Jelajahi Sumber

[svn r18074] Changed several qualification variables from Work, Exercise and Forum tables. INT values changed to FLOAT(6,2) It requires test. (see FS#3564)

Julio Montoya 16 tahun lalu

+ 12 - 11

@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 	$TABLETOOLFORUMMAILCUE 		= $courseDbName . 'forum_mailcue';
 	$TABLETOOLFORUMATTACHMENT	= $courseDbName . 'forum_attachment';
 	$TABLETOOLFORUMNOTIFICATION = $courseDbName . 'forum_notification';
-	$TABLETOOLFORUMQUALIFY      = $courseDbName.'forum_thread_qualify';
-	$TABLETOOLFORUMQUALIFYLOG	= $courseDbName.'forum_thread_qualify_log';
+	$TABLETOOLFORUMQUALIFY      = $courseDbName . 'forum_thread_qualify';
+	$TABLETOOLFORUMQUALIFYLOG	= $courseDbName . 'forum_thread_qualify_log';
 	// Link
 	$TABLETOOLLINK 				= $courseDbName . 'link';
@@ -519,9 +519,9 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 		 locked int NOT NULL default 0,
   		 session_id int unsigned default NULL,
          thread_title_qualify varchar(255) default '',
-         thread_qualify_max int unsigned default 0,
+         thread_qualify_max float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,
          thread_close_date datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-         thread_weight smallint default 0,
+         thread_weight float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,
 		 PRIMARY KEY (thread_id)
 		) TYPE=MyISAM";
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 			id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
 			user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
   			thread_id int NOT NULL,
-  			qualify int default NULL,
+  			qualify float(6,2) NOT NULL default 0,
  			qualify_user_id int  default NULL,
  			qualify_time datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  			session_id int  default NULL
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 			id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
 			user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
   			thread_id int NOT NULL,
-  			qualify int default NULL,
+  			qualify float(6,2) NOT NULL default 0,
  			qualify_user_id int default NULL,
  			qualify_time datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  			session_id int default NULL
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 		id mediumint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 		question varchar(200) NOT NULL,
 		description text default NULL,
-		ponderation smallint unsigned default NULL,
+		ponderation float(6,2) NOT NULL default 0,
 		position mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default 1,
 		type tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 2,
 		picture varchar(50) default NULL,
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 		answer text NOT NULL,
 		correct mediumint unsigned default NULL,
 		comment text default NULL,
-		ponderation smallint default NULL,
+		ponderation float(6,2) NOT NULL default 0,
 		position mediumint unsigned NOT NULL default 1,
 	    hotspot_coordinates text,
 	    hotspot_type enum('square','circle','poly','delineation') default NULL,
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 		filetype set('file','folder') NOT NULL default 'file',
 		has_properties int UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 		view_properties tinyint NULL,
+		qualification float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  		date_of_qualification datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
 		qualificator_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
@@ -1568,7 +1568,8 @@ function update_Db_course($courseDbName)
 			  invitation_code varchar(250) NOT NULL,
 			  invitation_date datetime NOT NULL,
 			  reminder_date datetime NOT NULL,
-			  answered int NOT NULL default '0',
+			  answered int NOT NULL default 0,
+			  session_id SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0,
 			  PRIMARY KEY  (survey_invitation_id)
 	$result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__) or die(mysql_error($sql));
@@ -2372,7 +2373,7 @@ function register_course($courseSysCode, $courseScreenCode, $courseRepository, $
 				api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
 	return 0;

+ 39 - 23

@@ -1027,29 +1027,6 @@ CREATE TABLE user_field_values(
-CREATE TABLE access_url(
-	id	int	unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-	url	varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-	description text,
-	active	int unsigned not null default 0,
-	created_by	int	not null,
-INSERT INTO access_url(url, description, active, created_by) VALUES ('http://localhost/',' ',1,1);
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS access_url_rel_user;
-CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_user (
-  access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
-  user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,  
-  PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, user_id)
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_user (user_id);
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_access_url(access_url_id);
-ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_access_url_user (user_id,access_url_id);
 ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD session_id int DEFAULT NULL;
@@ -1078,6 +1055,45 @@ CREATE TABLE gradebook_linkeval_log (
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tables for the access URL feature
+CREATE TABLE access_url(
+	id	int	unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+	url	varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+	description text,
+	active	int unsigned not null default 0,
+	created_by	int	not null,
+INSERT INTO access_url(url, description, active, created_by) VALUES ('http://localhost/',' ',1,1);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS access_url_rel_user;
+CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_user (
+  access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
+  user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,  
+  PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, user_id)
+ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_user (user_id);
+ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_access_url(access_url_id);
+ALTER TABLE access_url_rel_user ADD INDEX idx_access_url_rel_user_access_url_user (user_id,access_url_id);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS access_url_rel_course;
+CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_course (
+  access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL, 
+  course_code char(40) NOT NULL, 
+  PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, course_code)
 CREATE TABLE  sys_calendar (
   id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
   title varchar(200) NOT NULL,

