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Updating lang vars

Julio Montoya 12 years ago

+ 6 - 1

@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ $AfterApproval = "After approval";
 $StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Enable learner view";
 $StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the user view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a participant or user would see it";
 $TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Time limit on Who Is Online";
-$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many seconds after his last action a user will be considered *online*";
+$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many minutes after his last action a user will be considered *online*";
 $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on course creation";
 $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Create example material automatically when creating a new course";
 $AccountValidDurationTitle = "Account validity";
@@ -1059,6 +1059,8 @@ $EditTopRegister = "Edit Note";
 $InsertTabs = "Add Tabs";
 $EditTabs = "Edit Tabs";
 $YourGradebookFirstNeedsACertificateInOrderToBeLinkedToASkill = "Your gradebook first needs a certificate in order to be linked to a skill";
+$PlatformUnsubscribeTitle = "Allow unsubscription from platform";
+$PlatformUnsubscribeComment = "By enabling this option, you allow any user to definitively remove his own account and all data related to it from the platform. This is quite a radical action, but it is necessary for portals opened to the public where users can auto-register. An additional entry will appear in the user profile to unsubscribe after confirmation.";
 $BabyOrange = "Baby Orange";
 $BlueLagoon = "Blue lagoon";
 $CoolBlue = "Cool blue";
@@ -1569,4 +1571,7 @@ $GradebookEnableGradeModelComment = "Enables the auto creation of gradebook cate
 $AllowSessionAdminsToSeeAllSessionsTitle = "Allow session administrators to see all sessions";
 $AllowSessionAdminsToSeeAllSessionsComment = "When this option is not enabled (default), session administrators can only see the sessions they have created. This is confusing in an open environment where session administrators might need to share support time between two sessions.";
 $AllowSkillsToolTitle = "Allow Skills tool";
+$AllowSkillsToolComment = "Users can see their skills in the social network and in a block in the homepage.";
+$AllowPublicCertificatesTitle = "Allow public certificates";
+$AllowPublicCertificatesComment = "User certificates can be view by unregistered users.";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -216,6 +216,8 @@ $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "VISIBLE INFORMATION ONLY FOR THE TEACHER:
 This folder contains the default archives. You can clear files or add new ones, but if a file is hidden when it is inserted in a web document, the students will not be able to see it in this document. When inserting a file in a web document, first make sure it is visible. The folders can remain hidden.";
 $HelpSharedFolder = "This folder contains the files that other learners (or yourself) sent into a course through the editor (if they didn't do it from the groups tool). By default, they will be visible by any trainer, but will be hidden from other learners (unless they access the files directly). If you make one user folder visible, other users will see all its content.";
 $TemplateImage = "Template's icon";
+$ToPlayTheMediaYouWillNeedToUpdateYourBrowserToARecentVersionYouCanAlsoDownloadTheFile = "To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Flash plugin</a>. Check if the file has a correct extension.";
+$UpdateRequire = "Update require";
 $MoveElement = "Move element";
 $CertificateName = "Name";
 $CopyToMyFiles = "Copy to my private file area";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -493,4 +493,5 @@ $OralExpression = "Oral expression";
 $CongratulationsYouPassedTheTest = "Congratulations you passed the test!";
 $YouDidNotReachTheMinimumScore = "You didn't reach the minimum score";
 $EndTest = "End test";
+$PassPercentage = "Pass percentage";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -730,6 +730,7 @@ $Until = "Until";
 $FirstPage = "First page";
 $LastPage = "Last page";
 $Coachs = "Coachs";
+$DragAndDropAnElementHere = "Drag and drop an element here";
 $ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "There is no date/time registered yet";
 $CalendarList = "Calendar list of attendances";
 $AttendanceCalendarDescription = "The attendance calendar allows you to register attendance lists (one per real session the students need to attend). Add new attendance lists here.";

