@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
* Exercise class: This class allows to instantiate an object of type Exercise
* @package dokeos.exercise
* @author Olivier Brouckaert
-* @version $Id: exercise.class.php 21662 2009-06-29 14:55:09Z iflorespaz $
+* @version $Id: exercise.class.php 22046 2009-07-14 01:45:19Z ivantcholakov $
@@ -872,13 +872,6 @@ class Exercise
$form -> addElement('text', 'exerciseTitle', get_lang('ExerciseName'),'class="input_titles"');
- // fck editor
- global $fck_attribute;
- $fck_attribute = array();
- $fck_attribute['Width'] = '100%';
- $fck_attribute['Height'] = '200px';
- $fck_attribute['ToolbarSet'] = 'TestDescription';
$form -> addElement('html','<div class="row">
<div class="label"></div>
<div class="formw" style="height:50px">
@@ -887,7 +880,7 @@ class Exercise
$form -> addElement ('html','<div id="media" style="display:none;">');
- $form -> addElement ('html_editor', 'exerciseDescription');
+ $form -> addElement ('html_editor', 'exerciseDescription', null, null, array('ToolbarSet' => 'TestDescription', 'Width' => '100%', 'Height' => '200'));
$form -> addElement ('html','</div>');
$form -> addElement('html','<div class="row">