
Removing unused migration files, now chash handles this process.

Julio Montoya 11 年之前
共有 39 個文件被更改,包括 0 次插入9378 次删除
  1. 0 135
  2. 0 36
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  31. 0 150
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  37. 0 75
  38. 0 75
  39. 0 85

+ 0 - 135

@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- *	Install the Chamilo database
- *	Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- *
- *	@package chamilo.install
- */
-/* This page is called only during a NEW chamilo installation */
-/* This page can only be access through including from the install script.  */
- * Init checks
- */
-if (!defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here!';
-	exit;
-$urlForm = api_add_trailing_slash($urlForm);
-switch ($encryptPassForm) {
-    case 'md5':
-        $passToStore = md5($passForm);
-		break;
-    case 'sha1':
-        $passToStore = sha1($passForm);
-        break;
-    case 'none':
-        $passToStore = $passForm;
-        break;
-$dbPrefixForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbPrefixForm);
-$dbNameForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbNameForm);
-if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbNameForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-	$dbNameForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbNameForm;
-$dbStatsForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbStatsForm);
-if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbStatsForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-	$dbStatsForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbStatsForm;
-$dbUserForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbUserForm);
-if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbUserForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-	$dbUserForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbUserForm;
-$mysqlMainDb = $dbNameForm;
-if (empty($mysqlMainDb) || $mysqlMainDb == 'mysql' || $mysqlMainDb == $dbPrefixForm) {
-	$mysqlMainDb = $dbPrefixForm.'main';
-$mysqlStatsDb = $dbStatsForm;
-if (empty($mysqlStatsDb) || $mysqlStatsDb == 'mysql' || $mysqlStatsDb == $dbPrefixForm) {
-	$mysqlStatsDb = $dbPrefixForm.'stats';
-$mysqlUserDb = $dbUserForm;
-if (empty($mysqlUserDb) || $mysqlUserDb == 'mysql' || $mysqlUserDb == $dbPrefixForm) {
-	$mysqlUserDb = $dbPrefixForm.'user';
-//This parameter is needed to run a command line to install Chamilo using BNPanel + ISPConfig see #1799
-if (!defined('CLI_INSTALLATION')) {
-	$result = Database::query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'datadir'") or die(Database::error());
-	$mysqlRepositorySys = Database::fetch_array($result);
-	$mysqlRepositorySys = $mysqlRepositorySys['Value'];
-	$create_database = true;
-	if (database_exists($mysqlMainDb)) {
-        $create_database = false;
-    }
-	// Create database.
-	if ($create_database) {
-        $charset_clause = ' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci';
-		$sql = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `$mysqlMainDb` $charset_clause";
-		Database::query($sql) or die(Database::error());
-	}
-$mysqlStatsDb = $mysqlMainDb;
-$mysqlUserDb = $mysqlMainDb;
-// This parameter is needed to run a command line install of Chamilo (needed for Phing)
-if (!defined('CLI_INSTALLATION')) {
-	include api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH).'english/create_course.inc.php';
-	if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-		include api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH).$languageForm.'/create_course.inc.php';
-	}
-iDatabase::select_db($mysqlMainDb) or die(Database::error());
-$installation_settings = array();
-$installation_settings['{ORGANISATIONNAME}']                = $institutionForm;
-$installation_settings['{ORGANISATIONURL}']                 = $institutionUrlForm;
-$installation_settings['{CAMPUSNAME}']                      = $campusForm;
-$installation_settings['{PLATFORMLANGUAGE}']                = $languageForm;
-$installation_settings['{ALLOWSELFREGISTRATION}']           = true_false($allowSelfReg);
-$installation_settings['{ALLOWTEACHERSELFREGISTRATION}']    = true_false($allowSelfRegProf);
-$installation_settings['{ADMINLASTNAME}']                   = $adminLastName;
-$installation_settings['{ADMINFIRSTNAME}']                  = $adminFirstName;
-$installation_settings['{ADMINLOGIN}']                      = $loginForm;
-$installation_settings['{ADMINPASSWORD}']                   = $passToStore;
-$installation_settings['{ADMINEMAIL}']                      = $emailForm;
-$installation_settings['{ADMINPHONE}']                      = $adminPhoneForm;
-$installation_settings['{PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE}']            = PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE;
-$installation_settings['{ADMINLANGUAGE}']                   = $languageForm;
-$installation_settings['{HASHFUNCTIONMODE}']                = $encryptPassForm;
-$track_countries_table = "track_c_countries";

+ 0 - 36

@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Install the Chamilo files
- * Notice : This script has to be included by install/index.php
- *
- * The script creates two files:
- * - configuration.php, the file that contains very important info for Chamilo
- *   such as the database names.
- * - .htaccess file (in the courses directory) that is optional but improves
- *   security
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Write the system config file
-	// write_system_config_file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php');
-    write_system_config_file(api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'configuration.php');
-	// Write a distribution file with the config as a backup for the admin
-	//write_system_config_file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.dist.php');
-	// Write a .htaccess file in the course repository
-	write_courses_htaccess_file($urlAppendPath);
-	// Copy distribution files with renaming for being the actual system configuration files.
-	copy(api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'mail.conf.dist.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'mail.conf.php');
-	copy(api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'profile.conf.dist.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'profile.conf.php');
-    copy(api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'events.conf.dist.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'events.conf.php');
-    copy(api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'auth.conf.dist.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'auth.conf.php');
-	copy(api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'portfolio.conf.dist.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'portfolio.conf.php');

+ 0 - 65

@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.6.x to version 1.8.0
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple 
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read 
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there 
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement DROP COLUMN visible_teacher_temp;
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement DROP COLUMN visible_student_temp;
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement DROP COLUMN visible_guest_temp;
--- DELETE FROM settings_options WHERE variable='showonline';
--- xxSTATSxx
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxSCORMxx
-DROP TABLE scorm_main;
-DROP TABLE scorm_sco_data;
--- xxCOURSExx
-ALTER TABLE quiz DROP COLUMN active_temp;
-ALTER TABLE tool DROP COLUMN added_tool_temp;
-ALTER TABLE group_info DROP COLUMN tutor_id;
-ALTER TABLE group_info DROP COLUMN forum_state;
-ALTER TABLE group_info DROP COLUMN forum_id;
-ALTER TABLE group_info DROP COLUMN self_registration_allowed_temp;
-ALTER TABLE group_info DROP COLUMN self_unregistration_allowed_temp;
-ALTER TABLE group_info DROP COLUMN doc_state_temp;
-ALTER TABLE group_category DROP COLUMN forum_state;
-ALTER TABLE group_category DROP COLUMN self_reg_allowed_temp;
-ALTER TABLE group_category DROP COLUMN self_unreg_allowed_temp;
-DROP TABLE bb_access;
-DROP TABLE bb_banlist;
-DROP TABLE bb_categories;
-DROP TABLE bb_config;
-DROP TABLE bb_disallow;
-DROP TABLE bb_forum_access;
-DROP TABLE bb_forum_mods;
-DROP TABLE bb_forums;
-DROP TABLE bb_headermetafooter;
-DROP TABLE bb_posts;
-DROP TABLE bb_posts_text;
-DROP TABLE bb_priv_msgs;
-DROP TABLE bb_ranks;
-DROP TABLE bb_sessions;
-DROP TABLE bb_themes;
-DROP TABLE bb_topics;
-DROP TABLE bb_users;
-DROP TABLE bb_whosonline;
-DROP TABLE bb_words;
--- ? DROP TABLE stud_pub_rel_user;

+ 0 - 315

@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.6.x to version 1.8.0
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-ALTER TABLE admin 		CHANGE user_id 	user_id 	int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE class_user 	CHANGE class_id class_id 	mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE class_user 	CHANGE user_id 	user_id 	int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE course 		ADD registration_code		varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE course_rel_user CHANGE user_id user_id int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE course_rel_user CHANGE sort sort int default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE user CHANGE auth_source auth_source varchar(50) default 'platform';
-ALTER TABLE user ADD language varchar(40) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE user ADD registration_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE user ADD expiration_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE user ADD active tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
-UPDATE user SET auth_source='platform' WHERE auth_source='claroline';
-UPDATE user SET registration_date=NOW();
--- Rename table session into php_session
-RENAME TABLE session TO php_session;
-ALTER TABLE php_session CHANGE sess_id session_id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE php_session CHANGE sess_name session_name varchar(10) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE php_session CHANGE sess_time session_time int NOT NULL default '0';
-ALTER TABLE php_session CHANGE sess_start session_start int NOT NULL default '0';
-ALTER TABLE php_session CHANGE sess_value session_value text NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE php_session ADD PRIMARY KEY (session_id);
-CREATE TABLE session (id smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, id_coach int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', name char(50) NOT NULL default '', nbr_courses smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0', nbr_users mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0', nbr_classes mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0', date_start date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', date_end date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', PRIMARY KEY  (id),  UNIQUE KEY name (name));
-CREATE TABLE session_rel_course(id_session smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0', course_code char(40) NOT NULL default '', id_coach int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', nbr_users smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY  (id_session,course_code), KEY course_code (course_code));
-CREATE TABLE session_rel_course_rel_user(id_session smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0', course_code char(40) NOT NULL default '', id_user int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY  (id_session,course_code,id_user), KEY id_user (id_user), KEY course_code (course_code));
-CREATE TABLE session_rel_user(id_session mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0', id_user mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY  (id_session,id_user));
-CREATE TABLE shared_survey (survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,code varchar(20) default NULL,title text default NULL,subtitle text default NULL,author varchar(250) default NULL,lang varchar(20) default NULL,template varchar(20) default NULL,intro text,surveythanks text,creation_date datetitme NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (survey_id));
-CREATE TABLE shared_survey_question (question_id int not null auto_increment,survey_id int not null default 0,survey_question text not null,survey_question_comment text not null,type varchar(250) not null default '',display varchar(10) not null default '',sort int not null default 0,code varchar(40) not null default '', max_value int NOT NULL DEFAULT '',primary key (question_id));
-CREATE TABLE shared_survey_question_option (question_option_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,question_id int NOT NULL default 0,survey_id int NOT NULL default 0,option_text text NOT NULL,sort int NOT NULL default 0,primary key (question_option_id));
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement CHANGE visible_teacher visible_teacher_temp enum('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false';
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN visible_teacher tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-UPDATE sys_announcement SET visible_teacher = 0 WHERE visible_teacher_temp = 'false';
-UPDATE sys_announcement SET visible_teacher = 1 WHERE visible_teacher_temp = 'true';
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement CHANGE visible_student visible_student_temp enum('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false';
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN visible_student tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-UPDATE sys_announcement SET visible_student = 0 WHERE visible_student_temp = 'false';
-UPDATE sys_announcement SET visible_student = 1 WHERE visible_student_temp = 'true';
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement CHANGE visible_guest visible_guest_temp enum('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false';
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN visible_guest tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-UPDATE sys_announcement SET visible_guest = 0 WHERE visible_guest_temp = 'false';
-UPDATE sys_announcement SET visible_guest = 1 WHERE visible_guest_temp = 'true';
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD lang varchar(70) NULL;
--- update contents of the main db tables
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'activity' WHERE variable='homepage_view';
-UPDATE settings_current SET subkey = 'world', type = 'checkbox', subkeytext = 'ShowOnlineWorld' WHERE variable='showonline';
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('showonline','users','checkbox','Platform','true','ShowOnlineTitle','ShowOnlineComment',NULL,'ShowOnlineUsers');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('showonline','course','checkbox','Platform','true','ShowOnlineTitle','ShowOnlineComment',NULL,'ShowOnlineCourse');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('profile','language','checkbox','User','true','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'Language');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('registration','language','checkbox','User','true','RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment',NULL,'Language');
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='announcements';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='forums';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='dropbox';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='quiz';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='users';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='groups';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='chat';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='online_conference';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='course_create_active_tools' AND subkey='student_publications';
--- UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='use_document_title';
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_navigation_menu',NULL,'radio','Course','false','ShowNavigationMenuTitle','ShowNavigationMenuComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('enable_tool_introduction',NULL,'radio','course','false','EnableToolIntroductionTitle','EnableToolIntroductionComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('page_after_login', NULL, 'radio','Platform','user_portal.php', 'PageAfterLoginTitle','PageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('time_limit_whosonline', NULL, 'textfield','Platform','30', 'TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle','TimeLimitWhosonlineComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', NULL, 'radio','Course','course_title', 'BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle','BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('example_material_course_creation', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle','ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('account_valid_duration',NULL, 'textfield','Platform','3660', 'AccountValidDurationTitle','AccountValidDurationComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('use_session_mode', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false', 'UseSessionModeTitle','UseSessionModeComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('allow_email_editor', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowEmailEditorTitle', 'AllowEmailEditorComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('registered', NULL, 'textfield', NULL, 'false', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('donotlistcampus', NULL, 'textfield', NULL, 'false', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_email_addresses', NULL,'radio','Platform','false','ShowEmailAddresses','ShowEmailAddressesComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('profile','phone','checkbox','User','true','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'phone');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_visio', 'active', 'radio',NULL,'false', 'visio_actived','', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_visio', 'url', 'textfield',NULL,'', 'visio_url','', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_ppt2lp', 'active', 'radio',NULL,'false', 'ppt2lp_actived','', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_ppt2lp', 'host', 'textfield', NULL, NULL, 'Host', NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_ppt2lp', 'user', 'textfield', NULL, NULL, 'UserOnHost', NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_ppt2lp', 'ftp_password', 'textfield', NULL, NULL, 'FtpPassword', NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_ppt2lp', 'path_to_lzx', 'textfield', NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_ppt2lp', 'size', 'radio', NULL, '720x540', '', NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('wcag_anysurfer_public_pages', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false','PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle','PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('stylesheets', NULL, 'textfield','stylesheets','public_admin','',NULL, NULL, NULL);
-UPDATE settings_options SET value = 'activity', display_text='HomepageViewActivity' WHERE variable = 'homepage_view' AND value = 'default';
-UPDATE settings_options SET value = '2column', display_text='HomepageView2column' WHERE variable = 'homepage_view' AND value = 'basic_tools_fixed';
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('homepage_view','3column','HomepageView3column');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('allow_registration','approval','AfterApproval');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_navigation_menu','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_navigation_menu','icons','IconsOnly');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_navigation_menu','text','TextOnly');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_navigation_menu','iconstext','IconsText');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('enable_tool_introduction','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('enable_tool_introduction','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('page_after_login', 'index.php', 'CampusHomepage');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('page_after_login', 'user_portal.php', 'MyCourses');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', 'get_lang', 'CourseHomepage');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', 'course_code', 'CourseCode');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('breadcrumbs_course_homepage', 'course_title', 'CourseTitle');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('example_material_course_creation', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('example_material_course_creation', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('use_session_mode', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('use_session_mode', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('allow_email_editor', 'true' ,'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('allow_email_editor', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_email_addresses','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_email_addresses','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('wcag_anysurfer_public_pages', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('wcag_anysurfer_public_pages', 'false', 'No');
-UPDATE course_module SET image = 'links.gif' WHERE image='liens.gif';
-UPDATE course_module SET image = 'members.gif' WHERE image = 'membres.gif';
-UPDATE course_module SET link = 'forum/index.php' WHERE link = 'phpbb/index.php';
-UPDATE course_module SET image = 'statistics.gif' WHERE image = 'statistiques.gif';
-UPDATE course_module SET image = 'reference.gif', column = '1' WHERE image = 'referencement.gif';
-DELETE FROM course_module WHERE link = 'coursecopy/backup.php';
-DELETE FROM course_module WHERE link = 'coursecopy/copy_course.php';
-DELETE FROM course_module WHERE link = 'coursecopy/recycle_course.php';
-UPDATE course_module SET link = 'newscorm/lp_controller.php' WHERE link = 'scorm/scormdocument.php';
-INSERT INTO course_module(name,link,image,row,column,position) VALUES ('blog','blog/blog.php','blog.gif',1,2,'basic'); 
-INSERT INTO course_module(name,link,image,row,column,position) VALUES ('blog_management','blog/blog_admin.php','blog_admin.gif',1,2,'courseadmin'); 
-INSERT INTO course_module(name,link,image,row,column,position) VALUES ('course_maintenance','course_info/maintenance.php','backup.gif',2,3,'courseadmin'); 
-INSERT INTO course_module(name,link,image,row,column,position) VALUES ('survey','survey/survey_list.php','survey.gif',2,1,'courseadmin');
--- xxSTATSxx
-CREATE TABLE track_e_attempt(exe_id int default NULL, user_id int NOT NULL default 0, question_id int NOT NULL default 0, answer text NOT NULL, teacher_comment text NOT NULL, marks int NOT NULL default 0, course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', position int default 0);
-CREATE TABLE track_e_course_access(course_access_id int NOT NULL auto_increment, course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL, login_course_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', logout_course_date datetime default NULL, counter int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (course_access_id));
-ALTER TABLE track_e_access CHANGE access_cours_code access_cours_code varchar(40) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_lastaccess CHANGE access_id access_id bigint NOT NULL auto_increment;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_lastaccess CHANGE acces_cours_code access_cours_code varchar(40) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_lastaccess ADD access_session_id int unsigned default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_downloads CHANGE down_cours_id down_cours_id varchar(40) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_downloads CHANGE down_doc_path down_doc_path varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_links CHANGE links_cours_id links_cours_id varchar(40) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_login ADD logout_date datetime NULL default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_online ADD course varchar(40) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_uploads CHANGE upload_cours_id upload_cours_id varchar(40) NOT NULL default '';
--- xxUSERxx
-ALTER TABLE user_course_category ADD `sort` int;
--- xxCOURSExx
--- trying to keep the same order in tables declaration as in add_course.lib.inc.php
-CREATE TABLE survey ( survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, code varchar(20) default NULL, title text default NULL, subtitle text default NULL, author varchar(20) default NULL, lang varchar(20) default NULL, avail_from date default NULL, avail_till date default NULL, is_shared char(1) default '1', template varchar(20) default NULL, intro text, surveythanks text, creation_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', invited int NOT NULL, answered int NOT NULL, invite_mail text NOT NULL, reminder_mail text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (survey_id));
-CREATE TABLE survey_invitation (survey_invitation_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, survey_code varchar(20) NOT NULL, user varchar(250) NOT NULL, invitation_code varchar(250) NOT NULL, invitation_date datetime NOT NULL, reminder_date datetime NOT NULL, answered int(2) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY  (survey_invitation_id));
-CREATE TABLE survey_question ( question_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL, survey_question text NOT NULL, survey_question_comment text NOT NULL, type varchar(250) NOT NULL, display varchar(10) NOT NULL, sort int NOT NULL, shared_question_id int, max_value int, PRIMARY KEY  (question_id) );
-CREATE TABLE survey_question_option ( question_option_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, question_id int unsigned NOT NULL, survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL, option_text text NOT NULL, sort int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (question_option_id) );
-CREATE TABLE survey_answer (answer_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL, question_id int NOT NULL, option_id TEXT NOT NULL, value int unsigned not null, user varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (answer_id) );
-ALTER TABLE announcement CHANGE content content mediumtext;
-ALTER TABLE announcement ADD email_sent tinyint default 0;
--- resource table
--- userinfo_content table
--- userinfo_def table
-CREATE TABLE forum_category(cat_id int NOT NULL auto_increment, cat_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', cat_comment text, cat_order int NOT NULL default 0, locked int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (cat_id));
-CREATE TABLE forum_forum(forum_id int NOT NULL auto_increment, forum_title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', forum_comment text, forum_threads int default 0, forum_posts int default 0, forum_last_post int default 0, forum_category int default NULL, allow_anonymous int default NULL, allow_edit int default NULL, approval_direct_post varchar(20) default NULL, allow_attachments int default NULL, allow_new_threads int default NULL, default_view varchar(20) default NULL, forum_of_group varchar(20) default NULL, forum_group_public_private varchar(20) default 'public', forum_order int default NULL,  locked int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (forum_id));
-CREATE TABLE forum_thread(thread_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,thread_title varchar(255) default NULL, forum_id int default NULL, thread_replies int default 0, thread_poster_id int default NULL, thread_poster_name varchar(100) default '', thread_views int default 0, thread_last_post int default NULL, thread_date datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', thread_sticky tinyint unsigned default 0, locked int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (thread_id), KEY thread_id (thread_id));
-CREATE TABLE forum_post(post_id int NOT NULL auto_increment, post_title varchar(250) default NULL, post_text text, thread_id int default 0, forum_id int default 0, poster_id int default 0, poster_name varchar(100) default '', post_date datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', post_notification tinyint default 0, post_parent_id int default 0, visible tinyint default 1, PRIMARY KEY (post_id), KEY poster_id (poster_id), KEY forum_id (forum_id));
-CREATE TABLE forum_mailcue(thread_id int default NULL, user_id int default NULL, post_id int default NULL);
--- quiz table
-ALTER TABLE quiz CHANGE active active_temp enum('true','false') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false';
-UPDATE quiz SET active = 1 WHERE active_temp = 'true';
-UPDATE quiz SET active = 0 WHERE active_temp = 'false';
--- quiz_question table
-ALTER TABLE quiz_answer ADD COLUMN hotspot_coordinates tinytext;
-ALTER TABLE quiz_answer ADD COLUMN hotspot_type enum('square','circle','poly') default NULL;
--- quiz_rel_question table
--- course_description table
--- tool table (see insert/update queries after tables alterations)
-ALTER TABLE tool CHANGE added_tool added_tool_temp enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;
-ALTER TABLE tool ADD COLUMN added_tool tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;
-UPDATE tool SET added_tool = 0 WHERE added_tool_temp = '0';
-UPDATE tool SET added_tool = 1 WHERE added_tool_temp = '1';
-ALTER TABLE tool ADD COLUMN category enum('authoring','interaction','admin') NOT NULL default 'authoring';
-UPDATE tool SET category = 'authoring' WHERE name IN ('course_description','document','learnpath','link','quiz');
-UPDATE tool SET category = 'interaction' WHERE name IN ('student_publication','chat','group','user','dropbox','forum','announcement','calendar_event');
-UPDATE tool SET category = 'admin' WHERE name IN ('blog_management','tracking','course_setting','survey','course_maintenance');
-UPDATE tool SET name='forum' WHERE name='bb_forum';
--- calendar_event table
--- document table
--- scorm_document table (deprecated)
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD COLUMN post_group_id int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
--- link table
--- link_category table
--- online_connected table
--- online_link table
--- chat_connected table
-ALTER TABLE group_info MODIFY secret_directory varchar(255) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN calendar_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN work_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN announcements_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE group_info CHANGE self_registration_allowed self_registration_allowed_temp enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0';
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN self_registration_allowed tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-UPDATE group_info SET self_registration_allowed = 0 WHERE self_registration_allowed_temp = '0';
-UPDATE group_info SET self_registration_allowed = 1 WHERE self_registration_allowed_temp = '1';
-ALTER TABLE group_info CHANGE self_unregistration_allowed self_unregistration_allowed_temp enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0';
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN self_unregistration_allowed tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-UPDATE group_info SET self_unregistration_allowed = 0 WHERE self_unregistration_allowed_temp = '0';
-UPDATE group_info SET self_unregistration_allowed = 1 WHERE self_unregistration_allowed_temp = '1';
-ALTER TABLE group_info CHANGE doc_state doc_state_temp enum('0','1','2') NOT NULL default '1';
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN doc_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
-UPDATE group_info SET doc_state = 0 WHERE doc_state_temp = '0';
-UPDATE group_info SET doc_state = 1 WHERE doc_state_temp = '1';
-UPDATE group_info SET doc_state = 2 WHERE doc_state_temp = '2';
-ALTER TABLE group_category ADD COLUMN calendar_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE group_category ADD COLUMN work_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE group_category ADD COLUMN announcements_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE group_category CHANGE self_reg_allowed self_reg_allowed_temp enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0';
-ALTER TABLE group_category ADD COLUMN self_reg_allowed tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-UPDATE group_category SET self_reg_allowed = 0 WHERE self_reg_allowed_temp = '0';
-UPDATE group_category SET self_reg_allowed = 1 WHERE self_reg_allowed_temp = '1';
-ALTER TABLE group_category CHANGE self_unreg_allowed self_unreg_allowed_temp enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0';
-ALTER TABLE group_category ADD COLUMN self_unreg_allowed tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-UPDATE group_category SET self_unreg_allowed = 0 WHERE self_unreg_allowed_temp = '0';
-UPDATE group_category SET self_unreg_allowed = 1 WHERE self_unreg_allowed_temp = '1';
--- group_rel_user table
-CREATE TABLE group_rel_tutor(id int NOT NULL auto_increment, user_id int NOT NULL, group_id int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id));
--- item_property table
--- tool_intro table
--- dropbox_file table
-ALTER TABLE dropbox_file ADD cat_id INT NOT NULL ;
--- dropbox_post table
-ALTER TABLE dropbox_post ADD cat_id INT NOT NULL ;
--- dropbox_person table
-CREATE TABLE dropbox_category(cat_id int NOT NULL auto_increment, cat_name text NOT NULL, received tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0, sent tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0, user_id int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY  (cat_id));
-CREATE TABLE dropbox_feedback(feedback_id int NOT NULL auto_increment, file_id int NOT NULL default 0, author_user_id int NOT NULL default 0, feedback text NOT NULL, feedback_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY  (feedback_id), KEY file_id (file_id), KEY author_user_id (author_user_id));
-CREATE TABLE lp(id int	unsigned primary key auto_increment, lp_type	smallint unsigned not null, name tinytext not null, ref tinytext null, description text null, path text	not null, force_commit  tinyint	unsigned not null default 0, default_view_mod char(32) not null default 'embedded', default_encoding char(32)	not null default 'ISO-8859-1', display_order int		unsigned	not null default 0, content_maker tinytext  not null default '', content_local 	varchar(32)  not null default 'local', content_license	text not null default '', prevent_reinit tinyint unsigned not null default 1, js_lib tinytext    not null default '', debug tinyint unsigned not null default 0);
-CREATE TABLE lp_view(id	int	unsigned primary key auto_increment, lp_id int	unsigned not null, user_id int unsigned not null, view_count smallint unsigned not null default 0, last_item int	unsigned not null default 0, progress int	unsigned default 0);
-CREATE TABLE lp_item(id	int	unsigned primary key auto_increment, lp_id int unsigned	not null, item_type	char(32) not null default 'dokeos_document', ref tinytext not null default '', title tinytext not null, description	tinytext not null default '', path text	 not null, min_score float unsigned	not null default 0, max_score float unsigned not null default 100, mastery_score float unsigned null, parent_item_id		int unsigned	not null default 0, previous_item_id	int unsigned	not null default 0, next_item_id		int unsigned	not null default 0, display_order		int unsigned	not null default 0, prerequisite  char(64)  null, parameters  text  null, launch_data text not null default '');
-CREATE TABLE lp_item_view(id bigint	unsigned primary key auto_increment, lp_item_id		int unsigned	not null, lp_view_id		int unsigned 	not null, view_count		int unsigned	not null default 0, start_time		int unsigned	not null, total_time		int unsigned not null default 0, score			float unsigned not null default 0, status			char(32) not null default 'Not attempted', suspend_data	text null default '', lesson_location text null default '');
-CREATE TABLE lp_iv_interaction(id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment, order_id smallint unsigned not null default 0, lp_iv_id		bigint	unsigned not null, interaction_id	varchar(255) not null default '', interaction_type	varchar(255) not null default '', weighting			double not null default 0, completion_time	varchar(16) not null default '', correct_responses	text not null default '', student_response	text not null default '', result			varchar(255) not null default '', latency		varchar(16)	not null default '');
-CREATE TABLE blog(blog_id smallint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , blog_name varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', blog_subtitle varchar( 250 ) default NULL , date_creation datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', visibility tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (blog_id));
-CREATE TABLE blog_comment(comment_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , title varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', comment longtext NOT NULL , author_id int NOT NULL default 0, date_creation datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', blog_id mediumint NOT NULL default 0, post_id int NOT NULL default 0, task_id int default NULL , parent_comment_id int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (comment_id));
-CREATE TABLE blog_post(post_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', full_text longtext NOT NULL, date_creation datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', blog_id mediumint NOT NULL default 0, author_id int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (post_id));
-CREATE TABLE blog_rating(rating_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, blog_id int NOT NULL default 0, rating_type enum( 'post', 'comment' ) NOT NULL default 'post', item_id int NOT NULL default 0, user_id int NOT NULL default 0, rating mediumint NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (rating_id));
-CREATE TABLE blog_rel_user(blog_id int NOT NULL default 0, user_id int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (blog_id,user_id));
-CREATE TABLE blog_task(task_id mediumint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,blog_id mediumint NOT NULL default 0,title varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '',description text NOT NULL ,color varchar( 10 ) NOT NULL default '', system_task tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,PRIMARY KEY (task_id));
-CREATE TABLE blog_task_rel_user(blog_id mediumint NOT NULL default 0,user_id int NOT NULL default 0,task_id mediumint NOT NULL default 0,target_date date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',PRIMARY KEY (blog_id,user_id,task_id));
-CREATE TABLE permission_group(id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, group_id int NOT NULL default 0, tool varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '', action varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ( id ));
-CREATE TABLE permission_user(id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int NOT NULL default 0, tool varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '', action varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ( id ));
-CREATE TABLE permission_task(id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, task_id int NOT NULL default 0, tool varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '', action varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ( id ));
-CREATE TABLE role(role_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , role_name varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '', role_comment text, default_role tinyint default 0,	PRIMARY KEY ( role_id ));
-CREATE TABLE role_group(role_id int NOT NULL default 0, scope varchar( 20 ) NOT NULL default 'course', group_id int NOT NULL default 0);
-CREATE TABLE role_permissions(role_id int NOT NULL default 0, tool varchar( 250 ) NOT NULL default '', action varchar( 50 ) NOT NULL default '', default_perm tinyint NOT NULL default 0);
-CREATE TABLE role_user(role_id int NOT NULL default 0, scope varchar( 20 ) NOT NULL default 'course', user_id int NOT NULL default 0);
-CREATE TABLE course_setting(id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, variable varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', subkey varchar(255) default NULL, type varchar(255) default NULL,category varchar(255) default NULL,value varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',comment varchar(255) default NULL, subkeytext varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-UPDATE tool SET image = 'links.gif' WHERE image = 'liens.gif';
-UPDATE tool SET image = 'members.gif' WHERE image = 'membres.gif';
-UPDATE tool SET link = 'forum/index.php' WHERE link = 'phpbb/index.php';
-UPDATE tool SET image = 'statistics.gif', category='admin' WHERE image = 'statistiques.gif';
-UPDATE tool SET image = 'reference.gif' WHERE image = 'referencement.gif';
-UPDATE tool SET address = 'squaregrey.gif' WHERE address = 'pastillegris.gif';
--- UPDATE tool SET column = '1' WHERE image = 'reference.gif';
-DELETE FROM tool WHERE link = 'coursecopy/backup.php';
-DELETE FROM tool WHERE link = 'coursecopy/copy_course.php';
-DELETE FROM tool WHERE link = 'coursecopy/recycle_course.php';
-DELETE FROM tool WHERE link = 'link/link.php?action=addlink';
-UPDATE tool SET link = 'newscorm/lp_controller.php' WHERE link = 'scorm/scormdocument.php';
--- INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('visio','conf/','visio.gif',0,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','authoring');
-INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('blog_management','blog/blog_admin.php','blog_admin.gif',0,'1','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','admin');
-INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('survey','survey/survey_list.php','survey.gif',0,'1','',0,'_self','admin');
-INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('course_maintenance','course_info/maintenance.php','backup.gif',0,'1','',0,'_self', 'admin');
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('email_alert_manager_on_new_doc',0,'work');
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('email_alert_on_new_doc_dropbox',0,'dropbox');
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('allow_user_edit_agenda',0,'agenda');
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('allow_user_edit_announcement',0,'announcement');

+ 0 - 78

@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.8.0 to version 1.8.2
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('upload_extensions_list_type', NULL, 'radio', 'Security', 'blacklist', 'UploadExtensionsListType', 'UploadExtensionsListTypeComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('upload_extensions_blacklist', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', '', 'UploadExtensionsBlacklist', 'UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('upload_extensions_whitelist', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', 'htm;html;jpg;jpeg;gif;png;swf;avi;mpg;mpeg;mov;flv;doc;docx;xls;xlsx;ppt;pptx;odt;odp;ods;pdf', 'UploadExtensionsWhitelist', 'UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('upload_extensions_skip', NULL, 'radio', 'Security', 'true', 'UploadExtensionsSkip', 'UploadExtensionsSkipComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('upload_extensions_replace_by', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', 'txt', 'UploadExtensionsReplaceBy', 'UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_visio', 'visio_rtmp_host_local', 'textfield',NULL,'', 'VisioHostLocal','', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_visio', 'visio_is_web_rtmp', 'radio',NULL,'false', 'VisioRTMPIsWeb','', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_visio', 'visio_rtmp_port', 'textfield',NULL,'1935', 'VisioRTMPPort','', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('service_visio', 'visio_rtmp_tunnel_port', 'textfield',NULL,'80', 'VisioRTMPTunnelPort','', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_number_of_courses', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false', 'ShowNumberOfCourses','ShowNumberOfCoursesComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_empty_course_categories', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'ShowEmptyCourseCategories','ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_back_link_on_top_of_tree', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false', 'ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree','ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_different_course_language', NULL, 'radio','Platform','true', 'ShowDifferentCourseLanguage','ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('split_users_upload_directory', NULL, 'radio','Tuning','false', 'SplitUsersUploadDirectory','SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('hide_dltt_markup', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false', 'HideDLTTMarkup','HideDLTTMarkupComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('upload_extensions_list_type', 'blacklist', 'Blacklist');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('upload_extensions_list_type', 'whitelist', 'Whitelist');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('upload_extensions_skip', 'true', 'Remove');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('upload_extensions_skip', 'false', 'Rename'); 
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('visio_rtmp_host_local', 'true', 'Web');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('visio_rtmp_host_local', 'false', 'Not web'); 
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_number_of_courses', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_number_of_courses', 'false', 'No'); 
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_empty_course_categories', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_empty_course_categories', 'false', 'No'); 
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_back_link_on_top_of_tree', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_back_link_on_top_of_tree', 'false', 'No'); 
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_different_course_language', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('show_different_course_language', 'false', 'No'); 
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('split_users_upload_directory', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('split_users_upload_directory', 'false', 'No'); 
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('hide_dltt_markup', 'false', 'No'); 
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('hide_dltt_markup', 'true', 'Yes'); 
--- Insert anonymous user
-INSERT INTO user(lastname, firstname, username, password, auth_source, email, status, official_code, creator_id, registration_date, expiration_date,active) VALUES ('Anonymous', 'Joe', '', '', 'platform', 'anonymous@localhost', 6, 'anonymous', 1, NOW(), '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1);
-ALTER TABLE user ADD INDEX (status);
--- xxSTATSxx
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD INDEX (exe_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD INDEX (user_id); 
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD INDEX (question_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD INDEX (exe_user_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_course_access ADD INDEX (user_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_course_access ADD INDEX (login_course_date);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_course_access ADD INDEX (course_code);
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx
-CREATE TABLE survey_answer (answer_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL, question_id int NOT NULL, option_id TEXT NOT NULL, value int unsigned not null, user varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (answer_id) );
-ALTER TABLE lp_view ADD INDEX (lp_id);
-ALTER TABLE lp_view ADD INDEX (user_id);
-ALTER TABLE lp_item ADD INDEX (lp_id);
-ALTER TABLE lp_item_view ADD INDEX (lp_item_id);
-ALTER TABLE lp_item_view ADD INDEX (lp_view_id);
-ALTER TABLE lp_iv_interaction ADD INDEX (lp_iv_id);
-ALTER TABLE quiz_question ADD INDEX (position); 
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD INDEX (forum_id);
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread DROP INDEX thread_id;
-ALTER TABLE lp_item_view ADD core_exit varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none';

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.8.2 to version 1.8.3
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('display_categories_on_homepage',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle','DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('permissions_for_new_directories', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', '0770', 'PermissionsForNewDirs', 'PermissionsForNewDirsComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('permissions_for_new_files', NULL, 'textfield', 'Security', '0660', 'PermissionsForNewFiles', 'PermissionsForNewFilesComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('display_categories_on_homepage', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('display_categories_on_homepage', 'false', 'No');
--- xxSTATSxx
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.8.3 to version 1.8.4
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_tabs', 'campus_homepage', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsCampusHomepage');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_tabs', 'my_courses', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyCourses');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_tabs', 'reporting', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsReporting');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_tabs', 'platform_administration', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsPlatformAdministration');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_tabs', 'my_agenda', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyAgenda');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('show_tabs', 'my_profile', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyProfile');
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('default_forum_view', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'flat', 'DefaultForumViewTitle','DefaultForumViewComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current(variable,subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext) VALUES ('platform_charset',NULL,'textfield','Platform','iso-8859-15','PlatformCharsetTitle','PlatformCharsetComment','platform',NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('default_forum_view', 'flat', 'Flat');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('default_forum_view', 'threaded', 'Threaded');
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('default_forum_view', 'nested', 'Nested');
--- xxSTATSxx
-CREATE TABLE track_e_hotspot (hotspot_id int NOT NULL auto_increment, hotspot_user_id int NOT NULL, hotspot_course_code varchar(50) NOT NULL, hotspot_exe_id int NOT NULL, hotspot_question_id int NOT NULL, hotspot_answer_id int NOT NULL, hotspot_correct tinyint unsigned NOT NULL, hotspot_coordinate varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (hotspot_id),  KEY hotspot_course_code (hotspot_course_code), KEY hotspot_user_id (hotspot_user_id), KEY hotspot_exe_id (hotspot_exe_id), KEY hotspot_question_id (hotspot_question_id));
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD anonymous ENUM( '0', '1' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
-ALTER TABLE lp_item ADD max_time_allowed char(13) NULL DEFAULT '';
-ALTER TABLE item_property ADD INDEX (tool(20),ref);
-ALTER TABLE lp_item_view ADD max_score varchar(8) default '';

