@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ Dokeos - elearning and course management software
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Dokeos SPRL
+ Copyright (c) Julio Montoya <gugli100@gmail.com>
+ For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
+ The full license can be read in "license.txt".
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ Contact address: Dokeos, rue du Corbeau, 108, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
+ Mail: info@dokeos.com
+class MessageManager {
+ function MessageManager() {
+ }
+ public static function get_online_user_list($current_user_id) {
+ $min=30;
+ global $_configuration;
+ $userlist = WhoIsOnline($current_user_id,$_configuration['statistics_database'],$min);
+ foreach($userlist as $row) {
+ $receiver_id = $row[0];
+ $online_user_list[$receiver_id] = GetFullUserName($receiver_id).($current_user_id==$receiver_id?(" (".get_lang('Myself').")"):(""));
+ }
+ return $online_user_list;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Displays info stating that the message is sent successfully.
+ */
+ public static function display_success_message($uid) {
+ $success= get_lang('MessageSentTo').
+ " <b>".
+ GetFullUserName($uid).
+ "</b>".
+ "<br><a href=\"".
+ "inbox.php\">".
+ get_lang('BackToInbox').
+ "</a>";
+ Display::display_confirmation_message($success, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Displays the wysiwyg html editor.
+ */
+ public static function display_html_editor_area($name,$resp) {
+ api_disp_html_area($name, get_lang('TypeYourMessage'), '', '100%');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the new messages for the current user from the database.
+ */
+ public static function get_new_messages() {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ if (!api_get_user_id()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $i=0;
+ $query = "SELECT * FROM $table_message WHERE user_receiver_id=".api_get_user_id()." AND msg_status=1";
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $i = Database::num_rows($result);
+ return $i;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the list of user_ids of users who are online.
+ */
+ public static function users_connected_by_id() {
+ global $_configuration, $_user;
+ $minute=30;
+ $user_connect = WhoIsOnline($_user['user_id'],$_configuration['statistics_database'],$minute);
+ for ($i=0; $i<count($user_connect); $i++) {
+ $user_id_list[$i]=$user_connect[$i][0];
+ }
+ return $user_id_list;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the total number of messages, used for the inbox sortable table
+ */
+ public static function get_number_of_messages () {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $sql_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number_messages FROM $table_message WHERE msg_status IN (0,1) AND user_receiver_id=".api_get_user_id();
+ $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result);
+ return $result['number_messages'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets information about some messages, used for the inbox sortable table
+ * @param int $from
+ * @param int $number_of_items
+ * @param string $direction
+ */
+ public static function get_message_data ($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction) {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $request=api_is_xml_http_request();
+ $sql_query = "SELECT id as col0, user_sender_id as col1, title as col2, send_date as col3 FROM $table_message " .
+ "WHERE user_receiver_id=".api_get_user_id()." AND msg_status IN (0,1)" .
+ "ORDER BY col$column $direction LIMIT $from,$number_of_items";
+ $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $i = 0;
+ $message_list = array ();
+ while ($result = Database::fetch_row($sql_result)) {
+ $message[0] = ($result[0]);
+ if ($request===true) {
+ $message[1] = utf8_encode(GetFullUserName(($result[1])));
+ $message[2] = '<a href="../messages/view_message.php?rs=1&id='.$result[0].'">'.utf8_encode($result[2]).'</a>';
+ $message[4] = '<a href="../messages/new_message.php?rs=1&re_id='.$result[0].'">'.Display::return_icon('message_reply.png',get_lang('ReplyToMessage')).'</a>'.
+ ' <a href="../messages/inbox.php?rs=1&action=deleteone&id='.$result[0].'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmDeleteMessage')))."'".')) return false;">'.Display::return_icon('message_delete.png',get_lang('DeleteMessage')).'</a>';
+ } else {
+ $message[1] = GetFullUserName(($result[1]));
+ $message[2] = '<a href="view_message.php?id='.$result[0].'">'.$result[2].'</a>';
+ $message[4] = '<a href="new_message.php?re_id='.$result[0].'">'.Display::return_icon('message_reply.png',get_lang('ReplyToMessage')).'</a>'.
+ ' <a href="inbox.php?action=deleteone&id='.$result[0].'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmDeleteMessage')))."'".')) return false;">'.Display::return_icon('message_delete.png',get_lang('DeleteMessage')).'</a>';
+ }
+ $message[3] = ($result[3]); //date stays the same
+ $message_list[] = $message;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $message_list;
+ }
+ public static function send_message ($receiver_user_id, $title, $content) {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $query = "INSERT INTO $table_message(user_sender_id, user_receiver_id, msg_status, send_date, title, content ) ".
+ " VALUES (".
+ "'".api_get_user_id()."', '".Database::escape_string($receiver_user_id)."', '1', '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."','".Database::escape_string($title)."','".Database::escape_string($content)."'".
+ ")";
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public static function delete_message_by_user_receiver ($user_receiver_id,$id) {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $query = "DELETE FROM $table_message " .
+ "WHERE user_receiver_id=".Database::escape_string($user_receiver_id)." AND id=".Database::escape_string($id);
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public static function delete_message_by_user_sender ($user_sender_id,$id) {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $query = "UPDATE $table_message " .
