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+Feature: Exercise tool
+ In order to use the exercise tool
+ The teachers should be able to create exercises
+ Background:
+ Given I am a platform administrator
+ And I am on course "TEMP" homepage
+ Scenario: Create an exercise
+ Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise_admin.php?cidReq=TEMP"
+ When I fill in the following:
+ | exercise_title | Exercise 1 |
+ | exerciseDescription | Exercise description |
+ And I press "submitExercise"
+ Then I should see "Exercise added"
+# Scenario: Create an exercise with a question
+# Given I am on "/main/exercise/exercise.php?cidReq=TEMP"
+# And I follow "Exercise 1"
+# And I follow "Edit"
+# And I follow "Multiple choice"
+# When I fill in the following:
+# | questionName | Question Multiple choice |
+## | answer[1] | Answer 1 |
+## | answer[2] | Answer 2 |
+## | answer[3] | Answer 3 |
+## | answer[4] | Answer 4 |
+## | weighting[1] | 10 |
+## Then I fill in wysiwyg field "answer[1]" with "Answer 1"
+# And I press "submitQuestion"
+# Then I should see "Item added"