+ 0 - 159

@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.8.4 to version 1.8.5
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD UNIQUE unique_setting (variable,subkey,category);
-ALTER TABLE settings_options ADD UNIQUE unique_setting_option (variable,value);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('extendedprofile_registration', 'mycomptetences', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyCompetences');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('extendedprofile_registration', 'mydiplomas', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyDiplomas');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('extendedprofile_registration', 'myteach', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyTeach');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('extendedprofile_registration', 'mypersonalopenarea', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment', NULL, 'MyPersonalOpenArea');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mycomptetences', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyCompetences');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mydiplomas', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyDiplomas');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'myteach', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyTeach');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('extendedprofile_registrationrequired', 'mypersonalopenarea', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle', 'ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment', NULL, 'MyPersonalOpenArea');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('noreply_email_address', '', 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'NoReplyEmailAddress', 'NoReplyEmailAddressComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('survey_email_sender_noreply', '', 'radio', 'Course', 'coach', 'SurveyEmailSenderNoReply', 'SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('survey_email_sender_noreply', 'coach', 'CourseCoachEmailSender');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('survey_email_sender_noreply', 'noreply', 'NoReplyEmailSender');
-DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE variable='show_student_view';
-DELETE FROM settings_options WHERE variable='show_student_view';
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('openid_authentication', NULL, 'radio', 'Security', 'false', 'OpenIdAuthentication', 'OpenIdAuthenticationComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('openid_authentication', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('openid_authentication', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('profile','openid','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'OpenIDURL');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('display_mini_month_calendar', '', 'radio', 'Tools', 'true', 'DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle', 'DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('display_upcoming_events', '', 'radio', 'Tools', 'true', 'DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle', 'DisplayUpcomingEventsComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('number_of_upcoming_events', '', 'textfield', 'Tools', '1', 'NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle', 'NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('display_mini_month_calendar', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('display_mini_month_calendar', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('display_upcoming_events', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('display_upcoming_events', 'false', 'No');
-CREATE TABLE templates (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, title varchar(100) NOT NULL, description varchar(250) NOT NULL, course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL, ref_doc int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE user ADD openid varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE user ADD INDEX (openid(50));
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS openid_association (id int NOT NULL auto_increment,idp_endpoint_uri text NOT NULL,session_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,assoc_handle text NOT NULL,assoc_type text NOT NULL,expires_in bigint NOT NULL,mac_key text NOT NULL,created bigint NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_category (  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,  name text NOT NULL,  description text,  user_id int NOT NULL,  course_code varchar(40) default NULL,  parent_id int default NULL,  weight smallint NOT NULL,  visible tinyint NOT NULL, certif_min_score int DEFAULT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_evaluation (  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,  name text NOT NULL,  description text,  user_id int NOT NULL,  course_code varchar(40) default NULL,  category_id int default NULL,  date int default 0,  weight smallint NOT NULL,  max float unsigned NOT NULL,  visible tinyint NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_link (  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,  type int NOT NULL,  ref_id int NOT NULL,  user_id int NOT NULL,  course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL,  category_id int NOT NULL,  date int default NULL,  weight smallint NOT NULL,  visible tinyint NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_result (  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,  user_id int NOT NULL,  evaluation_id int NOT NULL,  date int NOT NULL,  score float unsigned default NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_score_display (  id int NOT NULL auto_increment,  score float unsigned NOT NULL,  display varchar(40) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (id));
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('gradebook_enable', NULL, 'radio', 'Gradebook', 'false', 'GradebookActivation', 'GradebookActivationComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('gradebook_enable', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('gradebook_enable', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('show_tabs','my_gradebook','checkbox','Platform','true','ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsMyGradebook');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('gradebook_score_display_coloring', 'my_display_coloring', 'checkbox', 'Gradebook', 'false', 'GradebookScoreDisplayColoring', 'GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment', NULL, 'TabsGradebookEnableColoring');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('gradebook_score_display_custom', 'my_display_custom', 'checkbox', 'Gradebook', 'false', 'GradebookScoreDisplayCustom', 'GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment', NULL, 'TabsGradebookEnableCustom');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('gradebook_score_display_colorsplit', NULL, 'textfield', 'Gradebook', '50', 'GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit', 'GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('gradebook_score_display_upperlimit', 'my_display_upperlimit', 'checkbox', 'Gradebook', 'false', 'GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit', 'GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment', NULL, 'TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('service_ppt2lp', 'port', 'checkbox', NULL, '2002', 'Port', NULL, NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('user_selected_theme',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','UserThemeSelection','UserThemeSelectionComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('profile','theme','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'UserTheme');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('user_selected_theme', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('user_selected_theme', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE user ADD theme varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE user ADD hr_dept_id smallint unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-UPDATE settings_current SET variable='service_visio', subkey='active'    , title='VisioEnable' WHERE variable='service_visio' AND subkey='active';
-UPDATE settings_current SET variable='service_visio', subkey='visio_host', title='VisioHost' WHERE variable='service_visio' AND subkey='visio_rtmp_host_local';
-UPDATE settings_current SET variable='service_visio', subkey='visio_port', title='VisioPort' WHERE variable='service_visio' AND subkey='visio_rtmp_port';
-UPDATE settings_current SET variable='service_visio', subkey='visio_pass', title='VisioPassword', type='textfield' WHERE variable='service_visio' AND subkey='visio_rtmp_tunnel_port';
-DELETE FROM settings_options WHERE variable = 'visio_rtmp_host_local';
-DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE variable='service_visio' AND subkey='visioconference_url';
-DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE variable='service_visio' AND subkey='visioclassroom_url';
-DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE variable='service_visio' AND subkey='visio_is_web_rtmp';
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('allow_course_theme',NULL,'radio','Course','true','AllowCourseThemeTitle','AllowCourseThemeComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_course_theme', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_course_theme', 'false', 'No');
-CREATE TABLE user_field (id	INT NOT NULL auto_increment,field_type int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,field_variable	varchar(64) NOT NULL,field_display_text	varchar(64),field_default_value text,field_order int,field_visible tinyint default 0,field_changeable tinyint default 0,tms	TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY(id));
-CREATE TABLE user_field_options (id	int NOT NULL auto_increment,field_id int	NOT NULL,option_value	text,option_display_text varchar(64),option_order int,tms	TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY (id));
-CREATE TABLE user_field_values(id	int	NOT NULL auto_increment,user_id	int	NOT NULL,field_id int NOT NULL,field_value	text,tms TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY(id));
-ALTER TABLE session ADD session_admin_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ;
-ALTER TABLE session ADD INDEX ( session_admin_id ) ;
-UPDATE course_module SET position='basic' WHERE name='survey';
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('show_closed_courses',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','ShowClosedCoursesTitle','ShowClosedCoursesComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_closed_courses', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_closed_courses', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_main_server_address', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', 'localhost', 'LDAPMainServerAddressTitle', 'LDAPMainServerAddressComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_main_server_port', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '389', 'LDAPMainServerPortTitle', 'LDAPMainServerPortComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_domain', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', 'dc=nodomain', 'LDAPDomainTitle', 'LDAPDomainComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_replicate_server_address', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', 'localhost', 'LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle', 'LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_replicate_server_port', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '389', 'LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle', 'LDAPReplicateServerPortComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_search_term', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '', 'LDAPSearchTermTitle', 'LDAPSearchTermComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_version', NULL, 'radio', 'LDAP', '3', 'LDAPVersionTitle', 'LDAPVersionComment', NULL, '');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_filled_tutor_field', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', 'employeenumber', 'LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle', 'LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment', NULL, '');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_authentication_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '', 'LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle', 'LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment', NULL, '');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_authentication_password', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '', 'LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle', 'LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment', NULL, '');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('ldap_version', '2', 'LDAPVersion2');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('ldap_version', '3', 'LDAPVersion3');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('service_visio', 'visio_use_rtmpt', 'radio', null, 'false', 'VisioUseRtmptTitle', 'VisioUseRtmptComment', NULL, '');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('visio_use_rtmpt', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('visio_use_rtmpt', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD COLUMN access_url int unsigned not null default 1;
-ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD COLUMN access_url_changeable int unsigned not null default 0;
-ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD INDEX (access_url);
-CREATE TABLE access_url(id	int	unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, url	varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'http://localhost/', description text, active int unsigned not null default 0, created_by	int	not null, tms TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-INSERT INTO access_url(url,description,active,created_by) VALUES ('http://localhost/','URL 1',1,1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('ldap_filled_tutor_field_value', NULL, 'textfield', 'LDAP', '', 'LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueTitle', 'LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueComment', NULL, '');
--- xxSTATSxx
-ALTER TABLE track_e_downloads ADD INDEX (down_user_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_downloads ADD INDEX (down_cours_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD INDEX (exe_cours_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_hotpotatoes ADD INDEX (exe_user_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_hotpotatoes ADD INDEX (exe_cours_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_lastaccess ADD INDEX (access_session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_links ADD INDEX (links_cours_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_links ADD INDEX (links_user_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_uploads ADD INDEX (upload_user_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_uploads ADD INDEX (upload_cours_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD tms datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
--- xxUSERxx
-CREATE TABLE personal_agenda_repeat (cal_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,  cal_type VARCHAR(20),  cal_end INT,  cal_frequency INT DEFAULT 1,  cal_days CHAR(7),  PRIMARY KEY (cal_id));
-CREATE TABLE personal_agenda_repeat_not (cal_id INT NOT NULL,  cal_date INT NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY ( cal_id, cal_date ));
-ALTER TABLE personal_agenda ADD parent_event_id INT NULL;
--- xxCOURSExx
-CREATE TABLE lp_iv_objective(id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment, lp_iv_id bigint unsigned not null, order_id smallint unsigned not null default 0, objective_id	varchar(255) not null default '', score_raw		float unsigned not null default 0, score_max		float unsigned not null default 0, score_min		float unsigned not null default 0, status char(32) not null default 'not attempted');
-ALTER TABLE lp_iv_objective ADD INDEX (lp_iv_id);
-ALTER TABLE lp_item CHANGE prerequisite prerequisite TEXT DEFAULT NULL;
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz',0,'quiz');
-ALTER TABLE dropbox_post ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-ALTER TABLE dropbox_file ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-ALTER TABLE item_property ADD INDEX idx_item_property_toolref (tool,ref);
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('allow_user_image_forum',1,'forum');
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('course_theme','','theme');
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('allow_learning_path_theme','1','theme');
-ALTER TABLE forum_post ADD INDEX idx_forum_post_thread_id (thread_id);
-ALTER TABLE forum_post ADD INDEX idx_forum_post_visible (visible);
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD INDEX idx_forum_thread_forum_id (forum_id);
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD COLUMN filetype SET('file','folder')  NOT NULL DEFAULT 'file' AFTER sent_date;
-CREATE TABLE blog_attachment ( id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, path varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the real filename', comment text, size int NOT NULL default '0', post_id int NOT NULL, filename varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the user s file name', blog_id int NOT NULL, comment_id int NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-CREATE TABLE forum_attachment (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, path varchar(255) NOT NULL, comment text, size int NOT NULL default 0, post_id int NOT NULL, filename varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE group_category ADD forum_state TINYINT DEFAULT 0 AFTER announcements_state;
-UPDATE tool SET category='interaction', admin='0', visibility='0' WHERE name='survey';
-CREATE TABLE  forum_notification (user_id int, forum_id varchar(11), thread_id varchar(11), post_id varchar(11), KEY user_id (user_id), KEY forum_id (forum_id));
-ALTER TABLE quiz ADD access_condition text DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD access_condition text DEFAULT NULL;
-UPDATE tool SET category='authoring' WHERE name = 'announcement';
-CREATE TABLE calendar_event_repeat (cal_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,  cal_type VARCHAR(20),  cal_end INT,  cal_frequency INT DEFAULT 1,  cal_days CHAR(7),  PRIMARY KEY (cal_id));
-CREATE TABLE calendar_event_repeat_not (cal_id INT NOT NULL,  cal_date INT NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY ( cal_id, cal_date ));
-ALTER TABLE calendar_event ADD parent_event_id INT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD theme varchar(255) not null default '';

+ 0 - 231

@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.8.5 to version 1.8.6
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD UNIQUE unique_setting (variable, subkey, category, access_url);
-ALTER TABLE settings_options ADD UNIQUE unique_setting_option (variable,value);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('registration', 'phone', 'checkbox', 'User', 'false', 'RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle','RegistrationRequiredFormsComment', NULL, 'Phone');
-ALTER TABLE php_session CHANGE session_value session_value MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL;
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('add_users_by_coach',NULL,'radio','Security','false','AddUsersByCoachTitle','AddUsersByCoachComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('add_users_by_coach', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('add_users_by_coach', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE session ADD nb_days_access_before_beginning TINYINT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER date_end , ADD nb_days_access_after_end TINYINT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER nb_days_access_before_beginning ;
-ALTER TABLE course_rel_user ADD INDEX (user_id);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools', 'wiki', 'checkbox', 'Tools', 'true', 'CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle', 'CourseCreateActiveToolsComment', NULL, 'Wiki', 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach',NULL,'radio','Security','false','ExtendRightsForCoachTitle','ExtendRightsForCoachComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach_on_surveys',NULL,'radio','Security','false','ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle','ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach_on_surveys', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('extend_rights_for_coach_on_surveys', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey,type,category,selected_value,title,comment,scope,subkeytext)VALUES ('show_session_coach',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','ShowSessionCoachTitle','ShowSessionCoachComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_session_coach', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_session_coach', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','gradebook','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Gradebook',1,0);
-INSERT INTO course_module (name, link, image, `row`, `column`, position) VALUES ('wiki','wiki/index.php','wiki.gif',2,3,'basic');
-INSERT INTO course_module (name, link, image, `row`, `column`, position) VALUES ('gradebook','gradebook/index.php','gradebook.gif',2,2,'basic');
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD session_id int DEFAULT NULL;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_result_log (id int NOT NULL auto_increment,id_result int NOT NULL,user_id int NOT NULL,evaluation_id int NOT NULL,date_log datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',score float unsigned default NULL,PRIMARY KEY(id));
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_linkeval_log (id int NOT NULL auto_increment,id_linkeval_log int NOT NULL,name text,description text,date_log int,weight smallint default NULL,visible tinyint default NULL,type varchar(20) NOT NULL,user_id_log int NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-INSERT INTO course_module (name, link, image, `row`, `column`, position) VALUES ('glossary','glossary/index.php','glossary.gif',2,1,'basic');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','glossary','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Glossary',1,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','notebook','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Notebook',1,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_users_to_create_courses',NULL,'radio','Course','true','AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle','AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment',NULL,NULL,1,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_users_to_create_courses','true','Yes'),('allow_users_to_create_courses','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','survey','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Survey',1,0);
-ALTER TABLE user_field_values CHANGE user_id user_id int unsigned not null;
-UPDATE settings_options SET display_text = 'YesWillDeletePermanently' WHERE variable = 'permanently_remove_deleted_files' and value = 'true';
-UPDATE settings_options SET display_text = 'NoWillDeletePermanently' WHERE variable = 'permanently_remove_deleted_files' and value = 'false';
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('breadcrumbs_course_homepage','session_name_and_course_title','SessionNameAndCourseTitle');
-INSERT INTO course_module (name, link, image, `row`, `column`, position) VALUES ('notebook','notebook/index.php','notebook.gif',2,1,'basic');
-CREATE TABLE  sys_calendar (  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,  title varchar(200) NOT NULL,  content text,  start_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  end_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS system_template (id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,  title varchar(250) NOT NULL,  comment text NOT NULL,  image varchar(250) NOT NULL,  content text NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-CREATE TABLE reservation_category (id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,  parent_id  int NOT NULL default 0,   name  varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',  PRIMARY KEY  ( id ));
-CREATE TABLE reservation_category_rights (category_id  int NOT NULL default 0,   class_id  int NOT NULL default 0,   m_items  tinyint NOT NULL default 0);
-CREATE TABLE reservation_item  (id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,   category_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   course_code  varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',   name  varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',   description  text NOT NULL,   blackout  tinyint NOT NULL default 0,   creator  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,  PRIMARY KEY  ( id ));
-CREATE TABLE reservation_item_rights (item_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   class_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   edit_right  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   delete_right  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   m_reservation  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   view_right  tinyint NOT NULL default 0,  PRIMARY KEY  ( item_id , class_id ));
-CREATE TABLE reservation_main  (id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,   subid  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   item_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   auto_accept  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   max_users  int unsigned NOT NULL default 1,   start_at  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',   end_at  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',   subscribe_from  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',   subscribe_until  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',   subscribers  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   notes  text NOT NULL,   timepicker  tinyint NOT NULL default 0,   timepicker_min  int NOT NULL default 0,   timepicker_max  int NOT NULL default 0,  PRIMARY KEY  ( id ));
-CREATE TABLE reservation_subscription  (dummy  int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,   user_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   reservation_id  int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   accepted  tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,   start_at  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',   end_at  datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  PRIMARY KEY  ( dummy ));
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('allow_reservation', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowReservationTitle', 'AllowReservationComment', NULL, NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_reservation', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_reservation', 'false', 'No');
-CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_user (access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, user_id));
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_user (user_id);
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_access_url(access_url_id);
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_access_url_user (user_id,access_url_id);
-CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_course (access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL, course_code char(40) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, course_code));
-CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_session (access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL, session_id int unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, session_id));
-CREATE TABLE user_friend(id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,user_id int unsigned not null,friend_user_id int unsigned not null,relation_type int not null default 0,PRIMARY KEY(id));
-ALTER TABLE user_friend ADD INDEX idx_user_friend_user(user_id);
-ALTER TABLE user_friend ADD INDEX idx_user_friend_friend_user(friend_user_id);
-ALTER TABLE user_friend ADD INDEX idx_user_friend_user_friend_user(user_id,friend_user_id);
-CREATE TABLE user_friend_relation_type(id int unsigned not null auto_increment,title char(20),PRIMARY KEY(id));
-CREATE TABLE user_api_key (id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL, api_key char(32) NOT NULL, api_service char(10) NOT NULL default 'dokeos', PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE user_api_key ADD INDEX idx_user_api_keys_user (user_id);
-CREATE TABLE message (id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, user_sender_id int unsigned not null, user_receiver_id int unsigned not null,	msg_status tinyint unsigned not null default 0, send_date datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', title varchar(255) not null, content text not null, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_user_sender(user_sender_id);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_user_receiver(user_receiver_id);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_user_sender_user_receiver(user_sender_id,user_receiver_id);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_msg_status(msg_status);
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='Institution';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='InstitutionUrl';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='siteName';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='emailAdministrator';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='administratorSurname';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='administratorName';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_administrator_data';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='stylesheets';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='campus_homepage';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='my_courses';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='reporting';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='platform_administration';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='my_agenda';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='my_profile';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='my_gradebook';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='administratorTelephone';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_email_addresses';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_different_course_language';
-UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='display_categories_on_homepage';
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('advanced_filemanager',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','AdvancedFileManagerTitle','AdvancedFileManagerComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('advanced_filemanager','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('advanced_filemanager','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_message_tool', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowMessageToolTitle', 'AllowMessageToolComment', NULL, NULL,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_message_tool', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_message_tool', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_social_tool', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowSocialToolTitle', 'AllowSocialToolComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_social_tool', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_social_tool', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_students_to_browse_courses', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'true', 'AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle', 'AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_students_to_browse_courses', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_students_to_browse_courses', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE user_field ADD field_filter tinyint default 0;
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('profile','apikeys','checkbox','User','false','ProfileChangesTitle','ProfileChangesComment',NULL,'ApiKeys', 0);
-INSERT INTO user_friend_relation_type(id,title)VALUES(1,'SocialUnknow');
-INSERT INTO user_friend_relation_type(id,title)VALUES(2,'SocialParent');
-INSERT INTO user_friend_relation_type(id,title)VALUES(3,'SocialFriend');
-INSERT INTO user_friend_relation_type(id,title)VALUES(4,'SocialGoodFriend');
-INSERT INTO user_friend_relation_type(id,title)VALUES(5,'SocialEnemy');
-INSERT INTO user_friend_relation_type(id,title)VALUES(6,'SocialDeleted');
-CREATE TABLE course_field (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, field_type int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, field_variable varchar(64) NOT NULL, field_display_text varchar(64), field_default_value text, field_order int, field_visible tinyint default 0, field_changeable tinyint default 0, field_filter tinyint default 0, tms TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-CREATE TABLE course_field_values (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, course_code varchar(40) NOT NULL, field_id int NOT NULL, field_value text, tms TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-CREATE TABLE session_field (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, field_type int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, field_variable varchar(64) NOT NULL, field_display_text varchar(64), field_default_value text, field_order int, field_visible tinyint default 0, field_changeable tinyint default 0, field_filter tinyint default 0, tms TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-CREATE TABLE session_field_values(id int NOT NULL auto_increment, session_id int NOT NULL, field_id int NOT NULL, field_value text, tms TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-ALTER TABLE templates ADD image VARCHAR( 250 ) NOT NULL ;
-INSERT IGNORE INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('dokeos_database_version',NULL,'textfield',NULL,'','DokeosDatabaseVersion','',NULL,NULL,1,0);
--- xxSTATSxx
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD status varchar(20) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD data_tracking text NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD steps_counter SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD start_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD session_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-CREATE TABLE track_e_attempt_recording (exe_id int unsigned NOT NULL, question_id int unsigned NOT NULL,  marks int NOT NULL,  insert_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  author int unsigned NOT NULL,  teacher_comment text NOT NULL);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt_recording ADD INDEX (exe_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_hotspot CHANGE hotspot_coordinate hotspot_coordinate text NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD orig_lp_id int  NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD orig_lp_item_id int  NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD exe_duration int UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices CHANGE exe_result exe_result FLOAT( 6, 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices CHANGE exe_weighting exe_weighting FLOAT( 6, 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt CHANGE marks marks FLOAT( 6, 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx
-ALTER TABLE course_setting ADD INDEX unique_setting (variable,subkey,category);
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD mail_subject VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER reminder_mail ;
-ALTER TABLE quiz_rel_question ADD question_order mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE quiz ADD max_attempt int NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD one_question_per_page bool NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD shuffle bool NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD survey_version varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD parent_id int NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD survey_type int NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE survey_question ADD survey_group_pri int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE survey_question ADD survey_group_sec1 int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE survey_question ADD survey_group_sec2 int unsigned NOT NULL default 0;
-CREATE TABLE survey_group (  id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(20) NOT NULL, description varchar(255) NOT NULL,  survey_id int unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (id) );
-ALTER TABLE survey_question_option ADD value int NOT NULL default 0;
-UPDATE tool SET category = 'interaction' WHERE name = 'forum';
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD show_form_profile int NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD form_fields TEXT NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE quiz_answer CHANGE hotspot_type hotspot_type ENUM( 'square', 'circle', 'poly', 'delineation' ) NULL DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE quiz ADD start_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE quiz ADD end_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE forum_forum ADD forum_image varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD preview_image varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD author varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';
-ALTER TABLE lp_item ADD search_did INT NULL;
-CREATE TABLE wiki (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, page_id int NOT NULL default 0, reflink varchar(250) NOT NULL default 'index', title text NOT NULL, content mediumtext NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL default 0, group_id int default NULL, dtime datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', addlock int NOT NULL default 1, editlock int NOT NULL default 0, visibility int NOT NULL default 1, addlock_disc int NOT NULL default 1, visibility_disc int NOT NULL default 1, ratinglock_disc int NOT NULL default 1, assignment int NOT NULL default 0, comment text NOT NULL, progress text NOT NULL, score int default 0, version int default NULL, is_editing int NOT NULL default 0, hits int default 0, linksto text NOT NULL, tag text NOT NULL, user_ip varchar(39) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (id) );
-INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('wiki','wiki/index.php','wiki.gif',0,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','interaction');
-ALTER TABLE group_category ADD COLUMN wiki_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN wiki_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE announcement ADD session_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE announcement ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-ALTER TABLE forum_category ADD session_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE forum_category ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD session_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0 ;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-ALTER TABLE calendar_event ADD session_id int unsigned NOT NULL default 0 ;
-ALTER TABLE calendar_event ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-ALTER TABLE survey ADD INDEX ( session_id ) ;
-CREATE TABLE wiki_discuss (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, publication_id int NOT NULL default 0, userc_id int NOT NULL default 0, comment text NOT NULL, p_score varchar(255) default NULL, dtime datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY  (id) );
-CREATE TABLE wiki_mailcue (id int NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, group_id int DEFAULT NULL, KEY  (id) );
-ALTER TABLE lp_item ADD audio VARCHAR(250);
-CREATE TABLE wiki_conf (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, page_id int NOT NULL default 0, feedback1 text NOT NULL, feedback2 text NOT NULL, feedback3 text NOT NULL, max_size int default NULL, max_text int default NULL, max_version int default NULL, startdate_assig datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', enddate_assig datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', delayedsubmit int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY  (id) );
-CREATE TABLE student_publication_assignment (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, expires_on datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  ends_on datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  add_to_calendar tinyint NOT NULL,  enable_qualification tinyint NOT NULL,  publication_id int NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD has_properties INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD qualification float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD date_of_qualification datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD parent_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD qualificator_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-CREATE TABLE forum_thread_qualify (id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,thread_id int NOT NULL,qualify float(6,2) NOT NULL default 0,qualify_user_id int default NULL,qualify_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id int default NULL);
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread_qualify ADD INDEX (user_id, thread_id);
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD session_id int unsigned default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_title_qualify varchar(255) default '';
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_qualify_max float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-CREATE TABLE forum_thread_qualify_log (id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,thread_id int NOT NULL,qualify float(6,2) NOT NULL default 0,qualify_user_id int default NULL,qualify_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id int default NULL);
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread_qualify_log ADD INDEX (user_id, thread_id);
-INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('gradebook','gradebook/index.php','gradebook.gif',1,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','authoring');
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_close_date datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD view_properties tinyint NULL;
-UPDATE forum_notification SET forum_id=NULL WHERE forum_id='';
-ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE forum_id forum_id INT;
-UPDATE forum_notification SET thread_id=NULL WHERE thread_id='';
-ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE thread_id thread_id INT;
-UPDATE forum_notification SET post_id=NULL WHERE post_id='';
-ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE post_id post_id INT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_weight float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE post_id post_id INT;
-ALTER TABLE quiz_answer CHANGE hotspot_coordinates hotspot_coordinates text;
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD forum_state TINYINT unsigned NOT NULL default 0 AFTER announcements_state;
-CREATE TABLE calendar_event_attachment ( id int NOT NULL auto_increment, path varchar(255) NOT NULL, comment text, size int NOT NULL default 0, agenda_id int NOT NULL, filename varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
-CREATE TABLE notebook (notebook_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,course varchar(40) not null,session_id int NOT NULL default 0,title varchar(255) NOT NULL,description text NOT NULL,creation_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',update_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', status int, PRIMARY KEY (notebook_id));
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('allow_open_chat_window',0,'chat');
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('email_alert_to_teacher_on_new_user_in_course',0,'registration');
-INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('glossary','glossary/index.php','glossary.gif',0,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','authoring');
-INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('notebook','notebook/index.php','notebook.gif',0,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','interaction');
-ALTER TABLE quiz ADD feedback_type int NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE quiz_answer ADD destination text NOT NULL;
-CREATE TABLE glossary(glossary_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, description text not null, display_order int, PRIMARY KEY  (glossary_id));
-ALTER TABLE quiz_question ADD level int UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE quiz_answer   CHANGE ponderation ponderation float(6,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE quiz_question CHANGE ponderation ponderation float(6,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD session_id int unsigned not null default 0;
-ALTER TABLE document ADD session_id int unsigned not null default 0;

+ 0 - 65

@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.8.6 to version
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_use_sub_language', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'AllowUseSubLanguageTitle', 'AllowUseSubLanguageComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_use_sub_language', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_use_sub_language', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE language ADD COLUMN parent_id tinyint unsigned;
-ALTER TABLE language ADD INDEX idx_dokeos_folder(dokeos_folder);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_glossary_in_documents', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'none', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_glossary_in_documents', 'none', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_glossary_in_documents', 'ismanual', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_glossary_in_documents', 'isautomatic', 'ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic');
-CREATE TABLE legal (legal_id int NOT NULL auto_increment, language_id int NOT NULL, date int NOT NULL default 0, content text, type int NOT NULL, changes text NOT NULL, version int, PRIMARY KEY (legal_id));
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) values (1, 'legal_accept','Legal',0,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_terms_conditions', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle', 'AllowTermsAndConditionsComment', NULL, NULL,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_terms_conditions', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_terms_conditions', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_tutor_data',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','ShowTutorDataTitle','ShowTutorDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_teacher_data',NULL,'radio','Platform','true','ShowTeacherDataTitle','ShowTeacherDataComment',NULL,NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_tutor_data','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_tutor_data','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_teacher_data','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_teacher_data','false','No');
-ALTER TABLE user_friend ADD COLUMN last_edit DATETIME;
-ALTER TABLE reservation_item ADD always_available TINYINT NOT NULL default 0;
-CREATE TABLE gradebook_certificate( id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, cat_id int unsigned not null, user_id int unsigned not null, score_certificate float unsigned not null default 0, date_certificate datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', path_certificate text null, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_certificate ADD INDEX idx_gradebook_certificate_category_id(cat_id);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_certificate ADD INDEX idx_gradebook_certificate_user_id(user_id);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_certificate ADD INDEX idx_gradebook_certificate_category_id_user_id(cat_id,user_id);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD COLUMN document_id int unsigned default NULL;
-CREATE TABLE specific_field_values (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, course_code VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL, tool_id VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL, ref_id INT NOT NULL, field_id INT NOT NULL, value VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL);
-ALTER TABLE specific_field ADD CONSTRAINT unique_specific_field__code UNIQUE (code);
-CREATE TABLE search_engine_ref (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, course_code VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL, tool_id VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL, ref_id_high_level INT NOT NULL, ref_id_second_level INT NULL, search_did INT NOT NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('search_enabled',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','EnableSearchTitle','EnableSearchComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('search_prefilter_prefix',NULL, NULL,'Search','','SearchPrefilterPrefix','SearchPrefilterPrefixComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('search_show_unlinked_results',NULL,'radio','Search','true','SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle','SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment',NULL,NULL);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('search_enabled', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('search_enabled', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('search_show_unlinked_results', 'true', 'SearchShowUnlinkedResults');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('search_show_unlinked_results', 'false', 'SearchHideUnlinkedResults');
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_evaluation ADD COLUMN type varchar(40) NOT NULL default 'evaluation';
-INSERT IGNORE INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('dokeos_database_version',NULL,'textfield',NULL,'','DokeosDatabaseVersion','',NULL,NULL,1,0);
--- xxSTATSxx
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx
-ALTER TABLE wiki CHANGE title title varchar(255), CHANGE reflink reflink varchar(255), ADD time_edit datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER is_editing, ADD INDEX (title), ADD INDEX (reflink), ADD INDEX (group_id), ADD INDEX (page_id);
-ALTER TABLE wiki_conf DROP id, ADD task text NOT NULL AFTER page_id, ADD fprogress3 varchar(3) NOT NULL AFTER feedback3, ADD fprogress2 varchar(3) NOT NULL AFTER feedback3, ADD fprogress1 varchar(3) NOT NULL AFTER feedback3, ADD INDEX(page_id);
-ALTER TABLE link ADD COLUMN target char(10) DEFAULT '_self';

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure after migrating the data from
--- version to version
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-ALTER TABLE session_rel_course DROP COLUMN id_coach;
--- xxSTATSxx
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx

+ 0 - 149

@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version to version
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-ALTER TABLE session ADD COLUMN visibility int NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE session ADD COLUMN session_category_id INT NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE session_rel_course_rel_user ADD COLUMN visibility int NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE session_rel_course_rel_user ADD COLUMN status int NOT NULL default 0;
-CREATE TABLE session_category (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(100) default NULL, date_start date default NULL, date_end date default NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_coach_to_edit_course_session', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'false', 'AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions', 'AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_courses_descriptions_in_catalog', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'true', 'ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle', 'ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment', NULL, NULL, 1, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_glossary_in_extra_tools', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'false', 'ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle', 'ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment', NULL, NULL,1,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_courses_descriptions_in_catalog', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_courses_descriptions_in_catalog', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_coach_to_edit_course_session', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_coach_to_edit_course_session', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_glossary_in_extra_tools', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_glossary_in_extra_tools', 'false', 'No');
-CREATE TABLE tag (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, tag varchar(255) NOT NULL, field_id int NOT NULL, count int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-CREATE TABLE user_rel_tag (id int NOT NULL auto_increment,user_id int NOT NULL,tag_id int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (id));
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('send_email_to_admin_when_create_course',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','SendEmailToAdminTitle','SendEmailToAdminComment',NULL,NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('send_email_to_admin_when_create_course','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('send_email_to_admin_when_create_course','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('go_to_course_after_login', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'false', 'GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle', 'GoToCourseAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('go_to_course_after_login', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('go_to_course_after_login', 'false', 'No');
-CREATE TABLE message_attachment (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, path varchar(255) NOT NULL, comment text, size int NOT NULL default 0, message_id int NOT NULL, filename varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-CREATE TABLE groups (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, description varchar(255) NOT NULL, picture_uri varchar(255) NOT NULL, url varchar(255) NOT NULL, visibility int NOT NULL, updated_on varchar(255) NOT NULL, created_on varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-CREATE TABLE group_rel_tag (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, tag_id int NOT NULL, group_id int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-CREATE TABLE group_rel_user (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, group_id int NOT NULL, user_id int NOT NULL, relation_type int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_group(group_id);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD INDEX idx_message_parent(parent_id);
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) values (1, 'rssfeeds','RSS',0,0);
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) values (10,'tags','tags',0,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_tabs', 'social', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsSocial', 0);
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'dokeos_database_version';
-INSERT INTO course_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_default_value, field_visible, field_changeable) values (10, 'special_course','SpecialCourse', 'Yes', 1 , 1);
-ALTER TABLE group_rel_user ADD INDEX ( group_id );
-ALTER TABLE group_rel_user ADD INDEX ( user_id );
-ALTER TABLE group_rel_user ADD INDEX ( relation_type );
-ALTER TABLE group_rel_tag  ADD INDEX ( group_id );
-ALTER TABLE group_rel_tag  ADD INDEX ( tag_id );
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_students_to_create_groups_in_social', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle', 'AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_students_to_create_groups_in_social', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_students_to_create_groups_in_social', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_send_message_to_all_platform_users', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle', 'AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_send_message_to_all_platform_users', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_send_message_to_all_platform_users', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('message_max_upload_filesize', NULL, 'textfield', 'Tools', '20971520', 'MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle','MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-ALTER TABLE message ADD COLUMN update_date DATETIME  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Languages' WHERE variable = 'hide_dltt_markup';
-UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Languages' WHERE variable = 'platform_charset';
-UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Languages' WHERE variable = 'allow_use_sub_language';
-UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Editor' WHERE variable = 'wcag_anysurfer_public_pages';
-UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Editor' WHERE variable = 'advanced_filemanager';
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('math_mimetex',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','MathMimetexTitle','MathMimetexComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('math_mimetex', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('math_mimetex', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('math_asciimathML',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','MathASCIImathMLTitle','MathASCIImathMLComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('math_asciimathML', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('math_asciimathML', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('youtube_for_students',NULL,'radio','Editor','true','YoutubeForStudentsTitle','YoutubeForStudentsComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('youtube_for_students', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('youtube_for_students', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('block_copy_paste_for_students',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle','BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('block_copy_paste_for_students', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('block_copy_paste_for_students', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('more_buttons_maximized_mode',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle','MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('more_buttons_maximized_mode', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('more_buttons_maximized_mode', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('user_order_by', NULL, 'radio', 'User', 'lastname', 'OrderUsersByTitle', 'OrderUsersByComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('user_order_by','firstname','FirstName');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('user_order_by','lastname','LastName');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('read_more_limit', NULL , 'textfield', 'Tools', '100', 'ReadMoreLimitTitle', 'ReadMoreLimitComment', NULL , NULL , '1');
--- xxSTATSxx
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD COLUMN expired_time_control datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE track_e_online ADD INDEX (course);
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx
-CREATE TABLE announcement_attachment ( id int NOT NULL auto_increment, path varchar(255) NOT NULL, comment text, size int NOT NULL default 0, announcement_id int NOT NULL, filename varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
-ALTER TABLE quiz ADD COLUMN session_id smallint DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE blog ADD COLUMN session_id smallint DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE course_description ADD COLUMN session_id smallint DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE glossary ADD COLUMN session_id smallint DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE link ADD COLUMN session_id smallint DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE wiki ADD COLUMN session_id smallint DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE tool ADD COLUMN session_id smallint DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE link_category ADD COLUMN session_id smallint DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE item_property ADD id_session INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE item_property DROP INDEX idx_item_property_toolref, ADD INDEX idx_item_property_toolref (tool, ref, id_session);
-ALTER TABLE quiz ADD COLUMN expired_time int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER feedback_type;
-ALTER TABLE group_info ADD COLUMN chat_state TINYINT DEFAULT 1, ADD INDEX (chat_state);
-ALTER TABLE group_category ADD COLUMN chat_state TINYINT DEFAULT 1, ADD INDEX (chat_state);
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD COLUMN weight float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE course_description ADD COLUMN description_type TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE dropbox_category ADD COLUMN session_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE chat_connected ADD COLUMN session_id INT NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE chat_connected ADD COLUMN to_group_id INT NOT NULL default 0;

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version to version 1.8.7
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-ALTER TABLE course_module CHANGE name name varchar(255) NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE sys_calendar CHANGE title title varchar(255) NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE tag CHANGE tag tag varchar(255) NOT NULL;
--- xxSTATSxx
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx
-ALTER TABLE quiz_question CHANGE question question VARCHAR(511) NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE tool CHANGE image image VARCHAR(255) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE tool CHANGE admin admin VARCHAR(255) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE tool CHANGE address address VARCHAR(255) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE calendar_event CHANGE title title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication CHANGE url url VARCHAR(255) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication CHANGE title title VARCHAR(255) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication CHANGE author author VARCHAR(255) default NULL;
-ALTER TABLE lp CHANGE name name varchar(255) NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE lp_item CHANGE title title  varchar(511) NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE lp_item CHANGE description description varchar(511) NOT NULL default '';

