want 
-				people to linger around (eg. subway tunnels or parking lots). People 
-				feel offended by the aggressive wallpaper and make sure they get out 
-				of these places as soon as their business is done there.
-			</description>
-			<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" duration="12.5"/>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<title>ITV's Coronation Street</title>
-			<link></link>
-			<description>
-				Unfortunately, accessibility content cannot be included with the RSS file format. 
-				The SMIL format is more suitable for this type of playlists.
-			</description>
-			<media:content url="" type="video/x-flv" duration="00:00:45"/>
-			<media:thumbnail url=""/>
-		</item>
-		<item>
-			<title>Bleed It Out</title>
-			<author>Linkin Park</author>
-			<link></link>
-			<media:content url="upload/media/04 Bleed It Out.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"/>
-			<media:thumbnail href="upload/image/Sample_Preview.jpg" />
-		</item>
-	</channel>

+ 0 - 57

@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<playlist version="1" xmlns="">
-	<title>XSPF Example Playlist</title>
-	<info>http:/</info>
-	<trackList>
-		<track>
-			<title>Afraid of the Dark</title>
-			<location></location>
-		</track>
-		<track>
-			<title>Sunshine up Ahead</title>
-			<creator>Peter Jones</creator>
-			<location></location>
-			<info></info>
-			<image></image>
-		</track>
-		<track>
-			<title>Aggressive Wallpaper</title>
-			<creator>Jeroen Wijering</creator>
-			<annotation>
-				This is an aggressive wallpaper for public spaces where you don't want 
-				people to linger around (eg. subway tunnels or parking lots). People 
-				feel offended by the aggressive wallpaper and make sure they get out 
-				of these places as soon as their business is done there.
-			</annotation>
-			<location></location>
-			<info></info>
-			<meta rel="duration">12.5</meta>
-		</track>
-		<track>
-			<title>ITV's Coronation Street</title>
-			<annotation>
-				This example features accessibility content 
-				(closed captions and a descriptive audiotrack).
-			</annotation>
-			<info></info>
-			<location></location>
-			<image></image>
-			<meta rel="captions"></meta>
-			<meta rel="audio"></meta>
-			<meta rel="duration">00:00:45</meta>
-		</track>
-		<track>
-			<title>Bleed It Out</title>
-			<creator>Linkin Park</creator>
-			<location>upload/media/04 Bleed It Out.mp3</location>
-			<info></info>
-			<image>upload/image/Sample_Preview.jpg</image>
-		</track>
-	</trackList>

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-<br />

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// FLV Player Dialog
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]          = "FLV Media Player";
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerURL"]            = "Movie/Media File" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse"]      = "Browse..." ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerImgURL"]         = "Preview Image" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWidth"]          = "Player Width (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHeight"]         = "Player Height (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlign"]          = "Player Alignment" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft"]      = "Left" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight"]     = "Right" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter"]    = "Center" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHSpace"]         = "HSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerVSpace"]         = "VSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBgColor"]        = "Background Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBColor"]        = "Toolbar Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor"]       = "Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor"]      = "Rollover Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect"]      = "Select..."
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay"]       = "Autoplay" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerLoop"]           = "Loop" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDownload"]       = "Downloadable" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen"]     = "Allow Fullscreen" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl"]       = "Please input the URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist"]  = "Please input the Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth"]     = "Please input the Width"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight"]    = "Please input the Height"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs"]    = "Player Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs"]     = "Media Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation"] = "Display Navigation"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits"]     = "Display Time"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL"]   = "Watermark Image"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFileType"]		  = "File Type"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile"]     = "Single Media File"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile"]   = "Media Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL"]    = "Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist"]   = "Display Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone"]     = "Do Not Display"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight"]    = "Display On Right"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow"]    = "Display Below"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL"]   = "Recommendations List"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistWidth"]        = "Playlist Width (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistHeight"]       = "Playlist Height (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistDimText"]      = "Playlist Dimension"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs"]       = "Display Thumbnails in Playlist"

