@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
+ * This file contains a class used like library, provides functions for dashboard.
+ * @author Christian Fasanando <christian1827@gmail.com>
+ * @package chamilo.dashboard
+ */
+ * DashboardManager can be used to manage dashboard
+ * @package chamilo.dashboard
+ */
+class DashboardManager
+ /**
+ * contructor
+ */
+ private function __construct() {}
+ /**
+ * This function allows easy activating and inactivating of dashboard plugins
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public static function handle_dashboard_plugins() {
+ $table_settings_current = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT);
+ /* We scan the plugin directory. Each folder is a potential plugin. */
+ $dashboard_pluginpath = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).'dashboard/';
+ $possibleplugins = self::get_posible_dashboard_plugins_path();
+ $table_cols = array('name', 'version', 'description');
+ echo '<h3>'.get_lang('DashboardPlugins').'</h3>';
+ echo '<form name="plugins" method="post" action="'.api_get_self().'?category='.$_GET['category'].'">';
+ echo '<table class="data_table">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th width="50px">'.get_lang('Enabled').'</th>';
+ echo '<th width="250px">'.get_lang('Name').'</th>';
+ echo '<th width="100px">'.get_lang('Version').'</th>';
+ echo '<th>'.get_lang('Description').'</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ $disabled_block_data = self::get_block_data_without_plugin();
+ // We display all the possible enabled or disabled plugins
+ foreach ($possibleplugins as $testplugin) {
+ $plugin_info_file = $dashboard_pluginpath.$testplugin."/$testplugin.info";
+ $plugin_info = array();
+ if (file_exists($plugin_info_file)) {
+ $plugin_info = parse_info_file($plugin_info_file);
+ }
+ // change index to lower case
+ $plugin_info = array_change_key_case($plugin_info);
+ echo '<tr>';
+ self::display_dashboard_plugin_checkboxes($testplugin);
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($table_cols); $i++) {
+ if (isset($plugin_info[strtolower($table_cols[$i])])) {
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo $plugin_info[$table_cols[$i]];
+ echo '</td>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<td> </td>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ // display all disabled block data
+ if (count($disabled_block_data) > 0) {
+ foreach ($disabled_block_data as $disabled_block) {
+ echo '<tr style="background-color:#eee">';
+ echo '<td><center><input type="checkbox" name="disabled_block" value="true" disabled /></center>';
+ for ($j = 0 ; $j < count($table_cols); $j++) {
+ if (isset($disabled_block[strtolower($table_cols[$j])])) {
+ if ($j == 2) {
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<font color="#aaa">'.$disabled_block[$table_cols[$j]].'</font><br />';
+ echo '<font color="red">'.get_lang('ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory').'</font>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<td>';
+ echo '<font color="#aaa">'.$disabled_block[$table_cols[$j]].'</font>';
+ echo '</td>';
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo '<td> </td>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<button class="save" type="submit" name="submit_dashboard_plugins" value="'.get_lang('EnableDashboardPlugins').'">'.get_lang('EnableDashboardPlugins').'</button></form>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * display checkboxes for dashboard plugin list
+ * @param string plugin path
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public static function display_dashboard_plugin_checkboxes($plugin_path) {
+ $tbl_block = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_BLOCK);
+ $plugin_path = Database::escape_string($plugin_path);
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_block WHERE path = '$plugin_path' AND active = 1";
+ $rs = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $checked = '';
+ if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) {
+ $checked = "checked";
+ }
+ echo "<td align=\"center\">";
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$plugin_path.'" value="true" '.$checked.'/>';
+ echo "</td>";
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function allows easy activating and inactivating of plugins and save them inside db
+ * @param array dashboard plugin paths
+ * return int affected rows
+ */
+ public static function store_dashboard_plugins($plugin_paths)
+ {
+ $tbl_block = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_BLOCK);
+ $affected_rows = 0;
+ // get all plugins path inside plugin directory
+ $dashboard_pluginpath = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).'dashboard/';
+ $possibleplugins = self::get_posible_dashboard_plugins_path();
+ $condition_path = '';
+ if (count($possibleplugins) > 0) {
+ $tmp_possibleplugins = $possibleplugins;
+ foreach ($tmp_possibleplugins as &$plugins) {
+ $plugins = "'".$plugins."'";
+ }
+ $condition_path = ' WHERE path IN('.implode(',',$tmp_possibleplugins).')';
+ // clean block table for adding paths
+ $sql = "SELECT id FROM $tbl_block $condition_path ";
+ $rs = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) {
