@@ -149,14 +149,15 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
$qry_order = 'ASC';
//prepare statement to go through each attempt
if (!empty ($view))
- $sql = "SELECT iv.status as mystatus, v.view_count as mycount, " .
+ $sql = "SELECT iv.status as mystatus, v.view_count as mycount, " .
"iv.score as myscore, iv.total_time as mytime, i.id as myid, " .
"i.title as mytitle, i.max_score as mymaxscore, " .
"iv.max_score as myviewmaxscore, " .
"i.item_type as item_type, iv.view_count as iv_view_count, " .
- "iv.id as iv_id, path as path ".
+ "iv.id as iv_id, path as path, i.parameters".
" FROM $TBL_LP_ITEM as i, $TBL_LP_ITEM_VIEW as iv, $TBL_LP_VIEW as v ".
" WHERE i.id = iv.lp_item_id ".
" AND i.id = $my_item_id ".
@@ -165,13 +166,15 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
" AND v.user_id = ".$user_id." ".
" AND v.view_count = $view ".
" ORDER BY iv.view_count $qry_order ";
- } else {
+ }
+ else
+ {
$sql = "SELECT iv.status as mystatus, v.view_count as mycount, " .
"iv.score as myscore, iv.total_time as mytime, i.id as myid, " .
"i.title as mytitle, i.max_score as mymaxscore, " .
"iv.max_score as myviewmaxscore, " .
"i.item_type as item_type, iv.view_count as iv_view_count, " .
- "iv.id as iv_id, path as path ".
+ "iv.id as iv_id, path as path, i.parameters".
" FROM $TBL_LP_ITEM as i, $TBL_LP_ITEM_VIEW as iv, $TBL_LP_VIEW as v ".
" WHERE i.id = iv.lp_item_id ".
" AND i.id = $my_item_id ".
@@ -180,10 +183,11 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
" AND v.user_id = ".$user_id." ".
" ORDER BY iv.view_count $qry_order ";
$result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$num = Database :: num_rows($result);
$time_for_total = 'NaN';
- if (($extend_this OR $extend_all) && $num > 0)
+ if (($extend_this || $extend_all) && $num > 0)
$row = Database :: fetch_array($result);
@@ -258,7 +262,8 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
- else{
+ else
+ {
//new attempt
@@ -293,12 +298,16 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
$time = learnpathItem :: get_scorm_time('js', $row['mytime']);
$scoIdentifier = $row['myid'];
- if ($score == 0) {
+ if ($score == 0)
+ {
$maxscore = 0;
- } else {
+ }
+ else
+ {
if($row['item_type'] == 'sco')
- if(!empty($row['myviewmaxscore']) and $row['myviewmaxscore']>0)
+ if(!empty($row['myviewmaxscore']) && $row['myviewmaxscore']>0)
@@ -309,11 +318,17 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
$maxscore = $row['mymaxscore'];
- }
+ }
- $maxscore = $row['mymaxscore'];
+ // the parameters value is fill with the random value from the table QUIZ is empty or has a value that indicates the quantity of random questions
+ if ($row['parameters'] != '' && $row['parameters']!=0 )
+ {
+ $maxscore = $row['myviewmaxscore'];
+ }
+ else
+ $maxscore = $row['mymaxscore'];
//Remove "NaN" if any (@todo: locate the source of these NaN)
@@ -326,7 +341,9 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
$mylanglist = array ('completed' => 'ScormCompstatus', 'incomplete' => 'ScormIncomplete', 'failed' => 'ScormFailed', 'passed' => 'ScormPassed', 'browsed' => 'ScormBrowsed', 'not attempted' => 'ScormNotAttempted',);
$my_lesson_status = htmlentities(get_lang($mylanglist[$lesson_status]), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset);
//$my_lesson_status = get_lang($mylanglist[$lesson_status]);
- if ($row['item_type'] != 'dokeos_chapter') {
+ if ($row['item_type'] != 'dokeos_chapter')
+ {
$output .= "<tr class='$oddclass'>\n"."<td></td>\n"."<td>$extend_attempt_link</td>\n".'<td colspan="3">'.htmlentities(get_lang('Attempt'), ENT_QUOTES, $dokeos_charset).' '.$row['iv_view_count']."</td>\n"
//."<td><font color='$color'><div class='mystatus'>".htmlentities($array_status[$lesson_status],ENT_QUOTES,$charset_lang)."</div></font></td>\n"
.'<td colspan="2"><font color="'.$color.'"><div class="mystatus">'.$my_lesson_status."</div></font></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus" align="center">'. ($score == 0 ? '-' : ($maxscore==0?$score:$score.'/'.$maxscore))."</div></td>\n".'<td colspan="2"><div class="mystatus">'.$time."</div></td><td></td>\n"."</tr>\n";
@@ -362,7 +379,9 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
} while ($row = Database :: fetch_array($result));
- } elseif($num>0) {
+ }
+ elseif($num>0)
+ {
$row = Database :: fetch_array($result);
//check if there are interactions below
@@ -391,9 +410,12 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
if ($inter_num > 1) {
$extend_link = '<a href="'.api_get_self().'?action=stats&extend_id='.$my_item_id.'&extend_attempt_id='.$row['iv_id'].$url_suffix.'"><img src="../img/invisible.gif" alt="extend_view" border="0"></a>';
- if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
+ if (($counter % 2) == 0)
+ {
$oddclass = "row_odd";
- } else {
+ }
+ else
+ {
$oddclass = "row_even";
$lesson_status = $row['mystatus'];
@@ -416,7 +438,7 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
$maxscore = 0;
- {
+ {
if($row['item_type'] == 'sco')
if(!empty($row['myviewmaxscore']) and $row['myviewmaxscore']>0)
@@ -434,8 +456,15 @@ foreach ($list as $my_item_id)
- $maxscore = $row['mymaxscore'];
- }
+ // the parameters value is fill with the random value from the table QUIZ is empty or has a value that indicates the quantity of random questions
+ if ($row['parameters'] != '' && $row['parameters']!=0 )
+ {
+ $maxscore = $row['myviewmaxscore'];
+ }
+ else
+ $maxscore = $row['mymaxscore'];
+ }
if (empty ($title))