@@ -89,6 +89,17 @@ $total_score = 0;
$total_max_score = 0;
$total_time = 0;
$h = get_lang('h');
+ $csv_content[] = array (
+ get_lang('ScormLessonTitle'),
+ get_lang('ScormStatus'),
+ get_lang('ScormScore'),
+ get_lang('ScormTime')
+ );
foreach ($list as $my_item_id) {
$extend_this = 0;
$qry_order = 'DESC';
@@ -150,7 +161,7 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id) {
$lesson_status = $row['mystatus'];
$score = $row['myscore'];
$time_for_total = $row['mytime'];
- $time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('php', $row['mytime']);
+ $time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('js', $row['mytime']);
$scoIdentifier = $row['myid'];
if ($score == 0) {
@@ -234,7 +245,7 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id) {
$time_for_total = $subtotal_time;
- $time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('php', $subtotal_time);
+ $time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('js', $subtotal_time);
$scoIdentifier = $row['myid'];
$title = $row['mytitle'];
$title = stripslashes($title);
@@ -247,7 +258,8 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id) {
$title = rl_get_resource_name(api_get_course_id(), $lp_id, $row['myid']);
//Remove "NaN" if any (@todo: locate the source of these NaN)
- $time = str_replace('NaN', '00'.$h.'00\'00"', $time);
+ //$time = str_replace('NaN', '00'.$h.'00\'00"', $time);
if (($lesson_status == 'completed') or ($lesson_status == 'passed')) {
$color = 'green';
} else {
@@ -260,6 +272,16 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id) {
$output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n"."<td>$extend_link</td>\n".'<td colspan="4"><div class="mystatus">'.$title.'</div></td>'."\n"
//."<td><font color='$color'><div class='mystatus'>".htmlentities($array_status[$lesson_status],ENT_QUOTES,$charset_lang)."</div></font></td>\n"
.'<td colspan="2"><font color="'.$color.'"><div class="mystatus">'.$my_lesson_status."</div></font></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus" align="center">'. ($score == 0 ? '-' : $score.'/'.$maxscore)."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus">'.$time."</div></td>\n"."</tr>\n";
+ if($export_csv)
+ {
+ $temp = array();
+ $temp[] = $title;
+ $temp[] = html_entity_decode($my_lesson_status);
+ $temp[] = ($score == 0 ? '-' : $score.'/'.$maxscore);
+ $temp[] = $time;
+ $csv_content[] = $temp;
+ }
$counter ++;
@@ -280,14 +302,16 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id) {
$counter ++;
//only sum up the latest attempt each time
$total_max_score += $maxscore;
$total_score += $score;
$total_time += $time_for_total;
-$total_time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('php', $total_time);
+$total_time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('js', $total_time);
//$total_time = str_replace('NaN','00:00:00',$total_time);
$total_time = str_replace('NaN', '00'.$h.'00\'00"', $total_time);
if ($total_max_score == 0) {
@@ -305,6 +329,17 @@ $output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n"."<td></td>\n".'<td colspan="4"><div class=
.'<td colspan="2"></td>'."\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus" align="center">'. ($total_score == 0 ? '-' : $total_percent.'%')."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus">'.$total_time.'</div></td>'."\n"."</tr>\n";
$output .= "</table></td></tr></table>";
+ $temp = array('','','','');
+ $csv_content[] = $temp;
+ $temp = array(get_lang('AccomplishedStepsTotal'),'',($total_score == 0 ? '-' : $total_percent.'%'),$total_time);
+ $csv_content[] = $temp;
+ ob_end_clean();
+ Export :: export_table_csv($csv_content, 'reporting_learning_path_details');
if($origin != 'tracking')
$output .= "</body></html>";