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// FLV Player Dialog
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]          = "FLV Media Player";
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerURL"]            = "Movie/Media File" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse"]      = "Browse..." ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerImgURL"]         = "Preview Image" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWidth"]          = "Player Width (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHeight"]         = "Player Height (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlign"]          = "Player Alignment" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft"]      = "Left" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight"]     = "Right" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter"]    = "Center" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHSpace"]         = "HSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerVSpace"]         = "VSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBgColor"]        = "Background Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBColor"]        = "Toolbar Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor"]       = "Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor"]      = "Rollover Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect"]      = "Select..."
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay"]       = "Autoplay" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerLoop"]           = "Loop" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDownload"]       = "Downloadable" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen"]     = "Allow Fullscreen" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl"]       = "Please input the URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist"]  = "Please input the Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth"]     = "Please input the Width"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight"]    = "Please input the Height"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs"]    = "Player Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs"]     = "Media Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation"] = "Display Navigation"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits"]     = "Display Time"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL"]   = "Watermark Image"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFileType"]		  = "File Type"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile"]     = "Single Media File"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile"]   = "Media Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL"]    = "Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist"]   = "Display Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone"]     = "Do Not Display"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight"]    = "Display On Right"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow"]    = "Display Below"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL"]   = "Recommendations List"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistWidth"]        = "Playlist Width (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistHeight"]       = "Playlist Height (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistDimText"]      = "Playlist Dimension"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs"]       = "Display Thumbnails in Playlist"

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// FLV Player Dialog
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]          = "FLV Media Player";
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerURL"]            = "Movie/Media File" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse"]      = "Browse..." ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerImgURL"]         = "Preview Image" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWidth"]          = "Player Width (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHeight"]         = "Player Height (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlign"]          = "Player Alignment" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft"]      = "Left" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight"]     = "Right" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter"]    = "Center" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHSpace"]         = "HSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerVSpace"]         = "VSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBgColor"]        = "Background Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBColor"]        = "Toolbar Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor"]       = "Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor"]      = "Rollover Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect"]      = "Select..."
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay"]       = "Autoplay" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerLoop"]           = "Loop" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDownload"]       = "Downloadable" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen"]     = "Allow Fullscreen" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl"]       = "Please input the URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist"]  = "Please input the Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth"]     = "Please input the Width"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight"]    = "Please input the Height"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs"]    = "Player Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs"]     = "Media Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation"] = "Display Navigation"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits"]     = "Display Time"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL"]   = "Watermark Image"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFileType"]		  = "File Type"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile"]     = "Single Media File"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile"]   = "Media Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL"]    = "Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist"]   = "Display Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone"]     = "Do Not Display"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight"]    = "Display On Right"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow"]    = "Display Below"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL"]   = "Recommendations List"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistWidth"]        = "Playlist Width (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistHeight"]       = "Playlist Height (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistDimText"]      = "Playlist Dimension"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs"]       = "Display Thumbnails in Playlist"

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// FLV Player Dialog
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]          = "FLV Media Player";
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerURL"]            = "Movie/Media File" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse"]      = "Browse..." ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerImgURL"]         = "Preview Image" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWidth"]          = "Player Width (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHeight"]         = "Player Height (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlign"]          = "Player Alignment" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft"]      = "Left" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight"]     = "Right" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter"]    = "Center" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHSpace"]         = "HSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerVSpace"]         = "VSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBgColor"]        = "Background Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBColor"]        = "Toolbar Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor"]       = "Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor"]      = "Rollover Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect"]      = "Select..."
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay"]       = "Autoplay" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerLoop"]           = "Loop" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDownload"]       = "Downloadable" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen"]     = "Allow Fullscreen" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl"]       = "Please input the URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist"]  = "Please input the Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth"]     = "Please input the Width"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight"]    = "Please input the Height"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs"]    = "Player Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs"]     = "Media Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation"] = "Display Navigation"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits"]     = "Display Time"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL"]   = "Watermark Image"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFileType"]		  = "File Type"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile"]     = "Single Media File"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile"]   = "Media Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL"]    = "Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist"]   = "Display Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone"]     = "Do Not Display"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight"]    = "Display On Right"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow"]    = "Display Below"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL"]   = "Recommendations List"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistWidth"]        = "Playlist Width (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistHeight"]       = "Playlist Height (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistDimText"]      = "Playlist Dimension"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs"]       = "Display Thumbnails in Playlist"