+ 0 - 154

@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version to version 1.8.7
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-CREATE PROCEDURE drop_index(in t_name varchar(128), in i_name varchar(128) ) BEGIN IF ( (SELECT count(*) AS index_exists FROM  information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = DATABASE( )  AND table_name = t_name  AND  index_name =   i_name ) > 0) THEN    SET @s = CONCAT('DROP INDEX ' , i_name , ' ON ' , t_name );    PREPARE stmt FROM @s;    EXECUTE stmt;  END IF; END;
-CALL drop_index('settings_current', 'unique_setting');
-CALL drop_index('settings_options', 'unique_setting_option');
-ALTER TABLE user_friend RENAME TO user_rel_user;
-ALTER TABLE session_rel_user ADD COLUMN relation_type int NOT NULL default 0;
-ALTER TABLE course_rel_user  ADD COLUMN relation_type int NOT NULL default 0;
--- see #4705 INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','notebook','checkbox','Tools','true','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Notebook',1,0);
-ALTER TABLE course ADD id int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY FIRST;
-CREATE TABLE block (id INT NOT NULL auto_increment, name VARCHAR(255) NULL, description TEXT NULL, path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, controller VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, active TINYINT NOT NULL default 1, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-INSERT INTO user_field(field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) VALUES(1, 'dashboard', 'Dashboard', 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('show_tabs', 'dashboard', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle','ShowTabsComment',NULL,'TabsDashboard', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('use_users_timezone', 'timezones', 'radio', 'Timezones', 'true', 'UseUsersTimezoneTitle','UseUsersTimezoneComment',NULL,'Timezones', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('use_users_timezone', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('use_users_timezone', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('timezone_value', 'timezones', 'select', 'Timezones', '', 'TimezoneValueTitle','TimezoneValueComment',NULL,'Timezones', 1);
-ALTER TABLE user_field CHANGE tms tms DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE course_field CHANGE tms tms DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE course_field_values CHANGE tms tms DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE session_field CHANGE tms tms DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE session_field_values CHANGE tms tms DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE user_field_options CHANGE tms tms DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE user_field_values CHANGE tms tms DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE access_url CHANGE tms tms DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_certificate CHANGE date_certificate created_at DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_evaluation ADD COLUMN created_at DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-UPDATE gradebook_evaluation SET created_at = FROM_UNIXTIME(date);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_evaluation DROP date;
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_link ADD COLUMN created_at DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-UPDATE gradebook_link SET created_at = FROM_UNIXTIME(date);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_link DROP date;
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_linkeval_log ADD COLUMN created_at DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-UPDATE gradebook_linkeval_log SET created_at = FROM_UNIXTIME(date_log);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_linkeval_log DROP date_log;
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_result ADD COLUMN created_at DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-UPDATE gradebook_result SET created_at = FROM_UNIXTIME(date);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_result DROP date;
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_result_log CHANGE date_log created_at DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('gradebook_number_decimals', NULL, 'select', 'Gradebook', '0', 'GradebookNumberDecimals', 'GradebookNumberDecimalsComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO user_field(field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) VALUES(11, 'timezone', 'Timezone', 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','attendances','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'Attendances', 0);
-ALTER TABLE user_field_values ADD INDEX (user_id, field_id);
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'dokeos_database_version';
-ALTER TABLE course_rel_user DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (course_code, user_id, relation_type);
-ALTER TABLE session_rel_user DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (id_session, id_user, relation_type);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools','course_progress','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle','CourseCreateActiveToolsComment',NULL,'CourseProgress', 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable,value,display_text) VALUES ('homepage_view','vertical_activity','HomepageViewVerticalActivity');
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'UTF-8' WHERE variable = 'platform_charset';
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_user_course_subscription_by_course_admin', NULL, 'radio', 'Security', 'true', 'AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle', 'AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_user_course_subscription_by_course_admin', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_user_course_subscription_by_course_admin', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_link_bug_notification', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle', 'ShowLinkBugNotificationComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_link_bug_notification', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_link_bug_notification', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_score_display ADD category_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_score_display ADD INDEX (category_id);
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_score_display ADD score_color_percent float unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
--- xxSTATSxx
-CREATE TABLE track_e_item_property(id int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, course_id int NOT NULL, item_property_id int NOT NULL, title varchar(255), content text, progress int NOT NULL default 0, lastedit_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', lastedit_user_id int  NOT NULL, session_id int NOT NULL default 0);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_item_property ADD INDEX (course_id, item_property_id, session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_access ADD access_session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_access ADD INDEX (access_session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_course_access ADD session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_course_access ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_downloads ADD down_session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_downloads ADD INDEX (down_session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_links ADD links_session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_links ADD INDEX (links_session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_uploads ADD upload_session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_uploads ADD INDEX (upload_session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_online ADD session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_online ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt_recording ADD session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt_recording ADD INDEX (question_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt_recording ADD INDEX (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_online ADD COLUMN access_url_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx
-INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('attendance','attendance/index.php','attendance.gif',0,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','authoring');
-ALTER TABLE course_description ADD COLUMN progress INT  NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER description_type;
-ALTER TABLE item_property ADD id int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY FIRST;
-CREATE TABLE attendance_calendar (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, attendance_id int NOT NULL, date_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', done_attendance tinyint NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY(id));
-ALTER TABLE attendance_calendar ADD INDEX(attendance_id);
-ALTER TABLE attendance_calendar ADD INDEX(done_attendance);
-CREATE TABLE attendance_sheet (user_id int NOT NULL, attendance_calendar_id int NOT NULL, presence tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(user_id, attendance_calendar_id));
-ALTER TABLE attendance_sheet ADD INDEX(presence);
-CREATE TABLE attendance_result (id int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, user_id int NOT NULL, attendance_id int NOT NULL, score int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);
-ALTER TABLE attendance_result ADD INDEX(attendance_id);
-ALTER TABLE attendance_result ADD INDEX(user_id);
-CREATE TABLE attendance (id int NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, description TEXT NULL, active tinyint NOT NULL default 1, attendance_qualify_title varchar(255) NULL, attendance_qualify_max int NOT NULL default 0, attendance_weight float(6,2) NOT NULL default '0.0', session_id int NOT NULL default 0);
-ALTER TABLE attendance ADD INDEX(session_id);
-ALTER TABLE attendance ADD INDEX(active);
-ALTER TABLE lp_view ADD INDEX(session_id);
-INSERT INTO course_setting (variable,value,category) VALUES ('allow_user_view_user_list',1,'user');
-CREATE TABLE thematic (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL, content TEXT NULL, display_order int unsigned not null default 0, active TINYINT NOT NULL default 0, session_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);
-ALTER TABLE thematic ADD INDEX (active, session_id);
-CREATE TABLE thematic_plan (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, thematic_id INT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description TEXT NULL, description_type INT NOT NULL);
-ALTER TABLE thematic_plan ADD INDEX (thematic_id, description_type);
-CREATE TABLE thematic_advance (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, thematic_id INT NOT NULL, attendance_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, content TEXT NOT NULL, start_date DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', duration INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, done_advance tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);
-ALTER TABLE thematic_advance ADD INDEX (thematic_id);
-INSERT INTO course_setting (variable,value,category) VALUES ('display_info_advance_inside_homecourse',1,'thematic_advance');
-INSERT INTO tool(name, link, image, visibility, admin, address, added_tool, target, category) VALUES ('course_progress','course_progress/index.php','course_progress.gif',0,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','authoring');
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD prerequisite int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication MODIFY COLUMN description TEXT DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD COLUMN user_id INTEGER  NOT NULL AFTER session_id;
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('email_alert_students_on_new_homework',0,'work');
-ALTER TABLE course_setting DROP INDEX unique_setting;

+ 0 - 231

@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.8.7 (or to version 1.8.8
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-CREATE PROCEDURE drop_index(in t_name varchar(128), in i_name varchar(128) ) BEGIN IF ( (SELECT count(*) AS index_exists FROM  information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = DATABASE( )  AND table_name = t_name  AND  index_name =   i_name ) > 0) THEN    SET @s = CONCAT('DROP INDEX ' , i_name , ' ON ' , t_name );    PREPARE stmt FROM @s;    EXECUTE stmt;  END IF; END;
-CREATE TABLE course_request (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, code varchar(40) NOT NULL, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', directory varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, db_name varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, course_language varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, title varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, description text, category_code varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, tutor_name varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, visual_code varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, request_date datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', objetives text, target_audience text, status int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', info int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', exemplary_content int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY code (code));
-CALL drop_index('settings_current', 'unique_setting');
-CALL drop_index('settings_options', 'unique_setting_option');
-ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD UNIQUE unique_setting (variable(110), subkey(110), category(110), access_url);
-ALTER TABLE settings_options ADD UNIQUE unique_setting_option (variable(165), value(165));
-ALTER TABLE settings_current CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
-ALTER TABLE settings_options CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
-UPDATE settings_current SET variable='chamilo_database_version' WHERE variable='dokeos_database_version';
-ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN access_url_id INT  NOT NULL default 1;
-ALTER TABLE sys_calendar ADD COLUMN access_url_id INT  NOT NULL default 1;
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('users_copy_files', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'true', 'AllowUsersCopyFilesTitle','AllowUsersCopyFilesComment', NULL,NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('users_copy_files', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('users_copy_files', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_validation', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'EnableCourseValidation', 'EnableCourseValidationComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('course_validation', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('course_validation', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_validation_terms_and_conditions_url', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLink', 'CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLinkComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('sso_authentication',NULL,'radio','Security','false','EnableSSOTitle','EnableSSOComment',NULL,NULL,1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('sso_authentication_domain',NULL,'textfield','Security','','SSOServerDomainTitle','SSOServerDomainComment',NULL,NULL,1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('sso_authentication_auth_uri',NULL,'textfield','Security','/?q=user','SSOServerAuthURITitle','SSOServerAuthURIComment',NULL,NULL,1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('sso_authentication_unauth_uri',NULL,'textfield','Security','/?q=logout','SSOServerUnAuthURITitle','SSOServerUnAuthURIComment',NULL,NULL,1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('sso_authentication_protocol',NULL,'radio','Security','http://','SSOServerProtocolTitle','SSOServerProtocolComment',NULL,NULL,1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('sso_authentication', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('sso_authentication', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('sso_authentication_protocol', 'http://', 'http://');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('sso_authentication_protocol', 'https://', 'https://');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enabled_asciisvg',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','AsciiSvgTitle','AsciiSvgComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_asciisvg', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_asciisvg', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('include_asciimathml_script',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','IncludeAsciiMathMlTitle','IncludeAsciiMathMlComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('include_asciimathml_script', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('include_asciimathml_script', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enabled_wiris',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','EnabledWirisTitle','EnabledWirisComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_wiris', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_wiris', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_spellcheck',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','AllowSpellCheckTitle','AllowSpellCheckComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_spellcheck', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_spellcheck', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE course ADD INDEX idx_course_category_code (category_code);
-ALTER TABLE course ADD INDEX idx_course_directory (directory(10));
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('force_wiki_paste_as_plain_text',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','ForceWikiPasteAsPlainText','ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('force_wiki_paste_as_plain_text', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('force_wiki_paste_as_plain_text', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enabled_googlemaps',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','EnabledGooglemapsTitle','EnabledGooglemapsComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_googlemaps', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_googlemaps', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enabled_imgmap',NULL,'radio','Editor','true','EnabledImageMapsTitle','EnabledImageMapsComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_imgmap', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_imgmap', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enabled_support_svg',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','EnabledSVGTitle','EnabledSVGComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_support_svg', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_support_svg', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('pdf_export_watermark_enable',	NULL,'radio',		'Platform',	'false','PDFExportWatermarkEnableTitle',	'PDFExportWatermarkEnableComment','platform',NULL,  1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('pdf_export_watermark_enable','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('pdf_export_watermark_enable','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('pdf_export_watermark_by_course',	NULL,'radio',		'Platform',	'false','PDFExportWatermarkByCourseTitle',	'PDFExportWatermarkByCourseComment','platform',NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('pdf_export_watermark_by_course','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('pdf_export_watermark_by_course','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('hide_courses_in_sessions',	NULL,'radio',		'Platform',	'false','HideCoursesInSessionsTitle',	'HideCoursesInSessionsComment','platform',NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('hide_courses_in_sessions','true','Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('hide_courses_in_sessions','false','No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('pdf_export_watermark_text',		NULL,'textfield',	'Platform',	'',		'PDFExportWatermarkTextTitle','PDFExportWatermarkTextComment','platform',NULL, 	1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enabled_insertHtml',NULL,'radio','Editor','true','EnabledInsertHtmlTitle','EnabledInsertHtmlComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_insertHtml', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_insertHtml', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('students_export2pdf',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','EnabledStudentExport2PDFTitle','EnabledStudentExport2PDFComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('students_export2pdf', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('students_export2pdf', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('exercise_min_score', NULL,'textfield',	'Course',	'',		'ExerciseMinScoreTitle',		'ExerciseMinScoreComment','platform',NULL, 	1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('exercise_max_score', NULL,'textfield',	'Course',	'',		'ExerciseMaxScoreTitle',		'ExerciseMaxScoreComment','platform',NULL, 	1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_users_folders',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','ShowUsersFoldersTitle','ShowUsersFoldersComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_users_folders', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_users_folders', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_default_folders',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','ShowDefaultFoldersTitle','ShowDefaultFoldersComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_default_folders', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_default_folders', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_chat_folder',NULL,'radio','Tools','true','ShowChatFolderTitle','ShowChatFolderComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_chat_folder', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_chat_folder', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enabled_text2audio',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','Text2AudioTitle','Text2AudioComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_text2audio', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_text2audio', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','course_description','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'CourseDescription', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','calendar_event','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Agenda', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','document','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Documents', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','learnpath','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'LearningPath', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','link','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Links', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','announcement','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Announcements', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','forum','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Forums', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','dropbox','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Dropbox', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','quiz','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Quiz', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','user','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Users', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','group','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Groups', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','chat','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Chat', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','student_publication','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'StudentPublications', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','wiki','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Wiki', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','gradebook','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Gradebook', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','survey','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Survey', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','glossary','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Glossary', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','notebook','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Notebook', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','attendance','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Attendances', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','course_progress','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'CourseProgress', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','blog_management','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Blog',1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','tracking','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Stats',1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','course_maintenance','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'Maintenance',1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('course_hide_tools','course_setting','checkbox','Tools','false','CourseHideToolsTitle','CourseHideToolsComment',NULL,'CourseSettings',1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enabled_support_pixlr',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','EnabledPixlrTitle','EnabledPixlrComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_support_pixlr', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enabled_support_pixlr', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_groups_to_users',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','ShowGroupsToUsersTitle','ShowGroupsToUsersComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_groups_to_users', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_groups_to_users', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO language (original_name, english_name, isocode, dokeos_folder, available) VALUES ('&#2361;&#2367;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2368;', 'hindi', 'hi', 'hindi', 0);
-ALTER TABLE session ADD COLUMN promotion_id INT NOT NULL;
-CREATE TABLE career (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,	name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, status INT NOT NULL default '0', created_at datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', updated_at datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (id));
-CREATE TABLE promotion (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,	name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, status INT NOT NULL default '0', career_id INT NOT NULL, created_at datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', updated_at datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY(id));
-CREATE TABLE usergroup_rel_user    ( usergroup_id INT NOT NULL, user_id 	INT NOT NULL );
-CREATE TABLE usergroup_rel_course  ( usergroup_id INT NOT NULL, course_id 	INT NOT NULL );
-CREATE TABLE usergroup_rel_session ( usergroup_id INT NOT NULL, session_id  INT NOT NULL );
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('accessibility_font_resize',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','EnableAccessibilityFontResizeTitle','EnableAccessibilityFontResizeComment',NULL,NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('accessibility_font_resize', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('accessibility_font_resize', 'false', 'No');
-CREATE TABLE notification (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,dest_user_id INT NOT NULL, dest_mail CHAR(255),title CHAR(255), content CHAR(255), send_freq SMALLINT DEFAULT 1, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, sent_at DATETIME NULL);
-ALTER TABLE notification ADD index mail_notify_sent_index (sent_at);
-ALTER TABLE notification ADD index mail_notify_freq_index (sent_at, send_freq, created_at);
-ALTER TABLE session_category ADD COLUMN access_url_id INT NOT NULL default 1;
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enable_quiz_scenario', NULL,'radio','Course','false','EnableQuizScenarioTitle','EnableQuizScenarioComment',NULL,NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_quiz_scenario', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_quiz_scenario', 'false', 'No');
-UPDATE settings_current SET category='Search' WHERE variable='search_enable';
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('homepage_view', 'activity_big', 'HomepageViewActivityBig');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enable_nanogong',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','EnableNanogongTitle','EnableNanogongComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_nanogong', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_nanogong', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_evaluation ADD COLUMN locked int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';
--- xxSTATSxx
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD COLUMN orig_lp_item_view_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
--- xxUSERxx
-ALTER TABLE personal_agenda ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);
-ALTER TABLE personal_agenda ADD INDEX idx_personal_agenda_user (user);
-ALTER TABLE personal_agenda ADD INDEX idx_personal_agenda_parent (parent_event_id);
-ALTER TABLE user_course_category ADD INDEX idx_user_c_cat_uid (user_id);
--- xxCOURSExx
-ALTER TABLE course_setting CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
-ALTER TABLE forum_forum ADD start_time DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE forum_forum ADD end_time DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE wiki_mailcue ADD session_id smallint DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE tool MODIFY COLUMN category varchar(20) not null default 'authoring';
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD COLUMN created_on 	DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD COLUMN modified_on 	DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD COLUMN expired_on 	DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-ALTER TABLE lp ADD COLUMN publicated_on DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
-CREATE TABLE quiz_question_option (id int NOT NULL, name varchar(255), position int unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE quiz_question ADD COLUMN extra varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE quiz_question CHANGE question question TEXT NOT NULL;
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('enable_lp_auto_launch',0,'learning_path');
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('pdf_export_watermark_text','','course');
-ALTER TABLE quiz_answer MODIFY COLUMN hotspot_type ENUM('square','circle','poly','delineation','oar');
-ALTER TABLE attendance ADD COLUMN locked int NOT NULL default 0;
-CREATE TABLE attendance_sheet_log (id INT  NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, attendance_id INT  NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, lastedit_date DATETIME  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', lastedit_type VARCHAR(200)  NOT NULL, lastedit_user_id INT  NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, calendar_date_value DATETIME NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));

+ 0 - 344

@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
--- This script updates the databases structure before migrating the data from
--- version 1.8.8 (or version, to version 1.9.0
--- it is intended as a standalone script, however, because of the multiple
--- databases related difficulties, it should be parsed by a PHP script in
--- order to connect to and update the right databases.
--- There is one line per query, allowing the PHP function file() to read
--- all lines separately into an array. The xxMAINxx-type markers are there
--- to tell the PHP script which database we're talking about.
--- By always using the keyword "TABLE" in the queries, we should be able
--- to retrieve and modify the table name from the PHP script if needed, which
--- will allow us to deal with the unique-database-type installations
--- This first part is for the main database
--- xxMAINxx
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('filter_terms', NULL, 'textarea', 'Security', '', 'FilterTermsTitle', 'FilterTermsComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('header_extra_content', NULL, 'textarea', 'Tracking', '', 'HeaderExtraContentTitle', 'HeaderExtraContentComment', NULL, NULL, 1),('footer_extra_content', NULL, 'textarea', 'Tracking', '', 'FooterExtraContentTitle', 'FooterExtraContentComment', NULL, NULL,1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_documents_preview', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'ShowDocumentPreviewTitle', 'ShowDocumentPreviewComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_documents_preview', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_documents_preview', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('htmlpurifier_wiki',NULL,'radio','Editor','false','HtmlPurifierWikiTitle','HtmlPurifierWikiComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('htmlpurifier_wiki', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('htmlpurifier_wiki', 'false', 'No');
--- CAS feature
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('cas_activate', NULL, 'radio', 'CAS', 'false', 'CasMainActivateTitle', 'CasMainActivateComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('cas_activate', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('cas_activate', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('cas_server', NULL, 'textfield', 'CAS', '', 'CasMainServerTitle', 'CasMainServerComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('cas_server_uri', NULL, 'textfield', 'CAS', '', 'CasMainServerURITitle', 'CasMainServerURIComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('cas_port', NULL, 'textfield', 'CAS', '', 'CasMainPortTitle', 'CasMainPortComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('cas_protocol', NULL, 'radio', 'CAS', '', 'CasMainProtocolTitle', 'CasMainProtocolComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('cas_protocol', 'CAS1', 'CAS1Text');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('cas_protocol', 'CAS2', 'CAS2Text');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('cas_protocol', 'SAML', 'SAMLText');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('cas_add_user_activate', NULL, 'radio', 'CAS', 'false', 'CasUserAddActivateTitle', 'CasUserAddActivateComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('cas_add_user_activate', 'platform', 'casAddUserActivatePlatform');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('cas_add_user_activate', 'extldap', 'casAddUserActivateLDAP');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('cas_add_user_activate', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('update_user_info_cas_with_ldap', NULL, 'radio', 'CAS', 'true', 'UpdateUserInfoCasWithLdapTitle', 'UpdateUserInfoCasWithLdapComment', NULL, NULL, 0)
--- Custom Pages
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('use_custom_pages', NULL, 'radio','Platform','false','UseCustomPagesTitle','UseCustomPagesComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('use_custom_pages', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('use_custom_pages', 'false', 'No');
--- Pages after login by role
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('student_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'StudentPageAfterLoginTitle', 'StudentPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('teacher_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'TeacherPageAfterLoginTitle', 'TeacherPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('drh_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'DRHPageAfterLoginTitle', 'DRHPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('sessionadmin_page_after_login', NULL, 'textfield', 'Session', '', 'SessionAdminPageAfterLoginTitle', 'SessionAdminPageAfterLoginComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('student_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'StudentAutosubscribeTitle', 'StudentAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('teacher_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'TeacherAutosubscribeTitle', 'TeacherAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('drh_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Platform', '', 'DRHAutosubscribeTitle', 'DRHAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('sessionadmin_autosubscribe', NULL, 'textfield', 'Session', '', 'SessionadminAutosubscribeTitle', 'SessionadminAutosubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('show_tabs', 'custom_tab_1', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowTabsTitle', 'ShowTabsComment', NULL, 'TabsCustom1', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('show_tabs', 'custom_tab_2', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'false', 'ShowTabsTitle', 'ShowTabsComment', NULL, 'TabsCustom2', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('show_tabs', 'custom_tab_3', 'checkbox', 'Platform', 'false', 'ShowTabsTitle', 'ShowTabsComment', NULL, 'TabsCustom3', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('languagePriority1', NULL, 'radio', 'Languages', 'course_lang', 'LanguagePriority1Title', 'LanguagePriority1Comment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('languagePriority2', NULL, 'radio', 'Languages', 'user_profil_lang', 'LanguagePriority2Title', 'LanguagePriority2Comment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('languagePriority3', NULL, 'radio', 'Languages', 'user_selected_lang', 'LanguagePriority3Title', 'LanguagePriority3Comment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('languagePriority4', NULL, 'radio', 'Languages', 'platform_lang', 'LanguagePriority4Title', 'LanguagePriority4Comment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('languagePriority1','platform_lang','PlatformLanguage'), ('languagePriority1','user_profil_lang','UserLanguage'), ('languagePriority1','user_selected_lang','UserSelectedLanguage'), ('languagePriority1','course_lang','CourseLanguage'), ('languagePriority2','platform_lang','PlatformLanguage'), ('languagePriority2','user_profil_lang','UserLanguage'), ('languagePriority2','user_selected_lang','UserSelectedLanguage'), ('languagePriority2','course_lang','CourseLanguage'), ('languagePriority3','platform_lang','PlatformLanguage'), ('languagePriority3','user_profil_lang','UserLanguage'), ('languagePriority3','user_selected_lang','UserSelectedLanguage'), ('languagePriority3','course_lang','CourseLanguage'), ('languagePriority4','platform_lang','PlatformLanguage'), ('languagePriority4','user_profil_lang','UserLanguage'), ('languagePriority4','user_selected_lang','UserSelectedLanguage'), ('languagePriority4','course_lang','CourseLanguage');
--- Email is login
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('login_is_email', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'LoginIsEmailTitle', 'LoginIsEmailComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('login_is_email','true','Yes'),('login_is_email','false','No') ;
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('scorm_cumulative_session_time', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'true', 'ScormCumulativeSessionTimeTitle', 'ScormCumulativeSessionTimeComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('scorm_cumulative_session_time','true','Yes'), ('scorm_cumulative_session_time','false','No');
-CREATE TABLE event_type ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(50) NOT NULL, name_lang_var varchar(50) NOT NULL, desc_lang_var varchar(50) NOT NULL, extendable_variables varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE event_type ADD INDEX ( name );
-CREATE TABLE event_type_email_template ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, event_type_id int NOT NULL, language_id int NOT NULL, message text NOT NULL, subject varchar(60) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE event_type_email_template ADD INDEX ( language_id );
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) values (1, 'already_logged_in','Already logged in',0,0);
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) values (1, 'update_type','Update script type',0,0);
-CREATE TABLE announcement_rel_group (group_id int NOT NULL, announcement_id int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (group_id, announcement_id));
-CREATE TABLE group_rel_group ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, group_id int NOT NULL, subgroup_id int NOT NULL, relation_type int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE group_rel_group ADD INDEX ( group_id );
-ALTER TABLE group_rel_group ADD INDEX ( subgroup_id );
-ALTER TABLE group_rel_group ADD INDEX ( relation_type );
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('gradebook_enable_grade_model', NULL, 'radio', 'Gradebook', 'false', 'GradebookEnableGradeModelTitle', 'GradebookEnableGradeModelComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('gradebook_enable_grade_model', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('gradebook_enable_grade_model', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('teachers_can_change_grade_model_settings', NULL, 'radio', 'Gradebook', 'true', 'TeachersCanChangeGradeModelSettingsTitle', 'TeachersCanChangeGradeModelSettingsComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('teachers_can_change_grade_model_settings', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('teachers_can_change_grade_model_settings', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('gradebook_locking_enabled', NULL, 'radio', 'Gradebook', 'false', 'GradebookEnableLockingTitle', 'GradebookEnableLockingComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('gradebook_locking_enabled', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('gradebook_locking_enabled', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('teachers_can_change_score_settings', NULL, 'radio', 'Gradebook', 'true', 'TeachersCanChangeScoreSettingsTitle', 'TeachersCanChangeScoreSettingsComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('teachers_can_change_score_settings', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('teachers_can_change_score_settings', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_users_to_change_email_with_no_password', NULL, 'radio', 'User', 'false', 'AllowUsersToChangeEmailWithNoPasswordTitle', 'AllowUsersToChangeEmailWithNoPasswordComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_users_to_change_email_with_no_password', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_users_to_change_email_with_no_password', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_session_admins_to_manage_all_sessions', NULL, 'radio', 'Session', 'false', 'AllowSessionAdminsToSeeAllSessionsTitle', 'AllowSessionAdminsToSeeAllSessionsComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_session_admins_to_manage_all_sessions', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_session_admins_to_manage_all_sessions', 'false', 'No');
--- Shibboleth and Facebook auth and ldap
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('shibboleth_description', NULL, 'radio', 'Shibboleth', 'false', 'ShibbolethMainActivateTitle', 'ShibbolethMainActivateComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('facebook_description', NULL, 'radio', 'Facebook', 'false', 'FacebookMainActivateTitle', 'FacebookMainActivateComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('ldap_description', NULL, 'radio', 'LDAP', NULL, 'LdapDescriptionTitle', 'LdapDescriptionComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-ALTER TABLE course_rel_user ADD COLUMN legal_agreement INTEGER DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE session_rel_course_rel_user ADD COLUMN legal_agreement INTEGER DEFAULT 0;
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enable_help_link', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'true', 'EnableHelpLinkTitle', 'EnableHelpLinkComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_help_link', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_help_link', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_category MODIFY COLUMN weight FLOAT NOT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_link ADD COLUMN locked INT DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD COLUMN locked INT DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD COLUMN default_lowest_eval_exclude TINYINT default null;
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_hr_skills_management', NULL, 'radio', 'Gradebook', 'true', 'AllowHRSkillsManagementTitle', 'AllowHRSkillsManagementComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_hr_skills_management', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_hr_skills_management', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_admin_toolbar', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'show_to_admin', 'ShowAdminToolbarTitle', 'ShowAdminToolbarComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_admin_toolbar', 'do_not_show', 'DoNotShow');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_admin_toolbar', 'show_to_admin', 'ShowToAdminsOnly');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_admin_toolbar', 'show_to_admin_and_teachers', 'ShowToAdminsAndTeachers');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_admin_toolbar', 'show_to_all', 'ShowToAllUsers');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_global_chat', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'true', 'AllowGlobalChatTitle', 'AllowGlobalChatComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_global_chat', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_global_chat', 'false', 'No');
-ALTER TABLE chat ADD INDEX idx_chat_to_user (to_user);
-ALTER TABLE chat ADD INDEX idx_chat_from_user (from_user);
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) VALUES (1, 'google_calendar_url','Google Calendar URL',0,0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('courses_default_creation_visibility', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', '2', 'CoursesDefaultCreationVisibilityTitle', 'CoursesDefaultCreationVisibilityComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('courses_default_creation_visibility', '3', 'OpenToTheWorld');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('courses_default_creation_visibility', '2', 'OpenToThePlatform');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('courses_default_creation_visibility', '1', 'Private');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('courses_default_creation_visibility', '0', 'CourseVisibilityClosed');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_browser_sniffer', NULL, 'radio', 'Tuning', 'false', 'AllowBrowserSnifferTitle', 'AllowBrowserSnifferComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_browser_sniffer', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_browser_sniffer', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enable_wami_record', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'EnableWamiRecordTitle', 'EnableWamiRecordComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_wami_record', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_wami_record', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_public_certificates', NULL, 'radio', 'Course', 'false', 'AllowPublicCertificatesTitle', 'AllowPublicCertificatesComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_public_certificates', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_public_certificates', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enable_iframe_inclusion', NULL, 'radio', 'Editor', 'false', 'EnableIframeInclusionTitle', 'EnableIframeInclusionComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_iframe_inclusion', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_iframe_inclusion', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('show_hot_courses', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'true', 'ShowHotCoursesTitle', 'ShowHotCoursesComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_hot_courses', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('show_hot_courses', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('gradebook_default_weight', NULL, 'textfield', 'Gradebook', '100', 'GradebookDefaultWeightTitle', 'GradebookDefaultWeightComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('gradebook_default_grade_model_id', NULL, 'select', 'Gradebook', '', 'GradebookDefaultGradeModelTitle', 'GradebookDefaultGradeModelComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-UPDATE settings_current SET category = 'Session' WHERE variable IN ('show_tutor_data', 'use_session_mode', 'add_users_by_coach', 'show_session_coach', 'show_session_data', 'allow_coach_to_edit_course_session','hide_courses_in_sessions', 'show_groups_to_users');
-INSERT INTO language (original_name, english_name, isocode, dokeos_folder, available) VALUES ('&#2476;&#2494;&#2434;&#2482;&#2494;','bengali','bn','bengali',0), ('&#1575;&#1604;&#1589;&#1608;&#1605;&#1575;&#1604;&#1610;&#1577;','somali','so','somali',0);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enable_webcam_clip', NULL, 'radio', 'Tools', 'false', 'EnableWebCamClipTitle', 'EnableWebCamClipComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_webcam_clip', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_webcam_clip', 'false', 'No');
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation','documents','checkbox','Tools','true','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationTitle','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationComment',NULL,'Documents', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation','learning_path','checkbox','Tools','true','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationTitle','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationComment',NULL,'LearningPath', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation','links','checkbox','Tools','true','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationTitle','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationComment',NULL,'Links', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation','announcements','checkbox','Tools','true','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationTitle','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationComment',NULL,'Announcements', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation','forums','checkbox','Tools','true','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationTitle','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationComment',NULL,'Forums', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation','quiz','checkbox','Tools','true','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationTitle','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationComment',NULL,'Quiz', 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation','gradebook','checkbox','Tools','true','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationTitle','ToolVisibleByDefaultAtCreationComment',NULL,'Gradebook', 1);
--- Course ranking
-CREATE TABLE track_course_ranking (id   int unsigned not null PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, c_id  int unsigned not null, session_id  int unsigned not null default 0, url_id  int unsigned not null default 0, accesses int unsigned not null default 0, total_score int unsigned not null default 0, users int unsigned not null default 0, creation_date datetime not null);
-ALTER TABLE track_course_ranking ADD INDEX idx_tcc_cid (c_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_course_ranking ADD INDEX idx_tcc_sid (session_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_course_ranking ADD INDEX idx_tcc_urlid (url_id);
-ALTER TABLE track_course_ranking ADD INDEX idx_tcc_creation_date (creation_date);
-CREATE TABLE user_rel_course_vote ( id int unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,  c_id int unsigned not null,  user_id int unsigned not null, session_id int unsigned not null default 0,  url_id int unsigned not null default 0, vote int unsigned not null default 0);
-ALTER TABLE user_rel_course_vote ADD INDEX idx_ucv_cid (c_id);
-ALTER TABLE user_rel_course_vote ADD INDEX idx_ucv_uid (user_id);
-ALTER TABLE user_rel_course_vote ADD INDEX idx_ucv_cuid (user_id, c_id);
---User chat status
-INSERT INTO user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable) VALUES (1, 'user_chat_status','User chat status', 0, 0);
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable = 'more_buttons_maximized_mode';
---Grade model
-CREATE TABLE grade_model (id INTEGER  NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description TEXT, default_lowest_eval_exclude TINYINT default null, default_external_eval_prefix VARCHAR(140) default null, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-CREATE TABLE grade_components (id INTEGER  NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, percentage VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL, acronym VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL, grade_model_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD COLUMN grade_model_id INT DEFAULT 0;
-UPDATE settings_current SET title = 'DatabaseVersion' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';
-ALTER TABLE gradebook_evaluation MODIFY COLUMN weight FLOAT NOT NULL;
-INSERT INTO settings_options(variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('page_after_login', 'main/auth/courses.php', 'CourseCatalog');
-ALTER TABLE settings_current ADD COLUMN access_url_locked INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
--- Event mail
-CREATE TABLE event_email_template (  id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  message text,  subject varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,  event_type_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,  activated tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  language_id int DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE event_email_template ADD INDEX event_name_index (event_type_name);
-CREATE TABLE event_sent (  id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  user_from int NOT NULL,  user_to int DEFAULT NULL,  event_type_name varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE event_sent ADD INDEX event_name_index (event_type_name);
-CREATE TABLE user_rel_event_type (  id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  user_id int NOT NULL,  event_type_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-ALTER TABLE user_rel_event_type ADD INDEX event_name_index (event_type_name);
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('activate_email_template', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'ActivateEmailTemplateTitle', 'ActivateEmailTemplateComment', NULL, NULL, 0);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('activate_email_template', 'true', 'Yes'),('activate_email_template', 'false', 'No');
--- Skills
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('allow_skills_tool', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'AllowSkillsToolTitle', 'AllowSkillsToolComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_skills_tool', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_skills_tool', 'false', 'No');
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS skill ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, short_code varchar(100) NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, access_url_id int NOT NULL, icon varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-INSERT INTO skill (name) VALUES ('Root');
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS skill_rel_gradebook ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, gradebook_id int NOT NULL, skill_id int NOT NULL, type varchar(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS skill_rel_skill (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, skill_id int NOT NULL, parent_id int NOT NULL, relation_type int NOT NULL, level int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
-INSERT INTO skill_rel_skill VALUES(1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS skill_rel_user ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int NOT NULL, skill_id int NOT NULL, acquired_skill_at datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',assigned_by int NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id));
--- Removing use_document_title
-DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE variable = 'use_document_title';
-DELETE FROM settings_options WHERE variable = 'use_document_title';
-ALTER TABLE course MODIFY COLUMN disk_quota bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL;
-UPDATE language SET english_name = 'basque' , dokeos_folder = 'basque' where english_name = 'euskera';
-UPDATE language SET english_name = 'turkish', dokeos_folder = 'turkish' where english_name = 'turkce';
-INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES('platform_unsubscribe_allowed', NULL, 'radio', 'Platform', 'false', 'PlatformUnsubscribeTitle', 'PlatformUnsubscribeComment', NULL, NULL, 1);
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('platform_unsubscribe_allowed', 'true', 'Yes');
-INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) values ('platform_unsubscribe_allowed', 'false', 'No');
-CREATE TABLE course_type (id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(50) not null, translation_var char(40) default 'UndefinedCourseTypeLabel', description TEXT default '', props text default '');
-INSERT INTO course_type (id, name) VALUES (1, 'All tools');
-INSERT INTO course_type (id, name) VALUES (2, 'Entry exam');
-ALTER TABLE course add course_type_id int unsigned default 1;
-CREATE TABLE usergroup_rel_question (id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, c_id int unsigned not null, question_id int unsigned not null, usergroup_id int unsigned not null, coefficient float(6,2));
--- Remove settings entry that doesnt exist anymore
-DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE variable = 'read_more_limit';
-DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE variable = 'user_order_by';
-DELETE FROM settings_options WHERE variable = 'user_order_by';
-ALTER TABLE user_api_key ADD COLUMN api_end_point text DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE user_api_key ADD COLUMN created_date datetime DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE user_api_key ADD COLUMN validity_start_date datetime DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE user_api_key ADD COLUMN validity_end_date datetime DEFAULT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE user_api_key ADD COLUMN description text DEFAULT NULL;
--- Do not move this query
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';
--- xxSTATSxx
-ALTER TABLE track_e_default  MODIFY COLUMN default_value TEXT;
-ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD COLUMN questions_to_check TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
---CREATE TABLE track_filtered_terms (id int, user_id int, course_id int, session_id int, tool_id char(12), filtered_term varchar(255), created_at datetime);
-CREATE TABLE track_stored_values (id int unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, sco_id INT NOT NULL, course_id CHAR(40) NOT NULL, sv_key CHAR(64) NOT NULL, sv_value TEXT NOT NULL);
-ALTER TABLE track_stored_values ADD KEY (user_id, sco_id, course_id, sv_key);
-ALTER TABLE track_stored_values ADD UNIQUE (user_id, sco_id, course_id, sv_key);
-CREATE TABLE track_stored_values_stack (id int unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,user_id INT NOT NULL, sco_id INT NOT NULL, stack_order INT NOT NULL, course_id CHAR(40) NOT NULL, sv_key CHAR(64) NOT NULL, sv_value TEXT NOT NULL);
-ALTER TABLE track_stored_values_stack ADD KEY (user_id, sco_id, course_id, sv_key, stack_order);
-ALTER TABLE track_stored_values_stack ADD UNIQUE (user_id, sco_id, course_id, sv_key, stack_order);
-ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD COLUMN filename VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;
-CREATE TABLE track_e_attempt_coeff ( id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, attempt_id INT NOT NULL, marks_coeff float(6,2));
--- xxUSERxx
--- xxCOURSExx
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metadata (c_id INT NOT NULL, eid VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, mdxmltext TEXT default '', md5 CHAR(32) default '', htmlcache1 TEXT default '', htmlcache2 TEXT default '', indexabletext TEXT default '', PRIMARY KEY (c_id, eid))
-ALTER TABLE lp_item_view modify column suspend_data longtext;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD COLUMN contains_file INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD COLUMN allow_text_assignment INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE quiz ADD COLUMN display_category_name INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;
-INSERT INTO course_setting(variable,value,category) VALUES ('allow_public_certificates', 0, 'certificates');
-ALTER TABLE quiz_answer ADD COLUMN answer_code char(10) default '';
-ALTER TABLE quiz_question ADD COLUMN question_code char(10) default '';