+ "SET msg_status=8 WHERE user_sender_id=".Database::escape_string($user_sender_id)." AND id=".Database::escape_string($id);
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public static function update_message ($user_id, $id) {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $query = "UPDATE $table_message SET msg_status = '0' WHERE user_receiver_id=".Database::escape_string($user_id)." AND id='".Database::escape_string($id)."'";
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ }
+ public static function get_message_by_user ($user_id,$id) {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $query = "SELECT * FROM $table_message WHERE user_receiver_id=".Database::escape_string($user_id)." AND id='".Database::escape_string($id)."'";
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ return $row = Database::fetch_array($result);
+ }
+ public static function exist_message ($user_id, $id) {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $query = "SELECT id FROM $table_message WHERE user_receiver_id=".Database::escape_string($user_id)." AND id='".Database::escape_string($id)."'";
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $num = Database::num_rows($result);
+ if ($num>0)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static function get_message_data_send ($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction) {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $request=api_is_xml_http_request();
+ $sql_query = "SELECT id as col0, user_sender_id as col1, title as col2, send_date as col3 FROM $table_message " .
+ "WHERE user_sender_id=".api_get_user_id()." AND msg_status IN (0,1)" .
+ "ORDER BY col$column $direction LIMIT $from,$number_of_items";
+ $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $i = 0;
+ $message_list = array ();
+ while ($result = Database::fetch_row($sql_result)) {
+ $message[0] = $result[0];
+ if ($request===true) {
+ $message[1] = utf8_encode(GetFullUserName($result[1]));
+ $message[2] = '<a href="../messages/view_message.php?rs=1&id_send='.$result[0].'">'.utf8_encode($result[2]).'</a>';
+ $message[4] = '<a href="../messages/new_message.php?rs=1&re_id='.$result[0].'">'.Display::return_icon('message_reply.png',get_lang('ReplyToMessage')).'</a>'.
+ ' <a href="../messages/outbox.php?rs=1&action=deleteone&id='.$result[0].'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmDeleteMessage')))."'".')) return false;">'.Display::return_icon('message_delete.png',get_lang('DeleteMessage')).'</a>';
+ } else {
+ $message[1] = GetFullUserName($result[1]);
+ $message[2] = '<a href="../messages/view_message.php?id_send='.$result[0].'">'.$result[2].'</a>';
+ $message[4] = '<a href="new_message.php?re_id='.$result[0].'">'.Display::return_icon('message_reply.png',get_lang('ReplyToMessage')).'</a>'.
+ ' <a href="outbox.php?action=deleteone&id='.$result[0].'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmDeleteMessage')))."'".')) return false;">'.Display::return_icon('message_delete.png',get_lang('DeleteMessage')).'</a>';
+ }
+ $message[3] = $result[3]; //date stays the same
+ $message_list[] = $message;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $message_list;
+ }
+ public static function get_number_of_messages_send () {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ $sql_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number_messages FROM $table_message WHERE msg_status IN (0,1) AND user_sender_id=".api_get_user_id();
+ $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result);
+ return $result['number_messages'];
+ }
+ public static function show_message_box () {
+ $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
+ if (isset($_GET['id_send'])) {
+ $query = "SELECT * FROM $table_message WHERE user_sender_id=".api_get_user_id()." AND id=".$_GET['id_send']." AND msg_status IN (0,1);";
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ } else {
+ $query = "UPDATE $table_message SET msg_status = '0' WHERE user_receiver_id=".api_get_user_id()." AND id='".Database::escape_string($_GET['id'])."';";
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ $query = "SELECT * FROM $table_message WHERE user_receiver_id=".api_get_user_id()." AND id='".Database::escape_string($_GET['id'])."';";
+ $result = api_sql_query($query,__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ }
+ $row = Database::fetch_array($result);
+ $user_con = self::users_connected_by_id();
+ $band=0;
+ $reply='';
+ for ($i=0;$i<count($user_con);$i++)
+ if ($row[1]==$user_con[$i])
+ $band=1;
+ if ($band==1 && !isset($_GET['id_send'])) {
+ $reply = '<a href="new_message.php?re_id='.$_GET['id'].'">'.Display::return_icon('message_reply.png',get_lang('ReplyToMessage')).get_lang('ReplyToMessage').'</a>';
+ }
+ echo '<div class=actions>';
+ echo $reply;
+ echo '<a href="inbox.php?action=deleteone&id='.$row[0].'" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm('."'".addslashes(htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmDeleteMessage')))."'".')) return false;">'.Display::return_icon('message_delete.png',get_lang('DeleteMessage')).''.get_lang('Delete').'</a>';
+ echo '</div><br />';
+ echo '
+ <table class="message_view_table" >
+ <TR>
+ <TD width=10> </TD>
+ <TD vAlign=top width="100%">
+ <TR>
+ <TD width="100%">
+ <TR> <h1>'.$row[5].'</h1></TR>
+ </TD>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>'.get_lang('From').' <b>'.GetFullUserName($row[1],$mysqlMainDb).'</b> '.strtolower(get_lang('To')).' <b>'.GetFullUserName($row[2],$mysqlMainDb).'</b> </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD >'.get_lang('Date').' '.$row[4].'</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <br />
+ <TABLE height=209 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff>
+ <TR>
+ <TD vAlign=top>'.$row[6].'</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TBODY>
+ </TABLE>
+ <DIV class=HT style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px"> </DIV></TD>
+ <TD width=10> </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>';
+ }