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// FLV Player Dialog
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]          = "FLV Mediasoitin";
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerURL"]            = "Video/Media tiedosto" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse"]      = "Selaa..." ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerImgURL"]         = "Esikatselu kuva" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWidth"]          = "Soittimen leveys (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHeight"]         = "Soittimen korkeus (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlign"]          = "Soittimen kohdistus" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft"]      = "Vasen" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight"]     = "Oikea" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter"]    = "Keskitetty" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHSpace"]         = "Vaakatila" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerVSpace"]         = "Pystytila" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBgColor"]        = "Taustaväri"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBColor"]        = "Toolbar Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor"]       = "Tekstin väri"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor"]      = "Rollover Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect"]      = "Valitse..."
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay"]       = "Automaattinen toisto" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerLoop"]           = "Jatkuva" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDownload"]       = "Ladattavissa" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen"]     = "Salli koko näyttötila" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl"]       = "Anna osoite (URL)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist"]  = "Anna soittolistan osoite (URL)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth"]     = "Anna leveys"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight"]    = "Anna korkeus"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs"]    = "Soittimen asetukset"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs"]     = "Media asetukset"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation"] = "Näytä navigaatio"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits"]     = "Näytä aika"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL"]   = "Vesileiman kuva"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFileType"]	      = "Tiedostotyyppi"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile"]     = "Yksittäinen media tiedosto"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile"]   = "Media soittolista"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL"]    = "Soittolistan osoite (URL)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist"]   = "Näytä soittolista"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone"]     = "Älä näytä"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight"]    = "Näytä oikella"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow"]    = "Näytä alla"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL"]   = "Suosituslista"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistWidth"]        = "Soittolistan leveys (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistHeight"]       = "Soittolistan korkeus (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistDimText"]      = "Soittolistan koko"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs"]       = "Näytä esikatselukuva soittolistassa"

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// FLV Player Dialog
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]          = "FLV Media Player";
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerURL"]            = "Movie/Media File" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse"]      = "Browse..." ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerImgURL"]         = "Preview Image" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWidth"]          = "Player Width (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHeight"]         = "Player Height (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlign"]          = "Player Alignment" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft"]      = "Left" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight"]     = "Right" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter"]    = "Center" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHSpace"]         = "HSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerVSpace"]         = "VSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBgColor"]        = "Background Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBColor"]        = "Toolbar Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor"]       = "Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor"]      = "Rollover Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect"]      = "Select..."
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay"]       = "Autoplay" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerLoop"]           = "Loop" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDownload"]       = "Downloadable" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen"]     = "Allow Fullscreen" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl"]       = "Please input the URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist"]  = "Please input the Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth"]     = "Please input the Width"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight"]    = "Please input the Height"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs"]    = "Player Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs"]     = "Media Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation"] = "Display Navigation"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits"]     = "Display Time"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL"]   = "Watermark Image"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFileType"]		  = "File Type"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile"]     = "Single Media File"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile"]   = "Media Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL"]    = "Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist"]   = "Display Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone"]     = "Do Not Display"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight"]    = "Display On Right"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow"]    = "Display Below"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL"]   = "Recommendations List"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistWidth"]        = "Playlist Width (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistHeight"]       = "Playlist Height (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistDimText"]      = "Playlist Dimension"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs"]       = "Display Thumbnails in Playlist"

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-<br />

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// FLV Player Dialog
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]          = "FLV Media Player";
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerURL"]            = "Movie/Media File" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse"]      = "Browse..." ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerImgURL"]         = "Preview Image" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWidth"]          = "Player Width (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHeight"]         = "Player Height (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlign"]          = "Player Alignment" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft"]      = "Left" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight"]     = "Right" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter"]    = "Center" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHSpace"]         = "HSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerVSpace"]         = "VSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBgColor"]        = "Background Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBColor"]        = "Toolbar Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor"]       = "Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor"]      = "Rollover Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect"]      = "Select..."
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay"]       = "Autoplay" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerLoop"]           = "Loop" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDownload"]       = "Downloadable" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen"]     = "Allow Fullscreen" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl"]       = "Please input the URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist"]  = "Please input the Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth"]     = "Please input the Width"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight"]    = "Please input the Height"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs"]    = "Player Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs"]     = "Media Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation"] = "Display Navigation"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits"]     = "Display Time"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL"]   = "Watermark Image"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFileType"]		  = "File Type"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile"]     = "Single Media File"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile"]   = "Media Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL"]    = "Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist"]   = "Display Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone"]     = "Do Not Display"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight"]    = "Display On Right"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow"]    = "Display Below"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL"]   = "Recommendations List"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistWidth"]        = "Playlist Width (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistHeight"]       = "Playlist Height (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistDimText"]      = "Playlist Dimension"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs"]       = "Display Thumbnails in Playlist"