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 140

+ 0 - 71

@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- *
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Only updates the  main/inc/conf/configuration.php  file with the new version use only from to (with no DB changes)
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Dumper;
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo("Starting " . basename(__FILE__));
-    //Creating app/config/configuration.yml
-    global $_configuration;
-    $_configuration['system_version'] = $new_version;
-    $_configuration['system_stable'] = $new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false';
-    $_configuration['software_name'] = isset($software_name) ? $software_name : 'chamilo';
-    $_configuration['software_url'] = isset($software_url) ? $software_url : 'chamilo';
-    $_configuration['password_encryption'] = isset($userPasswordCrypted) ? $userPasswordCrypted : $_configuration['password_encryption'];
-    $dumper = new Dumper();
-    //removing useless indexes before saving in the configuration file
-    unset($_configuration['dokeos_version']);
-    unset($_configuration['dokeos_stable']);
-    unset($_configuration['code_append']);
-    unset($_configuration['course_folder']);
-    $yaml = $dumper->dump($_configuration, 2); //inline
-    $newConfigurationFile = api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'configuration.yml';
-    file_put_contents($newConfigurationFile, $yaml);
-    //Moving files in app/config
-    if (file_exists(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'mail.conf.php')) {
-        copy(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'mail.conf.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'mail.conf.php');
-        unlink(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'mail.conf.php');
-    }
-    if (file_exists(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'auth.conf.php')) {
-        copy(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'auth.conf.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'auth.conf.php');
-        unlink(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'auth.conf.php');
-    }
-    if (file_exists(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'events.conf.php')) {
-        copy(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'events.conf.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'events.conf.php');
-        unlink(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'events.conf.php');
-    }
-    if (file_exists(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'mail.conf.php')) {
-        copy(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'mail.conf.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'mail.conf.php');
-        unlink(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'mail.conf.php');
-    }
-    if (file_exists(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'portfolio.conf.php')) {
-        copy(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'portfolio.conf.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'portfolio.conf.php');
-        unlink(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'portfolio.conf.php');
-    }
-    if (file_exists(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'profile.conf.php')) {
-        copy(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'profile.conf.php', api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH).'profile.conf.php');
-        unlink(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'profile.conf.php');
-    }

+ 0 - 536

@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Dokeos version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE `$dbNameForm`.`cours`
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Check if the current Dokeos install is eligible for update
-    if (empty($updateFromConfigFile) || !file_exists($_POST['updatePath'] . $updateFromConfigFile) || !in_array(get_config_param('clarolineVersion'), $update_from_version_6)) {
-        echo '<strong>' . get_lang('Error') . ' !</strong> Dokeos ' . implode('|', $updateFromVersion) . ' ' . get_lang('HasNotBeenFound') . '.<br /><br />
-								' . get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1') . '.
-							    <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; ' . get_lang('Back') . '">' . get_lang('Back') . '</button></p>
-							    </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-        exit();
-    }
-    $_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-        $_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-        $_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-    }
-    $dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-    if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm . $dbScormForm;
-    }
-    if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm . 'scorm';
-    }
-    /* 	Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-    // If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-    // that we want to change the main databases as well...
-    $only_test = false;
-    $log = 0;
-    if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-        if ($singleDbForm) {
-            if (empty($dbStatsForm))
-                $dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-            if (empty($dbScormForm))
-                $dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-            if (empty($dbUserForm))
-                $dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the databases "pre" migration
-         */
-        include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-        if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-            // languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-            include '../lang/' . $languageForm . '/create_course.inc.php';
-        }
-        //get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-pre.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbNameForm,$query)", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            error_log("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-        $s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-pre.sql', 'stats');
-        if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $s_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbStatsForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbStatsForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-                foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbStatsForm,$query)", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            error_log("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-        $u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-pre.sql', 'user');
-        if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $u_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbUserForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbUserForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbUserForm);
-                foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbUserForm,$query)", 0);
-                        error_log("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore.
-    }
-    $prefix = '';
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $prefix = $_configuration['table_prefix'];
-    }
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-pre.sql', 'course');
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-            error_log('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-        } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-            error_log('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-        } else {
-            Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = Database::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL");
-            if ($res === false) {
-                die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.6.x-1.8.0.inc.php');
-            }
-            if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-                while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    /**
-                     * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-                     * without a database name
-                     */
-                    if (!$singleDbForm) { // otherwise just use the main one
-                        Database::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) {
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                            error_log("Database::query(" . $row_course['db_name'] . ",$query)", 0);
-                        } else {
-                            $res = Database::query($query);
-                            if ($log) {
-                                error_log("In " . $row_course['db_name'] . ", executed: $query", 0);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // Prepare reusable users list to avoid repetition of the SQL query, but only select
-                    // users from the current course to avoid blowing the memory limit
-                    $users_list = array();
-                    $sql_uc = "SELECT u.user_id as ui, u.firstname as fn, u.lastname as ln " .
-                        " FROM $dbNameForm.user u, $dbNameForm.course_rel_user cu " .
-                        " WHERE cu.course_code = '" . $row_course['code'] . "' " .
-                        " AND u.user_id = cu.user_id";
-                    $res_uc = Database::query($sql_uc);
-                    while ($user_row = Database::fetch_array($res_uc)) {
-                        $users_list[$user_row['fn'] . ' ' . $user_row['ln']] = $user_row['ui'];
-                    }
-                    // Update course manually
-                    // Update group_category.forum_state ?
-                    // Update group_info.tutor_id (put it in group_tutor table?) ?
-                    // Update group_info.forum_state, forum_id ?
-                    // Update forum tables (migrate from bb_ tables to forum_ tables)
-                    // Migrate categories
-                    $prefix_course = $prefix;
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $prefix_course = $prefix . $row_course['db_name'] . "_";
-                    }
-                    $sql_orig = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix_course . "bb_categories";
-                    $res_orig = Database::query($sql_orig);
-                    $order = 1;
-                    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_orig)) {
-                        $myorder = (empty($row['cat_order']) ? $order : $row['cat_order']);
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "forum_category " .
-                            "(cat_id,cat_title,cat_comment,cat_order,locked) VALUES " .
-                            "('" . $row['cat_id'] . "','" . Database::escape_string($row['cat_title']) . "','','" . $myorder . "',0)";
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                        $lastcatid = Database::insert_id();
-                        //error_log($sql,0);
-                        $order++;
-                        // Add item_property - forum categories were not put into item_properties before
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "item_property (tool,insert_user_id,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,visibility) " .
-                            "VALUES ('forum_category','1','$lastcatid','ForumCategoryAdded','1','1')";
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                        //error_log($sql,0);
-                    }
-                    $sql_orig = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix_course . "bb_forums ORDER BY forum_last_post_id desc";
-                    $res_orig = Database::query($sql_orig);
-                    $order = 1;
-                    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_orig)) {
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "forum_forum " .
-                            "(forum_id,forum_category,allow_edit,forum_comment," .
-                            "forum_title," .
-                            "forum_last_post, forum_threads," .
-                            "locked, forum_posts, " .
-                            "allow_new_threads, forum_order) VALUES " .
-                            "('" . $row['forum_id'] . "','" . $row['cat_id'] . "',1,'" . Database::escape_string($row['forum_desc']) . "'," .
-                            "'" . Database::escape_string($row['forum_name']) . "'," .
-                            "'" . $row['forum_last_post_id'] . "','" . $row['forum_topics'] . "'," .
-                            "0,'" . $row['forum_posts'] . "'," .
-                            "1,$order)";
-                        //error_log($sql,0);
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                        $lastforumid = Database::insert_id();
-                        $order++;
-                        // Add item_property - forums were not put into item_properties before
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "item_property (tool,insert_user_id,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,visibility) " .
-                            "VALUES ('forum','1','$lastforumid','ForumAdded','1','1')";
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                        //error_log($sql,0);
-                    }
-                    $sql_orig = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix_course . "bb_topics";
-                    $res_orig = Database::query($sql_orig);
-                    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_orig)) {
-                        $name = $row['prenom'] . ' ' . $row['nom'];
-                        // Check whether user id is reusable
-                        if ($row['topic_poster'] <= 1) {
-                            if (isset($users_list[$name])) {
-                                $poster_id = $users_list[$name];
-                            } else {
-                                $poster_id = $row['topic_poster'];
-                            }
-                        }
-                        // Convert time from varchar to datetime
-                        $time = $row['topic_time'];
-                        $name = Database::escape_string($name);
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "forum_thread " .
-                            "(thread_id,forum_id,thread_poster_id," .
-                            "locked,thread_replies,thread_sticky,thread_title," .
-                            "thread_poster_name, thread_date, thread_last_post," .
-                            "thread_views) VALUES " .
-                            "('" . $row['topic_id'] . "','" . $row['forum_id'] . "','" . $poster_id . "'," .
-                            "0,'" . $row['topic_replies'] . "',0,'" . Database::escape_string($row['topic_title']) . "'," .
-                            "'$name','$time','" . $row['topic_last_post_id'] . "'," .
-                            "'" . $row['topic_views'] . "')";
-                        //error_log($sql,0);
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                        $lastthreadid = Database::insert_id();
-                        // Add item_property - forum threads were not put into item_properties before
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "item_property (tool,insert_user_id,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,visibility) " .
-                            "VALUES ('forum_thread','1','$lastthreadid','ForumThreadAdded','1','1')";
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                        //error_log($sql,0);
-                    }
-                    $sql_orig = "SELECT * FROM " . $prefix_course . "bb_posts bp, " . $prefix_course . "bb_posts_text bpt WHERE bp.post_id = bpt.post_id";
-                    $res_orig = Database::query($sql_orig);
-                    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_orig)) {
-                        $name = $row['prenom'] . ' ' . $row['nom'];
-                        // Check whether user id is reusable
-                        if ($row['poster_id'] <= 0) {
-                            if (isset($users_list[$name])) {
-                                $poster_id = $users_list[$name];
-                            } else {
-                                $poster_id = $row['poster_id'];
-                            }
-                        }
-                        // Convert time from varchar to datetime
-                        $time = $row['post_time'];
-                        $name = Database::escape_string($name);
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "forum_post " .
-                            "(post_id,forum_id,thread_id," .
-                            "poster_id,post_parent_id,visible, " .
-                            "post_title,poster_name, post_text, " .
-                            "post_date, post_notification) VALUES " .
-                            "('" . $row['post_id'] . "','" . $row['forum_id'] . "','" . $row['topic_id'] . "'," .
-                            "'" . $poster_id . "','" . $row['parent_id'] . "',1," .
-                            "'" . Database::escape_string($row['post_title']) . "','$name', '" . Database::escape_string($row['post_text']) . "'," .
-                            "'$time',0)";
-                        //error_log($sql,0);
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                        $lastpostid = Database::insert_id();
-                        // Add item_property - forum threads were not put into item_properties before
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "item_property(tool,insert_user_id,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,visibility) " .
-                            "VALUES ('forum_post','1','$lastpostid','ForumPostAdded','1','1')";
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                        //error_log($sql,0);
-                    }
-                    unset($users_list);
-                    $sql_orig = "SELECT id, tutor_id FROM " . $prefix_course . "group_info";
-                    $res_orig = Database::query($sql_orig);
-                    $order = 1;
-                    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_orig)) {
-                        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix_course . "group_rel_tutor " .
-                            "(user_id,group_id) VALUES " .
-                            "('" . $row['tutor_id'] . "','" . $row['id'] . "')";
-                        $res = Database::query($sql);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Load the old-scorm to new-scorm migration script
-    if (!$only_test) {
-        include('update-db-scorm-1.6.x-1.8.0.inc.php');
-    }
-    if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-        if ($singleDbForm) {
-            if (empty($dbStatsForm))
-                $dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-            if (empty($dbScormForm))
-                $dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-            if (empty($dbUserForm))
-                $dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-        }
-        // Deal with migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-post.sql
-        // Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-post.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbNameForm,$query)", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            error_log("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-        $s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-post.sql', 'stats');
-        if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $s_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbStatsForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-                foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbStatsForm,$query)", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            error_log("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-        $u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-post.sql', 'user');
-        if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-            //now use the $u_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbUserForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbUserForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbUserForm);
-                foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbUserForm,$query)", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            error_log("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // The SCORM database should need a drop in the post-migrate part. However, we will keep these tables a bit more, just in case...
-    }
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.6.x-1.8.0-post.sql', 'course');
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-            error_log('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-        } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-            error_log('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-        } else {
-            Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = Database::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL");
-            if ($res === false) {
-                die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.6.x-1.8.0.inc.php');
-            }
-            if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row) {
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    /**
-                     * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-                     * without a database name
-                     */
-                    $prefix_course = $prefix;
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $prefix_course = $prefix . $row['db_name'] . "_";
-                    } else {
-                        Database::select_db($row['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                            error_log("Database::query(" . $row['db_name'] . ",$query)", 0);
-                        } else {
-                            $res = Database::query($query);
-                            if ($log) {
-                                error_log("In " . $row['db_name'] . ", executed: $query", 0);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Upgrade user categories sort
-    $table_user_categories = $dbUserForm . '.user_course_category';
-    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table_user_categories . ' ORDER BY user_id, title';
-    $rs = Database::query($sql);
-    $sort = 0;
-    $old_user = 0;
-    while ($cat = Database::fetch_array($rs)) {
-        if ($old_user != $cat['user_id']) {
-            $old_user = $cat['user_id'];
-            $sort = 0;
-        }
-        $sort++;
-        $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table_user_categories . ' SET
-	            sort = ' . intval($sort) . '
-	            WHERE id=' . intval($cat['id']);
-        Database::query($sql);
-    }
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 211

@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Dokeos version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE `$dbNameForm`.`cours`
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Check if the current Dokeos install is eligible for update
-    if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-        echo '<strong>' . get_lang('Error') . ' !</strong> Dokeos ' . implode('|', $updateFromVersion) . ' ' . get_lang('HasNotBeenFound') . '.<br /><br />
-								' . get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1') . '.
-							    <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; ' . get_lang('Back') . '">' . get_lang('Back') . '</button></p>
-							    </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-        exit();
-    }
-    $_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-        $_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-        $_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-    }
-    $dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-    if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm . $dbScormForm;
-    }
-    if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm . 'scorm';
-    }
-    /* 	Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-    // If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-    // that we want to change the main databases as well...
-    $only_test = false;
-    $log = 0;
-    if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-        if ($singleDbForm) {
-            $dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the databases "pre" migration
-         */
-        include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-        if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-            //languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-            include '../lang/' . $languageForm . '/create_course.inc.php';
-        }
-        // Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.8.0-1.8.2-pre.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            //now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbNameForm,$query)", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            error_log("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-        $s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.8.0-1.8.2-pre.sql', 'stats');
-        if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $s_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbStatsForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbStatsForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-                foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbStatsForm,$query)", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            error_log("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-        $u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.8.0-1.8.2-pre.sql', 'user');
-        if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-            //now use the $u_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name ' . $dbUserForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm, $dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database ' . $dbUserForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-            } else {
-                Database::select_db($dbUserForm);
-                foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("Database::query($dbUserForm,$query)", 0);
-                        error_log("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query", 0);
-                    } else {
-                        $res = Database::query($query);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore
-    }
-    $prefix = '';
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $prefix = $_configuration['table_prefix'];
-    }
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.8.0-1.8.2-pre.sql', 'course');
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-            error_log('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping', 0);
-        } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-            error_log('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping', 0);
-        } else {
-            Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = Database::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL");
-            if ($res === false) {
-                die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.8.0-1.8.2.inc.php');
-            }
-            if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-                while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    /**
-                     * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-                     * without a database name
-                     */
-                    if (!$singleDbForm) { // otherwise just use the main one
-                        Database::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Course db ' . $row_course['db_name']);
-                    foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) {
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                            error_log("Database::query(" . $row_course['db_name'] . ",$query)", 0);
-                        } else {
-                            $res = Database::query($query);
-                            if ($log) {
-                                error_log("In " . $row_course['db_name'] . ", executed: $query", 0);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 210

@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Dokeos version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE `$dbNameForm`.`cours`
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Check if the current Dokeos install is eligible for update
-	if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-		echo '<strong>'.get_lang('Error').' !</strong> Dokeos '.implode('|', $updateFromVersion).' '.get_lang('HasNotBeenFound').'.<br /><br />
-								'.get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1').'.
-							    <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; '.get_lang('Back').'">'.get_lang('Back').'</button></p>
-							    </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-		exit ();
-	}
-	$_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-	if ($singleDbForm) {
-		$_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-		$_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-		$_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-	}
-	$dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-	if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-		$dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbScormForm;
-	}
-	if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-		$dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.'scorm';
-	}
-	/*	Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-	// If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-	// that we want to change the main databases as well...
-	$only_test = false;
-	$log = 0;
-	if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-		if ($singleDbForm) {
-			$dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-			$dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-			$dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Update the databases "pre" migration
-		 */
-		include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-		if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-			// languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-			include '../lang/'.$languageForm.'/create_course.inc.php';
-		}
-		// get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-		$m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.8.2-1.8.3-pre.sql', 'main');
-		if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $m_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-				error_log('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping', 0);
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm,$dblist)) {
-				error_log('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping', 0);
-			} else {
-				Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-				foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						error_log("Database::query($dbNameForm,$query)", 0);
-					} else {
-						$res = Database::query($query);
-						if ($log) {
-							error_log("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query", 0);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-		$s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.8.2-1.8.3-pre.sql', 'stats');
-		if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $s_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-				error_log('Database name '.$dbStatsForm.' is too long, skipping', 0);
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)) {
-				error_log('Database '.$dbStatsForm.' was not found, skipping', 0);
-			} else {
-				Database::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-				foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						error_log("Database::query($dbStatsForm,$query)", 0);
-					} else {
-						$res = Database::query($query);
-						if ($log) {
-							error_log("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query", 0);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-		$u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.8.2-1.8.3-pre.sql', 'user');
-		if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $u_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-				error_log('Database name '.$dbUserForm.' is too long, skipping', 0);
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm, $dblist)) {
-				error_log('Database '.$dbUserForm.' was not found, skipping', 0);
-			} else {
-				Database::select_db($dbUserForm);
-				foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						error_log("Database::query($dbUserForm, $query)", 0);
-						error_log("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query", 0);
-					} else {
-						$res = Database::query($query);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore
-	}
-	$prefix = '';
-	if ($singleDbForm) {
-		$prefix = $_configuration['table_prefix'];
-	}
-	// Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-	$c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-1.8.2-1.8.3-pre.sql', 'course');
-	if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-		// Get the courses list
-		if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-			error_log('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping', 0);
-		} elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-			error_log('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping', 0);
-		} else {
-			Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-			$res = Database::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL");
-			if ($res === false) { die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.8.2-1.8.3.inc.php'); }
-			if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-				$i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-				while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res)) {
-					$list[] = $row;
-					$i++;
-				}
-				foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-					// Now use the $c_q_list
-					/**
-					 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-					 * without a database name
-					 */
-					if (!$singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-						Database::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-					}
-					foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-						if ($singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-							$query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-						}
-						if ($only_test) {
-							error_log("Database::query(".$row_course['db_name'].",$query)", 0);
-						} else {
-							$res = Database::query($query);
-							if ($log) {
-								error_log("In ".$row_course['db_name'].", executed: $query", 0);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-} else {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 281

@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Dokeos version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE `$dbNameForm`.`cours`
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-$old_file_version = '1.8.4';
-$new_file_version = '1.8.5';
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Check if the current Dokeos install is eligible for update
-	if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-		echo '<strong>'.get_lang('Error').' !</strong> Dokeos '.implode('|', $updateFromVersion).' '.get_lang('HasNotBeenFound').'.<br /><br />
-								'.get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1').'.
-							    <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; '.get_lang('Back').'">'.get_lang('Back').'</button></p>
-							    </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-		exit();
-	}
-	$_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-	if ($singleDbForm) {
-		$_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-		$_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-		$_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-	}
-	$dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-	if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-		$dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbScormForm;
-	}
-	if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-		$dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.'scorm';
-	}
-	/*	Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-	// If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-	// that we want to change the main databases as well...
-	$only_test = false;
-	$log = 0;
-	if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-		if ($singleDbForm) {
-			$dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-			$dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-			$dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Update the databases "pre" migration
-		 */
-		include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-		if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-			// languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-			include '../lang/'.$languageForm.'/create_course.inc.php';
-		}
-		//get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-		$m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'main');
-		if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $m_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-				error_log('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping', 0);
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-				error_log('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping', 0);
-			} else {
-				Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-				foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						error_log("Database::query($dbNameForm,$query)", 0);
-					} else {
-						$res = Database::query($query);
-						if ($log) {
-							error_log("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query", 0);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-		$s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'stats');
-		if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $s_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-				error_log('Database name '.$dbStatsForm.' is too long, skipping', 0);
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)) {
-				error_log('Database '.$dbStatsForm.' was not found, skipping', 0);
-			} else {
-				Database::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-				foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						error_log("Database::query($dbStatsForm,$query)", 0);
-					} else {
-						$res = Database::query($query);
-						if ($log) {
-							error_log("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query", 0);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-		$u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'user');
-		if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $u_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-				error_log('Database name '.$dbUserForm.' is too long, skipping', 0);
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm, $dblist)) {
-				error_log('Database '.$dbUserForm.' was not found, skipping', 0);
-			} else {
-				Database::select_db($dbUserForm);
-				foreach ($u_q_list as $query){
-					if ($only_test) {
-						error_log("Database::query($dbUserForm,$query)", 0);
-						error_log("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query", 0);
-					} else {
-						$res = Database::query($query);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore
-	}
-	$prefix = '';
-	if ($singleDbForm) {
-		$prefix = get_config_param ('table_prefix');
-	}
-	// Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-	$c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'course');
-	if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-		//get the courses list
-		if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-			error_log('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping', 0);
-		} elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-			error_log('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping', 0);
-		} else {
-			Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-			$res = Database::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL ORDER BY code");
-			if ($res === false) { die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.8.4-1.8.5.inc.php'); }
-			if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-				$i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-				while($row = Database::fetch_array($res)) {
-					$list[] = $row;
-					$i++;
-				}
-				foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-					// Now use the $c_q_list
-					/**
-					 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-					 * without a database name
-					 */
-					if (!$singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-						Database::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-					}
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Course db ' . $row_course['db_name']);
-					foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-						if ($singleDbForm) {
-							$query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-						}
-						if ($only_test) {
-							error_log("Database::query(".$row_course['db_name'].",$query)", 0);
-						} else {
-							$res = Database::query($query);
-							if ($log) {
-								error_log("In ".$row_course['db_name'].", executed: $query", 0);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					$mytable = $row_course['db_name'].".lp_item";
-					if ($singleDbForm) {
-						$mytable = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_lp_item";
-					}
-					$mysql = "SELECT * FROM $mytable WHERE min_score != 0 AND prerequisite != ''";
-					$myres = Database::query($query);
-					if ($myres !== false && Database::num_rows($myres) > 0) {
-						while ($myrow = Database::fetch_array($myres)) {
-							if (is_numeric($myrow['prerequisite'])) {
-								$mysql2 = "UPDATE $mytable SET mastery_score = '".$myrow['min_score']."' WHERE id = '".$myrow['prerequisite']."'";
-								$myres2 = Database::query($mysql2);
-								//echo $mysql2."<br />";
-								if ($myres2 !== false) {
-									$mysql3 = "UPDATE $mytable SET min_score = 0 WHERE id = '".$myrow['id']."'";
-									$myres3 = Database::query($mysql3);
-									//echo $mysql3."<br />";
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					// Work Tool Folder Update
-					// We search into DB all the folders in the work tool
-					if ($singleDbForm) {
-						$my_course_table = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_student_publication";
-					} else {
-						$my_course_table = $row_course['db_name'].".student_publication";
-					}
-					$sys_course_path = $_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['course_folder'];
-					$course_dir = $sys_course_path.$row_course['directory'].'/work';
-					$dir_to_array = my_directory_to_array($course_dir, true);
-					$only_dir = array();
-					$sql_select = "SELECT filetype FROM " . $my_course_table . " WHERE  filetype = 'folder'";
-					$result = Database::query($sql_select);
-					$num_row = Database::num_rows($result);
-					// Check if there are already folder registered
-					if ($num_row == 0) {
-						for ($i = 0; $i < count($dir_to_array); $i++) {
-							$only_dir[] = substr($dir_to_array[$i], strlen($course_dir), strlen($dir_to_array[$i]));
-						}
-						for ($i = 0; $i < count($only_dir); $i++) {
-							$sql_insert_all= "INSERT INTO " . $my_course_table . " SET url = '" . $only_dir[$i] . "', " .
-											"title        = '',
-											description 	= '',
-									    	author      	= '',
-											active		= '0',
-											accepted	= '1',
-											filetype	= 'folder',
-											post_group_id 	= '0',
-											sent_date	= '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ";
-							Database::query($sql_insert_all);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-} else {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 1147

@@ -1,1147 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Dokeos version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE `$dbNameForm`.`cours`
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-$app['monolog']->addInfo('Entering file');
-$old_file_version = '1.8.5';
-$new_file_version = '1.8.6';
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Check if the current Dokeos install is eligible for update
-    if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-        echo '<strong>' . get_lang('Error') . ' !</strong> Dokeos ' . implode('|', $updateFromVersion) . ' ' . get_lang('HasNotBeenFound') . '.<br /><br />
-								' . get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1') . '.
-							    <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; ' . get_lang('Back') . '">' . get_lang('Back') . '</button></p>
-							    </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-        exit();
-    }
-    $_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-        $_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-        $_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-    }
-    $dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-    if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm . $dbScormForm;
-    }
-    if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm . 'scorm';
-    }
-    /* 	Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-    // If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-    // that we want to change the main databases as well...
-    $only_test = false;
-    $log = 0;
-    if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-        if ($singleDbForm) {
-            $dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the databases "pre" migration
-         */
-        include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-        if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-            // languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-            include '../lang/' . $languageForm . '/create_course.inc.php';
-        }
-        // Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-pre.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            //now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        require_once '../inc/lib/image.lib.php'; //this library has been created
-        // in 1.8.8, which makes this inclusion retroactively necessary in
-        // updates from 1.8.5
-        // Filling the access_url_rel_user table with access_url_id by default = 1
-        $query = "SELECT user_id FROM $dbNameForm.user";
-        $result_users = iDatabase::query($query);
-        while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result_users, 'NUM')) {
-            $user_id = $row[0];
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.access_url_rel_user SET user_id=$user_id, access_url_id=1";
-            $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            //Updating user image
-            $query = "SELECT picture_uri FROM $dbNameForm.user WHERE user_id=$user_id";
-            $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-            $picture_uri = iDatabase::fetch_array($res, 'NUM');
-            $file = $picture_uri[0];
-            $dir = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'upload/users/';
-            $image_repository = file_exists($dir . $file) ? $dir . $file : $dir . $user_id . '/' . $file;
-            if (!is_dir($dir . $user_id)) {
-                @mkdir($dir . $user_id, $perm);
-            }
-            if (file_exists($image_repository) && is_file($image_repository)) {
-                chmod($dir . $user_id, 0777);
-                if (is_dir($dir . $user_id)) {
-                    $picture_location = $dir . $user_id . '/' . $file;
-                    $big_picture_location = $dir . $user_id . '/big_' . $file;
-                    $temp = new Image($image_repository);
-                    $picture_infos = getimagesize($image_repository);
-                    $thumbwidth = 150;
-                    if (empty($thumbwidth) or $thumbwidth == 0) {
-                        $thumbwidth = 150;
-                    }
-                    $new_height = ($picture_infos[0] > 0) ? round(($thumbwidth / $picture_infos[0]) * $picture_infos[1]) : 0;
-                    $temp->resize($thumbwidth, $new_height, 0);
-                    $type = $picture_infos[2];
-                    // Original picture
-                    $big_temp = new Image($image_repository);
-                    switch (!empty($type)) {
-                        case 2 : $temp->send_image('JPG', $picture_location);
-                            $big_temp->send_image('JPG', $big_picture_location);
-                            break;
-                        case 3 : $temp->send_image('PNG', $picture_location);
-                            $big_temp->send_image('JPG', $big_picture_location);
-                            break;
-                        case 1 : $temp->send_image('GIF', $picture_location);
-                            $big_temp->send_image('JPG', $big_picture_location);
-                            break;
-                    }
-                    if ($image_repository == $dir . $file) {
-                        @unlink($image_repository);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Filling the access_url_rel_session table with access_url_id by default = 1
-        $query = "SELECT id FROM $dbNameForm.session";
-        $result = iDatabase::query($query);
-        while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result, 'NUM')) {
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.access_url_rel_session SET session_id=" . $row[0] . ", access_url_id=1";
-            $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        }
-        // Since the parser of the migration DB  does not work for this kind of inserts (HTML) we move it here
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleCourseTitle\', \'TemplateTitleCourseTitleDescription\', \'coursetitle.gif\', \'
-		<head>
-		            	{CSS}
-		            	<style type="text/css">
-		            	.gris_title         	{
-		            		color: silver;
-		            	}
-		            	h1
-		            	{
-		            		text-align: right;
-		            	}
-						</style>
-		            </head>
-		            <body>
-					<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-					<tbody>
-					<tr>
-					<td style="vertical-align: middle; width: 50%;" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-						<h1>TITULUS 1<br />
-						<span class="gris_title">TITULUS 2</span><br />
-						</h1>
-					</td>
-					<td style="width: 50%;">
-						<img alt="Chamilo logo" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/logo_chamilo.png"></td>
-					</tr>
-					</tbody>
-					</table>
-					<p><br />
-					<br />
-					</p>
-					</body>
-		\');';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        /*
-          $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$dbNameForm.'.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-          (\'TemplateTitleCheckList\', \'TemplateTitleCheckListDescription\', \'checklist.gif\', \'
-          <head>
-          {CSS}
-          </head>
-          <body>
-          <table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-          <tbody>
-          <tr>
-          <td style="vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-          <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h3>
-          <ul>
-          <li>consectetur adipisicing elit</li>
-          <li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt</li>
-          <li>ut labore et dolore magna aliqua</li>
-          </ul>
-          <h3>Ut enim ad minim veniam</h3>
-          <ul>
-          <li>quis nostrud exercitation ullamco</li>
-          <li>laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat</li>
-          <li>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident</li>
-          </ul>
-          <h3>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis</h3>
-          <ul>
-          <li>iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam</li>
-          <li>eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis</li>
-          <li>et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.&nbsp;</li>
-          </ul>
-          </td>
-          <td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}postit.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; width: 33%; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;">
-          <h3>Ut enim ad minima</h3>
-          Veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur.<br />
-          <h3>
-          <img style="width: 180px; height: 144px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_smile.png "><br /></h3>
-          </td>
-          </tr>
-          </tbody>
-          </table>
-          <p><br />
-          <br />
-          </p>
-          </body>
-          \');';
-          $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-         */
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleTeacher\', \'TemplateTitleTeacherDescription\', \'yourinstructor.gif\', \'
-		<head>
-		                   {CSS}
-		                   <style type="text/css">
-			            	.text
-			            	{
-			            		font-weight: normal;
-			            	}
-							</style>
-		                </head>
-		                <body>
-							<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-							<tbody>
-							<tr>
-							<td></td>
-							<td style="height: 33%;"></td>
-							<td></td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-							<td style="width: 25%;"></td>
-							<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-							<span class="text">
-							<br />
-							Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis pellentesque.</span>
-							</td>
-							<td style="width: 25%; font-weight: bold;">
-							<img style="width: 180px; height: 241px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_case.png "></td>
-							</tr>
-							</tbody>
-							</table>
-							<p><br />
-							<br />
-							</p>
-						</body>
-		\');
-		';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleLeftList\', \'TemplateTitleListLeftListDescription\', \'leftlist.gif\', \'
-		<head>
-			           {CSS}
-			       </head>
-				    <body>
-						<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-						<tbody>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="width: 66%;"></td>
-						<td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="4">&nbsp;<img style="width: 180px; height: 248px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_reads.png "><br />
-						</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr align="right">
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">Lorem
-						ipsum dolor sit amet.
-						</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr align="right">
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-						Vivamus
-						a quam.&nbsp;<br />
-						</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr align="right">
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-						Proin
-						a est stibulum ante ipsum.</td>
-						</tr>
-						</tbody>
-						</table>
-					<p><br />
-					<br />
-					</p>
-					</body>
-		\');';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleLeftRightList\', \'TemplateTitleLeftRightListDescription\', \'leftrightlist.gif\', \'
-		<head>
-			           {CSS}
-				    </head>
-					<body>
-						<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; height: 400px; width: 720px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-						<tbody>
-						<tr>
-						<td></td>
-						<td style="vertical-align: top;" colspan="1" rowspan="4">&nbsp;<img style="width: 180px; height: 294px;" alt="Trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_join_hands.png "><br />
-						</td>
-						<td></td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right;">Lorem
-						ipsum dolor sit amet.
-						</td>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: left;">
-						Convallis
-						ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right;">
-						Vivamus
-						a quam.&nbsp;<br />
-						</td>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: left;">
-						Etiam
-						lacinia stibulum ante.<br />
-						</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right;">
-						Proin
-						a est stibulum ante ipsum.</td>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: left;">
-						Consectetuer
-						adipiscing elit. <br />
-						</td>
-						</tr>
-						</tbody>
-						</table>
-					<p><br />
-					<br />
-					</p>
-					</body>
-		\');';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleRightList\', \'TemplateTitleRightListDescription\', \'rightlist.gif\', \'
-			<head>
-			           {CSS}
-				    </head>
-				    <body style="direction: ltr;">
-						<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-						<tbody>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 50%;" colspan="1" rowspan="4"><img style="width: 300px; height: 199px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_points_right.png"><br />
-						</td>
-						<td style="width: 50%;"></td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 50%;">
-						Convallis
-						ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 50%;">
-						Etiam
-						lacinia.<br />
-						</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr>
-						<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 50%;">
-						Consectetuer
-						adipiscing elit. <br />
-						</td>
-						</tr>
-						</tbody>
-						</table>
-					<p><br />
-					<br />
-					</p>
-					</body>
-		\');';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        /*
-          $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$dbNameForm.'.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-          (\'TemplateTitleComparison\', \'TemplateTitleComparisonDescription\', \'compare.gif\', \'
-          <head>
-          {CSS}
-          </head>
-          <body>
-          <table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-          <tr>
-          <td style="height: 10%; width: 33%;"></td>
-          <td style="vertical-align: top; width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="2">&nbsp;<img style="width: 180px; height: 271px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_standing.png "><br />
-          </td>
-          <td style="height: 10%; width: 33%;"></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-          <td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 33%; text-align: right;">
-          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
-          </td>
-          <td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 33%;">
-          Convallis
-          ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-          </tr>
-          </body>
-          \');';
-          $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-         */
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleDiagram\', \'TemplateTitleDiagramDescription\', \'diagram.gif\', \'
-			<head>
-			                   {CSS}
-						    </head>
-							<body>
-							<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-							<tbody>
-							<tr>
-							<td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; height: 33%; width: 33%;">
-							<br />
-							Etiam
-							lacinia stibulum ante.
-							Convallis
-							ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-							<td colspan="1" rowspan="3">
-								<img style="width: 350px; height: 267px;" alt="Alaska chart" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/alaska_chart.png "></td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-							<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-							<img style="width: 300px; height: 199px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_points_right.png "></td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-							</tr>
-							</tbody>
-							</table>
-							<p><br />
-							<br />
-							</p>
-							</body>
-		\');
-		';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleDesc\', \'TemplateTitleCheckListDescription\', \'description.gif\', \'
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-								<tbody>
-								<tr>
-								<td style="width: 50%; vertical-align: top;">
-									<img style="width: 48px; height: 49px; float: left;" alt="01" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/01.png " hspace="5"><br />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet<br /><br /><br />
-									<img style="width: 48px; height: 49px; float: left;" alt="02" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/02.png " hspace="5">
-									<br />Ut enim ad minim veniam<br /><br /><br />
-									<img style="width: 48px; height: 49px; float: left;" alt="03" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/03.png " hspace="5">Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit<br /><br /><br />
-									<img style="width: 48px; height: 49px; float: left;" alt="04" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/04.png " hspace="5">Neque porro quisquam est</td>
-								<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 50%; text-align: right;" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-									<img style="width: 300px; height: 291px;" alt="Gearbox" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/gearbox.jpg "><br /></td>
-								</tr><tr></tr>
-								</tbody>
-								</table>
-								<p><br />
-								<br />
-								</p>
-							</body>
-		\');
-		';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        /*
-          $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$dbNameForm.'.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-          (\'TemplateTitleObjectives\', \'TemplateTitleObjectivesDescription\', \'courseobjectives.gif\', \'
-          <head>
-          {CSS}
-          </head>
-          <body>
-          <table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-          <tbody>
-          <tr>
-          <td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="2">
-          <img style="width: 180px; height: 271px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_chair.png "><br />
-          </td>
-          <td style="height: 10%; width: 66%;"></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-          <td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 66%;">
-          <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h3>
-          <ul>
-          <li>consectetur adipisicing elit</li>
-          <li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt</li>
-          <li>ut labore et dolore magna aliqua</li>
-          </ul>
-          <h3>Ut enim ad minim veniam</h3>
-          <ul>
-          <li>quis nostrud exercitation ullamco</li>
-          <li>laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat</li>
-          <li>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident</li>
-          </ul>
-          </td>
-          </tr>
-          </tbody>
-          </table>
-          <p><br />
-          <br />
-          </p>
-          </body>
-          \');';
-          $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-         */
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleCycle\', \'TemplateTitleCycleDescription\', \'cyclechart.gif\', \'
-		<head>
-			               {CSS}
-			               <style>
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-			               {
-			               	color: white; font-weight: bold;
-			               }
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-						<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="6">
-						<tbody>
-						<tr>
-							<td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom; height: 10%;" colspan="3" rowspan="1">
-								<img style="width: 250px; height: 76px;" alt="arrow" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/top_arrow.png ">
-							</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr>
-							<td style="height: 5%; width: 45%; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(153, 153, 153); text-align: center;">
-								<span class="title">Lorem ipsum</span>
-							</td>
-							<td style="height: 5%; width: 10%;"></td>
-							<td style="height: 5%; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(153, 153, 153); text-align: center;">
-								<span class="title">Sed ut perspiciatis</span>
-							</td>
-						</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 255); width: 45%; vertical-align: top;">
-									<ul>
-										<li>dolor sit amet</li>
-										<li>consectetur adipisicing elit</li>
-										<li>sed do eiusmod tempor&nbsp;</li>
-										<li>adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam</li>
-										<li>eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam</li>
-									</ul>
-						</td>
-						<td style="width: 10%;"></td>
-						<td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 255); width: 45%; vertical-align: top;">
-							<ul>
-							<li>ut enim ad minim veniam</li>
-							<li>quis nostrud exercitation</li><li>ullamco laboris nisi ut</li>
-							<li> Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea</li>
-							<li>voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur,</li>
-							</ul>
-							</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr align="center">
-							<td style="height: 10%; vertical-align: top;" colspan="3" rowspan="1">
-							<img style="width: 250px; height: 76px;" alt="arrow" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/diagrams/bottom_arrow.png ">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
-						</td>
-						</tr>
-						</tbody>
-						</table>
-						<p><br />
-						<br />
-						</p>
-						</body>
-		\');';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        /*
-          $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$dbNameForm.'.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-          (\'TemplateTitleLearnerWonder\', \'TemplateTitleLearnerWonderDescription\', \'learnerwonder.gif\', \'
-          <head>
-          {CSS}
-          </head>
-          <body>
-          <table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-          <tbody>
-          <tr>
-          <td style="width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="4">
-          <img style="width: 120px; height: 348px;" alt="learner wonders" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/silhouette.png "><br />
-          </td>
-          <td style="width: 66%;"></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr align="center">
-          <td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-          Convallis
-          ut.&nbsp;Cras dui magna.</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr align="center">
-          <td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-          Etiam
-          lacinia stibulum ante.<br />
-          </td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr align="center">
-          <td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_grey.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; vertical-align: top; width: 66%;">
-          Consectetuer
-          adipiscing elit. <br />
-          </td>
-          </tr>
-          </tbody>
-          </table>
-          <p><br />
-          <br />
-          </p>
-          </body>
-          \');
-          ';
-          $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-         */
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleTimeline\', \'TemplateTitleTimelineDescription\', \'phasetimeline.gif\', \'
-		<head>
-		               {CSS}
-						<style>
-						.title
-						{
-							font-weight: bold; text-align: center;
-						}
-						</style>
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-				    <body>
-						<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="5">
-						<tbody>
-						<tr class="title">
-							<td style="vertical-align: top; height: 3%; background-color: rgb(224, 224, 224);">Lorem ipsum</td>
-							<td style="height: 3%;"></td>
-							<td style="vertical-align: top; height: 3%; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Perspiciatis</td>
-							<td style="height: 3%;"></td>
-							<td style="vertical-align: top; height: 3%; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245);">Nemo enim</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr>
-							<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%; background-color: rgb(224, 224, 224);">
-								<ul>
-								<li>dolor sit amet</li>
-								<li>consectetur</li>
-								<li>adipisicing elit</li>
-							</ul>
-							<br />
-							</td>
-							<td>
-								<img style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" alt="arrow" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/arrow.png ">
-							</td>
-							<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">
-								<ul>
-									<li>ut labore</li>
-									<li>et dolore</li>
-									<li>magni dolores</li>
-								</ul>
-							</td>
-							<td>
-								<img style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" alt="arrow" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/small/arrow.png ">
-							</td>
-							<td style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); width: 30%;">
-								<ul>
-									<li>neque porro</li>
-									<li>quisquam est</li>
-									<li>qui dolorem&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
-								</ul>
-								<br /><br />
-							</td>
-						</tr>
-						</tbody>
-						</table>
-					<p><br />
-					<br />
-					</p>
-					</body>
-		\');
-		';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        /*
-          $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$dbNameForm.'.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-          (\'TemplateTitleStopAndThink\', \'TemplateTitleStopAndThinkDescription\', \'stopthink.gif\', \'
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-          {CSS}
-          </head>
-          <body>
-          <table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px; height: 400px;" border="0" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="6">
-          <tbody>
-          <tr>
-          <td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 33%;" colspan="1" rowspan="2">
-          <img style="width: 180px; height: 169px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_staring.png ">
-          <br />
-          </td>
-          <td style="height: 10%; width: 66%;"></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-          <td style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}postit.png ) repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; width: 66%; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">
-          <h3>Attentio sectetur adipisicing elit</h3>
-          <ul>
-          <li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt</li>
-          <li>ut labore et dolore magna aliqua</li>
-          <li>quis nostrud exercitation ullamco</li>
-          </ul><br /></td>
-          </tr>
-          </tbody>
-          </table>
-          <p><br />
-          <br />
-          </p>
-          </body>
-          \');';
-          $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-         */
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleTable\', \'TemplateTitleCheckListDescription\', \'table.gif\', \'
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-		                   {CSS}
-		                   <style type="text/css">
-						.title
-						{
-							font-weight: bold; text-align: center;
-						}
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-						{
-							text-align: right;
-						}
-							</style>
-					    </head>
-					    <body>
-					    <br />
-					   <h2>A table</h2>
-						<table style="background: transparent url({IMG_DIR}faded_blue_horizontal.png ) repeat scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; text-align: left; width: 720px;" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-						<tbody>
-						<tr class="title">
-							<td>City</td>
-							<td>2005</td>
-							<td>2006</td>
-							<td>2007</td>
-							<td>2008</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr class="items">
-							<td>Lima</td>
-							<td>10,40</td>
-							<td>8,95</td>
-							<td>9,19</td>
-							<td>9,76</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr class="items">
-						<td>New York</td>
-							<td>18,39</td>
-							<td>17,52</td>
-							<td>16,57</td>
-							<td>16,60</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr class="items">
-						<td>Barcelona</td>
-							<td>0,10</td>
-							<td>0,10</td>
-							<td>0,05</td>
-							<td>0,05</td>
-						</tr>
-						<tr class="items">
-						<td>Paris</td>
-							<td>3,38</td>
-							<td >3,63</td>
-							<td>3,63</td>
-							<td>3,54</td>
-						</tr>
-						</tbody>
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-						<br />
-						</body>
-		\');';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
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-							<td colspan="1" rowspan="3"><br />
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-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-							<td colspan="1" rowspan="1">
-								<img style="width: 180px; height: 271px;" alt="trainer" src="{COURSE_DIR}images/trainer/trainer_glasses.png"><br /></td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-							</tr>
-							</tbody>
-							</table>
-							<p><br />
-							<br />
-							</p>
-							</body>
-		\');';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleVideo\', \'TemplateTitleVideoDescription\', \'video.gif\', \'
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-					<tr>
-					<td style="width: 50%; vertical-align: top;">
-					<div style="text-align: center;" id="player810625-parent">
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-							<div id="player810625-config" style="overflow: hidden; display: none; visibility: hidden; width: 0px; height: 0px;">url={REL_PATH}main/default_course_document/video/flv/example.flv width=320 height=240 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true align=left dispPlaylist=none playlistThumbs=false</div>
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-					<h3><br />
-					</h3>
-					<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h3>
-						<ul>
-						<li>consectetur adipisicing elit</li>
-						<li>sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt</li>
-						<li>ut labore et dolore magna aliqua</li>
-						</ul>
-					<h3>Ut enim ad minim veniam</h3>
-						<ul>
-						<li>quis nostrud exercitation ullamco</li>
-						<li>laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat</li>
-						<li>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident</li>
-						</ul>
-					</td>
-					</tr>
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-					</table>
-					<p><br />
-					<br />
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-					 <style type="text/css">body{}</style><!-- to fix a strange bug appearing with firefox when editing this template -->
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-		\'); ';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $dbNameForm . '.system_template (title, comment, image, content) VALUES
-		(\'TemplateTitleFlash\', \'TemplateTitleFlashDescription\', \'flash.gif\', \'
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-						<p><br />
-						<br />
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-					</center>
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-		\'); ';
-        $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-        // Check if course_module exists, as it was not installed in Dokeos 1.8.5 because of a broken query, and $sql = 'INSERT it if necessary
-        $query = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.course_module";
-        $result = iDatabase::query($query);
-        if ($result === false) {
-            //the course_module table doesn't exist, create it
-            $sql = "CREATE TABLE $dbNameForm.course_module (
-                      id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                      name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
-                      link varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-                      image varchar(100) default NULL,
-                      `row` int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-                      `column` int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
-                      position varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'basic',
-                      PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-                    )
-                    ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            if ($result !== false) {
-                $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.course_module (name, link, image, `row`,`column`, position) VALUES
-                    ('calendar_event','calendar/agenda.php','agenda.gif',1,1,'basic'),
-                    ('link','link/link.php','links.gif',4,1,'basic'),
-                    ('document','document/document.php','documents.gif',3,1,'basic'),
-                    ('student_publication','work/work.php','works.gif',3,2,'basic'),
-                    ('announcement','announcements/announcements.php','valves.gif',2,1,'basic'),
-                    ('user','user/user.php','members.gif',2,3,'basic'),
-                    ('forum','forum/index.php','forum.gif',1,2,'basic'),
-                    ('quiz','exercice/exercice.php','quiz.gif',2,2,'basic'),
-                    ('group','group/group.php','group.gif',3,3,'basic'),
-                    ('course_description','course_description/','info.gif',1,3,'basic'),
-                    ('chat','chat/chat.php','chat.gif',0,0,'external'),
-                    ('dropbox','dropbox/index.php','dropbox.gif',4,2,'basic'),
-                    ('tracking','tracking/courseLog.php','statistics.gif',1,3,'courseadmin'),
-                    ('homepage_link','link/link.php?action=addlink','npage.gif',1,1,'courseadmin'),
-                    ('course_setting','course_info/infocours.php','reference.gif',1,1,'courseadmin'),
-                    ('External','','external.gif',0,0,'external'),
-                    ('AddedLearnpath','','scormbuilder.gif',0,0,'external'),
-                    ('conference','conference/index.php?type=conference','conf.gif',0,0,'external'),
-                    ('conference','conference/index.php?type=classroom','conf.gif',0,0,'external'),
-                    ('learnpath','newscorm/lp_controller.php','scorm.gif',5,1,'basic'),
-                    ('blog','blog/blog.php','blog.gif',1,2,'basic'),
-                    ('blog_management','blog/blog_admin.php','blog_admin.gif',1,2,'courseadmin'),
-                    ('course_maintenance','course_info/maintenance.php','backup.gif',2,3,'courseadmin'),
-                    ('survey','survey/survey_list.php','survey.gif',2,1,'basic'),
-                    ('wiki','wiki/index.php','wiki.gif',2,3,'basic'),
-                    ('gradebook','gradebook/index.php','gradebook.gif',2,2,'basic'),
-                    ('glossary','glossary/index.php','glossary.gif',2,1,'basic'),
-                    ('notebook','notebook/index.php','notebook.gif',2,1,'basic')";
-                $res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-        $s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-pre.sql', 'stats');
-        if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $s_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbStatsForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbStatsForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-                foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbStatsForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-        $u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-pre.sql', 'user');
-        if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $u_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbUserForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbUserForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbUserForm);
-                foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("iDatabase::query($dbUserForm,$query)");
-                        error_log("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore
-    }
-    $prefix = '';
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $prefix = get_config_param('table_prefix');
-    }
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-pre.sql', 'course');
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-            error_log('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-        } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-            error_log('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-        } else {
-            iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = iDatabase::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL ORDER BY code");
-            if ($res === false) {
-                die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.8.5-1.8.6.inc.php');
-            }
-            if (iDatabase::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-                while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    /**
-                     * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-                     * without a database name
-                     */
-                    if (!$singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-                        iDatabase::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Course db ' . $row_course['db_name']);
-                    foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query(" . $row_course['db_name'] . ",$query)");
-                        } else {
-                            $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                            if ($log) {
-                                $app['monolog']->addInfo("In " . $row_course['db_name'] . ", executed: $query");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $t_d = $row_course['db_name'] . ".document";
-                    $t_ip = $row_course['db_name'] . ".item_property";
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $t_d = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_document";
-                        $t_ip = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_item_property";
-                    }
-                    // Shared documents folder
-                    $query = "INSERT INTO $t_d (path,title,filetype,size) VALUES ('/shared_folder','" . get_lang('SharedDocumentsDirectory') . "','folder','0')";
-                    $myres = iDatabase::query($query);
-                    if ($myres !== false) {
-                        $doc_id = iDatabase::insert_id();
-                        $query = "INSERT INTO $t_ip (tool,insert_user_id,insert_date,lastedit_date,ref,lastedit_type,lastedit_user_id,to_group_id,to_user_id,visibility) VALUES ('document',1,NOW(),NOW(),$doc_id,'FolderAdded',1,0,NULL,1)";
-                        $myres = iDatabase::query($query);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 263