+ $sql_del = "DELETE FROM $tbl_block $condition_path ";
+ Database::query($sql_del, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ // get selected plugins
+ $selected_plugins = array();
+ if (!empty($plugin_paths)) {
+ $selected_plugins = array_intersect(array_keys($plugin_paths),$possibleplugins);
+ }
+ if (count($selected_plugins) > 0) {
+ foreach ($selected_plugins as $testplugin) {
+ $plugin_info_file = $dashboard_pluginpath.$testplugin."/$testplugin.info";
+ $plugin_info = array();
+ if (file_exists($plugin_info_file)) {
+ $plugin_info = parse_info_file($plugin_info_file);
+ }
+ // change keys to lower case
+ $plugin_info = array_change_key_case($plugin_info);
+ // setting variables
+ $plugin_name = $testplugin;
+ $plugin_description = '';
+ $plugin_controller = '';
+ $plugin_path = $testplugin;
+ if (isset($plugin_info['name'])) {
+ $plugin_name = Database::escape_string($plugin_info['name']);
+ }
+ if (isset($plugin_info['description'])) {
+ $plugin_description = Database::escape_string($plugin_info['description']);
+ }
+ if (isset($plugin_info['controller'])) {
+ $plugin_controller = Database::escape_string($plugin_info['controller']);
+ }
+ $sql_ins = "INSERT INTO $tbl_block(name, description, path, controller) VALUES ('$plugin_name', '$plugin_description', '$plugin_path', '$plugin_controller')";
+ Database::query($sql_ins, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $affected_rows = Database::affected_rows();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $affected_rows;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all plugins path inside dashboard directory
+ * @return array name plugins directories
+ */
+ public static function get_posible_dashboard_plugins_path() {
+ // get all plugins path inside plugin directory
+ /* We scan the plugin directory. Each folder is a potential plugin. */
+ $possibleplugins = array();
+ $dashboard_pluginpath = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).'dashboard/';
+ $handle = @opendir($dashboard_pluginpath);
+ while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
+ {
+ if ($file <> '.' AND $file <> '..' AND is_dir($dashboard_pluginpath.$file))
+ {
+ $possibleplugins[] = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ @closedir($handle);
+ return $possibleplugins;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all blocks data without plugin directory
+ * @return array Block data
+ */
+ public static function get_block_data_without_plugin() {
+ $tbl_block = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_BLOCK);
+ $possibleplugins = self::get_posible_dashboard_plugins_path();
+ // We check if plugin exists inside directory for updating active field
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_block";
+ $rs = Database::query($sql);
+ if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0){
+ while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) {
+ $path = $row['path'];
+ if (!in_array($row['path'],$possibleplugins)) {
+ $active = 0;
+ } else {
+ $active = 1;
+ }
+ // update active
+ $upd = "UPDATE $tbl_block SET active = '$active' WHERE path = '".$row['path']."'";
+ Database::query($upd);
+ }
+ }
+ // get disabled block data
+ $block_data = array();
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_block WHERE active = 0";
+ $rs_block = Database::query($sql);
+ if (Database::num_rows($rs_block) > 0) {
+ while ($row_block = Database::fetch_array($rs_block)) {
+ $block_data[] = $row_block;
+ }
+ }
+ return $block_data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get data about enabled dashboard block (stored insise block table)
+ * @param string plugin path
+ * @return array data
+ */
+ public static function get_enabled_dashboard_blocks($path = '') {
+ $tbl_block = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_BLOCK);
+ $condition_path = '';
+ if (!empty($path)) {
+ $path = Database::escape_string($path);
+ $condition_path = ' WHERE path = "'.$path.'" ';
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_block $condition_path WHERE active = 1";
+ $rs = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $block_data = array();
+ if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) {
+ while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) {
+ $block_data[$row['path']] = $row;
+ }
+ }
+ return $block_data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * display user dashboard list
+ * @param int User id
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public static function display_user_dashboard_list($user_id) {
+ $enabled_dashboard_plugins = self::get_enabled_dashboard_blocks();
+ $user_block_data = self::get_user_block_data($user_id);
+ if (count($enabled_dashboard_plugins) > 0) {
+ echo '<div style="margin-top:20px">';
+ echo '<div><strong>'.get_lang('SelectBlockForDisplayingInsideBlocksDashboardView').'</strong></div><br />';
+ echo '<form name="dashboard_list" method="post" action="index.php?action=store_user_block">';
+ echo '<table class="data_table">';
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<th width="5%">';
+ echo get_lang('Enabled');
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th width="30%">';
+ echo get_lang('Name');
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th width="40%">';