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// FLV Player Dialog
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTitle"]          = "FLV Media Player";
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerURL"]            = "Movie/Media File" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnBrowse"]      = "Browse..." ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerImgURL"]         = "Preview Image" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWidth"]          = "Player Width (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHeight"]         = "Player Height (px)" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlign"]          = "Player Alignment" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignLeft"]      = "Left" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignRight"]     = "Right" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlignCenter"]    = "Center" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerHSpace"]         = "HSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerVSpace"]         = "VSpace" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBgColor"]        = "Background Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBColor"]        = "Toolbar Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTColor"]       = "Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerTBTRColor"]      = "Rollover Text Color"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerBtnSelect"]      = "Select..."
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAutoplay"]       = "Autoplay" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerLoop"]           = "Loop" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDownload"]       = "Downloadable" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFullscreen"]     = "Allow Fullscreen" ;
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertUrl"]       = "Please input the URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertPlaylist"]  = "Please input the Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertWidth"]     = "Please input the Width"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerAlertHeight"]    = "Please input the Height"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlayerAttrs"]    = "Player Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerMovieAttrs"]     = "Media Attributes"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowNavigation"] = "Display Navigation"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerShowDigits"]     = "Display Time"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerWatermarkURL"]   = "Watermark Image"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerFileType"]		  = "File Type"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerSingleFile"]     = "Single Media File"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistFile"]   = "Media Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPlaylistURL"]    = "Playlist URL"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPlaylist"]   = "Display Playlist"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLNone"]     = "Do Not Display"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLRight"]    = "Display On Right"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerDispPLBelow"]    = "Display Below"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerRecommendURL"]   = "Recommendations List"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistWidth"]        = "Playlist Width (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistHeight"]       = "Playlist Height (px)"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlaylistDimText"]      = "Playlist Dimension"
-FCKLang["DlgFLVPlayerPLThumbs"]       = "Display Thumbnails in Playlist"

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<style type="text/css">
-	body { background-color: #fff; padding: 0 50px; color:#000; font: 13px/18px Arial, sans-serif; }
-	a { color: #069; }
-	h3 { padding-top: 50px; }
-	ol { margin:5px 0 15px 16px; padding:0; list-style-type:square; }
-<p>Here's a simple example of the mediaplayer embedded in a page. Copy-paste the code to get started.</p>
-<div id="container"><a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</div>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-	var s1 = new SWFObject("mediaplayer.swf","mediaplayer","300","170","7");
-	s1.addParam("allowfullscreen","true");
-	s1.addVariable("width","300");
-	s1.addVariable("height","170");
-	s1.addVariable("file","video.flv");
-	s1.addVariable("image","video.jpg");
-	s1.write("container");
-<h3 id="documentation">Documentation</h3>
-<p>The easiest way to get going with the mediaplayer is <a href="" title="the flv mp3 media player wizard">by using the setup wizard</a>. Select an example, set the file or playlist you want to play and copy-paste the embed code to your site! If you want to learn more, here's the complete documentation:</p>
-<li>All <a href="" title="All Flashvars supported by the FLV Media Player">supported flashvars</a> (variables) you can set to customize the mediaplayer.</li>
-<li>All <a href="" title="All playlist formats by the FLV Media Player">supported playlist formats</a> you can use, plus some implementation info.</li>
-<li>A large list <a href="" title="WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, CMS Plugins">of all third-party plugins</a> for the mediaplayer.<br/>&nbsp;</li>
-<li>A tutorial on <a href="" title="embedding Flash"> embedding the mediaplayer</a> in your site.</li>
-<li>A tutorial with <a href="" title="Javascript interaction">all functions of the javascript API</a>.</li>
-<li>A tutorial on <a href="" title="W3C video Accessibility and the player">adding captions and an audiodescription</a> (accessibility).</li>


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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
-<title>Untitled Document</title>
-<style type="text/css">
-.style1 {color: #FF6600}
-.style3 {color: #333399}
-body {
-	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
-	font-size: 12px;
-<h1>flvPlayer - A plugin for FCKeditor</h1>
-  <p>The flvPlayer plugin allows you to add and configure a small media player that playes flv and mp3's.</p>
-<h3>Installation and Configuration </h3>
-  <li>Unzip the files into the plugins folder.</li>
-  <li>Configure the editor to see the plugin. In your editor configuration file, add the line below:<br />
-    <br />
-    <span class="style1">FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'flvPlayer','en') ;</span><br />
-  <br />
-  </li>
-  <li>Add the toolbar button to your preferred menu.<br />
-    <br />
-    <span class="style1">FCKConfig.ToolbarSets[    &quot;Default&quot;] = [<br />
-    ['Source','DocProps','-','Save','NewPage','Preview','-','Templates',<span class="style3">'flvPlayer'</span>],</span><br />
-    <br />
-  </li>
-  <li>Save and upload your configuration file. If all goes well, you should see the flvPlayer icon <img src="flvPlayer.gif" alt="flvPlayer" width="16" height="16" />on your toolbar. </li>
-<p>&nbsp; </p>

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