+ 3 - 0

@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ $ClearSearchResults = "Clear search results";
 $SendInvitation = "Send invitation";
 $SocialInvitationToFriends = "Invite to join my group of friends";
 $MyCertificates = "My certificates";
+$UnsubscribeFromPlatformSuccess = "Your account %s has been completely removed from this portal. Thank you for staying with us for a while. We hope to see you again later.";
 $ToChangeYourEmailMustTypeYourPassword = "In order to change your e-mail address, you are required to confirm your password";
 $Invitations = "Invitations";
 $MyGroups = "My groups";
@@ -199,4 +200,6 @@ $SocialGroups = "Social groups";
 $CreateASocialGroup = "Create a social group";
 $EditMembersList = "Edit members list";
 $IAmAHRM = "I am a human resources manager";
+$UnsubscribeFromPlatform = "If you want to unsubscribe completely from this campus and have all your information removed from our database, please click the button below and confirm.";
+$UnsubscribeFromPlatformConfirm = "Yes, I want to remove this account completely. No data will remain on the server and I will be unable to login again, unless I create a completely new account.";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ $AfterApproval = "Après approbation";
 $StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Activer la vue étudiant";
 $StudentViewEnabledComment = "Activer la vue étudiant, qui permet aux tuteurs ou administrateurs de voir le cours comme un étudiant le verrait";
 $TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Limite de temps sur WhoIsOnline";
-$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "Cette limite de temps définit pendant combien de temps après sa dernière action enregistrée un utilisateur est considéré *en ligne*";
+$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "Cette limite de temps (en minutes) définit pendant combien de temps après sa dernière action enregistrée un utilisateur est considéré *en ligne*";
 $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Éléments d'exemple sur création de cours";
 $ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Créer une série d'éléments d'exemple lors de la création d'un nouveau cours";
 $AccountValidDurationTitle = "Validité des comptes utilisateurs";

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 3 - 1

+ 2 - 0

@@ -216,6 +216,8 @@ $HelpDefaultDirDocuments = "INFORMACIÓN VISIBLE SÓLO POR EL PROFESORADO:
 Esta carpeta contiene los archivos suministrados por defecto. Puede eliminar o añadir otros archivos, pero si un archivo está oculto cuando es insertado en un documento web los estudiantes tampoco podrán verlo en el documento. Cuando inserte un archivo en un documento web hágalo visible previamente. Las carpetas pueden seguir ocultas.";
 $HelpSharedFolder = "Esta carpeta contiene los archivos que los estudiantes (y Ud.) envían a un curso a través del editor si no lo hacen desde la herramienta grupos. Por defecto serán visibles por cualquier profesor, pero estarán ocultos para otros estudiantes salvo que accedan a ellos mediante un acceso directo. Si hace visible la carpeta de un estudiante otros estudiantes podrán ver todo lo que contenga.";
 $TemplateImage = "Imagen de la plantilla";
+$ToPlayTheMediaYouWillNeedToUpdateYourBrowserToARecentVersionYouCanAlsoDownloadTheFile = "Para reproducir el contenido multimedia tendrá que o bien actualizar su navegador a una versión reciente o actualizar su plugin de Flash. Compruebe si el archivo tiene una extensión correcta.";
+$UpdateRequire = "Actualización necesaria";
 $MoveElement = "Mover elemento";
 $CertificateName = "Nombre del certificado";
 $CopyToMyFiles = "Copiar en mi área personal de archivos";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -493,4 +493,5 @@ $OralExpression = "Expresión Oral";
 $CongratulationsYouPassedTheTest = "Felicitaciones ha aprobado el ejercicio.";
 $YouDidNotReachTheMinimumScore = "No ha alcanzado el puntaje mínimo.";
 $EndTest = "Terminar ejercicio";
+$PassPercentage = "Porcentaje de éxito";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Visa lärare i kursens titel";
 $DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Visa lärare i kursens kommentarlista";
 $DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Visa kurskod i kursens kommentarlista";
 $DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Visa kurskod i kursens titel";
-$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "Plattformen innehller inga virtuella kurser.";
+$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "Plattformen innehåller inga virtuella kurser.";
 $ConfigureHomePage = "Konfigurera hemsidan";
 $CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Aktiva moduler vid kursskapande";
 $CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Vilka verktyg ska vara aktiverade (synliga) som standard när en ny kurs skapas?";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -70,4 +70,5 @@ $SubmitRegistrationCode = "Ange registreringskod";
 $CourseCategoryDeleted = "Kurskategorin borttagen";
 $CategorySortingDone = "Kategorisortering avslutad";
 $CourseCategoryEditStored = "Kategorin uppdaterad";
+$Compose = "Skriv";

+ 2 - 2

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ $langIntroductionText = "Detta �r introduktionstexten till din kurs. Om du �
 $langIntroductionTwo = "Denna sida ger studenterna eller en grupp m�jligheten att ladda upp ett dokument p� kursens webbplats. Skicka en HTML-fil bara om den inte inneh�ller en bild.";
 $langCourseDescription = "Kurs beskrivning";
 $langProfessor = "Professor";
-$langAnnouncementEx = "Detta �r ett exempel p� ett tillk�nnagivande. Bara l�rare och administrat�rer kan publicera tillk�nnagivanden.";
+$langAnnouncementEx = "Detta är ett exempel på ett tillkännagivande. Bara lärare och administratörer kan publicera tillkännagivanden.";
 $langJustCreated = "Du har just skapat en webbplats för kursen";
 $langEnter = "Stig in";
 $langGroups = "Grupper";
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ $langRestoreACourse = "Återställ en kurs";
 $langBackup = "Säkerhetskopia";
 $langCopy = "Kopiera kursinnehållet";
 $langRecycle = "Återanvänd kurs";
-$AnnouncementExampleTitle = "Detta �r ett exempel p� tillk�nnagivande";
+$AnnouncementExampleTitle = "Detta är ett exempel på tillkännagivande";
 $Wikipedia = "Fri online (uppkopplad) encyklopedi";
 $DefaultGroupCategory = "Standard grupper";
 $DefaultCourseImages = "Galleri";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -199,4 +199,5 @@ $ChooseAtLeastOneCheckbox = "Välj minst ett bra svar";
 $ExerciseEdited = "Provet har ändrats";
 $ExerciseDeleted = "Provet har tagits bort";
 $ValidateAnswer = "Spara och rätta mina svar";
+$StartTest = "Starta test";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ $Landscape = "Liggande";
 $DeleteAll = "Ta bort alla";
 $ViewResult = "Visa resultat";
 $AddStudent = "Lägg till användare";
+$Score = "Presterat";
 $Location = "Plats";
 $FileType = "Filtyp";
 $ExampleCSVFile = "CSV-filexempel";

+ 2 - 1

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $langSubCat = "underkategorier";
 $langMenuGeneral = "Allmänt";
 $langMenuUser = "Användare";
 $langMenuAdmin = "Plattformsadministratör";
-$langUsersOnLineList = "Uppkopplade, anv�ndarlista";
+$langUsersOnLineList = "Uppkopplade användare";
 $langTotalOnLine = "Totalt uppkopplade";
 $langRefresh = "Ladda om";
 $langMe = "jag";
@@ -66,4 +66,5 @@ $FolderCreated = "Ny mapp skapad";
 $LinkAdded = "Länk tillagd";
 $AnnouncementAdded = "Tillkännagivande har lagts till";
 $AgendaAdded = "Kalenderpost skapad";
+$PendingInvitations = "Inbjudan avvaktar svar";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -142,6 +142,11 @@ $LastConnexion = "Senast aktiv";
 $Attempts = "Försök";
 $LimitDate = "Datumbegränsning";
 $NoComment = "Ingen kommentar";
+$Messages = "Meddelande";
 $Print = "Skriv ut";
+$TimeSpentInTheCourse = "Nedlagd tid";
 $NoConnexion = "Ingen anslutning";
+$Ranking = "Rangordning";
+$BestResultInCourse = "Bästa resultatet i kursen";
+$BestAttempt = "Bästa försök";

+ 29 - 1

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ $langGroupForum = "Forum";
 $Language = "Språk";
 $LoginName = "Logga in";
 $AutostartMp3 = "Tryck OK om du vill spela ljudfilen automatiskt";
-$Assignments = "Assignments";
+$Assignments = "Uppgifter";
 $Forum = "Forum";
 $langDelImage = "Ta bort bild";
 $langCode = "Kurskod";
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ $langUniqueSelect = "Multipla val (Unika svar)";
 $CreateCategory = "Skapa mapp";
 $SendFile = "Bekräfta";
 $SaveChanges = "Spara ändringar";
+$SearchTerm = "Sökord";
+$TooShort = "För kort";
 $langCourseCreate = "Skapa en webbkurs";
 $langTodo = "Att göra";
 $UserName = "Användarnamn";
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ $Organisation = "Organisation";
 $Reporting = "Rapportering";
 $Code = "Kod";
 $Update = "Uppdatera";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Välj frågetyp";
 $CurrentCourse = "Aktuell kurs";
 $Back = "Tillbaka";
 $Info = "Information";
@@ -74,6 +77,7 @@ $Import = "Importera";
 $AddAnother = "Lägg till fler";
 $Author = "Författare";
 $TrueFalse = "Sant/Falskt";
+$QuestionType = "Frågetyp";
 $NoSearchResults = "Inga sökträffar";
 $SelectQuestion = "Välj frågor";
 $AddNewQuestionType = "Lägg till ny frågetyp";
@@ -291,6 +295,7 @@ $DocumentAdded = "Tillagt dokument";
 $DocumentUpdated = "Dokument uppdaterat";
 $DocumentInFolderUpdated = "Dokument uppdaterat i mapp";
 $Course_description = "Kursbeskrivning";
+$Average = "Genomsnitt";
 $Document = "Document";
 $Learnpath = "Kursmoment";
 $Link = "Link";
@@ -417,6 +422,7 @@ $Survey = "Enkäter";
 $More = "Mer";
 $ClickHere = "Klicka här";
 $Here = "här";
+$SaveQuestion = "Spara fråga";
 $ReturnTo = "Du kan nu återvända till";
 $Horizontal = "Horisontell";
 $Vertical = "Vertikal";
@@ -486,6 +492,28 @@ $MinMinutes = "minuter";
 $HomeDirectory = "hem";
 $Course = "Kurs";
 $ListView = "Visa som lista";
+$Details = "Visa detaljer";
 $Phone = "Tel";
 $DateSend = "Skickad";
+$SocialNetwork = "Socialt nätverk";
+$HistoryTrainingSessions = "Kurshistorik";
+$Dashboard = "Instrumentpanel";
+$ToolCourseDescription = "Kursbeskrivning";
+$ToolDocument = "Dokument";
+$ToolLearnpath = "Utbildning";
+$ToolLink = "Länkar";
+$ToolQuiz = "Prov";
+$ToolAnnouncement = "Meddelande";
+$ToolGradebook = "Bedömning";
+$ToolGlossary = "Ordlista";
+$ToolDropbox = "Filuppladdning";
+$ToolUser = "Användare";
+$ToolGroup = "Grupper";
+$ToolChat = "Chatt";
+$ToolStudentPublication = "Uppgifter";
+$ToolSurvey = "Undersökning";
+$ToolNotebook = "Anteckningsbok";
+$ToolCourseProgress = "Kurs utveckling";
+$ExamFail = "Underkänt";
+$PendingInvitation = "Inbjudan avvaktar svar";

+ 3 - 0

@@ -84,4 +84,7 @@ $ViewMySharedProfile = "Min delade profil";
 $UserStatistics = "Statistik för användaren";
 $EditUser = "Ändra användaren";
 $ViewUser = "Visa användaren";
+$Invitations = "Inbjudningar";
+$MyFiles = "Mina filer";
+$SocialGroups = "Sociala grupper";

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff