@@ -324,9 +324,18 @@ Feature: Exercise tool
And I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Results and feedback"
Then I should see "Learner score"
- And wait for the page to be loaded
+ And wait very long for the page to be loaded
And I follow "Grade activity"
Then I should see "Score for the test: 83 / 117"
+ And I press "Edit individual feedback and grade the open question"
+ And I should see "Assign a grade"
+ And I fill the only ckeditor in the page with "open question teacher answer"
+ And I fill in select "select[name=marks]" with option value "10" with class ".grade_select"
+ Then I press "Correct test"
+ And wait very long for the page to be loaded
+ And I follow "Edit"
+ Then I should see "open question teacher answer"
+ And I should see "Score for the test: 93 / 117"
Scenario: Create a session "Session Exercise" and add user "acostea"
Given I am on "/main/session/session_add.php"