@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Dokeos version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE `$dbNameForm`.`cours`
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-$old_file_version = '1.8.6';
-$new_file_version = '';
-//check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Check if the current Dokeos install is eligible for update
-	if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-		echo '<strong>'.get_lang('Error').' !</strong> Dokeos '.implode('|', $updateFromVersion).' '.get_lang('HasNotBeenFound').'.<br /><br />
-								'.get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1').'.
-							    <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; '.get_lang('Back').'">'.get_lang('Back').'</button></p>
-							    </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-		exit ();
-	}
-	$_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-	if ($singleDbForm) {
-		$_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-		$_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-		$_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-	}
-	$dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-	if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-		$dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbScormForm;
-	}
-	if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-		$dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.'scorm';
-	}
-	/*	Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-	// If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-	// that we want to change the main databases as well...
-	$only_test = false;
-	$log = 0;
-	if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-		if ($singleDbForm) {
-			$dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-			$dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-			$dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Update the databases "pre" migration
-		 */
-		include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-		if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-			//languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-			include '../lang/'.$languageForm.'/create_course.inc.php';
-		}
-		//get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-		$m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'main');
-		if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $m_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm,$dblist)) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-			} else {
-				iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-				foreach($m_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test){
-						 $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-					} else {
-						$res = iDatabase::query($query);
-						if ($log) {
-							 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query");
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-		$s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'stats');
-		if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $s_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbStatsForm.' is too long, skipping');
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm,$dblist)) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbStatsForm.' was not found, skipping');
-			} else {
-				iDatabase::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-				foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						 $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbStatsForm,$query)");
-					} else {
-						$res = iDatabase::query($query);
-						if ($log) {
-							 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query");
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-		$u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'user');
-		if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $u_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbUserForm.' is too long, skipping');
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm, $dblist)) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbUserForm.' was not found, skipping');
-			} else {
-				iDatabase::select_db($dbUserForm);
-				foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						 $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbUserForm,$query)");
-						 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query");
-					} else {
-						$res = iDatabase::query($query);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore
-	}
-	$prefix = '';
-	if ($singleDbForm) {
-		$prefix =  get_config_param ('table_prefix');
-	}
-	// Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-	$c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'course');
-	if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-		// Get the courses list
-		if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-			 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-		} elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-			 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-		} else {
-			iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-			$res = iDatabase::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL ORDER BY code");
-			if ($res === false) { die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.8.6-'); }
-			if (iDatabase::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-				$i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-				while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-					$list[] = $row;
-					$i++;
-				}
-				foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-					// Now use the $c_q_list
-					/**
-					 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-					 * without a database name
-					 */
-					if (!$singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-						iDatabase::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-					}
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Course db ' . $row_course['db_name']);
-					foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-						if ($singleDbForm) {
-							$query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-						}
-						if ($only_test) {
-							 $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query(".$row_course['db_name'].",$query)");
-						} else {
-							$res = iDatabase::query($query);
-							if ($log) {
-								 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In ".$row_course['db_name'].", executed: $query");
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					$t_wiki = $row_course['db_name'].".wiki";
-                    $t_wiki_conf = $row_course['db_name'].".wiki_conf";
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $t_wiki = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_wiki";
-                        $t_wiki_conf = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_wiki_conf";
-                    }
-                    // Update correct page_id to wiki table, actually only store 0
-                    $query = "SELECT id, reflink FROM $t_wiki";
-                    $res_page = iDatabase::query($query);
-                    $wiki_id = $reflink = array();
-					if (iDatabase::num_rows($res_page) > 0) {
-	                    while ($row_page = iDatabase::fetch_row($res_page)) {
-	                    	$wiki_id[] = $row_page[0];
-	                    	$reflink[] = $row_page[1];
-	                    }
-					}
-                    $reflink_unique = array_unique($reflink);
-                    $reflink_flip = array_flip($reflink_unique);
-                    if (is_array($wiki_id)) {
-	                    foreach ($wiki_id as $key => $wiki_page) {
-	                    	$pag_id = $reflink_flip[$reflink[$key]];
-	                    	$sql= "UPDATE $t_wiki SET page_id='".($pag_id + 1)."' WHERE id = '$wiki_page'";
-	                    	$res_update = iDatabase::query($sql);
-	                    }
-                    }
-                    // Insert page_id into wiki_conf table, actually this table is empty
-				   	$query = "SELECT DISTINCT page_id FROM $t_wiki ORDER BY page_id";
-				   	$myres_wiki = iDatabase::query($query);
-				   	if (iDatabase::num_rows($myres_wiki) > 0) {
-					   	while ($row_wiki = iDatabase::fetch_row($myres_wiki)) {
-					   		$page_id = $row_wiki[0];
-					   		$query = "INSERT INTO ".$t_wiki_conf." (page_id, task, feedback1, feedback2, feedback3, fprogress1, fprogress2, fprogress3) VALUES ('".$page_id."','','','','','','','')";
-	                   		$myres_wiki_conf = iDatabase::query($query);
-					   	}
-				   	}
-   				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-} else {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 347

@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Dokeos version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE `$dbNameForm`.`cours`
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-$old_file_version = '';
-$new_file_version = '';
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Check if the current Dokeos install is eligible for update
-	if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-		echo '<strong>'.get_lang('Error').' !</strong> Dokeos '.implode('|', $updateFromVersion).' '.get_lang('HasNotBeenFound').'.<br /><br />
-								'.get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1').'.
-							    <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; '.get_lang('Back').'">'.get_lang('Back').'</button></p>
-							    </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-		exit ();
-	}
-	$_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-	if ($singleDbForm) {
-		$_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-		$_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-		$_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-	}
-	$dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-	if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-		$dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbScormForm;
-	}
-	if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-		$dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.'scorm';
-	}
-	/*	Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-	// If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-	// that we want to change the main databases as well...
-	$only_test = false;
-	$log = 0;
-	if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-		if ($singleDbForm) {
-			$dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-			$dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-			$dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Update the databases "pre" migration
-		 */
-		include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-		if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-			// languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-			include '../lang/'.$languageForm.'/create_course.inc.php';
-		}
-		// Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-		$m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'main');
-		if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $m_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm,$dblist)) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-			} else {
-				iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-				foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						 $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-					} else {
-						$res = iDatabase::query($query);
-						if ($log) {
-							 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query");
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				// There might now be multiple course coaches. This implies
-				// moving the previous course coach elements from the
-				// session_rel_course table to the session_rel_course_rel_user
-				// table with status 2
-				// Select all the current course coaches in sessions
-				$sql = "SELECT id_session, course_code, id_coach
-				        FROM session_rel_course
-				        ORDER BY id_session, course_code";
-				$res = iDatabase::query($sql);
-				if ($res === false) {
-				     $app['monolog']->addError('Could not query session course coaches table: '.iDatabase::error());
-				} else {
-					// For each coach found, add him as a course coach in the
-					// session_rel_course_rel_user table
-					while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-						// Check whether coach is a student
-						$sql = "SELECT 1 FROM session_rel_course_rel_user
-									 WHERE id_session='{$row[id_session]}' AND course_code='{$row[course_code]}' AND id_user='{$row[id_coach]}'";
-						$rs  =	iDatabase::query($sql);
-						if (iDatabase::num_rows($rs) > 0) {
-							$sql_upd = "UPDATE session_rel_course_rel_user SET status=2
-										WHERE id_session='{$row[id_session]}' AND course_code='{$row[course_code]}' AND id_user='{$row[id_coach]}'";
-						} else {
-							$sql_ins = "INSERT INTO session_rel_course_rel_user(id_session, course_code, id_user, status)
-						  				VALUES ('{$row[id_session]}','{$row[course_code]}','{$row[id_coach]}',2)";
-						}
-						$rs_coachs = iDatabase::query($sql_ins);
-						if ($rs_coachs === false) {
-							 $app['monolog']->addError('Could not move course coach to new table: '.iDatabase::error());
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				// Remove duplicated rows for 'show_tutor_data' AND 'show_teacher_data' into settings_current table
-				$sql = "SELECT id FROM settings_current WHERE variable='show_tutor_data' ORDER BY id";
-				$rs_chk_id1 = iDatabase::query($sql);
-				if ($rs_chk_id1 === false) {
-				     $app['monolog']->addError('Could not query settings_current ids table: '.iDatabase::error());
-				} else {
-					$i = 1;
-					while ($row_id1 = iDatabase::fetch_array($rs_chk_id1)) {
-						$id = $row_id1['id'];
-						if ($i > 1) {
-							$sql_del = "DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE id = '$id'";
-							iDatabase::query($sql_del);
-						}
-						$i++;
-					}
-				}
-				$sql = "SELECT id FROM settings_current WHERE variable='show_teacher_data' ORDER BY id";
-				$rs_chk_id2 = iDatabase::query($sql);
-				if ($rs_chk_id2 === false) {
-				     $app['monolog']->addError('Could not query settings_current ids table: '.iDatabase::error());
-				} else {
-					$i = 1;
-					while ($row_id2 = iDatabase::fetch_array($rs_chk_id2)) {
-						$id = $row_id2['id'];
-						if ($i > 1) {
-							$sql_del = "DELETE FROM settings_current WHERE id = '$id'";
-							iDatabase::query($sql_del);
-						}
-						$i++;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Now clean the deprecated id_coach field from the session_rel_course table
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-post.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm,$dblist)) {
-                 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                         $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                             $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-		// Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-		$s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'stats');
-		if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $s_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbStatsForm.' is too long, skipping');
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbStatsForm.' was not found, skipping');
-			} else {
-				iDatabase::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-				foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test) {
-						 $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbStatsForm,$query)");
-					} else {
-						$res = iDatabase::query($query);
-						if ($log) {
-							 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query");
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-		$u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'user');
-		if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-			// Now use the $u_q_list
-			/**
-			 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-			 * without a database name
-			 */
-			if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbUserForm.' is too long, skipping');
-			} elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm,$dblist)) {
-				 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbUserForm.' was not found, skipping');
-			} else {
-				iDatabase::select_db($dbUserForm);
-				foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-					if ($only_test){
-						 $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbUserForm,$query)");
-						 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query");
-					} else {
-						$res = iDatabase::query($query);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore
-	}
-	$prefix = '';
-	if ($singleDbForm) {
-		$prefix =  get_config_param ('table_prefix');
-	}
-	// Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-	$c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'course');
-	if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-		// Get the courses list
-		if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-			 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-		} elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-			 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-		} else {
-			iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-			$res = iDatabase::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL ORDER BY code");
-			if ($res === false) { die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-'); }
-			if (iDatabase::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-				$i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-				while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-					$list[] = $row;
-					$i++;
-				}
-				foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-					// Now use the $c_q_list
-					/**
-					 * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-					 * without a database name
-					 */
-					if (!$singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-						iDatabase::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-					}
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Course db ' . $row_course['db_name']);
-					foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-						if ($singleDbForm) {
-							$query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-						}
-						if ($only_test) {
-							 $app['monolog']->addError("iDatabase::query(".$row_course['db_name'].",$query)");
-						} else {
-							$res = iDatabase::query($query);
-							if ($log) {
-								 $app['monolog']->addError("In ".$row_course['db_name'].", executed: $query");
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					// Fill description type into course_description table
-					$t_course_description = $row_course['db_name'].".course_description";
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $t_course_description = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_course_description";
-                    }
-					// Get all ids and update description_type field with them from course_description table
-					$sql_sel = "SELECT id FROM $t_course_description";
-					$rs_sel = iDatabase::query($sql_sel);
-					if ($rs_sel === false) {
-				    	 $app['monolog']->addError('Could not query course_description ids table: '.iDatabase::error());
-					} else {
-						if (iDatabase::num_rows($rs_sel) > 0) {
-							while ($row_ids = iDatabase::fetch_array($rs_sel)) {
-								$description_id = $row_ids['id'];
-								$sql_upd = "UPDATE $t_course_description SET description_type='$description_id' WHERE id='$description_id'";
-								iDatabase::query($sql_upd);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-   				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-} else {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 567

@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Chamilo version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE $dbNameForm.cours
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-$old_file_version = '';
-$new_file_version = '1.8.7';
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Check if the current Chamilo install is eligible for update
-    if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-        echo '<strong>' . get_lang('Error') . ' !</strong> Chamilo ' . implode('|', $updateFromVersion) . ' ' . get_lang('HasNotBeenFound') . '.<br /><br />
-                                ' . get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1') . '.
-                                <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; ' . get_lang('Back') . '">' . get_lang('Back') . '</button></p>
-                                </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-        exit();
-    }
-    $_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-        $_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-        $_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-    }
-    $dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-    if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm . $dbScormForm;
-    }
-    if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm . 'scorm';
-    }
-    /*   Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-    // If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-    // that we want to change the main databases as well...
-    $only_test = false;
-    $log = 0;
-    if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-        if ($singleDbForm) {
-            $dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the databases "pre" migration
-         */
-        include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-        if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-            // languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-            include '../lang/' . $languageForm . '/create_course.inc.php';
-        }
-        // Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-pre.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("Database::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $tables = iDatabase::get_tables($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($tables as $table) {
-                    $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table . "` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
-                    $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                    if ($res === false) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                    }
-                }
-                $query = "ALTER DATABASE `" . $dbNameForm . "` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
-                $res = Database::query($query);
-                if ($res === false) {
-                    $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (DATE_TIME_INSTALLED) {
-            // Converting dates and times to UTC using the default timezone of PHP
-            // Converting gradebook dates and times
-            $timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
-            // Calculating the offset
-            $dateTimeZoneCurrent = new DateTimeZone($timezone);
-            $dateTimeUTC = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
-            $timeOffsetSeconds = $dateTimeZoneCurrent->getOffset($dateTimeUTC);
-            $timeOffsetHours = $timeOffsetSeconds / 3600;
-            $timeOffsetString = "";
-            if ($timeOffsetHours < 0) {
-                $timeOffsetString .= "-";
-                $timeOffsetHours = abs($timeOffsetHours);
-            } else {
-                $timeOffsetString .= "+";
-            }
-            if ($timeOffsetHours < 10) {
-                $timeOffsetString .= "0";
-            }
-            $timeOffsetString .= "$timeOffsetHours";
-            $timeOffsetString .= ":00";
-            // Executing the queries to convert everything
-            $queries[] = "UPDATE gradebook_certificate 	SET created_at = CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '" . $timeOffsetString . "', '+00:00');";
-            $queries[] = "UPDATE gradebook_evaluation 	SET created_at = CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '" . $timeOffsetString . "', '+00:00');";
-            $queries[] = "UPDATE gradebook_link 		SET created_at = CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '" . $timeOffsetString . "', '+00:00');";
-            $queries[] = "UPDATE gradebook_linkeval_log SET created_at = CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '" . $timeOffsetString . "', '+00:00');";
-            $queries[] = "UPDATE gradebook_result 		SET created_at = CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '" . $timeOffsetString . "', '+00:00');";
-            $queries[] = "UPDATE gradebook_result_log 	SET created_at = CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '" . $timeOffsetString . "', '+00:00');";
-            foreach ($queries as $query) {
-                iDatabase::query($query);
-            }
-        }
-        // Moving user followed by a human resource manager from hr_dept_id field to user_rel_user table
-        $query = "SELECT user_id, hr_dept_id  FROM $dbNameForm.user";
-        $result = iDatabase::query($query);
-        if (iDatabase::num_rows($result) > 0) {
-            require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'usermanager.lib.php';
-            while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                $user_id = $row['user_id'];
-                $hr_dept_id = $row['hr_dept_id'];
-                // moving data to user_rel_user table
-                if (!empty($hr_dept_id)) {
-                    $sql = " SELECT id FROM $dbNameForm.user_rel_user WHERE user_id = $user_id AND friend_user_id = $hr_dept_id AND relation_type = " . USER_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH . " ";
-                    $rs = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                    if (iDatabase::num_rows($rs) == 0) {
-                        $ins = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_rel_user SET user_id = $user_id, friend_user_id = $hr_dept_id, relation_type = " . USER_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH . " ";
-                        iDatabase::query($ins);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            // cleaning hr_dept_id field inside user table
-            $upd = "UPDATE $dbNameForm.user SET hr_dept_id = 0";
-            iDatabase::query($upd);
-        }
-        // Updating score display for each gradebook category
-        // first we check if there already is migrated data to categoy_id field
-        $query = "SELECT id FROM $dbNameForm.gradebook_score_display WHERE category_id = 0";
-        $rs_check = iDatabase::query($query);
-        if (iDatabase::num_rows($rs_check) > 0) {
-            // get all gradebook categories id
-            $a_categories = array();
-            $query = "SELECT id FROM $dbNameForm.gradebook_category";
-            $rs_gradebook = iDatabase::query($query);
-            if (iDatabase::num_rows($rs_gradebook) > 0) {
-                while ($row_gradebook = iDatabase::fetch_row($rs_gradebook)) {
-                    $a_categories[] = $row_gradebook[0];
-                }
-            }
-            // get all gradebook score display
-            $query = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.gradebook_score_display";
-            $rs_score_display = iDatabase::query($query);
-            if (iDatabase::num_rows($rs_score_display) > 0) {
-                $score_color_percent = api_get_setting('gradebook_score_display_colorsplit');
-                while ($row_score_display = iDatabase::fetch_array($rs_score_display)) {
-                    $score = $row_score_display['score'];
-                    $display = $row_score_display['display'];
-                    foreach ($a_categories as $category_id) {
-                        $ins = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.gradebook_score_display(score, display, category_id, score_color_percent) VALUES('$score', '$display', $category_id, '$score_color_percent')";
-                        iDatabase::query($ins);
-                    }
-                }
-                // remove score display with category id = 0
-                $del = "DELETE FROM $dbNameForm.gradebook_score_display WHERE category_id = 0";
-                iDatabase::query($del);
-            }
-        }
-        // Now clean the deprecated id_coach field from the session_rel_course table
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-post.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("Database::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-        $s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-pre.sql', 'stats');
-        if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $s_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbStatsForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbStatsForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-                foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("Database::query($dbStatsForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $tables = iDatabase::get_tables($dbStatsForm);
-                foreach ($tables as $table) {
-                    $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table . "` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
-                    $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                    if ($res === false) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                    }
-                }
-                $query = "ALTER DATABASE `" . $dbStatsForm . "` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
-                $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                if ($res === false) {
-                    $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                }
-                // chamilo_stat.track_e_attempt table update changing id by id_auto
-                $sql = "SELECT exe_id, question_id, course_code, answer FROM $dbStatsForm.track_e_attempt";
-                $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                if (iDatabase::num_rows($result) > 0) {
-                    while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result)) {
-                        $course_code = $row['course_code'];
-                        $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code);
-                        if (empty($course_info)) {
-                            continue;
-                        }
-                        $my_course_db = $course_info['dbName'];
-                        $question_id = $row['question_id'];
-                        $answer = $row['answer'];
-                        $exe_id = $row['exe_id'];
-                        if(empty($answer)){
-                            continue;
-                        }
-                        //getting the type question id
-                        $sql_question = "SELECT type FROM $my_course_db.quiz_question where id = $question_id";
-                        $res_question = iDatabase::query($sql_question);
-                        $row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res_question);
-                        $type = $row['type'];
-                        require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'exercice/question.class.php';
-                        //this type of questions produce problems in the track_e_attempt table
-                        if (in_array($type, array(UNIQUE_ANSWER, MULTIPLE_ANSWER, MATCHING, MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION))) {
-                            $sql_question = "SELECT id_auto FROM $my_course_db.quiz_answer where question_id = $question_id and id = $answer";
-                            $res_question = iDatabase::query($sql_question);
-                            $row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res_question);
-                            if($row){
-                                $id_auto = $row['id_auto'];
-                                if (!empty($id_auto)) {
-                                    $sql = "UPDATE $dbStatsForm.track_e_attempt SET answer = '$id_auto' WHERE exe_id = $exe_id AND question_id = $question_id AND course_code = '$course_code' and answer = $answer ";
-                                    iDatabase::query($sql);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-        $u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-pre.sql', 'user');
-        if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $u_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbUserForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbUserForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbUserForm);
-                foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("Database::query($dbUserForm,$query)");
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $tables = iDatabase::get_tables($dbUserForm);
-                foreach ($tables as $table) {
-                    $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table . "` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
-                    $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                    if ($res === false) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                    }
-                }
-                $query = "ALTER DATABASE `" . $dbUserForm . "` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
-                $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                if ($res === false) {
-                    $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore
-    }
-    $prefix = '';
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $prefix = get_config_param('table_prefix');
-    }
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-pre.sql', 'course');
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-        } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-        } else {
-            iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = iDatabase::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL ORDER BY code");
-            if ($res === false) {
-                die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-');
-            }
-            if (iDatabase::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-                while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    /**
-                     * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-                     * without a database name
-                     */
-                    if (!$singleDbForm) { // otherwise just use the main one
-                        iDatabase::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) {
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("Database::query(" . $row_course['db_name'] . ",$query)");
-                        } else {
-                            $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                            if ($log) {
-                                $app['monolog']->addInfo("In " . $row_course['db_name'] . ", executed: $query");
-                            }
-                            if ($res === false) {
-                                $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (!$singleDbForm) {
-                        $tables = iDatabase::get_tables($row_course['db_name']);
-                        foreach ($tables as $table) {
-                            $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table . "` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
-                            $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                            if ($res === false) {
-                                $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                            }
-                        }
-                        $query = "ALTER DATABASE `" . $row_course['db_name'] . "` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addError('Error in ' . $query . ': ' . iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $t_student_publication = $row_course['db_name'] . ".student_publication";
-                    $t_item_property = $row_course['db_name'] . ".item_property";
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $t_student_publication = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_student_publication";
-                        $t_item_property = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_item_property";
-                    }
-                    $sql_insert_user = "SELECT ref, insert_user_id FROM $t_item_property WHERE tool='work'";
-                    $rs_insert_user = iDatabase::query($sql_insert_user);
-                    if ($rs_insert_user === false) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addError('Could not query insert_user_id table: ' . iDatabase::error());
-                    } else {
-                        if (iDatabase::num_rows($rs_insert_user) > 0) {
-                            while ($row_ids = iDatabase::fetch_array($rs_insert_user)) {
-                                $user_id = $row_ids['insert_user_id'];
-                                $ref = $row_ids['ref'];
-                                $sql_upd = "UPDATE $t_student_publication SET user_id='$user_id' WHERE id='$ref'";
-                                iDatabase::query($sql_upd);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    //updating parent_id of the student_publication table
-                    $sql = 'SELECT id, url, parent_id FROM ' . $t_student_publication;
-                    $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                    if (iDatabase::num_rows($result) > 0) {
-                        $items = iDatabase::store_result($result);
-                        $directory_list = $file_list = array();
-                        foreach ($items as $item) {
-                            $student_slash = substr($item['url'], 0, 1);
-                            //means this is a directory
-                            if ($student_slash == '/') {
-                                $directory_list[$item['id']] = $item['url'];
-                            } else {
-                                // this is a file with no parents
-                                if ($item['parent_id'] == 0)
-                                    $file_list [] = $item;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (is_array($file_list) && count($file_list) > 0) {
-                            foreach ($file_list as $file) {
-                                $parent_id = 0;
-                                if (is_array($directory_list) && count($directory_list) > 0) {
-                                    foreach ($directory_list as $id => $dir) {
-                                        $pos = strpos($file['url'], $dir . '/');
-                                        if ($pos !== false) {
-                                            $parent_id = $id;
-                                            break;
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                if ($parent_id != 0) {
-                                    $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $t_student_publication . ' SET parent_id = ' . $parent_id . ' WHERE id = ' . $file['id'] . '';
-                                    iDatabase::query($sql);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-' . $old_file_version . '-' . $new_file_version . '-post.sql', 'course');
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Database name ' . $dbNameForm . ' is too long, skipping');
-        } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Database ' . $dbNameForm . ' was not found, skipping');
-        } else {
-            iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = iDatabase::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL");
-            if ($res === false) {
-                die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-');
-            }
-            if (iDatabase::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row) {
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    /**
-                     * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-                     * without a database name
-                     */
-                    $prefix_course = $prefix;
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $prefix_course = $prefix . $row['db_name'] . "_";
-                    } else {
-                        iDatabase::select_db($row['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("Database::query(" . $row['db_name'] . ",$query)");
-                        } else {
-                            $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                            if ($log) {
-                                $app['monolog']->addInfo("In " . $row['db_name'] . ", executed: $query");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 407

