@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ if ($filteredCategoryId) {
$test_mode = api_get_setting('server_type');
$showBlockedPrerequisite = api_get_configuration_value('show_prerequisite_as_blocked');
$allowLpChamiloExport = api_get_configuration_value('allow_lp_chamilo_export');
+$allowMinTime = api_get_configuration_value('lp_minimum_time');
$user = api_get_user_entity($userId);
$ending = true;
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ foreach ($categories as $item) {
$listData = [];
$lpTimeList = [];
- if (api_get_configuration_value('lp_minimum_time')) {
+ if ($allowMinTime) {
$lpTimeList = Tracking::getCalculateTime($userId, api_get_course_int_id(), api_get_session_id());
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ foreach ($categories as $item) {
$dsp_time = '';
$linkMinTime = '';
- if (api_get_configuration_value('lp_minimum_time')) {
+ if ($allowMinTime) {
// Time info
// Minimum time (in minutes) to pass the learning path
$accumulateWorkTime = learnpath::getAccumulateWorkTimePrerequisite($id, api_get_course_int_id());
@@ -412,29 +412,12 @@ foreach ($categories as $item) {
// TT --- Tiempo total del curso
$accumulateWorkTimeTotal = learnpath::getAccumulateWorkTimeTotal(api_get_course_int_id());
- // Spent time (in seconds) so far in the learning path
- /*$lpTime = Tracking::get_time_spent_in_lp(
- $userId,
- api_get_course_id(),
- [$id],
- api_get_session_id()
- );*/
$lpTime = isset($lpTimeList[TOOL_LEARNPATH][$id]) ? $lpTimeList[TOOL_LEARNPATH][$id] : 0;
// Connect with the plugin_licences_course_session table
// which indicates what percentage of the time applies
$perc = 100;
$tc = $accumulateWorkTimeTotal;
- /*if (!empty($current_session) && $current_session != 0) {
- $sql = "SELECT hours, perc FROM plugin_licences_course_session WHERE session_id = $current_session";
- $res = Database::query($sql);
- if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
- $aux = Database::fetch_assoc($res);
- $perc = $aux['perc'];
- $tc = ($aux['hours'] * 60);
- }
- }*/
// Percentage of the learning paths
$pl = 0;
@@ -453,9 +436,16 @@ foreach ($categories as $item) {
$accumulateWorkTime * 60
- $linkMinTime .= '<b>'.api_time_to_hms($lpTime).' / '.api_time_to_hms($accumulateWorkTime * 60).'</b>';
+ $linkMinTime .= ' <b>'.api_time_to_hms($lpTime).' / '.api_time_to_hms($accumulateWorkTime * 60).'</b>';
} else {
- $linkMinTime = sprintf(get_lang('YouHaveSpentXTime'), api_time_to_hms($lpTime));
+ $linkMinTime = Display::return_icon(
+ 'check.png',
+ get_lang('LpMinTimeWarning').' - '.api_time_to_hms($lpTime).' / '.api_time_to_hms(
+ $accumulateWorkTime * 60
+ )
+ );
+ $linkMinTime .= ' <b>'.api_time_to_hms($lpTime).' / '.api_time_to_hms($accumulateWorkTime * 60).'</b>';
+ //$linkMinTime = sprintf(get_lang('YouHaveSpentXTime'), api_time_to_hms($lpTime));
// Calculate the percentage exceeded of the time for the "exceeding the minimum time" bar
@@ -1023,6 +1013,7 @@ $template->assign('introduction', $introduction);
$template->assign('data', $data);
$template->assign('lp_is_shown', $lpIsShown);
$template->assign('filtered_category', $filteredCategoryId);
+$template->assign('allow_min_time', $allowMinTime);
$templateName = $template->get_template('learnpath/list.tpl');
$content = $template->fetch($templateName);
$template->assign('content', $content);