@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ if (!isset($GLOBALS['XHPROF_LIB_ROOT'])) {
$GLOBALS['XHPROF_LIB_ROOT'] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');
-include_once $GLOBALS['XHPROF_LIB_ROOT'].'/utils/xhprof_lib.php';
-include_once $GLOBALS['XHPROF_LIB_ROOT'].'/utils/callgraph_utils.php';
-include_once $GLOBALS['XHPROF_LIB_ROOT'].'/utils/xhprof_runs.php';
+require_once $GLOBALS['XHPROF_LIB_ROOT'].'/utils/xhprof_lib.php';
+require_once $GLOBALS['XHPROF_LIB_ROOT'].'/utils/callgraph_utils.php';
+require_once $GLOBALS['XHPROF_LIB_ROOT'].'/utils/xhprof_runs.php';
* Our coding convention disallows relative paths in hrefs.
* Get the base URL path from the SCRIPT_NAME.
-$base_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), "/");
+$base_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/\\');
@@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ $base_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), "/");
function xhprof_include_js_css($ui_dir_url_path = null) {
if (empty($ui_dir_url_path)) {
- $ui_dir_url_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), "/");
+ $ui_dir_url_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/\\');
// style sheets
echo "<link href='$ui_dir_url_path/css/xhprof.css' rel='stylesheet' ".
- " type='text/css'></link>";
+ " type='text/css' />";
echo "<link href='$ui_dir_url_path/jquery/jquery.tooltip.css' ".
- " rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></link>";
+ " rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />";
echo "<link href='$ui_dir_url_path/jquery/jquery.autocomplete.css' ".
- " rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></link>";
+ " rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />";
// javascript
echo "<script src='$ui_dir_url_path/jquery/jquery-1.2.6.js'>".
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function xhprof_count_format($num) {
function xhprof_percent_format($s, $precision = 1) {
- return sprintf('%.'.$precision.'f%%', 100*$s);
+ return sprintf('%.'.$precision.'f%%', 100 * $s);
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function xhprof_percent_format($s, $precision = 1) {
* into a HTML list and returns the text.
function xhprof_render_actions($actions) {
- $out = array( );
+ $out = array();
if (count($actions)) {
$out[] = '<ul class="xhprof_actions">';
@@ -380,8 +380,7 @@ $metrics = null;
* @author Kannan
-function sort_cbk($a, $b)
+function sort_cbk($a, $b) {
global $sort_col;
global $diff_mode;
@@ -413,82 +412,6 @@ function sort_cbk($a, $b)
- * Initialize the metrics we'll display based on the information
- * in the raw data.
- *
- * @author Kannan
- */
-function init_metrics($xhprof_data, $rep_symbol, $sort, $diff_report = false) {
- global $stats;
- global $pc_stats;
- global $metrics;
- global $diff_mode;
- global $sortable_columns;
- global $sort_col;
- global $display_calls;
- $diff_mode = $diff_report;
- if (!empty($sort)) {
- if (array_key_exists($sort, $sortable_columns)) {
- $sort_col = $sort;
- } else {
- print("Invalid Sort Key $sort specified in URL");
- }
- }
- // For C++ profiler runs, walltime attribute isn't present.
- // In that case, use "samples" as the default sort column.
- if (!isset($xhprof_data["main()"]["wt"])) {
- if ($sort_col == "wt") {
- $sort_col = "samples";
- }
- // C++ profiler data doesn't have call counts.
- // ideally we should check to see if "ct" metric
- // is present for "main()". But currently "ct"
- // metric is artificially set to 1. So, relying
- // on absence of "wt" metric instead.
- $display_calls = false;
- } else {
- $display_calls = true;
- }
- // parent/child report doesn't support exclusive times yet.
- // So, change sort hyperlinks to closest fit.
- if (!empty($rep_symbol)) {
- $sort_col = str_replace("excl_", "", $sort_col);
- }
- if ($display_calls) {
- $stats = array("fn", "ct", "Calls%");
- } else {
- $stats = array("fn");
- }
- $pc_stats = $stats;
- $possible_metrics = xhprof_get_possible_metrics($xhprof_data);
- foreach ($possible_metrics as $metric => $desc) {
- if (isset($xhprof_data["main()"][$metric])) {
- $metrics[] = $metric;
- // flat (top-level reports): we can compute
- // exclusive metrics reports as well.
- $stats[] = $metric;
- $stats[] = "I" . $desc[0] . "%";
- $stats[] = "excl_" . $metric;
- $stats[] = "E" . $desc[0] . "%";
- // parent/child report for a function: we can
- // only breakdown inclusive times correctly.