+ echo get_lang('Description');
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '<th>';
+ echo get_lang('ColumnPosition');
+ echo '</th>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ // We display all enabled plugins and the checkboxes
+ foreach ($enabled_dashboard_plugins as $block) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ // checkboxes
+ self::display_user_dashboard_list_checkboxes($user_id, $block['id']);
+ echo '<td>'.$block['name'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td>'.$block['description'].'</td>';
+ echo '<td><center>
+ <select name="columns['.$block['id'].']">
+ <option value="1" '.($user_block_data[$block['id']]['column']==1?'selected':'').' >1</option>
+ <option value="2" '.($user_block_data[$block['id']]['column']==2?'selected':'').' >2</option>
+ </select></center>
+ </td>';
+ echo '</tr>';
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<button class="save" type="submit" name="submit_dashboard_list" value="'.get_lang('EnableDashboardBlock').'">'.get_lang('EnableDashboardBlock').'</button></form>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<div style="margin-top:20px">'.get_lang('ThereAreNoEnabledDashboardPlugins').'</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * display checkboxes for user dashboard list
+ * @param int User id
+ * @param int Block id
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public static function display_user_dashboard_list_checkboxes($user_id, $block_id) {
+ $user_id = intval($user_id);
+ $user_block_data = self::get_user_block_data($user_id);
+ $enabled_blocks_id = array_keys($user_block_data);
+ $checked = '';
+ if (in_array($block_id, $enabled_blocks_id)) {
+ $checked = "checked";
+ }
+ echo "<td align=\"center\">";
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" name="enabled_blocks['.$block_id.']" value="true" '.$checked.'/>';
+ echo "</td>";
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function store enabled blocks id with its column position (block_id1:colum;block_id2:colum; ...) inside extra user fields
+ * @param int User id
+ * @param array selected blocks
+ * @param array columns position
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function store_user_blocks($user_id, $enabled_blocks, $columns) {
+ $selected_blocks_id = array_keys($enabled_blocks);
+ // build data for storing inside extra user field
+ $fname = 'dashboard';
+ $fvalue = array();
+ foreach ($selected_blocks_id as $block_id) {
+ $fvalue[] = $block_id.':'.$columns[$block_id];
+ }
+ $upd_extra_field = UserManager::update_extra_field_value($user_id, $fname, $fvalue);
+ return $upd_extra_field;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function get user block data (block id with its number of column) from extra user data
+ * @param int User id
+ * @return array data (block_id,column)
+ */
+ public static function get_user_block_data($user_id) {
+ $user_id = intval($user_id);
+ $field_variable = 'dashboard';
+ $extra_user_data = UserManager::get_extra_user_data_by_field($user_id, $field_variable);
+ $extra_user_data = explode(';',$extra_user_data[$field_variable]);
+ $data = array();
+ foreach ($extra_user_data as $extra) {
+ $split_extra = explode(':',$extra);
+ $block_id = $split_extra[0];
+ $column = $split_extra[1];
+ $data[$block_id] = array('block_id' => $block_id, 'column' => $column);
+ }
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function update extra user blocks data after closing a dashboard block
+ * @param int User id
+ * @param string plugin path
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function close_user_block($user_id, $path) {
+ $enabled_dashboard_blocks = self::get_enabled_dashboard_blocks($path);
+ $user_block_data = self::get_user_block_data($user_id);
+ foreach ($enabled_dashboard_blocks as $enabled_block) {
+ unset($user_block_data[$enabled_block['id']]);
+ }
+ // get columns and blocks id for updating extra user data
+ $columns = array();
+ $user_blocks_id = array();
+ foreach ($user_block_data as $data) {
+ $user_blocks_id[$data['block_id']] = true;
+ $columns[$data['block_id']] = $data['column'];
+ }
+ // update extra user blocks data
+ $upd_extra_field = self::store_user_blocks($user_id, $user_blocks_id, $columns);
+ return $upd_extra_field;
+ }
+ /**
+ * get links for styles from dashboard plugins
+ * @return string links
+ */
+ public static function get_links_for_styles_from_dashboard_plugins() {
+ $possible_paths = self::get_posible_dashboard_plugins_path();
+ $enabled_blocks = self::get_enabled_dashboard_blocks();
+ $links = '';
+ foreach ($enabled_blocks as $block) {
+ $path = $block['path'];
+ $dashboard_plugin_path = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).'dashboard/'.$path.'/css/';
+ if (is_dir($dashboard_plugin_path)) {
+ $handle = @opendir($dashboard_plugin_path);
+ while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
+ if ($file <> '.' AND $file <> '..') {
+ $src = api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH).'dashboard/'.$path.'/css/'.$file;
+ $links .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$src.'" type="text/css" />'.PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ }
+ @closedir($handle);
+ }
+ }
+ return $links;
+ }