+ 9 - 5

@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs'
 UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='my_profile';
 UPDATE settings_current SET access_url_changeable = 1 WHERE variable='show_tabs' AND subkey='my_gradebook';
 INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext) VALUES ('advanced_filemanager',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','AdvancedFileManagerTitle','AdvancedFileManagerComment',NULL,NULL);
+CREATE TABLE access_url_rel_course (access_url_id int unsigned NOT NULL, course_code char(40) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (access_url_id, course_code));
 -- xxSTATSxx
 ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD status varchar(20) NOT NULL default '';
@@ -158,16 +159,16 @@ ALTER TABLE lp_item ADD audio VARCHAR(250);
 CREATE TABLE wiki_conf (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, page_id int NOT NULL default 0, feedback1 text NOT NULL, feedback2 text NOT NULL, feedback3 text NOT NULL, max_size int default NULL, max_text int default NULL, max_version int default NULL, startdate_assig datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', enddate_assig datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', delayedsubmit int NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY  (id) );
 CREATE TABLE student_publication_assignment (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, expires_on datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  ends_on datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  add_to_calendar tinyint NOT NULL,  enable_qualification tinyint NOT NULL,  publication_id int NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (id));
 ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD has_properties INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD qualification INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD qualification float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
 ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD date_of_qualification datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
 ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD parent_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
 ALTER TABLE student_publication ADD qualificator_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
-CREATE TABLE forum_thread_qualify (id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,thread_id int NOT NULL,qualify int default NULL,qualify_user_id int default NULL,qualify_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id int default NULL);
+CREATE TABLE forum_thread_qualify (id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,thread_id int NOT NULL,qualify float(6,2) NOT NULL default 0,qualify_user_id int default NULL,qualify_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id int default NULL);
 ALTER TABLE forum_thread_qualify ADD INDEX (user_id, thread_id);
 ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD session_id int unsigned default NULL;
 ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_title_qualify varchar(255) default '';
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_qualify_max int unsigned default 0;
-CREATE TABLE forum_thread_qualify_log (id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,thread_id int NOT NULL,qualify int default NULL,qualify_user_id int default NULL,qualify_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id int default NULL);
+ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_qualify_max float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
+CREATE TABLE forum_thread_qualify_log (id int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int unsigned NOT NULL,thread_id int NOT NULL,qualify float(6,2) NOT NULL default 0,qualify_user_id int default NULL,qualify_time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', session_id int default NULL);
 ALTER TABLE forum_thread_qualify_log ADD INDEX (user_id, thread_id);
 INSERT INTO tool(name,link,image,visibility,admin,address,added_tool,target,category) VALUES ('gradebook','gradebook/index.php','gradebook.gif',1,'0','squaregrey.gif',0,'_self','authoring');
 ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_close_date datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ UPDATE forum_notification SET thread_id=NULL WHERE thread_id='';
 ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE thread_id thread_id INT;
 UPDATE forum_notification SET post_id=NULL WHERE post_id='';
 ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE post_id post_id INT NULL;
-ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_weight smallint default 0;
+ALTER TABLE forum_thread ADD thread_weight float(6,2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
 ALTER TABLE forum_notification CHANGE post_id post_id INT;
 ALTER TABLE quiz_answer CHANGE hotspot_coordinates hotspot_coordinates text;
 ALTER TABLE group_info ADD forum_state TINYINT unsigned NOT NULL default 0 AFTER announcements_state;
@@ -193,3 +194,6 @@ ALTER TABLE quiz_answer ADD destination text NOT NULL;
 CREATE TABLE glossary(glossary_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, description text not null, display_order int, PRIMARY KEY  (glossary_id));
 ALTER TABLE glossary ADD display_order int;
 ALTER TABLE quiz_question ADD level int UNSIGNED NOT NULL default 0;
+ALTER TABLE quiz_answer   CHANGE ponderation ponderation float(6,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
+ALTER TABLE quiz_question CHANGE ponderation ponderation float(6,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;