- $pc_stats[] = $metric;
- $pc_stats[] = "I" . $desc[0] . "%";
- }
- }
* Get the appropriate description for a statistic
* (depending upon whether we are in diff report mode
@@ -584,7 +507,7 @@ function profiler_report ($url_params,
// set up the action links for operations that can be done on this report
$links = array();
- $links []= xhprof_render_link("View Top Level $diff_text Report",
+ $links [] = xhprof_render_link("View Top Level $diff_text Report",
if ($diff_mode) {
@@ -593,9 +516,9 @@ function profiler_report ($url_params,
$inverted_params['run2'] = $url_params['run1'];
// view the different runs or invert the current diff
- $links []= $run1_link;
- $links []= $run2_link;
- $links []= xhprof_render_link('Invert ' . $diff_text . ' Report',
+ $links [] = $run1_link;
+ $links [] = $run2_link;
+ $links [] = xhprof_render_link('Invert ' . $diff_text . ' Report',
@@ -698,7 +621,7 @@ function print_td_num($num, $fmt_func, $bold=false, $attributes=null) {
$class = get_print_class($num, $bold);
- if (!empty($fmt_func)) {
+ if (!empty($fmt_func) && is_numeric($num) ) {
$num = call_user_func($fmt_func, $num);
@@ -755,6 +678,7 @@ function print_function_info($url_params, $info, $sort, $run1, $run2) {
print(xhprof_render_link($info["fn"], $href));
+ print_source_link($info);
if ($display_calls) {
@@ -824,20 +748,19 @@ function print_flat_data($url_params, $title, $flat_data, $sort, $run1, $run2, $
if ($stat == "fn")
print("<th align=left><nobr>$header</th>");
- else
- print("<th " . $vwbar . "><nobr>$header</th>");
+ else print("<th " . $vwbar . "><nobr>$header</th>");
if ($limit >= 0) {
$limit = min($size, $limit);
- for($i=0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
print_function_info($url_params, $flat_data[$i], $sort, $run1, $run2);
} else {
// if $limit is negative, print abs($limit) items starting from the end
$limit = min($size, abs($limit));
- for($i=0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
print_function_info($url_params, $flat_data[$size - $i - 1], $sort, $run1, $run2);
@@ -925,7 +848,7 @@ function full_report($url_params, $symbol_tab, $sort, $run1, $run2) {
.'bgcolor="#bdc7d8" align=center>' . "\n");
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th style='text-align:right'>Overall Summary</th>";
- echo "<th'></th>";
+ echo "<th></th>";
echo "</tr>";
foreach ($metrics as $metric) {
@@ -1017,8 +940,7 @@ function pc_info($info, $base_ct, $base_info, $parent) {
if ($parent)
$type = "Parent";
- else
- $type = "Child";
+ else $type = "Child";
if ($display_calls) {
$mouseoverct = get_tooltip_attributes($type, "ct");
@@ -1061,6 +983,7 @@ function print_pc_array($url_params, $results, $base_ct, $base_info, $parent,
$href = "$base_path/?" .
'symbol', $info["fn"]));
$odd_even = 1 - $odd_even;
if ($odd_even) {
@@ -1070,12 +993,25 @@ function print_pc_array($url_params, $results, $base_ct, $base_info, $parent,
print('<tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">');
- print("<td>" . xhprof_render_link($info["fn"], $href) . "</td>");
+ print("<td>" . xhprof_render_link($info["fn"], $href));
+ print_source_link($info);
+ print("</td>");
pc_info($info, $base_ct, $base_info, $parent);
+function print_source_link($info) {
+ if (strncmp($info['fn'], 'run_init', 8) && $info['fn'] !== 'main()') {
+ if (defined('XHPROF_SYMBOL_LOOKUP_URL')) {
+ $link = xhprof_render_link(
+ 'source',
+ XHPROF_SYMBOL_LOOKUP_URL . '?symbol='.rawurlencode($info["fn"]));
+ print(' ('.$link.')');
+ }
+ }
function print_symbol_summary($symbol_info, $stat, $base) {
@@ -1178,10 +1114,10 @@ function symbol_report($url_params,
$avg_info1 = 'N/A';
$avg_info2 = 'N/A';
if ($symbol_info1['ct'] > 0) {
- $avg_info1 = ($symbol_info1[$m]/$symbol_info1['ct']);
+ $avg_info1 = ($symbol_info1[$m] / $symbol_info1['ct']);
if ($symbol_info2['ct'] > 0) {
- $avg_info2 = ($symbol_info2[$m]/$symbol_info2['ct']);
+ $avg_info2 = ($symbol_info2[$m] / $symbol_info2['ct']);
print_td_num($avg_info1, $format_cbk[$m]);
print_td_num($avg_info2, $format_cbk[$m]);
@@ -1231,8 +1167,7 @@ function symbol_report($url_params,
if ($stat == "fn")
print("<th align=left><nobr>$header</th>");
- else
- print("<th " . $vwbar . "><nobr>$header</th>");
+ else print("<th " . $vwbar . "><nobr>$header</th>");
@@ -1242,7 +1177,9 @@ function symbol_report($url_params,
// make this a self-reference to facilitate copy-pasting snippets to e-mails
- print("<td><a href=''>$rep_symbol</a></td>");
+ print("<td><a href=''>$rep_symbol</a>");
+ print_source_link(array('fn' => $rep_symbol));
+ print("</td>");
if ($display_calls) {
// Call Count
@@ -1333,7 +1270,7 @@ function symbol_report($url_params,
print("var func_name = '\"" . $rep_symbol . "\"';\n");
print("var total_child_ct = " . $base_ct . ";\n");
if ($display_calls) {
- print("var func_ct = " . $symbol_info["ct"] . ";\n" );
+ print("var func_ct = " . $symbol_info["ct"] . ";\n");
print("var func_metrics = new Array();\n");
print("var metrics_col = new Array();\n");
@@ -1345,7 +1282,7 @@ function symbol_report($url_params,
$column_index = 3; // First three columns are Func Name, Calls, Calls%
foreach ($metrics as $metric) {
- print("func_metrics[\"" . $metric . "\"] = " . round($symbol_info[$metric]) . ";\n" );
+ print("func_metrics[\"" . $metric . "\"] = " . round($symbol_info[$metric]) . ";\n");
print("metrics_col[\"". $metric . "\"] = " . $column_index . ";\n");
print("metrics_desc[\"". $metric . "\"] = \"" . $possible_metrics[$metric][2] . "\";\n");
@@ -1495,5 +1432,8 @@ function displayXHProfReport($xhprof_runs_impl, $url_params, $source,
} else {
echo "No XHProf runs specified in the URL.";
+ if (method_exists($xhprof_runs_impl, 'list_runs')) {
+ $xhprof_runs_impl->list_runs();
+ }