@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Chamilo version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE $dbNameForm.cours
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-$old_file_version = '1.8.7';
-$new_file_version = '1.8.8';
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Check if the current Chamilo install is eligible for update
-    if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-        echo '<strong>'.get_lang('Error').' !</strong> Chamilo '.implode('|', $updateFromVersion).' '.get_lang('HasNotBeenFound').'.<br /><br />
-                                '.get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1').'.
-                                <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; '.get_lang('Back').'">'.get_lang('Back').'</button></p>
-                                </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-        exit ();
-    }
-    $_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-        $_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-        $_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-    }
-	$dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-	if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbScormForm;
-    }
-    if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.'scorm';
-    }
-    /*   Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-    // If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-    // that we want to change the main databases as well...
-    $only_test = false;
-    $log = 0;
-    if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-        if ($singleDbForm) {
-            $dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the databases "pre" migration
-         */
-        include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-        if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-            // languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-            include '../lang/'.$languageForm.'/create_course.inc.php';
-        }
-        // Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query){
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                             $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                        	 $app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /* // This fragment of code is not necessary so far.
-        // Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-post.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            // We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-            // without a database name.
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                error_log('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm,$dblist)) {
-                error_log('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        error_log("iDatabase::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                            error_log("In $dbNameForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        */
-        // Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-        $s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'stats');
-        if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $s_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-                 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbStatsForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)){
-                 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbStatsForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-                foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                         $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbStatsForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($log) {
-                             $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbStatsForm, executed: $query");
-                        }
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                             $app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-        $u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'user');
-        if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $u_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-                 $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbUserForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm,$dblist)) {
-                 $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbUserForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbUserForm);
-                foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                         $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbUserForm,$query)");
-                         $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                             $app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // The SCORM database doesn't need a change in the pre-migrate part - ignore
-    }
-    $prefix = '';
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $prefix =  get_config_param ('table_prefix');
-    }
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'course');
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-             $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-        } elseif(!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-             $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-        } else {
-            iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = iDatabase::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL ORDER BY code");
-            if ($res === false) { die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-'); }
-            if (iDatabase::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-                while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    /**
-                     * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-                     * without a database name
-                     */
-                    if (!$singleDbForm) { // otherwise just use the main one
-                        iDatabase::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Course db ' . $row_course['db_name']);
-                    foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) {
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                             $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query(".$row_course['db_name'].",$query)");
-                        } else {
-                            $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                            if ($log) {
-                                 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In ".$row_course['db_name'].", executed: $query");
-                            }
-                            if ($res === false) {
-                                 $app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $table_lp_item_view = $row_course['db_name'].".lp_item_view";
-                    $table_lp_view = $row_course['db_name'].".lp_view";
-                    $table_lp_item = $row_course['db_name'].".lp_item";
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $table_lp_item_view = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_lp_item_view";
-                        $table_lp_view = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_lp_view";
-                        $table_lp_item = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_lp_item";
-                    }
-                    // Filling the track_e_exercices.orig_lp_item_view_id field  in order to have better traceability in exercises included in a LP see #3188
-                    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT path as exercise_id, lp_item_id, lp_view_id, user_id, v.lp_id
-                              FROM $table_lp_item_view iv INNER JOIN  $table_lp_view v  ON v.id = iv.lp_view_id INNER JOIN $table_lp_item i ON  i.id = lp_item_id
-                              WHERE item_type = 'quiz'";
-                    $result = iDatabase::query($query);
-                    if (iDatabase::num_rows($result) > 0) {
-                        while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result,'ASSOC')) {
-                            $sql = "SELECT exe_id FROM $dbStatsForm.track_e_exercices
-                                    WHERE exe_user_id = {$row['user_id']} AND
-                                    exe_cours_id = '{$row_course['code']}' AND
-                                    exe_exo_id = {$row['exercise_id']}  AND
-                                    orig_lp_id = {$row['lp_id']}  AND
-                                    orig_lp_item_id = {$row['lp_item_id']} ";
-                            $sub_result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                            $exe_list = array();
-                            while ($sub_row = iDatabase::fetch_array($sub_result,'ASSOC')) {
-                                $exe_list[] = $sub_row['exe_id'];
-                            }
-                            $sql = "SELECT iv.id, iv.view_count
-                                      FROM $table_lp_item_view iv INNER JOIN  $table_lp_view v  ON v.id = iv.lp_view_id INNER JOIN $table_lp_item i ON  i.id = lp_item_id
-                                      WHERE item_type = 'quiz' AND user_id =  {$row['user_id']} AND path = {$row['exercise_id']} ";
-                            $sub_result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                            $lp_item_view_id_list = array();
-                            while ($sub_row = iDatabase::fetch_array($sub_result,'ASSOC')) {
-                                $lp_item_view_id_list[] = $sub_row['id'];
-                            }
-                            $i = 0;
-                            foreach($exe_list as $exe_id) {
-                                $lp_item_view_id = $lp_item_view_id_list[$i];
-                                $update = "UPDATE $dbNameForm.track_e_exercices SET orig_lp_item_view_id  = '$lp_item_view_id' WHERE exe_id = $exe_id ";
-                                iDatabase::query($update);
-                                $i++;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            //Adding notifications options
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable, field_default_value) values (4, 'mail_notify_invitation',   'MailNotifyInvitation',1,1,'1') ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $id = iDatabase::insert_id();
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '1', 'AtOnce',1) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '8', 'Daily',2) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '0', 'No',3) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable, field_default_value) values (4, 'mail_notify_message',		 'MailNotifyMessage',1,1,'1')";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $id = iDatabase::insert_id();
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '1', 'AtOnce',1) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '8', 'Daily',2) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '0', 'No',3) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field (field_type, field_variable, field_display_text, field_visible, field_changeable, field_default_value) values (4, 'mail_notify_group_message','MailNotifyGroupMessage',1,1,'1') ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $id = iDatabase::insert_id();
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '1', 'AtOnce',1) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '8', 'Daily',2) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.user_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order) values ($id, '0', 'No',3) ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            //Fixing table access_url_rel_course if the platform have courses that were created in Dok€os 1.8.5
-            if (!isset($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) || $_configuration['multiple_access_urls'] == false) {
-                $sql = "SELECT code FROM $dbNameForm.course";
-                $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result)) {
-                    //Adding course to default URL just in case
-                    $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.access_url_rel_course SET course_code = '".iDatabase::escape_string($row['code'])."', access_url_id = '1' ";
-                    iDatabase::query($sql);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* // This fragment of code is not necessary so far.
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-post.sql', 'course');
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-             $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-        } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-             $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-        } else {
-            iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = iDatabase::query("SELECT code,db_name,directory,course_language FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL");
-            if ($res === false) { die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.8.7-1.8.8.inc.php'); }
-            if (iDatabase::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row) {
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    // We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-                    // without a database name
-                    $prefix_course = $prefix;
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $prefix_course = $prefix.$row['db_name']."_";
-                    } else {
-                        iDatabase::select_db($row['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    foreach($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) { //otherwise just use the main one
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                             $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query(".$row['db_name'].",$query)");
-                        } else {
-                            $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                            if ($log) {
-                                 $app['monolog']->addInfo("In ".$row['db_name'].", executed: $query");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    */
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 680

@@ -1,680 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Chamilo version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE $dbNameForm.cours
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-$old_file_version = '1.8.8';
-$new_file_version = '1.9.0';
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Check if the current Chamilo install is eligible for update
-    if (!file_exists('../inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
-        echo '<strong>'.get_lang('Error').' !</strong> Chamilo '.implode('|', $updateFromVersion).' '.get_lang('HasNotBeenFound').'.<br /><br />
-                                '.get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1').'.
-                                <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; '.get_lang('Back').'">'.get_lang('Back').'</button></p>
-                                </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-        exit ();
-    }
-    $_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $_configuration['table_prefix'] 	= get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-        $_configuration['main_database'] 	= get_config_param('mainDbName');
-        $_configuration['db_prefix'] 		= get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-    }
-	$dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-	if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbScormForm;
-    }
-    if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.'scorm';
-    }
-    /*   Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-    // If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-    // that we want to change the main databases as well...
-    $only_test = false;
-    if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-        if ($singleDbForm) {
-            $dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbUserForm  = $dbNameForm;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the databases "pre" migration
-         */
-        include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-        if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-            // languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-            include '../lang/'.$languageForm.'/create_course.inc.php';
-        }
-        // Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query){
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                        	$app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (INSTALL_TYPE_UPDATE == 'update') {
-            //Migrate classes to the new classes (usergroups)
-            $sql = "SELECT selected_value FROM $dbNameForm.settings_current WHERE variable='use_session_mode' ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            $result = Database::fetch_array($result);
-            $session_mode  = $result['selected_value'];
-            if ($session_mode == 'true') {
-                $sql = "UPDATE $dbNameForm.settings_current SET selected_value = 'true' WHERE variable='use_session_mode' ";
-                $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.class";
-                $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                $count = 0;
-                $new_table = "$dbNameForm.usergroup";
-                $classes_added = 0;
-                $mapping_classes = array();
-                if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                    while($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                        $old_id = $row['id'];
-                        unset($row['id']);
-                        unset($row['code']);
-                        $new_user_group_id = Database::insert($new_table, $row);
-                        $mapping_classes[$old_id] = $new_user_group_id;
-                        if (is_numeric($id)) {
-                            $classes_added ++;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.class_user";
-                $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                $new_table = "$dbNameForm.usergroup_rel_user";
-                if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                    while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                        $values = array('usergroup_id' => $mapping_classes[$row['class_id']],
-                                        'user_id' => $row['user_id']);
-                        iDatabase::insert($new_table, $values);
-                    }
-                }
-                $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.course_rel_class";
-                $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                $new_table = "$dbNameForm.usergroup_rel_course";
-                if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                    while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                        $course_code = $row['course_code'];
-                        $course_code = addslashes($course_code);
-                        $sql_course = "SELECT id from $dbNameForm.course WHERE code = '$course_code'";
-                        $result_course = iDatabase::query($sql_course);
-                        $result_course = Database::fetch_array($result_course);
-                        $course_id  = $result_course['id'];
-                        $values = array('usergroup_id' => $mapping_classes[$row['class_id']],
-                                        'course_id' => $course_id);
-                        iDatabase::insert($new_table, $values);
-                    }
-                }
-                $app['monolog']->addInfo("#classes added $classes_added");
-            }
-        }
-        // Get the stats queries list (s_q_list)
-        $s_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'stats');
-        if (count($s_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $s_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbStatsForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbStatsForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbStatsForm, $dblist)){
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbStatsForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-                foreach ($s_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbStatsForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //Moving Stats DB to the main DB
-        $stats_table = array(
-			"track_c_browsers",
-			"track_c_countries",
-			"track_c_os",
-			"track_c_providers",
-			"track_c_referers",
-			"track_e_access",
-			"track_e_attempt",
-			"track_e_attempt_recording",
-			"track_e_course_access",
-			"track_e_default",
-			"track_e_downloads",
-			"track_e_exercices",
-			"track_e_hotpotatoes",
-			"track_e_hotspot",
-			"track_e_item_property",
-			"track_e_lastaccess",
-			"track_e_links",
-			"track_e_login",
-			"track_e_online",
-			"track_e_open",
-			"track_e_uploads",
-        	"track_stored_values",
-        	"track_stored_values_stack",
-        );
-        if ($dbNameForm != $dbStatsForm) {
-        	iDatabase::select_db($dbStatsForm);
-	        foreach ($stats_table as $stat_table) {
-	        	$sql = "ALTER TABLE $dbStatsForm.$stat_table RENAME $dbNameForm.$stat_table";
-	        	iDatabase::query($sql);
-	        }
-	        iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-        }
-        // Get the user queries list (u_q_list)
-        $u_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'user');
-        if (count($u_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $u_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbUserForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbUserForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbUserForm,$dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbUserForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbUserForm);
-                foreach ($u_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbUserForm,$query)");
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("In $dbUserForm, executed: $query");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //Moving user database to the main database
-        $users_tables = array(
-        			"personal_agenda",
-        			"personal_agenda_repeat",
-        			"personal_agenda_repeat_not",
-        			"user_course_category"
-        );
-        if ($dbNameForm != $dbUserForm) {
-        	iDatabase::select_db($dbUserForm);
-        	foreach ($users_tables as $table) {
-        		$sql = "ALTER TABLE $dbUserForm.$table RENAME  $dbNameForm.$table";
-        		iDatabase::query($sql);
-        	}
-        	iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-        }
-    }
-    //Adding admin user in the access_url_rel_user  table
-    $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM admin WHERE user_id = 1";
-    $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-    $has_user_id = Database::num_rows($result) > 0;
-    $sql = "SELECT * FROM access_url_rel_user WHERE user_id = 1 AND access_url_id = 1";
-    $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-    $has_entry = Database::num_rows($result) > 0;
-    if ($has_user_id && !$has_entry) {
-        $sql = "INSERT INTO access_url_rel_user VALUES(1, 1)";
-        iDatabase::query($sql);
-    }
-    //Adds the c_XXX courses tables see #3910
-    global $_configuration;
-    drop_course_tables();
-    create_course_tables();
-    $prefix = '';
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $prefix =  get_config_param('table_prefix');
-    }
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo("Database prefix: '$prefix'");
-    // Get the courses databases queries list (c_q_list)
-    $c_q_list = get_sql_file_contents('migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'course');
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Starting migration: '.$old_file_version.' - '.$new_file_version);
-    if (count($c_q_list) > 0) {
-        // Get the courses list
-        if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-        } elseif(!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-        } else {
-            iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-            $res = iDatabase::query("SELECT id, code, db_name, directory, course_language, id as real_id FROM course WHERE target_course_code IS NULL ORDER BY code");
-            if ($res === false) { die('Error while querying the courses list in update_db-1.8.8-1.9.0.inc.php'); }
-            $errors = array();
-            if (iDatabase::num_rows($res) > 0) {
-                $i = 0;
-                $list = array();
-                while ($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($res)) {
-                    $list[] = $row;
-                    $i++;
-                }
-                foreach ($list as $row_course) {
-                    if (!$singleDbForm) { // otherwise just use the main one
-                        iDatabase::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-                    }
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Course db ' . $row_course['db_name']);
-                    // Now use the $c_q_list
-                    foreach ($c_q_list as $query) {
-                        if ($singleDbForm) {
-                            $query = preg_replace('/^(UPDATE|ALTER TABLE|CREATE TABLE|DROP TABLE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)\s+(\w*)(.*)$/', "$1 $prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_$2$3", $query);
-                        }
-                        if ($only_test) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query(".$row_course['db_name'].",$query)");
-                        } else {
-                            $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                            if ($res === false) {
-                                $app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $work_table = $row_course['db_name'].".student_publication";
-                    $item_table = $row_course['db_name'].".item_property";
-                    if ($singleDbForm) {
-                        $work_table = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_student_publication";
-                        $item_table = $row_course['db_name'].".item_property";
-                    }
-                    if (!$singleDbForm) {
-                        // otherwise just use the main one
-                        iDatabase::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-                    } else {
-                        iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                    }
-                    /* Start work fix */
-                    /* Fixes the work subfolder and work with no parent issues */
-                    //1. Searching for works with no parents
-                    $sql 	= "SELECT * FROM $work_table WHERE parent_id = 0 AND filetype ='file'";
-                    $result = Database::query($sql);
-                    $work_list = array();
-                    if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                        while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                            $work_list[] = $row;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $today = api_get_utc_datetime();
-                    $user_id = 1;
-                    require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'work/work.lib.php';
-                    $sys_course_path 	= api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH);
-                    $course_dir 		= $sys_course_path . $row_course['directory'];
-                    $base_work_dir 		= $course_dir . '/work';
-                    //2. Looping if there are works with no parents
-                    if (!empty($work_list)) {
-                        $work_dir_created = array();
-                        foreach ($work_list as $work) {
-                            $session_id = intval($work['session_id']);
-                            $group_id   = intval($work['post_group_id']);
-                            $work_key   = $session_id.$group_id;
-                            //Only create the folder once
-                            if (!isset($work_dir_created[$work_key])) {
-                                $dir_name = "default_tasks_".$group_id."_".$session_id;
-                                //2.1 Creating a new work folder
-                                $sql = "INSERT INTO $work_table SET
-                                                url         		= 'work/".$dir_name."',
-                                                title               = 'Tasks',
-                                                description 		= '',
-                                                author      		= '',
-                                                active              = '1',
-                                                accepted			= '1',
-                                                filetype            = 'folder',
-                                                post_group_id       = '$group_id',
-                                                sent_date           = '".$today."',
-                                                parent_id           = '0',
-                                                qualificator_id     = '',
-                                                user_id 			= '".$user_id."'";
-                                iDatabase::query($sql);
-                                $id = Database::insert_id();
-                                //2.2 Adding the folder in item property
-                                if ($id) {
-                                    //api_item_property_update($row_course, 'work', $id, 'DirectoryCreated', $user_id, $group_id, null, 0, 0 , $session_id);
-                                    $sql = "INSERT INTO $item_table (tool, ref, insert_date, insert_user_id, lastedit_date, lastedit_type, lastedit_user_id, to_group_id, visibility, id_session)
-                                            VALUES ('work','$id','$today', '$user_id', '$today', 'DirectoryCreated','$user_id', '$group_id', '1', '$session_id')";
-                                    iDatabase::query($sql);
-                                    $work_dir_created[$work_key] = $id;
-                                    create_unexisting_work_directory($base_work_dir, $dir_name);
-                                    $final_dir = $base_work_dir.'/'.$dir_name;
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                $final_dir = $base_work_dir.'/'.$dir_name;
-                            }
-                            //2.3 Updating the url
-                            if (!empty($work_dir_created[$work_key])) {
-                                $parent_id = $work_dir_created[$work_key];
-                                $new_url = "work/".$dir_name.'/'.basename($work['url']);
-                                $new_url = Database::escape_string($new_url);$sql = "UPDATE $work_table SET url = '$new_url', parent_id = $parent_id, contains_file = '1' WHERE id = {$work['id']}";
-                                iDatabase::query($sql);
-                                if (is_dir($final_dir)) {
-                                    rename($course_dir.'/'.$work['url'], $course_dir.'/'.$new_url);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    //3.0 Moving subfolders to the root
-                    $sql 	= "SELECT * FROM $work_table WHERE parent_id <> 0 AND filetype ='folder'";
-                    $result = Database::query($sql);
-                    $work_list = array();
-                    if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                        while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                            $work_list[] = $row;
-                        }
-                        if (!empty($work_list)) {
-                            foreach ($work_list as $work_folder) {
-                                $folder_id = $work_folder['id'];
-                                check_work($folder_id, $work_folder['url'], $work_table, $base_work_dir);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    /*  End of work fix  */
-                    //Course tables to be migrated
-                    $table_list = array(
-                    					'announcement',
-                                        'announcement_attachment',
-                                        'attendance',
-                                        'attendance_calendar',
-                                        'attendance_result',
-                                        'attendance_sheet',
-                                        'attendance_sheet_log',
-                                        'blog',
-                                        'blog_attachment',
-                                        'blog_comment',
-                                        'blog_post',
-                                        'blog_rating',
-                                        'blog_rel_user',
-                                        'blog_task',
-                                        'blog_task_rel_user',
-                                        'calendar_event',
-                                        'calendar_event_attachment',
-                                        'calendar_event_repeat',
-                                        'calendar_event_repeat_not',
-                                        'chat_connected',
-                                        'course_description',
-                                        'course_setting',
-                                        'document',
-                                        'dropbox_category',
-                                        'dropbox_feedback',
-                                        'dropbox_file',
-                                        'dropbox_person',
-                                        'dropbox_post',
-                                        'forum_attachment',
-                                        'forum_category',
-                                        'forum_forum',
-                                        'forum_mailcue',
-                                        'forum_notification',
-                                        'forum_post',
-                                        'forum_thread',
-                                        'forum_thread_qualify',
-                                        'forum_thread_qualify_log',
-                                        'glossary',
-                                        'group_category',
-                                        'group_info',
-                                        'group_rel_tutor',
-                                        'group_rel_user',
-                                        'item_property',
-                                        'link',
-                                        'link_category',
-                                        'lp',
-                                        'lp_item',
-                                        'lp_item_view',
-                                        'lp_iv_interaction',
-                                        'lp_iv_objective',
-                                        'lp_view',
-                                        'notebook',
-                                        'metadata',
-                                        'online_connected',
-                                        'online_link',
-                                        'permission_group',
-                                        'permission_task',
-                                        'permission_user',
-                                        'quiz',
-                                        'quiz_answer',
-                                        'quiz_question',
-                                        'quiz_question_option',
-                                        'quiz_rel_question',
-                                        'resource',
-                                        'role',
-                                        'role_group',
-                                        'role_permissions',
-                                        'role_user',
-                                        'student_publication',
-                                        'student_publication_assignment',
-                                        'survey',
-                                        'survey_answer',
-                                        'survey_group',
-                                        'survey_invitation',
-                                        'survey_question',
-                                        'survey_question_option',
-                                        'thematic',
-                                        'thematic_advance',
-                                        'thematic_plan',
-                                        'tool',
-                                        'tool_intro',
-                                        'userinfo_content',
-                                        'userinfo_def',
-                                        'wiki',
-                                        'wiki_conf',
-                                        'wiki_discuss',
-                                        'wiki_mailcue'
-                    );
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('<<<------- Loading DB course '.$row_course['db_name'].' -------->>');
-                    $count = $old_count = 0;
-                    foreach ($table_list as $table) {
-                        $just_table_name = $table;
-                    	$old_table = $row_course['db_name'].".".$table;
-                    	if ($singleDbForm) {
-                    		$old_table = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_".$table;
-                            $just_table_name = "$prefix{$row_course['db_name']}_".$table;
-                    	}
-                    	$course_id = $row_course['id'];
-                    	$new_table = DB_COURSE_PREFIX.$table;
-                        //Use the old database (if this is the case)
-                        if (!$singleDbForm) {
-                    		// otherwise just use the main one
-                    		iDatabase::select_db($row_course['db_name']);
-                    	} else {
-                    		iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                    	}
-                    	//Count of rows
-                        $sql 	= "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$just_table_name'";
-                        $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                        if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                            $sql 	= "SELECT count(*) FROM $old_table";
-                            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                            $old_count = 0;
-                            if ($result) {
-                                $row 		= iDatabase::fetch_row($result);
-                                $old_count = $row[0];
-                            } else {
-                                $app['monolog']->addError("Count(*) in table $old_table failed");
-                            }
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("# rows in $old_table: $old_count");
-                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM $old_table";
-                            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-                            $count = 0;
-                            /* Loads the main database */
-                            iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                            while($row = iDatabase::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                                $row['c_id'] = $course_id;
-                                $id = iDatabase::insert($new_table, $row);
-                                if (is_numeric($id)) {
-                                    $count++;
-                                } else {
-                                    $errors[$old_table][] = $row;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            $app['monolog']->addInfo("#rows inserted in $new_table: $count");
-                            if ($old_count != $count) {
-                                $app['monolog']->addError("ERROR count of new and old table doesn't match: $old_count - $new_table");
-                                $app['monolog']->addError("Check the results: ");
-                                $app['monolog']->addError(print_r($errors, 1));
-                                error_log(print_r($errors, 1));
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            $app['monolog']->addError("Seems that the table $old_table doesn't exists ");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $app['monolog']->addInfo('<<<------- end  -------->>');
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;
-function check_work($folder_id, $work_url, $work_table, $base_work_dir) {
-    $uniq_id = uniqid();
-    //Looking for subfolders
-    $sql 	= "SELECT * FROM $work_table WHERE parent_id = $folder_id AND filetype ='folder'";
-    $result = Database::query($sql);
-    if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-        while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-            check_work($row['id'], $row['url'], $work_table, $base_work_dir);
-        }
-    }
-    //Moving the subfolder in the root
-    $new_url = '/'.basename($work_url).'_mv_'.$uniq_id;
-    $new_url = Database::escape_string($new_url);
-    $sql = "UPDATE $work_table SET url = '$new_url', parent_id = 0 WHERE id = $folder_id";
-    iDatabase::query($sql);
-    if (is_dir($base_work_dir.$work_url)) {
-        rename($base_work_dir.$work_url, $base_work_dir.$new_url);
-        //Rename all files inside the folder
-        $sql 	= "SELECT * FROM $work_table WHERE parent_id = $folder_id AND filetype ='file'";
-        $result = Database::query($sql);
-        if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-            while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                $new_url = "work".$new_url.'/'.basename($row['url']);
-                $new_url = Database::escape_string($new_url);
-                $sql = "UPDATE $work_table SET url = '$new_url', parent_id = $folder_id, contains_file = '1' WHERE id = {$row['id']}";
-                iDatabase::query($sql);
-            }
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 383

@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Update the Chamilo database from an older Chamilo version
- * Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
- * or update_courses.php (deprecated).
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- * @todo
- * - conditional changing of tables. Currently we execute for example
- * ALTER TABLE $dbNameForm.cours
- * instructions without checking wether this is necessary.
- * - reorganise code into functions
- * @todo use database library
- */
-$old_file_version = '1.9.0';
-$new_file_version = '1.10.0';
-// Check if we come from index.php or update_courses.php - otherwise display error msg
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Check if the current Chamilo install is eligible for update
-    if (empty($_configuration)) {
-        echo '<strong>'.get_lang('Error').' !</strong> Chamilo '.get_lang('HasNotBeenFound').'.<br /><br />
-                                '.get_lang('PleasGoBackToStep1').'.
-                                <p><button type="submit" class="back" name="step1" value="&lt; '.get_lang('Back').'">'.get_lang('Back').'</button></p>
-                                </td></tr></table></form></body></html>';
-        exit();
-    }
-    $_configuration['db_glue'] = get_config_param('dbGlu');
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $_configuration['table_prefix'] = get_config_param('courseTablePrefix');
-        $_configuration['main_database'] = get_config_param('mainDbName');
-        $_configuration['db_prefix'] = get_config_param('dbNamePrefix');
-    }
-    $dbScormForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbScormForm);
-    if (!empty($dbPrefixForm) && strpos($dbScormForm, $dbPrefixForm) !== 0) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.$dbScormForm;
-    }
-    if (empty($dbScormForm) || $dbScormForm == 'mysql' || $dbScormForm == $dbPrefixForm) {
-        $dbScormForm = $dbPrefixForm.'scorm';
-    }
-    /*   Normal upgrade procedure: start by updating main, statistic, user databases */
-    // If this script has been included by index.php, not update_courses.php, so
-    // that we want to change the main databases as well...
-    $only_test = false;
-    if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-        if ($singleDbForm) {
-            $dbStatsForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbScormForm = $dbNameForm;
-            $dbUserForm = $dbNameForm;
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the databases "pre" migration
-         */
-        include '../lang/english/create_course.inc.php';
-        if ($languageForm != 'english') {
-            // languageForm has been escaped in index.php
-            include '../lang/'.$languageForm.'/create_course.inc.php';
-        }
-        // Get the main queries list (m_q_list)
-        $m_q_list = get_sql_file_contents($new_file_version.'/migrate-db-'.$old_file_version.'-'.$new_file_version.'-pre.sql', 'main');
-        if (count($m_q_list) > 0) {
-            // Now use the $m_q_list
-            /**
-             * We connect to the right DB first to make sure we can use the queries
-             * without a database name
-             */
-            if (strlen($dbNameForm) > 40) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database name '.$dbNameForm.' is too long, skipping');
-            } elseif (!in_array($dbNameForm, $dblist)) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$dbNameForm.' was not found, skipping');
-            } else {
-                iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-                foreach ($m_q_list as $query) {
-                    if ($only_test) {
-                        $app['monolog']->addInfo("iDatabase::query($dbNameForm,$query)");
-                    } else {
-                        $res = iDatabase::query($query);
-                        if ($res === false) {
-                            $app['monolog']->addError('Error in '.$query.': '.iDatabase::error());
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (INSTALL_TYPE_UPDATE == 'update') {
-            $session_table = "$dbNameForm.session";
-            $session_rel_course_table = "$dbNameForm.session_rel_course";
-            $session_rel_course_rel_user_table = "$dbNameForm.session_rel_course_rel_user";
-            $course_table = "$dbNameForm.course";
-            //Fixes new changes in sessions
-            $sql = "SELECT id, date_start, date_end, nb_days_access_before_beginning, nb_days_access_after_end FROM $session_table ";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            while ($session = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
-                $session_id = $session['id'];
-                //Fixing date_start
-                if (isset($session['date_start']) && !empty($session['date_start']) && $session['date_start'] != '0000-00-00') {
-                    $datetime = $session['date_start'].' 00:00:00';
-                    $update_sql = "UPDATE $session_table SET display_start_date = '$datetime' , access_start_date = '$datetime' WHERE id = $session_id";
-                    iDatabase::query($update_sql);
-                    //Fixing nb_days_access_before_beginning
-                    if (!empty($session['nb_days_access_before_beginning'])) {
-                        $datetime = api_strtotime($datetime, 'UTC') - (86400 * $session['nb_days_access_before_beginning']);
-                        $datetime = api_get_utc_datetime($datetime);
-                        $update_sql = "UPDATE $session_table SET coach_access_start_date = '$datetime' WHERE id = $session_id";
-                        iDatabase::query($update_sql);
-                    }
-                }
-                //Fixing end_date
-                if (isset($session['date_end']) && !empty($session['date_end']) && $session['date_end'] != '0000-00-00') {
-                    $datetime = $session['date_end'].' 00:00:00';
-                    $update_sql = "UPDATE $session_table SET display_end_date = '$datetime', access_end_date = '$datetime' WHERE id = $session_id";
-                    iDatabase::query($update_sql);
-                    //Fixing nb_days_access_before_beginning
-                    if (!empty($session['nb_days_access_after_end'])) {
-                        $datetime = api_strtotime($datetime, 'UTC') + (86400 * $session['nb_days_access_after_end']);
-                        $datetime = api_get_utc_datetime($datetime);
-                        $update_sql = "UPDATE $session_table SET coach_access_end_date = '$datetime' WHERE id = $session_id";
-                        iDatabase::query($update_sql);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            // Fixes new changes session_rel_course
-            $sql = "SELECT id_session, sc.course_code, c.id FROM $course_table c INNER JOIN $session_rel_course_table sc ON sc.course_code = c.code";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
-                $sql = "UPDATE $session_rel_course_table SET c_id = {$row['id']}
-                        WHERE course_code = '{$row['course_code']}' AND id_session = {$row['id_session']} ";
-                iDatabase::query($sql);
-            }
-            // Fixes new changes in session_rel_course_rel_user
-            $sql = "SELECT id_session, sc.course_code, c.id FROM $course_table c INNER JOIN $session_rel_course_rel_user_table sc ON sc.course_code = c.code";
-            $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-            while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
-                $sql = "UPDATE $session_rel_course_rel_user_table SET c_id = {$row['id']}
-                        WHERE course_code = '{$row['course_code']}' AND id_session = {$row['id_session']} ";
-                iDatabase::query($sql);
-            }
-            //Updating c_quiz_order
-            $teq = "$dbNameForm.c_quiz";
-            $seq = "SELECT c_id, session_id, id FROM $teq ORDER BY c_id, session_id, id";
-            $req = iDatabase::query($seq);
-            $to = "$dbNameForm.c_quiz_order";
-            $do = "DELETE FROM $to";
-            Database::query($do);
-            $cid = 0;
-            $temp_session_id = 0;
-            $order = 1;
-            while ($row = Database::fetch_assoc($req)) {
-                if ($row['c_id'] != $cid) {
-                    $cid = $row['c_id'];
-                    $temp_session_id = $row['session_id'];
-                    $order = 1;
-                } elseif ($row['session_id'] != $temp_session_id) {
-                    $temp_session_id = $row['session_id'];
-                    $order = 1;
-                }
-                $ins = "INSERT INTO $to (c_id, session_id, exercise_id, exercise_order)".
-                       " VALUES ($cid, $temp_session_id, {$row['id']}, $order)";
-                $rins = iDatabase::query($ins);
-                $order++;
-            }
-            $sql = "SELECT id FROM $dbNameForm.course_field WHERE field_variable = 'special_course'";
-            $result = Database::query($sql);
-            $fieldData = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC');
-            $id = $fieldData['id'];
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.course_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order)
-                    VALUES ('$id', '1', '".get_lang('Yes')."', '1')";
-            $result = Database::query($sql);
-            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.course_field_options (field_id, option_value, option_display_text, option_order)
-                    VALUES ('$id', '0', '".get_lang('No')."', '2')";
-            Database::query($sql);
-            // Moving social group to class
-            $output->writeln('Fixing social groups');
-            $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.groups";
-            $result = Database::query($sql);
-            $oldGroups = array();
-            if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                while ($group = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                    $group['name'] = Database::escape_string($group['name']);
-                    $group['description'] = Database::escape_string($group['description']);
-                    $group['picture'] = Database::escape_string($group['picture_uri']);
-                    $group['url'] = Database::escape_string($group['url']);
-                    $group['visibility'] = Database::escape_string($group['visibility']);
-                    $group['updated_on'] = Database::escape_string($group['updated_on']);
-                    $group['created_on'] = Database::escape_string($group['created_on']);
-                    $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.usergroup (name, group_type, description, picture, url, visibility, updated_on, created_on)
-                    VALUES ('{$group['name']}', '1', '{$group['description']}', '{$group['picture_uri']}', '{$group['url']}', '{$group['visibility']}', '{$group['updated_on']}', '{$group['created_on']}')";
-                    Database::query($sql);
-                    $id = Database::insert_id();
-                    $oldGroups[$group['id']] = $id;
-                }
-            }
-            if (!empty($oldGroups)) {
-                $output->writeln('Moving group files');
-                foreach ($oldGroups as $oldId => $newId) {
-                    $path = GroupPortalManager::get_group_picture_path_by_id($oldId, 'system');
-                    if (!empty($path)) {
-                        var_dump($path['dir']);
-                        $newPath = str_replace("groups/$oldId/", "groups/$newId/", $path['dir']);
-                        $command = "mv {$path['dir']} $newPath ";
-                        system($command);
-                        $output->writeln("Moving files: $command");
-                    }
-                }
-                $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.group_rel_user";
-                $result = Database::query($sql);
-                if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                    while ($data = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                        if (isset($oldGroups[$data['group_id']])) {
-                            $data['group_id'] = $oldGroups[$data['group_id']];
-                            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.usergroup_rel_user (usergroup_id, user_id, relation_type)
-                            VALUES ('{$data['group_id']}', '{$data['user_id']}', '{$data['relation_type']}')";
-                            Database::query($sql);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.group_rel_group";
-                $result = Database::query($sql);
-                if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                    while ($data = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                        if (isset($oldGroups[$data['group_id']]) && isset($oldGroups[$data['subgroup_id']])) {
-                            $data['group_id'] = $oldGroups[$data['group_id']];
-                            $data['subgroup_id'] = $oldGroups[$data['subgroup_id']];
-                            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.usergroup_rel_usergroup (group_id, subgroup_id, relation_type)
-                                    VALUES ('{$data['group_id']}', '{$data['subgroup_id']}', '{$data['relation_type']}')";
-                            Database::query($sql);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.announcement_rel_group";
-                $result = Database::query($sql);
-                if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                    while ($data = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                        if (isset($oldGroups[$data['group_id']])) {
-                            //Deleting relation
-                            $sql = "DELETE FROM announcement_rel_group WHERE id = {$data['id']}";
-                            Database::query($sql);
-                            //Add new relation
-                            $data['group_id'] = $oldGroups[$data['group_id']];
-                            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.announcement_rel_group(group_id, announcement_id)
-                            VALUES ('{$data['group_id']}', '{$data['announcement_id']}')";
-                            Database::query($sql);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbNameForm.group_rel_tag";
-                $result = Database::query($sql);
-                if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
-                    while ($data = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                        if (isset($oldGroups[$data['group_id']])) {
-                            $data['group_id'] = $oldGroups[$data['group_id']];
-                            $sql = "INSERT INTO $dbNameForm.usergroup_rel_tag (tag_id, usergroup_id)
-                            VALUES ('{$data['tag_id']}', '{$data['group_id']}')";
-                            Database::query($sql);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $course = "$dbNameForm.course";
-                $sql = "SELECT id FROM $course";
-                $result = Database::query($sql);
-                $test = false;
-                // Getting courses
-                while ($data = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
-                    $courseId = $data['id'];
-                    $sql = "SELECT id, iid FROM $dbNameForm.c_quiz WHERE c_id = $courseId";
-                    $resultQuiz = Database::query($sql);
-                    // getting quiz
-                    while ($quiz = Database::fetch_array($resultQuiz, 'ASSOC')) {
-                        $quizId = $quiz['id'];
-                        $newQuizId = $quiz['iid'];
-                        //item properties
-                        $sql = "UPDATE $dbNameForm.c_item_property SET ref= $newQuizId WHERE c_id = $courseId AND ref = $quizId AND tool = 'quiz' ";
-                        if ($test) {
-                            var_dump($sql);
-                        } else {
-                            Database::query($sql);
-                        }
-                        //item c_lp_item
-                        $sql = "UPDATE $dbNameForm.c_lp_item SET ref= $newQuizId WHERE c_id = $courseId AND ref = $quizId AND item_type = 'quiz' ";
-                        if ($test) {
-                            var_dump($sql);
-                        } else {
-                            Database::query($sql);
-                        }
-                        // getting questions
-                        $sql = "SELECT r.question_id, q.iid FROM $dbNameForm.c_quiz_rel_question r INNER JOIN $dbNameForm.c_quiz_question q
-                                ON (r.c_id = q.c_id AND r.question_id = q.id)
-                                WHERE r.c_id = $courseId AND exercice_id = $quizId";
-                        $resultQuestion = Database::query($sql);
-                        while ($question = Database::fetch_array($resultQuestion, 'ASSOC')) {
-                            $oldQuestionId = $question['question_id'];
-                            $newQuestionId = $question['iid'];
-                            // moving answers
-                            $sql = "SELECT id, iid FROM $dbNameForm.c_quiz_answer WHERE c_id = $courseId AND question_id = $oldQuestionId";
-                            $resultAnswer = Database::query($sql);
-                            while ($answer = Database::fetch_array($resultAnswer, 'ASSOC')) {
-                                $sql = "UPDATE $dbNameForm.c_quiz_answer SET question_id = $newQuestionId
-                                        WHERE c_id = $courseId AND question_id = $oldQuestionId";
-                                if ($test) {
-                                    var_dump($sql);
-                                } else {
-                                    Database::query($sql);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            $sql = "UPDATE $dbNameForm.c_quiz_rel_question SET exercice_id = $newQuizId, question_id = $newQuestionId
-                                    WHERE c_id = $courseId AND question_id = $oldQuestionId";
-                            if ($test ) {
-                                var_dump($sql);
-                            } else {
-                                Database::query($sql);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        // Categories
-                        $sql = "SELECT iid, id FROM $dbNameForm.c_quiz_category WHERE c_id = $courseId";
-                        $resultCat = Database::query($sql);
-                        while ($category = Database::fetch_array($resultCat, 'ASSOC')) {
-                            $oldId = $category['id'];
-                            $newId = $category['iid'];
-                            $sql = "UPDATE $dbNameForm.c_quiz_rel_category SET exercice_id = $newQuizId, category_id = $newId
-                                    WHERE c_id = $courseId AND category_id = $oldId";
-                            if ($test ) {
-                                var_dump($sql);
-                            } else {
-                                Database::query($sql);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 1282

