@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ function set_file_folder_permissions() {
function fill_track_countries_table($track_countries_table) {
$file_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.COUNTRY_DATA_FILENAME;
- $add_country_sql = "LOAD DATA INFILE '".mysql_real_escape_string($file_path)."' INTO TABLE $track_countries_table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\'';";
- @ mysql_query($add_country_sql);
+ $add_country_sql = "LOAD DATA INFILE '".Database::escape_string($file_path)."' INTO TABLE $track_countries_table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\'';";
+ @ Database::query($add_country_sql);
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ function load_main_database($installation_settings, $db_script = '') {
//replace symbolic parameters with user-specified values
foreach ($installation_settings as $key => $value) {
- $dokeos_main_sql_file_string = str_replace($key, mysql_real_escape_string($value), $dokeos_main_sql_file_string);
+ $dokeos_main_sql_file_string = str_replace($key, Database::escape_string($value), $dokeos_main_sql_file_string);
//split in array of sql strings
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ function load_main_database($installation_settings, $db_script = '') {
$count = count($sql_instructions);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$this_sql_query = $sql_instructions[$i]['query'];
- mysql_query($this_sql_query);
+ Database::query($this_sql_query);
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ function load_database_script($db_script) {
$count = count($sql_instructions);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$this_sql_query = $sql_instructions[$i]['query'];
- mysql_query($this_sql_query);
+ Database::query($this_sql_query);
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ function split_sql_file(&$ret, $sql) {
$sql_len = strlen($sql);
$char = '';
$string_start = '';
- $in_string = FALSE;
- $nothing = TRUE;
+ $in_string = false;
+ $nothing = true;
$time0 = time();
for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_len; ++$i) {
@@ -238,21 +238,21 @@ function split_sql_file(&$ret, $sql) {
// returned array
if (!$i) {
$ret[] = $sql;
- return TRUE;
+ return true;
// Backquotes or no backslashes before quotes: it's indeed the
// end of the string -> exit the loop
- else if ($string_start == '`' || $sql[$i-1] != '\\') {
+ elseif ($string_start == '`' || $sql[$i - 1] != '\\') {
$string_start = '';
- $in_string = FALSE;
+ $in_string = false;
// one or more Backslashes before the presumed end of string...
else {
// ... first checks for escaped backslashes
$j = 2;
- $escaped_backslash = FALSE;
- while ($i-$j > 0 && $sql[$i-$j] == '\\') {
+ $escaped_backslash = false;
+ while ($i - $j > 0 && $sql[$i - $j] == '\\') {
$escaped_backslash = !$escaped_backslash;
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ function split_sql_file(&$ret, $sql) {
// string -> exit the loop
if ($escaped_backslash) {
$string_start = '';
- $in_string = FALSE;
+ $in_string = false;
// ... else loop
@@ -272,39 +272,39 @@ function split_sql_file(&$ret, $sql) {
} // end if (in string)
// lets skip comments (/*, -- and #)
- else if (($char == '-' && $sql_len > $i + 2 && $sql[$i + 1] == '-' && $sql[$i + 2] <= ' ') || $char == '#' || ($char == '/' && $sql_len > $i + 1 && $sql[$i + 1] == '*')) {
+ elseif (($char == '-' && $sql_len > $i + 2 && $sql[$i + 1] == '-' && $sql[$i + 2] <= ' ') || $char == '#' || ($char == '/' && $sql_len > $i + 1 && $sql[$i + 1] == '*')) {
$i = strpos($sql, $char == '/' ? '*/' : "\n", $i);
// didn't we hit end of string?
- if ($i === FALSE) {
+ if ($i === false) {
if ($char == '/') $i++;
// We are not in a string, first check for delimiter...
- else if ($char == ';') {
+ elseif ($char == ';') {
// if delimiter found, add the parsed part to the returned array
$ret[] = array('query' => substr($sql, 0, $i), 'empty' => $nothing);
- $nothing = TRUE;
+ $nothing = true;
$sql = ltrim(substr($sql, min($i + 1, $sql_len)));
$sql_len = strlen($sql);
if ($sql_len) {
$i = -1;
} else {
// The submited statement(s) end(s) here
- return TRUE;
+ return true;
- } // end else if (is delimiter)
+ } // end elseif (is delimiter)
// ... then check for start of a string,...
- else if (($char == '"') || ($char == '\'') || ($char == '`')) {
- $in_string = TRUE;
- $nothing = FALSE;
+ elseif (($char == '"') || ($char == '\'') || ($char == '`')) {
+ $in_string = true;
+ $nothing = false;
$string_start = $char;
- } // end else if (is start of string)
+ } // end elseif (is start of string)
elseif ($nothing) {
- $nothing = FALSE;
+ $nothing = false;
// loic1: send a fake header each 30 sec. to bypass browser timeout
@@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ function split_sql_file(&$ret, $sql) {
$ret[] = array('query' => $sql, 'empty' => $nothing);
- return TRUE;
-} // end of the 'PMA_splitSqlFile()' function
+ return true;
+} // end of the 'split_sql_file()' function
* Get an SQL file's contents
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ function get_sql_file_contents($file, $section, $print_errors = true) {
if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '--') {
//This is a comment. Check if section name, otherwise ignore
$result = array();
- if (preg_match('/^-- xx([A-Z]*)xx/', $line,$result)) { //we got a section name here
+ if (preg_match('/^-- xx([A-Z]*)xx/', $line, $result)) { //we got a section name here
if ($result[1] == strtoupper($section)) {
//we have the section we are looking for, start recording
$record = true;
@@ -391,6 +391,29 @@ function get_sql_file_contents($file, $section, $print_errors = true) {
return $section_contents;
+ * Returns a list of language directories.
+ */
+function get_language_folder_list() {
+ $result = array();
+ $exceptions = array('.', '..', 'CVS', '.svn');
+ $search = array('_latin', '_unicode', '_corporate', '_org' , '_KM', '_');
+ $replace_with = array(' (Latin)', ' (unicode)', ' (corporate)', ' (org)', ' (KM)', ' ');
+ $dirname = api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH);
+ $handle = opendir($dirname);
+ while ($entries = readdir($handle)) {
+ if (in_array($entries, $exceptions)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (is_dir($dirname.$entries)) {
+ $result[$entries] = ucwords(str_replace($search, $replace_with, $entries));
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($handle);
+ asort($result);
+ return $result;
// TODO: Maybe within the main API there is already a suitable function?
function my_directory_to_array($directory) {
$array_items = array();
@@ -426,10 +449,10 @@ function add_document_180($_course, $path, $filetype, $filesize, $title, $commen
VALUES ('$path','$filetype','$filesize','".
Database::escape_string($title)."', '$comment')";
if (Database::query($sql)) {
- //display_message("Added to database (id ".mysql_insert_id().")!");
- return mysql_insert_id();
+ //display_message("Added to database (id ".Database::insert_id().")!");
+ return Database::insert_id();
} else {
- //display_error("The uploaded file could not be added to the database (".mysql_error().")!");
+ //display_error("The uploaded file could not be added to the database (".Database::error().")!");
return false;