@@ -1,1282 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- * Script handling the migration between an old Dokeos platform (<1.8.0) to
- * setup the new database system (4 scorm tables inside the course's database)
- * @package chamilo.scorm
- * @author Yannick Warnier <ywarnier@beeznest.org>
- */
- * Include mandatory libraries
- */
-require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'document.lib.php';
-require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'newscorm/learnpath.class.php';
-require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'newscorm/scorm.class.php';
-$loglevel = 0;
-// Get table prefix from $prefix variable declared in update-db-....inc.php
-$table_prefix = $prefix;
-$sys_course_path = $pathForm.'courses/';
-$upd_course_path = $proposedUpdatePath.'courses/';
-function my_get_time($time) {
-    $matches = array();
-    if (preg_match('/(\d{1,4}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2})(\.\d*)?)?/', $time, $matches)) {
-        if (count($matches) == 3) {
-            return ($matches[1] * 60) + ($matches[2]);
-        } else {
-            return ($matches[1] * 3600) + ($matches[2] * 60) + ($matches[4]);
-        }
-    }
-    else return 0;
-// Open log file
-$fh = fopen(api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).'newscorm_'.time().'.log', 'w');
-$fh_revert = fopen(api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).'newscorm_'.time().'_revert.log', 'w');
-$fh_res = fopen(api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).'newscorm_'.time().'_res.log', 'w');
-fwrite($fh, "-- Recording course homepages links changes to enable reverting\n");
-fwrite($fh_revert, "-- Recording reverted course homepages links changes to enable reverting\n");
-fwrite($fh_res, "-- Recording resulting course homepages links changes\n");
-//echo "<html><body>";
- * New tables definition:
- */
-$new_lp = 'lp';
-$new_lp_view = 'lp_view';
-$new_lp_item = 'lp_item';
-$new_lp_item_view = 'lp_item_view';
-$new_lp_type = 'lp_type';
-$max_dsp_lp = 0;
-$courses_list = array();
-$courses_id_list = array();
-$courses_id_full_table_prefix_list = array();
-$courses_dir_list = array();
-$sql = "SELECT * FROM course";
-$res = Database::query($sql);
-while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res)) {
-    $course_pref = $table_prefix;
-    if ($singleDbForm) {
-        $dbname = $_configuration['main_database'].'.'.$course_pref.$row['db_name'].'_';
-    } else {
-        $dbname = $row['db_name'].'.'.$course_pref;
-    }
-    $courses_list[] = $row['db_name'];
-    $courses_id_list[$row['code']] = $row['db_name'];
-    $courses_id_full_table_prefix_list[$row['code']] = $dbname;
-    $courses_dir_list[$row['code']] = $row['directory'];
-if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Tables created/deleted for all courses"); }
- * The migration needs to take all data from the original learnpath tables and add them to the new
- * lp, lp_view, lp_item and lp_item_view tables
- */
-// Test only one course
-foreach ($courses_id_full_table_prefix_list as $course_code => $db) {
-    if (strlen($courses_id_list[$course_code]) > 40) {
-        $app['monolog']->addError('Database '.$courses_id_list[$course_code].' is too long, skipping');
-        continue;
-    }
-    $incoherences = 0;
-    if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Now starting migration of learnpath tables from $db database..."); }
-    $lp_doc = $db.TABLE_DOCUMENT;
-    $lp_main = $db.TABLE_LEARNPATH_MAIN;
-    $lp_ids = array();
-    $lp_user = $db.TABLE_LEARNPATH_USER;
-    $lp_users = array();
-    $lp_chap = $db.TABLE_LEARNPATH_CHAPTER;
-    $parent_chaps = array();
-    $lp_chap_items = array();
-    $ordered_chaps = array();
-    $lp_item = $db.TABLE_LEARNPATH_ITEM;
-    $lp_items = array();
-    $lp_ordered_items = array();
-    $parent_lps = array(); //keeps a track of chapter's learnpath ids
-    $my_new_lp = $db.$new_lp;
-    $my_new_lp_item = $db.$new_lp_item;
-    $my_new_lp_view = $db.$new_lp_view;
-    $my_new_lp_item_view = $db.$new_lp_item_view;
-    // Migrate learnpaths
-    $sql_test = "SELECT * FROM $my_new_lp";
-    $res_test = Database::query($sql_test);
-    $sql_lp = "SELECT * FROM $lp_main";
-    if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("$sql_lp"); }
-    $res_lp = Database::query($sql_lp);
-    if (!$res_lp or !$res_test) {
-        if ($loglevel > 1) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError("+++Problem querying DB $lp_main+++ skipping (".Database::error().")");
-            if (!$res_test) {
-                $app['monolog']->addError("This might be due to no existing table in the destination course");
-            }
-        }
-        continue;
-    }
-    $dsp_ord = 1;
-    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_lp)) {
-        //echo "Treating lp id : ".$row['learnpath_id']."<br />\n";
-        $ins_lp_sql = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp (lp_type,name,description,display_order,content_maker) " .
-                "VALUES (1," .
-                        "'".Database::escape_string($row['learnpath_name'])."'," .
-                        "'".Database::escape_string($row['learnpath_description'])."',$dsp_ord,'Dokeos')";
-        $ins_lp_res = Database::query($ins_lp_sql);
-        $in_id = Database::insert_id();
-        if (!$in_id) die('Could not insert lp: '.$ins_lp_sql);
-        $lp_ids[$row['learnpath_id']] = $in_id;
-        $dsp_ord++;
-        $max_dsp_lp = $dsp_ord;
-    }
-    //echo "<pre>lp_ids:".print_r($lp_ids,true)."</pre>\n";
-    $sql_lp_chap = "ALTER TABLE $lp_chap ADD INDEX ( parent_chapter_id, display_order )";
-    $res_lp_chap = Database::query($sql_lp_chap);
-    $sql_lp_chap = "SELECT * FROM $lp_chap ORDER BY parent_chapter_id, display_order";
-    //echo "$sql_lp_chap<br />\n";
-    $res_lp_chap = Database::query($sql_lp_chap);
-    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_lp_chap)) {
-        //echo "Treating chapter id : ".$row['id']."<br />\n";
-        //TODO: Build path for this chapter (although there is no real path for any chapter)
-        //TODO: Find out how to calculate the "next_item_id" with the "ordre" field
-        $my_lp_item = $my_new_lp_item;
-        $myname = Database::escape_string($row['chapter_name']);
-        $mydesc = Database::escape_string($row['chapter_description']);
-        $ins_lp_sql = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_item (" .
-                "lp_id," .
-                "item_type," .
-                "title," .
-                "description," .
-                "path, " .
-                "display_order, " .
-                "next_item_id) " .
-                "VALUES (" .
-                "'".$lp_ids[$row['learnpath_id']]."'," . //insert new learnpath ID
-                "'dokeos_chapter'," .
-                "'".$myname."'," .
-                "'".$mydesc."'," .
-                "''," .
-                $row['display_order'].", " .
-                "123456" .
-                ")";
-        //echo $ins_lp_sql."<br />\n";
-        $ins_res = Database::query($ins_lp_sql);
-        $in_id = Database::insert_id();
-        //echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;Inserted item $in_id<br />\n";
-        if (!$in_id) die('Could not insert lp: '.$ins_sql);
-        $parent_chaps[$row['id']] = $row['parent_chapter_id'];
-        $lp_chap_items[$row['id']] = $in_id;
-        $parent_lps[$row['id']] = $row['learnpath_id'];
-        $ordered_chaps[$row['parent_chapter_id']][$row['display_order']] = $in_id;
-        $lp_chaps_list[$row['learnpath_id']][] = $in_id;
-    }
-    //echo "<pre>parent_lps:".print_r($parent_lps,true)."</pre>\n";
-    // Now one loop to update the parent_chapter_ids
-    foreach ($parent_chaps as $old_chap => $old_parent_chap) {
-        if ($old_parent_chap != 0) {
-            $new_chap = $lp_chap_items[$old_chap];
-            $new_parent = $lp_chap_items[$old_parent_chap];
-            if (isset($new_chap) && $new_chap != '' && isset($new_parent) && $new_parent != '') {
-                $sql_par_chap = "UPDATE $my_new_lp_item " .
-                    "SET parent_item_id = $new_parent " .
-                    "WHERE id = $new_chap";
-                $res_par_chap = Database::query($sql_par_chap);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    unset($parent_chaps);
-    // Now one loop to set the next_item_id and the previous_item_id
-    foreach ($ordered_chaps as $parent_chap) {
-        $last = 0;
-        foreach ($ordered_chaps[$parent_chap] as $order => $new_id) {
-            $sql_upd_chaps = "UPDATE $my_new_lp_item " .
-                    "SET previous_item_id = $last " .
-                    "WHERE id = $new_id";
-            $res_upd_chaps = Database::query($sql_upd_chaps);
-            $next = 0;
-            if (!empty($ordered_chaps[$parent_chap][$order + 1])) {
-                $next = $ordered_chaps[$parent_chap][$order + 1];
-            }
-            $sql_upd_chaps = "UPDATE $my_new_lp_item " .
-                    "SET next_item_id = $next " .
-                    "WHERE id = $new_id";
-            $res_upd_chaps = Database::query($sql_upd_chaps);
-            $last = $new_id;
-        }
-    }
-    unset($ordered_chaps);
-    // Migrate learnpath_items
-    // TODO: Define this array thanks to types defined in the learnpath_building scripts
-    // TODO: Set order correctly
-    $type_trans = array(
-        'document'  => TOOL_DOCUMENT,
-        'exercise'  => TOOL_QUIZ,
-        'forum'     => TOOL_FORUM,
-        'Agenda'    => TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT,
-        'Ad_Valvas' => TOOL_ANNOUNCEMENT,
-        'Link'      => TOOL_LINK,
-        'Link _blank' => TOOL_LINK,
-        'Exercise'  => TOOL_QUIZ,
-        'HotPotatoes'=> 'HotPotatoes',
-        'Forum'     => TOOL_FORUM,
-        'Thread'    => TOOL_THREAD,
-        'Topic'     => TOOL_THREAD,
-        'Post'      => TOOL_POST,
-        'Document'  => TOOL_DOCUMENT,
-        'Assignments'=> 'Assignments',
-        'Dropbox'   => TOOL_DROPBOX,
-        'Introduction_text'=> 'Introduction_text',
-        'Course_description' => TOOL_COURSE_DESCRIPTION,
-        'Groups'    => TOOL_GROUP,
-        'Users'     => TOOL_USER,
-        //'chapter' => 'dokeos_chapter', Chapters should all be in learnpath_chapter, no matter the nesting level
-    );
-    $sql_lp_item = "ALTER TABLE $lp_item ADD INDEX ( chapter_id, display_order)";
-    $res_lp_item = Database::query($sql_lp_item);
-    $sql_lp_item = "SELECT * FROM $lp_item ORDER BY chapter_id, display_order";
-    //echo "$sql_lp_item<br />\n";
-    $res_lp_item = Database::query($sql_lp_item);
-    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_lp_item)) {
-        //echo "Treating chapter ".$row['chapter_id'].", item ".$row['id']."<br />\n";
-        $type = $type_trans[$row['item_type']];
-        $ref = $row['item_id'];
-        //TODO: Build item path
-        //TODO: Calculate "next_item_id" with the "ordre" field
-        // Prepare prereqs
-        // Prerequisites in Dokeos 1.6 is only authorised on previous items, so
-        // We know that we are gonna talk about an item that has already been passed
-        // through here - if none found, print message
-        $prereq_id = '';
-        if (!empty($row['prereq_id'])) {
-            switch ($row['prereq_type']) {
-                case 'c':
-                    // chapter-type prereq
-                    $prereq_id = $lp_chap_items[$row['prereq_id']];
-                    if (empty($prereq_id) && $loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addError("Could not find prereq chapter ".$row['prereq_id']); }
-                    break;
-                case 'i':
-                default:
-                    // item type prereq
-                    $prereq_id = $lp_items[$parent_lps[$row['chapter_id']]][$row['prereq_id']];
-                    if (empty($prereq_id) && $loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addError("Could not find prereq item ".$row['prereq_id']); }
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        $my_parent_id = 0;
-        if (isset($lp_chap_items[$row['chapter_id']])) {
-            $my_parent_id = $lp_chap_items[$row['chapter_id']];
-        }
-        $title = '';
-        if (empty($row['title']) && $type == 'Document' && !empty($row['item_id'])) {
-            $my_sql_doctitle = "SELECT title FROM $lp_doc WHERE id = ".$row['item_id'];
-            $my_res_doctitle = Database::query($my_sql_doctitle);
-            if ($row_doctitle = Database::fetch_array($my_res_doctitle)) {
-                $title = $row_doctitle['title'];
-            } else  {
-                $title = '-';
-            }
-        } else {
-            $title = $row['title'];
-        }
-        if (isset($lp_ids[$parent_lps[$row['chapter_id']]])) {
-        	// If there is a parent learnpath
-            $ins_lp_sql = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_item (" .
-                    "lp_id," .
-                    "item_type," .
-                    "ref, " .
-                    "title," .
-                    "description," .
-                    "path, " .
-                    "parent_item_id," .
-                    "prerequisite," .
-                    "display_order" .
-                    ") VALUES (" .
-                    "'".$lp_ids[$parent_lps[$row['chapter_id']]]."'," . // Insert new learnpath ID
-                    "'$type'," .
-                    "'$ref', " .
-                    "'".Database::escape_string($row['title'])."'," .
-                    "'".Database::escape_string($row['description'])."'," .
-                    "'$ref'," .
-                    "".$my_parent_id."," .
-                    "'$prereq_id'," .
-                    $row['display_order']." " .
-                    ")";
-            $ins_res = Database::query($ins_lp_sql);
-            $in_id = Database::insert_id();
-            //echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;Inserted item $in_id (".$row['title'].")<br />\n";
-            if (!$in_id) die('Could not insert lp_item: '.$ins_sql);
-            $lp_items[$parent_lps[$row['chapter_id']]][$row['id']] = $in_id;
-            $lp_ordered_items[$parent_lps[$row['chapter_id']]][$row['chapter_id']][] = $in_id;
-        }
-    }
-    //echo "<pre>lp_items:".print_r($lp_items,true)."</pre>\n";
-    // Complete next_item_id field by going through the new table and looking at parent_id and display_order
-    $order_sql = "ALTER TABLE $my_new_lp_item ADD INDEX (lp_id, parent_item_id, display_order)";
-    $order_res = Database::query($order_sql);
-    $order_sql = "SELECT * FROM $my_new_lp_item ORDER by lp_id ASC, parent_item_id ASC, display_order ASC";
-    //echo "$order_sql<br />\n";
-    $order_res = Database::query($order_sql);
-    $order_item = array(); //this will contain a sequential list of item_id's, thus allowing to give a simple way to get next id...
-    $lp_id = 0;
-    //echo "<pre>";
-    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($order_res)) {
-        //print_r($row);
-        if ($row['lp_id'] != $lp_id) {
-            // Apply changes to the database and clean tool arrays
-            $last = 0;
-            foreach ($order_item as $order_id => $item_id) {
-                $next = 0;
-                if (!empty($order_item[$order_id+1])) {
-                    $next = $order_item[$order_id+1];
-                }
-                $upd = "UPDATE $my_new_lp_item " .
-                        "SET next_item_id = ".$next."," .
-                        "    previous_item_id = ".$last." " .
-                        "WHERE id = ".$item_id;
-                //echo "$upd<br />\n";
-                Database::query($upd);
-                $last = $item_id;
-            }
-            $order_item = array();
-            $lp_id = $row['lp_id'];
-            $order_item[] = $row['id'];
-        } else {
-            $order_item[] = $row['id'];
-        }
-    }
-    // Process the last LP stack
-    $last = 0;
-    foreach ($order_item as $order_id => $item_id) {
-        $next = 0;
-        if (!empty($order_item[$order_id + 1])) {
-            $next = $order_item[$order_id + 1];
-        }
-        $upd = "UPDATE $my_new_lp_item " .
-                "SET next_item_id = ".$next."," .
-                "    previous_item_id = ".$last." " .
-                "WHERE id = ".$item_id;
-        //echo "$upd<br />\n";
-        Database::query($upd);
-        $last = $item_id;
-    }
-    //echo "</pre>\n";
-    // MIGRATING THE learnpath_user TABLE (results)
-    $mysql = "ALTER TABLE $my_new_lp_item_view ADD INDEX (lp_view_id)";
-    $myres = Database::query($mysql);
-    $sql_lp_user = "ALTER TABLE $lp_user ADD INDEX (user_id, learnpath_id, learnpath_item_id)";
-    $res_lp_user = Database::query($sql_lp_user);
-    $sql_lp_user = "SELECT * FROM $lp_user ORDER BY user_id, learnpath_id, learnpath_item_id";
-    //echo "$sql_lp_user<br />\n";
-    $res_lp_user = Database::query($sql_lp_user);
-    $user_id = 0;
-    $learnpath_id = 0;
-    $lp_view = 0;
-    while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res_lp_user)) {
-        if ($row['user_id']!=$user_id  OR $row['learnpath_id']!=$learnpath_id) {  //the user has changed or this is the first
-            // Insert a new lp_view
-            $last = 0;
-            if (!empty($lp_chaps_list[$row['learnpath_id']][0])) {
-                $last = $lp_chaps_list[$row['learnpath_id']][0];
-            }
-            if (empty($lp_ids[$row['learnpath_id']])) {
-                // This can be ignored as it means there was an LP before, this user
-                // used it, but now it's been removed
-                //echo "Somehow we also miss a lp_ids[".$row['learnpath_id']."] here<br />\n";
-                $incoherences ++;
-            } else {
-                $mylpid = $lp_ids[$row['learnpath_id']];
-                $sql_ins_view = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_view(" .
-                        "lp_id," .
-                        "user_id," .
-                        "view_count," .
-                        "last_item" .
-                        ")VALUES(" .
-                        "".$mylpid."," . // new learnpath id
-                        "".$row['user_id']."," . // user IDs stay the same
-                        "1," .
-                        "".$last."" . // Use the first chapter from this learnpath
-                        ")";
-                //echo $sql_ins_view;
-                $res_ins_view = Database::query($sql_ins_view);
-                $in_id = Database::insert_id();
-                $user_id = $row['user_id'];
-                $learnpath_id = $row['learnpath_id'];
-                $lp_view = $in_id;
-            }
-        }
-        // Insert the record into lp_item_view
-        // TODO: fix the whole in here (missing one item at least)
-        $my_new_lp_item_id = $lp_items[$learnpath_id][$row['learnpath_item_id']];
-        if (empty($my_new_lp_item_id)) {
-            // This can be ignored safely as it just means a user used a learnpath_item
-            // before it was removed from items - maybe fix that in Dokeos?
-            //echo "Somehow we miss lp_items[".$learnpath_id."][".$row['learnpath_item_id']."] here...<br />";
-            $incoherences ++;
-        } else {
-            $start_time = 0;
-            $my_time = my_get_time($row['time']);
-            if ($my_time > 0) {
-                $start_time = time() - $my_time;
-            }
-            $sql_ins_iv = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_item_view(" .
-                    "lp_item_id," .
-                "lp_view_id," .
-                "view_count," .
-                "start_time," .
-                "total_time," .
-                "score," .
-                "status" .
-                ")VALUES(" .
-                "".$lp_items[$learnpath_id][$row['learnpath_item_id']]."," .
-                "".$lp_view."," .
-                "1," .
-                "$start_time," .
-                "".$my_time."," .
-                "".$row['score']."," .
-                "'".$row['status']."'" .
-                ")";
-            //echo $sql_ins_iv;
-            $res_ins_iv = Database::query($sql_ins_iv);
-        }
-        // UPDATE THE LP_VIEW progress
-        $mysql = "SELECT count(distinct(lp_item_id)) FROM $my_new_lp_item_view WHERE lp_view_id = ".$lp_view." AND status IN ('passed','completed','succeeded','browsed','failed')";
-        $myres = Database::query($mysql);
-        $myrow = Database::fetch_array($myres);
-        $completed = $myrow[0];
-        $mylpid = $lp_ids[$row['learnpath_id']];
-        $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM $my_new_lp_item WHERE lp_id = '".$mylpid."'";
-        $myres = Database::query($sql);
-        $myrow = Database::fetch_array($myres);
-        $total = $myrow[0];
-        $progress = ((float)$completed / (float)$total) * 100;
-        $progress = number_format($progress, 0);
-        $sql = "UPDATE $my_new_lp_view SET progress = '$progress' WHERE id = '$lp_view'";
-        $myres = Database::query($sql);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Move prerequisites
-     * TODO: Integrate prerequisites migration into learnpath_item migration
-     */
-    $msg = '';
-    if ($incoherences > 0) {
-        $msg = "(found $incoherences incoherences between views and items - ignored)";
-    }
-    /**
-     * Migrate links on the homepage as well now (look into the TABLE_TOOL_LIST table and
-     * update the links to newscorm/lp_controller.php?action=view&lp_id=x)
-     * Only normal learnpaths were visible from the homepage so we only need to update here
-     */
-    $tbl_tool = $db.TABLE_TOOL_LIST;
-    $sql_tool = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_tool WHERE image='scormbuilder.gif' AND link LIKE '%learnpath_handler%'";
-    $res_tool = Database::query($sql_tool);
-    while ($row_tool = Database::fetch_array($res_tool)) {
-        $name = $row_tool['name'];
-        $link = $row_tool['link'];
-        // Get old lp_id from there
-        $matches = array();
-        if (preg_match('/learnpath_id=(\d+)$/', $link,$matches)) {
-            $old_lp_id = $matches[1];
-            $new_lp_id = $lp_ids[$old_lp_id];
-            $sql_tool_upd = "UPDATE $tbl_tool " .
-                    "SET link='newscorm/lp_controller.php?action=view&lp_id=$new_lp_id' " .
-                    "WHERE id = ".$row_tool['id'];
-            $app['monolog']->addInfo('New LP - Migration - Updating tool table: '.$sql_tool_upd);
-            // Make sure there is a way of retrieving which links were updated (to revert)
-            fwrite($fh,$sql_tool_upd." AND link ='$link'");
-            fwrite($fh_revert, "UPDATE $tbl_tool SET link='$link' WHERE id=".$row_tool['id']." AND link ='newscorm/lp_controller.php?action=view&lp_id=$new_lp_id';\n");
-            //echo $sql_tool_upd." (and link='$link')<br />\n";
-            $res_tool_upd = Database::query($sql_tool_upd);
-        }
-    }
-    $tbl_tool = $db.TABLE_TOOL_LIST;
-    $sql_tool = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_tool";
-    $res_tool = Database::query($sql_tool);
-    while ($row_tool = Database::fetch_array($res_tool)) {
-        $link = $row_tool['link'];
-        $matches = array();
-        $pattern = '@scorm/showinframes\.php([^\s"\'&]*)(&|&amp;)file=([^\s"\'&]*)@';
-        if (preg_match($pattern, $link, $matches)) {
-            //echo "Found match for scorm link in $tbl_tool: $link<br />";
-            if (!empty($matches[3]) && (strtolower(substr($matches[3], -15)) == 'imsmanifest.xml') && !is_file(realpath(urldecode($matches[3])))) {
-                //echo "Removing link $link from tools<br />";
-                $sql_tool_upd = "DELETE FROM $tbl_tool WHERE id = ".$row_tool['id'];
-                $app['monolog']->addInfo('New LP - Migration - Updating tool table (dead link): '.$sql_tool_upd);
-                // Make sure there is a way of retrieving which links were updated (to revert)
-                fwrite($fh, $sql_tool_upd." AND link ='$link'");
-                fwrite($fh_revert, "INSERT INTO $tbl_tool (link) VALUES ('$link');\n");
-                //echo $sql_tool_upd." (and link='$link')<br />\n";
-                $res_tool_upd = Database::query($sql_tool_upd);
-            }
-        } else {
-            //echo "No scorm link found in tool link $link<br />";
-        }
-        //flush();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Update course description (intro page) to use new links instead of learnpath/learnpath_handler.php
-     */
-    $tbl_intro = $db.TABLE_TOOL_INTRO;
-    $sql_i = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_intro WHERE id='course_homepage'";
-    $res_i = Database::query($sql_i);
-    //$link_to_course1 = 'scorm/scormdocument.php';
-    while ($row_i = Database::fetch_array($res_i)) {
-        $intro = $row_i['intro_text'];
-        $update = 0;
-        $out = array();
-        if (preg_match_all('/claroline\/learnpath\/showinframes\.php([^\s"\']*)learnpath_id=(\d*)/', $intro, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
-            foreach ($out as $results) {
-                //echo "---> replace ".'/learnpath\/showinframes\.php([^\s"\']*)learnpath_id='.$results[2].'/ by newscorm/lp_controller.php'.$results[1].'action=view&lp_id='.$lp_ids[$results[2]];
-                $intro = preg_replace('/claroline\/learnpath\/showinframes\.php([^\s"\']*)learnpath_id='.$results[2].'/','main/newscorm/lp_controller.php'.$results[1].'action=view&lp_id='.$lp_ids[$results[2]], $intro);
-            }
-        }
-        if (preg_match_all('/claroline\/phpbb\/index.php/', $intro, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
-            foreach ($out as $results) {
-                $intro = preg_replace('/claroline\/phpbb\/index\.php([^\s"\']*)/','main/forum/index.php'.$results[1], $intro);
-            }
-        }
-        if ($intrp != $row_i['intro_text']) {
-            //echo "<pre>Replacing ".$row_i['intro_text']."\n by \n ".$intro."</pre><br />\n";
-            $sql_upd = "update $tbl_intro set intro_text = '".Database::escape_string($intro)."' WHERE id = 'course_homepage' AND intro_text = '".Database::escape_string($row_i['intro_text'])."'";
-            //echo $sql_upd."<br />\n";
-            fwrite($fh,"$sql_upd\n");
-            fwrite($fh_revert,"UPDATE $tbl_intro set intro_text = '".$row_i['intro_text']."' WHERE id = 'course_homepage' AND intro_text = '$intro';\n");
-            fwrite($fh_res,"$intro\n");
-            Database::query($sql_upd);
-        }
-    }
-    if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Done!".$msg); }
-    //flush();
-    //ob_flush();
-fwrite($fh, "-- Recording course homepages links changes for SCORM to enable reverting\n");
-fwrite($fh_revert, "-- Recording reverted course homepages links changes for SCORM to enable reverting\n");
-fwrite($fh_res, "-- Recording resulting course homepages links changes for SCORM\n");
- * The migration needs to take all data from the scorm.scorm_main and scorm.scorm_sco_data tables
- * and add them to the new lp, lp_view, lp_item and lp_item_view tables.
- */
-if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Now starting migration of scorm tables from global SCORM database"); }
-$scorm_main = $dbScormForm.'.'.TABLE_SCORM_MAIN;
-$scorm_item = $dbScormForm.'.'.TABLE_SCORM_SCO_DATA;
-//$lp_main = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LEARNPATH_MAIN,$db);
-$course_pref = $table_prefix;
-$lp_ids = array();
-$lp_item_ids = array();
-$lp_item_refs = array();
-$lp_course = array();
-$lp_course_code = array();
-$scorm_lp_paths = array();
-// Avoid empty dokeosCourse fields as they potentially break the rest
-$course_main = TABLE_MAIN_COURSE;
-$sql_crs = "SELECT * FROM $course_main WHERE target_course_code IS NULL";
-if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("$sql_crs"); }
-$res_crs = Database::query($sql_crs);
-$num = Database::num_rows($res_crs);
-// Prepare an array that will contain course codes and for each course code a list of lps [by path prefixed by '/']
-$scorms = array();
-$course_code_swap = '';
-$scormdocuments_lps = array();
-while ($course_row = Database::fetch_array($res_crs)) {
-    if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Now dealing with course ".$course_row['code']."..."); }
-    // Check the validity of this new course
-    $my_course_code = $course_row['code'];
-    // Reinit the scormdocuments list
-    //$scormdocuments_lps = array();
-    $db_name = $courses_id_full_table_prefix_list[$my_course_code];
-    if (strlen($courses_id_list[$course_code]) > 40) {
-        $app['monolog']->addInfo('Database '.$courses_id_list[$course_code].' is too long, skipping');
-        continue;
-    }
-    //echo "Now processing database $db_name<br />";
-    $tblscodoc = $db_name.TABLE_SCORMDOC;
-    $sql_scodoc = "SELECT path FROM $tblscodoc WHERE path IS NOT NULL AND path != ''";
-    if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("$sql_scodoc"); }
-    $res_scodoc = Database::query($sql_scodoc);
-    while ($row_scodoc = Database::fetch_array($res_scodoc)) {
-        // Check if there's more than one slash in total
-        if (strpos($row_scodoc['path'], '/', 1) === false) {
-            $tmp_path = $row_scodoc['path'];
-            if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("++Now opening $tmp_path"); }
-            // Add a prefixing slash if there is none
-            if (substr($tmp_path, 0, 1) != '/') {
-                $tmp_path = '/'.$tmp_path;
-            }
-            // If the path is just a slash, empty it
-            if ($tmp_path == '/') {
-                $tmp_path = '';
-            }
-            // There is only one 'slash' sign at the beginning, or none at all, so we assume
-            // it is a main directory that should be taken as path.
-            $courses_dir = $sys_course_path.''.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code].'/scorm'.$tmp_path;
-            if (!is_dir($courses_dir)) {
-                //echo "Scormdocument path $my_content_id: $tmp_path doesn't exist in ".$sys_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code]."/scorm, skipping<br />\n";
-                continue;
-                // Avoid if contentTitle is not the name of an existing directory
-            } elseif (!is_file($courses_dir."/imsmanifest.xml")) {
-                // If the imsmanifest file was not found there
-                if ($loglevel > 2) { $app['monolog']->addError("  !!imsmanifest.xml  not found at scormdocument's $courses_dir/imsmanifest.xml, skipping"); }
-                // Try subdirectories on one level depth
-                if ($loglevel > 2) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("  Trying subdirectories..."); }
-                $dh = opendir($courses_dir);
-                while ($entry = readdir($dh)) {
-                    if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.') {
-                        if (is_dir($courses_dir."/".$entry)) {
-                            if (is_file($courses_dir."/".$entry."/imsmanifest.xml")) {
-                                if ($loglevel > 2) { $app['monolog']->addInfo(".  .. and found $courses_dir/$entry/imsmanifest.xml!"); }
-                                if (!in_array($tmp_path."/".$entry."/imsmanifest.xml",$scormdocuments_lps)) {
-                                    if ($loglevel > 2){ $app['monolog']->addInfo("  Recording.<br />"); }
-                                    $scormdocuments_lps[] = $tmp_path."/".$entry;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                if ($loglevel > 2) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("  Found scormdocument $tmp_path in ".$sys_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code]."/scorm, treating it."); }
-                $scormdocuments_lps[] = $tmp_path;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Because certain people with no admin skills had fun adding direct links to SCORM
-    // from the courses introductions, we have to check for SCORM packages from there too...
-    $tbl_intro = $db_name.TABLE_TOOL_INTRO;
-    $sql_i = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_intro WHERE id='course_homepage'";
-    //echo $sql_i;
-    $res_i = Database::query($sql_i);
-    //$link_to_course1 = 'scorm/scormdocument.php';
-    while ($row_scodoc = Database::fetch_array($res_i)) {
-        $intro = $row_scodoc['intro_text'];
-        //echo $intro."<br />\n";
-        $matches = array();
-        $pattern = '@scorm/showinframes\.php([^\s"\']*)file=([^\s"\'&]*)@';
-        if (preg_match_all($pattern, $intro, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
-            if (count($matches) < 1) {
-                // Skip
-            } else {
-                //echo "Found matches in $tbl_intro<br />";
-                foreach ($matches as $match) {
-                    //echo "Found match ".print_r($match,true)."<br />";
-                    $mymatch = urldecode($match[2]);
-                    $mymatch = str_replace($sys_course_path, $upd_course_path, $mymatch);
-                    if (!empty($mymatch) && (strtolower(substr($mymatch, -15)) == 'imsmanifest.xml') && is_file(realpath(urldecode($mymatch)))) {
-                        //echo $mymatch." seems ok<br />";
-                        // Found a new scorm course in the old directory
-                        $courses_dir = $upd_course_path.''.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code].'/scorm';
-                        // Check if the file is in the current course path, otherwise just forget about it
-                        // as it would be too difficult to migrate
-                        //echo "Comparing $mymatch with $courses_dir<br />";
-                        if (strpos($mymatch, $courses_dir) !== false) {
-                            // Remove the course dir up to /scorm from this path
-                            $entry = substr($mymatch, strlen($courses_dir));
-                            // Remove the /imsmanifest.xml from the end of the path
-                            $entry = substr($entry, 0, -16);
-                            // If $entry was /var/www/dokeos/courses/ABC/scorm/tralala/imsmanifest.xml,
-                            // $entry is now /tralala
-                            //echo "Checking if manifest exists in ".$courses_dir.$entry."/imsmanifest.xml<br />";
-                            if (is_file($courses_dir.$entry."/imsmanifest.xml")) {
-                                //echo "found $courses_dir/$entry/imsmanifest.xml!<br />";
-                                if ($loglevel > 2) { $app['monolog']->addInfo(".  .. and found $courses_dir/$entry/imsmanifest.xml!"); }
-                                if (!in_array($entry."/imsmanifest.xml", $scormdocuments_lps)) {
-                                    if ($loglevel > 2) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("  Recording.<br />"); }
-                                    //echo "Recording $entry<br />";
-                                    $scormdocuments_lps[] = $entry;
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                //echo "Manifest does not exist in ".$courses_dir.$entry."/imsmanifest.xml<br />";
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Prepare the new course's space in the scorms array
-    $scorms[$my_course_code] = array();
-    $sql_paths = "SELECT * FROM $scorm_main WHERE dokeosCourse = '".$my_course_code."'";
-    if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("$sql_paths"); }
-    $res_paths = Database::query($sql_paths);
-    $num = Database::num_rows($res_paths);
-    while ($scorm_row = Database::fetch_array($res_paths)) {
-        // Check if this is a new course
-        $my_content_id = $scorm_row['contentId'];
-        $my_path = $scorm_row['contentTitle'];
-        if (substr($my_path, 0, 1) != '/') {
-            $my_path = '/'.$my_path;
-        }
-        if ($my_path == '/') {
-            $my_path = '';
-        }
-        if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("++++Now opening $my_path"); }
-        if (!is_dir($courses_dir = $sys_course_path.''.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code].'/scorm'.$my_path)) {
-            if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Path $my_content_id: $my_path doesn't exist in ".$sys_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code]."/scorm, skipping"); }
-            continue;
-            // Avoid if contentTitle is not the name of an existing directory
-        } elseif (!is_file($sys_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code].'/scorm'.$my_path."/imsmanifest.xml")) {
-            if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("!!imsmanifest.xml not found at ".$sys_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code].'/scorm'.$my_path."/imsmanifest.xml, skipping"); }
-            continue;
-        } else {
-            if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Found $my_path in ".$sys_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code]."/scorm".$mypath."/imsmanifest.xml, keeping it."); }
-            $scorms[$my_course_code][$my_path] = $my_content_id;
-        }
-    }
-    // Check if all the lps from scormdocuments_lps are already in the course array,
-    // otherwise add them (and set ID of 0 so no tracking will be available)
-    foreach ($scormdocuments_lps as $path) {
-        if (!in_array($path,array_keys($scorms[$my_course_code]))) {
-            // Add it (-1 means no ID)
-            if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("** Scormdocument path $path wasn't recorded yet. Added."); }
-            $scorms[$my_course_code][$path] = -1;
-        }
-    }
-    $course_code_swap = $my_course_code;
-    unset($scormdocuments_lps);
-//echo "<pre>courses_id_list: ".print_r($courses_id_list,true)."</pre>\n";
-$my_count = 0;
-foreach ($scorms as $mycourse => $my_paths) {
-    $my_count += count($my_paths);
-if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("---- Scorms array now contains ".$mycount." paths to migrate. Starting migration..."); }
- * Looping through the SCO_MAIN table for SCORM learnpath attached to courses
- * Order by course to try and reuse the maximum data
- */
-$i_count = 0;
-foreach ($scorms as $my_course_code => $paths_list) {
-  $max_dsp_lp = 0;
-  $course_lp_done = array();
-  $db_name = $courses_id_full_table_prefix_list[$my_course_code];
-  foreach ($paths_list as $my_path => $old_id) {
-    if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Migrating lp $my_path from course $my_course_code..."); }
-    $i_count ++;
-    //$app['monolog']->addInfo('New LP - Migration script - Content '.$i_count.' on '.$num.' (course '.$scorm['dokeosCourse'].')');
-    // Check whether there is no embedded learnpaths into other learnpaths (one root-level and another embedded)
-    $embedded = false;
-    foreach ($course_lp_done as $tmp_lp) {
-        if (empty($tmp_lp)) {
-            $tmp_lp = '/'; // Allows finding the lp as a subitem, otherwise strstr returns false
-        }
-        if (strstr($my_path, $tmp_lp) === false) {
-            // Let it be
-        } else {
-            // This lp is embedded inside another lp who's imsmanifest exists, so prevent from parsing
-            if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("LP $my_path is embedded into $tmp_lp, ignoring..."); }
-            $embedded = true;
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    if ($embedded) {
-        continue;
-    }
-    $course_lp_done[] = $my_path;
-    //echo "<pre>scorm row: ".print_r($scorm,true)."</pre>\n";
-    $my_content_id = $old_id;
-    $my_path = $my_path;
-    $my_name = basename($my_path);
-    if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Try importing LP $my_path from imsmanifest first as it is more reliable"); }
-    // Setup the ims path (path to the imsmanifest.xml file)
-    //echo "Looking for course with code ".$lp_course_code[$my_content_id]." (using $my_content_id)<br />\n";
-    //$courses_dir = $sys_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code];
-    $courses_dir = $upd_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$my_course_code];
-    $sco_path_temp = ($my_path == '/') ? '' : $my_path;
-    $sco_middle_path = (empty($sco_path_temp) ? '' : (substr($sco_path_temp, 0, 1) == '/') ? substr($sco_path_temp, 1).'/' : $sco_path_temp.'/'); //same thing as sco_path_temp but with reversed slashes
-    $ims = $courses_dir.'/scorm'.$sco_path_temp.'/imsmanifest.xml';
-    if (is_file($ims)){
-        //echo "Path $ims exists, importing...(line ".__LINE__.")<br />";
-        $oScorm = new scorm();
-        // Check whether imsmanifest.xml exists at this location. If not, ignore the imsmanifest.
-        // That should have been done before already, now.
-        if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Found imsmanifest ($ims), importing..."); }
-        if (!empty($sco_middle_path)) { $oScorm->subdir = $sco_middle_path; } //this sets the subdir for the scorm package inside the scorm dir
-        // Parse manifest file
-        $manifest = $oScorm->parse_manifest($ims);
-        // The title is already escaped in the method
-        $oScorm->import_manifest($my_course_code);
-        //TODO: Add code to update the path in that new lp created, as it probably uses / where
-        // $sco_path_temp should be used...
-        $lp_ids[$my_content_id] = $oScorm->lp_id; // Contains the old LP ID => the new LP ID
-        if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo(" @@@ Created scorm lp ".$oScorm->lp_id." from imsmanifest [".$ims."] in course $my_course_code"); }
-        $lp_course[$my_content_id] = $courses_id_list[$my_course_code]; // Contains the old learnpath ID => the course DB name
-        $lp_course_code[$my_content_id] = $my_course_code;
-        $max_dsp_lp++;
-        /*
-         * The danger here is that we might have several users for the same data, and so
-         * we have to avoid entering the same elements twice
-         */
-        $sql_items = "SELECT * FROM $scorm_item WHERE contentId = '".$my_content_id."' ORDER BY scoId";
-        //echo "$sql_items<br />\n";
-        $res_items = Database::query($sql_items);
-        while ($scormItem = Database::fetch_array($res_items)) {
-            $my_sco_id      = $scormItem['scoId']; //the index for display??? (check that)
-            $my_identifier  = $scormItem['scoIdentifier']; //the scorm item path/name
-            $my_title       = Database::escape_string($scormItem['scoTitle']);
-            $my_status      = $scormItem['status'];
-            $my_student     = $scormItem['studentId'];
-            $my_score       = $scormItem['score'];
-            $my_time        = my_get_time($scormItem['time']);
-            $my_type        = 'sco';
-            //$my_item_path = $scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['path'];
-            $my_item_path   = '';
-            //echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;FOUND item belonging to old learnpath num $my_content_id so belongs to course ".$lp_course[$my_content_id]."<br />\n";
-            $my_new_lp_item = $db_name.$new_lp_item;
-            $my_new_lp_view = $db_name.$new_lp_view;
-            $my_new_lp_item_view = $db_name.$new_lp_item_view;
-            /*
-             * Check if a view is needed
-             */
-            if ($my_score != '' and $my_status != 'not attempted') {
-                // It is worth creating an lp_view and an lp_item_view - otherwise not
-                $sel_sqlb = "SELECT * FROM $my_new_lp_view " .
-                        "WHERE lp_id = ".$lp_ids[$my_content_id]." AND user_id = $my_student";
-                $sel_resb = Database::query($sel_sqlb);
-                if (Database::num_rows($sel_resb) > 0) {
-                    // Don't insert
-                    $rowb = Database::fetch_array($sel_resb);
-                    $view_insert_id = $rowb['id'];
-                } else {
-                    $ins_sql = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_view (" .
-                        "lp_id," .
-                        "user_id," .
-                        "view_count" .
-                        ") VALUES (" .
-                        $lp_ids[$my_content_id].", " .
-                        $my_student.", " .
-                        "1" .
-                        ")";
-                    //echo "$ins_sql<br />";
-                    $ins_res = Database::query($ins_sql);
-                    $view_insert_id = Database::insert_id();
-                }
-                $sel_sqlc = "SELECT * FROM $my_new_lp_item " .
-                        "WHERE lp_id = ".$lp_ids[$my_content_id]." AND ref = '$my_identifier'";
-                $sel_resc = Database::query($sel_sqlc);
-                if (Database::num_rows($sel_resc) > 0) {
-                    $my_item_id_row = Database::fetch_array($sel_resc);
-                    $item_insert_id = $my_item_id_row['id'];
-                    $ins_sql = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_item_view (" .
-                            "lp_item_id, lp_view_id, view_count," .
-                            "start_time, total_time, score," .
-                            "status" .
-                            ") VALUES (" .
-                            "$item_insert_id, $view_insert_id, 1," .
-                            "0, $my_time, $my_score," .
-                            "'$my_status'" .
-                            ")";
-                    //echo "$ins_sql<br />";
-                    $ins_res = Database::query($ins_sql);
-                } else {
-                    //echo "  Didn't find corresponding item for $my_identifier in new tables<br />\n";
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        //echo "Could not find $ims... Proceeding from database...(line ".__LINE__.")<br />";
-        if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("This is a normal SCORM path"); }
-        $scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['path'] = $my_path;
-        //$scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['ims'] = '';
-        $table_name = $db_name.$new_lp;
-        $sql_ins = "INSERT INTO $table_name (" .
-                "lp_type," .
-                "name," .
-                "description," .
-                "path," .
-                "force_commit, " .
-                "default_encoding," .
-                "display_order," .
-                "content_maker," .
-                "content_local," .
-                "js_lib" .
-                ") VALUES (" .
-                "2," .
-                "'$my_name'," .
-                "''," .
-                "'$my_path'," .
-                "0," .
-                "'UTF-8'," .
-                "".$max_dsp_lp."," .
-                "'Unknown'," .
-                "'Unknown'," .
-                "'scorm_api.php'" .
-                ")";
-        if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("$sql_ins"); }
-        $sql_res = Database::query($sql_ins);
-        $in_id = Database::insert_id();
-        if (!$in_id) die('Could not insert scorm lp: '.$sql_ins);
-        //echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;Inserted item $in_id<br />\n";
-        $lp_ids[$my_content_id] = $in_id; //contains the old LP ID => the new LP ID
-        $lp_course[$my_content_id] = $courses_id_list[$my_course_code]; // Contains the old learnpath ID => the course DB name
-        $lp_course_code[$my_content_id] = $my_course_code;
-        $max_dsp_lp++;
-        // Setup the ims path (path to the imsmanifest.xml file)
-        //echo "Looking for course with code ".$lp_course_code[$my_content_id]." (using $my_content_id)<br />\n";
-        $courses_dir = $sys_course_path.$courses_dir_list[$lp_course_code[$my_content_id]];
-        //$scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['path'] = str_replace(' ', '\\ ', $scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['path']);
-        $sco_path_temp = ($scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['path'] == '/') ? '' : $scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['path'];
-        $scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['ims'] = $courses_dir.'/scorm'.$sco_path_temp.'/imsmanifest.xml';
-        // Generate an imsmanifest object to get more info about the learnpath from the file
-        $oScorm = new scorm();
-        // Check whether imsmanifest.xml exists at this location. If not, ignore the imsmanifest.
-        // That should have been done before already, now.
-        if (!is_file($scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['ims'])) {
-            if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("!!! imsmanifest file not found at ".$scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['ims'].' for old lp '.$my_content_id.' and new '.$lp_ids[$my_content_id]); }
-            $manifest = false;
-        } else {
-            //echo "Parsing ".$scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['ims']."<br />\n";
-            // Parse manifest file
-            $manifest = $oScorm->parse_manifest($scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['ims']);
-            // The title is already escaped in the method
-            //$my_lp_title = api_convert_encoding($oScorm->get_title(),'ISO-8859-1',$oScorm->manifest_encoding);
-            $my_lp_title = api_convert_encoding($oScorm->get_title(), 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8');  // TODO: This "magic" conversion to be checked.
-            if (!empty($my_lp_title)) {
-                $my_new_lp = $db_name.$new_lp;
-                $my_sql = "UPDATE $my_new_lp " .
-                        "SET name = '$my_lp_title', " .
-                        "default_encoding = '".strtoupper($oScorm->manifest_encoding)."' " .
-                        "WHERE id = ".$lp_ids[$my_content_id];
-                if ($loglevel > 1) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("Updating title and encoding: ".$my_sql); }
-                $my_res = Database::query($my_sql);
-            }
-        }
-        /*
-         * The danger here is that we might have several users for the same data, and so
-         * we have to avoid entering the same elements twice
-         */
-        $sql_items = "SELECT * FROM $scorm_item WHERE contentId = '".$my_content_id."' ORDER BY scoId";
-        //echo "$sql_items<br />\n";
-        $res_items = Database::query($sql_items);
-        while ($scormItem = Database::fetch_array($res_items)) {
-            $my_sco_id      = $scormItem['scoId']; // The index for display??? (check that)
-            $my_identifier  = $scormItem['scoIdentifier']; //the scorm item path/name
-            $my_title       = Database::escape_string($scormItem['scoTitle']);
-            $my_status      = $scormItem['status'];
-            $my_student     = $scormItem['studentId'];
-            $my_score       = $scormItem['score'];
-            $my_time        = my_get_time($scormItem['time']);
-            $my_type        = 'sco';
-            //$my_item_path = $scorm_lp_paths[$my_content_id]['path'];
-            $my_item_path   = '';
-            //echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;FOUND item belonging to old learnpath num $my_content_id so belongs to course ".$lp_course[$my_content_id]."<br />\n";
-            $my_new_lp_item = $db_name.$new_lp_item;
-            $my_new_lp_view = $db_name.$new_lp_view;
-            $my_new_lp_item_view = $db_name.$new_lp_item_view;
-            /*
-             * Query items from the new table to check if it doesn't exist already
-             * Otherwise insert it
-             */
-            $sel_sql = "SELECT * FROM $my_new_lp_item " .
-                    "WHERE ref = '$my_identifier' " .
-                    "AND lp_id = ".$lp_ids[$my_content_id]."";
-            //echo $sel_sql."<br />\n";
-            $sel_res = Database::query($sel_sql);
-            if (Database::num_rows($sel_res) > 0) {
-                // This item already exists, reuse
-                $row = Database::fetch_array($sel_res);
-                $item_insert_id = $row['lp_id'];
-            } else {
-                $ins_sql = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_item (" .
-                    "lp_id," .
-                    "item_type," .
-                    "ref," .
-                    "title," .
-                    "path" .
-                    ") " .
-                    "VALUES (" .
-                    "'".$lp_ids[$my_content_id]."'," . //insert new learnpath ID
-                    "'$my_type'," .
-                    "'".$my_identifier."'," .
-                    "'".$my_title."'," .
-                    "'$my_item_path'" .
-                    ")";
-                $ins_res = Database::query($ins_sql);
-                $item_insert_id = Database::insert_id();
-                $lp_item_ids[$lp_ids[$my_content_id]][$my_sco_id] = $item_insert_id;
-                $lp_item_refs[$lp_ids[$my_content_id]][$my_identifier] = $item_insert_id;
-            }
-            /*
-             * Check if a view is needed
-             */
-            if ($my_score != '' and $my_status != 'not attempted') {
-                // It is worth creating an lp_view and an lp_item_view - otherwise not
-                $sel_sqlb = "SELECT * FROM $my_new_lp_view " .
-                        "WHERE lp_id = ".$lp_ids[$my_content_id]." AND user_id = $my_student";
-                $sel_resb = Database::query($sel_sqlb);
-                if (Database::num_rows($sel_resb) > 0) {
-                    // Don't insert
-                    $rowb = Database::fetch_array($sel_resb);
-                    $view_insert_id = $rowb['id'];
-                } else {
-                    $ins_sql = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_view (" .
-                        "lp_id," .
-                        "user_id," .
-                        "view_count" .
-                        ") VALUES (" .
-                        $lp_ids[$my_content_id].", " .
-                        $my_student.", " .
-                        "1" .
-                        ")";
-                    $ins_res = Database::query($ins_sql);
-                    $view_insert_id = Database::insert_id();
-                }
-                $ins_sql = "INSERT INTO $my_new_lp_item_view (" .
-                        "lp_item_id, lp_view_id, view_count," .
-                        "start_time, total_time, score," .
-                        "status" .
-                        ") VALUES (" .
-                        "$item_insert_id, $view_insert_id, 1," .
-                        "0, $my_time, $my_score," .
-                        "'$my_status'" .
-                        ")";
-                $ins_res = Database::query($ins_sql);
-            }
-        }
-        // UPDATE THE LP_VIEW progress
-        if (!empty($view_insert_id)) {
-            $sql = "SELECT count(distinct(lp_item_id)) FROM $my_new_lp_item_view WHERE lp_view_id = ".$view_insert_id." AND status IN ('passed','completed','succeeded','browsed','failed')";
-            $myres = Database::query($sql);
-            $myrow = Database::fetch_array($myres);
-            $completed = $myrow[0];
-            $mylpid = $lp_ids[$my_content_id];
-            $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM $my_new_lp_item WHERE lp_id = '".$mylpid."'";
-            $myres = Database::query($sql);
-            $myrow = Database::fetch_array($myres);
-            $total = $myrow[0];
-            $progress = ((float)$completed / (float)$total) * 100;
-            $progress = number_format($progress, 0);
-            $sql = "UPDATE $my_new_lp_view SET progress = '$progress' WHERE id = '$view_insert_id'";
-            $myres = Database::query($sql);
-        }
-        /*
-         * Set all information that might be more correct coming from imsmanifest
-         */
-        //$my_new_lp = $db_name.$new_lp;
-        //$my_new_lp_item = $db_name.$new_lp_item;
-        //$my_new_lp_view = $db_name.$new_lp_view;
-        //$my_new_lp_item_view = $db_name.$new_lp_item_view;
-        //$sel_sql = "SELECT * FROM $my_new_lp WHERE id = $in_id";
-        //$res = @Database::query($sel_sql);
-        //if (!$res) {
-        //  echo "Error selecting lp: $sel_sql - ".Database::error()."<br />\n";
-        //}
-        $lp_details = array();
-        //while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res)) {
-            $ordered_list = array();
-            $mylist = array();
-            foreach ($oScorm->organizations as $org) {
-                // There should be only one organization (generally)
-                // and if there are more, we are not supposed to have been
-                // able to manage them before the new tool, so ignore
-                if (count($ordered_list) > 0) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                $ordered_list = $org->get_flat_items_list();
-            }
-            $previous = 0;
-            $stock = array(0);
-            $level = 0;
-            $parent_id = 0;
-            foreach ($ordered_list as $index => $subarray) {
-                // $subarray is an array representing one item and that contains info like
-                // identifier, level, rel_order, prerequisites, title, masteryscore, etc.
-                //echo "<pre>Lookin for ".$subarray['identifier']." ".print_r($lp_item_refs,true)."</pre>\n";
-                if (!empty($lp_item_refs[$in_id][$subarray['identifier']])) {
-                    $new_id = $lp_item_refs[$in_id][$subarray['identifier']];
-                    $next = 0;
-                    $dsp = $subarray['rel_order'];
-                    if ($subarray['level'] > $level) {
-                        // Getting one level deeper, just consult
-                        $parent_id = $previous;
-                        array_push($stock,$previous);
-                        $level = $subarray['level'];
-                    } elseif ($subarray['level'] == $level) {
-                        // We are on the same level, going to the next id
-                        //array_pop($stock);
-                        //array_push($stock, $new_id);
-                    } else {
-                        // Getting back from one level deeper
-                        array_pop($stock);
-                        $parent_id = array_pop($stock);
-                        array_push($stock, $parent_id);
-                        $level = $subarray['level'];
-                    }
-                    if (!empty($ordered_list[$index + 1]['identifier']) && !empty($lp_item_refs[$in_id][$ordered_list[$index + 1]['identifier']])){
-                        $next = $lp_item_refs[$in_id][$ordered_list[$index + 1]['identifier']];
-                    }
-                    $path = $oScorm->get_res_path($subarray['identifierref']);
-                    $update_path = '';
-                    if (!empty($path)) {
-                        // If new path is not empty, update
-                        $update_path = "path = '$path', ";
-                    }
-                    $type = $oScorm->get_res_type($subarray['identifierref']);
-                    $update_type = '';
-                    if (!empty($type)) {
-                        // If type is defined, update
-                        $update_type = "item_type = '$type', ";
-                    }
-                    if (empty($path)) {
-                        // If path is empty, it is a dir anyway
-                        $update_type = "item_type = 'dir', ";
-                    }
-                    $prereq = $subarray['prerequisites'];
-                    $update_prereq = '';
-                    if (!empty($prereq)) {
-                        $update_prereq = "prerequisite = '$prereq', ";
-                    }
-                    // We had previous data about this element, update
-                    $sql2 = "UPDATE $my_new_lp_item " .
-                            "SET parent_item_id = $parent_id, " .
-                            "previous_item_id = $previous, " .
-                            "next_item_id = $next, " .
-                            $update_path.
-                            $update_type.
-                            $update_prereq.
-                            "display_order = $dsp " .
-                            "WHERE lp_id = ".$in_id." AND id = ".$new_id;
-                    //echo "$sql2<br />\n";
-                    $res2 = Database::query($sql2);
-                    $previous = $new_id;
-                }
-            }
-            /**
-             * Migrate links on the homepage as well now (look into the TABLE_TOOL_LIST table and
-             * update the links to newscorm/lp_controller.php?action=view&lp_id=x)
-             * See scorm_migrate_hometools.php
-             */
-        //}
-    // end of case where $my_content_id != -1
-    }
-    /**
-     * Update course description (intro page) to use new links instead of learnpath/learnpath_handler.php
-     */
-    $tbl_intro = $db_name.TABLE_TOOL_INTRO;
-    $sql_i = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_intro WHERE id='course_homepage'";
-    $res_i = Database::query($sql_i);
-    //$link_to_course1 = 'scorm/scormdocument.php';
-    while ($row_i = Database::fetch_array($res_i)) {
-        $intro = $row_i['intro_text'];
-        $out = array();
-        $enc_path = str_replace('/', '%2F', $my_path);
-        $enc_path = str_replace(' ', '\+', $enc_path);
-        //echo "Looking for path ".$enc_path."<br />\n";
-        $pattern = '@claroline/scorm/scormdocument\.php([^\s"\']*)openDir='.$enc_path.'([\\"\'\s&]*)@';
-        if (preg_match_all($pattern, $intro, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
-            foreach ($out as $results) {
-                //echo "---> replace ".'/'.$results[0].'/ by newscorm/lp_controller.php'.$results[1].'action=view&lp_id='.$lp_ids[$my_content_id];
-                //$intro = preg_replace('/scorm\/scormdocument\.php([^\s"\']*)openDir='.$enc_path.'([\\"\'\s&])/', 'newscorm/lp_controller.php'.$results[1].'action=view&lp_id='.$lp_ids[$my_content_id], $intro);
-                $intro = preg_replace('@claroline/scorm/scormdocument\.php([^\s"\']*)openDir='.$enc_path.'([^\s"\']*)@','main/newscorm/lp_controller.php'.$results[1].'action=view&lp_id='.$lp_ids[$my_content_id], $intro);
-            }
-        } else {
-            //echo "No scorm link found in intro text<br />";
-        }
-        $pattern = '@claroline/scorm/showinframes\.php([^\s"\']*)file=([^\s"\'&]*)'.$enc_path.'@';
-        if (preg_match_all($pattern, $intro, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
-            foreach ($out as $results) {
-                //echo "---> replace ".'/'.$results[0].'/ by newscorm/lp_controller.php'.$results[1].'action=view&lp_id='.$lp_ids[$my_content_id];
-                //$intro = preg_replace('/scorm\/showinframes\.php([^\s"\']*)file=([^\s"\']*)'.$enc_path.'/', 'newscorm/lp_controller.php'.$results[1].'action=view&lp_id='.$lp_ids[$my_content_id], $intro);
-                $intro = preg_replace('@claroline/scorm/showinframes\.php([^\s"\']*)file=([^\s"\'&]*)'.$enc_path.'([^\s"\']*)@','main/newscorm/lp_controller.php'.$results[1].'action=view&lp_id='.$lp_ids[$my_content_id], $intro);
-            }
-        } else {
-            //echo "No scorm link found in intro text<br />";
-        }
-        if ($intro != $row_i['intro_text']) {
-            //echo "<pre>Replacing ".$row_i['intro_text']."\n by \n ".$intro."</pre><br />\n";
-            $sql_upd = "update $tbl_intro set intro_text = '".Database::escape_string($intro)."' WHERE id = 'course_homepage' AND intro_text = '".Database::escape_string($row_i['intro_text'])."'";
-            //echo $sql_upd."<br />\n";
-            fwrite($fh, $sql_upd."\n");
-            fwrite($fh_revert, "UPDATE $tbl_intro set intro_text = '".$row_i['intro_text']."' WHERE id = 'course_homepage' AND intro_text = '$intro';\n");
-            fwrite($fh_res, $intro."\n");
-            Database::query($sql_upd);
-        }
-    }
-    flush();
-  }
-if ($loglevel > 0) { $app['monolog']->addInfo("All done!"); }
-//echo "</body></html>";

+ 0 - 150

@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Dokeos files from version 1.6.x to version 1.8.0
- * IMPORTANT: This script has to be included by install/index.php or
- * update_courses.php (deprecated)
- *
- * SYSTEM_INSTALLATION is defined in the install/index.php (means that we are in
- * the regular upgrade process)
- *
- * When SYSTEM_INSTALLATION is defined, do for every course:
- * - create a new set of directories that reflect the new tools offered by 1.8
- * - record an item_property for each directory added
- *
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-function insert_db($db_name, $folder_name, $text)
-    // TODO: The (global?) variable $_course has not been declared/initialized.
-    $_course['dbName'] = $db_name;
-    $doc_id = FileManager::add_document_180($_course, '/'.$folder_name, 'folder', 0, api_ucfirst($text));
-    api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'invisible', 1);
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    $sys_course_path = $pathForm.'courses/';
-    //$tbl_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
-    Database::select_db($dbNameForm);
-    $db_name = $dbNameForm;
-    $sql = "SELECT * FROM course";
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Getting courses for files updates: '.$sql);
-    $result = Database::query($sql);
-    while ($courses_directories = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
-        $currentCourseRepositorySys = $sys_course_path.$courses_directories["directory"]."/";
-        $db_name = $courses_directories["db_name"];
-        $origCRS = $updatePath.'courses/'.$courses_directories["directory"];
-        if (!is_dir($origCRS)) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Directory '.$origCRS.' does not exist. Skipping.');
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Move everything to the new hierarchy (from old path to new path)
-        $app['monolog']->addInfo('Renaming '.$origCRS.' to '.$sys_course_path.$courses_directories["directory"]);
-        rename($origCRS, $sys_course_path.$courses_directories["directory"]);
-        $app['monolog']->addInfo('Creating dirs in '.$currentCourseRepositorySys);
-        // document > audio
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/audio")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/audio", $perm);
-            insert_db($db_name, "audio", get_lang('Audio'));
-        }
-        // document > flash
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/flash")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/flash", $perm);
-            insert_db($db_name, "flash", get_lang('Flash'));
-        }
-        // document > images
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/images")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/images", $perm);
-            insert_db($db_name, "images", get_lang('Images'));
-        }
-        // document > video
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/video")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/video", $perm);
-            insert_db($db_name, "video", get_lang('Video'));
-        }
-        // document > video > flv
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/video/flv")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."document/video/flv", $perm);
-            insert_db($db_name, "video", get_lang('Video')." (flv)");
-        }
-        // FOLDER UPLOAD
-        // upload
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."upload")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."upload", $perm);
-        }
-        // upload > blog
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."upload/blog")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."upload/blog", $perm);
-        }
-        // upload > forum
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."upload/forum")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."upload/forum", $perm);
-        }
-        // upload > test
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys."upload/test")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys."upload/test", $perm);
-        }
-        // Updating index file in courses directories to change claroline/ into main/
-        $content = '<?php'."\n".
-            '$cidReq="'.$courses_directories['code'].'";'."\n".
-            '$dbname="'.$courses_directories['db_name'].'";'."\n".
-            'include("../../main/course_home/course_home.php");'."\n".
-            '?>';
-        unlink($currentCourseRepositorySys.'index.php');
-        $fp = @ fopen($currentCourseRepositorySys.'index.php', 'w');
-        if ($fp) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Writing redirection file in '.$currentCourseRepositorySys.'index.php');
-            fwrite($fp, $content);
-            fclose($fp);
-        } else {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Could not open file '.$currentCourseRepositorySys.'index.php');
-        }
-    }
-    // Write the config file
-    write_system_config_file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php');
-    // Write a distribution file with the config as a backup for the admin
-    write_system_config_file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.dist.php');
-    // Write a .htaccess file in the course repository
-    write_courses_htaccess_file($urlAppendPath);
-    copy($updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/add_course.conf.php', $pathForm.'main/inc/conf/add_course.conf.php');
-    copy($updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/course_info.conf.php', $pathForm.'main/inc/conf/course_info.conf.php');
-    copy($updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/mail.conf.php', $pathForm.'main/inc/conf/mail.conf.php');
-    copy($updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/profile.conf.inc.php', $pathForm.'main/inc/conf/profile.conf.php');
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Renaming '.$updatePath.'claroline/upload/users to '.$pathForm.'main/upload/users');
-    rename($updatePath.'claroline/upload/users', $pathForm.'main/upload/users');
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Renaming '.$updatePath.'claroline/upload/audio to '.$pathForm.'main/upload/audio');
-    rename($updatePath.'claroline/upload/audio', $pathForm.'main/upload/audio');
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Renaming '.$updatePath.'claroline/upload/images to '.$pathForm.'main/upload/images');
-    rename($updatePath.'claroline/upload/images', $pathForm.'main/upload/images');
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo(
-        'Renaming '.$updatePath.'claroline/upload/linked_files to '.$pathForm.'main/upload/linked_files'
-    );
-    rename($updatePath.'claroline/upload/linked_files', $pathForm.'main/upload/linked_files');
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Renaming '.$updatePath.'claroline/upload/video to '.$pathForm.'main/upload/video');
-    rename($updatePath.'claroline/upload/video', $pathForm.'main/upload/video');
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !'.__FILE__;

+ 0 - 56

@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Dokeos files from version 1.8.3 to version 1.8.4
- * This script operates only in the case of an update, and only to change the
- * active version number (and other things that might need a change) in the
- * current configuration file.
- * As of 1.8.4, the Dokeos version has been added to configuration.php to
- * allow for edition (inc/conf is one of the directories that needs write
- * permissions on upgrade).
- * Being in configuration.php, it benefits from the configuration.dist.php
- * advantages that a new version doesn't overwrite it, thus letting the old
- * version be available until the end of the installation.
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Edit the configuration file
-	$file = file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php');
-	$fh = fopen(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php', 'w');
-	$found_version = false;
-	$found_stable = false;
-	foreach ($file as $line) {
-		$ignore = false;
-		if (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\']') !== false) {
-			$found_version = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\']') !== false) {
-			$found_stable = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '?>') !== false) {
-			// Ignore the line
-			$ignore = true;
-		}
-		if (!$ignore) {
-			fwrite($fh, $line);
-		}
-	}
-	if (!$found_version) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	if (!$found_stable) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	fwrite($fh, '?>');
-	fclose($fh);
-} else {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 52

@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Dokeos files from version 1.8.4 to version 1.8.5
- * This script operates only in the case of an update, and only to change the
- * active version number (and other things that might need a change) in the
- * current configuration file.
- * As of 1.8.5, the Dokeos version has been added to configuration.php to
- * allow for edition (inc/conf is one of the directories that needs write
- * permissions on upgrade).
- * Being in configuration.php, it benefits from the configuration.dist.php
- * advantages that a new version doesn't overwrite it, thus letting the old
- * version be available until the end of the installation.
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Edit the configuration file
-    $file = file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php');
-    $fh = fopen(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php', 'w');
-    $found_version = false;
-    $found_stable = false;
-    foreach ($file as $line) {
-        $ignore = false;
-        if (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\']') !== false) {
-            $found_version = true;
-            $line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\']') !== false) {
-            $found_stable = true;
-            $line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '?>') !== false) {
-            // Ignore the line
-            $ignore = true;
-        }
-        if (!$ignore) {
-            fwrite($fh, $line);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!$found_version) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n");
-    }
-    if (!$found_stable) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n");
-    }
-    fwrite($fh, '?>');
-    fclose($fh);
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !'.__FILE__;

+ 0 - 118

@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Dokeos files from version 1.8.5 to version 1.8.6
- * This script operates only in the case of an update, and only to change the
- * active version number (and other things that might need a change) in the
- * current configuration file.
- * As of 1.8.6, the Dokeos version has been added to configuration.php to
- * allow for edition (inc/conf is one of the directories that needs write
- * permissions on upgrade).
- * Being in configuration.php, it benefits from the configuration.dist.php
- * advantages that a new version doesn't overwrite it, thus letting the old
- * version be available until the end of the installation.
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Edit the configuration file
-    $file = file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH) . 'configuration.php');
-    $fh = fopen(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH) . 'configuration.php', 'w');
-    $found_version = false;
-    $found_stable = false;
-    foreach ($file as $line) {
-        $ignore = false;
-        if (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\']') !== false) {
-            $found_version = true;
-            $line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \'' . $new_version . '\';' . "\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\']') !== false) {
-            $found_stable = true;
-            $line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = ' . ($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false') . ';' . "\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '$userPasswordCrypted') !== false) {
-            $line = '$userPasswordCrypted 									= \'' . ($userPasswordCrypted) . '\';' . "\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '?>') !== false) {
-            // Ignore the line
-            $ignore = true;
-        }
-        if (!$ignore) {
-            fwrite($fh, $line);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!$found_version) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \'' . $new_version . '\';' . "\r\n");
-    }
-    if (!$found_stable) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = ' . ($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false') . ';' . "\r\n");
-    }
-    fwrite($fh, '?>');
-    fclose($fh);
-    $sys_course_path = $pathForm . 'courses/';
-    //$tbl_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
-    //// Linking (The following line is disabled, connection has been already done)
-    //$res = @iDatabase::connect(array('server' => $dbHostForm, 'username' => $dbUsernameForm, 'password' => $dbPassForm));
-    //iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm, $link);
-    iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-    $db_name = $dbNameForm;
-    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_name.course";
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Getting courses for files updates: ' . $sql);
-    $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-    while ($courses_directories = iDatabase::fetch_array($result)) {
-        $currentCourseRepositorySys = $sys_course_path . $courses_directories['directory'] . '/';
-        $db_name = $courses_directories['db_name'];
-        $origCRS = $updatePath . 'courses/' . $courses_directories['directory'];
-        if (!is_dir($origCRS)) {
-            $app['monolog']->addError('Directory ' . $origCRS . ' does not exist. Skipping.');
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Move everything to the new hierarchy (from old path to new path)
-        $app['monolog']->addInfo('Renaming ' . $origCRS . ' to ' . $sys_course_path . $courses_directories['directory']);
-        rename($origCRS, $sys_course_path . $courses_directories['directory']);
-        $app['monolog']->addInfo('Creating dirs in ' . $currentCourseRepositorySys);
-        // document > shared_folder
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "document/shared_folder")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "document/shared_folder", $perm);
-        }
-        // UPLOAD FOLDER
-        // upload > forum > images
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/forum/images")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/forum/images", $perm);
-        }
-        // upload > learning_path
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/learning_path")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/learning_path", $perm);
-        }
-        // upload > learning_path > images
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/learning_path/images")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/learning_path/images", $perm);
-        }
-        // upload > calendar
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/calendar")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/calendar", $perm);
-        }
-        // upload > calendar > images
-        if (!is_dir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/calendar/images")) {
-            mkdir($currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/calendar/images", $perm);
-        }
-    }
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 64

@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Dokeos files from version 1.8.6 to version
- * This script operates only in the case of an update, and only to change the
- * active version number (and other things that might need a change) in the
- * current configuration file.
- * As of 1.8.6, the Dokeos version has been added to configuration.php to
- * allow for edition (inc/conf is one of the directories that needs write
- * permissions on upgrade).
- * Being in configuration.php, it benefits from the configuration.dist.php
- * advantages that a new version doesn't overwrite it, thus letting the old
- * version be available until the end of the installation.
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Edit the configuration file
-	$file = file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php');
-	$fh = fopen(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php', 'w');
-	$found_version = false;
-	$found_stable = false;
-	foreach ($file as $line) {
-		$ignore = false;
-		if (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\']') !== false) {
-			$found_version = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\']') !== false) {
-			$found_stable = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$userPasswordCrypted') !== false) {
-			$line = '$userPasswordCrypted 									= \''.($userPasswordCrypted).'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '?>') !== false) {
-			//ignore the line
-			$ignore = true;
-		}
-		if (!$ignore) {
-			fwrite($fh, $line);
-		}
-	}
-	if (!$found_version) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	if (!$found_stable) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	fwrite($fh, '?>');
-	fclose($fh);
-	//// Ccreate a specific directory for global thumbails
-	// home > default_platform_document > template_thumb
-	if (!is_dir($pathForm.'home/default_platform_document/template_thumb')) {
-		mkdir($pathForm.'home/default_platform_document/template_thumb', $perm);
-	}
-} else {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 95

@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Dokeos files from version to Chamilo version
- * This script operates only in the case of an update, and only to change the
- * active version number (and other things that might need a change) in the
- * current configuration file.
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    // Edit the configuration file
-    $file = file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH) . 'configuration.php');
-    $fh = fopen(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH) . 'configuration.php', 'w');
-    $found_version = false;
-    $found_stable = false;
-    foreach ($file as $line) {
-        $ignore = false;
-        if (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\']') !== false) {
-            $found_version = true;
-            $line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \'' . $new_version . '\';' . "\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\']') !== false) {
-            $found_stable = true;
-            $line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = ' . ($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false') . ';' . "\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '$userPasswordCrypted') !== false) {
-            $line = '$userPasswordCrypted 									= \'' . ($userPasswordCrypted) . '\';' . "\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '?>') !== false) {
-            //ignore the line
-            $ignore = true;
-        }
-        if (!$ignore) {
-            fwrite($fh, $line);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!$found_version) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \'' . $new_version . '\';' . "\r\n");
-    }
-    if (!$found_stable) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = ' . ($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false') . ';' . "\r\n");
-    }
-    fwrite($fh, '?>');
-    fclose($fh);
-    $sys_course_path = $pathForm . 'courses/';
-    $perm = api_get_permissions_for_new_directories();
-    // The following line is disabled, connection has been already done
-    //$link = iDatabase::connect(array('server' => $dbHostForm, 'username' => $dbUsernameForm, 'password' => $dbPassForm));
-    //iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm, $link);
-    iDatabase::select_db($dbNameForm);
-    $db_name = $dbNameForm;
-    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_name.course";
-    $app['monolog']->addInfo('Getting courses for files updates: ' . $sql);
-    $result = iDatabase::query($sql);
-    if (iDatabase::num_rows($result) > 0) {
-        while ($courses_directories = iDatabase::fetch_array($result)) {
-            $currentCourseRepositorySys = $sys_course_path . $courses_directories['directory'] . '/';
-            // upload > announcements
-            $path = $currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/announcements";
-            if (!is_dir($path)) {
-                $success = mkdir($path, $perm, true);
-                if(!$success){
-                    $course_directory = $courses_directories['directory'];
-                    $app['monolog']->addError("Failed to create dir path: $path, course directory: $course_directory, sys course path: $sys_course_path, perm: , perm: $perm");
-                }
-            }
-            // upload > announcements > images
-            $path = $currentCourseRepositorySys . "upload/announcements/images";
-            if (!is_dir($path)) {
-                $success = mkdir($path, $perm, true);
-                if(!$success){
-                    $course_directory = $courses_directories['directory'];
-                    $app['monolog']->addError("Failed to create dir path: $path, course directory: $course_directory, sys course path: $sys_course_path, perm: $perm");
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //// Create a specific directory for global thumbails
-    // home > default_platform_document > template_thumb
-    if (!is_dir($pathForm . 'home/default_platform_document/template_thumb')) {
-        mkdir($pathForm . 'home/default_platform_document/template_thumb', $perm);
-    }
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 75

@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Chamilo files from version to version 1.8.7
- * This script operates only in the case of an update, and only to change the
- * active version number (and other things that might need a change) in the
- * current configuration file.
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Edit the configuration file
-	$file = file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php');
-	$fh = fopen(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php', 'w');
-	$found_version_old = false;
-	$found_stable_old = false;
-	$found_version = false;
-	$found_stable = false;
-	$found_software_name = false;
-	$found_software_url = false;
-	foreach ($file as $line) {
-		$ignore = false;
-		if (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\']') !== false) {
-			$found_version_old = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n";
-			$ignore = true;
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'system_version\']') !== false) {
-			$found_version = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'system_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\']') !== false) {
-			$found_stable_old = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n";
-			$ignore = true;
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'system_stable\']') !== false) {
-			$found_stable = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'system_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'software_name\']') !== false) {
-			$found_software_name = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'software_name\'] = \''.$software_name.'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'software_url\']') !== false) {
-			$found_software_url = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'software_url\'] = \''.$software_url.'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line,'$userPasswordCrypted') !== false) {
-			$line = '$userPasswordCrypted = \''.($userPasswordCrypted).'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '?>') !== false) {
-			$ignore = true;
-		}
-		if (!$ignore) {
-			fwrite($fh, $line);
-		}
-	}
-	if (!$found_version) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'system_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	if (!$found_stable) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'system_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable?'true':'false').';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	if (!$found_software_name) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'software_name\'] = \''.$software_name.'\';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	if (!$found_software_url) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'software_url\'] = \''.$software_url.'\';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	fwrite($fh, '?>');
-	fclose($fh);
-} else {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 75

@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Chamilo files from version 1.8.7 to version 1.8.8
- * This script operates only in the case of an update, and only to change the
- * active version number (and other things that might need a change) in the
- * current configuration file.
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-	// Edit the configuration file
-	$file = file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php');
-	$fh = fopen(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'configuration.php', 'w');
-	$found_version_old = false;
-	$found_stable_old = false;
-	$found_version = false;
-	$found_stable = false;
-	$found_software_name = false;
-	$found_software_url = false;
-	foreach ($file as $line) {
-		$ignore = false;
-		if (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\']') !== false) {
-			$found_version_old = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n";
-			$ignore = true;
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'system_version\']') !== false) {
-			$found_version = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'system_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\']') !== false) {
-			$found_stable_old = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'dokeos_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n";
-			$ignore = true;
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'system_stable\']') !== false) {
-			$found_stable = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'system_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false').';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'software_name\']') !== false) {
-			$found_software_name = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'software_name\'] = \''.$software_name.'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '$_configuration[\'software_url\']') !== false) {
-			$found_software_url = true;
-			$line = '$_configuration[\'software_url\'] = \''.$software_url.'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line,'$userPasswordCrypted') !== false) {
-			$line = '$userPasswordCrypted = \''.($userPasswordCrypted).'\';'."\r\n";
-		} elseif (stripos($line, '?>') !== false) {
-			$ignore = true;
-		}
-		if (!$ignore) {
-			fwrite($fh, $line);
-		}
-	}
-	if (!$found_version) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'system_version\'] = \''.$new_version.'\';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	if (!$found_stable) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'system_stable\'] = '.($new_version_stable?'true':'false').';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	if (!$found_software_name) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'software_name\'] = \''.$software_name.'\';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	if (!$found_software_url) {
-		fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'software_url\'] = \''.$software_url.'\';'."\r\n");
-	}
-	fwrite($fh, '?>');
-	fclose($fh);
-} else {
-	echo 'You are not allowed here !' . __FILE__;

+ 0 - 85

@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- * Chamilo LMS
- *
- * Updates the Chamilo files from version 1.8.8 to version 1.9.0
- * This script operates only in the case of an update, and only to change the
- * active version number (and other things that might need a change) in the
- * current configuration file.
- * @package chamilo.install
- */
-if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
-    $conf_dir = api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH);
-    $portfolio_conf_dist = $conf_dir . 'portfolio.conf.dist.php';
-    $portfolio_conf = $conf_dir . 'portfolio.conf.dist.php';
-    if (!file_exists($portfolio_conf)) {
-        copy($portfolio_conf_dist, $portfolio_conf);
-    }
-    // Edit the configuration file
-    $file = file(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH) . 'configuration.php');
-    $fh = fopen(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH) . 'configuration.php', 'w');
-    $found_version_old = false;
-    $found_stable_old = false;
-    $found_version = false;
-    $found_stable = false;
-    $found_software_name = false;
-    $found_software_url = false;
-    foreach ($file as $line) {
-        $ignore = false;
-        if (stripos($line, '$userPasswordCrypted') !== false) {
-            $line = '$_configuration[\'password_encryption\'] = \'' . ($userPasswordCrypted) . '\';' . "\r\n";
-        } elseif (stripos($line, '?>') !== false) {
-            $ignore = true;
-        }
-        if (!$ignore) {
-            fwrite($fh, $line);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!$found_version) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'system_version\'] = \'' . $new_version . '\';' . "\r\n");
-    }
-    if (!$found_stable) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'system_stable\'] = ' . ($new_version_stable ? 'true' : 'false') . ';' . "\r\n");
-    }
-    if (!$found_software_name) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'software_name\'] = \'' . $software_name . '\';' . "\r\n");
-    }
-    if (!$found_software_url) {
-        fwrite($fh, '$_configuration[\'software_url\'] = \'' . $software_url . '\';' . "\r\n");
-    }
-    $string = "
-// Hosting settings - Allows you to set limits to the Chamilo portal when\n
-// hosting it for a third party. These settings can be overwritten by an\n
-// optionally-loaded extension file with only the settings (no comments).\n
-// Set a maximum number of users. Default (0) = no limit\n
-".'$'."_configuration['hosting_limit_users'] = 0;\n
-// Set a maximum number of teachers. Default (0) = no limit\n
-".'$'."_configuration['hosting_limit_teachers'] = 0;\n
-// Set a maximum number of courses. Default (0) = no limit\n
-".'$'."_configuration['hosting_limit_courses'] = 0;\n
-// Set a maximum number of sessions. Default (0) = no limit\n
-".'$'."_configuration['hosting_limit_sessions'] = 0;\n
-// Set a maximum disk space used, in MB (set to 1024 for 1GB, 5120 for 5GB).\n
-// Default (0) = no limit\n
-".'$'."_configuration['hosting_limit_disk_space'] = 0;\n
-    fwrite($fh, $string);
-    fwrite($fh, '?>');
-    fclose($fh);
-	//Adds events.conf file
-	if (! file_exists(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'events.conf.php')) {
-		copy(api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'events.conf.dist.php', api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'events.conf.php');
-	}
-} else {
-    echo 'You are not allowed here !'. __FILE__;

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff