Yannick Warnier 14 years ago

+ 3 - 0

@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@
    <li>Webservices: Added new functions in order to sell Chamilo courses using a Prestashop plugin see BT#2325 </li>
    <li>Learning Path: Adding a toogle button in order to hide the navigation menu see #3116 added by Alberto Torreblanca</li>
    <li>Document: Export an html file into a PDF document #1909</li>
+   <li>New recor my voice tool. Integrate Nanogong. Teachers, students (into his/her user folder) and groups 
+     <div id="gt-res-content">
+       <div dir="ltr"><span id="result_box" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span title="Haz clic para obtener otras posibles traducciones" closure_uid_o5wa47="216">can</span> <span title="Haz clic para obtener otras posibles traducciones" closure_uid_o5wa47="217">record</span> <span title="Haz clic para obtener otras posibles traducciones" closure_uid_o5wa47="218">their voice</span> and send to document tool </span>(Feature #3257)</div></div></li>

+ 4 - 1

@@ -462,7 +462,10 @@ rewritten by
 	<li>Integration of Pixlr image editing services and photo retouching: Juan Carlos Raña Trabado</li>
+<h2>Voice record</h2>
+	<li>Nanogong integration: Juan Carlos Raña Trabado</li>
 There are too much translators to list them all. <br />
 Please see http://www.chamilo.com/DLTT/ to see a list of the translators.

+ 9 - 1

@@ -928,7 +928,15 @@ if ($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights || is_my_shared_fold
 			<a href="create_paint.php?<?php echo api_get_cidreq(); ?>&amp;dir=<?php echo $curdirpathurl.$req_gid; ?>">
 		   <?php Display::display_icon('new_paint.png', get_lang('PhotoRetouching'),'','32'); ?></a>
-		}
+		}		
+		// Record new audio
+		if (api_get_setting('enable_nanogong') == 'true'){
+		?>
+			<a href="record_audio.php?<?php echo api_get_cidreq(); ?>&amp;dir=<?php echo $curdirpathurl.$req_gid; ?>">
+		   	<?php Display::display_icon('new_recording.png', get_lang('RecordMyVoice'),'',32); ?></a>
+		<?php
+		}		
 		// Create new audio
 		if (api_get_setting('enabled_text2audio') == 'true'){

+ 215 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
+ *	This file allows creating new svg and png documents with an online editor.
+ *
+ *	@package chamilo.document
+ *
+ * @author Juan Carlos Raña Trabado herodoto@telefonica.net
+ * @since 5/mar/2011
+// Name of the language file that needs to be included
+$language_file = array('document');
+require_once '../inc/global.inc.php';
+$_SESSION['whereami'] = 'document/voicerecord';
+$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
+require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'document/document.inc.php';
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'groupmanager.lib.php';
+$nameTools = get_lang('VoiceRecord');
+if (!isset($_GET['dir'])){
+	api_not_allowed(true);
+$dir = isset($_GET['dir']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['dir']) : Security::remove_XSS($_POST['dir']);
+$is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true);
+// Please, do not modify this dirname formatting
+if (strstr($dir, '..')) {
+	$dir = '/';
+if ($dir[0] == '.') {
+	$dir = substr($dir, 1);
+if ($dir[0] != '/') {
+	$dir = '/'.$dir;
+if ($dir[strlen($dir) - 1] != '/') {
+	$dir .= '/';
+$filepath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/document'.$dir;
+if (!is_dir($filepath)) {
+	$filepath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/document/';
+	$dir = '/';
+//groups //TODO: clean
+if (isset ($_SESSION['_gid']) && $_SESSION['_gid'] != 0) {
+		$req_gid = '&amp;gidReq='.$_SESSION['_gid'];
+		$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "../group/group_space.php?gidReq=".$_SESSION['_gid'], "name" => get_lang('GroupSpace'));
+		$noPHP_SELF = true;
+		$to_group_id = $_SESSION['_gid'];
+		$group = GroupManager :: get_group_properties($to_group_id);
+		$path = explode('/', $dir);
+		if ('/'.$path[1] != $group['directory']) {
+			api_not_allowed(true);
+		}
+	}
+	$interbreadcrumb[] = array ("url" => "./document.php?curdirpath=".urlencode($_GET['dir']).$req_gid, "name" => get_lang('Documents'));
+if (!$is_allowed_in_course) {
+	api_not_allowed(true);
+if (!($is_allowed_to_edit || $_SESSION['group_member_with_upload_rights'] || is_my_shared_folder($_user['user_id'], Security::remove_XSS($_GET['dir']),api_get_session_id()))) {
+	api_not_allowed(true);
+/*	Header */
+$display_dir = $dir;
+if (isset ($group)) {
+	$display_dir = explode('/', $dir);
+	unset ($display_dir[0]);
+	unset ($display_dir[1]);
+	$display_dir = implode('/', $display_dir);
+// Interbreadcrumb for the current directory root path
+	// Copied from document.php
+	$dir_array = explode('/', $dir);
+	$array_len = count($dir_array);
+	/*
+	TODO:check and delete this code
+	if (!$is_certificate_mode) {
+		if ($array_len > 1) {
+			if (empty($_SESSION['_gid'])) {
+				$url_dir = 'document.php?&curdirpath=/';
+				$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => $url_dir, 'name' => get_lang('HomeDirectory'));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	*/
+	$dir_acum = '';
+	for ($i = 0; $i < $array_len; $i++) {
+		$url_dir = 'document.php?&curdirpath='.$dir_acum.$dir_array[$i];
+		//Max char 80
+		$url_to_who = cut($dir_array[$i],80);
+		if ($is_certificate_mode) {
+			$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => $url_dir.'&selectcat='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['selectcat']), 'name' => $url_to_who);
+		} else {
+			$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => $url_dir, 'name' => $url_to_who);
+		}
+		$dir_acum .= $dir_array[$i].'/';
+	}
+Display :: display_header($nameTools, 'Doc');
+echo '<div class="actions">';
+		echo '<a href="document.php?curdirpath='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['dir']).'">'.Display::return_icon('back.png',get_lang('BackTo').' '.get_lang('DocumentsOverview'),'','32').'</a>';
+echo '</div>';
+echo '<br/>';
+<script language="JavaScript"> 
+function submitVoice() { 
+	//lang vars
+	var lang_no_applet="<?php echo get_lang('NanogongNoApplet'); ?>";
+	var lang_record_before_save="<?php echo get_lang('NanogongRecordBeforeSave'); ?>";
+	var lang_give_a_title="<?php echo get_lang('NanogongGiveTitle'); ?>";
+	var lang_failled_to_submit="<?php echo get_lang('NanogongFailledToSubmit'); ?>";
+	var lang_submitted="<?php echo get_lang('NanogongSubmitted'); ?>";
+	//path, url and filename
+	var filename = document.getElementById("audio_title").value+".wav";	
+	var filename = filename.replace(/\s/g, "_");//replace spaces by _
+	//var filename =encodeURIComponent(filename);//TODO:implement encode here and decode into receiver.php	
+	var filepath="<?php echo urlencode($filepath); ?>";
+	var dir="<?php echo urlencode($dir); ?>";	
+	var urlnanogong="../inc/lib/nanogong/receiver.php?filename="+filename+"&filepath="+filepath+"&dir="+dir;	
+	//check	
+	var recorder
+	if (!(recorder = document.getElementById("nanogong")) || !(recorder.sendGongRequest)) {
+    	alert(lang_no_applet)
+	  	return
+	}
+	var duration = parseInt(recorder.sendGongRequest("GetMediaDuration", "audio")) || 0
+	if (duration <= 0) {
+	  	alert(lang_record_before_save)
+	  	return
+	}	
+	if (!document.getElementById("audio_title").value) {
+		alert(lang_give_a_title)
+		return
+	}
+	//	
+	var applet = document.getElementById("nanogong");	
+	var ret = applet.sendGongRequest( "PostToForm", urlnanogong, "voicefile", "", "temp");//'PostToForm', postURL, inputname, cookie, filename
+	if (ret == null) alert(lang_failled_to_submit); else alert(lang_submitted+"\n"+ret);
+echo '<div align="center">';
+Display::display_icon('microphone.png', get_lang('PressRecordButton'),'','128');
+echo '<br/>';
+echo '<applet id="nanogong" archive="'.api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'nanogong/nanogong.jar" code="gong.NanoGong" width="210" height="40" ALIGN="middle">';
+	//echo '<param name="ShowRecordButton" value="false" />'; // default true
+	// echo '<param name="ShowSaveButton" value="false" />'; //you can save in local computer | (default true)
+	//echo '<param name="ShowSpeedButton" value="false" />'; // default true
+	//echo '<param name="ShowAudioLevel" value="false" />'; //  it displays the audiometer | (default true)
+	//echo '<param name="ShowTime" value="false" />'; // default true
+	//echo '<param name="Color" value="#C0E0FF" />'; // default #FFFFFF
+	//echo '<param name="StartTime" value="10.5" />';
+	//echo '<param name="EndTime" value="65" />';	
+	//echo '<param name="AudioFormat" value="ImaADPCM" />';// ImaADPCM (more speed), Speex (more compression)|(default Speex)
+	//echo '<param name="SamplingRate" value="32000" />';//Quality for ImaADPCM (low 8000, medium 11025, normal 22050, hight 44100) OR Quality for Speex (low 8000, medium 16000, normal 32000, hight 44100) | (default 44100)
+	//echo '<param name="MaxDuration" value="60" />';
+	//echo '<param name="SoundFileURL" value="http://somewhere.com/mysoundfile.wav" />';//load a file |(default "")
+	////
+	//echo '<param name="Start" value="true" />';// the applet will start playing the file from SoundFileURL after loading (default false)
+echo '</applet>';
+//check browser support and load form
+if ($array_browser[0]=="Internet Explorer"){
+	echo '<div style="width:210px; background-color:#FFEFA7">'.get_lang('BrowserNotSupportNanogongSend').'</div>';
+	echo '<form name="form_nanogong">';	
+		echo '<input type="text" id="audio_title">';
+		echo '<input type="button" value="'.get_lang('Save').'" onClick="submitVoice()" />';
+	echo '</form>';
+echo '</div>';
+Display :: display_footer();




+ 2 - 0

@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ folder			nuvola
 upload_certificate	modif gnome
 new_certificate		modif gnome
 certificate_na		modif gnome
+new_recording		exquisite + nuvola
+microphone		exquisite
 info			nuvola
 wizard			nuvola



+ 9 - 4

@@ -4724,15 +4724,16 @@ function api_get_template($path_type = 'rel') {
- * Check browser support for svg files
- ** This function check if the users browser support a file format
+ * Check browser support for type files
+ ** This function check if the users browser support a file format or return the current browser and major ver when $format=check_browser
  * @param string $format
- * @return bool
+ * @return bool, or return text array if $format=check_browser
+ * 
  * @author Juan Carlos Raña Trabado
-function api_browser_support($format) {
+function api_browser_support($format="") {
     require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'browser/Browser.php';
     $browser = new Browser();
@@ -4757,6 +4758,10 @@ function api_browser_support($format) {
 			return false;
+	elseif($format=="check_browser"){
+		$array_check_browser=array($current_browser, $current_majorver);		
+		return $array_check_browser;
+	}
 		return false;

+ 201 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+                        http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+The NanoGong Applet 4.1
+Copyright 2002-2011 The Gong Project
+This product includes software developed by the Gong Project
+(http://gong.ust.hk/) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at
+the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
+The Speex speech codec is provided by the JSpeex library package, which is open
+source software, written by Marc Gimpel, and copyright by Wimba S.A. The
+original software is available from http://jspeex.sourceforge.net/

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@


+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
+ *	This file allows creating new svg and png documents with an online editor.
+ *
+ *	@package chamilo.document
+ *
+ * @author Juan Carlos Raña Trabado
+ * @since 5/mar/2011
+require_once '../../../inc/global.inc.php';
+require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'fileUpload.lib.php';
+if (!isset($_GET['filename']) || !isset($_GET['filepath']) || !isset($_GET['dir'])){
+	api_not_allowed(true);
+if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['voicefile']['tmp_name'])) exit;
+$filename=$_GET['filename'];//TODO: decode when encode the source url 
+replace_dangerous_char($filename, $strict = 'loose');// or strict
+$documentPath = $filepath.$filename;
+if (!file_exists($documentPath)){
+	//add document to disk
+	move_uploaded_file($_FILES['voicefile']['tmp_name'], $documentPath);
+	//add document to database
+	$current_session_id = api_get_session_id();
+	$groupId=$_SESSION['_gid'];
+	$file_size = filesize($documentPath);
+	$relativeUrlPath=$dir;		
+	$doc_id = add_document($_course, $relativeUrlPath.$filename, 'file', filesize($documentPath), $filename);
+	api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentAdded', $_user['user_id'], $groupId, null, null, null, $current_session_id);
+	return get_lang('FileExistRename');

+ 5 - 2

@@ -821,7 +821,8 @@ VALUES
 ('accessibility_font_resize',NULL,'radio','Platform','false','EnableAccessibilityFontResizeTitle','EnableAccessibilityFontResizeComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
 ('hide_courses_in_sessions',NULL,'radio', 'Platform','false','HideCoursesInSessionsTitle',	'HideCoursesInSessionsComment','platform',NULL, 1),
 ('enable_quiz_scenario',  NULL,'radio','Course','false','EnableQuizScenarioTitle','EnableQuizScenarioComment',NULL,NULL, 1),
-('chamilo_database_version',NULL,'textfield',NULL, '','DokeosDatabaseVersion','', NULL, NULL, 0);
+('enable_nanogong',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','EnableNanogongTitle','EnableNanogongComment',NULL,NULL, 0),
+('chamilo_database_version',NULL,'textfield',NULL, '','DokeosDatabaseVersion','', NULL, NULL, 0);
 /*!40000 ALTER TABLE settings_current ENABLE KEYS */;
@@ -1085,7 +1086,9 @@ VALUES
 ('enable_quiz_scenario', 'true', 'Yes'),
-('enable_quiz_scenario', 'false', 'No');
+('enable_quiz_scenario', 'false', 'No'),

+ 5 - 1

@@ -185,7 +185,11 @@ UPDATE settings_current SET category='Search' WHERE variable='search_enable';
 INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('homepage_view', 'activity_big', 'HomepageViewActivityBig');
-UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';
+INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url_changeable) VALUES ('enable_nanogong',NULL,'radio','Tools','false','EnableNanogongTitle','EnableNanogongComment',NULL,NULL, 0);
+INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_nanogong', 'true', 'Yes');
+INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('enable_nanogong', 'false', 'No');
+UPDATE settings_current SET selected_value = '' WHERE variable = 'chamilo_database_version';
 -- xxSTATSxx
 ALTER TABLE track_e_exercices ADD COLUMN orig_lp_item_view_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

+ 1394 - 1392

@@ -1,1399 +1,1401 @@
-for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
-$AdminBy = "Administration by";
-$AdministrationTools = "Administration";
-$State = "Portal status";
-$Statistiques = "Statistics";
-$VisioHostLocal = "Videoconference host";
-$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Whether the videoconference protocol is web-based (false most of the time)";
-$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Show a link to go back in the training hierarchy. A link is available at the bottom of the list anyway.";
-$langUsed = "used";
-$langPresent = "Validate";
-$langMissing = "missing";
-$langExist = "existing";
-$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Show back links from categories/training";
-$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Show training number";
-$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Display trainer in training name";
-$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Display trainer in training list";
-$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Training Code in training list";
-$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Display Code in Training name";
-$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "There are no Alias courses on the platform.";
-$ConfigureHomePage = "Edit portal homepage";
-$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Modules active upon training creation";
-$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Which tools have to be activated (visible) by default when a new training is created?";
-$SearchUsers = "Search users";
-$CreateUser = "Create user";
-$ModifyInformation = "Edit information";
-$ModifyUser = "Edit user";
-$buttonEditUserField = "Edit user field";
-$ModifyCoach = "Edit coach";
-$ModifyThisSession = "Edit this session";
-$ExportSession = "Export session(s)";
-$ImportSession = "Import session(s)";
-$langCourseBackup = "Backup this training";
-$langCourseTitular = "Trainer";
-$langCourseTitle = "Training";
-$langCourseFaculty = "Category";
-$langCourseDepartment = "Department";
-$langCourseDepartmentURL = "Department URL";
-$langCourseLanguage = "Language";
-$langCourseAccess = "Training access";
-$langCourseSubscription = "Training subscription";
-$langPublicAccess = "Public access";
-$langPrivateAccess = "Private access";
-$langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "Database management is only available for the server administrator";
-$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Show users subscribed to this training";
-$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Show classes subscribed to this training";
-$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Show groups of this training";
-$langPhone = "Phone";
-$langPhoneNumber = "Phone number";
-$langActions = "Coaching interaction";
-$langAddToCourse = "Add to a training";
-$langDeleteFromPlatform = "Remove from portal";
-$langDeleteCourse = "Delete selected training(s)";
-$langDeleteFromCourse = "Unsubscribe from training(s)";
-$langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Delete selected classes";
-$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Delete selected groups";
-$langAdministrator = "Administrator";
-$langAddPicture = "Add a picture";
-$langChangePicture = "Change picture";
-$langDeletePicture = "Delete picture";
-$langAddUsers = "Add a user";
-$langAddGroups = "Add groups";
-$langAddClasses = "Add classes";
-$langExportUsers = "Export users list";
-$langKeyword = "Keyword";
-$langGroupName = "Group name";
-$langGroupTutor = "Group tutor";
-$langGroupDescription = "Group description";
-$langNumberOfParticipants = "Number of members";
-$langNumberOfUsers = "Number of users";
-$langMaximum = "maximum";
-$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Maximum number of members";
-$langParticipants = "members";
-$langFirstLetterClass = "First letter (class name)";
-$langFirstLetterUser = "First letter (last name)";
-$langFirstLetterCourse = "First letter (code)";
-$langModifyUserInfo = "Edit user information";
-$langModifyClassInfo = "Edit class information";
-$langModifyGroupInfo = "Edit group information";
-$langModifyCourseInfo = "Edit training information";
-$langPleaseEnterClassName = "Please enter the class name !";
-$langPleaseEnterLastName = "Please enter the user's last name !";
-$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Please enter the user's first name !";
-$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Please enter a valid e-mail address !";
-$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Please enter a valid login !";
-$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Please enter the training code.";
-$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the trainer's First and Last Name.";
-$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the formation title";
-$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !";
-$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "This login is already taken !";
-$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Import users list";
-$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Export users list";
-$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Only users from the training";
-$langAddClassesToACourse = "Add classes to a training";
-$langAddUsersToACourse = "Add users to training";
-$langAddUsersToAClass = "Add users to a class";
-$langAddUsersToAGroup = "Add users to a group";
-$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one class and one training";
-$AtLeastOneUser = "You must select at least one user !";
-$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one user and one training";
-$langClassList = "Class list";
-$langUserList = "Users list";
-$langCourseList = "Training list";
-$langAddToThatCourse = "Add to the training(s)";
-$langAddToClass = "Add to the class";
-$langRemoveFromClass = "Remove from the class";
-$langAddToGroup = "Add to the group";
-$langRemoveFromGroup = "Remove from the group";
-$langUsersOutsideClass = "Users outside the class";
-$langUsersInsideClass = "Users inside the class";
-$langUsersOutsideGroup = "Users outside the group";
-$langUsersInsideGroup = "Users inside the group";
-$langImportFileLocation = "Location of the CSV / XML file";
-$langFileType = "File type";
-$langOutputFileType = "Output file type";
-$langMustUseSeparator = "must use the ';' character as a separator";
-$langCSVMustLookLike = "The CSV file must look like this";
-$langXMLMustLookLike = "The XML file must look like this";
-$langMandatoryFields = "Fields in <strong>bold</strong> are mandatory.";
-$langNotXML = "The specified file is not XML format !";
-$langNotCSV = "The specified file is not CSV format !";
-$langNoNeededData = "The specified file doesn't contain all needed data !";
-$langMaxImportUsers = "You can't import more than 500 users at once !";
-$langAdminDatabases = "Databases (phpMyAdmin)";
-$langAdminUsers = "Users";
-$langAdminClasses = "Classes of users";
-$langAdminGroups = "Groups of users";
-$langAdminCourses = "Training";
-$langAdminCategories = "Training categories";
-$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Subscribe a user / group to a training";
-$langAddACategory = "Add a category";
-$langInto = "into";
-$langNoCategories = "There are no categories here";
-$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Allow adding training in this category?";
-$langGoToForum = "Go to the forum";
-$langCategoryCode = "Category code";
-$langCategoryName = "Category name";
-$langCategories = "categories";
-$langEditNode = "Edit this category";
-$langOpenNode = "Open this category";
-$langDeleteNode = "Delete this category";
-$langAddChildNode = "Add a sub-category";
-$langViewChildren = "View children";
-$langTreeRebuildedIn = "Tree rebuilded in";
-$langTreeRecountedIn = "Tree recounted in";
-$langRebuildTree = "Rebuild the tree";
-$langRefreshNbChildren = "Refresh number of children";
-$langShowTree = "Show tree";
-$langBack = "Back to previous page";
-$langLogDeleteCat = "Category deleted";
-$langRecountChildren = "Recount children";
-$langUpInSameLevel = "Up in same level";
-$langSeconds = "seconds";
-$langMailTo = "Mail to :";
-$lang_no_access_here = "No access here";
-$lang_php_info = "information about the system";
-$langAddAdminInApache = "Add an administrator";
-$langAddFaculties = "Add categories";
-$langSearchACourse = "Search for a training";
-$langSearchAUser = "Search for a user";
-$langTechnicalTools = "Technical";
-$langConfig = "System config";
-$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Login list (extended)";
-$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Maximum users showing in scroll list";
-$NoTimeLimits = "No time limits";
-$GeneralCoach = "General coach";
-$GeneralProperties = "General properties";
-$CourseCoach = "Training coach";
-$UsersNumber = "Users number";
-$DokeosClassic = "Chamilo classic";
-$PublicAdmin = "Public administration";
-$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Page after login";
-$PageAfterLoginComment = "The page which is seen by the user entering the platform";
-$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Chamilo Web";
-$TabsMyProfile = "My Profile tab";
-$GlobalRole = "Global Role";
-$langNomOutilTodo = "Manage Todo list";
-$langNomPageAdmin = "Administration";
-$langSysInfo = "Info about the System";
-$langDiffTranslation = "Compare translations";
-$langStatOf = "Reporting for";
-$langSpeeSubscribe = "Quick subscription as a training checker";
-$langLogIdentLogout = "Login list";
-$langServerStatus = "Status of MySQL server :";
-$langDataBase = "Database";
-$langRun = "works";
-$langClient = "MySql Client";
-$langServer = "MySql Server";
-$langtitulary = "Owner";
-$langUpgradeBase = "Upgrade database";
-$langManage = "Manage Portal";
-$langErrorsFound = "errors found";
-$langMaintenance = "Backup";
-$langUpgrade = "Upgrade Chamilo";
-$langWebsite = "Chamilo website";
-$langDocumentation = "Documentation";
-$langContribute = "Contribute";
-$langInfoServer = "Server Information";
-$langOtherCategory = "Other category";
-$langSendMailToUsers = "Send a mail to users";
-$langExampleXMLFile = "Example of XML file";
-$langExampleCSVFile = "Example of CSV file";
-$langCourseSystemCode = "System code";
-$langCourseVisualCode = "Visual code";
-$langSystemCode = "System Code";
-$langVisualCode = "visual code";
-$langAddCourse = "Create a training";
-$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Manage virtual training";
-$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual training";
-$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual training will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing 'real' training.";
-$langRealCourseCode = "Real training code";
-$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "The training was successfully created.";
-$langYourDokeosUses = "Your Chamilo installation uses presently";
-$langOnTheHardDisk = "on the hard disk";
-$langIsVirtualCourse = "Virtual course?";
-$langSystemAnnouncements = "Portal news";
-$langAddAnnouncement = "Add a news";
-$langAnnouncementAdded = "Announcement has been added";
-$langAnnouncementUpdated = "Announcement has been updated";
-$langAnnouncementDeleted = "Announcement has been deleted";
-$langContent = "Content";
-$PermissionsForNewFiles = "Permissions for new files";
-$PermissionsForNewFilesComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created file lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0550) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.If you use Oogie, take care that the user who launch OpenOffice can write files in the course folder.";
-$langStudent = "Learner";
-$Guest = "Guest";
-$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Login as";
-$langLoginAsThisUser = "Login";
-$SelectPicture = "Select picture...";
-$DontResetPassword = "Don't reset password";
-$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participate in development";
-$langCourseAdmin = "Trainer";
-$langOtherCourses = "other training";
-$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Portal Language";
-$ServerStatusComment = "What sort of server is this? This enables or disables some specific options. On a development server there is a translation feature functional that inidcates untranslated strings";
-$ServerStatusTitle = "Server Type";
-$PlatformLanguages = "Chamilo Portal Languages";
-$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "This tool manages the language selection menu on the login page. As a platform administrator you can decide which languages should be available for your users.";
-$OriginalName = "Original name";
-$EnglishName = "English name";
-$DokeosFolder = "Chamilo folder";
-$Properties = "Properties";
-$DokeosConfigSettings = "Configuration settings";
-$SettingsStored = "The settings have been stored";
-$InstitutionTitle = "Organization name";
-$InstitutionComment = "The name of the organization (appears in the header on the right)";
-$InstitutionUrlTitle = "Organization URL (web address)";
-$InstitutionUrlComment = "The URL of the institutions (the link that appears in the header on the right)";
-$SiteNameTitle = "E-learning portal name";
-$SiteNameComment = "The Name of your Chamilo Portal (appears in the header)";
-$emailAdministratorTitle = "Portal Administrator: E-mail";
-$emailAdministratorComment = "The e-mail address of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
-$administratorSurnameTitle = "Portal Administrator: Last Name";
-$administratorSurnameComment = "The Family Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
-$administratorNameTitle = "Portal Administrator: First Name";
-$administratorNameComment = "The First Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
-$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Platform Administrator Information in footer";
-$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "Show the Information of the Platform Administrator in the footer?";
-$HomepageViewTitle = "Training homepage design";
-$HomepageViewComment = "How would you like the homepage of a training to look?";
-$HomepageViewDefault = "Two column layout. Inactive tools are hidden";
-$HomepageViewFixed = "Three column layout. Inactive tools are greyed out (Icons stay on their place)";
-$Yes = "Yes";
-$No = "No";
-$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Tools shortcuts";
-$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "Show the tool shortcuts in the banner?";
-$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Learner View";
-$ShowStudentViewComment = "Enable Learner View?<br>This feature allows the trainer to see the learner view.";
-$AllowGroupCategories = "Group categories";
-$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Allow trainers to create categories in the Groups tool?";
-$PlatformLanguageComment = "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: <a href=\"languages.php\">Chamilo Platform Languages</a>";
-$ProductionServer = "Production Server";
-$TestServer = "Test Server";
-$ShowOnlineTitle = "Who's Online";
-$AsPlatformLanguage = "as platformlanguage";
-$ShowOnlineComment = "Display the number of persons that are online?";
-$AllowNameChangeTitle = "Allow Name Change in profile?";
-$AllowNameChangeComment = "Is the user allowed to change his/her firste and last name?";
-$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Default hard disk space";
-$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the available disk space? You can override the quota for specific training through: platform administration > Training > modify";
-$ProfileChangesTitle = "Profile";
-$ProfileChangesComment = "Which parts of the profile can be changed?";
-$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Registration: required fields";
-$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "Which fields are required (besides name, first name, login and password)";
-$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "Group disk space available";
-$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "What is the default hard disk spacde available for a groups documents tool?";
-$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Lost password";
-$AllowLostPasswordComment = "Are users allowed to request their lost password?";
-$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Registration";
-$AllowRegistrationComment = "Is registration as a new user allowed? Can users create new accounts?";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registration as Trainer";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a trainer (with the ability to create training)?";
-$PlatformLanguage = "Portal Language";
-$Tuning = "Tuning";
-$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users' upload directory";
-$SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "On high-load portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Changing this option will enable a one-level splitting of the directories in the upload directory. 9 directories will be used in the base directory and all subsequent users' directories will be stored into one of these 9 directories. The change of this option will not affect the directories structure on disk, but will affect the behaviour of the Chamilo code, so if you change this option, you have to create the new directories and move the existing directories by yourself on te server. Be aware that when creating and moving those directories, you will have to move the directories of users 1 to 9 into subdirectories of the same name. If you are not sure about this option, it is best not to activate it.";
-$CourseQuota = "Disk Space";
-$EditNotice = "Edit notice";
-$General = "general";
-$LostPassword = "Lost password";
-$Registration = "Registration";
-$Password = "Password";
-$InsertLink = "Add a page (CMS)";
-$EditNews = "Edit News";
-$EditCategories = "Edit training categories";
-$EditHomePage = "Edit Homepage central area";
-$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Can a trainer define learner profile fields to retrieve additional information?";
-$Platform = "Portal";
-$Course = "Training";
-$Languages = "Languages";
-$Privacy = "Privacy";
-$NoticeTitle = "Title of Notice";
-$NoticeText = "Text of Notice";
-$LinkName = "Text of Link";
-$LinkURL = "URL of Link";
-$OpenInNewWindow = "Open in new window";
-$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to training or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)";
-$Plugins = "Plugins";
-$HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Hide the [= ... =] markup when a language variable is not translated";
-$Info = "Information";
-$UserAdded = "The user is added";
-$NoSearchResults = "No search results";
-$UserDeleted = "The user is deleted";
-$NoClassesForThisCourse = "There are no classes subscribed to this training";
-$CourseUsage = "Training usage";
-$NoCoursesForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a training";
-$NoClassesForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a class";
-$NoCoursesForThisClass = "This class isn't subscribed in a training";
-$langOpenToTheWorld = "Open - access allowed for the whole world";
-$OpenToThePlatform = " Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform";
-$langPrivate = " Private - access authorized to course members only";
-$langCourseVisibilityClosed = " Completely closed: the training is only accessible to the trainers.";
-$langSubscription = "Subscription";
-$langUnsubscription = "Unsubscribe";
-$CourseAccessConfigTip = " By default your training is public. But you can define the level of confidentiality above.";
-$Tool = "tool";
-$NumberOfItems = "number of items";
-$DocumentsAndFolders = "Documents and folders";
-$Learnpath = "Courses";
-$Exercises = "Tests";
-$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Personal Agenda";
-$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "Can the learner add personal events to the Agenda?";
-$CurrentValue = "current value";
-$CourseDescription = "Training Description";
-$OnlineConference = "Online Conference";
-$Chat = "Chat";
-$Quiz = "Tests";
-$Announcements = "Announcements";
-$Links = "Links";
-$LearningPath = "Courses";
-$Documents = "Documents";
-$UserPicture = "Picture";
-$officialcode = "Code";
-$Login = "Login";
-$UserPassword = "Password";
-$SubscriptionAllowed = "Registr. allowed";
-$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "Unreg. allowed";
-$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Allowed";
-$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Denied";
-$AddDummyContentToCourse = "Add some dummy (example) content to this training";
-$DummyCourseCreator = "Create dummy course content";
-$DummyCourseDescription = "This will add some dummy (example) content to this course. This is only meant for testing purposes.";
-$AvailablePlugins = "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins\">http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins</a>";
-$CreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual course";
-$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Display list of virtual training";
-$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Linked to real training code";
-$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Attempted creation of virtual course...";
-$WantedCourseCode = "Wanted training code";
-$ResetPassword = "Reset password";
-$CheckToSendNewPassword = "Check to send new password";
-$AutoGeneratePassword = "Automatically generate a new password";
-$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Use a title for the document name";
-$UseDocumentTitleComment = "This will allow the use of a title for document names instead of document_name.ext";
-$StudentPublications = "Assignments";
-$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Deleted files cannot be restored";
-$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Deleting a file in the documents tool permanently deletes it. The file cannot be restored";
-$ClassName = "Class name";
-$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Dropbox: Maximum file size of a document";
-$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "How big (in bytes) can a dropbox document be?";
-$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Dropbox: Can documents be overwritten";
-$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "Can the original document be overwritten when a user or trainer uploads a document with the name of a document that already exist? If you answer yes then you loose the versioning mechanism.";
-$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Dropbox: Upload to own dropbox space?";
-$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Allow trainers and users to upload documents to their dropbox without sending  the documents to themselves";
-$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Dropbox: Learner <-> Learner";
-$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Allow users to send documents to other users (peer 2 peer). Users might use this for less relevant documents also (mp3, tests solutions, ...). If you disable this then the users can send documents to the trainer only.";
-$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Dropbox: Allow mailing";
-$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "With the mailing functionality you can send each learner a personal document";
-$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Permissions for new directories";
-$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created directory lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0770) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.";
-$UserListHasBeenExported = "The users list has been exported.";
-$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Download the file";
-$administratorTelephoneTitle = "Portal Administrator: Telephone";
-$administratorTelephoneComment = "The telephone number of the platform administrator";
-$SendMailToNewUser = "Send mail to new user";
-$ExtendedProfileTitle = "Extended profile";
-$ExtendedProfileComment = "If this setting is set to 'True', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: 'My competences', 'My diplomas', 'What I am able to teach' and 'My personal open area'";
-$Classes = "Classes";
-$UserUnsubscribed = "User is now unsubscribed";
-$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "User can not be unsubscribed because he is one of the trainers.";
-$InvalidStartDate = "Invalid start date was given.";
-$InvalidEndDate = "Invalid end date was given.";
-$DateFormatLabel = "(d/m/y h:m)";
-$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "Homepage-files are not writable!";
-$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Please give a notice text";
-$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Please give a notice title";
-$PleaseEnterLinkName = "Plese give a link name";
-$InsertThisLink = "Insert this link";
-$FirstPlace = "First place";
-$After = "after";
-$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Dropbox: allow group";
-$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Users can send files to groups";
-$ClassDeleted = "The class is deleted";
-$ClassesDeleted = "The classes are deleted";
-$NoUsersInClass = "No users in this class";
-$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "The selected users are subscribed to the selected training";
-$InvalidTitle = "Please enter a title";
-$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "This category is already used";
-$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Please enter a code and a name for the category";
-$DokeosHomepage = "Chamilo website";
-$DokeosForum = "Community forum";
-$RegisterYourPortal = "Register your portal";
-$DokeosExtensions = "Community extensions";
-$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Display training navigation menu";
-$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Display a navigation menu that quickens access to the tools";
-$LoginAs = "Login as";
-$ImportClassListCSV = "Import class list via CSV";
-$ShowOnlineWorld = "Display number of users online on the login page (visible for the world)";
-$ShowOnlineUsers = "Display number of users online all pages (visible for the persons who are logged in)";
-$ShowOnlineCourse = "Display number of users online in this training";
-$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Show icons in navigation menu?";
-$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right";
-$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Focus on location";
-$ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected training";
-$ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected training";
-$RoleId = "Role ID";
-$RoleName = "Role name";
-$RoleType = "Type";
-$RightValueModified = "The value has been modified.";
-$MakeAvailable = "Make available";
-$MakeUnavailable = "Make unavailable";
-$Stylesheets = "Style sheets";
-$DefaultDokeosStyle = "Default Chamilo style";
-$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "Should the navigation menu show the different tool icons?";
-$Plugin = "Plugin";
-$MainMenu = "Main menu";
-$MainMenuLogged = "Main menu after login";
-$Banner = "Banner";
-$ImageResizeTitle = "Resize uploaded user images";
-$ImageResizeComment = "User images can be resized on upload if PHP is compiled with the <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\" target=\"_blank\">GD library</a>. If GD is unavailable, this setting will be silently ignored.";
-$MaxImageWidthTitle = "Maximum user image width";
-$MaxImageWidthComment = "Maximum width in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
-$MaxImageHeightTitle = "Maximum user image height";
-$MaxImageHeightComment = "Maximum height in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
-$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Your version is not up-to-date";
-$YourVersionIs = "Your version is";
-$PleaseVisitDokeos = "Please visit the Chamilo website";
-$VersionUpToDate = "Your version is up-to-date";
-$ConnectSocketError = "Socket Connection Error";
-$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Socket connections are disabled";
-$ShowEmailAddresses = "Show email addresses";
-$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Show email addresses to users";
-$LatestVersionIs = "The latest version is";
-$langConfigureExtensions = "Chamilo PRO";
-$langActiveExtensions = "Activate this service";
-$langVisioconf = "Chamilo LIVE";
-$langVisioconfDescription = "Chamilo LIVE is a videoconferencing tool that offers: Slides sharing, whiteboard to draw and write on top of slides, audio/video duplex and chat. It requires Flash® player 9+ and offers 2 modes : one to many and many to many.";
-$langPpt2lp = "Chamilo RAPID";
-$langPpt2lpDescription = "Chamilo RAPID is a Rapid Learning tool available in Chamilo Pro and Chamilo Medical. It allows you to convert Powerpoint presentations and their Openoffice equivalents to SCORM-compliant e-courses. After the conversion, you end up in the Courses authoring tool and are able to add audio comments on slides and pages, tests and activities between the slides or pages and interaction activities like forum discussions or assigment upload. Every step becomes an independent and removable learning object. And the whole course generates accurate SCORM reporting for further coaching.";
-$langBandWidthStatistics = "Bandwidth statistics";
-$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG allow you to consult advanced statistics about the state of the server on the last 24 hours.";
-$ServerStatistics = "Server statistics";
-$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats allows you to consult the statistics of your platform : visitors, page views, referers...";
-$SearchEngine = "Chamilo LIBRARY";
-$langSearchEngineDescription = "Chamilo LIBRARY is a Search Engine offering multi-criteria indexing and research. It is part of the Chamilo Medical features.";
-$langListSession = "Training sessions list";
-$AddSession = "Add a training session";
-$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Import sessions list";
-$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Export sessions list";
-$SessionName = "Session name";
-$langNbCourses = "Training";
-$DateStart = "Start date";
-$DateEnd = "End date";
-$CoachName = "Coach name";
-$SessionList = "Training sessions list";
-$SessionNameIsRequired = "A name is required for the session";
-$NextStep = "Next step";
-$keyword = "Keyword";
-$Confirm = "Confirm";
-$UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "Unsubscribe users from training";
-$MissingClassName = "Missing class name";
-$ClassNameExists = "Class name exists";
-$ImportCSVFileLocation = "CSV file import location";
-$ClassesCreated = "Classes created";
-$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errors when importing file";
-$ServiceActivated = "Service activated";
-$ActivateExtension = "Activate service";
-$InvalidExtension = "Invalid extension";
-$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your portal on chamilo.com. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of portals, total number of chamilo training, total number of chamilo users, ...) (see <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/stats/\">http://www.chamilo.org/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/community.php\">http://www.chamilo.org/community.php</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
-$AfterApproval = "After approval";
-$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Enable learner view";
-$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the user view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a participant or user would see it";
-$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Time limit on Who Is Online";
-$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many seconds after his last action a user will be considered *online*";
-$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on training creation";
-$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Create example material automatically when creating a new course";
-$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Account validity";
-$AccountValidDurationComment = "A user account is valid for this number of days after creation";
-$UseSessionModeTitle = "Use training sessions";
-$UseSessionModeComment = "Training sessions give a different way of dealing with training, where training have an author, a coach and learners. Each coach gives a training for a set period of time, called a *training session*, to a set of learners who do not mix with other learner groups attached to another training session.";
-$HomepageViewActivity = "Activity view (default)";
-$HomepageView2column = "Two columns view";
-$HomepageView3column = "Three columns view";
-$AllowUserHeadings = "Allow users profiling inside training";
-$IconsOnly = "Icons only";
-$TextOnly = "Text only";
-$IconsText = "Icons and text";
-$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Enable tool introduction";
-$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Enable introductions on each tool's homepage";
-$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Training homepage breadcrumb";
-$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses' homepages";
-$Comment = "Comment";
-$Version = "Version";
-$LoginPageMainArea = "Login page main area";
-$LoginPageMenu = "Login page menu";
-$CampusHomepageMainArea = "Portal homepage main area";
-$CampusHomepageMenu = "Portal homepage menu";
-$MyCoursesMainArea = "Training main area";
-$MyCoursesMenu = "Training menu";
-$Header = "Header";
-$Footer = "Footer";
-$PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Public pages compliance to WAI";
-$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Chamilo will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal's public pages might appear differently.";
-$VersionCheck = "Version check";
-$Active = "Active";
-$Inactive = "Inactive";
-$SessionOverview = "Session overview";
-$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Add user in the training only if not yet in";
-$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Remove user from training if his name is not in the list";
-$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Delete selected sessions";
-$CourseListInSession = "Training in  this session";
-$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected training from this training session";
-$NbUsers = "Users";
-$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Subscribe users to this session";
-$UserListInPlatform = "Portal users list";
-$UserListInSession = "List of users registered in this session";
-$CourseListInPlatform = "Training list";
-$Host = "Host";
-$UserOnHost = "Login";
-$FtpPassword = "FTP password";
-$PathToLzx = "Path to LZX files";
-$WCAGContent = "Text";
-$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Add training to this session";
-$DateStartSession = "Start date";
-$DateEndSession = "End date";
-$EditSession = "Edit this session";
-$VideoConferenceUrl = "Path to live conferencing";
-$VideoClassroomUrl = "Path to classroom live conferencing";
-$ReconfigureExtension = "Reconfigure extension";
-$ServiceReconfigured = "Service reconfigured";
-$ChooseNewsLanguage = "Choose news language";
-$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Total time spent in a training";
-$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "This option is used to calculate in real time the time that a user spend in a training. The value in the field is the refresh interval in seconds. To desactivate this option, let the default value 0 in the field.";
-$EditLink = "Edit link";
-$FinishSessionCreation = "Finish session creation";
-$VisioRTMPPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol port";
-$SessionNameAlreadyExists = "Session name already exists";
-$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "No classes have been created";
-$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "This field should be numeric";
-$UserLocked = "User locked";
-$UserUnlocked = "User unlocked";
-$CannotDeleteUser = "You cannot delete this user";
-$SelectedUsersDeleted = "Selected users deleted";
-$SomeUsersNotDeleted = "Some users has not been deleted";
-$ExternalAuthentication = "External authentification";
-$RegistrationDate = "Registration date";
-$UserUpdated = "User updated";
-$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "Homepage files are not readable";
-$Choose = "Choose";
-$ModifySessionCourse = "Edit session training";
-$CourseSessionList = "Training in this session";
-$SelectACoach = "Select a coach";
-$UserNameUsedTwice = "Login is used twice";
-$UserNameNotAvailable = "This login is not available";
-$UserNameTooLong = "This login is too long";
-$WrongStatus = "This status doesn't exist";
-$ClassNameNotAvailable = "This classname is not available";
-$FileImported = "File imported";
-$WhichSessionToExport = "Choose the session to export";
-$AllSessions = "All the sessions";
-$CodeDoesNotExists = "This code does not exist";
-$UnknownUser = "Unknown user";
-$UnknownStatus = "Unknown status";
-$SessionDeleted = "The session has been deleted";
-$CourseDoesNotExist = "This training doesn't exist";
-$UserDoesNotExist = "This user doesn't exist";
-$ButProblemsOccured = "but problems occured";
-$UsernameTooLongWasCut = "This login was cut";
-$NoInputFile = "No file was sent";
-$StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "Learner status has been given to";
-$WrongDate = "Wrong date format (yyyy-mm-dd)";
-$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "This is an automatic email message. Please do not reply to it.";
-$YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "You will soon receive an email from your coach.";
-$SlideSize = "Size of the slides";
-$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plagiarism prevention";
-$CourseTeachers = "Trainers";
-$UnknownTeacher = "Unknown trainer";
-$HideDLTTMarkup = "Hide DLTT Markup";
-$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "List of training for the session";
-$UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected users from session";
-$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Show the language each training is in, next to the training title, on the homepage training list";
-$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of training on the homepage, even if they're empty";
-$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Show empty training categories";
-$XMLNotValid = "XML document is not valid";
-$ForTheSession = "for the session";
-$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Active online email editor";
-$AllowEmailEditorComment = "If this option is activated, clicking on an e-mail address will open an online mail editor.";
-$AddCSVHeader = "Add the CSV header line?";
-$YesAddCSVHeader = "Yes, add the CSV header<br />This line defines the fields and is necessary when you want to import the file in a different Chamilo portal";
-$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "List of users subscribed to training";
-$NumberOfCourses = "Training";
-$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Show training languages";
-$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol tunnel port";
-$name = "Name";
-$Security = "Security";
-$UploadExtensionsListType = "Type of filtering on document uploads";
-$UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "Whether you want to use the blacklist or whitelist filtering. See blacklist or whitelist description below for more details.";
-$Blacklist = "Blacklist";
-$Whitelist = "Whitelist";
-$UploadExtensionsBlacklist = "Blacklist - setting";
-$UploadExtensionsWhitelist = "Whitelist - setting";
-$UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "The blacklist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension figures in the blacklist below. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following:  exe;com;bat;scr;php. Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter.";
-$UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "The whitelist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension does *NOT* figure in the whitelist below. It is generally considered as a safer but more restrictive approach to filtering. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following:  htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter.";
-$UploadExtensionsSkip = "Filtering behaviour (skip/rename)";
-$UploadExtensionsSkipComment = "If you choose to skip, the files filtered through the blacklist or whitelist will not be uploaded to the system. If you choose to rename them, their extension will be replaced by the one defined in the extension replacement setting. Beware that renaming doesn't really protect you, and may cause name collision if several files of the same name but different extensions exist.";
-$UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Replacement extension";
-$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Enter the extension that you want to use to replace the dangerous extensions detected by the filter. Only needed if you have selected a filter by replacement.";
-$Remove = "Remove";
-$Rename = "Rename";
-$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Show the number of training in each category in the training categories on the homepage";
-$EphorusDescription = "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Chamilo.<br /> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>With Ephorus, you will prevent internet plagiarism without any additional effort.</strong><br /> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t You can use our unique open standard webservice to build your own integration or you can use one of our Chamilo-integration modules.";
-$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<strong>Leaders in <br />anti plagiarism </strong>\t\t\t\t";
-$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Click here for more information and prices\t\t\t";
-$NameOfTheSession = "Session name";
-$NoSessionsForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a session";
-$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Display categories on home page";
-$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "This option will display or hide training categories on the portal home page";
-$ShowTabsTitle = "Tabs in the header";
-$ShowTabsComment = "Check the tabs you want to see appear in the header. The unchecked tabs will appear on the right hand menu on the portal homepage and my training page if these need to appear";
-$DefaultForumViewTitle = "Default forum view";
-$DefaultForumViewComment = "What should be the default option when creating a new forum. Any trainer can however choose a different view for every individual forum";
-$TabsMyCourses = "Training tab";
-$TabsCampusHomepage = "Portal homepage tab";
-$TabsReporting = "Reporting tab";
-$TabsPlatformAdministration = "Platform Administration tab";
-$NoCoursesForThisSession = "No training for this session";
-$NoUsersForThisSession = "No Users for this session";
-$LastNameMandatory = "The last name cannot be empty";
-$FirstNameMandatory = "The first name cannot be empty";
-$EmailMandatory = "The email cannot be empty";
-$TabsMyAgenda = "Agenda tab";
-$NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "The notice will be not displayed on the homepage";
-$LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Let those fields empty to hide the notice";
-$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "The voice recording feature in the course editor relies on a Red5 streaming server. This server's parameters can be configured in the videoconference section on the current page.";
-$PlatformCharsetTitle = "Character set";
-$PlatformCharsetComment = "The character set is what pilots the way specific languages can be displayed in Chamilo. If you use Russian or Japanese characters, for example, you might want to change this. For all english, latin and west-european characters, the default iso-8859-15 should be alright.";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Extended profile fields in registration";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment = "Which of the following fields of the extended profile have to be available in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated (see above).";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle = "Required extended profile fields in registration";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment = "Which of the following fields of the extende profile are required in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated and that the field is also available in the registration form (see above).";
-$NoReplyEmailAddress = "No-reply e-mail address";
-$NoReplyEmailAddressComment = "This is the e-mail address to be used when an e-mail has to be sent specifically requesting that no answer be sent in return. Generally, this e-mail address should be configured on your server to drop/ignore any incoming e-mail.";
-$SurveyEmailSenderNoReply = "Survey e-mail sender (no-reply)";
-$SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment = "Should the survey invitations use the coach email address or the no-reply address defined in the main configuration section?";
-$CourseCoachEmailSender = "Coach email address";
-$NoReplyEmailSender = "No-reply e-mail address";
-$Flat = "Flat";
-$Threaded = "Threaded";
-$Nested = "Nested";
-$OpenIdAuthenticationComment = "Enable the OpenID URL-based authentication (displays an additional login form on the homepage)";
-$VersionCheckEnabled = "Version check enabled";
-$InstallDirAccessibleSecurityThreat = "The main/install directory of your Chamilo system is still accessible to web users. This might represent a security threat for your installation. We recommend that you remove this directory or that you change its permissions so web users cannot use the scripts it contains.";
-$GradebookActivation = "Assessments tool activation";
-$GradebookActivationComment = "The Assessments tool allows you to assess competences in your organization by merging classroom and online activities evaluations into Performance reports. Do you want to activate it?";
-$UserTheme = "Theme (stylesheet)";
-$UserThemeSelection = "User theme selection";
-$UserThemeSelectionComment = "Allow users to select their own visual theme in their profile. This will change the look of Chamilo for them, but will leave the default style of the portal intact. If a specific course or session has a specific theme assigned, it will have priority over user-defined themes.";
-$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "The PHP setting \"allow_url_fopen\" is set to off. This prevents the registration mechanism to work properly. This setting can be changed in you PHP configuration file (php.ini) or in the Apache Virtual Host configuration, using the php_admin_value directive";
-$VisioHost = "Videoconference streaming server hostname or IP address";
-$VisioPort = "Videoconference streaming server port";
-$VisioPassword = "Videoconference streaming server password";
-$Port = "Port";
-$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "Click here for a demo account";
-$ManageUserFields = "Profiling";
-$UserFields = "Profile attributes";
-$AddUserField = "Add profile field";
-$FieldLabel = "Field label";
-$FieldType = "Field type";
-$FieldTitle = "Field title";
-$FieldDefaultValue = "Default value";
-$FieldOrder = "Order";
-$FieldVisibility = "Visible?";
-$FieldChangeability = "Can change";
-$FieldTypeText = "Text";
-$FieldTypeTextarea = "Text area";
-$FieldTypeRadio = "Radio buttons";
-$FieldTypeSelect = "Select drop-down";
-$FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "Multiple selection drop-down";
-$FieldAdded = "Field succesfully added";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "Competence thresholds colouring";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment = "Tick the box to enable Competences thresholds";
-$TabsGradebookEnableColoring = "Enable Competence thresholds";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayCustom = "Competence levels labelling";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment = "Tick the box to enable Competence levels labelling";
-$TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "Enable Competence level labelling";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "Threshold";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "The threshold (in %) under which scores will be colored red";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "Display score upper limit";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Tick the box to show the score's upper limit";
-$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Enable score's upper limit display";
-$AddUserFields = "Add profile field";
-$FieldPossibleValues = "Possible values";
-$FieldPossibleValuesComment = "Only given for repetitive fields, split by semi-column (;)";
-$FieldTypeDate = "Date";
-$FieldTypeDatetime = "Date and time";
-$UserFieldsAddHelp = "Adding a user field is very easy:<br />- pick a one-word, lowercase identifier,<br />- select a type,<br />- pick a text that should appear to the user (if you use an existing translated name like BirthDate or UserSex, it will automatically get translated to any language),<br />- if you picked a multiple type (radio, select, multiple select), provide the possible choices (again, it can make use of the language variables defined in Chamilo), split by semi-column characters,<br />- for text types, you can choose a default value.<br /><br />Once you're done, add the field and choose whether you want to make it visible and modifiable. Making it modifiable but not visible is useless.";
-$AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Allow training themes";
-$AllowCourseThemeComment = "Allows training graphical themes and makes it possible to change the stylesheet used by a training to any of the possible stylesheets available to Chamilo. When a user enters the training, the stylesheet of the training will have priority over the user's own stylesheet and the platform's default stylesheet.";
-$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Display the small month calendar in the agenda tool";
-$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "This setting enables or disables the small month calendar that appears in the left column of the agenda tool";
-$DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Display the upcoming events in the agenda tool";
-$DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "This setting enables or disables the upcoming events that appears in the left column of the agenda tool of the course";
-$NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "Number of upcoming events that have to be displayed.";
-$NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment = "The number of upcoming events that have to be displayed in the agenda. This requires that the upcoming event functionlity is activated (see setting above).";
-$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "Display closed training on login page and portal startpage?";
-$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "Display closed training on the login page and training startpage? On the portal startpage an icon will appear next to the training to quickly subscribe to the training. This will only appear on the portal startpage when the user is logged in and when the user is not subscribed to the portal yet.";
-$LDAPConnectionError = "LDAP Connection Error";
-$LDAP = "LDAP";
-$LDAPEnableTitle = "Enable LDAP";
-$LDAPEnableComment = "If you have an LDAP server, you will have to configure its settings below and modify your configuration file as described in the installation guide, and then activate it. This will allow users to authenticate using their LDAP logins. If you don't know what LDAP is, please leave it disabled";
-$LDAPMainServerAddressTitle = "Main LDAP server address";
-$LDAPMainServerAddressComment = "The IP address or url of your main LDAP server.";
-$LDAPMainServerPortTitle = "Main LDAP server's port.";
-$LDAPMainServerPortComment = "The port on which the main LDAP server will respond (usually 389). This is a mandatory setting.";
-$LDAPDomainTitle = "LDAP domain";
-$LDAPDomainComment = "This is the LDAP domain (dc) that will be used to find the contacts on the LDAP server. For example: dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz";
-$LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle = "Replicate server address";
-$LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment = "When the main server is not available, this server will be accessed. Leave blank or use the same value as the main server if you don't have a replicate server.";
-$LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle = "Replicate server's port";
-$LDAPReplicateServerPortComment = "The port on which the replicate server will respond.";
-$LDAPSearchTermTitle = "Search term";
-$LDAPSearchTermComment = "This term will be used to filter the search for contacts on the LDAP server. If you are unsure what to put in here, please refer to your LDAP server's documentation and configuration.";
-$LDAPVersionTitle = "LDAP version";
-$LDAPVersionComment = "Please select the version of the LDAP server you want to use. Using the right version depends on your LDAP server's configuration.";
-$LDAPVersion2 = "LDAP 2";
-$LDAPVersion3 = "LDAP 3";
-$LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle = "Tutor identification field";
-$LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment = "A check will be done on this LDAP contact field on new users insertion. If this field is not empty, the user will be considered as a tutor and inserted in Chamilo as such. If you want all your users to be recognised as simple users, leave this field empty. You can modify this behaviour by changing the code. Please read the <a href=\"../../documentation/installation_guide.html\">installation guide</a> for more information.";
-$LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle = "Authentication login";
-$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user login that should be used. Do not include \"cn=\". Leave empty for anonymous access.";
-$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle = "Authentication password";
-$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user password that should be used.";
-$LDAPImport = "LDAP Import";
-$EmailNotifySubscription = "Notify subscribed users by e-mail";
-$DontUncheck = "Do not uncheck";
-$AllSlashNone = "All/None";
-$LDAPImportUsersSteps = "LDAP Import: Users/Steps";
-$EnterStepToAddToYourSession = "Enter step to add to your session";
-$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearDepartmentAndStep = "In order to do this, you must enter the year, the department and the step";
-$FollowEachOfTheseStepsStepByStep = "Follow each of these steps, step by step";
-$RegistrationYearExample = "Registration year. Example: %s for academic year %s-%s";
-$SelectDepartment = "Select department";
-$RegistrationYear = "Registration year";
-$SelectStepAcademicYear = "Select step (academic year)";
-$ErrorExistingStep = "Error: this step already exists";
-$ErrorStepNotFoundOnLDAP = "Error: step not found on LDAP server";
-$StepDeletedSuccessfully = "Step deleted successfully";
-$StepUsersDeletedSuccessfully = "Step users removed successfully";
-$NoStepForThisSession = "No LOs in this session";
-$DeleteStepUsers = "Remove users from step";
-$ImportStudentsOfAllSteps = "Import learners of all steps";
-$ImportLDAPUsersIntoPlatform = "Import LDAP users into the platform";
-$NoUserInThisSession = "No user in this session";
-$SubscribeSomeUsersToThisSession = "Subscribe some users to this session";
-$EnterStudentsToSubscribeToCourse = "Enter the learners you would like to register to your training";
-$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearComponentAndComponentStep = "In order to do this, you must enter the year, the component and the component's step";
-$SelectComponent = "Select component";
-$Component = "Component";
-$SelectStudents = "Select learners";
-$LDAPUsersAdded = "LDAP users added";
-$NoUserAdded = "No user added";
-$ImportLDAPUsersIntoCourse = "Import LDAP users into a training";
-$ImportLDAPUsersAndStepIntoSession = "Import LDAP users and a step into a session";
-$LDAPSynchroImportUsersAndStepsInSessions = "LDAP synchro: Import learners/steps into training sessions";
-$TabsMyGradebook = "Assessments tab";
-$LDAPUsersAddedOrUpdated = "LDAP users added or updated";
-$SearchLDAPUsers = "Search for LDAP users";
-$SelectCourseToImportUsersTo = "Select a course in which you would like to register the users you are going to select next";
-$ImportLDAPUsersIntoSession = "Import LDAP users into a session";
-$LDAPSelectFilterOnUsersOU = "Select a filter to find a matching string at the end of the OU attribute";
-$LDAPOUAttributeFilter = "The OU attribute filter";
-$SelectSessionToImportUsersTo = "Select the session in which you want to import these users";
-$VisioUseRtmptTitle = "Use the rtmpt protocol";
-$VisioUseRtmptComment = "The rtmpt protocol allows access to the videoconference from behind a firewall, by redirecting the communications on port 80. This, however, will slow down the streaming, so it is recommended not to use it unless necessary.";
-$UploadNewStylesheet = "New stylesheet file";
-$NameStylesheet = "Name of the stylesheet";
-$StylesheetAdded = "The stylesheet has been added";
-$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueTitle = "Tutor identification value";
-$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueComment = "When a check is done on the tutor field given above, this value has to be inside one of the tutor fields sub-elements for the user to be considered as a trainer. If you leave this field blank, the only condition is that the field exists for this LDAP user to be considered as a trainer. As an example, the field could be \"memberof\" and the value to search for could be \"CN=G_TRAINER,OU=Trainer\".";
-$IsNotWritable = "is not writeable";
-$FieldMovedDown = "The field is successfully moved down";
-$CannotMoveField = "Cannot move the field.";
-$FieldMovedUp = "The field is successfully moved up.";
-$FieldShown = "The field is now visible for the user.";
-$CannotShowField = "Cannot make the field visible.";
-$FieldHidden = "The field is now invisible for the user.";
-$CannotHideField = "Cannot make the field invisible";
-$FieldMadeChangeable = "The field is now changeable by the user: the user can now fill or edit the field";
-$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "The field can not be made changeable.";
-$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "The field is now made unchangeable: the user cannot fill or edit the field.";
-$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "The field cannot be made unchangeable";
-$FieldDeleted = "The field has been deleted";
-$CannotDeleteField = "Cannot delete the field";
-$AddUsersByCoachTitle = "Register users by Coach";
-$AddUsersByCoachComment = "Coach users may create users to the platform and subscribe users to a session.";
-$UserFieldsSortOptions = "Sort the options of the profiling fields";
-$FieldOptionMovedUp = "The option has been moved up.";
-$CannotMoveFieldOption = "Cannot move the option.";
-$FieldOptionMovedDown = "The option has been moved down.";
-$DefineSessionOptions = "Define access limits for the coach";
-$DaysBefore = "days before session starts";
-$DaysAfter = "days after";
-$SessionAddTypeUnique = "Single registration";
-$SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Multiple registration";
-$EnableSearchTitle = "Full-text search feature";
-$EnableSearchComment = "Select \"Yes\" to enable this feature. It is highly dependent on the Xapian extension for PHP, so this will not work if this extension is not installed on your server, in version 1.x at minimum.";
-$SearchASession = "Find a training session";
-$ActiveSession = "Session session";
-$AddUrl = "Add Url";
-$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Show session coach";
-$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Show the global session coach name in session title box in the training list";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Extend rights for coach";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "Activate this option will give the coach the same permissions as the trainer on authoring tools";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "Activate this option will allow the coachs to create and edit surveys";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Extend rights for coachs on surveys";
-$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "This user cannot be deleted because he is still trainer in a training. You can either remove his trainer status from these training and then delete his account, or disable his account instead of deleting it.";
-$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Allow non admin to create training";
-$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Allow non administrators (trainers) to create new training in the portal";
-$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Allow learners to browse the training catalogue and subscribe to available training";
-$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Yes (the files will be deleted permanently and will not be recoverable)";
-$NoWillDeletePermanently = "No (the files will be deleted from the application but will be manually recoverable  by your server administrator)";
-$SelectAResponsible = "Select a manager";
-$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "No HR manager available";
-$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Learners access to training catalogue";
-$SharedSettingIconComment = "This is a shared setting";
-$GlobalAgenda = "Global agenda";
-$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "Advanced file manager for wysiwyg editor";
-$AdvancedFileManagerComment = "Enable advanced file manager for WYSIWYG editor? This will add a considerable amount of additional options to the file manager that opens in a pop-up window when uploading files to the server.";
-$ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "Average progress in courses";
-$MultipleAccessURLs = "Multiple access URL / Branding";
-$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle = "Full-text search: show unlinked results";
-$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment = "When showing the results of a full-text search, what should be done with the results that are not accessible to the current user?";
-$SearchHideUnlinkedResults = "Do not show them";
-$SearchShowUnlinkedResults = "Show them but without a link to the resource";
-$Templates = "Templates";
-$HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "Do not display my portal in the list of Chamilo portals";
-$EnableVersionCheck = "Enable version check";
-$AllowMessageToolTitle = "Internal messaging tool";
-$AllowReservationTitle = "Booking";
-$AllowReservationComment = "The booking system allows you to book resources for your training (rooms, tables, books, screens, ...). You need this tool to be enabled (through the Admin) to have it appear in the user menu.";
-$ConfigureResourceType = "Configure";
-$ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "Configure multiple access URL";
-$URLAdded = "The URL has been added";
-$URLAlreadyAdded = "This URL already exists, please select another URL";
-$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "Are you sure you want to set this language as the portal's default?";
-$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Current portal's language";
-$EditUsersToURL = "Edit users and URLs";
-$AddUsersToURL = "Add users to an URL";
-$URLList = "URL list";
-$AddToThatURL = "Add users to that URL";
-$SelectUrl = "Select URL";
-$UserListInURL = "Users subscribed to this URL";
-$UsersWereEdited = "The user accounts have been updated";
-$AtLeastOneUserAndOneURL = "You must select at least one user and one URL";
-$UsersBelongURL = "The user accounts are now attached to the URL";
-$LPTestScore = "Course score";
-$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Average of tests in learning paths";
-$ImportUsersToACourse = "Import users list";
-$ImportCourses = "Import training list";
-$ManageUsers = "Manage users";
-$ManageCourses = "Manage training";
-$UserListIn = "Users of";
-$URLInactive = "The URL has been disabled";
-$URLActive = "The URL has been enabled";
-$EditUsers = "Edit users";
-$EditCourses = "Edit training";
-$CourseListIn = "Training of";
-$AddCoursesToURL = "Add courses to an URL";
-$EditCoursesToURL = "Edit courses of an URL";
-$AddCoursesToThatURL = "Add courses to that URL";
-$EnablePlugins = "Enable the selected plugins";
-$AtLeastOneCourseAndOneURL = "At least one course and one URL";
-$ClickToRegisterAdmin = "Click here to register the admin into all sites";
-$AdminShouldBeRegisterInSite = "Admin user should be registered here";
-$URLNotConfiguredPleaseChangedTo = "URL not configured yet, please add this URL :";
-$AdminUserRegisteredToThisURL = "Admin user assigned to this URL";
-$CoursesWereEdited = "Training updated successfully";
-$URLEdited = "The URL has been edited";
-$AddSessionToURL = "Add session to an URL";
-$FirstLetterSession = "Session title's first letter";
-$EditSessionToURL = "Edit session";
-$AddSessionsToThatURL = "Add sessions to that URL";
-$SessionBelongURL = "Sessions were edited";
-$ManageSessions = "Manage sessions";
-$AllowMessageToolComment = "Enabling the internal messaging tool allows users to send messages to other users of the platform and to have a messaging inbox.";
-$AllowSocialToolTitle = "Social network tool (Facebook-like)";
-$AllowSocialToolComment = "The social network tool allows users to define relations with other users and, by doing so, to define groups of friends. Combined with the internal messaging tool, this tool allows tight communication with friends, inside the portal environment.";
-$SetLanguageAsDefault = "Set language as default";
-$FieldFilter = "Filter";
-$FilterOn = "Filter on";
-$FilterOff = "Filter off";
-$FieldFilterSetOn = "You can now use this field as a filter";
-$FieldFilterSetOff = "You can't use this field as a filter";
-$buttonAddUserField = "Add user field";
-$UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
-$TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "The following courses already use this code";
-$UsersSubscribedToBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
-$UsersUnsubscribedFromBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been unsubscribed from the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
-$FilterUsers = "Filter users";
-$SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "Several training were subscribed to the session because of a duplicate training code";
-$CoachIsRequired = "You must select a coach";
-$EncryptMethodUserPass = "Encryption method";
-$AddTemplate = "Add a template";
-$TemplateImageComment100x70 = "This image will represent the template in the templates list. It should be no larger than 100x70 pixels";
-$TemplateAdded = "Template added";
-$TemplateDeleted = "Template deleted";
-$EditTemplate = "Template edition";
-$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "The users that were not registered on the platform have been imported";
-$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "You must import a file corresponding to the selected format";
-$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Show teacher or tutor's e-mail address in the footer";
-$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Show trainer or tutor's e-mail in footer ?";
-$Created = "Created";
-$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Add a system announcement";
-$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Edit system announcement";
-$LPProgressScore = "% of learning objects visited";
-$TotalTimeByCourse = "Total time in course";
-$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Last time learner entered the training";
-$AnnouncementAvailable = "The announcement is available";
-$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "The announcement is not available";
-$Searching = "Searching";
-$AddLDAPUsers = "Add LDAP users";
-$Academica = "Academica";
-$AddNews = "Add news";
-$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "Failed to open the search database";
-$SearchDatabaseVersionError = "The search database uses an unsupported format";
-$SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "The search database has been modified/broken";
-$SearchDatabaseLockError = "Failed to lock the search database";
-$SearchDatabaseCreateError = "Failed to create the search database";
-$SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "The search database has suffered corruption";
-$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "Connection timed out while communicating with the remote search database";
-$SearchOtherXapianError = "Error in search engine";
-$FieldRemoved = "Field removed";
-$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdded = "The new sub-language has been added";
-$DeleteSubLanguage = "Delete sub-language";
-$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Create a sub-language for this language";
-$DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "Delete this sub-language";
-$CreateSubLanguage = "Create sub-language";
-$RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Define new terms for this sub-language";
-$AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Sub-language terms";
-$LoadLanguageFile = "Load language file";
-$AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Allow definition and use of sub-languages";
-$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "By enabling this option, you will be able to define variations for each of the language terms used in the platform's interface, in the form of a new language based on and extending an existing language. You'll find this option in the languages section of the administration panel.";
-$AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Add terms to the sub-language";
-$TemplateEdited = "Template edited";
-$SubLanguage = "Sub-language";
-$LanguageIsNowVisible = "The language has been made visible and can now be used throughout the platform.";
-$LanguageIsNowHidden = "The language has been hidden. It will not be possible to use it until it becomes visible again.";
-$LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "The /main/lang directory, used on this portal to store the languages, is not writable. Please contact your platform administrator and report this message.";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Show glossary terms in documents";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "From here you can configure how to add links to the glossary terms from the documents";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automatic: adds links to all defined glossary terms found in the document";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manual: shows a glossary icon in the online editor, so you can mark the terms that are in the glossary and that you want to link";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "None: doesn't add any glossary terms to the documents";
-$LanguageVariable = "Language variable";
-$ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "To export a document that has glossary terms with its references to the glossary, you have to make sure you include the glossary tool in the export";
-$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Session's tutor's data is shown in the footer.";
-$ShowTutorDataComment = "Show the session's tutor reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
-$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Show teacher information in footer";
-$ShowTeacherDataComment = "Show the teacher reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
-$TermsAndConditions = "Terms and conditions";
-$HTMLText = "HTML";
-$PageLink = "Page Link";
-$DisplayTermsConditions = "Display a Terms & Conditions statement on the registration page, require visitor to accept the T&C to register.";
-$AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle = "Enable terms and conditions";
-$AllowTermsAndConditionsComment = "This option will display the Terms and Conditions in the register form for new users";
-$Load = "Load";
-$AllVersions = "All versions";
-$EditTermsAndConditions = "Edit terms and conditions";
-$Changes = "Changes";
-$ExplainChanges = "Explain changes";
-$TermAndConditionNotSaved = "Term and condition not saved";
-$TheSubLanguageHasBeenRemoved = "The sub language has been removed";
-$AddTermsAndConditions = "Add terms and conditions";
-$TermAndConditionSaved = "Term and condition saved";
-$Visibility = "Visibility";
-$SessionCategory = "Sessions categories";
-$ListSessionCategory = "Sessions categories list";
-$AddSessionCategory = "Add category";
-$SessionCategoryName = "Category name";
-$EditSessionCategory = "Edit session category";
-$SessionCategoryAdded = "The category has been added";
-$SessionCategoryUpdate = "Category update";
-$SessionCategoryDelete = "The selected categories have been deleted";
-$SessionCategoryNameIsRequired = "Please give a name to the sessions category";
-$ThereIsNotStillASession = "There are no sessions available";
-$SelectASession = "Select a session";
-$OriginCoursesFromSession = "Courses from the original session";
-$DestinationCoursesFromSession = "Courses from the destination session";
-$CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "Help for the copy of courses from session to session";
-$TypeOfCopy = "Type of copy";
-$CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "Copy from course in session to another session";
-$YouMustSelectACourseFromOriginalSession = "You must select a course from original session";
-$MaybeYouWantToDeleteThisUserFromSession = "Maybe you want to delete the user, instead of unsubscribing him from all courses...?";
-$EditSessionCoursesByUser = "Edit session courses by user";
-$CoursesUpdated = "Courses updated";
-$CurrentCourses = "Current courses";
-$CoursesToAvoid = "Unaccessible courses";
-$EditSessionCourses = "Edit session courses";
-$SessionVisibility = "Visibility after end date";
-$BlockCoursesForThisUser = "Block user from courses in this session";
-$LanguageFile = "Language file";
-$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle = "Show the courses descriptions in the catalog";
-$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment = "Show the courses descriptions as an integrated popup when clicking on a course info icon in the courses catalog";
-$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "The stylesheet could not be added";
-$AddSessionsInCategories = "Add sessions in categories";
-$ItIsRecommendedInstallImagickExtension = "It is recommended to install the imagick php extension for better performances in the resolution for generating the thumbnail images otherwise not show very well, if it is not install by default uses the php-gd extension.";
-$EditSpecificSearchField = "Edit specific search field";
-$FieldName = "Field name";
-$SpecialExports = "Special exports";
-$SpecialCreateFullBackup = "Special create full backup";
-$SpecialLetMeSelectItems = "Special let me select items";
-$CreateBackup = "Create backup";
-$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions = "Allow coachs to edit inside training sessions";
-$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment = "Allow coachs to edit inside training sessions comment";
-$ShowSessionDataTitle = "Show session data title";
-$ShowSessionDataComment = "Show session data comment";
-$SubscribeSessionsToCategory = "Subscription sessions in the category";
-$SessionListInPlatform = "List of session in the platform";
-$SessionListInCategory = "List of sesiones in the categories";
-$ToExportSpecialSelect = "If you want to export courses containing sessions, which will ensure that these seansido included in the export to any of that will have to choose in the list.";
-$ErrorMsgSpecialExport = "There were no courses registered or may not have made the association with the sessions";
-$ConfigureInscription = "Setting the registration page";
-$MsgErrorSessionCategory = "Select category and sessions";
-$NumberOfSession = "Number sessions";
-$DeleteSelectedSessionCategory = "Delete only the selected categories without sessions";
-$DeleteSelectedFullSessionCategory = "Delete the selected categories to sessions";
-$EditTopRegister = "Edit Note";
-$InsertTabs = "Add Tabs";
-$EditTabs = "Edit Tabs";
-$BabyOrange = "Baby Orange";
-$BlueLagoon = "Blue lagoon";
-$CoolBlue = "Cool blue";
-$Corporate = "Corporate";
-$CosmicCampus = "Cosmic campus";
-$DeliciousBordeaux = "Delicious Bordeaux";
-$DokeosClassic2D = "Chamilo classic 2D";
-$DokeosBlue = "Chamilo blue";
-$EmpireGreen = "Empire green";
-$FruityOrange = "Fruity orange";
-$Medical = "Medical";
-$RoyalPurple = "Royal purple";
-$SilverLine = "Silver line";
-$SoberBrown = "Sober brown";
-$SteelGrey = "Steel grey";
-$TastyOlive = "Tasty olive";
-$ExportCourses = "Export courses";
-$IsAdministrator = "Is administrator";
-$IsNotAdministrator = "Is not administrator";
-$AddTimeLimit = "Add time limit";
-$EditTimeLimit = "Edit time limit";
-$TheTimeLimitsAreReferential = "The time limit of a category is referential, will not affect the boundaries of a training session";
-$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle = "Show the glossary terms in extra tools";
-$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment = "From here you can configure how to add the glossary terms in extra tools as learning path and exercice tool";
-$FieldTypeTag = "User tag";
-$SendEmailToAdminTitle = "Email alert, of creation  a new course";
-$SendEmailToAdminComment = "Send an email to administardor of the platform, each time the teacher register a new course";
-$UserTag = "User tag";
-$SelectSession = "Select session";
-$GroupPermissions = "Group Permissions";
-$SpecialCourse = "Special course";
-$MathMimetexTitle = "mimeTEX mathematical editor";
-$MathMimetexComment = "Enable mimeTeX mathematical editor. The activation is not fully realized if not previously installed on the server the executable MimeTex file. See the Chamilo installation guide.";
-$MathASCIImathMLTitle = "ASCIIMathML mathematical editor";
-$MathASCIImathMLComment = "Enable ASCIIMathML mathematical editor";
-$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Allow students to insert videos from YouTube";
-$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Enable the possibility that students can insert Youtube videos";
-$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Block students copy and paste";
-$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Block students the ability to copy and paste into the WYSIWYG editor";
-$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "Buttons bar extended";
-$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "Enable button bars extended when the WYSIWYG editor is maximized";
-$Editor = "HTML Editor";
-$GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Go directly to the course after login";
-$GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "When a user is registered in one course, go directly to the course after login";
-$GroupList = "Group List";
-$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Allow students to download directories";
-$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Allow students to pack and download a complete directory from the document tool";
-$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Allow users to create groups in social network";
-$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Allow users to create groups in social network";
-$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Allow send message to all platform users";
-$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Allow send message to all platform users";
-$TabsSocial = "Social network tab";
-$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle = "Max upload file size in messages";
-$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment = "Maximum size for file uploads in the messaging tool (in Bytes)";
-$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Add user profile field";
-$Username = "Username";
-$ChamiloHomepage = "Chamilo homepage";
-$ChamiloForum = "Chamilo forum";
-$ChamiloExtensions = "Chamilo extensions";
-$ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "Impossible to contact the version server right now. Please try again later.";
-$ChamiloGreen = "Chamilo Green";
-$ChamiloRed = "Chamilo red";
-$MessagesSent = "Number of messages sent";
-$MessagesReceived = "Number of messages received";
-$CountFriends = "Contacts count";
-$ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory = "This plugin has been deleted from the dashboard plugin directory";
-$EnableDashboardPlugins = "Enable dashboard plugins";
-$CoursesListInPlatform = "Platform courses list";
-$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourceManager = "Courses assigned to HR manager";
-$AssignedCoursesTo = "Courses assigned to";
-$AssignCoursesToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign courses to HR manager";
-$TimezoneValueTitle = "Timezone value";
-$TimezoneValueComment = "This is the timezone for this portal. If left empty, it will use the server's timezone. If configured, all times on the system will be shown based on this timezone. This setting has a lower priority than the user's timezone, if enabled and selected by the";
-$UseUsersTimezoneTitle = "Use users timezones";
-$UseUsersTimezoneComment = "Enable the possibility for users to select their own timezone. The timezone field should be set to visible and changeable in the Profiling menu in the administration section before users can choose their own.\r\nOnce configured, users will be able to see de";
-$FieldTypeTimezone = "Timezone";
-$AssignedSessionsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned sessions have been updated";
-$AssignedCoursesHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned courses have been updated";
-$AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned users have been updated";
-$Lock = "Lock";
-$AssignUsersToX = "Assign users to %s";
-$AssignUsersToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign users to Human Resources manager";
-$AssignedUsersListToHumanResourcesManager = "List of users assigned to Human Resources manager";
-$AssignCoursesToX = "Assign courses to %s";
-$SessionsListInPlatform = "List of sessions on the platform";
-$AssignSessionsToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign sessions to Human Resources manager";
-$AssignedSessionsListToHumanResourcesManager = "List of sessions assigned to the Human Resources manager";
-$SessionsInformation = "Sessions report";
-$YourSessionsList = "Your sessions";
-$TeachersInformationsList = "Teachers report";
-$YourTeachers = "Your teachers";
-$StudentsInformationsList = "Students report";
-$YourStudents = "Your students";
-$GoToThematicAdvance = "Go to thematic advance";
-$TeachersInformationsGraph = "Teachers report chart";
-$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Students report chart";
-$Timezones = "Timezones";
-$TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Time spent on the platform last week, by day";
-$GraphicNotAvailable = "Chart not available";
-$AttendancesFaults = "Not attended";
-$Minutes = "Minutes";
-$SystemStatus = "System status";
-$IsWritable = "Is writable";
-$DirectoryExists = "The directory exists";
-$DirectoryMustBeWritable = "The directory must be writable by the web server";
-$DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "The directory should be removed (it is no longer necessary)";
-$Section = "Section";
-$Expected = "Expected";
-$Setting = "Setting";
-$Current = "Current";
-$SessionGCMaxLifetimeInfo = "The session garbage collector maximum lifetime indicates which maximum time is given between two runs of the garbage collector.";
-$PHPVersionInfo = "PHP version";
-$FileUploadsInfo = "File uploads indicate whether file uploads are authorized at all";
-$UploadMaxFilesizeInfo = "Maximum volume of an uploaded file. This setting should, most of the time, be matched with the post_max_size variable.";
-$MagicQuotesRuntimeInfo = "This is a highly unrecommended feature which converts values returned by all functions that returned external values to slash-escaped values. This feature should *not* be enabled.";
-$PostMaxSizeInfo = "This is the maximum size of uploads through forms using the POST method (i.e. classical file upload forms)";
-$SafeModeInfo = "Safe mode is a deprecated PHP feature which (badly) limits the access of PHP scripts to other resources. It is recommended to leave it off.";
-$DisplayErrorsInfo = "Show errors on screen. Turn this on on development servers, off on production servers.";
-$MaxInputTimeInfo = "The maximum time allowed for a form to be processed by the server. If it takes longer, the process is abandonned and a blank page is returned.";
-$DefaultCharsetInfo = "The default character set to be sent when returning pages";
-$RegisterGlobalsInfo = "Whether to use the register globals feature or not. Using it represents potential security risks with this software.";
-$ShortOpenTagInfo = "Whether to allow for short open tags to be used or not. This feature should not be used.";
-$MemoryLimitInfo = "Maximum memory limit for one single script run. If the memory needed is higher, the process will stop to avoid consuming all the server's available memory and thus slowing down other users.";
-$MagicQuotesGpcInfo = "Whether to automatically escape values from GET, POST and COOKIES arrays. A similar feature is provided for the required data inside this software, so using it provokes double slash-escaping of values.";
-$VariablesOrderInfo = "The order of precedence of Environment, GET, POST, COOKIES and SESSION variables";
-$MaxExecutionTimeInfo = "Maximum time a script can take to execute. If using more than that, the script is abandoned to avoid slowing down other users.";
-$ExtensionMustBeLoaded = "This extension must be loaded.";
-$MysqlProtoInfo = "MySQL protocol";
-$MysqlHostInfo = "MySQL server host";
-$MysqlServerInfo = "MySQL server information";
-$MysqlClientInfo = "MySQL client";
-$ServerProtocolInfo = "Protocol used by this server";
-$ServerRemoteInfo = "Remote address (your address as received by the server)";
-$ServerAddessInfo = "Server address";
-$ServerNameInfo = "Server name (as used in your request)";
-$ServerPortInfo = "Server port";
-$ServerUserAgentInfo = "Your user agent as received by the server";
-$ServerSoftwareInfo = "Software running as a web server";
-$UnameInfo = "Information on the system the current server is running on";
-$AssignSessionsToX = "Assign sessions to %s";
-$AssignCoursesToSessionsAdministrator = "Assign courses to session's administrator";
-$AssignCoursesToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign courses to platform's administrator";
-$AssignedCoursesListToPlatformAdministrator = "Assigned courses list to platform administrator";
-$AssignedCoursesListToSessionsAdministrator = "Assigned courses list to sessions administrator";
-$AssignSessionsToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign sessions to platform administrator";
-$AssignSessionsToSessionsAdministrator = "assign sessions to sessions administrator";
-$AssignedSessionsListToPlatformAdministrator = "Assigned sessions list to platform administrator";
-$AssignedSessionsListToSessionsAdministrator = "Assigned sessions list to sessions administrator";
-$EvaluationsGraph = "Graph of evaluations";
-$Action = "Action";
-$ISOCode = "ISO code";
-$TheSubLanguageForThisLanguageHasBeenAdded = "The sub-language of this language has been added";
-$ReturnToLanguagesList = "Return to the languages list";
-$ActivityCoach = "The coach of the session, shall have all rights and privileges on all the courses that belong to the session.";
-$CategoriesNumber = "Categories";
-$CourseProgress = "Course progress";
-$ExportAllCoursesList = "Export all courses";
-$ExportSelectedCoursesFromCoursesList = "Export selected courses from the following list";
-$CoursesListHasBeenExported = "The list of courses has been exported";
-$WhichCoursesToExport = "Courses to export";
-$AssignUsersToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign users to the platform administrator";
-$AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Users assigned to the platform administrator";
-$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Courses assigned to the HR manager";
-$ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "There are no courses to select";
-$HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Vertical activity view";
-$CoursesInformation = "Courses information";
-$SpecialExportsIntroduction = "The special exports feature is meant to help an instructional controller to export all courses documents in one unique step. Another option lets you choose the courses you want to export, and will export documents present in these courses' sessions as well. This is a very heavy operation, and we recommend you do not start it during normal usage hours of your portal. Do it in a quieter period. If you don't need all the contents at once, try to export courses documents directly from the course maintenance tool inside the course itself.";
-$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle = "Allow User Course Subscription By Course Admininistrator";
-$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment = "Activate this option will allow course administrator to subscribe users inside a course";
-$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Configure Dashboard Plugin";
-$EditBlocks = "Edit blocks";
-$ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle = "Show link to report bug";
-$ShowLinkBugNotificationComment = "Show a link in the header to report a bug inside of our support platform (http://support.chamilo.org). When clicking on the link, the user is sent to the support platform, on a wiki page that describes the bug reporting process.";
-$DataFiller = "Data filler";
-$GradebookActivateScoreDisplayCustom = "Enable competence level labelling in order to set custom score information";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomValues = "Competence levels custom values";
-$GradebookNumberDecimals = "Number of decimals";
-$GradebookNumberDecimalsComment = "Allows you to set the number of decimals allowed in a score";
-$EditSessionsToURL = "Edit sessions for a URL";
-$AddSessionsToURL = "Add sessions to URL";
-$SessionListIn = "List of sessions in";
-$FillUsers = "Fill users";
-$ThisSectionIsOnlyVisibleOnSourceInstalls = "This section is only visible on installations from source code, not in packaged versions of the platform. It will allow you to quickly populate your platform with test data. Use with care (data is really inserted) and only on development or testing installations.";
-$UsersFillingReport = "Users filling report";
-$AllUsersAreAutomaticallyRegistered = "All users are automatically registered";
-$AssignCoach = "Assign coach";
-$chamilo = "Chamilo";
-$php = "PHP";
-$Off = "Off";
-$minimum = "minimum";
-$webserver = "Web server";
-$mysql = "MySQL";
-$Social = "Social";
-$BackupCreated = "Backup created";
-$NotInserted = "Not inserted";
-$phone = "phone";
-$ResetLP = "Reset Learning path";
-$LPWasReset = "Learning path was reset for the student";
-$AnnouncementVisible = "Announcement visible";
-$AnnouncementInvisible = "Announcement invisible";
-$GlossaryDeleted = "Glossary deleted";
-$CourseDescriptionUpdated = "Course description updated";
-$SessionReadOnly = "Read only";
-$SessionAccessible = "Accessible";
-$SessionNotAccessible = "Not accessible";
-$GroupAdded = "Group added";
-$AddUsersToGroup = "Add users to group";
-$ErrorReadingZip = "Error reading ZIP file";
-$ErrorStylesheetFilesExtensionsInsideZip = "The only accepted extensions in the ZIP file are jpg, jpeg, png, gif and css.";
-$MyTextHere = "Enter your text here...";
-$FieldTypeSocialProfile = "Social network link";
-$AllowUsersCopyFilesTitle = "Allow users to copy files from a course in your personal file area";
-$AllowUsersCopyFilesComment = "Allows users to copy files from a course in your personal file area, visible through the Social Network or through the HTML editor when they are out of a course";
-$ReviewCourseRequests = "Review incoming training requests";
-$AcceptedCourseRequests = "Accepted training requests";
-$RejectedCourseRequests = "Rejected training requests";
-$BrowscapInfo = "Browscap loading browscap.ini file that contains a large amount of data on the browser and its capabilities, so it can be used by the function get_browser () PHP";
-$EnableCourseValidation = "Training validation";
-$EnableCourseValidationComment = "When \"Training validation\" feature is activated, a teacher is not able to create a training alone. He/she fills a training request. The platform administrator reviews the request and approves it or rejects it.<br />This feature relies on automated e-mail messages; set Chamilo to access an e-mail server and to use a dedicated an e-mail account.";
-$CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLink = "Training validation - a link to the terms and conditions";
-$CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLinkComment = "This is the URL to the \"Terms and Conditions\" document that is valid for making a training request. If the address here is set, before sending a training request the user should read and agree with these terms and conditions.<br />If you activate Chamilo's module \"Terms and Conditions\" and if you want its URL to be used, then leave this setting empty.";
-$EnableSSOTitle = "Single Sign On";
-$EnableSSOComment = "Enabling Single Sign On allows you to connect this platform as a slave of an authentication master, for example a Drupal website with the Drupal-Chamilo plugin or any other similar master setup.";
-$SSOServerDomainTitle = "Domain of the Single Sign On server";
-$SSOServerDomainComment = "The domain of the Single Sign On server (the web address of the other server that will allow automatic registration to Chamilo). This should generally be the address of the other server without any trailing slash and without the protocol, e.g. www.example.com";
-$SSOServerAuthURITitle = "Single Sign On server authentication URL";
-$SSOServerAuthURIComment = "The address of the page that deals with the authentication verification. For example /?q=user in Drupal's case.";
-$SSOServerUnAuthURITitle = "Single Sign On server's logout URL";
-$SSOServerUnAuthURIComment = "The address of the page on the server that logs the user out. This option is useful if you want users logging out of Chamilo to be automatically logged out of the authentication server.";
-$SSOServerProtocolTitle = "Single Sign On server's protocol";
-$SSOServerProtocolComment = "The protocol string to prefix the Single Sign On server's domain (we recommend you use https:// if your server is able to provide this feature, as all non-secure protocols are dangerous for authentication matters)";
-$EnabledWirisTitle = "WIRIS mathematical editor";
-$EnabledWirisComment = "Enable WIRIS mathematical editor";
-$AllowSpellCheckTitle = "Spell check";
-$AllowSpellCheckComment = "Enable spell check";
-$EnabledSVGTitle = "Create and edit SVG files";
-$EnabledSVGComment = "This option allows you to create and edit SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) multilayer online, as well as export them to png format images.";
-$ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextTitle = "Forcing to Wiki to paste as plain text";
-$ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextComment = "This will prevent many hidden tags, incorrect or non-standard, copied from other texts to stop corrupting the text of the Wiki after many issues; but will lose some features while editing.";
-$EnabledGooglemapsTitle = "Activate Google maps";
-$EnabledGooglemapsComment = "Activate the button to insert Google maps. Activation is not fully realized if not previously edited the file main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php and added a Google maps API key.";
-$EnabledImageMapsTitle = "Activate Image maps";
-$EnabledImageMapsComment = "Activate the button to insert Image maps. This allows you to associate URLs to areas of an image, creating hotspots.";
-$CourseTool = "Course tool";
-$BigBlueButtonEnableTitle = "BigBlueButton videoconference tool";
+for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$AdminBy = "Administration by";
+$AdministrationTools = "Administration";
+$State = "Portal status";
+$Statistiques = "Statistics";
+$VisioHostLocal = "Videoconference host";
+$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Whether the videoconference protocol is web-based (false most of the time)";
+$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Show a link to go back in the training hierarchy. A link is available at the bottom of the list anyway.";
+$langUsed = "used";
+$langPresent = "Validate";
+$langMissing = "missing";
+$langExist = "existing";
+$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Show back links from categories/training";
+$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Show training number";
+$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Display trainer in training name";
+$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Display trainer in training list";
+$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Display Training Code in training list";
+$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Display Code in Training name";
+$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "There are no Alias courses on the platform.";
+$ConfigureHomePage = "Edit portal homepage";
+$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Modules active upon training creation";
+$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Which tools have to be activated (visible) by default when a new training is created?";
+$SearchUsers = "Search users";
+$CreateUser = "Create user";
+$ModifyInformation = "Edit information";
+$ModifyUser = "Edit user";
+$buttonEditUserField = "Edit user field";
+$ModifyCoach = "Edit coach";
+$ModifyThisSession = "Edit this session";
+$ExportSession = "Export session(s)";
+$ImportSession = "Import session(s)";
+$langCourseBackup = "Backup this training";
+$langCourseTitular = "Trainer";
+$langCourseTitle = "Training";
+$langCourseFaculty = "Category";
+$langCourseDepartment = "Department";
+$langCourseDepartmentURL = "Department URL";
+$langCourseLanguage = "Language";
+$langCourseAccess = "Training access";
+$langCourseSubscription = "Training subscription";
+$langPublicAccess = "Public access";
+$langPrivateAccess = "Private access";
+$langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "Database management is only available for the server administrator";
+$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Show users subscribed to this training";
+$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Show classes subscribed to this training";
+$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Show groups of this training";
+$langPhone = "Phone";
+$langPhoneNumber = "Phone number";
+$langActions = "Coaching interaction";
+$langAddToCourse = "Add to a training";
+$langDeleteFromPlatform = "Remove from portal";
+$langDeleteCourse = "Delete selected training(s)";
+$langDeleteFromCourse = "Unsubscribe from training(s)";
+$langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Delete selected classes";
+$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Delete selected groups";
+$langAdministrator = "Administrator";
+$langAddPicture = "Add a picture";
+$langChangePicture = "Change picture";
+$langDeletePicture = "Delete picture";
+$langAddUsers = "Add a user";
+$langAddGroups = "Add groups";
+$langAddClasses = "Add classes";
+$langExportUsers = "Export users list";
+$langKeyword = "Keyword";
+$langGroupName = "Group name";
+$langGroupTutor = "Group tutor";
+$langGroupDescription = "Group description";
+$langNumberOfParticipants = "Number of members";
+$langNumberOfUsers = "Number of users";
+$langMaximum = "maximum";
+$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Maximum number of members";
+$langParticipants = "members";
+$langFirstLetterClass = "First letter (class name)";
+$langFirstLetterUser = "First letter (last name)";
+$langFirstLetterCourse = "First letter (code)";
+$langModifyUserInfo = "Edit user information";
+$langModifyClassInfo = "Edit class information";
+$langModifyGroupInfo = "Edit group information";
+$langModifyCourseInfo = "Edit training information";
+$langPleaseEnterClassName = "Please enter the class name !";
+$langPleaseEnterLastName = "Please enter the user's last name !";
+$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Please enter the user's first name !";
+$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Please enter a valid e-mail address !";
+$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Please enter a valid login !";
+$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Please enter the training code.";
+$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Please enter the trainer's First and Last Name.";
+$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Please enter the formation title";
+$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !";
+$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "This login is already taken !";
+$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Import users list";
+$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Export users list";
+$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Only users from the training";
+$langAddClassesToACourse = "Add classes to a training";
+$langAddUsersToACourse = "Add users to training";
+$langAddUsersToAClass = "Add users to a class";
+$langAddUsersToAGroup = "Add users to a group";
+$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one class and one training";
+$AtLeastOneUser = "You must select at least one user !";
+$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "You must select at least one user and one training";
+$langClassList = "Class list";
+$langUserList = "Users list";
+$langCourseList = "Training list";
+$langAddToThatCourse = "Add to the training(s)";
+$langAddToClass = "Add to the class";
+$langRemoveFromClass = "Remove from the class";
+$langAddToGroup = "Add to the group";
+$langRemoveFromGroup = "Remove from the group";
+$langUsersOutsideClass = "Users outside the class";
+$langUsersInsideClass = "Users inside the class";
+$langUsersOutsideGroup = "Users outside the group";
+$langUsersInsideGroup = "Users inside the group";
+$langImportFileLocation = "Location of the CSV / XML file";
+$langFileType = "File type";
+$langOutputFileType = "Output file type";
+$langMustUseSeparator = "must use the ';' character as a separator";
+$langCSVMustLookLike = "The CSV file must look like this";
+$langXMLMustLookLike = "The XML file must look like this";
+$langMandatoryFields = "Fields in <strong>bold</strong> are mandatory.";
+$langNotXML = "The specified file is not XML format !";
+$langNotCSV = "The specified file is not CSV format !";
+$langNoNeededData = "The specified file doesn't contain all needed data !";
+$langMaxImportUsers = "You can't import more than 500 users at once !";
+$langAdminDatabases = "Databases (phpMyAdmin)";
+$langAdminUsers = "Users";
+$langAdminClasses = "Classes of users";
+$langAdminGroups = "Groups of users";
+$langAdminCourses = "Training";
+$langAdminCategories = "Training categories";
+$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Subscribe a user / group to a training";
+$langAddACategory = "Add a category";
+$langInto = "into";
+$langNoCategories = "There are no categories here";
+$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Allow adding training in this category?";
+$langGoToForum = "Go to the forum";
+$langCategoryCode = "Category code";
+$langCategoryName = "Category name";
+$langCategories = "categories";
+$langEditNode = "Edit this category";
+$langOpenNode = "Open this category";
+$langDeleteNode = "Delete this category";
+$langAddChildNode = "Add a sub-category";
+$langViewChildren = "View children";
+$langTreeRebuildedIn = "Tree rebuilded in";
+$langTreeRecountedIn = "Tree recounted in";
+$langRebuildTree = "Rebuild the tree";
+$langRefreshNbChildren = "Refresh number of children";
+$langShowTree = "Show tree";
+$langBack = "Back to previous page";
+$langLogDeleteCat = "Category deleted";
+$langRecountChildren = "Recount children";
+$langUpInSameLevel = "Up in same level";
+$langSeconds = "seconds";
+$langMailTo = "Mail to :";
+$lang_no_access_here = "No access here";
+$lang_php_info = "information about the system";
+$langAddAdminInApache = "Add an administrator";
+$langAddFaculties = "Add categories";
+$langSearchACourse = "Search for a training";
+$langSearchAUser = "Search for a user";
+$langTechnicalTools = "Technical";
+$langConfig = "System config";
+$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Login list (extended)";
+$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Maximum users showing in scroll list";
+$NoTimeLimits = "No time limits";
+$GeneralCoach = "General coach";
+$GeneralProperties = "General properties";
+$CourseCoach = "Training coach";
+$UsersNumber = "Users number";
+$DokeosClassic = "Chamilo classic";
+$PublicAdmin = "Public administration";
+$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Page after login";
+$PageAfterLoginComment = "The page which is seen by the user entering the platform";
+$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Chamilo Web";
+$TabsMyProfile = "My Profile tab";
+$GlobalRole = "Global Role";
+$langNomOutilTodo = "Manage Todo list";
+$langNomPageAdmin = "Administration";
+$langSysInfo = "Info about the System";
+$langDiffTranslation = "Compare translations";
+$langStatOf = "Reporting for";
+$langSpeeSubscribe = "Quick subscription as a training checker";
+$langLogIdentLogout = "Login list";
+$langServerStatus = "Status of MySQL server :";
+$langDataBase = "Database";
+$langRun = "works";
+$langClient = "MySql Client";
+$langServer = "MySql Server";
+$langtitulary = "Owner";
+$langUpgradeBase = "Upgrade database";
+$langManage = "Manage Portal";
+$langErrorsFound = "errors found";
+$langMaintenance = "Backup";
+$langUpgrade = "Upgrade Chamilo";
+$langWebsite = "Chamilo website";
+$langDocumentation = "Documentation";
+$langContribute = "Contribute";
+$langInfoServer = "Server Information";
+$langOtherCategory = "Other category";
+$langSendMailToUsers = "Send a mail to users";
+$langExampleXMLFile = "Example of XML file";
+$langExampleCSVFile = "Example of CSV file";
+$langCourseSystemCode = "System code";
+$langCourseVisualCode = "Visual code";
+$langSystemCode = "System Code";
+$langVisualCode = "visual code";
+$langAddCourse = "Create a training";
+$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Manage virtual training";
+$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual training";
+$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "The virtual training will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing 'real' training.";
+$langRealCourseCode = "Real training code";
+$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "The training was successfully created.";
+$langYourDokeosUses = "Your Chamilo installation uses presently";
+$langOnTheHardDisk = "on the hard disk";
+$langIsVirtualCourse = "Virtual course?";
+$langSystemAnnouncements = "Portal news";
+$langAddAnnouncement = "Add a news";
+$langAnnouncementAdded = "Announcement has been added";
+$langAnnouncementUpdated = "Announcement has been updated";
+$langAnnouncementDeleted = "Announcement has been deleted";
+$langContent = "Content";
+$PermissionsForNewFiles = "Permissions for new files";
+$PermissionsForNewFilesComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created file lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0550) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.If you use Oogie, take care that the user who launch OpenOffice can write files in the course folder.";
+$langStudent = "Learner";
+$Guest = "Guest";
+$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Login as";
+$langLoginAsThisUser = "Login";
+$SelectPicture = "Select picture...";
+$DontResetPassword = "Don't reset password";
+$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participate in development";
+$langCourseAdmin = "Trainer";
+$langOtherCourses = "other training";
+$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Portal Language";
+$ServerStatusComment = "What sort of server is this? This enables or disables some specific options. On a development server there is a translation feature functional that inidcates untranslated strings";
+$ServerStatusTitle = "Server Type";
+$PlatformLanguages = "Chamilo Portal Languages";
+$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "This tool manages the language selection menu on the login page. As a platform administrator you can decide which languages should be available for your users.";
+$OriginalName = "Original name";
+$EnglishName = "English name";
+$DokeosFolder = "Chamilo folder";
+$Properties = "Properties";
+$DokeosConfigSettings = "Configuration settings";
+$SettingsStored = "The settings have been stored";
+$InstitutionTitle = "Organization name";
+$InstitutionComment = "The name of the organization (appears in the header on the right)";
+$InstitutionUrlTitle = "Organization URL (web address)";
+$InstitutionUrlComment = "The URL of the institutions (the link that appears in the header on the right)";
+$SiteNameTitle = "E-learning portal name";
+$SiteNameComment = "The Name of your Chamilo Portal (appears in the header)";
+$emailAdministratorTitle = "Portal Administrator: E-mail";
+$emailAdministratorComment = "The e-mail address of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
+$administratorSurnameTitle = "Portal Administrator: Last Name";
+$administratorSurnameComment = "The Family Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
+$administratorNameTitle = "Portal Administrator: First Name";
+$administratorNameComment = "The First Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
+$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Platform Administrator Information in footer";
+$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "Show the Information of the Platform Administrator in the footer?";
+$HomepageViewTitle = "Training homepage design";
+$HomepageViewComment = "How would you like the homepage of a training to look?";
+$HomepageViewDefault = "Two column layout. Inactive tools are hidden";
+$HomepageViewFixed = "Three column layout. Inactive tools are greyed out (Icons stay on their place)";
+$Yes = "Yes";
+$No = "No";
+$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Tools shortcuts";
+$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "Show the tool shortcuts in the banner?";
+$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Learner View";
+$ShowStudentViewComment = "Enable Learner View?<br>This feature allows the trainer to see the learner view.";
+$AllowGroupCategories = "Group categories";
+$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Allow trainers to create categories in the Groups tool?";
+$PlatformLanguageComment = "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: <a href=\"languages.php\">Chamilo Platform Languages</a>";
+$ProductionServer = "Production Server";
+$TestServer = "Test Server";
+$ShowOnlineTitle = "Who's Online";
+$AsPlatformLanguage = "as platformlanguage";
+$ShowOnlineComment = "Display the number of persons that are online?";
+$AllowNameChangeTitle = "Allow Name Change in profile?";
+$AllowNameChangeComment = "Is the user allowed to change his/her firste and last name?";
+$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Default hard disk space";
+$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the available disk space? You can override the quota for specific training through: platform administration > Training > modify";
+$ProfileChangesTitle = "Profile";
+$ProfileChangesComment = "Which parts of the profile can be changed?";
+$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Registration: required fields";
+$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "Which fields are required (besides name, first name, login and password)";
+$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "Group disk space available";
+$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "What is the default hard disk spacde available for a groups documents tool?";
+$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Lost password";
+$AllowLostPasswordComment = "Are users allowed to request their lost password?";
+$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Registration";
+$AllowRegistrationComment = "Is registration as a new user allowed? Can users create new accounts?";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registration as Trainer";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Can one register as a trainer (with the ability to create training)?";
+$PlatformLanguage = "Portal Language";
+$Tuning = "Tuning";
+$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users' upload directory";
+$SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "On high-load portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Changing this option will enable a one-level splitting of the directories in the upload directory. 9 directories will be used in the base directory and all subsequent users' directories will be stored into one of these 9 directories. The change of this option will not affect the directories structure on disk, but will affect the behaviour of the Chamilo code, so if you change this option, you have to create the new directories and move the existing directories by yourself on te server. Be aware that when creating and moving those directories, you will have to move the directories of users 1 to 9 into subdirectories of the same name. If you are not sure about this option, it is best not to activate it.";
+$CourseQuota = "Disk Space";
+$EditNotice = "Edit notice";
+$General = "general";
+$LostPassword = "Lost password";
+$Registration = "Registration";
+$Password = "Password";
+$InsertLink = "Add a page (CMS)";
+$EditNews = "Edit News";
+$EditCategories = "Edit training categories";
+$EditHomePage = "Edit Homepage central area";
+$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Can a trainer define learner profile fields to retrieve additional information?";
+$Platform = "Portal";
+$Course = "Training";
+$Languages = "Languages";
+$Privacy = "Privacy";
+$NoticeTitle = "Title of Notice";
+$NoticeText = "Text of Notice";
+$LinkName = "Text of Link";
+$LinkURL = "URL of Link";
+$OpenInNewWindow = "Open in new window";
+$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to training or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)";
+$Plugins = "Plugins";
+$HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Hide the [= ... =] markup when a language variable is not translated";
+$Info = "Information";
+$UserAdded = "The user is added";
+$NoSearchResults = "No search results";
+$UserDeleted = "The user is deleted";
+$NoClassesForThisCourse = "There are no classes subscribed to this training";
+$CourseUsage = "Training usage";
+$NoCoursesForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a training";
+$NoClassesForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a class";
+$NoCoursesForThisClass = "This class isn't subscribed in a training";
+$langOpenToTheWorld = "Open - access allowed for the whole world";
+$OpenToThePlatform = " Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform";
+$langPrivate = " Private - access authorized to course members only";
+$langCourseVisibilityClosed = " Completely closed: the training is only accessible to the trainers.";
+$langSubscription = "Subscription";
+$langUnsubscription = "Unsubscribe";
+$CourseAccessConfigTip = " By default your training is public. But you can define the level of confidentiality above.";
+$Tool = "tool";
+$NumberOfItems = "number of items";
+$DocumentsAndFolders = "Documents and folders";
+$Learnpath = "Courses";
+$Exercises = "Tests";
+$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Personal Agenda";
+$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "Can the learner add personal events to the Agenda?";
+$CurrentValue = "current value";
+$CourseDescription = "Training Description";
+$OnlineConference = "Online Conference";
+$Chat = "Chat";
+$Quiz = "Tests";
+$Announcements = "Announcements";
+$Links = "Links";
+$LearningPath = "Courses";
+$Documents = "Documents";
+$UserPicture = "Picture";
+$officialcode = "Code";
+$Login = "Login";
+$UserPassword = "Password";
+$SubscriptionAllowed = "Registr. allowed";
+$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "Unreg. allowed";
+$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Allowed";
+$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Denied";
+$AddDummyContentToCourse = "Add some dummy (example) content to this training";
+$DummyCourseCreator = "Create dummy course content";
+$DummyCourseDescription = "This will add some dummy (example) content to this course. This is only meant for testing purposes.";
+$AvailablePlugins = "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins\">http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins</a>";
+$CreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual course";
+$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Display list of virtual training";
+$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Linked to real training code";
+$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Attempted creation of virtual course...";
+$WantedCourseCode = "Wanted training code";
+$ResetPassword = "Reset password";
+$CheckToSendNewPassword = "Check to send new password";
+$AutoGeneratePassword = "Automatically generate a new password";
+$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Use a title for the document name";
+$UseDocumentTitleComment = "This will allow the use of a title for document names instead of document_name.ext";
+$StudentPublications = "Assignments";
+$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Deleted files cannot be restored";
+$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Deleting a file in the documents tool permanently deletes it. The file cannot be restored";
+$ClassName = "Class name";
+$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Dropbox: Maximum file size of a document";
+$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "How big (in bytes) can a dropbox document be?";
+$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Dropbox: Can documents be overwritten";
+$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "Can the original document be overwritten when a user or trainer uploads a document with the name of a document that already exist? If you answer yes then you loose the versioning mechanism.";
+$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Dropbox: Upload to own dropbox space?";
+$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Allow trainers and users to upload documents to their dropbox without sending  the documents to themselves";
+$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Dropbox: Learner <-> Learner";
+$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Allow users to send documents to other users (peer 2 peer). Users might use this for less relevant documents also (mp3, tests solutions, ...). If you disable this then the users can send documents to the trainer only.";
+$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Dropbox: Allow mailing";
+$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "With the mailing functionality you can send each learner a personal document";
+$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Permissions for new directories";
+$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created directory lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0770) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.";
+$UserListHasBeenExported = "The users list has been exported.";
+$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Download the file";
+$administratorTelephoneTitle = "Portal Administrator: Telephone";
+$administratorTelephoneComment = "The telephone number of the platform administrator";
+$SendMailToNewUser = "Send mail to new user";
+$ExtendedProfileTitle = "Extended profile";
+$ExtendedProfileComment = "If this setting is set to 'True', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: 'My competences', 'My diplomas', 'What I am able to teach' and 'My personal open area'";
+$Classes = "Classes";
+$UserUnsubscribed = "User is now unsubscribed";
+$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "User can not be unsubscribed because he is one of the trainers.";
+$InvalidStartDate = "Invalid start date was given.";
+$InvalidEndDate = "Invalid end date was given.";
+$DateFormatLabel = "(d/m/y h:m)";
+$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "Homepage-files are not writable!";
+$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Please give a notice text";
+$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Please give a notice title";
+$PleaseEnterLinkName = "Plese give a link name";
+$InsertThisLink = "Insert this link";
+$FirstPlace = "First place";
+$After = "after";
+$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Dropbox: allow group";
+$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Users can send files to groups";
+$ClassDeleted = "The class is deleted";
+$ClassesDeleted = "The classes are deleted";
+$NoUsersInClass = "No users in this class";
+$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "The selected users are subscribed to the selected training";
+$InvalidTitle = "Please enter a title";
+$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "This category is already used";
+$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Please enter a code and a name for the category";
+$DokeosHomepage = "Chamilo website";
+$DokeosForum = "Community forum";
+$RegisterYourPortal = "Register your portal";
+$DokeosExtensions = "Community extensions";
+$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Display training navigation menu";
+$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Display a navigation menu that quickens access to the tools";
+$LoginAs = "Login as";
+$ImportClassListCSV = "Import class list via CSV";
+$ShowOnlineWorld = "Display number of users online on the login page (visible for the world)";
+$ShowOnlineUsers = "Display number of users online all pages (visible for the persons who are logged in)";
+$ShowOnlineCourse = "Display number of users online in this training";
+$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Show icons in navigation menu?";
+$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right";
+$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Focus on location";
+$ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected training";
+$ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected training";
+$RoleId = "Role ID";
+$RoleName = "Role name";
+$RoleType = "Type";
+$RightValueModified = "The value has been modified.";
+$MakeAvailable = "Make available";
+$MakeUnavailable = "Make unavailable";
+$Stylesheets = "Style sheets";
+$DefaultDokeosStyle = "Default Chamilo style";
+$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "Should the navigation menu show the different tool icons?";
+$Plugin = "Plugin";
+$MainMenu = "Main menu";
+$MainMenuLogged = "Main menu after login";
+$Banner = "Banner";
+$ImageResizeTitle = "Resize uploaded user images";
+$ImageResizeComment = "User images can be resized on upload if PHP is compiled with the <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\" target=\"_blank\">GD library</a>. If GD is unavailable, this setting will be silently ignored.";
+$MaxImageWidthTitle = "Maximum user image width";
+$MaxImageWidthComment = "Maximum width in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
+$MaxImageHeightTitle = "Maximum user image height";
+$MaxImageHeightComment = "Maximum height in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
+$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Your version is not up-to-date";
+$YourVersionIs = "Your version is";
+$PleaseVisitDokeos = "Please visit the Chamilo website";
+$VersionUpToDate = "Your version is up-to-date";
+$ConnectSocketError = "Socket Connection Error";
+$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Socket connections are disabled";
+$ShowEmailAddresses = "Show email addresses";
+$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Show email addresses to users";
+$LatestVersionIs = "The latest version is";
+$langConfigureExtensions = "Chamilo PRO";
+$langActiveExtensions = "Activate this service";
+$langVisioconf = "Chamilo LIVE";
+$langVisioconfDescription = "Chamilo LIVE is a videoconferencing tool that offers: Slides sharing, whiteboard to draw and write on top of slides, audio/video duplex and chat. It requires Flash® player 9+ and offers 2 modes : one to many and many to many.";
+$langPpt2lp = "Chamilo RAPID";
+$langPpt2lpDescription = "Chamilo RAPID is a Rapid Learning tool available in Chamilo Pro and Chamilo Medical. It allows you to convert Powerpoint presentations and their Openoffice equivalents to SCORM-compliant e-courses. After the conversion, you end up in the Courses authoring tool and are able to add audio comments on slides and pages, tests and activities between the slides or pages and interaction activities like forum discussions or assigment upload. Every step becomes an independent and removable learning object. And the whole course generates accurate SCORM reporting for further coaching.";
+$langBandWidthStatistics = "Bandwidth statistics";
+$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG allow you to consult advanced statistics about the state of the server on the last 24 hours.";
+$ServerStatistics = "Server statistics";
+$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats allows you to consult the statistics of your platform : visitors, page views, referers...";
+$SearchEngine = "Chamilo LIBRARY";
+$langSearchEngineDescription = "Chamilo LIBRARY is a Search Engine offering multi-criteria indexing and research. It is part of the Chamilo Medical features.";
+$langListSession = "Training sessions list";
+$AddSession = "Add a training session";
+$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Import sessions list";
+$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Export sessions list";
+$SessionName = "Session name";
+$langNbCourses = "Training";
+$DateStart = "Start date";
+$DateEnd = "End date";
+$CoachName = "Coach name";
+$SessionList = "Training sessions list";
+$SessionNameIsRequired = "A name is required for the session";
+$NextStep = "Next step";
+$keyword = "Keyword";
+$Confirm = "Confirm";
+$UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "Unsubscribe users from training";
+$MissingClassName = "Missing class name";
+$ClassNameExists = "Class name exists";
+$ImportCSVFileLocation = "CSV file import location";
+$ClassesCreated = "Classes created";
+$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errors when importing file";
+$ServiceActivated = "Service activated";
+$ActivateExtension = "Activate service";
+$InvalidExtension = "Invalid extension";
+$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your portal on chamilo.com. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of portals, total number of chamilo training, total number of chamilo users, ...) (see <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/stats/\">http://www.chamilo.org/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/community.php\">http://www.chamilo.org/community.php</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br />";
+$AfterApproval = "After approval";
+$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Enable learner view";
+$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the user view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a participant or user would see it";
+$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Time limit on Who Is Online";
+$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many seconds after his last action a user will be considered *online*";
+$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on training creation";
+$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Create example material automatically when creating a new course";
+$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Account validity";
+$AccountValidDurationComment = "A user account is valid for this number of days after creation";
+$UseSessionModeTitle = "Use training sessions";
+$UseSessionModeComment = "Training sessions give a different way of dealing with training, where training have an author, a coach and learners. Each coach gives a training for a set period of time, called a *training session*, to a set of learners who do not mix with other learner groups attached to another training session.";
+$HomepageViewActivity = "Activity view (default)";
+$HomepageView2column = "Two columns view";
+$HomepageView3column = "Three columns view";
+$AllowUserHeadings = "Allow users profiling inside training";
+$IconsOnly = "Icons only";
+$TextOnly = "Text only";
+$IconsText = "Icons and text";
+$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Enable tool introduction";
+$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Enable introductions on each tool's homepage";
+$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Training homepage breadcrumb";
+$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses' homepages";
+$Comment = "Comment";
+$Version = "Version";
+$LoginPageMainArea = "Login page main area";
+$LoginPageMenu = "Login page menu";
+$CampusHomepageMainArea = "Portal homepage main area";
+$CampusHomepageMenu = "Portal homepage menu";
+$MyCoursesMainArea = "Training main area";
+$MyCoursesMenu = "Training menu";
+$Header = "Header";
+$Footer = "Footer";
+$PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Public pages compliance to WAI";
+$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Chamilo will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal's public pages might appear differently.";
+$VersionCheck = "Version check";
+$Active = "Active";
+$Inactive = "Inactive";
+$SessionOverview = "Session overview";
+$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Add user in the training only if not yet in";
+$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Remove user from training if his name is not in the list";
+$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Delete selected sessions";
+$CourseListInSession = "Training in  this session";
+$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected training from this training session";
+$NbUsers = "Users";
+$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Subscribe users to this session";
+$UserListInPlatform = "Portal users list";
+$UserListInSession = "List of users registered in this session";
+$CourseListInPlatform = "Training list";
+$Host = "Host";
+$UserOnHost = "Login";
+$FtpPassword = "FTP password";
+$PathToLzx = "Path to LZX files";
+$WCAGContent = "Text";
+$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Add training to this session";
+$DateStartSession = "Start date";
+$DateEndSession = "End date";
+$EditSession = "Edit this session";
+$VideoConferenceUrl = "Path to live conferencing";
+$VideoClassroomUrl = "Path to classroom live conferencing";
+$ReconfigureExtension = "Reconfigure extension";
+$ServiceReconfigured = "Service reconfigured";
+$ChooseNewsLanguage = "Choose news language";
+$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Total time spent in a training";
+$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "This option is used to calculate in real time the time that a user spend in a training. The value in the field is the refresh interval in seconds. To desactivate this option, let the default value 0 in the field.";
+$EditLink = "Edit link";
+$FinishSessionCreation = "Finish session creation";
+$VisioRTMPPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol port";
+$SessionNameAlreadyExists = "Session name already exists";
+$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "No classes have been created";
+$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "This field should be numeric";
+$UserLocked = "User locked";
+$UserUnlocked = "User unlocked";
+$CannotDeleteUser = "You cannot delete this user";
+$SelectedUsersDeleted = "Selected users deleted";
+$SomeUsersNotDeleted = "Some users has not been deleted";
+$ExternalAuthentication = "External authentification";
+$RegistrationDate = "Registration date";
+$UserUpdated = "User updated";
+$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "Homepage files are not readable";
+$Choose = "Choose";
+$ModifySessionCourse = "Edit session training";
+$CourseSessionList = "Training in this session";
+$SelectACoach = "Select a coach";
+$UserNameUsedTwice = "Login is used twice";
+$UserNameNotAvailable = "This login is not available";
+$UserNameTooLong = "This login is too long";
+$WrongStatus = "This status doesn't exist";
+$ClassNameNotAvailable = "This classname is not available";
+$FileImported = "File imported";
+$WhichSessionToExport = "Choose the session to export";
+$AllSessions = "All the sessions";
+$CodeDoesNotExists = "This code does not exist";
+$UnknownUser = "Unknown user";
+$UnknownStatus = "Unknown status";
+$SessionDeleted = "The session has been deleted";
+$CourseDoesNotExist = "This training doesn't exist";
+$UserDoesNotExist = "This user doesn't exist";
+$ButProblemsOccured = "but problems occured";
+$UsernameTooLongWasCut = "This login was cut";
+$NoInputFile = "No file was sent";
+$StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "Learner status has been given to";
+$WrongDate = "Wrong date format (yyyy-mm-dd)";
+$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "This is an automatic email message. Please do not reply to it.";
+$YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "You will soon receive an email from your coach.";
+$SlideSize = "Size of the slides";
+$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plagiarism prevention";
+$CourseTeachers = "Trainers";
+$UnknownTeacher = "Unknown trainer";
+$HideDLTTMarkup = "Hide DLTT Markup";
+$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "List of training for the session";
+$UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Unsubscribe selected users from session";
+$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Show the language each training is in, next to the training title, on the homepage training list";
+$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Show the categories of training on the homepage, even if they're empty";
+$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Show empty training categories";
+$XMLNotValid = "XML document is not valid";
+$ForTheSession = "for the session";
+$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Active online email editor";
+$AllowEmailEditorComment = "If this option is activated, clicking on an e-mail address will open an online mail editor.";
+$AddCSVHeader = "Add the CSV header line?";
+$YesAddCSVHeader = "Yes, add the CSV header<br />This line defines the fields and is necessary when you want to import the file in a different Chamilo portal";
+$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "List of users subscribed to training";
+$NumberOfCourses = "Training";
+$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Show training languages";
+$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videoconference RTMTP protocol tunnel port";
+$name = "Name";
+$Security = "Security";
+$UploadExtensionsListType = "Type of filtering on document uploads";
+$UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "Whether you want to use the blacklist or whitelist filtering. See blacklist or whitelist description below for more details.";
+$Blacklist = "Blacklist";
+$Whitelist = "Whitelist";
+$UploadExtensionsBlacklist = "Blacklist - setting";
+$UploadExtensionsWhitelist = "Whitelist - setting";
+$UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "The blacklist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension figures in the blacklist below. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following:  exe;com;bat;scr;php. Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter.";
+$UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "The whitelist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension does *NOT* figure in the whitelist below. It is generally considered as a safer but more restrictive approach to filtering. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following:  htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter.";
+$UploadExtensionsSkip = "Filtering behaviour (skip/rename)";
+$UploadExtensionsSkipComment = "If you choose to skip, the files filtered through the blacklist or whitelist will not be uploaded to the system. If you choose to rename them, their extension will be replaced by the one defined in the extension replacement setting. Beware that renaming doesn't really protect you, and may cause name collision if several files of the same name but different extensions exist.";
+$UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Replacement extension";
+$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Enter the extension that you want to use to replace the dangerous extensions detected by the filter. Only needed if you have selected a filter by replacement.";
+$Remove = "Remove";
+$Rename = "Rename";
+$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Show the number of training in each category in the training categories on the homepage";
+$EphorusDescription = "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Chamilo.<br /> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>With Ephorus, you will prevent internet plagiarism without any additional effort.</strong><br /> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t You can use our unique open standard webservice to build your own integration or you can use one of our Chamilo-integration modules.";
+$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<strong>Leaders in <br />anti plagiarism </strong>\t\t\t\t";
+$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Click here for more information and prices\t\t\t";
+$NameOfTheSession = "Session name";
+$NoSessionsForThisUser = "This user isn't subscribed in a session";
+$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Display categories on home page";
+$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "This option will display or hide training categories on the portal home page";
+$ShowTabsTitle = "Tabs in the header";
+$ShowTabsComment = "Check the tabs you want to see appear in the header. The unchecked tabs will appear on the right hand menu on the portal homepage and my training page if these need to appear";
+$DefaultForumViewTitle = "Default forum view";
+$DefaultForumViewComment = "What should be the default option when creating a new forum. Any trainer can however choose a different view for every individual forum";
+$TabsMyCourses = "Training tab";
+$TabsCampusHomepage = "Portal homepage tab";
+$TabsReporting = "Reporting tab";
+$TabsPlatformAdministration = "Platform Administration tab";
+$NoCoursesForThisSession = "No training for this session";
+$NoUsersForThisSession = "No Users for this session";
+$LastNameMandatory = "The last name cannot be empty";
+$FirstNameMandatory = "The first name cannot be empty";
+$EmailMandatory = "The email cannot be empty";
+$TabsMyAgenda = "Agenda tab";
+$NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "The notice will be not displayed on the homepage";
+$LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Let those fields empty to hide the notice";
+$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "The voice recording feature in the course editor relies on a Red5 streaming server. This server's parameters can be configured in the videoconference section on the current page.";
+$PlatformCharsetTitle = "Character set";
+$PlatformCharsetComment = "The character set is what pilots the way specific languages can be displayed in Chamilo. If you use Russian or Japanese characters, for example, you might want to change this. For all english, latin and west-european characters, the default iso-8859-15 should be alright.";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Extended profile fields in registration";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment = "Which of the following fields of the extended profile have to be available in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated (see above).";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle = "Required extended profile fields in registration";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment = "Which of the following fields of the extende profile are required in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated and that the field is also available in the registration form (see above).";
+$NoReplyEmailAddress = "No-reply e-mail address";
+$NoReplyEmailAddressComment = "This is the e-mail address to be used when an e-mail has to be sent specifically requesting that no answer be sent in return. Generally, this e-mail address should be configured on your server to drop/ignore any incoming e-mail.";
+$SurveyEmailSenderNoReply = "Survey e-mail sender (no-reply)";
+$SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment = "Should the survey invitations use the coach email address or the no-reply address defined in the main configuration section?";
+$CourseCoachEmailSender = "Coach email address";
+$NoReplyEmailSender = "No-reply e-mail address";
+$Flat = "Flat";
+$Threaded = "Threaded";
+$Nested = "Nested";
+$OpenIdAuthenticationComment = "Enable the OpenID URL-based authentication (displays an additional login form on the homepage)";
+$VersionCheckEnabled = "Version check enabled";
+$InstallDirAccessibleSecurityThreat = "The main/install directory of your Chamilo system is still accessible to web users. This might represent a security threat for your installation. We recommend that you remove this directory or that you change its permissions so web users cannot use the scripts it contains.";
+$GradebookActivation = "Assessments tool activation";
+$GradebookActivationComment = "The Assessments tool allows you to assess competences in your organization by merging classroom and online activities evaluations into Performance reports. Do you want to activate it?";
+$UserTheme = "Theme (stylesheet)";
+$UserThemeSelection = "User theme selection";
+$UserThemeSelectionComment = "Allow users to select their own visual theme in their profile. This will change the look of Chamilo for them, but will leave the default style of the portal intact. If a specific course or session has a specific theme assigned, it will have priority over user-defined themes.";
+$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "The PHP setting \"allow_url_fopen\" is set to off. This prevents the registration mechanism to work properly. This setting can be changed in you PHP configuration file (php.ini) or in the Apache Virtual Host configuration, using the php_admin_value directive";
+$VisioHost = "Videoconference streaming server hostname or IP address";
+$VisioPort = "Videoconference streaming server port";
+$VisioPassword = "Videoconference streaming server password";
+$Port = "Port";
+$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "Click here for a demo account";
+$ManageUserFields = "Profiling";
+$UserFields = "Profile attributes";
+$AddUserField = "Add profile field";
+$FieldLabel = "Field label";
+$FieldType = "Field type";
+$FieldTitle = "Field title";
+$FieldDefaultValue = "Default value";
+$FieldOrder = "Order";
+$FieldVisibility = "Visible?";
+$FieldChangeability = "Can change";
+$FieldTypeText = "Text";
+$FieldTypeTextarea = "Text area";
+$FieldTypeRadio = "Radio buttons";
+$FieldTypeSelect = "Select drop-down";
+$FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "Multiple selection drop-down";
+$FieldAdded = "Field succesfully added";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "Competence thresholds colouring";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment = "Tick the box to enable Competences thresholds";
+$TabsGradebookEnableColoring = "Enable Competence thresholds";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustom = "Competence levels labelling";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment = "Tick the box to enable Competence levels labelling";
+$TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "Enable Competence level labelling";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "Threshold";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "The threshold (in %) under which scores will be colored red";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "Display score upper limit";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Tick the box to show the score's upper limit";
+$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Enable score's upper limit display";
+$AddUserFields = "Add profile field";
+$FieldPossibleValues = "Possible values";
+$FieldPossibleValuesComment = "Only given for repetitive fields, split by semi-column (;)";
+$FieldTypeDate = "Date";
+$FieldTypeDatetime = "Date and time";
+$UserFieldsAddHelp = "Adding a user field is very easy:<br />- pick a one-word, lowercase identifier,<br />- select a type,<br />- pick a text that should appear to the user (if you use an existing translated name like BirthDate or UserSex, it will automatically get translated to any language),<br />- if you picked a multiple type (radio, select, multiple select), provide the possible choices (again, it can make use of the language variables defined in Chamilo), split by semi-column characters,<br />- for text types, you can choose a default value.<br /><br />Once you're done, add the field and choose whether you want to make it visible and modifiable. Making it modifiable but not visible is useless.";
+$AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Allow training themes";
+$AllowCourseThemeComment = "Allows training graphical themes and makes it possible to change the stylesheet used by a training to any of the possible stylesheets available to Chamilo. When a user enters the training, the stylesheet of the training will have priority over the user's own stylesheet and the platform's default stylesheet.";
+$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Display the small month calendar in the agenda tool";
+$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "This setting enables or disables the small month calendar that appears in the left column of the agenda tool";
+$DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Display the upcoming events in the agenda tool";
+$DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "This setting enables or disables the upcoming events that appears in the left column of the agenda tool of the course";
+$NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "Number of upcoming events that have to be displayed.";
+$NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment = "The number of upcoming events that have to be displayed in the agenda. This requires that the upcoming event functionlity is activated (see setting above).";
+$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "Display closed training on login page and portal startpage?";
+$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "Display closed training on the login page and training startpage? On the portal startpage an icon will appear next to the training to quickly subscribe to the training. This will only appear on the portal startpage when the user is logged in and when the user is not subscribed to the portal yet.";
+$LDAPConnectionError = "LDAP Connection Error";
+$LDAP = "LDAP";
+$LDAPEnableTitle = "Enable LDAP";
+$LDAPEnableComment = "If you have an LDAP server, you will have to configure its settings below and modify your configuration file as described in the installation guide, and then activate it. This will allow users to authenticate using their LDAP logins. If you don't know what LDAP is, please leave it disabled";
+$LDAPMainServerAddressTitle = "Main LDAP server address";
+$LDAPMainServerAddressComment = "The IP address or url of your main LDAP server.";
+$LDAPMainServerPortTitle = "Main LDAP server's port.";
+$LDAPMainServerPortComment = "The port on which the main LDAP server will respond (usually 389). This is a mandatory setting.";
+$LDAPDomainTitle = "LDAP domain";
+$LDAPDomainComment = "This is the LDAP domain (dc) that will be used to find the contacts on the LDAP server. For example: dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz";
+$LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle = "Replicate server address";
+$LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment = "When the main server is not available, this server will be accessed. Leave blank or use the same value as the main server if you don't have a replicate server.";
+$LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle = "Replicate server's port";
+$LDAPReplicateServerPortComment = "The port on which the replicate server will respond.";
+$LDAPSearchTermTitle = "Search term";
+$LDAPSearchTermComment = "This term will be used to filter the search for contacts on the LDAP server. If you are unsure what to put in here, please refer to your LDAP server's documentation and configuration.";
+$LDAPVersionTitle = "LDAP version";
+$LDAPVersionComment = "Please select the version of the LDAP server you want to use. Using the right version depends on your LDAP server's configuration.";
+$LDAPVersion2 = "LDAP 2";
+$LDAPVersion3 = "LDAP 3";
+$LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle = "Tutor identification field";
+$LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment = "A check will be done on this LDAP contact field on new users insertion. If this field is not empty, the user will be considered as a tutor and inserted in Chamilo as such. If you want all your users to be recognised as simple users, leave this field empty. You can modify this behaviour by changing the code. Please read the <a href=\"../../documentation/installation_guide.html\">installation guide</a> for more information.";
+$LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle = "Authentication login";
+$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user login that should be used. Do not include \"cn=\". Leave empty for anonymous access.";
+$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle = "Authentication password";
+$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment = "If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user password that should be used.";
+$LDAPImport = "LDAP Import";
+$EmailNotifySubscription = "Notify subscribed users by e-mail";
+$DontUncheck = "Do not uncheck";
+$AllSlashNone = "All/None";
+$LDAPImportUsersSteps = "LDAP Import: Users/Steps";
+$EnterStepToAddToYourSession = "Enter step to add to your session";
+$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearDepartmentAndStep = "In order to do this, you must enter the year, the department and the step";
+$FollowEachOfTheseStepsStepByStep = "Follow each of these steps, step by step";
+$RegistrationYearExample = "Registration year. Example: %s for academic year %s-%s";
+$SelectDepartment = "Select department";
+$RegistrationYear = "Registration year";
+$SelectStepAcademicYear = "Select step (academic year)";
+$ErrorExistingStep = "Error: this step already exists";
+$ErrorStepNotFoundOnLDAP = "Error: step not found on LDAP server";
+$StepDeletedSuccessfully = "Step deleted successfully";
+$StepUsersDeletedSuccessfully = "Step users removed successfully";
+$NoStepForThisSession = "No LOs in this session";
+$DeleteStepUsers = "Remove users from step";
+$ImportStudentsOfAllSteps = "Import learners of all steps";
+$ImportLDAPUsersIntoPlatform = "Import LDAP users into the platform";
+$NoUserInThisSession = "No user in this session";
+$SubscribeSomeUsersToThisSession = "Subscribe some users to this session";
+$EnterStudentsToSubscribeToCourse = "Enter the learners you would like to register to your training";
+$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearComponentAndComponentStep = "In order to do this, you must enter the year, the component and the component's step";
+$SelectComponent = "Select component";
+$Component = "Component";
+$SelectStudents = "Select learners";
+$LDAPUsersAdded = "LDAP users added";
+$NoUserAdded = "No user added";
+$ImportLDAPUsersIntoCourse = "Import LDAP users into a training";
+$ImportLDAPUsersAndStepIntoSession = "Import LDAP users and a step into a session";
+$LDAPSynchroImportUsersAndStepsInSessions = "LDAP synchro: Import learners/steps into training sessions";
+$TabsMyGradebook = "Assessments tab";
+$LDAPUsersAddedOrUpdated = "LDAP users added or updated";
+$SearchLDAPUsers = "Search for LDAP users";
+$SelectCourseToImportUsersTo = "Select a course in which you would like to register the users you are going to select next";
+$ImportLDAPUsersIntoSession = "Import LDAP users into a session";
+$LDAPSelectFilterOnUsersOU = "Select a filter to find a matching string at the end of the OU attribute";
+$LDAPOUAttributeFilter = "The OU attribute filter";
+$SelectSessionToImportUsersTo = "Select the session in which you want to import these users";
+$VisioUseRtmptTitle = "Use the rtmpt protocol";
+$VisioUseRtmptComment = "The rtmpt protocol allows access to the videoconference from behind a firewall, by redirecting the communications on port 80. This, however, will slow down the streaming, so it is recommended not to use it unless necessary.";
+$UploadNewStylesheet = "New stylesheet file";
+$NameStylesheet = "Name of the stylesheet";
+$StylesheetAdded = "The stylesheet has been added";
+$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueTitle = "Tutor identification value";
+$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueComment = "When a check is done on the tutor field given above, this value has to be inside one of the tutor fields sub-elements for the user to be considered as a trainer. If you leave this field blank, the only condition is that the field exists for this LDAP user to be considered as a trainer. As an example, the field could be \"memberof\" and the value to search for could be \"CN=G_TRAINER,OU=Trainer\".";
+$IsNotWritable = "is not writeable";
+$FieldMovedDown = "The field is successfully moved down";
+$CannotMoveField = "Cannot move the field.";
+$FieldMovedUp = "The field is successfully moved up.";
+$FieldShown = "The field is now visible for the user.";
+$CannotShowField = "Cannot make the field visible.";
+$FieldHidden = "The field is now invisible for the user.";
+$CannotHideField = "Cannot make the field invisible";
+$FieldMadeChangeable = "The field is now changeable by the user: the user can now fill or edit the field";
+$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "The field can not be made changeable.";
+$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "The field is now made unchangeable: the user cannot fill or edit the field.";
+$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "The field cannot be made unchangeable";
+$FieldDeleted = "The field has been deleted";
+$CannotDeleteField = "Cannot delete the field";
+$AddUsersByCoachTitle = "Register users by Coach";
+$AddUsersByCoachComment = "Coach users may create users to the platform and subscribe users to a session.";
+$UserFieldsSortOptions = "Sort the options of the profiling fields";
+$FieldOptionMovedUp = "The option has been moved up.";
+$CannotMoveFieldOption = "Cannot move the option.";
+$FieldOptionMovedDown = "The option has been moved down.";
+$DefineSessionOptions = "Define access limits for the coach";
+$DaysBefore = "days before session starts";
+$DaysAfter = "days after";
+$SessionAddTypeUnique = "Single registration";
+$SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Multiple registration";
+$EnableSearchTitle = "Full-text search feature";
+$EnableSearchComment = "Select \"Yes\" to enable this feature. It is highly dependent on the Xapian extension for PHP, so this will not work if this extension is not installed on your server, in version 1.x at minimum.";
+$SearchASession = "Find a training session";
+$ActiveSession = "Session session";
+$AddUrl = "Add Url";
+$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Show session coach";
+$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Show the global session coach name in session title box in the training list";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Extend rights for coach";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "Activate this option will give the coach the same permissions as the trainer on authoring tools";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "Activate this option will allow the coachs to create and edit surveys";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Extend rights for coachs on surveys";
+$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "This user cannot be deleted because he is still trainer in a training. You can either remove his trainer status from these training and then delete his account, or disable his account instead of deleting it.";
+$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Allow non admin to create training";
+$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Allow non administrators (trainers) to create new training in the portal";
+$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Allow learners to browse the training catalogue and subscribe to available training";
+$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Yes (the files will be deleted permanently and will not be recoverable)";
+$NoWillDeletePermanently = "No (the files will be deleted from the application but will be manually recoverable  by your server administrator)";
+$SelectAResponsible = "Select a manager";
+$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "No HR manager available";
+$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Learners access to training catalogue";
+$SharedSettingIconComment = "This is a shared setting";
+$GlobalAgenda = "Global agenda";
+$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "Advanced file manager for wysiwyg editor";
+$AdvancedFileManagerComment = "Enable advanced file manager for WYSIWYG editor? This will add a considerable amount of additional options to the file manager that opens in a pop-up window when uploading files to the server.";
+$ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "Average progress in courses";
+$MultipleAccessURLs = "Multiple access URL / Branding";
+$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle = "Full-text search: show unlinked results";
+$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment = "When showing the results of a full-text search, what should be done with the results that are not accessible to the current user?";
+$SearchHideUnlinkedResults = "Do not show them";
+$SearchShowUnlinkedResults = "Show them but without a link to the resource";
+$Templates = "Templates";
+$HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "Do not display my portal in the list of Chamilo portals";
+$EnableVersionCheck = "Enable version check";
+$AllowMessageToolTitle = "Internal messaging tool";
+$AllowReservationTitle = "Booking";
+$AllowReservationComment = "The booking system allows you to book resources for your training (rooms, tables, books, screens, ...). You need this tool to be enabled (through the Admin) to have it appear in the user menu.";
+$ConfigureResourceType = "Configure";
+$ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "Configure multiple access URL";
+$URLAdded = "The URL has been added";
+$URLAlreadyAdded = "This URL already exists, please select another URL";
+$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "Are you sure you want to set this language as the portal's default?";
+$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Current portal's language";
+$EditUsersToURL = "Edit users and URLs";
+$AddUsersToURL = "Add users to an URL";
+$URLList = "URL list";
+$AddToThatURL = "Add users to that URL";
+$SelectUrl = "Select URL";
+$UserListInURL = "Users subscribed to this URL";
+$UsersWereEdited = "The user accounts have been updated";
+$AtLeastOneUserAndOneURL = "You must select at least one user and one URL";
+$UsersBelongURL = "The user accounts are now attached to the URL";
+$LPTestScore = "Course score";
+$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Average of tests in learning paths";
+$ImportUsersToACourse = "Import users list";
+$ImportCourses = "Import training list";
+$ManageUsers = "Manage users";
+$ManageCourses = "Manage training";
+$UserListIn = "Users of";
+$URLInactive = "The URL has been disabled";
+$URLActive = "The URL has been enabled";
+$EditUsers = "Edit users";
+$EditCourses = "Edit training";
+$CourseListIn = "Training of";
+$AddCoursesToURL = "Add courses to an URL";
+$EditCoursesToURL = "Edit courses of an URL";
+$AddCoursesToThatURL = "Add courses to that URL";
+$EnablePlugins = "Enable the selected plugins";
+$AtLeastOneCourseAndOneURL = "At least one course and one URL";
+$ClickToRegisterAdmin = "Click here to register the admin into all sites";
+$AdminShouldBeRegisterInSite = "Admin user should be registered here";
+$URLNotConfiguredPleaseChangedTo = "URL not configured yet, please add this URL :";
+$AdminUserRegisteredToThisURL = "Admin user assigned to this URL";
+$CoursesWereEdited = "Training updated successfully";
+$URLEdited = "The URL has been edited";
+$AddSessionToURL = "Add session to an URL";
+$FirstLetterSession = "Session title's first letter";
+$EditSessionToURL = "Edit session";
+$AddSessionsToThatURL = "Add sessions to that URL";
+$SessionBelongURL = "Sessions were edited";
+$ManageSessions = "Manage sessions";
+$AllowMessageToolComment = "Enabling the internal messaging tool allows users to send messages to other users of the platform and to have a messaging inbox.";
+$AllowSocialToolTitle = "Social network tool (Facebook-like)";
+$AllowSocialToolComment = "The social network tool allows users to define relations with other users and, by doing so, to define groups of friends. Combined with the internal messaging tool, this tool allows tight communication with friends, inside the portal environment.";
+$SetLanguageAsDefault = "Set language as default";
+$FieldFilter = "Filter";
+$FilterOn = "Filter on";
+$FilterOff = "Filter off";
+$FieldFilterSetOn = "You can now use this field as a filter";
+$FieldFilterSetOff = "You can't use this field as a filter";
+$buttonAddUserField = "Add user field";
+$UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
+$TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "The following courses already use this code";
+$UsersSubscribedToBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
+$UsersUnsubscribedFromBecauseVisualCode = "The users have been unsubscribed from the following courses because several courses share the same visual code";
+$FilterUsers = "Filter users";
+$SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "Several training were subscribed to the session because of a duplicate training code";
+$CoachIsRequired = "You must select a coach";
+$EncryptMethodUserPass = "Encryption method";
+$AddTemplate = "Add a template";
+$TemplateImageComment100x70 = "This image will represent the template in the templates list. It should be no larger than 100x70 pixels";
+$TemplateAdded = "Template added";
+$TemplateDeleted = "Template deleted";
+$EditTemplate = "Template edition";
+$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "The users that were not registered on the platform have been imported";
+$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "You must import a file corresponding to the selected format";
+$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Show teacher or tutor's e-mail address in the footer";
+$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Show trainer or tutor's e-mail in footer ?";
+$Created = "Created";
+$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Add a system announcement";
+$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Edit system announcement";
+$LPProgressScore = "% of learning objects visited";
+$TotalTimeByCourse = "Total time in course";
+$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Last time learner entered the training";
+$AnnouncementAvailable = "The announcement is available";
+$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "The announcement is not available";
+$Searching = "Searching";
+$AddLDAPUsers = "Add LDAP users";
+$Academica = "Academica";
+$AddNews = "Add news";
+$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "Failed to open the search database";
+$SearchDatabaseVersionError = "The search database uses an unsupported format";
+$SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "The search database has been modified/broken";
+$SearchDatabaseLockError = "Failed to lock the search database";
+$SearchDatabaseCreateError = "Failed to create the search database";
+$SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "The search database has suffered corruption";
+$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "Connection timed out while communicating with the remote search database";
+$SearchOtherXapianError = "Error in search engine";
+$FieldRemoved = "Field removed";
+$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdded = "The new sub-language has been added";
+$DeleteSubLanguage = "Delete sub-language";
+$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Create a sub-language for this language";
+$DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "Delete this sub-language";
+$CreateSubLanguage = "Create sub-language";
+$RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Define new terms for this sub-language";
+$AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Sub-language terms";
+$LoadLanguageFile = "Load language file";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Allow definition and use of sub-languages";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "By enabling this option, you will be able to define variations for each of the language terms used in the platform's interface, in the form of a new language based on and extending an existing language. You'll find this option in the languages section of the administration panel.";
+$AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Add terms to the sub-language";
+$TemplateEdited = "Template edited";
+$SubLanguage = "Sub-language";
+$LanguageIsNowVisible = "The language has been made visible and can now be used throughout the platform.";
+$LanguageIsNowHidden = "The language has been hidden. It will not be possible to use it until it becomes visible again.";
+$LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "The /main/lang directory, used on this portal to store the languages, is not writable. Please contact your platform administrator and report this message.";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Show glossary terms in documents";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "From here you can configure how to add links to the glossary terms from the documents";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automatic: adds links to all defined glossary terms found in the document";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manual: shows a glossary icon in the online editor, so you can mark the terms that are in the glossary and that you want to link";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "None: doesn't add any glossary terms to the documents";
+$LanguageVariable = "Language variable";
+$ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "To export a document that has glossary terms with its references to the glossary, you have to make sure you include the glossary tool in the export";
+$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Session's tutor's data is shown in the footer.";
+$ShowTutorDataComment = "Show the session's tutor reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
+$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Show teacher information in footer";
+$ShowTeacherDataComment = "Show the teacher reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
+$TermsAndConditions = "Terms and conditions";
+$HTMLText = "HTML";
+$PageLink = "Page Link";
+$DisplayTermsConditions = "Display a Terms & Conditions statement on the registration page, require visitor to accept the T&C to register.";
+$AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle = "Enable terms and conditions";
+$AllowTermsAndConditionsComment = "This option will display the Terms and Conditions in the register form for new users";
+$Load = "Load";
+$AllVersions = "All versions";
+$EditTermsAndConditions = "Edit terms and conditions";
+$Changes = "Changes";
+$ExplainChanges = "Explain changes";
+$TermAndConditionNotSaved = "Term and condition not saved";
+$TheSubLanguageHasBeenRemoved = "The sub language has been removed";
+$AddTermsAndConditions = "Add terms and conditions";
+$TermAndConditionSaved = "Term and condition saved";
+$Visibility = "Visibility";
+$SessionCategory = "Sessions categories";
+$ListSessionCategory = "Sessions categories list";
+$AddSessionCategory = "Add category";
+$SessionCategoryName = "Category name";
+$EditSessionCategory = "Edit session category";
+$SessionCategoryAdded = "The category has been added";
+$SessionCategoryUpdate = "Category update";
+$SessionCategoryDelete = "The selected categories have been deleted";
+$SessionCategoryNameIsRequired = "Please give a name to the sessions category";
+$ThereIsNotStillASession = "There are no sessions available";
+$SelectASession = "Select a session";
+$OriginCoursesFromSession = "Courses from the original session";
+$DestinationCoursesFromSession = "Courses from the destination session";
+$CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "Help for the copy of courses from session to session";
+$TypeOfCopy = "Type of copy";
+$CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "Copy from course in session to another session";
+$YouMustSelectACourseFromOriginalSession = "You must select a course from original session";
+$MaybeYouWantToDeleteThisUserFromSession = "Maybe you want to delete the user, instead of unsubscribing him from all courses...?";
+$EditSessionCoursesByUser = "Edit session courses by user";
+$CoursesUpdated = "Courses updated";
+$CurrentCourses = "Current courses";
+$CoursesToAvoid = "Unaccessible courses";
+$EditSessionCourses = "Edit session courses";
+$SessionVisibility = "Visibility after end date";
+$BlockCoursesForThisUser = "Block user from courses in this session";
+$LanguageFile = "Language file";
+$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle = "Show the courses descriptions in the catalog";
+$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment = "Show the courses descriptions as an integrated popup when clicking on a course info icon in the courses catalog";
+$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "The stylesheet could not be added";
+$AddSessionsInCategories = "Add sessions in categories";
+$ItIsRecommendedInstallImagickExtension = "It is recommended to install the imagick php extension for better performances in the resolution for generating the thumbnail images otherwise not show very well, if it is not install by default uses the php-gd extension.";
+$EditSpecificSearchField = "Edit specific search field";
+$FieldName = "Field name";
+$SpecialExports = "Special exports";
+$SpecialCreateFullBackup = "Special create full backup";
+$SpecialLetMeSelectItems = "Special let me select items";
+$CreateBackup = "Create backup";
+$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions = "Allow coachs to edit inside training sessions";
+$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment = "Allow coachs to edit inside training sessions comment";
+$ShowSessionDataTitle = "Show session data title";
+$ShowSessionDataComment = "Show session data comment";
+$SubscribeSessionsToCategory = "Subscription sessions in the category";
+$SessionListInPlatform = "List of session in the platform";
+$SessionListInCategory = "List of sesiones in the categories";
+$ToExportSpecialSelect = "If you want to export courses containing sessions, which will ensure that these seansido included in the export to any of that will have to choose in the list.";
+$ErrorMsgSpecialExport = "There were no courses registered or may not have made the association with the sessions";
+$ConfigureInscription = "Setting the registration page";
+$MsgErrorSessionCategory = "Select category and sessions";
+$NumberOfSession = "Number sessions";
+$DeleteSelectedSessionCategory = "Delete only the selected categories without sessions";
+$DeleteSelectedFullSessionCategory = "Delete the selected categories to sessions";
+$EditTopRegister = "Edit Note";
+$InsertTabs = "Add Tabs";
+$EditTabs = "Edit Tabs";
+$BabyOrange = "Baby Orange";
+$BlueLagoon = "Blue lagoon";
+$CoolBlue = "Cool blue";
+$Corporate = "Corporate";
+$CosmicCampus = "Cosmic campus";
+$DeliciousBordeaux = "Delicious Bordeaux";
+$DokeosClassic2D = "Chamilo classic 2D";
+$DokeosBlue = "Chamilo blue";
+$EmpireGreen = "Empire green";
+$FruityOrange = "Fruity orange";
+$Medical = "Medical";
+$RoyalPurple = "Royal purple";
+$SilverLine = "Silver line";
+$SoberBrown = "Sober brown";
+$SteelGrey = "Steel grey";
+$TastyOlive = "Tasty olive";
+$ExportCourses = "Export courses";
+$IsAdministrator = "Is administrator";
+$IsNotAdministrator = "Is not administrator";
+$AddTimeLimit = "Add time limit";
+$EditTimeLimit = "Edit time limit";
+$TheTimeLimitsAreReferential = "The time limit of a category is referential, will not affect the boundaries of a training session";
+$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle = "Show the glossary terms in extra tools";
+$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment = "From here you can configure how to add the glossary terms in extra tools as learning path and exercice tool";
+$FieldTypeTag = "User tag";
+$SendEmailToAdminTitle = "Email alert, of creation  a new course";
+$SendEmailToAdminComment = "Send an email to administardor of the platform, each time the teacher register a new course";
+$UserTag = "User tag";
+$SelectSession = "Select session";
+$GroupPermissions = "Group Permissions";
+$SpecialCourse = "Special course";
+$MathMimetexTitle = "mimeTEX mathematical editor";
+$MathMimetexComment = "Enable mimeTeX mathematical editor. The activation is not fully realized if not previously installed on the server the executable MimeTex file. See the Chamilo installation guide.";
+$MathASCIImathMLTitle = "ASCIIMathML mathematical editor";
+$MathASCIImathMLComment = "Enable ASCIIMathML mathematical editor";
+$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Allow students to insert videos from YouTube";
+$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Enable the possibility that students can insert Youtube videos";
+$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Block students copy and paste";
+$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Block students the ability to copy and paste into the WYSIWYG editor";
+$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "Buttons bar extended";
+$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "Enable button bars extended when the WYSIWYG editor is maximized";
+$Editor = "HTML Editor";
+$GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Go directly to the course after login";
+$GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "When a user is registered in one course, go directly to the course after login";
+$GroupList = "Group List";
+$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Allow students to download directories";
+$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Allow students to pack and download a complete directory from the document tool";
+$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Allow users to create groups in social network";
+$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Allow users to create groups in social network";
+$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Allow send message to all platform users";
+$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Allow send message to all platform users";
+$TabsSocial = "Social network tab";
+$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle = "Max upload file size in messages";
+$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment = "Maximum size for file uploads in the messaging tool (in Bytes)";
+$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Add user profile field";
+$Username = "Username";
+$ChamiloHomepage = "Chamilo homepage";
+$ChamiloForum = "Chamilo forum";
+$ChamiloExtensions = "Chamilo extensions";
+$ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "Impossible to contact the version server right now. Please try again later.";
+$ChamiloGreen = "Chamilo Green";
+$ChamiloRed = "Chamilo red";
+$MessagesSent = "Number of messages sent";
+$MessagesReceived = "Number of messages received";
+$CountFriends = "Contacts count";
+$ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory = "This plugin has been deleted from the dashboard plugin directory";
+$EnableDashboardPlugins = "Enable dashboard plugins";
+$CoursesListInPlatform = "Platform courses list";
+$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourceManager = "Courses assigned to HR manager";
+$AssignedCoursesTo = "Courses assigned to";
+$AssignCoursesToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign courses to HR manager";
+$TimezoneValueTitle = "Timezone value";
+$TimezoneValueComment = "This is the timezone for this portal. If left empty, it will use the server's timezone. If configured, all times on the system will be shown based on this timezone. This setting has a lower priority than the user's timezone, if enabled and selected by the";
+$UseUsersTimezoneTitle = "Use users timezones";
+$UseUsersTimezoneComment = "Enable the possibility for users to select their own timezone. The timezone field should be set to visible and changeable in the Profiling menu in the administration section before users can choose their own.\r\nOnce configured, users will be able to see de";
+$FieldTypeTimezone = "Timezone";
+$AssignedSessionsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned sessions have been updated";
+$AssignedCoursesHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned courses have been updated";
+$AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "The assigned users have been updated";
+$Lock = "Lock";
+$AssignUsersToX = "Assign users to %s";
+$AssignUsersToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign users to Human Resources manager";
+$AssignedUsersListToHumanResourcesManager = "List of users assigned to Human Resources manager";
+$AssignCoursesToX = "Assign courses to %s";
+$SessionsListInPlatform = "List of sessions on the platform";
+$AssignSessionsToHumanResourcesManager = "Assign sessions to Human Resources manager";
+$AssignedSessionsListToHumanResourcesManager = "List of sessions assigned to the Human Resources manager";
+$SessionsInformation = "Sessions report";
+$YourSessionsList = "Your sessions";
+$TeachersInformationsList = "Teachers report";
+$YourTeachers = "Your teachers";
+$StudentsInformationsList = "Students report";
+$YourStudents = "Your students";
+$GoToThematicAdvance = "Go to thematic advance";
+$TeachersInformationsGraph = "Teachers report chart";
+$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Students report chart";
+$Timezones = "Timezones";
+$TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Time spent on the platform last week, by day";
+$GraphicNotAvailable = "Chart not available";
+$AttendancesFaults = "Not attended";
+$Minutes = "Minutes";
+$SystemStatus = "System status";
+$IsWritable = "Is writable";
+$DirectoryExists = "The directory exists";
+$DirectoryMustBeWritable = "The directory must be writable by the web server";
+$DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "The directory should be removed (it is no longer necessary)";
+$Section = "Section";
+$Expected = "Expected";
+$Setting = "Setting";
+$Current = "Current";
+$SessionGCMaxLifetimeInfo = "The session garbage collector maximum lifetime indicates which maximum time is given between two runs of the garbage collector.";
+$PHPVersionInfo = "PHP version";
+$FileUploadsInfo = "File uploads indicate whether file uploads are authorized at all";
+$UploadMaxFilesizeInfo = "Maximum volume of an uploaded file. This setting should, most of the time, be matched with the post_max_size variable.";
+$MagicQuotesRuntimeInfo = "This is a highly unrecommended feature which converts values returned by all functions that returned external values to slash-escaped values. This feature should *not* be enabled.";
+$PostMaxSizeInfo = "This is the maximum size of uploads through forms using the POST method (i.e. classical file upload forms)";
+$SafeModeInfo = "Safe mode is a deprecated PHP feature which (badly) limits the access of PHP scripts to other resources. It is recommended to leave it off.";
+$DisplayErrorsInfo = "Show errors on screen. Turn this on on development servers, off on production servers.";
+$MaxInputTimeInfo = "The maximum time allowed for a form to be processed by the server. If it takes longer, the process is abandonned and a blank page is returned.";
+$DefaultCharsetInfo = "The default character set to be sent when returning pages";
+$RegisterGlobalsInfo = "Whether to use the register globals feature or not. Using it represents potential security risks with this software.";
+$ShortOpenTagInfo = "Whether to allow for short open tags to be used or not. This feature should not be used.";
+$MemoryLimitInfo = "Maximum memory limit for one single script run. If the memory needed is higher, the process will stop to avoid consuming all the server's available memory and thus slowing down other users.";
+$MagicQuotesGpcInfo = "Whether to automatically escape values from GET, POST and COOKIES arrays. A similar feature is provided for the required data inside this software, so using it provokes double slash-escaping of values.";
+$VariablesOrderInfo = "The order of precedence of Environment, GET, POST, COOKIES and SESSION variables";
+$MaxExecutionTimeInfo = "Maximum time a script can take to execute. If using more than that, the script is abandoned to avoid slowing down other users.";
+$ExtensionMustBeLoaded = "This extension must be loaded.";
+$MysqlProtoInfo = "MySQL protocol";
+$MysqlHostInfo = "MySQL server host";
+$MysqlServerInfo = "MySQL server information";
+$MysqlClientInfo = "MySQL client";
+$ServerProtocolInfo = "Protocol used by this server";
+$ServerRemoteInfo = "Remote address (your address as received by the server)";
+$ServerAddessInfo = "Server address";
+$ServerNameInfo = "Server name (as used in your request)";
+$ServerPortInfo = "Server port";
+$ServerUserAgentInfo = "Your user agent as received by the server";
+$ServerSoftwareInfo = "Software running as a web server";
+$UnameInfo = "Information on the system the current server is running on";
+$AssignSessionsToX = "Assign sessions to %s";
+$AssignCoursesToSessionsAdministrator = "Assign courses to session's administrator";
+$AssignCoursesToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign courses to platform's administrator";
+$AssignedCoursesListToPlatformAdministrator = "Assigned courses list to platform administrator";
+$AssignedCoursesListToSessionsAdministrator = "Assigned courses list to sessions administrator";
+$AssignSessionsToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign sessions to platform administrator";
+$AssignSessionsToSessionsAdministrator = "assign sessions to sessions administrator";
+$AssignedSessionsListToPlatformAdministrator = "Assigned sessions list to platform administrator";
+$AssignedSessionsListToSessionsAdministrator = "Assigned sessions list to sessions administrator";
+$EvaluationsGraph = "Graph of evaluations";
+$Action = "Action";
+$ISOCode = "ISO code";
+$TheSubLanguageForThisLanguageHasBeenAdded = "The sub-language of this language has been added";
+$ReturnToLanguagesList = "Return to the languages list";
+$ActivityCoach = "The coach of the session, shall have all rights and privileges on all the courses that belong to the session.";
+$CategoriesNumber = "Categories";
+$CourseProgress = "Course progress";
+$ExportAllCoursesList = "Export all courses";
+$ExportSelectedCoursesFromCoursesList = "Export selected courses from the following list";
+$CoursesListHasBeenExported = "The list of courses has been exported";
+$WhichCoursesToExport = "Courses to export";
+$AssignUsersToPlatformAdministrator = "Assign users to the platform administrator";
+$AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Users assigned to the platform administrator";
+$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Courses assigned to the HR manager";
+$ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "There are no courses to select";
+$HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Vertical activity view";
+$CoursesInformation = "Courses information";
+$SpecialExportsIntroduction = "The special exports feature is meant to help an instructional controller to export all courses documents in one unique step. Another option lets you choose the courses you want to export, and will export documents present in these courses' sessions as well. This is a very heavy operation, and we recommend you do not start it during normal usage hours of your portal. Do it in a quieter period. If you don't need all the contents at once, try to export courses documents directly from the course maintenance tool inside the course itself.";
+$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle = "Allow User Course Subscription By Course Admininistrator";
+$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment = "Activate this option will allow course administrator to subscribe users inside a course";
+$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Configure Dashboard Plugin";
+$EditBlocks = "Edit blocks";
+$ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle = "Show link to report bug";
+$ShowLinkBugNotificationComment = "Show a link in the header to report a bug inside of our support platform (http://support.chamilo.org). When clicking on the link, the user is sent to the support platform, on a wiki page that describes the bug reporting process.";
+$DataFiller = "Data filler";
+$GradebookActivateScoreDisplayCustom = "Enable competence level labelling in order to set custom score information";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomValues = "Competence levels custom values";
+$GradebookNumberDecimals = "Number of decimals";
+$GradebookNumberDecimalsComment = "Allows you to set the number of decimals allowed in a score";
+$EditSessionsToURL = "Edit sessions for a URL";
+$AddSessionsToURL = "Add sessions to URL";
+$SessionListIn = "List of sessions in";
+$FillUsers = "Fill users";
+$ThisSectionIsOnlyVisibleOnSourceInstalls = "This section is only visible on installations from source code, not in packaged versions of the platform. It will allow you to quickly populate your platform with test data. Use with care (data is really inserted) and only on development or testing installations.";
+$UsersFillingReport = "Users filling report";
+$AllUsersAreAutomaticallyRegistered = "All users are automatically registered";
+$AssignCoach = "Assign coach";
+$chamilo = "Chamilo";
+$php = "PHP";
+$Off = "Off";
+$minimum = "minimum";
+$webserver = "Web server";
+$mysql = "MySQL";
+$Social = "Social";
+$BackupCreated = "Backup created";
+$NotInserted = "Not inserted";
+$phone = "phone";
+$ResetLP = "Reset Learning path";
+$LPWasReset = "Learning path was reset for the student";
+$AnnouncementVisible = "Announcement visible";
+$AnnouncementInvisible = "Announcement invisible";
+$GlossaryDeleted = "Glossary deleted";
+$CourseDescriptionUpdated = "Course description updated";
+$SessionReadOnly = "Read only";
+$SessionAccessible = "Accessible";
+$SessionNotAccessible = "Not accessible";
+$GroupAdded = "Group added";
+$AddUsersToGroup = "Add users to group";
+$ErrorReadingZip = "Error reading ZIP file";
+$ErrorStylesheetFilesExtensionsInsideZip = "The only accepted extensions in the ZIP file are jpg, jpeg, png, gif and css.";
+$MyTextHere = "Enter your text here...";
+$FieldTypeSocialProfile = "Social network link";
+$AllowUsersCopyFilesTitle = "Allow users to copy files from a course in your personal file area";
+$AllowUsersCopyFilesComment = "Allows users to copy files from a course in your personal file area, visible through the Social Network or through the HTML editor when they are out of a course";
+$ReviewCourseRequests = "Review incoming training requests";
+$AcceptedCourseRequests = "Accepted training requests";
+$RejectedCourseRequests = "Rejected training requests";
+$BrowscapInfo = "Browscap loading browscap.ini file that contains a large amount of data on the browser and its capabilities, so it can be used by the function get_browser () PHP";
+$EnableCourseValidation = "Training validation";
+$EnableCourseValidationComment = "When \"Training validation\" feature is activated, a teacher is not able to create a training alone. He/she fills a training request. The platform administrator reviews the request and approves it or rejects it.<br />This feature relies on automated e-mail messages; set Chamilo to access an e-mail server and to use a dedicated an e-mail account.";
+$CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLink = "Training validation - a link to the terms and conditions";
+$CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLinkComment = "This is the URL to the \"Terms and Conditions\" document that is valid for making a training request. If the address here is set, before sending a training request the user should read and agree with these terms and conditions.<br />If you activate Chamilo's module \"Terms and Conditions\" and if you want its URL to be used, then leave this setting empty.";
+$EnableSSOTitle = "Single Sign On";
+$EnableSSOComment = "Enabling Single Sign On allows you to connect this platform as a slave of an authentication master, for example a Drupal website with the Drupal-Chamilo plugin or any other similar master setup.";
+$SSOServerDomainTitle = "Domain of the Single Sign On server";
+$SSOServerDomainComment = "The domain of the Single Sign On server (the web address of the other server that will allow automatic registration to Chamilo). This should generally be the address of the other server without any trailing slash and without the protocol, e.g. www.example.com";
+$SSOServerAuthURITitle = "Single Sign On server authentication URL";
+$SSOServerAuthURIComment = "The address of the page that deals with the authentication verification. For example /?q=user in Drupal's case.";
+$SSOServerUnAuthURITitle = "Single Sign On server's logout URL";
+$SSOServerUnAuthURIComment = "The address of the page on the server that logs the user out. This option is useful if you want users logging out of Chamilo to be automatically logged out of the authentication server.";
+$SSOServerProtocolTitle = "Single Sign On server's protocol";
+$SSOServerProtocolComment = "The protocol string to prefix the Single Sign On server's domain (we recommend you use https:// if your server is able to provide this feature, as all non-secure protocols are dangerous for authentication matters)";
+$EnabledWirisTitle = "WIRIS mathematical editor";
+$EnabledWirisComment = "Enable WIRIS mathematical editor";
+$AllowSpellCheckTitle = "Spell check";
+$AllowSpellCheckComment = "Enable spell check";
+$EnabledSVGTitle = "Create and edit SVG files";
+$EnabledSVGComment = "This option allows you to create and edit SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) multilayer online, as well as export them to png format images.";
+$ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextTitle = "Forcing to Wiki to paste as plain text";
+$ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextComment = "This will prevent many hidden tags, incorrect or non-standard, copied from other texts to stop corrupting the text of the Wiki after many issues; but will lose some features while editing.";
+$EnabledGooglemapsTitle = "Activate Google maps";
+$EnabledGooglemapsComment = "Activate the button to insert Google maps. Activation is not fully realized if not previously edited the file main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php and added a Google maps API key.";
+$EnabledImageMapsTitle = "Activate Image maps";
+$EnabledImageMapsComment = "Activate the button to insert Image maps. This allows you to associate URLs to areas of an image, creating hotspots.";
+$CourseTool = "Course tool";
+$BigBlueButtonEnableTitle = "BigBlueButton videoconference tool";
 $BigBlueButtonEnableComment = "Choose whether you want to enable the BigBlueButton videoconference tool. Once enabled, it will show as an additional course tool in all courses' homepage, and teachers will be able to launch a conference at any time. Students will not be able to launch a conference, only join one. If you don't have a BigBlueButton server, please <a href=\"http://bigbluebutton.org/\" target=\"_blank\">set one up</a> or ask the <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/en/providers\" target=\"_blank\">Chamilo official providers</a> for a quote.
-BigBlueButton is a free (as in freedom *and* beer), but its installation requires a set of technical skills that might not be immediately available to all. You can install it on your own or seek professional help to assist you or do it for you. This help, however, will generate a certain cost. In the pure logic of the free software, we offer you the tools to make your work easier and recommend professionals (the Chamilo Official Providers) that will be able to help you if this were too difficult.";
-$BigBlueButtonHostTitle = "BigBlueButton server host";
-$BigBlueButtonHostComment = "This is the name of the server where your BigBlueButton server is running. Might be <i>localhost</i>, an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. my.video.com).";
-$BigBlueButtonSecuritySaltTitle = "Security key of the BigBlueButton server";
-$BigBlueButtonSecuritySaltComment = "This is the security key of your BigBlueButton server, which will allow your server to authentify the Chamilo installation. Refer to the BigBlueButton documentation to locate it.";
-$AsciiSvgTitle = "Mathematical graphics editor ASCIIsvg";
-$AsciiSvgComment = "Activation of mathematical graphics editor (ASCIIsvg).";
+BigBlueButton is a free (as in freedom *and* beer), but its installation requires a set of technical skills that might not be immediately available to all. You can install it on your own or seek professional help to assist you or do it for you. This help, however, will generate a certain cost. In the pure logic of the free software, we offer you the tools to make your work easier and recommend professionals (the Chamilo Official Providers) that will be able to help you if this were too difficult.";
+$BigBlueButtonHostTitle = "BigBlueButton server host";
+$BigBlueButtonHostComment = "This is the name of the server where your BigBlueButton server is running. Might be <i>localhost</i>, an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. my.video.com).";
+$BigBlueButtonSecuritySaltTitle = "Security key of the BigBlueButton server";
+$BigBlueButtonSecuritySaltComment = "This is the security key of your BigBlueButton server, which will allow your server to authentify the Chamilo installation. Refer to the BigBlueButton documentation to locate it.";
+$AsciiSvgTitle = "Mathematical graphics editor ASCIIsvg";
+$AsciiSvgComment = "Activation of mathematical graphics editor (ASCIIsvg).";
 $Text2AudioTitle = "
-Enable online services to conversion text in audio";
-$Text2AudioComment = "Online tool to convert text into speech. Uses speech synthesis systems and technology to provide voice resources.";
-$ShowUsersFoldersTitle = "Show users folders in the documents tool";
-$ShowUsersFoldersComment = "This option allows you to show or hide to teachers the folders that the system generates for each user who visits the tool documents or send a file through the web editor. If you display these folders to the teachers, they may make visible or not the students and allow each student to have a specific place on the course where not only store documents, but where they can also create and edit web pages and to export to pdf, make drawings, make personal web templates, send files, as well as create, move and delete directories and files and make security copies from their folders. Each user of course have a complete document manager. Also, remember that any user can copy a file that is visible from any folder in the documents tool (whether or not the owner) to his/her portfolios or personal documents area of social network, which will be available for his/her can use it in other courses.";
-$ShowDefaultFoldersTitle = "Show in documents tool all folders containing multimedia resources supplied by default";
-$ShowDefaultFoldersComment = "Multimedia file folders containing files supplied by default organized in categories of video, audio, image and flash animations to use in their courses. Although you make it invisible into the document tool, you can still use these resources in the platform web editor.";
-$ShowChatFolderTitle = "Show the history folder of chat conversations";
-$ShowChatFolderComment = "This will show to theacher the folder that contains all sessions that have been made in the chat, the teacher can make them visible or not students and use them as a resource";
-$EnabledStudentExport2PDFTitle = "Allow students to export web documents to PDF format in the documents and wiki tools";
-$EnabledStudentExport2PDFComment = "This feature is enabled by default, but in case of server overload abuse it, or specific learning environments, might want to disable it for all courses.";
-$EnabledInsertHtmlTitle = "Allow insertion of widgets";
-$EnabledInsertHtmlComment = "This allows you to embed on your webpages your favorite videos and applications such as vimeo or slideshare and all sorts of widgets and gadgets";
-$IncludeAsciiMathMlTitle = "Load the file ASCIIMathML.js in all the system's pages";
-$IncludeAsciiMathMlComment = "Activate this setting if you want to show ASCIIMathML-based mathematical formulas and ASCIIsvg-based mathematical graphics not only in the \"Documents\" tool, but elsewhere in the system.";
-$CourseHideToolsTitle = "Hide tools from teachers";
-$CourseHideToolsComment = "Check the tools you want to hide from teachers. This will not prohibit access to the tool (no security purpose), but will make it invisible for the teachers in order to avoid confusion (with too many tools - usability purpose).";
-$MoveUserStats = "Move users results from/to a session";
+Enable online services to conversion text in audio";
+$Text2AudioComment = "Online tool to convert text into speech. Uses speech synthesis systems and technology to provide voice resources.";
+$ShowUsersFoldersTitle = "Show users folders in the documents tool";
+$ShowUsersFoldersComment = "This option allows you to show or hide to teachers the folders that the system generates for each user who visits the tool documents or send a file through the web editor. If you display these folders to the teachers, they may make visible or not the students and allow each student to have a specific place on the course where not only store documents, but where they can also create and edit web pages and to export to pdf, make drawings, make personal web templates, send files, as well as create, move and delete directories and files and make security copies from their folders. Each user of course have a complete document manager. Also, remember that any user can copy a file that is visible from any folder in the documents tool (whether or not the owner) to his/her portfolios or personal documents area of social network, which will be available for his/her can use it in other courses.";
+$ShowDefaultFoldersTitle = "Show in documents tool all folders containing multimedia resources supplied by default";
+$ShowDefaultFoldersComment = "Multimedia file folders containing files supplied by default organized in categories of video, audio, image and flash animations to use in their courses. Although you make it invisible into the document tool, you can still use these resources in the platform web editor.";
+$ShowChatFolderTitle = "Show the history folder of chat conversations";
+$ShowChatFolderComment = "This will show to theacher the folder that contains all sessions that have been made in the chat, the teacher can make them visible or not students and use them as a resource";
+$EnabledStudentExport2PDFTitle = "Allow students to export web documents to PDF format in the documents and wiki tools";
+$EnabledStudentExport2PDFComment = "This feature is enabled by default, but in case of server overload abuse it, or specific learning environments, might want to disable it for all courses.";
+$EnabledInsertHtmlTitle = "Allow insertion of widgets";
+$EnabledInsertHtmlComment = "This allows you to embed on your webpages your favorite videos and applications such as vimeo or slideshare and all sorts of widgets and gadgets";
+$IncludeAsciiMathMlTitle = "Load the file ASCIIMathML.js in all the system's pages";
+$IncludeAsciiMathMlComment = "Activate this setting if you want to show ASCIIMathML-based mathematical formulas and ASCIIsvg-based mathematical graphics not only in the \"Documents\" tool, but elsewhere in the system.";
+$CourseHideToolsTitle = "Hide tools from teachers";
+$CourseHideToolsComment = "Check the tools you want to hide from teachers. This will not prohibit access to the tool (no security purpose), but will make it invisible for the teachers in order to avoid confusion (with too many tools - usability purpose).";
+$MoveUserStats = "Move users results from/to a session";
 $CompareUserResultsBetweenCoursesAndCoursesInASession = "This advanced tool allows you to manually improve the tracking of users results when moving from courses methodology to sessions methodology. In most cases, you won't need to use it.<br />
 On this screen, you can compare results of users between the context of a standalone course, and the context of the same course inside a session.<br />
-Once you are sure about what to do, you can choose to move the tracking data of the students (exercises results and learning paths tracking) from a course to a session.";
-$PDFExportWatermarkEnableTitle = "Enable watermark in PDF export";
-$PDFExportWatermarkEnableComment = "By enabling this option, you can upload an image or a text that will be automatically added as watermark to all PDF exports of documents on the system.";
-$AddWaterMark = "Upload a watermark image";
-$PDFExportWatermarkByCourseTitle = "Enable watermark definition by course";
-$PDFExportWatermarkByCourseComment = "When this option is enabled, teachers can define their own watermark for the documents in their courses.";
-$PDFExportWatermarkTextTitle = "PDF watermark text";
-$PDFExportWatermarkTextComment = "This text will be added as a watermark to the documents exports as PDF.";
-$ExerciseMinScoreTitle = "Minimum score of exercises";
-$ExerciseMinScoreComment = "Define a minimum score (generally 0) for all the exercises on the platform. This will define how final results are shown to users and teachers.";
-$ExerciseMaxScoreTitle = "Maximum score of exercises";
-$ExerciseMaxScoreComment = "Define a maximum score (generally 10,20 or 100) for all the exercises on the platform. This will define how final results are shown to users and teachers.";
-$CareersAndPromotions = "Careers and promotions";
-$Careers = "Careers";
-$Promotions = "Promotions";
-$Updated = "Update successful";
-$Career = "Career";
-$SubscribeSessionsToPromotions = "Subscribe sessions to promotions";
-$SessionsInPlatform = "Sessions not subscribed";
-$FirstLetterSessions = "First letter of session name";
-$SessionsInPromotion = "Sessions in this promotion";
-$SubscribeSessionsToPromotion = "Subscribe sessions to promotion";
-$NoEndTime = "No end time";
-$SubscribeUsersToGroup = "Subscribe users to group";
-$SubscribeCoursesToGroup = "Subscribe courses to group";
-$SubscribeSessionsToGroup = "Subscribe sessions to group";
-$SessionsInGroup = "Sessions in group";
-$CoursesInGroup = "Courses in group";
-$UsersInGroup = "Users in group";
-$UsersInPlatform = "Users on platform";
-$YouNeedToCreateACareerFirst = "You will have to create a career before you can add promotions (promotions are sub-elements of a career)";
-$OutputBufferingInfo = "Output buffering setting is \"On\" for being enabled or \"Off\" for being disabled. This setting also may be enabled through an integer value (4096 for example) which is the output buffer size.";
-$LoadedExtension = "Extension loaded";
-$SubscribeGroupToSessions = "Subscribe group to sessions";
-$SubscribeGroupToCourses = "Subscribe group to courses";
-$CompareStats = "Compare stats";
-$EnabledPixlrTitle = "Enable external Pixlr services";
-$EnabledPixlrComment = "Pixlr allow you to edit, adjust and filter your photos with features similar to Photoshop. It is the ideal complement to process images based on bitmaps";
-$PromotionXArchived = "The <i>%s</i> promotion has been archived. This action has the consequence of making invisible all sessions registered into this promotion. You can undo this by unarchiving this promotion.";
-$PromotionXUnarchived = "The <i>%s</i> promotion has been unarchived. This action has the consequence of making visible all sessions registered into this promotion. You can undo this by archiving the promotion.";
-$CareerXArchived = "The <i>%s</i> career has been archived. This action has the consequence of making invisible the career, its promotions and all the sessions registered into this promotion. You can undo this by unarchiving the career.";
-$CareerXUnarchived = "The <i>%s</i> career has been unarchived. This action has the consequence of making visible the career, its promotions and all the sessions registered into this promotion. You can undo this by archiving the career.";
-$RegistrationByUsersGroups = "Enrollment by classes";
-$FillCourses = "Fill courses";
-$FillSessions = "Fill sessions";
-$Archived = "Archived";
-$Unarchived = "Unarchived";
-$StatsUsersDidNotLoginInLastPeriods = "Not logged in for some time";
-$LastXMonths = "Last %i months";
-$NeverConnected = "Never connected";
-$EnableAccessibilityFontResizeTitle = "Font resize accessibility feature";
-$EnableAccessibilityFontResizeComment = "Enable this option to show a set of font resize options on the top-right side of your campus. This will allow visually impaired to read their course contents more easily.";
-$GlobalEvent = "Platform event";
-$SearchEnabledTitle = "Fulltext search";
+Once you are sure about what to do, you can choose to move the tracking data of the students (exercises results and learning paths tracking) from a course to a session.";
+$PDFExportWatermarkEnableTitle = "Enable watermark in PDF export";
+$PDFExportWatermarkEnableComment = "By enabling this option, you can upload an image or a text that will be automatically added as watermark to all PDF exports of documents on the system.";
+$AddWaterMark = "Upload a watermark image";
+$PDFExportWatermarkByCourseTitle = "Enable watermark definition by course";
+$PDFExportWatermarkByCourseComment = "When this option is enabled, teachers can define their own watermark for the documents in their courses.";
+$PDFExportWatermarkTextTitle = "PDF watermark text";
+$PDFExportWatermarkTextComment = "This text will be added as a watermark to the documents exports as PDF.";
+$ExerciseMinScoreTitle = "Minimum score of exercises";
+$ExerciseMinScoreComment = "Define a minimum score (generally 0) for all the exercises on the platform. This will define how final results are shown to users and teachers.";
+$ExerciseMaxScoreTitle = "Maximum score of exercises";
+$ExerciseMaxScoreComment = "Define a maximum score (generally 10,20 or 100) for all the exercises on the platform. This will define how final results are shown to users and teachers.";
+$CareersAndPromotions = "Careers and promotions";
+$Careers = "Careers";
+$Promotions = "Promotions";
+$Updated = "Update successful";
+$Career = "Career";
+$SubscribeSessionsToPromotions = "Subscribe sessions to promotions";
+$SessionsInPlatform = "Sessions not subscribed";
+$FirstLetterSessions = "First letter of session name";
+$SessionsInPromotion = "Sessions in this promotion";
+$SubscribeSessionsToPromotion = "Subscribe sessions to promotion";
+$NoEndTime = "No end time";
+$SubscribeUsersToGroup = "Subscribe users to group";
+$SubscribeCoursesToGroup = "Subscribe courses to group";
+$SubscribeSessionsToGroup = "Subscribe sessions to group";
+$SessionsInGroup = "Sessions in group";
+$CoursesInGroup = "Courses in group";
+$UsersInGroup = "Users in group";
+$UsersInPlatform = "Users on platform";
+$YouNeedToCreateACareerFirst = "You will have to create a career before you can add promotions (promotions are sub-elements of a career)";
+$OutputBufferingInfo = "Output buffering setting is \"On\" for being enabled or \"Off\" for being disabled. This setting also may be enabled through an integer value (4096 for example) which is the output buffer size.";
+$LoadedExtension = "Extension loaded";
+$SubscribeGroupToSessions = "Subscribe group to sessions";
+$SubscribeGroupToCourses = "Subscribe group to courses";
+$CompareStats = "Compare stats";
+$EnabledPixlrTitle = "Enable external Pixlr services";
+$EnabledPixlrComment = "Pixlr allow you to edit, adjust and filter your photos with features similar to Photoshop. It is the ideal complement to process images based on bitmaps";
+$PromotionXArchived = "The <i>%s</i> promotion has been archived. This action has the consequence of making invisible all sessions registered into this promotion. You can undo this by unarchiving this promotion.";
+$PromotionXUnarchived = "The <i>%s</i> promotion has been unarchived. This action has the consequence of making visible all sessions registered into this promotion. You can undo this by archiving the promotion.";
+$CareerXArchived = "The <i>%s</i> career has been archived. This action has the consequence of making invisible the career, its promotions and all the sessions registered into this promotion. You can undo this by unarchiving the career.";
+$CareerXUnarchived = "The <i>%s</i> career has been unarchived. This action has the consequence of making visible the career, its promotions and all the sessions registered into this promotion. You can undo this by archiving the career.";
+$RegistrationByUsersGroups = "Enrollment by classes";
+$FillCourses = "Fill courses";
+$FillSessions = "Fill sessions";
+$Archived = "Archived";
+$Unarchived = "Unarchived";
+$StatsUsersDidNotLoginInLastPeriods = "Not logged in for some time";
+$LastXMonths = "Last %i months";
+$NeverConnected = "Never connected";
+$EnableAccessibilityFontResizeTitle = "Font resize accessibility feature";
+$EnableAccessibilityFontResizeComment = "Enable this option to show a set of font resize options on the top-right side of your campus. This will allow visually impaired to read their course contents more easily.";
+$GlobalEvent = "Platform event";
+$SearchEnabledTitle = "Fulltext search";
 $SearchEnabledComment = "This feature allows you to index most of the documents uploaded to your portal, then provide a search feature for users.<br />
 This feature will not index documents that have already been uploaded, so it is important to enable (if wanted) at the beginning of your implementation.<br />
-Once enabled, a search box will appear in the courses list of every user. Searching for a specific term will bring a list of corresponding documents, exercises or forum topics, filtered depending on the availability of these contents to the user.";
-$SpecificSearchFieldsAvailable = "Available custom search fields";
-$XapianModuleInstalled = "Xapian module installed";
-$ProgramsNeededToConvertFiles = "Programs needed to convert files";
-$YouAreUsingChamiloInAWindowsPlatformSadlyYouCantConvertDocumentsInOrderToSearchTheContentUsingThisTool = "You are using Chamilo in a Windows platform, sadly you can't convert documents in order to search the content using this tool";
-$HideCoursesInSessionsTitle = "Hide courses list in sessions";
-$HideCoursesInSessionsComment = "When showing the session block in your courses page, hide the list of courses inside that session (only show them inside the specific session screen).";
-$ShowGroupsToUsersTitle = "Show classes to users";
-$ShowGroupsToUsersComment = "Show the classes to users. Classes are a feature that allow you to register/unregister groups of users into a session or a course directly, reducing the administrative hassle. When you pick this option, learners will be able to see in which class they are through their social network interface.";
-$HomepageViewActivityBig = "Big activity view (Ipad style)";
+Once enabled, a search box will appear in the courses list of every user. Searching for a specific term will bring a list of corresponding documents, exercises or forum topics, filtered depending on the availability of these contents to the user.";
+$SpecificSearchFieldsAvailable = "Available custom search fields";
+$XapianModuleInstalled = "Xapian module installed";
+$ProgramsNeededToConvertFiles = "Programs needed to convert files";
+$YouAreUsingChamiloInAWindowsPlatformSadlyYouCantConvertDocumentsInOrderToSearchTheContentUsingThisTool = "You are using Chamilo in a Windows platform, sadly you can't convert documents in order to search the content using this tool";
+$HideCoursesInSessionsTitle = "Hide courses list in sessions";
+$HideCoursesInSessionsComment = "When showing the session block in your courses page, hide the list of courses inside that session (only show them inside the specific session screen).";
+$ShowGroupsToUsersTitle = "Show classes to users";
+$ShowGroupsToUsersComment = "Show the classes to users. Classes are a feature that allow you to register/unregister groups of users into a session or a course directly, reducing the administrative hassle. When you pick this option, learners will be able to see in which class they are through their social network interface.";
+$HomepageViewActivityBig = "Big activity view (Ipad style)";
+$EnableNanogongTitle = "Activate recorder - voice player Nanogong";
+$EnableNanogongComment = "Nanongong is a recorder - voice player that allows you to record your voice and send it to the platform or download it into your hard drive. It also lets you play what you recorded. The students only need a microphone and speakers, and accept the load applet when first loaded. It is very useful for language learners to hear his voice after listening the correct pronunciation proposed by teacher in another wav or mp3 voice file.";

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 930 - 930

+ 982 - 954

@@ -1,967 +1,995 @@
-for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
-$AdminBy = "Administrē";
-$AdministrationTools = "Administrēšana";
-$State = "Sistēmas status";
-$Statistiques = "Statistika";
-$VisioHostLocal = "Videokonferences uzturēšana";
-$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Vai videokonference protokols ir tīkla-balstīts (lielāko daļu laika maldīgs)";
-$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Rādīt saites, lai dotos atpakaļ mācību hierarhijā. Jebkurā gadījumā saite ir pieejama saraksta apakšā.";
-$langUsed = "aizņemts";
-$langPresent = "Darīts!";
-$langMissing = "trūkst";
-$langExist = "eksistē";
-$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Rādīt atgriezeniskās saites uz kursiem";
-$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Rādīt kursu skaitu";
-$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Pievienot lektora vārdu pie kursa nosaukuma";
-$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Kopējā kursu sarakstā, pievienot lektora vārdu pie kursa nosaukuma";
-$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Kopējā kursu sarakstā, pievienot kursa kodu pie pie kursa nosaukuma";
-$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = " Pievienot kursa kodu pie kursu virsraksta";
-$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "Šajā platformā nav neviena virtuālā kursa.";
-$ConfigureHomePage = "Galvenās lapas saturs un dizains";
-$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Aktīvie kursa satura veidošanas instrumenti";
-$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Kuri Kursa satura veidošanas instrumenti ir aktīvi (ir redzami Kursantiem), pēc noklusējuma, kad tiek izveidots jauns kurss<br>Lektoram, satura veidošanai, ir pieejami arī neaktīvie instrumenti.";
-$SearchUsers = "Meklēt lietotājus";
-$CreateUser = "Veidot lietotāju";
-$ModifyInformation = "Rediģēt informāciju";
-$ModifyUser = "Rediģēt lietotāju";
-$buttonEditUserField = "Rediģēt lietotāja anketu";
-$ModifyCoach = "Rediģēt asistentu";
-$ModifyThisSession = "Rediģēt šo sesiju";
-$ExportSession = "Sesijas(u) eksports";
-$ImportSession = "Sesijas(u) imports";
-$langCourseBackup = "Izveidot";
-$langCourseTitular = "Lektors";
-$langCourseTitle = "Kursa nosaukums";
-$langCourseFaculty = "Kategorija";
-$langCourseDepartment = "Kursu nodaļa";
-$langCourseDepartmentURL = "Nodaļas URL";
-$langCourseLanguage = "Kursa valoda";
-$langCourseAccess = "Piekļuve kursam";
-$langCourseSubscription = "Pieteikšanās kursam";
-$langPublicAccess = "Publiska pieeja visiem";
-$langPrivateAccess = "Privāta pieeja";
-$langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "Datubazes administrēšana ir atļauta tikai servera administratoram";
-$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Parādīt šajā kursā pierakstītos lietotājus";
-$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Parādīt klases šajā kursā";
-$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Parādīt grupas šajā kursā";
-$langPhone = "Telefons";
-$langPhoneNumber = "Telefona Nr.";
-$langActions = "Darbības";
-$langAddToCourse = "Pievienot kursam";
-$langDeleteFromPlatform = "Izdzēst no platformas";
-$langDeleteCourse = "Dzēst iezīmētos kursus";
-$langDeleteFromCourse = "Atreģistrēt no kursa(iem)";
-$langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Dzēst iezīmētās klases";
-$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Dzēst iezīmētās grupas";
-$langAdministrator = "Administrators";
-$langAddPicture = "Pievienot ģīmetni";
-$langChangePicture = "Mainīt profila attēlu";
-$langDeletePicture = "Dzēst ģīmetni";
-$langAddUsers = "Pievienot lietotājus";
-$langAddGroups = "Pievienot grupas";
-$langAddClasses = "Pievienot klases";
-$langExportUsers = "Eksportēt lietotāju sarakstu";
-$langKeyword = "Atslēgvārds";
-$langGroupName = "Grupas nosaukums";
-$langGroupTutor = "Grupas Lektors";
-$langGroupDescription = "Grupas apraksts";
-$langNumberOfParticipants = "dalībnieku skaits";
-$langNumberOfUsers = "lietotāju skaits";
-$langMaximum = "maksimums";
-$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Maksimālais dalībnieku skaits";
-$langParticipants = "dalībnieki";
-$langFirstLetterClass = "Pirmais burts (klases nosaukums)";
-$langFirstLetterUser = "Pirmais burts (uzvārds)";
-$langFirstLetterCourse = "Pirmais burts (kods)";
-$langModifyUserInfo = "Labot lietotāja datus";
-$langModifyClassInfo = "Labot klases datus";
-$langModifyGroupInfo = "Labot grupas datus";
-$langModifyCourseInfo = "Labot kursa datus";
-$langPleaseEnterClassName = "Lūdzu ievadiet klases nosaukumu!";
-$langPleaseEnterLastName = "Lūdzu ievadiet lietotāja uzvārdu !";
-$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Lūdzu ievadiet lietotāja vārdu !";
-$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Lūdzu ievadiet pareizu e-pasta adresi ! (ar maziem burtiem) !";
-$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Lūdzu ievadiet pareizu lietotājvārdu !";
-$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Lūdzu ievadiet kursa kodu !";
-$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Lūdzu, norādiet Lektora vārdu un uzvārdu !";
-$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Lūdzu ievadiet kursa nosaukumu !";
-$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Atļautie formāti ir JPG, PNG and GIF !";
-$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "Šis lietotājvārds jau eksistē ! Izvēlies citu.";
-$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Importēt lietotāju sarakstu no XML/CSV faila";
-$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Eksportēt lietotāju sarakstu uz XML/CSV failu.<br> Iespējamie formāti ir (<b>xls./scalc.</b>)";
-$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Tikai kursa lietotāji";
-$langAddClassesToACourse = "Pievienot kursā klases";
-$langAddUsersToACourse = "Pievienot kursā lietotājus";
-$langAddUsersToAClass = "Pievienot lietotājus klasei";
-$langAddUsersToAGroup = "Pievienot lietotājus grupai";
-$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "Jums jāiezīmā vismaz viena klase un viens kurss !";
-$AtLeastOneUser = "Jums jāiezīmē vismaz viens lietotājs !";
-$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "Jums jāiezīmē vismaz viens lietotājs un viens kurss";
-$langClassList = "Klases saraksts";
-$langUserList = "Lietotāju saraksts";
-$langCourseList = "Kursu saraksts";
-$langAddToThatCourse = "Pievienot šim/šiem kursam/iem";
-$langAddToClass = "Pievienot klasei";
-$langRemoveFromClass = "Atreģistrēt no klases";
-$langAddToGroup = "Pievienot grupai";
-$langRemoveFromGroup = "Atreģistrēt no grupas";
-$langUsersOutsideClass = "Lietotāji ārpus klases";
-$langUsersInsideClass = "Lietotāji klasē";
-$langUsersOutsideGroup = "Lietotāji ārpus grupas";
-$langUsersInsideGroup = "Lietotāji grupā";
-$langImportFileLocation = "CSV/XML faila lokācija datorā";
-$langFileType = "Faila tips";
-$langOutputFileType = "Exporta faila tips";
-$langMustUseSeparator = "jābūt ';' simbolam kā atdalītājam";
-$langCSVMustLookLike = "CSV ( xls, scalc formāts ) failam jāizskatās līdzīgi šim";
-$langXMLMustLookLike = "XML failam jāizskatās līdzīgi šim";
-$langMandatoryFields = "Laukiem <strong>treknā</strong> jābut obligāti";
-$langNotXML = "Dotais fails nav īsti XML formātā !";
-$langNotCSV = "Dotais fails nav īsti CSV formātā !";
-$langNoNeededData = "Dotais fails nesatur visus nepieciešamos datus !";
-$langMaxImportUsers = "Jūs nevarat importēt vairāk kā 500 lietotājus vienā reizē !";
-$langAdminDatabases = "Datubāzes (phpMyAdmin)";
-$langAdminUsers = "Lietotāji";
-$langAdminClasses = "Lietotāju klases";
-$langAdminGroups = "Lietotāju grupas";
-$langAdminCourses = "Kursi";
-$langAdminCategories = "Mācību priekšmetu kategorijas";
-$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Pievienot lietotājus vai grupas kursam";
-$langAddACategory = "Pievienot jaunu kursu nodaļu / kategoriju";
-$langInto = "iekš";
-$langNoCategories = "Šeit nav nevienas kursu nodaļas / kategorijas";
-$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Vai atļaut pievienot kursus šai nodaļai?";
-$langGoToForum = "Doties uz forumu";
-$langCategoryCode = "Nodaļas kods";
-$langCategoryName = "Nodaļas nosaukums";
-$langCategories = "nodaļas";
-$langEditNode = "Labot šo nodaļu";
-$langOpenNode = "Atvērt šo nodaļu";
-$langDeleteNode = "Dzēst šo nodaļu / kategoriju";
-$langAddChildNode = "Pievienot apakšnodaļu";
-$langViewChildren = "Rādīt apakšnodaļu";
-$langTreeRebuildedIn = "Koks pārtaisīts iekš";
-$langTreeRecountedIn = "Koks pārskaitīts iekš";
-$langRebuildTree = "Pārtaisīt koku";
-$langRefreshNbChildren = "Saskaitīt apakšnodaļas";
-$langShowTree = "Rādīt koku";
-$langBack = "Atgriezties iepriekšējā lapā";
-$langLogDeleteCat = "Nodaļa izdzēsta";
-$langRecountChildren = "Pārskaitīt nodaļas";
-$langUpInSameLevel = "Uz augšu šajā līmenī";
-$langSeconds = "sekundes";
-$langMailTo = "Rakstīt e-pastu :";
-$lang_no_access_here = "Nav vajadzīgo atļauju pieejai šeit";
-$lang_php_info = "Informācija par sistēmu";
-$langAddAdminInApache = "Pievienot administratoru";
-$langAddFaculties = "Pievienot nodaļas";
-$langSearchACourse = "Meklēt kursu";
-$langSearchAUser = "Meklēt lietotāju";
-$langTechnicalTools = "Tehniskie rīki";
-$langConfig = "Sistēmas konfigurācija";
-$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Pieteikšanos saraksts (paplašināts)";
-$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Lietotāju maksimums redzams ritinot sarakstu";
-$NoTimeLimits = "Bez laika ierobežojuma";
-$GeneralCoach = "Galvenais mācībspēks";
-$GeneralProperties = "Galvenās īpašības";
-$CourseCoach = "Kursa Lektors";
-$UsersNumber = "lietotāja nummurs";
-$DokeosClassic = "Chamilo classic";
-$PublicAdmin = "Publiskā administrācija";
-$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Lapa, ko redz, pēc pieteikšanās vidē";
-$PageAfterLoginComment = "Lapa, kas ir redzama Lietotājiem, pēc pieteikšanās - ielogošanās platformā";
-$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Chamilo tīkls";
-$TabsMyProfile = "Sadaļa Mans Profils";
-$GlobalRole = "Loma sistēmā (platformā)";
-$langNomOutilTodo = "Veicamo darbu saraksts (Todo)";
-$langNomPageAdmin = "Administrēšana";
-$langSysInfo = "Informācija par sistēmu";
-$langDiffTranslation = "Salīdzināt tulkojumus";
-$langStatOf = "Statistika par";
-$langSpeeSubscribe = "Ātrā piereģistrēšanās, kā Kursa Pārbaudītājs";
-$langLogIdentLogout = "Pieteikšanos (loginu) saraksts";
-$langServerStatus = "MySQL servera status";
-$langDataBase = "Datubāze";
-$langRun = "darbojas";
-$langClient = "MySql klients";
-$langServer = "MySQL serveris";
-$langtitulary = "Portāla pārvaldītājs";
-$langUpgradeBase = "Atjaununāt datubāzi (upgrade)";
-$langManage = "Administrēt portālu";
-$langErrorsFound = "atrastas kļūdas";
-$langMaintenance = "Kursa uzturēšana";
-$langUpgrade = "Atjaunināt Chamilo (upgrade)";
-$langWebsite = "Chamilo mājas lapa";
-$langDocumentation = "Dokumentācija";
-$langContribute = "Veicināt / atbalstīt";
-$langInfoServer = "Informācija par serveri";
-$langOtherCategory = "Cita nodaļa";
-$langSendMailToUsers = "Sūtīt e-pastu lietotājiem";
-$langExampleXMLFile = "XML faila piemērs";
-$langExampleCSVFile = "CSV faila piemērs";
-$langCourseSystemCode = "Sistēmas kursa kods";
-$langCourseVisualCode = "Kursa vizuālais kods";
-$langSystemCode = "Sistēmas kods";
-$langVisualCode = "vizuālais kods";
-$langAddCourse = "Izveidot kursu";
-$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Administrēt virtuālos kursus";
-$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Izveidot virtuālo kursu";
-$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "Virtuālais kurss lietos to pašu vietu uz servera diska (mapēm un datubāzēm) ko eksistējošais \'reālais\' kurss";
-$langRealCourseCode = "Reālā kursa kods";
-$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "Kurss tika veiksmīgi izveidots.";
-$langYourDokeosUses = "Jūsu Chamilo instalācija izmanto";
-$langOnTheHardDisk = "uz cietņa";
-$langIsVirtualCourse = "Ir virtuāls kurss";
-$langSystemAnnouncements = "Sistēmas paziņojumi";
-$langAddAnnouncement = "Ierakstīt jaunu paziņojumu";
-$langAnnouncementAdded = "Paziņojums tika pievienots";
-$langAnnouncementUpdated = "Paziņojums tika labots";
-$langAnnouncementDeleted = "Paziņojums tika izdzēsts";
-$langContent = "Saturs";
-$PermissionsForNewFiles = "Atļauja jauniem failiem";
+for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$AdminBy = "Administrē";
+$AdministrationTools = "Administrēšana";
+$State = "Sistēmas status";
+$Statistiques = "Statistika";
+$VisioHostLocal = "Videokonferences uzturēšana";
+$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "Vai videokonference protokols ir tīkla-balstīts (lielāko daļu laika maldīgs)";
+$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Rādīt saites, lai dotos atpakaļ mācību hierarhijā. Jebkurā gadījumā saite ir pieejama saraksta apakšā.";
+$langUsed = "aizņemts";
+$langPresent = "Darīts!";
+$langMissing = "trūkst";
+$langExist = "eksistē";
+$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Rādīt atgriezeniskās saites uz kursiem";
+$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Rādīt kursu skaitu";
+$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Pievienot lektora vārdu pie kursa nosaukuma";
+$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Kopējā kursu sarakstā, pievienot lektora vārdu pie kursa nosaukuma";
+$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Kopējā kursu sarakstā, pievienot kursa kodu pie pie kursa nosaukuma";
+$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = " Pievienot kursa kodu pie kursu virsraksta";
+$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "Šajā platformā nav neviena virtuālā kursa.";
+$ConfigureHomePage = "Galvenās lapas saturs un dizains";
+$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Aktīvie kursa satura veidošanas instrumenti";
+$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "Kuri Kursa satura veidošanas instrumenti ir aktīvi (ir redzami Kursantiem), pēc noklusējuma, kad tiek izveidots jauns kurss<br>Lektoram, satura veidošanai, ir pieejami arī neaktīvie instrumenti.";
+$SearchUsers = "Meklēt lietotājus";
+$CreateUser = "Veidot lietotāju";
+$ModifyInformation = "Rediģēt informāciju";
+$ModifyUser = "Rediģēt lietotāju";
+$buttonEditUserField = "Rediģēt lietotāja anketu";
+$ModifyCoach = "Rediģēt asistentu";
+$ModifyThisSession = "Rediģēt šo sesiju";
+$ExportSession = "Sesijas(u) eksports";
+$ImportSession = "Sesijas(u) imports";
+$langCourseBackup = "Izveidot";
+$langCourseTitular = "Lektors";
+$langCourseTitle = "Kursa nosaukums";
+$langCourseFaculty = "Kategorija";
+$langCourseDepartment = "Kursu nodaļa";
+$langCourseDepartmentURL = "Nodaļas URL";
+$langCourseLanguage = "Kursa valoda";
+$langCourseAccess = "Piekļuve kursam";
+$langCourseSubscription = "Pieteikšanās kursam";
+$langPublicAccess = "Publiska pieeja visiem";
+$langPrivateAccess = "Privāta pieeja";
+$langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "Datubazes administrēšana ir atļauta tikai servera administratoram";
+$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Parādīt šajā kursā pierakstītos lietotājus";
+$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Parādīt klases šajā kursā";
+$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Parādīt grupas šajā kursā";
+$langPhone = "Telefons";
+$langPhoneNumber = "Telefona Nr.";
+$langActions = "Darbības";
+$langAddToCourse = "Pievienot kursam";
+$langDeleteFromPlatform = "Izdzēst no platformas";
+$langDeleteCourse = "Dzēst iezīmētos kursus";
+$langDeleteFromCourse = "Atreģistrēt no kursa(iem)";
+$langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Dzēst iezīmētās klases";
+$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Dzēst iezīmētās grupas";
+$langAdministrator = "Administrators";
+$langAddPicture = "Pievienot ģīmetni";
+$langChangePicture = "Mainīt profila attēlu";
+$langDeletePicture = "Dzēst ģīmetni";
+$langAddUsers = "Pievienot lietotājus";
+$langAddGroups = "Pievienot grupas";
+$langAddClasses = "Pievienot klases";
+$langExportUsers = "Eksportēt lietotāju sarakstu";
+$langKeyword = "Atslēgvārds";
+$langGroupName = "Grupas nosaukums";
+$langGroupTutor = "Grupas Lektors";
+$langGroupDescription = "Grupas apraksts";
+$langNumberOfParticipants = "dalībnieku skaits";
+$langNumberOfUsers = "lietotāju skaits";
+$langMaximum = "maksimums";
+$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Maksimālais dalībnieku skaits";
+$langParticipants = "dalībnieki";
+$langFirstLetterClass = "Pirmais burts (klases nosaukums)";
+$langFirstLetterUser = "Pirmais burts (uzvārds)";
+$langFirstLetterCourse = "Pirmais burts (kods)";
+$langModifyUserInfo = "Labot lietotāja datus";
+$langModifyClassInfo = "Labot klases datus";
+$langModifyGroupInfo = "Labot grupas datus";
+$langModifyCourseInfo = "Labot kursa datus";
+$langPleaseEnterClassName = "Lūdzu ievadiet klases nosaukumu!";
+$langPleaseEnterLastName = "Lūdzu ievadiet lietotāja uzvārdu !";
+$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "Lūdzu ievadiet lietotāja vārdu !";
+$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "Lūdzu ievadiet pareizu e-pasta adresi ! (ar maziem burtiem) !";
+$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "Lūdzu ievadiet pareizu lietotājvārdu !";
+$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "Lūdzu ievadiet kursa kodu !";
+$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "Lūdzu, norādiet Lektora vārdu un uzvārdu !";
+$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "Lūdzu ievadiet kursa nosaukumu !";
+$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "Atļautie formāti ir JPG, PNG and GIF !";
+$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "Šis lietotājvārds jau eksistē ! Izvēlies citu.";
+$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Importēt lietotāju sarakstu no XML/CSV faila";
+$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Eksportēt lietotāju sarakstu uz XML/CSV failu.<br> Iespējamie formāti ir (<b>xls./scalc.</b>)";
+$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Tikai kursa lietotāji";
+$langAddClassesToACourse = "Pievienot kursā klases";
+$langAddUsersToACourse = "Pievienot kursā lietotājus";
+$langAddUsersToAClass = "Pievienot lietotājus klasei";
+$langAddUsersToAGroup = "Pievienot lietotājus grupai";
+$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "Jums jāiezīmā vismaz viena klase un viens kurss !";
+$AtLeastOneUser = "Jums jāiezīmē vismaz viens lietotājs !";
+$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "Jums jāiezīmē vismaz viens lietotājs un viens kurss";
+$langClassList = "Klases saraksts";
+$langUserList = "Lietotāju saraksts";
+$langCourseList = "Kursu saraksts";
+$langAddToThatCourse = "Pievienot šim/šiem kursam/iem";
+$langAddToClass = "Pievienot klasei";
+$langRemoveFromClass = "Atreģistrēt no klases";
+$langAddToGroup = "Pievienot grupai";
+$langRemoveFromGroup = "Atreģistrēt no grupas";
+$langUsersOutsideClass = "Lietotāji ārpus klases";
+$langUsersInsideClass = "Lietotāji klasē";
+$langUsersOutsideGroup = "Lietotāji ārpus grupas";
+$langUsersInsideGroup = "Lietotāji grupā";
+$langImportFileLocation = "CSV/XML faila lokācija datorā";
+$langFileType = "Faila tips";
+$langOutputFileType = "Exporta faila tips";
+$langMustUseSeparator = "jābūt ';' simbolam kā atdalītājam";
+$langCSVMustLookLike = "CSV ( xls, scalc formāts ) failam jāizskatās līdzīgi šim";
+$langXMLMustLookLike = "XML failam jāizskatās līdzīgi šim";
+$langMandatoryFields = "Laukiem <strong>treknā</strong> jābut obligāti";
+$langNotXML = "Dotais fails nav īsti XML formātā !";
+$langNotCSV = "Dotais fails nav īsti CSV formātā !";
+$langNoNeededData = "Dotais fails nesatur visus nepieciešamos datus !";
+$langMaxImportUsers = "Jūs nevarat importēt vairāk kā 500 lietotājus vienā reizē !";
+$langAdminDatabases = "Datubāzes (phpMyAdmin)";
+$langAdminUsers = "Lietotāji";
+$langAdminClasses = "Lietotāju klases";
+$langAdminGroups = "Lietotāju grupas";
+$langAdminCourses = "Kursi";
+$langAdminCategories = "Mācību priekšmetu kategorijas";
+$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Pievienot lietotājus vai grupas kursam";
+$langAddACategory = "Pievienot jaunu kursu nodaļu / kategoriju";
+$langInto = "iekš";
+$langNoCategories = "Šeit nav nevienas kursu nodaļas / kategorijas";
+$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Vai atļaut pievienot kursus šai nodaļai?";
+$langGoToForum = "Doties uz forumu";
+$langCategoryCode = "Nodaļas kods";
+$langCategoryName = "Nodaļas nosaukums";
+$langCategories = "nodaļas";
+$langEditNode = "Labot šo nodaļu";
+$langOpenNode = "Atvērt šo nodaļu";
+$langDeleteNode = "Dzēst šo nodaļu / kategoriju";
+$langAddChildNode = "Pievienot apakšnodaļu";
+$langViewChildren = "Rādīt apakšnodaļu";
+$langTreeRebuildedIn = "Koks pārtaisīts iekš";
+$langTreeRecountedIn = "Koks pārskaitīts iekš";
+$langRebuildTree = "Pārtaisīt koku";
+$langRefreshNbChildren = "Saskaitīt apakšnodaļas";
+$langShowTree = "Rādīt koku";
+$langBack = "Atgriezties iepriekšējā lapā";
+$langLogDeleteCat = "Nodaļa izdzēsta";
+$langRecountChildren = "Pārskaitīt nodaļas";
+$langUpInSameLevel = "Uz augšu šajā līmenī";
+$langSeconds = "sekundes";
+$langMailTo = "Rakstīt e-pastu :";
+$lang_no_access_here = "Nav vajadzīgo atļauju pieejai šeit";
+$lang_php_info = "Informācija par sistēmu";
+$langAddAdminInApache = "Pievienot administratoru";
+$langAddFaculties = "Pievienot nodaļas";
+$langSearchACourse = "Meklēt kursu";
+$langSearchAUser = "Meklēt lietotāju";
+$langTechnicalTools = "Tehniskie rīki";
+$langConfig = "Sistēmas konfigurācija";
+$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Pieteikšanos saraksts (paplašināts)";
+$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Lietotāju maksimums redzams ritinot sarakstu";
+$NoTimeLimits = "Bez laika ierobežojuma";
+$GeneralCoach = "Galvenais mācībspēks";
+$GeneralProperties = "Galvenās īpašības";
+$CourseCoach = "Kursa Lektors";
+$UsersNumber = "lietotāja nummurs";
+$DokeosClassic = "Chamilo classic";
+$PublicAdmin = "Publiskā administrācija";
+$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Lapa, ko redz, pēc pieteikšanās vidē";
+$PageAfterLoginComment = "Lapa, kas ir redzama Lietotājiem, pēc pieteikšanās - ielogošanās platformā";
+$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Chamilo tīkls";
+$TabsMyProfile = "Sadaļa Mans Profils";
+$GlobalRole = "Loma sistēmā (platformā)";
+$langNomOutilTodo = "Veicamo darbu saraksts (Todo)";
+$langNomPageAdmin = "Administrēšana";
+$langSysInfo = "Informācija par sistēmu";
+$langDiffTranslation = "Salīdzināt tulkojumus";
+$langStatOf = "Statistika par";
+$langSpeeSubscribe = "Ātrā piereģistrēšanās, kā Kursa Pārbaudītājs";
+$langLogIdentLogout = "Pieteikšanos (loginu) saraksts";
+$langServerStatus = "MySQL servera status";
+$langDataBase = "Datubāze";
+$langRun = "darbojas";
+$langClient = "MySql klients";
+$langServer = "MySQL serveris";
+$langtitulary = "Portāla pārvaldītājs";
+$langUpgradeBase = "Atjaununāt datubāzi (upgrade)";
+$langManage = "Administrēt portālu";
+$langErrorsFound = "atrastas kļūdas";
+$langMaintenance = "Kursa uzturēšana";
+$langUpgrade = "Atjaunināt Chamilo (upgrade)";
+$langWebsite = "Chamilo mājas lapa";
+$langDocumentation = "Dokumentācija";
+$langContribute = "Veicināt / atbalstīt";
+$langInfoServer = "Informācija par serveri";
+$langOtherCategory = "Cita nodaļa";
+$langSendMailToUsers = "Sūtīt e-pastu lietotājiem";
+$langExampleXMLFile = "XML faila piemērs";
+$langExampleCSVFile = "CSV faila piemērs";
+$langCourseSystemCode = "Sistēmas kursa kods";
+$langCourseVisualCode = "Kursa vizuālais kods";
+$langSystemCode = "Sistēmas kods";
+$langVisualCode = "vizuālais kods";
+$langAddCourse = "Izveidot kursu";
+$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Administrēt virtuālos kursus";
+$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Izveidot virtuālo kursu";
+$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "Virtuālais kurss lietos to pašu vietu uz servera diska (mapēm un datubāzēm) ko eksistējošais \'reālais\' kurss";
+$langRealCourseCode = "Reālā kursa kods";
+$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "Kurss tika veiksmīgi izveidots.";
+$langYourDokeosUses = "Jūsu Chamilo instalācija izmanto";
+$langOnTheHardDisk = "uz cietņa";
+$langIsVirtualCourse = "Ir virtuāls kurss";
+$langSystemAnnouncements = "Sistēmas paziņojumi";
+$langAddAnnouncement = "Ierakstīt jaunu paziņojumu";
+$langAnnouncementAdded = "Paziņojums tika pievienots";
+$langAnnouncementUpdated = "Paziņojums tika labots";
+$langAnnouncementDeleted = "Paziņojums tika izdzēsts";
+$langContent = "Saturs";
+$PermissionsForNewFiles = "Atļauja jauniem failiem";
 $PermissionsForNewFilesComment = "Spēja definēt atļaujas iestatījumus, katram jaunizveidotam failam, ļauj uzlabot drošību pret uzbrukumiem ar hakeriem, augšupielādējot bīstamu saturu uz jūsu portālā. <br>Noklusējuma iestatījums (0550) būtu pietiekams, lai dotu savam serverim saprātīgu aizsardzības līmeni. 
 Esošais formāts izmanto UNIX terminoloģiju Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute atļaujas. 
-<br>Ja jūs izmantojat Oogie, parūpējaties, lai tie Lietotāji, kuri lietos OpenOffice, var ierakstīt failus Kursa mapē.";
-$langStudent = "Kursants";
-$Guest = "Viesis";
-$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Pieteikties kā";
-$langLoginAsThisUser = "Pieteikties";
-$SelectPicture = "Atlasīt attēlu";
-$DontResetPassword = "Nemainīt paroli";
-$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Līdzdalība attīstībā";
-$langCourseAdmin = "kursa administrators";
-$langOtherCourses = "citi kursi";
-$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Platformas Valoda";
-$ServerStatusComment = "Kāda veida serveris ir šis? Šis ieslēgs un izslēgs dažas specifiskas opcijas. Uz izstrādātāju servera ir tulkošanas funkcija, kas parādīs neiztulkotās rindiņas.";
-$ServerStatusTitle = "Servera tips";
-$PlatformLanguages = "Chamilo platformas valoda";
-$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "Šis instruments ļauj administrēt valodu izvēlni pieteikšanās (login) lapā. <br>Kā platformas administrators, Jūs nosakiet, kuras valodas būs pieejamas Lietotājiem.";
-$OriginalName = "Vārds (dzimtajā rakstā)";
-$EnglishName = "Vārds (Angļu rakstā)";
-$DokeosFolder = "Chamilo mape";
-$Properties = "Iestādījumi";
-$DokeosConfigSettings = "Chamilo konfigurācijas iestādījumi";
-$SettingsStored = "Iestādījumi tika saglabāti";
-$InstitutionTitle = "Mācību iestādes / organizācijas nosaukums";
-$InstitutionComment = "Mācību iestādes / organizācijas nosaukums (parādīsies augšā pa labi)";
-$InstitutionUrlTitle = "Mācību iestādes / organizācijas URL";
-$InstitutionUrlComment = "Mācību iestādes / organizācijas URL (saite parādīsies augšā pa labi)";
-$SiteNameTitle = "E - macību vides nosaukums";
-$SiteNameComment = "E - macību vides nosaukums (parādīsies augšā)";
-$emailAdministratorTitle = "Platformas administrators: e-pasts";
-$emailAdministratorComment = "Platformas administratora e-pasts (būs redzams apakšā pa kreisi)";
-$administratorSurnameTitle = "Platformas administrators: Uzvārds";
-$administratorSurnameComment = "Platformas administratora uzvārds (būs redzams apakšā pa kreisi)";
-$administratorNameTitle = "Platformas Administrators: Vārds";
-$administratorNameComment = "Platformas administratora vārds (būs redzams apakšā ka kreisi)";
-$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Platformas Adminisatratora Informācija lapu apak";
-$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "Vai rādīt informāciju par Platformas administratoru lapas apakšā?";
-$HomepageViewTitle = "Kursa mājas lapas izskats";
-$HomepageViewComment = "Kā jūs vēlaties, lai izskatās kursa mājas lapa?";
-$HomepageViewDefault = "Izkārtojums divās kolonās. Neaktīvie instrumenti neredzami.";
-$HomepageViewFixed = "Izkārtojums trijās kolonās. Neaktīvās lietas ir pelēkas (Ikonas paliek savās vietās)";
-$Yes = "Jā";
-$No = "Nē";
-$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Satura vadības instrumentu saīsne (shortcuts)";
-$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "Rādīt Satura vadības instrumentu saīsnes bannerī? <br>[Ļauj pa tiešo pārvietoties starp dažādiem satura instrumentiem kursā]";
-$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Kursanta skats";
+<br>Ja jūs izmantojat Oogie, parūpējaties, lai tie Lietotāji, kuri lietos OpenOffice, var ierakstīt failus Kursa mapē.";
+$langStudent = "Kursants";
+$Guest = "Viesis";
+$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Pieteikties kā";
+$langLoginAsThisUser = "Pieteikties";
+$SelectPicture = "Atlasīt attēlu";
+$DontResetPassword = "Nemainīt paroli";
+$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Līdzdalība attīstībā";
+$langCourseAdmin = "kursa administrators";
+$langOtherCourses = "citi kursi";
+$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Platformas Valoda";
+$ServerStatusComment = "Kāda veida serveris ir šis? Šis ieslēgs un izslēgs dažas specifiskas opcijas. Uz izstrādātāju servera ir tulkošanas funkcija, kas parādīs neiztulkotās rindiņas.";
+$ServerStatusTitle = "Servera tips";
+$PlatformLanguages = "Chamilo platformas valoda";
+$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "Šis instruments ļauj administrēt valodu izvēlni pieteikšanās (login) lapā. <br>Kā platformas administrators, Jūs nosakiet, kuras valodas būs pieejamas Lietotājiem.";
+$OriginalName = "Vārds (dzimtajā rakstā)";
+$EnglishName = "Vārds (Angļu rakstā)";
+$DokeosFolder = "Chamilo mape";
+$Properties = "Iestādījumi";
+$DokeosConfigSettings = "Chamilo konfigurācijas iestādījumi";
+$SettingsStored = "Iestādījumi tika saglabāti";
+$InstitutionTitle = "Mācību iestādes / organizācijas nosaukums";
+$InstitutionComment = "Mācību iestādes / organizācijas nosaukums (parādīsies augšā pa labi)";
+$InstitutionUrlTitle = "Mācību iestādes / organizācijas URL";
+$InstitutionUrlComment = "Mācību iestādes / organizācijas URL (saite parādīsies augšā pa labi)";
+$SiteNameTitle = "E - macību vides nosaukums";
+$SiteNameComment = "E - macību vides nosaukums (parādīsies augšā)";
+$emailAdministratorTitle = "Platformas administrators: e-pasts";
+$emailAdministratorComment = "Platformas administratora e-pasts (būs redzams apakšā pa kreisi)";
+$administratorSurnameTitle = "Platformas administrators: Uzvārds";
+$administratorSurnameComment = "Platformas administratora uzvārds (būs redzams apakšā pa kreisi)";
+$administratorNameTitle = "Platformas Administrators: Vārds";
+$administratorNameComment = "Platformas administratora vārds (būs redzams apakšā ka kreisi)";
+$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Platformas Adminisatratora Informācija lapu apak";
+$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "Vai rādīt informāciju par Platformas administratoru lapas apakšā?";
+$HomepageViewTitle = "Kursa mājas lapas izskats";
+$HomepageViewComment = "Kā jūs vēlaties, lai izskatās kursa mājas lapa?";
+$HomepageViewDefault = "Izkārtojums divās kolonās. Neaktīvie instrumenti neredzami.";
+$HomepageViewFixed = "Izkārtojums trijās kolonās. Neaktīvās lietas ir pelēkas (Ikonas paliek savās vietās)";
+$Yes = "Jā";
+$No = "Nē";
+$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Satura vadības instrumentu saīsne (shortcuts)";
+$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "Rādīt Satura vadības instrumentu saīsnes bannerī? <br>[Ļauj pa tiešo pārvietoties starp dažādiem satura instrumentiem kursā]";
+$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Kursanta skats";
 $ShowStudentViewComment = "Aktivizēt Kursanta skatu? 
-<br>[ Šāda iespēja ļauj Lektoram, mācību satura izstrādes laikā, redzēt kursu tā, kā to redzēs students.]";
-$AllowGroupCategories = "Atļaut veidot Grupu nodaļas";
-$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Atļaut kursu administratoriem veidot nodaļas grupu modulī?";
-$PlatformLanguageComment = "Tu vari noteikt platformas valodu citā platformas administrēšanas vietā, arī šeit : <a href=\"languages.php\">Chamilo Platformas Valodas</a>";
-$ProductionServer = "Darba serveris";
-$TestServer = "Testa Serveris";
-$ShowOnlineTitle = "Kuri Lietotāji ir tiešsaistē?";
-$AsPlatformLanguage = "kā platformas valoda";
-$ShowOnlineComment = "Rādīt personu skaitu, cik ir tiešsaistē?";
-$AllowNameChangeTitle = "Atļaut mainīt Lietotājiem viņu Lietotājvārdus ?";
-$AllowNameChangeComment = "Vai atļaut lietotājiem mainīt viņu vārdu un uzvārdu?";
-$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Dokumentu instrumenta apjoma kvota (vieta uz cietā diska) pēc noklusējuma";
-$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "Kāda pēc noklusējuma ir Dokumentu instrumenta kvota?<br> Vēlāk, pēc Kursa izveides,  Jūs <b>varēsiet mainīt</b> šo lielumu <b>katram kursam atsevišķi</b>, dodoties uz sadaļu: Platformas administrēšana > Kursu saraksts > Labot [zīmulīša attēls)";
-$ProfileChangesTitle = "Mani dati";
-$ProfileChangesComment = "Kuri dati no lietotāju datiem var tikt mainīti?";
-$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Reģistrācija: obligātie lauciņi";
-$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "Atzīmējiet lauciņus, kuri reģistrējoties ir jāaizpilda obligāti.";
-$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "Grupas kvota pēc noklusējuma";
-$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "Cik liela ir grupas dokumentu rīku kvota pēc noklusējuma?";
-$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Aizmirsusies parole";
-$AllowLostPasswordComment = "Vai atļaut lietotājiem pieprasīt aizmirstās paroles?";
-$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Reģistrācija platformā.<br><b>Jā</b> - nozīmē, ka reģistrācija ir brīvi pieejama mācību vides galvenajā lapā. Pēc reģistrācijas var pieteikties pieejamajos Kursos <br><b>Nē</b> - mācību vides galvenajā lapā reģistrācijas uzraksts vispār nav redzams<br><b>Pēc apstiprināšanas</b> - pieeja kursiem iespējama tikai pēc administrācijas apstiprinājuma ( tas notiek manuāli katra Lietotāja kontā)";
-$AllowRegistrationComment = "Vai atļaut jaunu lietotāju reģistrāciju? Vai lietotāji drīkst veidot jaunus kontus?";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Reģistrēties, kā Lektoram";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Vai drīkst reģistrēties, kā Lektors (tāds, kas var veidot kursus)?";
-$PlatformLanguage = "Platformas valoda";
-$Tuning = "Ātrdarbības uzlabošana";
-$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users' upload directory";
-$SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "On high-load portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Changing this option will enable a one-level splitting of the directories in the upload directory. 9 directories will be used in the base directory and all subsequent users' directories will be stored into one of these 9 directories. The change of this option will not affect the directories structure on disk, but will affect the behaviour of the Chamilo code, so if you change this option, you have to create the new directories and move the existing directories by yourself on te server. Be aware that when creating and moving those directories, you will have to move the directories of users 1 to 9 into subdirectories of the same name. If you are not sure about this option, it is best not to activate it.";
-$CourseQuota = "Kursa Kvota <br>( Kursam atvēlētais apjoms uz kopējā cietā diska)";
-$EditNotice = "Veidot / Labot galvenās lapas informatīvo tekstu";
-$General = "galvenais";
-$LostPassword = "Aizmirsusies parole?";
-$Registration = "Reģistrācija";
-$Password = "Parole";
-$InsertLink = "Pievienot vietni (saiti)";
-$EditNews = "Labot Ziņas";
-$EditCategories = "Labot nodaļas / kategorijas";
-$EditHomePage = "Veidot / rediģēt portāla mājas lapas saturu";
-$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Vai atļaut kursu administratoriem definēt lietotāju galvenes, lai varētu saņemt papildus informāciju par Lietotājiem?";
-$Platform = "Platforma";
-$Course = "Kurss";
-$Languages = "Platformā lietotās Valodas";
-$Privacy = "Privāttiesības";
-$NoticeTitle = "Piezīmes virsraksts";
-$NoticeText = "Piezīmes teksts";
-$LinkName = "Vietnes (saites) teksts";
-$LinkURL = "Vietnes (saites) URL / tīmekļa adrese";
-$OpenInNewWindow = "Atvērt jaunā logā";
-$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "Ekrāni ļauj pievienot Lietotājus kursiem un arī klasēm. Ja saraksts ir garāks par Lietotāju skaitu un nav speciāli filtrēts, tad pēc noklusējuma saraksts sākas ar burtu A";
-$Plugins = "Paplašinājumi / Spraudņi";
-$HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Paslēpt iezīmi [=...=] , ja valodas mainīgais nav iztulkots";
-$Info = "informācija";
-$UserAdded = "Lietotājs tika pievienots";
-$NoSearchResults = "Nekas netika atrasts";
-$UserDeleted = "Lietotājs tika izdzēsts";
-$NoClassesForThisCourse = "Nav nevienas klases, kas būtu reģistrētas šajā kursā";
-$CourseUsage = "Kursu lietošana";
-$NoCoursesForThisUser = "Šis lietotājs nav reģistrējies šajā kursā";
-$NoClassesForThisUser = "Šis lietotājs nav reģistrējies šajā klasē";
-$NoCoursesForThisClass = "Šī klase nav pievienota šim kursam";
-$langOpenToTheWorld = "Brīva pieeja - iespējama no jebkuras vietas pasaulē!";
-$OpenToThePlatform = "Atvērta - pieeja atļauta visiem sistēmā reģistrētajiem lietotājiem";
-$langPrivate = "Privāta pieeja (saite pieejama lietotājiem no īpaša saraksta)";
-$langCourseVisibilityClosed = "Pilnīgi privāti; kurss ir pieejams tikai kursa administratoriem";
-$langSubscription = "Reģistrēšanās";
-$langUnsubscription = "Atteikšanās";
-$CourseAccessConfigTip = "Pēc noklusējuma Jūsu kurss ir publiski pieejams visiem, bet Jūs varat definēt augstāku konfidencialitātes līmeni.";
-$Tool = "Instruments";
-$NumberOfItems = "lietu skaits";
-$DocumentsAndFolders = "Dokumenti un mapes";
-$Learnpath = "Tēmas nosaukums";
-$Exercises = "Uzdevumi";
-$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Mans Plānotājs";
-$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "Vai Lietotājs drīkst ierakstīt personīgos ierakstus <b>\"Kursa notikumu plānotājā\"</b>";
-$CurrentValue = "patreizējais stāvoklis";
-$CourseDescription = "Kursa apraksts";
-$OnlineConference = "Tiešsaistes konference";
-$Chat = "Tērzēšana";
-$Quiz = "Testi";
-$Announcements = "Paziņojumi kursa lietotājiem";
-$Links = "Vietnes";
-$LearningPath = "Mācību gaita";
-$Documents = "Dokumenti";
-$UserPicture = "Attēls";
-$officialcode = "Kursanata kods";
-$Login = "Lietotājvārds";
-$UserPassword = "Parole";
-$SubscriptionAllowed = "Reģistrēšanās kursā ir atļauta";
-$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "Atteikšanās no kursa nav atļauta";
-$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Atļauta";
-$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Aizliegta";
-$AddDummyContentToCourse = "Ierakstīt kādus piemēru tekstus šajā kursā";
-$DummyCourseCreator = "Izveidot testa kursu ar piemēriem";
-$DummyCourseDescription = "Šis iestatījums, šai kursa saturā ievietos piemērus, kas vēlāk jāaizvieto ar īstiem. Tas ir tikai, kā testa pielietojums.";
-$AvailablePlugins = "Šie ir papildus instalētie sistēmas moduļi. Iespējams piemeklēt papildus moduļus <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins\">http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins</a>";
-$CreateVirtualCourse = "Izveidot virtuālo kursu";
-$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Parādīt virtuālo kursu sarakstu";
-$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Sasaistīts ar reālā kursa kodu";
-$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Virtulālā kursa veidošana...";
-$WantedCourseCode = "Vajadzīgs kursa kods";
-$ResetPassword = "Izdomāt jaunu paroli";
-$CheckToSendNewPassword = "Pārbaudīt jaunas paroles nosūtīšanu";
-$AutoGeneratePassword = "Ģenerēt jaunu paroli automātiski";
-$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Veidojot virsrakstu, izmantot dokumenta nosaukumu";
-$UseDocumentTitleComment = "Šis ļaus izmantot virsrakstu dokumenta nosaukumam, nevis dokumenta_vards.ext";
-$StudentPublications = "Referāti / Mājas darbi";
-$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Pavisam izdzēstie faili nevar tikt atjaunoti";
-$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Izdzēšot failu no instrumenta <b>Dokumenti</b>, Jūs to izdzēsīsiet pavisam. <br><b>Atjaunot to vairs nevarēs !</b>.";
-$ClassName = "Klases nosaukums";
-$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Maksimālais faila izmērs";
-$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "Cik liels (baitos) var būt lielākais fails, failu apmaiņas vietā?";
-$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Vai dokumenti var tikt pārrakstīti ?";
-$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "Vai oriģinālais dokuments var tikt pārrakstīts, ko kursants vai Lektors augšupielādējis, ja dokumentu nosaukums sakrīt? <br>Ja atbildēsiet \'jā\' tad nevarēsiet izmantot dokumentu versiju mehānismu.";
-$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Augšupielādēt failu  \"Failu apmaiņas vietas\" savā personīgajā sadaļā (nedaloties ar citiem)?";
-$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Atļaut Lektoriem un kursantiem augšupielādēt dokumentus viņu pašu apmaiņas kastēs, nesūtot tos kādam citam.<br>Tas nozīmē = <b>atļaut sūtīt dokumentus sev pašiem</b>";
-$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Kursants <-> Kursants";
-$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Atļaut kursantiem sūtīt dokumentus savā starpā (peer 2 peer, P2P) Kursanti varēs izmantot šo vietni mazāk svarīgu dokumentu, anketu, risinājumu, sūtīšanai. <br>Ja Jūs to neatļaujat, tad kursanti varēs sūtīt dokumentus tikai Lektoriem.";
-$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Atļauta sūtīšana";
-$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "Ar sūtīšanas funkcijas palīdzību, Jūs varat sūtīt katram Kursantam personīgu dokumentu.";
-$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Atļaujas jauniem katalogiem / mapēm";
-$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "Spēja definēt atļaujas iestatījumus, katram jaunizveidotam failam, ļauj uzlabot drošību pret uzbrukumiem ar hakeriem, augšupielādējot bīstamu saturu uz jūsu portālā.<br>Noklusējuma iestatījums (0770) būtu pietiekams, lai dotu savam serverim saprātīgu aizsardzības līmeni. Esošais formāts izmanto UNIX terminoloģiju Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute atļaujas.";
-$UserListHasBeenExported = "Lietotāju saraksts tika exportēts";
-$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Klikšķini šeit, lai lejupielādētu failu";
-$administratorTelephoneTitle = "Platformas administrators: Tālrunis";
-$administratorTelephoneComment = "Platformas administratora tālruņa numurs";
-$SendMailToNewUser = "Sūtīt e-pastu jaunam lietotājam";
-$ExtendedProfileTitle = "Izvērstie lietotāja dati";
-$ExtendedProfileComment = "Ja šis ir ieslēgts, Lietotāji var aizpildīt papildus datus par sevi: Sadaļās: Mani sertifikāti / Mani diplomi / Ko es varu papildus darīt ... un  Personīgie sasniegumi.";
-$Classes = "Klases";
-$UserUnsubscribed = "Lietotājs ir izdzēsts no sistēmas";
-$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "Šis Lietotājs nevar attiekties no kursa, jo viņš ir viens no kursa administratoriem - Lektoriem.";
-$InvalidStartDate = "Ir iestatīts nepareizs sākuma datums.";
-$InvalidEndDate = "Ir iestatīts nepareizs beigu datums";
-$DateFormatLabel = "(diena/mēn/gads st:min)";
-$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "Mājas lapas faili nav ar rakstīšanas tiesībām!";
-$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Lūdzu rakstiet piezīmes tekstu";
-$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Lūdzu rakstiet piezīmes virsrakstu";
-$PleaseEnterLinkName = "Lūdzu rakstiet vietnes (saites) nosaukumu";
-$InsertThisLink = "Ievietot šo vietni (saiti)";
-$FirstPlace = "Pirmajā vietā";
-$After = "pēc";
-$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: grupa atļauta";
-$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Lietotāji var sūtīt failus grupām";
-$ClassDeleted = "Klase tika izdzēsta";
-$ClassesDeleted = "Klases tika izdzēstas";
-$NoUsersInClass = "Klasē nav neviena lietotāja";
-$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "Iezīmētie lietotāji tika piereģistrēti atzīmētajos kursos";
-$InvalidTitle = "Lūdzu ierakstiet virsrakstu";
-$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "Šī nodaļa jau tiek izmantota";
-$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Lūdzu ievadiet nodaļas kodu un nosaukumu";
-$DokeosHomepage = "Chamilo mājaslapa";
-$DokeosForum = "Chamilo forums";
-$RegisterYourPortal = "Piereģistrējiet savu portālu";
-$DokeosExtensions = "Chamilo paplašinājumi";
-$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Rādīt kursa navigācijas izvēlni";
-$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Rādīt navigācijas izvēlni, kas ļauj vieglāk pārvietoties no vienas kursa sadaļas uz otru.";
-$LoginAs = "Pieteikties kā cits lietotājs";
-$ImportClassListCSV = "Importēt klases sarakstu ar CSV palīdzību";
-$ShowOnlineWorld = "Parādīt online lietotāju skaitu platformas autorizācijas lapā <br>(redzams visiem platformas apmeklētājiem <b>no visas pasaules</b>)";
-$ShowOnlineUsers = "Parādīt online lietotāju skaitu visās platformas lapās (redzams apmeklētājiem, kas autorizējušies)";
-$ShowOnlineCourse = "Parādīt online lietotāju skaitu šajā kursā";
-$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Vai navigācijas izvēlnē rādīt ikonas?<br>(Ikonas - pieejamo kursa instrumentu raksturojošie attēli. Parādās augšā kreisā pusē)";
-$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Skatīt visus darbības veidus un pielietojuma vietas konkrētam pieejas nosacījumam";
-$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Skatīt visus darbības veidus un pieejas nosacījumus konkrētai pielietojuma vietai";
-$ClassesUnsubscribed = "Izvēlētās klases tika atreģistrētas no izvēlētajiem kursiem";
-$ClassesSubscribed = "Izvēlētās klases tika piereģistrētas izvēlētajiem kursiem";
-$RoleId = "Darbības veida ID";
-$RoleName = "Darbības veida nosaukums";
-$RoleType = "Veids";
-$RightValueModified = "Vērtība tika izmainīta.";
-$MakeAvailable = "Padarīt pieejamu";
-$MakeUnavailable = "Padarīt nepieejamu";
-$Stylesheets = "Lapas noformējums (CSS)";
-$DefaultDokeosStyle = "Klasiskais / noklusētais Chamilo stils";
-$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "Vai navigācijas izvēlnei būtu jārāda savādākas rīku ikonas?";
-$Plugin = "Spraudnis";
-$MainMenu = "Galvenā izvēlne";
-$MainMenuLogged = "Galvenā izvēlne pēc autorizēšanās";
-$Banner = "Baneris";
-$ImageResizeTitle = "Izmainīt lietotāja augšupielādēto attēlu izmērus";
-$ImageResizeComment = "Lietotāja attēlu izmēri var tikt mainīti augšupielādējot, ja PHP ir savienots ar <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\" target=\"_blank\">GD bibliotēku</a>. Ja GD nav pieejams, tad šis iestatījums tiks  ignorēts.";
-$MaxImageWidthTitle = "Maksimālais lietotāja attēla platums";
-$MaxImageWidthComment = "Lietotāja portreta maksimālais platums pikseļos. <br>Šis uzstādījums attiecas tikai tad, ja lietotāja attēla izmēri ir jāmaina to augšupielādējot.";
-$MaxImageHeightTitle = "Maksimālais lietotāja attēla augstums";
-$MaxImageHeightComment = "Lietotāja portreta maksimālais augstums pikseļos. <br>Šis uzstādījums attiecas tikai tad, ja lietotāja attēla izmēri ir jāmaina to augšupielādējot.";
-$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Jūsu versija nav atjaunināta";
-$YourVersionIs = "Jūsu versija ir";
-$PleaseVisitDokeos = "Lūdzu apmeklējiet Chamilo mājas lapu";
-$VersionUpToDate = "Jūsu versija ir atjaunināta";
-$ConnectSocketError = "Tīkla pieslēguma kļūda";
-$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Tīkla pieslēgums ir atjaunots";
-$ShowEmailAddresses = "Rādīt epasta adreses";
-$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Rādīt e-pasta adreses lietotājiem";
-$LatestVersionIs = "Pēdējā versija ir";
-$langConfigureExtensions = "Chamilo PRO";
-$langActiveExtensions = "Aktivizēt šo servisu";
-$langVisioconf = "Chamilo LIVE";
-$langVisioconfDescription = "Chamilo LIVE ir videokonferenču rīks, kas piedāvā: prezentāciju slaidu apmaiņu, tāfele ar iespēju zīmēt un rakstīt virsū slaidiem, audio / video duplekss un tērzēšana. Tā nodrošināšanai ir nepieciešams vismaz Flash Player 9 vai augstāks. Instruments piedāvā 2 veidu konferences iespējas: viens daudziem, un daudzi daudziem.";
-$langPpt2lp = "Chamilo RAPID";
+<br>[ Šāda iespēja ļauj Lektoram, mācību satura izstrādes laikā, redzēt kursu tā, kā to redzēs students.]";
+$AllowGroupCategories = "Atļaut veidot Grupu nodaļas";
+$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Atļaut kursu administratoriem veidot nodaļas grupu modulī?";
+$PlatformLanguageComment = "Tu vari noteikt platformas valodu citā platformas administrēšanas vietā, arī šeit : <a href=\"languages.php\">Chamilo Platformas Valodas</a>";
+$ProductionServer = "Darba serveris";
+$TestServer = "Testa Serveris";
+$ShowOnlineTitle = "Kuri Lietotāji ir tiešsaistē?";
+$AsPlatformLanguage = "kā platformas valoda";
+$ShowOnlineComment = "Rādīt personu skaitu, cik ir tiešsaistē?";
+$AllowNameChangeTitle = "Atļaut mainīt Lietotājiem viņu Lietotājvārdus ?";
+$AllowNameChangeComment = "Vai atļaut lietotājiem mainīt viņu vārdu un uzvārdu?";
+$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Dokumentu instrumenta apjoma kvota (vieta uz cietā diska) pēc noklusējuma";
+$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "Kāda pēc noklusējuma ir Dokumentu instrumenta kvota?<br> Vēlāk, pēc Kursa izveides,  Jūs <b>varēsiet mainīt</b> šo lielumu <b>katram kursam atsevišķi</b>, dodoties uz sadaļu: Platformas administrēšana > Kursu saraksts > Labot [zīmulīša attēls)";
+$ProfileChangesTitle = "Mani dati";
+$ProfileChangesComment = "Kuri dati no lietotāju datiem var tikt mainīti?";
+$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Reģistrācija: obligātie lauciņi";
+$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "Atzīmējiet lauciņus, kuri reģistrējoties ir jāaizpilda obligāti.";
+$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "Grupas kvota pēc noklusējuma";
+$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "Cik liela ir grupas dokumentu rīku kvota pēc noklusējuma?";
+$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Aizmirsusies parole";
+$AllowLostPasswordComment = "Vai atļaut lietotājiem pieprasīt aizmirstās paroles?";
+$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Reģistrācija platformā.<br><b>Jā</b> - nozīmē, ka reģistrācija ir brīvi pieejama mācību vides galvenajā lapā. Pēc reģistrācijas var pieteikties pieejamajos Kursos <br><b>Nē</b> - mācību vides galvenajā lapā reģistrācijas uzraksts vispār nav redzams<br><b>Pēc apstiprināšanas</b> - pieeja kursiem iespējama tikai pēc administrācijas apstiprinājuma ( tas notiek manuāli katra Lietotāja kontā)";
+$AllowRegistrationComment = "Vai atļaut jaunu lietotāju reģistrāciju? Vai lietotāji drīkst veidot jaunus kontus?";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Reģistrēties, kā Lektoram";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "Vai drīkst reģistrēties, kā Lektors (tāds, kas var veidot kursus)?";
+$PlatformLanguage = "Platformas valoda";
+$Tuning = "Ātrdarbības uzlabošana";
+$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Split users' upload directory";
+$SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "On high-load portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Changing this option will enable a one-level splitting of the directories in the upload directory. 9 directories will be used in the base directory and all subsequent users' directories will be stored into one of these 9 directories. The change of this option will not affect the directories structure on disk, but will affect the behaviour of the Chamilo code, so if you change this option, you have to create the new directories and move the existing directories by yourself on te server. Be aware that when creating and moving those directories, you will have to move the directories of users 1 to 9 into subdirectories of the same name. If you are not sure about this option, it is best not to activate it.";
+$CourseQuota = "Kursa Kvota <br>( Kursam atvēlētais apjoms uz kopējā cietā diska)";
+$EditNotice = "Veidot / Labot galvenās lapas informatīvo tekstu";
+$General = "galvenais";
+$LostPassword = "Aizmirsusies parole?";
+$Registration = "Reģistrācija";
+$Password = "Parole";
+$InsertLink = "Pievienot vietni (saiti)";
+$EditNews = "Labot Ziņas";
+$EditCategories = "Labot nodaļas / kategorijas";
+$EditHomePage = "Veidot / rediģēt portāla mājas lapas saturu";
+$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Vai atļaut kursu administratoriem definēt lietotāju galvenes, lai varētu saņemt papildus informāciju par Lietotājiem?";
+$Platform = "Platforma";
+$Course = "Kurss";
+$Languages = "Platformā lietotās Valodas";
+$Privacy = "Privāttiesības";
+$NoticeTitle = "Piezīmes virsraksts";
+$NoticeText = "Piezīmes teksts";
+$LinkName = "Vietnes (saites) teksts";
+$LinkURL = "Vietnes (saites) URL / tīmekļa adrese";
+$OpenInNewWindow = "Atvērt jaunā logā";
+$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "Ekrāni ļauj pievienot Lietotājus kursiem un arī klasēm. Ja saraksts ir garāks par Lietotāju skaitu un nav speciāli filtrēts, tad pēc noklusējuma saraksts sākas ar burtu A";
+$Plugins = "Paplašinājumi / Spraudņi";
+$HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Paslēpt iezīmi [=...=] , ja valodas mainīgais nav iztulkots";
+$Info = "informācija";
+$UserAdded = "Lietotājs tika pievienots";
+$NoSearchResults = "Nekas netika atrasts";
+$UserDeleted = "Lietotājs tika izdzēsts";
+$NoClassesForThisCourse = "Nav nevienas klases, kas būtu reģistrētas šajā kursā";
+$CourseUsage = "Kursu lietošana";
+$NoCoursesForThisUser = "Šis lietotājs nav reģistrējies šajā kursā";
+$NoClassesForThisUser = "Šis lietotājs nav reģistrējies šajā klasē";
+$NoCoursesForThisClass = "Šī klase nav pievienota šim kursam";
+$langOpenToTheWorld = "Brīva pieeja - iespējama no jebkuras vietas pasaulē!";
+$OpenToThePlatform = "Atvērta - pieeja atļauta visiem sistēmā reģistrētajiem lietotājiem";
+$langPrivate = "Privāta pieeja (saite pieejama lietotājiem no īpaša saraksta)";
+$langCourseVisibilityClosed = "Pilnīgi privāti; kurss ir pieejams tikai kursa administratoriem";
+$langSubscription = "Reģistrēšanās";
+$langUnsubscription = "Atteikšanās";
+$CourseAccessConfigTip = "Pēc noklusējuma Jūsu kurss ir publiski pieejams visiem, bet Jūs varat definēt augstāku konfidencialitātes līmeni.";
+$Tool = "Instruments";
+$NumberOfItems = "lietu skaits";
+$DocumentsAndFolders = "Dokumenti un mapes";
+$Learnpath = "Tēmas nosaukums";
+$Exercises = "Uzdevumi";
+$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Mans Plānotājs";
+$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "Vai Lietotājs drīkst ierakstīt personīgos ierakstus <b>\"Kursa notikumu plānotājā\"</b>";
+$CurrentValue = "patreizējais stāvoklis";
+$CourseDescription = "Kursa apraksts";
+$OnlineConference = "Tiešsaistes konference";
+$Chat = "Tērzēšana";
+$Quiz = "Testi";
+$Announcements = "Paziņojumi kursa lietotājiem";
+$Links = "Vietnes";
+$LearningPath = "Mācību gaita";
+$Documents = "Dokumenti";
+$UserPicture = "Attēls";
+$officialcode = "Kursanata kods";
+$Login = "Lietotājvārds";
+$UserPassword = "Parole";
+$SubscriptionAllowed = "Reģistrēšanās kursā ir atļauta";
+$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "Atteikšanās no kursa nav atļauta";
+$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Atļauta";
+$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Aizliegta";
+$AddDummyContentToCourse = "Ierakstīt kādus piemēru tekstus šajā kursā";
+$DummyCourseCreator = "Izveidot testa kursu ar piemēriem";
+$DummyCourseDescription = "Šis iestatījums, šai kursa saturā ievietos piemērus, kas vēlāk jāaizvieto ar īstiem. Tas ir tikai, kā testa pielietojums.";
+$AvailablePlugins = "Šie ir papildus instalētie sistēmas moduļi. Iespējams piemeklēt papildus moduļus <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins\">http://www.chamilo.org/extensions/index.php?section=plugins</a>";
+$CreateVirtualCourse = "Izveidot virtuālo kursu";
+$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Parādīt virtuālo kursu sarakstu";
+$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Sasaistīts ar reālā kursa kodu";
+$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Virtulālā kursa veidošana...";
+$WantedCourseCode = "Vajadzīgs kursa kods";
+$ResetPassword = "Izdomāt jaunu paroli";
+$CheckToSendNewPassword = "Pārbaudīt jaunas paroles nosūtīšanu";
+$AutoGeneratePassword = "Ģenerēt jaunu paroli automātiski";
+$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Veidojot virsrakstu, izmantot dokumenta nosaukumu";
+$UseDocumentTitleComment = "Šis ļaus izmantot virsrakstu dokumenta nosaukumam, nevis dokumenta_vards.ext";
+$StudentPublications = "Referāti / Mājas darbi";
+$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Pavisam izdzēstie faili nevar tikt atjaunoti";
+$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Izdzēšot failu no instrumenta <b>Dokumenti</b>, Jūs to izdzēsīsiet pavisam. <br><b>Atjaunot to vairs nevarēs !</b>.";
+$ClassName = "Klases nosaukums";
+$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Maksimālais faila izmērs";
+$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "Cik liels (baitos) var būt lielākais fails, failu apmaiņas vietā?";
+$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Vai dokumenti var tikt pārrakstīti ?";
+$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "Vai oriģinālais dokuments var tikt pārrakstīts, ko kursants vai Lektors augšupielādējis, ja dokumentu nosaukums sakrīt? <br>Ja atbildēsiet \'jā\' tad nevarēsiet izmantot dokumentu versiju mehānismu.";
+$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Augšupielādēt failu  \"Failu apmaiņas vietas\" savā personīgajā sadaļā (nedaloties ar citiem)?";
+$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Atļaut Lektoriem un kursantiem augšupielādēt dokumentus viņu pašu apmaiņas kastēs, nesūtot tos kādam citam.<br>Tas nozīmē = <b>atļaut sūtīt dokumentus sev pašiem</b>";
+$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Kursants <-> Kursants";
+$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Atļaut kursantiem sūtīt dokumentus savā starpā (peer 2 peer, P2P) Kursanti varēs izmantot šo vietni mazāk svarīgu dokumentu, anketu, risinājumu, sūtīšanai. <br>Ja Jūs to neatļaujat, tad kursanti varēs sūtīt dokumentus tikai Lektoriem.";
+$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: Atļauta sūtīšana";
+$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "Ar sūtīšanas funkcijas palīdzību, Jūs varat sūtīt katram Kursantam personīgu dokumentu.";
+$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Atļaujas jauniem katalogiem / mapēm";
+$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "Spēja definēt atļaujas iestatījumus, katram jaunizveidotam failam, ļauj uzlabot drošību pret uzbrukumiem ar hakeriem, augšupielādējot bīstamu saturu uz jūsu portālā.<br>Noklusējuma iestatījums (0770) būtu pietiekams, lai dotu savam serverim saprātīgu aizsardzības līmeni. Esošais formāts izmanto UNIX terminoloģiju Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute atļaujas.";
+$UserListHasBeenExported = "Lietotāju saraksts tika exportēts";
+$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Klikšķini šeit, lai lejupielādētu failu";
+$administratorTelephoneTitle = "Platformas administrators: Tālrunis";
+$administratorTelephoneComment = "Platformas administratora tālruņa numurs";
+$SendMailToNewUser = "Sūtīt e-pastu jaunam lietotājam";
+$ExtendedProfileTitle = "Izvērstie lietotāja dati";
+$ExtendedProfileComment = "Ja šis ir ieslēgts, Lietotāji var aizpildīt papildus datus par sevi: Sadaļās: Mani sertifikāti / Mani diplomi / Ko es varu papildus darīt ... un  Personīgie sasniegumi.";
+$Classes = "Klases";
+$UserUnsubscribed = "Lietotājs ir izdzēsts no sistēmas";
+$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "Šis Lietotājs nevar attiekties no kursa, jo viņš ir viens no kursa administratoriem - Lektoriem.";
+$InvalidStartDate = "Ir iestatīts nepareizs sākuma datums.";
+$InvalidEndDate = "Ir iestatīts nepareizs beigu datums";
+$DateFormatLabel = "(diena/mēn/gads st:min)";
+$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "Mājas lapas faili nav ar rakstīšanas tiesībām!";
+$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Lūdzu rakstiet piezīmes tekstu";
+$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Lūdzu rakstiet piezīmes virsrakstu";
+$PleaseEnterLinkName = "Lūdzu rakstiet vietnes (saites) nosaukumu";
+$InsertThisLink = "Ievietot šo vietni (saiti)";
+$FirstPlace = "Pirmajā vietā";
+$After = "pēc";
+$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Failu apmaiņas vieta: grupa atļauta";
+$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Lietotāji var sūtīt failus grupām";
+$ClassDeleted = "Klase tika izdzēsta";
+$ClassesDeleted = "Klases tika izdzēstas";
+$NoUsersInClass = "Klasē nav neviena lietotāja";
+$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "Iezīmētie lietotāji tika piereģistrēti atzīmētajos kursos";
+$InvalidTitle = "Lūdzu ierakstiet virsrakstu";
+$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "Šī nodaļa jau tiek izmantota";
+$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Lūdzu ievadiet nodaļas kodu un nosaukumu";
+$DokeosHomepage = "Chamilo mājaslapa";
+$DokeosForum = "Chamilo forums";
+$RegisterYourPortal = "Piereģistrējiet savu portālu";
+$DokeosExtensions = "Chamilo paplašinājumi";
+$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Rādīt kursa navigācijas izvēlni";
+$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Rādīt navigācijas izvēlni, kas ļauj vieglāk pārvietoties no vienas kursa sadaļas uz otru.";
+$LoginAs = "Pieteikties kā cits lietotājs";
+$ImportClassListCSV = "Importēt klases sarakstu ar CSV palīdzību";
+$ShowOnlineWorld = "Parādīt online lietotāju skaitu platformas autorizācijas lapā <br>(redzams visiem platformas apmeklētājiem <b>no visas pasaules</b>)";
+$ShowOnlineUsers = "Parādīt online lietotāju skaitu visās platformas lapās (redzams apmeklētājiem, kas autorizējušies)";
+$ShowOnlineCourse = "Parādīt online lietotāju skaitu šajā kursā";
+$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Vai navigācijas izvēlnē rādīt ikonas?<br>(Ikonas - pieejamo kursa instrumentu raksturojošie attēli. Parādās augšā kreisā pusē)";
+$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Skatīt visus darbības veidus un pielietojuma vietas konkrētam pieejas nosacījumam";
+$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Skatīt visus darbības veidus un pieejas nosacījumus konkrētai pielietojuma vietai";
+$ClassesUnsubscribed = "Izvēlētās klases tika atreģistrētas no izvēlētajiem kursiem";
+$ClassesSubscribed = "Izvēlētās klases tika piereģistrētas izvēlētajiem kursiem";
+$RoleId = "Darbības veida ID";
+$RoleName = "Darbības veida nosaukums";
+$RoleType = "Veids";
+$RightValueModified = "Vērtība tika izmainīta.";
+$MakeAvailable = "Padarīt pieejamu";
+$MakeUnavailable = "Padarīt nepieejamu";
+$Stylesheets = "Lapas noformējums (CSS)";
+$DefaultDokeosStyle = "Klasiskais / noklusētais Chamilo stils";
+$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "Vai navigācijas izvēlnei būtu jārāda savādākas rīku ikonas?";
+$Plugin = "Spraudnis";
+$MainMenu = "Galvenā izvēlne";
+$MainMenuLogged = "Galvenā izvēlne pēc autorizēšanās";
+$Banner = "Baneris";
+$ImageResizeTitle = "Izmainīt lietotāja augšupielādēto attēlu izmērus";
+$ImageResizeComment = "Lietotāja attēlu izmēri var tikt mainīti augšupielādējot, ja PHP ir savienots ar <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\" target=\"_blank\">GD bibliotēku</a>. Ja GD nav pieejams, tad šis iestatījums tiks  ignorēts.";
+$MaxImageWidthTitle = "Maksimālais lietotāja attēla platums";
+$MaxImageWidthComment = "Lietotāja portreta maksimālais platums pikseļos. <br>Šis uzstādījums attiecas tikai tad, ja lietotāja attēla izmēri ir jāmaina to augšupielādējot.";
+$MaxImageHeightTitle = "Maksimālais lietotāja attēla augstums";
+$MaxImageHeightComment = "Lietotāja portreta maksimālais augstums pikseļos. <br>Šis uzstādījums attiecas tikai tad, ja lietotāja attēla izmēri ir jāmaina to augšupielādējot.";
+$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Jūsu versija nav atjaunināta";
+$YourVersionIs = "Jūsu versija ir";
+$PleaseVisitDokeos = "Lūdzu apmeklējiet Chamilo mājas lapu";
+$VersionUpToDate = "Jūsu versija ir atjaunināta";
+$ConnectSocketError = "Tīkla pieslēguma kļūda";
+$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Tīkla pieslēgums ir atjaunots";
+$ShowEmailAddresses = "Rādīt epasta adreses";
+$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Rādīt e-pasta adreses lietotājiem";
+$LatestVersionIs = "Pēdējā versija ir";
+$langConfigureExtensions = "Chamilo PRO";
+$langActiveExtensions = "Aktivizēt šo servisu";
+$langVisioconf = "Chamilo LIVE";
+$langVisioconfDescription = "Chamilo LIVE ir videokonferenču rīks, kas piedāvā: prezentāciju slaidu apmaiņu, tāfele ar iespēju zīmēt un rakstīt virsū slaidiem, audio / video duplekss un tērzēšana. Tā nodrošināšanai ir nepieciešams vismaz Flash Player 9 vai augstāks. Instruments piedāvā 2 veidu konferences iespējas: viens daudziem, un daudzi daudziem.";
+$langPpt2lp = "Chamilo RAPID";
 $langPpt2lpDescription = "Chamilo RAPID ir ātrs un spēcīgs Mācību satura veidošanas līdzeklis. Tas ļauj jums pārvērst Powerpoint prezentācijas un OpenOffice ekvivalenti, SCORM saskanīgos e-kursos. 
-Pēc konversijas, Jums ir iespēja slaidiem pievienot audio piezīmes par to saturu. Starp slaidiem pievienot lapas, testus un mijiedarbību darbības, piemēram, forumu diskusijām un mājas darbu augšupielādi. Katrs prezentācijas slaids kļūst par neatkarīgu mācību kursa stundu . Viss jaunizveidotais kurss rada precīzu SCORM ziņojumu turpmākam mācību procesam.";
-$langBandWidthStatistics = "Joslas izmantošanas statistika";
-$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG ļauj iepazīties ar uzlabotas statistikas datiem par servera stāvokli pēdējo 24 stundu laikā.";
-$ServerStatistics = "Servera statistika";
-$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats ļauj iepazīties ar statistiku par platformu: apmeklētāji, lapu apskati, atsauces ...";
-$SearchEngine = "Chamilo LIBRARY";
-$langSearchEngineDescription = "Chamilo LIBRARY ir Meklēšanas instruments, kas piedāvā daudzkritēriju indeksācija un meklēšanu. Tā ir daļa no paplašinājuma \"Chamilo Medicīna\"";
-$langListSession = "Kursa sesiju saraksts";
-$AddSession = "pievienot sesiju";
-$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Importēt sesiju sarakstu";
-$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Eksportēt sesiju sarakstu";
-$SessionName = "Sesijas nosaukums";
-$langNbCourses = "Kursi";
-$DateStart = "Sākuma datums";
-$DateEnd = "Beigu datums";
-$CoachName = "Asistenta vārds";
-$SessionList = "Kursu sesiju saraksts";
-$SessionNameIsRequired = "Sesijai ir nepieciešams nosaukums";
-$NextStep = "Nākošais solis";
-$keyword = "Atslēgas vārds";
-$Confirm = "Apstiprināt";
-$UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "Dzēst lietotājus no kursa";
-$MissingClassName = "Pazudis grupas nosaukums";
-$ClassNameExists = "Grupas nosaukums jau eksistē";
-$ImportCSVFileLocation = "CSV faila importēšanas vieta";
-$ClassesCreated = "Grupas ir izveidotas";
-$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Kļūda failu importēšanas laikā";
-$ServiceActivated = "Serviss aktivizēts";
-$ActivateExtension = "Pieslēgt pakalpojumu / servisu";
-$InvalidExtension = "Kļūdains faila paplašinājums";
+Pēc konversijas, Jums ir iespēja slaidiem pievienot audio piezīmes par to saturu. Starp slaidiem pievienot lapas, testus un mijiedarbību darbības, piemēram, forumu diskusijām un mājas darbu augšupielādi. Katrs prezentācijas slaids kļūst par neatkarīgu mācību kursa stundu . Viss jaunizveidotais kurss rada precīzu SCORM ziņojumu turpmākam mācību procesam.";
+$langBandWidthStatistics = "Joslas izmantošanas statistika";
+$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG ļauj iepazīties ar uzlabotas statistikas datiem par servera stāvokli pēdējo 24 stundu laikā.";
+$ServerStatistics = "Servera statistika";
+$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats ļauj iepazīties ar statistiku par platformu: apmeklētāji, lapu apskati, atsauces ...";
+$SearchEngine = "Chamilo LIBRARY";
+$langSearchEngineDescription = "Chamilo LIBRARY ir Meklēšanas instruments, kas piedāvā daudzkritēriju indeksācija un meklēšanu. Tā ir daļa no paplašinājuma \"Chamilo Medicīna\"";
+$langListSession = "Kursa sesiju saraksts";
+$AddSession = "pievienot sesiju";
+$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Importēt sesiju sarakstu";
+$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Eksportēt sesiju sarakstu";
+$SessionName = "Sesijas nosaukums";
+$langNbCourses = "Kursi";
+$DateStart = "Sākuma datums";
+$DateEnd = "Beigu datums";
+$CoachName = "Asistenta vārds";
+$SessionList = "Kursu sesiju saraksts";
+$SessionNameIsRequired = "Sesijai ir nepieciešams nosaukums";
+$NextStep = "Nākošais solis";
+$keyword = "Atslēgas vārds";
+$Confirm = "Apstiprināt";
+$UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "Dzēst lietotājus no kursa";
+$MissingClassName = "Pazudis grupas nosaukums";
+$ClassNameExists = "Grupas nosaukums jau eksistē";
+$ImportCSVFileLocation = "CSV faila importēšanas vieta";
+$ClassesCreated = "Grupas ir izveidotas";
+$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Kļūda failu importēšanas laikā";
+$ServiceActivated = "Serviss aktivizēts";
+$ActivateExtension = "Pieslēgt pakalpojumu / servisu";
+$InvalidExtension = "Kļūdains faila paplašinājums";
 $VersionCheckExplanation = "Lai ļautu versiju pārbaudīt automātiski, Jums portāls ir jāreģistrē vietnē <b>chamilo.org.</b><br> Reģistrācijā iegūtā informācija ir tikai iekšējai lietošanai un tikai apkopos datus, kas būs publiski pieejami ( portālu kopskaits, kopējais Chamilo kursu skaits, kopējais Chamilo lietotāju skaits, ...) (skatīt <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/stats/\">http://www.chamilo.org/stats/</a>)<br>Reģistrējoties, arī Jūs tiksiet iekļauti kopējā pasaules sarakstā -    (<a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/community.php\">http://www.chamilo.org/community.php</a>)<br>Tai pašā laikā Reģistrācija ir viegla: Jums tikai jāuzklikšķina uz versijas pārbaudes pogas.<br>
-Ja Jūs nevēlaties, lai dati par Jums parādās šajā sarakstā, Jums ir jāiezīmē rūtiņa zemāk.";
-$AfterApproval = "Pēc apstiprināšanas";
-$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Ieslēgt kursanta skatu";
-$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Ieslēgt 'Kursanta skatu' kursa un platformas administratoriem";
-$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Laika limits \"ON-LINE\" bezdarbības (pēdējais taustiņa klikšķis) periodam";
-$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "Šis termiņš noteiks, cik sekundes pēc Lietotāja pēdējās darbības portālā, Lietotājs tiks uzskatīts par izgājušu no *online*";
-$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Piemēra materiāls par mācību izveidi";
-$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Ievietot automātiski saturā, piemēra materiālu, kad ir izveidots jauns kurss";
-$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Konta derīgums";
-$AccountValidDurationComment = "Lietotāja konts ir derīgs šo dienu skaitu pēc izveides";
-$UseSessionModeTitle = "Lietot apmācību sesijas";
-$UseSessionModeComment = "Treniņu sesijas izmanto citus mācību principus kursu ietvaros. <br>Sesijās ir dažādu lomu sadalījums - Autors, Lektors, Kursants. Katrs treneris dod apmācību noteiktā laika posmā, ko sauc par * mācību sesiju *, konkrētām Kursantu kopumam, kurš nav sajaukts ar citām Kursantu grupām.";
-$HomepageViewActivity = "Aktivitātes skats (pēc noklusējuma)<br> [Instrumentu sadalījums horizontāli pa pielietojuma grupām]";
-$HomepageView2column = "Skats - instrumentu izvietojums divās kolonās";
-$HomepageView3column = "Skats - instrumentu izvietojums trīs kolonās";
-$AllowUserHeadings = "Atļaut lietotāju galvenes (headings)";
-$IconsOnly = "Tikai ikonas";
-$TextOnly = "Tikai teksts";
-$IconsText = "Tikai teksts";
-$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Dot iespēju apgūt instrumentu pielietojumu (HELP's)";
-$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Ieslēgt iespēju apgūt instrumentu pielietojumu katra instrumenta mājas lapā.";
-$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Atpakaļ ceļš uz kursa mājas lapu";
-$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "Atpakaļ ceļš ir horizontāla saite - navigācija, parasti novietots kursa lapas kreisā augšējā daļā. Atzīmējot šo opciju, navigācija būs redzama";
-$Comment = "Komentārs";
-$Version = "Versija";
-$LoginPageMainArea = "Pieteikšanās lapas galvenais lauks";
-$LoginPageMenu = "Pieteikšanās lapas izvēlne";
-$CampusHomepageMainArea = "Portāla mājas lapas galvenais lauks";
-$CampusHomepageMenu = "Portāla mājaslapas izvēlne";
-$MyCoursesMainArea = "Kursu galvenais lauks";
-$MyCoursesMenu = "Kursu izvēlne";
-$Header = "Galvene";
-$Footer = "Kājene (portāla lapas apakšējā daļa)";
-$PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Publisko lapu atbilstība WAI";
-$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) ir iniciatīva, padarīt internetu daudz pieejamāku. Izvēloties šo opciju, publiskās Chamilo lapas kļūs daudz pieejamākas. Tas arī nozīmē, ka dažu portālu publisko lapu saturs var būt atšķirīgs.";
-$VersionCheck = "Pārbaudīt platformas versiju";
-$Active = "Aktīvs";
-$Inactive = "Pasīvs";
-$SessionOverview = "Sesiju pārskats";
-$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Pievienot lietotāju apmācībai tikai tad, ja tas vēl nav šeit reģistrēts";
-$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Izņemt lietotāju no mācībām, ja viņa vārds nav sarakstā";
-$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Dzēst atzīmētās sesijas";
-$CourseListInSession = "Kursi šajā sesijā";
-$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Atvienot atzīmētos kursus no šīs sesijas";
-$NbUsers = "Lietotāji";
-$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Pievienot lietotājus šai sesijai";
-$UserListInPlatform = "Portāla lietotāju saraksts";
-$UserListInSession = "Šajā sesijā reģistrēto Lietotāju Saraksts";
-$CourseListInPlatform = "Kursu saraksts";
-$Host = "Procesa vadība";
-$UserOnHost = "Lietotāja vārds";
-$FtpPassword = "FTP parole";
-$PathToLzx = "Ceļš uz LZX failiem";
-$WCAGContent = "Teksts";
-$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Pievienot Kursus šai sesijai.";
-$DateStartSession = "Sākuma datums";
-$DateEndSession = "Beigu datums";
-$EditSession = "Rediģēt šo sesiju";
-$VideoConferenceUrl = "Ceļš uz dzīvo konferenci";
-$VideoClassroomUrl = "Ceļš uz tiešo konferenci klasē";
-$ReconfigureExtension = "Pārveidot paplašinājumus";
-$ServiceReconfigured = "Pārveidotie servisi";
-$ChooseNewsLanguage = "Izvēlēties ziņu valodu";
-$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Kopējais kursā patērētais laiks";
-$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Šī iespēja tiek izmantota, lai aprēķinātu reālo laiku, ko lietotājs pavadījis apmācību procesā. <br>Laukā vērtību atjaunināšanas intervāls ir sekundēs. Lai deaktivizētu šo iespēju, atstājiet  noklusējuma vērtību 0 .";
-$EditLink = "Rediģēt hipersaiti";
-$FinishSessionCreation = "Beigt sesijas izveidi";
-$VisioRTMPPort = "Videokonferences RTMTP protokola ports";
-$SessionNameAlreadyExists = "Sesijas nosaukums jau eksistē";
-$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "Klases netika izveidotas";
-$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Šim laukam jābūt ciparos";
-$UserLocked = "Lietotājs bloķēts";
-$UserUnlocked = "Lietotājs atbloķēts";
-$CannotDeleteUser = "Tu nevari dzēst šo lietotāju";
-$SelectedUsersDeleted = "Atzīmētie lietotāji izdzēsti";
-$SomeUsersNotDeleted = "Daži lietotāji netika izdzēsti";
-$ExternalAuthentication = "Ārējā autentifikācija";
-$RegistrationDate = "Reģistrācijas datums";
-$UserUpdated = "Lietotājs atjaunināts";
-$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "Mājas lapas faili nav lasāmi";
-$Choose = "Izvēlies";
-$ModifySessionCourse = "Rediģēt sesijas apmācības";
-$CourseSessionList = "Kursi šajā sesijā";
-$SelectACoach = "Atzīmēt Lektoru";
-$UserNameUsedTwice = "Lietotājvārds ir lietots divreiz";
-$UserNameNotAvailable = "Šis Lietotājvārds nav pieejams";
-$UserNameTooLong = "Lietotāja vārds ir par garu";
-$WrongStatus = "Šis statuss neeksistē";
-$ClassNameNotAvailable = "Šis grupas nosaukums nav pieejams";
-$FileImported = "Fails ir importēts";
-$WhichSessionToExport = "Izvēlēties sesiju eksportam";
-$AllSessions = "Visas sesijas";
-$CodeDoesNotExists = "Šis kods neeksistē";
-$UnknownUser = "Nezināms lietotājs";
-$UnknownStatus = "Nezināms statuss";
-$SessionDeleted = "Sesija ir izdzēsta";
-$CourseDoesNotExist = "Šis Kurss neeksistē";
-$UserDoesNotExist = "Šis lietotājs neeksistē";
-$ButProblemsOccured = "bet problēmas radās";
-$UsernameTooLongWasCut = "Šis Lietotājvārds tika saīsināts";
-$NoInputFile = "Fails netika nosūtīts";
-$StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "Izglītojamā statuss ir piešķirts";
-$WrongDate = "Nepareizs datuma formāts (yyyy-mm-dd)";
-$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "Šis ir automātiski veidots e-pasta ziņojums. <br>Lūdzu uz to neatbildēt.";
-$YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "Jūs drīz saņemsiet e-pastu no sava Kursu vadītāja";
-$SlideSize = "Slaidu izmērs";
-$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plaģiāta profilakse";
-$CourseTeachers = "Kursa Lektori";
-$UnknownTeacher = "Nezināms Lektors";
-$HideDLTTMarkup = "Slēpt DLTT marķējumu";
-$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "Kursu saraksts sesijā";
-$UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Atreģistrēt atzīmētos Lietotājus no sesijas";
-$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Galvenajā lapā eksponētajā apmācību sarakstā, rādīt pie kursa nosaukuma, kādā valodā tas ir.";
-$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Rādīt galvenajā lapā Mācību/priekšmetu kategorijas, pat ja tās ir tukšas.";
-$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Rādīt tukšās kursu kategorijas";
-$XMLNotValid = "XML dokuments nav derīgs";
-$ForTheSession = "sesijai";
-$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Aktivizēts tiešsaistes e-pasta redaktors";
-$AllowEmailEditorComment = "Ja šī opcija ir aktivizēta, noklikšķinot uz e-pasta adreses, tiks atvērts online pasta redaktors.";
-$AddCSVHeader = "Pievienot CSV galveni?";
-$YesAddCSVHeader = "Jā, pievienot CSV galveni. Tā definēs lauku, kurš ir svarīgs, ja Jūs vēlaties importēt failu citā Chamilo portālā.";
-$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "Lietotāju saraksts, kuri ir pierakstījušies uz apmācībām";
-$NumberOfCourses = "Kursi";
-$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Rādīt mācību valodas";
-$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videokonferences RTMTP protokola tuneļa ports";
-$name = "Vārds";
-$Security = "Drošība";
-$UploadExtensionsListType = "Filtrēšanas veids dokumentu augšupielādēšanai";
-$UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "Vai vēlaties izmantot filtrēšanai melno vai balto sarakstu ?  Lai saņemtu sīkāku informāciju, skatīt melnā vai baltā saraksta aprakstu zemāk";
-$Blacklist = "Melnais saraksts";
-$Whitelist = "Baltais saraksts";
-$UploadExtensionsBlacklist = "Melnā saraksta iestatījumi";
-$UploadExtensionsWhitelist = "Baltā saraksta iestatījumi";
-$UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "Melnais saraksts tiek izmantots, lai filtrētu failu paplašinājumus, jebkuru failu atdalīšanai, kuru paplašinājumi atrodas melnajā sarakstā zemāk. <br><br>The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: exe;com;bat;scr;php. Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn\'t matter.";
-$UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "Baltais saraksts<br><br>The whitelist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension does *NOT* figure in the whitelist below. It is generally considered as a safer but more restrictive approach to filtering. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter.";
-$UploadExtensionsSkip = "Uzvedības filtrēšana ( izlaist / pārsaukt)";
-$Remove = "Izņemt";
-$Rename = "Pārdēvēt";
-$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Pie mācību priekšmetu/kategoriju mapēm, rādīt tajās esošo Kursu skaitu.";
-$NameOfTheSession = "Sesijas nosaukums";
-$NoSessionsForThisUser = "Lietotājs nav piereģistrēts sesijai";
-$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Rādīt kategorijas mācību vides sākuma lapā.";
-$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "Šī opcija dod iespēju rādīt vai paslēpt apmācību kategorijas portālā galvenajā lapā - mācību vides sākumlapā";
-$ShowTabsTitle = "Cilnes ( sadaļas) Lietotāja darba vides galvenē - augšējā daļā";
-$ShowTabsComment = "Atzīmējiet lauciņos tās darba lapu cilnes, kuras vēlaties redzēt Lietotāja darba vides galvenē. <br>Pieeja neatzīmētajām cilnēm parādīsies Portāla galvenās lapas labās puses izvēlnē un lapā Mani kursi.";
-$DefaultForumViewTitle = "Diskusijas skats pēc noklusējuma";
-$DefaultForumViewComment = "Izvēlēties, kura būtu noklusējuma opcija, veidojot jaunu forumu.<br> Jebkurš Lektors tomēr var izvēlēties atšķirīgu skatījumu uz katru atsevišķu forumu";
-$TabsMyCourses = "Cilne - Mani kursi";
-$TabsCampusHomepage = "Cilne - Mācību vides sākumlapa";
-$TabsReporting = "Cilne - Atskaites";
-$TabsPlatformAdministration = "Cilne - Platformas Administrēšana";
-$NoCoursesForThisSession = "Nav kursu šajā sesijā.";
-$NoUsersForThisSession = "Nav Lietotāju šajā sesijā";
-$LastNameMandatory = "Uzvārda laiciņš ir jāaizpilda";
-$FirstNameMandatory = "Vārda lauciņš ir jāaizpilda";
-$EmailMandatory = "E-pasta lauciņš ir jāaizpilda";
-$TabsMyAgenda = "Cilne - Mans plānotājs";
-$NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "Piezīme netiks parādīta Mācību vides sākuma lapā.";
-$LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Lai piezīme nebūtu redzama, atstājiet šos lauciņus tukšus";
-$PlatformCharsetTitle = "Rakstzīmju kopa";
-$PlatformCharsetComment = "Rakstzīmju kopa ir tas, ko kodēšanas sistēma, kā atsevišķu valodu var parādīt Chamilo platformā. Piemēram, ja jūs izmantojat krievu vai japāņu rakstzīmes, jūs varētu būt nepieciešamība kodējumu mainīt. Visām angļu, latīņu un Rietumeiropas rakstzīmēm, noklusējuma kods ir ISO-8859-15. <b>Latviešu burtu rādīšanai jālieto UTF-8</b>";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Papildus informatīvie lauki profila reģistra lapā.";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment = "Kuri no šiem paplašinātā profila laukiem ir pieejami lietotājiem reģistrācijas procesā? Tas nozīmē, ka paplašinātais profils ir jāaktivizē (sk. iepriekš).";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle = "Nepieciešamie paplašinātā profila lauki reģistrācijas lapā";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment = "Kurš no šiem laukiem paplašinātajā profilā ir nepieciešams lietotāja reģistrācijas procesā? <br>Tas nozīmē, ka paplašinātais profils ir aktivizēts un ka lauks ir pieejams arī reģistrācijas veidlapā (sk. iepriekš).";
-$NoReplyEmailAddress = "E-pasta adrese vēstulēm, uz kurām nav jāatbild";
+Ja Jūs nevēlaties, lai dati par Jums parādās šajā sarakstā, Jums ir jāiezīmē rūtiņa zemāk.";
+$AfterApproval = "Pēc apstiprināšanas";
+$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Ieslēgt kursanta skatu";
+$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Ieslēgt 'Kursanta skatu' kursa un platformas administratoriem";
+$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Laika limits \"ON-LINE\" bezdarbības (pēdējais taustiņa klikšķis) periodam";
+$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "Šis termiņš noteiks, cik sekundes pēc Lietotāja pēdējās darbības portālā, Lietotājs tiks uzskatīts par izgājušu no *online*";
+$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Piemēra materiāls par mācību izveidi";
+$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Ievietot automātiski saturā, piemēra materiālu, kad ir izveidots jauns kurss";
+$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Konta derīgums";
+$AccountValidDurationComment = "Lietotāja konts ir derīgs šo dienu skaitu pēc izveides";
+$UseSessionModeTitle = "Lietot apmācību sesijas";
+$UseSessionModeComment = "Treniņu sesijas izmanto citus mācību principus kursu ietvaros. <br>Sesijās ir dažādu lomu sadalījums - Autors, Lektors, Kursants. Katrs treneris dod apmācību noteiktā laika posmā, ko sauc par * mācību sesiju *, konkrētām Kursantu kopumam, kurš nav sajaukts ar citām Kursantu grupām.";
+$HomepageViewActivity = "Aktivitātes skats (pēc noklusējuma)<br> [Instrumentu sadalījums horizontāli pa pielietojuma grupām]";
+$HomepageView2column = "Skats - instrumentu izvietojums divās kolonās";
+$HomepageView3column = "Skats - instrumentu izvietojums trīs kolonās";
+$AllowUserHeadings = "Atļaut lietotāju galvenes (headings)";
+$IconsOnly = "Tikai ikonas";
+$TextOnly = "Tikai teksts";
+$IconsText = "Tikai teksts";
+$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Dot iespēju apgūt instrumentu pielietojumu (HELP's)";
+$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Ieslēgt iespēju apgūt instrumentu pielietojumu katra instrumenta mājas lapā.";
+$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Atpakaļ ceļš uz kursa mājas lapu";
+$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "Atpakaļ ceļš ir horizontāla saite - navigācija, parasti novietots kursa lapas kreisā augšējā daļā. Atzīmējot šo opciju, navigācija būs redzama";
+$Comment = "Komentārs";
+$Version = "Versija";
+$LoginPageMainArea = "Pieteikšanās lapas galvenais lauks";
+$LoginPageMenu = "Pieteikšanās lapas izvēlne";
+$CampusHomepageMainArea = "Portāla mājas lapas galvenais lauks";
+$CampusHomepageMenu = "Portāla mājaslapas izvēlne";
+$MyCoursesMainArea = "Kursu galvenais lauks";
+$MyCoursesMenu = "Kursu izvēlne";
+$Header = "Galvene";
+$Footer = "Kājene (portāla lapas apakšējā daļa)";
+$PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Publisko lapu atbilstība WAI";
+$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) ir iniciatīva, padarīt internetu daudz pieejamāku. Izvēloties šo opciju, publiskās Chamilo lapas kļūs daudz pieejamākas. Tas arī nozīmē, ka dažu portālu publisko lapu saturs var būt atšķirīgs.";
+$VersionCheck = "Pārbaudīt platformas versiju";
+$Active = "Aktīvs";
+$Inactive = "Pasīvs";
+$SessionOverview = "Sesiju pārskats";
+$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Pievienot lietotāju apmācībai tikai tad, ja tas vēl nav šeit reģistrēts";
+$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Izņemt lietotāju no mācībām, ja viņa vārds nav sarakstā";
+$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Dzēst atzīmētās sesijas";
+$CourseListInSession = "Kursi šajā sesijā";
+$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Atvienot atzīmētos kursus no šīs sesijas";
+$NbUsers = "Lietotāji";
+$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Pievienot lietotājus šai sesijai";
+$UserListInPlatform = "Portāla lietotāju saraksts";
+$UserListInSession = "Šajā sesijā reģistrēto Lietotāju Saraksts";
+$CourseListInPlatform = "Kursu saraksts";
+$Host = "Procesa vadība";
+$UserOnHost = "Lietotāja vārds";
+$FtpPassword = "FTP parole";
+$PathToLzx = "Ceļš uz LZX failiem";
+$WCAGContent = "Teksts";
+$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Pievienot Kursus šai sesijai.";
+$DateStartSession = "Sākuma datums";
+$DateEndSession = "Beigu datums";
+$EditSession = "Rediģēt šo sesiju";
+$VideoConferenceUrl = "Ceļš uz dzīvo konferenci";
+$VideoClassroomUrl = "Ceļš uz tiešo konferenci klasē";
+$ReconfigureExtension = "Pārveidot paplašinājumus";
+$ServiceReconfigured = "Pārveidotie servisi";
+$ChooseNewsLanguage = "Izvēlēties ziņu valodu";
+$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Kopējais kursā patērētais laiks";
+$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Šī iespēja tiek izmantota, lai aprēķinātu reālo laiku, ko lietotājs pavadījis apmācību procesā. <br>Laukā vērtību atjaunināšanas intervāls ir sekundēs. Lai deaktivizētu šo iespēju, atstājiet  noklusējuma vērtību 0 .";
+$EditLink = "Rediģēt hipersaiti";
+$FinishSessionCreation = "Beigt sesijas izveidi";
+$VisioRTMPPort = "Videokonferences RTMTP protokola ports";
+$SessionNameAlreadyExists = "Sesijas nosaukums jau eksistē";
+$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "Klases netika izveidotas";
+$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Šim laukam jābūt ciparos";
+$UserLocked = "Lietotājs bloķēts";
+$UserUnlocked = "Lietotājs atbloķēts";
+$CannotDeleteUser = "Tu nevari dzēst šo lietotāju";
+$SelectedUsersDeleted = "Atzīmētie lietotāji izdzēsti";
+$SomeUsersNotDeleted = "Daži lietotāji netika izdzēsti";
+$ExternalAuthentication = "Ārējā autentifikācija";
+$RegistrationDate = "Reģistrācijas datums";
+$UserUpdated = "Lietotājs atjaunināts";
+$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "Mājas lapas faili nav lasāmi";
+$Choose = "Izvēlies";
+$ModifySessionCourse = "Rediģēt sesijas apmācības";
+$CourseSessionList = "Kursi šajā sesijā";
+$SelectACoach = "Atzīmēt Lektoru";
+$UserNameUsedTwice = "Lietotājvārds ir lietots divreiz";
+$UserNameNotAvailable = "Šis Lietotājvārds nav pieejams";
+$UserNameTooLong = "Lietotāja vārds ir par garu";
+$WrongStatus = "Šis statuss neeksistē";
+$ClassNameNotAvailable = "Šis grupas nosaukums nav pieejams";
+$FileImported = "Fails ir importēts";
+$WhichSessionToExport = "Izvēlēties sesiju eksportam";
+$AllSessions = "Visas sesijas";
+$CodeDoesNotExists = "Šis kods neeksistē";
+$UnknownUser = "Nezināms lietotājs";
+$UnknownStatus = "Nezināms statuss";
+$SessionDeleted = "Sesija ir izdzēsta";
+$CourseDoesNotExist = "Šis Kurss neeksistē";
+$UserDoesNotExist = "Šis lietotājs neeksistē";
+$ButProblemsOccured = "bet problēmas radās";
+$UsernameTooLongWasCut = "Šis Lietotājvārds tika saīsināts";
+$NoInputFile = "Fails netika nosūtīts";
+$StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "Izglītojamā statuss ir piešķirts";
+$WrongDate = "Nepareizs datuma formāts (yyyy-mm-dd)";
+$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "Šis ir automātiski veidots e-pasta ziņojums. <br>Lūdzu uz to neatbildēt.";
+$YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "Jūs drīz saņemsiet e-pastu no sava Kursu vadītāja";
+$SlideSize = "Slaidu izmērs";
+$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Ephorus plaģiāta profilakse";
+$CourseTeachers = "Kursa Lektori";
+$UnknownTeacher = "Nezināms Lektors";
+$HideDLTTMarkup = "Slēpt DLTT marķējumu";
+$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "Kursu saraksts sesijā";
+$UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Atreģistrēt atzīmētos Lietotājus no sesijas";
+$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Galvenajā lapā eksponētajā apmācību sarakstā, rādīt pie kursa nosaukuma, kādā valodā tas ir.";
+$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Rādīt galvenajā lapā Mācību/priekšmetu kategorijas, pat ja tās ir tukšas.";
+$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Rādīt tukšās kursu kategorijas";
+$XMLNotValid = "XML dokuments nav derīgs";
+$ForTheSession = "sesijai";
+$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Aktivizēts tiešsaistes e-pasta redaktors";
+$AllowEmailEditorComment = "Ja šī opcija ir aktivizēta, noklikšķinot uz e-pasta adreses, tiks atvērts online pasta redaktors.";
+$AddCSVHeader = "Pievienot CSV galveni?";
+$YesAddCSVHeader = "Jā, pievienot CSV galveni. Tā definēs lauku, kurš ir svarīgs, ja Jūs vēlaties importēt failu citā Chamilo portālā.";
+$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "Lietotāju saraksts, kuri ir pierakstījušies uz apmācībām";
+$NumberOfCourses = "Kursi";
+$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Rādīt mācību valodas";
+$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Videokonferences RTMTP protokola tuneļa ports";
+$name = "Vārds";
+$Security = "Drošība";
+$UploadExtensionsListType = "Filtrēšanas veids dokumentu augšupielādēšanai";
+$UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "Vai vēlaties izmantot filtrēšanai melno vai balto sarakstu ?  Lai saņemtu sīkāku informāciju, skatīt melnā vai baltā saraksta aprakstu zemāk";
+$Blacklist = "Melnais saraksts";
+$Whitelist = "Baltais saraksts";
+$UploadExtensionsBlacklist = "Melnā saraksta iestatījumi";
+$UploadExtensionsWhitelist = "Baltā saraksta iestatījumi";
+$UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "Melnais saraksts tiek izmantots, lai filtrētu failu paplašinājumus, jebkuru failu atdalīšanai, kuru paplašinājumi atrodas melnajā sarakstā zemāk. <br><br>The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: exe;com;bat;scr;php. Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn\'t matter.";
+$UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "Baltais saraksts<br><br>The whitelist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension does *NOT* figure in the whitelist below. It is generally considered as a safer but more restrictive approach to filtering. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter.";
+$UploadExtensionsSkip = "Uzvedības filtrēšana ( izlaist / pārsaukt)";
+$Remove = "Izņemt";
+$Rename = "Pārdēvēt";
+$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Pie mācību priekšmetu/kategoriju mapēm, rādīt tajās esošo Kursu skaitu.";
+$NameOfTheSession = "Sesijas nosaukums";
+$NoSessionsForThisUser = "Lietotājs nav piereģistrēts sesijai";
+$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Rādīt kategorijas mācību vides sākuma lapā.";
+$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "Šī opcija dod iespēju rādīt vai paslēpt apmācību kategorijas portālā galvenajā lapā - mācību vides sākumlapā";
+$ShowTabsTitle = "Cilnes ( sadaļas) Lietotāja darba vides galvenē - augšējā daļā";
+$ShowTabsComment = "Atzīmējiet lauciņos tās darba lapu cilnes, kuras vēlaties redzēt Lietotāja darba vides galvenē. <br>Pieeja neatzīmētajām cilnēm parādīsies Portāla galvenās lapas labās puses izvēlnē un lapā Mani kursi.";
+$DefaultForumViewTitle = "Diskusijas skats pēc noklusējuma";
+$DefaultForumViewComment = "Izvēlēties, kura būtu noklusējuma opcija, veidojot jaunu forumu.<br> Jebkurš Lektors tomēr var izvēlēties atšķirīgu skatījumu uz katru atsevišķu forumu";
+$TabsMyCourses = "Cilne - Mani kursi";
+$TabsCampusHomepage = "Cilne - Mācību vides sākumlapa";
+$TabsReporting = "Cilne - Atskaites";
+$TabsPlatformAdministration = "Cilne - Platformas Administrēšana";
+$NoCoursesForThisSession = "Nav kursu šajā sesijā.";
+$NoUsersForThisSession = "Nav Lietotāju šajā sesijā";
+$LastNameMandatory = "Uzvārda laiciņš ir jāaizpilda";
+$FirstNameMandatory = "Vārda lauciņš ir jāaizpilda";
+$EmailMandatory = "E-pasta lauciņš ir jāaizpilda";
+$TabsMyAgenda = "Cilne - Mans plānotājs";
+$NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "Piezīme netiks parādīta Mācību vides sākuma lapā.";
+$LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Lai piezīme nebūtu redzama, atstājiet šos lauciņus tukšus";
+$PlatformCharsetTitle = "Rakstzīmju kopa";
+$PlatformCharsetComment = "Rakstzīmju kopa ir tas, ko kodēšanas sistēma, kā atsevišķu valodu var parādīt Chamilo platformā. Piemēram, ja jūs izmantojat krievu vai japāņu rakstzīmes, jūs varētu būt nepieciešamība kodējumu mainīt. Visām angļu, latīņu un Rietumeiropas rakstzīmēm, noklusējuma kods ir ISO-8859-15. <b>Latviešu burtu rādīšanai jālieto UTF-8</b>";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Papildus informatīvie lauki profila reģistra lapā.";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment = "Kuri no šiem paplašinātā profila laukiem ir pieejami lietotājiem reģistrācijas procesā? Tas nozīmē, ka paplašinātais profils ir jāaktivizē (sk. iepriekš).";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle = "Nepieciešamie paplašinātā profila lauki reģistrācijas lapā";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment = "Kurš no šiem laukiem paplašinātajā profilā ir nepieciešams lietotāja reģistrācijas procesā? <br>Tas nozīmē, ka paplašinātais profils ir aktivizēts un ka lauks ir pieejams arī reģistrācijas veidlapā (sk. iepriekš).";
+$NoReplyEmailAddress = "E-pasta adrese vēstulēm, uz kurām nav jāatbild";
 $NoReplyEmailAddressComment = "Šī ir e-pasta adrese, ko izmanto, tiešai e-pasta sūtīšnai bez atbildes vēstules.
-<br>Vispārīgi skatoties, šī e-pasta adrese ir konfigurēta uz servera ar iestatījumu ignorēt jebkuru ienākošo e-pastu.";
-$SurveyEmailSenderNoReply = "Aptaujas uzaicinājuma e-pasta sūtītājs (bez atbildes)";
-$SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment = "Izsūtot aptaujas uzaicinājumus lietot Lektora e-pasta adresi, jeb bez atbildes e-pasta adresi?";
-$CourseCoachEmailSender = "Lektora e-pasta adrese";
-$NoReplyEmailSender = "E-pasta adrese bez atbildes";
-$GradebookActivation = "Novērtējuma instrumenta aktivizēšana";
-$GradebookActivationComment = "Novērtējuma instruments ļauj jums novērtēt prasmes, apvienojot klases un klātienes darbību izvērtējumu kopējos veiktspējas pārskatos. Vai vēlaties to aktivizēt?";
-$UserTheme = "Tēma (platformas dizaina stilu mape)";
-$UserThemeSelection = "Lietotāja tēmas izvēle";
-$UserThemeSelectionComment = "Ļauj lietotājiem izvēlēties savu vizuālo tēmu savā profilā.<br> Tas ļaus mainīt Chamilo izskatu konkrētajam Lietotājam, bet atstās portāla noklusējuma stilu neskartu. Ja kursam, vai sesijai, ir īpaši piešķirta tēma, tad tai ir prioritāte attiecībā pret lietotāja definēto motīvu.<br><br><b> Patreizējā pieredze liecina, ka šo opciju nevajag ļaut Lietotājiem lietot !</b> <br>Bet vari pamēģināt, varbūt kodējums ir uzlabots.:)";
-$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "Noklikšķiniet šeit, lai saņemtu demo kontu";
-$ManageUserFields = "Esošās un Papildus Ailes Lietotāja reģistrā";
-$UserFields = "Lietotāja Profila atribūti";
-$AddUserField = "Pievienot reģistram jaunu aili";
-$FieldLabel = "Ailes nosaukums";
-$FieldType = "Ailes satura veids";
-$FieldTitle = "Ailes info teksts";
-$FieldDefaultValue = "Noklusējuma vērtība";
-$FieldOrder = "Secība";
-$FieldVisibility = "Redzamība (+/-)";
-$FieldChangeability = "Var/Nevar rediģēt";
-$FieldTypeText = "Lauka tips - Teksts";
-$FieldTypeTextarea = "Lauka tips - teksta lauks";
-$FieldTypeRadio = "Lauka tips - izvēli atzīmēt ar punktiņu";
-$FieldTypeSelect = "Lauka tips - atzīmēt no izkrītošās izvēles";
-$FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "Lauka tips - vairākkārtēja izkrītošā izvēle";
-$FieldAdded = "Lauks ir veiksmīgi pievienots";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "Ieskaites sliekšņa iekrāsošana";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment = "Atzīmējiet rūtiņu, lai aktivizētu ieskaites robežas";
-$TabsGradebookEnableColoring = "Ieslēgt Ieskaites robežas";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayCustom = "Ieskaites līmeņu marķēšana";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment = "Atzīmējiet rūtiņu, lai aktivizētu Ieskaites līmeņa marķēšanu";
-$TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "Ieslēgt Ieskaites līmeņa marķēšanu";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "Slieksnis";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "Slieksnis (izteikts %) zem kura, iegūto punktu summa būs sarkanā krāsā";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "Rādīt punktu summas augšējo robežu";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Atzīmējiet rūtiņu, lai parādītu rezultātu augšējo robežu";
-$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Ieslēgt rezultāta tu augšējo robežu rādīšanu";
-$AddUserFields = "Pievienot profila informatīvo lauku";
-$FieldPossibleValues = "Iespējamās vērtības";
-$FieldPossibleValuesComment = "Izkrītošo izvēlņu informatīvo tekstu, ierakstīt vienu pēc otra, atdalot ar semikolu (;)";
-$FieldTypeDate = "Datums";
-$FieldTypeDatetime = "Datums un laiks";
+<br>Vispārīgi skatoties, šī e-pasta adrese ir konfigurēta uz servera ar iestatījumu ignorēt jebkuru ienākošo e-pastu.";
+$SurveyEmailSenderNoReply = "Aptaujas uzaicinājuma e-pasta sūtītājs (bez atbildes)";
+$SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment = "Izsūtot aptaujas uzaicinājumus lietot Lektora e-pasta adresi, jeb bez atbildes e-pasta adresi?";
+$CourseCoachEmailSender = "Lektora e-pasta adrese";
+$NoReplyEmailSender = "E-pasta adrese bez atbildes";
+$GradebookActivation = "Novērtējuma instrumenta aktivizēšana";
+$GradebookActivationComment = "Novērtējuma instruments ļauj jums novērtēt prasmes, apvienojot klases un klātienes darbību izvērtējumu kopējos veiktspējas pārskatos. Vai vēlaties to aktivizēt?";
+$UserTheme = "Tēma (platformas dizaina stilu mape)";
+$UserThemeSelection = "Lietotāja tēmas izvēle";
+$UserThemeSelectionComment = "Ļauj lietotājiem izvēlēties savu vizuālo tēmu savā profilā.<br> Tas ļaus mainīt Chamilo izskatu konkrētajam Lietotājam, bet atstās portāla noklusējuma stilu neskartu. Ja kursam, vai sesijai, ir īpaši piešķirta tēma, tad tai ir prioritāte attiecībā pret lietotāja definēto motīvu.<br><br><b> Patreizējā pieredze liecina, ka šo opciju nevajag ļaut Lietotājiem lietot !</b> <br>Bet vari pamēģināt, varbūt kodējums ir uzlabots.:)";
+$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "Noklikšķiniet šeit, lai saņemtu demo kontu";
+$ManageUserFields = "Esošās un Papildus Ailes Lietotāja reģistrā";
+$UserFields = "Lietotāja Profila atribūti";
+$AddUserField = "Pievienot reģistram jaunu aili";
+$FieldLabel = "Ailes nosaukums";
+$FieldType = "Ailes satura veids";
+$FieldTitle = "Ailes info teksts";
+$FieldDefaultValue = "Noklusējuma vērtība";
+$FieldOrder = "Secība";
+$FieldVisibility = "Redzamība (+/-)";
+$FieldChangeability = "Var/Nevar rediģēt";
+$FieldTypeText = "Lauka tips - Teksts";
+$FieldTypeTextarea = "Lauka tips - teksta lauks";
+$FieldTypeRadio = "Lauka tips - izvēli atzīmēt ar punktiņu";
+$FieldTypeSelect = "Lauka tips - atzīmēt no izkrītošās izvēles";
+$FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "Lauka tips - vairākkārtēja izkrītošā izvēle";
+$FieldAdded = "Lauks ir veiksmīgi pievienots";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "Ieskaites sliekšņa iekrāsošana";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment = "Atzīmējiet rūtiņu, lai aktivizētu ieskaites robežas";
+$TabsGradebookEnableColoring = "Ieslēgt Ieskaites robežas";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustom = "Ieskaites līmeņu marķēšana";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment = "Atzīmējiet rūtiņu, lai aktivizētu Ieskaites līmeņa marķēšanu";
+$TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "Ieslēgt Ieskaites līmeņa marķēšanu";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "Slieksnis";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "Slieksnis (izteikts %) zem kura, iegūto punktu summa būs sarkanā krāsā";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "Rādīt punktu summas augšējo robežu";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Atzīmējiet rūtiņu, lai parādītu rezultātu augšējo robežu";
+$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Ieslēgt rezultāta tu augšējo robežu rādīšanu";
+$AddUserFields = "Pievienot profila informatīvo lauku";
+$FieldPossibleValues = "Iespējamās vērtības";
+$FieldPossibleValuesComment = "Izkrītošo izvēlņu informatīvo tekstu, ierakstīt vienu pēc otra, atdalot ar semikolu (;)";
+$FieldTypeDate = "Datums";
+$FieldTypeDatetime = "Datums un laiks";
 $UserFieldsAddHelp = "Lietotāja informatīvā lauka pievienošana ir vienkārša:<br>- pick a one-word, lowercase identifier,
 - select a type,
 <br>- pick a text that should appear to the user (if you use an existing translated name like BirthDate or UserSex, it will automatically get translated to any language),
 <br>- if you picked a multiple type (radio, select, multiple select), provide the possible choices (again, it can make use of the language variables defined in Chamilo), split by semi-column characters,
-<br>- for text types, you can choose a default value.<br><br>Once you're done, add the field and choose whether you want to make it visible and modifiable. Making it modifiable but not visible is useless.";
-$AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Atļaut mainīt Kursa dizaina tēmas";
-$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Rādīt mazu mēneša kalendāru \"Kursa plānotājā\"";
-$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "Šis iestatījums, ieslēdz vai atslēdz nelielu mēneša kalendāru, kas parādās Kursa plānotāja kreisajā slejā";
-$DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Attēlot gaidāmos notikumus instrumentā \"Kursa plānotājs\"";
-$DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "Šis iestatījums ieslēdz vai atslēdz gaidāmo notikumu attēlojumu, kas parādās instrumenta \"Kursa Plānotājs\" kreisajā slejā";
-$NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "Gaidāmiem notikumu skaits, kas tiek attēlots.";
+<br>- for text types, you can choose a default value.<br><br>Once you're done, add the field and choose whether you want to make it visible and modifiable. Making it modifiable but not visible is useless.";
+$AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Atļaut mainīt Kursa dizaina tēmas";
+$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Rādīt mazu mēneša kalendāru \"Kursa plānotājā\"";
+$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "Šis iestatījums, ieslēdz vai atslēdz nelielu mēneša kalendāru, kas parādās Kursa plānotāja kreisajā slejā";
+$DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Attēlot gaidāmos notikumus instrumentā \"Kursa plānotājs\"";
+$DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "Šis iestatījums ieslēdz vai atslēdz gaidāmo notikumu attēlojumu, kas parādās instrumenta \"Kursa Plānotājs\" kreisajā slejā";
+$NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "Gaidāmiem notikumu skaits, kas tiek attēlots.";
 $NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment = "Gaidāmo notikumu skaits tiek attēlots Kursa plānotājā.<br>
-Tas nozīmē, ka notikumu funkcionalitāte ir aktivizēta (skatīt iestatījumu iepriekš).";
-$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "Rādīt slēgtos apmācības kursus galvenajā reģistrācijas lapā un portāla sākuma lapā?";
-$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "Rādīt slēgtos kursus Portāla sākuma lapā un kursu sarakstā ? Portāla sākuma lapā ikona parādīsies blakus kategorijām, lai ātri varētu pierakstīties uz kursiem. <br>Ikonas parādās portālā sākuma lapā tikai tad, kad lietotājs ir ielogojies.";
-$EmailNotifySubscription = "Paziņot reģistrētajiem lietotājiem pa e-pastu";
-$UploadNewStylesheet = "Jauns e-vides interfeisa dizaina fails";
-$NameStylesheet = "E-vides Dizaina nosaukums";
-$StylesheetAdded = "Jauns E-vides dizains tika pievienots";
-$IsNotWritable = "Nav ierakstāms";
-$FieldMovedDown = "Lauks veiksmīgi tika pārvietots uz leju";
-$CannotMoveField = "Lauku nevar pārvietot";
-$FieldMovedUp = "Lauks ir veiksmīgi pārvietots uz augšu";
-$FieldShown = "Šis lauks tagad lietotājam ir redzams";
-$CannotShowField = "Lauku padarīt redzamu nav iespējams";
-$FieldHidden = "Šis lauks tagad lietotājam ir neredzams";
-$CannotHideField = "Lauku padarīt neredzamu nav iespējams";
-$FieldMadeChangeable = "Šo lauku lietotājs var izmainīt, to aizpildot vai rediģējot";
-$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "Šo lauku nav iespējams padarīt izmaināmu";
-$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "Lauks ir padarīts neizmaināms, lietotājs nevar to aizpildīt vai rediģēt";
-$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "Lauku nevar padarīt neizmaināmu";
-$FieldDeleted = "Lauks ir izdzēsts";
-$CannotDeleteField = "Lauks nevar izdzēst";
-$AddUsersByCoachTitle = "Lektors var reģistrēt Lietotājus";
-$AddUsersByCoachComment = "Lektors var veidot Lietotājus platformā un tos reģistrēt sesijās";
-$UserFieldsSortOptions = "Kārtot profila lauku opcijas";
-$FieldOptionMovedUp = "Opcija ir pārvietota uz augšu";
-$CannotMoveFieldOption = "Opciju nevar pārvietot";
-$FieldOptionMovedDown = "Opcija ir pārvietota uz leju";
-$DefineSessionOptions = "Definēt Lektora pieejas limitus";
-$DaysBefore = "Dienas pirms sesijas sākuma";
-$DaysAfter = "Dienas pēc";
-$SessionAddTypeUnique = "Individuāls reģistrs";
-$SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Kolektīvs reģistrs";
-$EnableSearchTitle = "Pilna teksta meklēšanas funkcija";
-$EnableSearchComment = "Izvēlieties \"Jā\", lai nodrošinātu šo funkciju.<br> Funkcijas darbība ir ļoti atkarīga no Xapian paplašinājuma PHP, tāpēc tā nevar darboties, ja šis paplašinājuma nav instalēts jūsu serverī. Minimālā versija 1.x .";
-$SearchASession = "Meklēt mācību sesiju";
-$ActiveSession = "Sesiju sesija";
-$AddUrl = "Pievienot URL";
-$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Rādīt sesijas vadītāju";
-$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Rādīt kopējās sesijas Lektora vārdu, pie sesijas nosaukuma mācību sarakstā";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Palielināt tiesības Asistentam";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "Aktivizējot šo opciju, Asistentam tiks dotas tādas pašas iespējas, kā Lektoram, lietojot Kursa veidošanas instrumentus";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "Aktivizējot šo opciju, Asistentam tiks dotas iespējas, veidot un rediģēt Aptaujas";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Paplašināt Aptauju veidošanas tiesības Asistentam";
-$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "Šo lietotāju nevar izdzēst, jo viņš joprojām ir, kā Lektors, kādā no Kursiem . Jūs varat:<br>- vai nu noņemt Lektora statusu šajā kursā, un pēc tam izdzēsiet šo kontu, <br>- vai atslēgt kontu, nevis dzēst to.";
-$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Ļaut personām, kuras nav platformas administratori, izveidot apmācības";
-$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Ļauj ārpuskopienas administratoriem ( Lektoriem ), izveidot jaunus mācību kursus portālā";
-$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Atļaut Lietotājie, pārlūkot apmācības kursu katalogu un parakstīties uz pieejamajiem kursiem.";
-$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Jā (faili tiks pilnībā izdzēsti un nebūs atgūstami)";
-$NoWillDeletePermanently = "Nē (faili tiks izdzēsti no aplikācijas, bet būs manuāli atgūstami ar servera administratora palīdzību)";
-$SelectAResponsible = "Izvēlēties vadītāju";
-$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "Personāla daļas vadītājs nav pieejams";
-$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Atļaut izglītojamajiem piekļūt apmācību kursu katalogam";
-$SharedSettingIconComment = "Tas ir koplietošanas iestatījums";
-$GlobalAgenda = "Platformas kopīgais notikumu plānotājs.";
-$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "Paplašinātais failu pārvaldnieks WYSIWYG redaktoram";
-$AdvancedFileManagerComment = "Nodrošināt WYSIWYG redaktorā uzlabotu failu pārvaldi? Tas pievienos ievērojamas papildu iespējas failu pārvaldē, kas atvērsies kā pop-up logs, augšupielādējot failus uz servera.";
-$ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "Vidējais satura apguves progress Kursos";
-$Templates = "Mācību lapu satura organizācijas šabloni";
-$HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "Nerādīt šo portālu kopējā Chamilo portālu sarakstā";
-$EnableVersionCheck = "Veikt uzstādītās versijas pārbaudi";
-$AllowMessageToolTitle = "Iekšējās ziņojumu apmaiņas instruments";
-$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "Jūs esat pārliecināts, iestatīt šo valodu, kā portāla pamatvalodu?";
-$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Pašreizējā portāla valoda";
-$LPTestScore = "Kursu rezultāti";
-$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Vidējie testu rezultāti Kursos";
-$ImportUsersToACourse = "Importēt lietotāju sarakstu";
-$ImportCourses = "Importēt kursu sarakstu";
-$ManageUsers = "Organizēt lietotājus";
-$ManageCourses = "Organizēt Kursus";
-$UserListIn = "Kursi no";
-$EditUsers = "Rediģēt lietotājus";
-$EditCourses = "Rediģēt kursus";
-$CourseListIn = "Kursi no";
-$AllowMessageToolComment = "Ieslēgt iekšējo ziņojumu apmaiņas instrumentu, ļaujot lietotājiem sūtīt ziņojumus citiem platformas lietotājiem un izveidot ziņojuma apmaiņas pastkasti.";
-$AllowSocialToolTitle = "Sociālais tīkls ( līdzīgi Facebook )";
-$AllowSocialToolComment = "Sociālā tīkla instruments ļauj lietotājiem organizēt attiecības ar citiem lietotājiem. To var darīt arī veidojot draugu grupas. Apvienojumā ar iekšējās ziņojumapmaiņas instrumentu, šis rīks ļauj veidot cieši sakarus ar draugiem, portāla vides iekšienē.";
-$SetLanguageAsDefault = "Iestatīt valodu, kā noklusēto platformas pamata valodu";
-$FieldFilter = "Filtrēt";
-$FilterOn = "Filtru ieslēgt";
-$FilterOff = "Filtru izslēgt";
-$FieldFilterSetOn = "Tagad varat izmantot šo lauku, kā filtru";
-$FieldFilterSetOff = "Jūs nevarat izmantot šo lauku, kā filtru";
-$buttonAddUserField = "Pievienot Lietotāja lauku";
-$FilterUsers = "Filtrēt lietotājus";
-$CoachIsRequired = "Jums jāatzīmē asistents";
-$EncryptMethodUserPass = "Šifrēšanas metode";
-$AddTemplate = "Pievienot mācību satura vadības šablonu";
-$TemplateImageComment100x70 = "Šis attēls reprezentēs šablonu visu šablonu sarakstā. Tas <b>nevar būt</b> lielāks par 100x70 pikseļiem";
-$TemplateAdded = "Šablons pievienots";
-$TemplateDeleted = "Šablons izdzēsts";
-$EditTemplate = "Rediģēt šablonu";
-$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "Šeit ir importēti lietotāji, kuri nav reģistrēti platformā.";
-$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "Jums ir jāimportē fails, kurš atbilst izvēlētajam formātam.";
-$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Rādīt Lektora e-pastu kājenē";
-$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Rādīt Lektora e-pastu kājenē?";
-$Created = "Izveidots";
-$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Pievienot sistēmas paziņojumu";
-$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Rediģēt sistēmas paziņojumu";
-$LPProgressScore = "Mācību objektu procentuālais apmeklējums";
-$TotalTimeByCourse = "Viss kursā pavadītais laiks";
-$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Pēdējais kursu apmeklējušais kursants";
-$AnnouncementAvailable = "Paziņojums ir pieejams";
-$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "Paziņojums nav pieejams";
-$Searching = "Meklēšana";
-$AddLDAPUsers = "Pievienot LDAP lietotājus";
-$Academica = "Akadēmisks";
-$AddNews = "Pievienot ziņas";
-$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "Neizdevās atvērt meklēšanas datu bāzi";
-$FieldRemoved = "Lauks ir pārvietots";
-$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdded = "Jauna apakš-valoda ir pievienota";
-$DeleteSubLanguage = "Dzēst apakš-valodu";
-$TemplateEdited = "Šablons ir izmainīts";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Rādīt Skaidrojuma vārdnīcas terminus dokumentos";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "No šejienes jūs varat konfigurēt, kā pievienot saites uz Skaidrojuma vārdnīcas terminiem no dokumentiem";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automātiskā: pievieno saites uz visiem noteiktajiem Skaidrojuma vārdnīcas terminiem, kas atrodami dokumentā";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manuāli: parāda glosārija ikonu tiešsaistes redaktorā, lai jūs varētu atzīmēt terminus, kas ir glosārijā un kam jūs vēlaties izveidot saiti";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "Neviens: dokumentā nav neviena glossary termina";
-$LanguageVariable = "Mainīgā valoda";
-$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Sesijas(u) Pasniedzēju dati ir redzami kājenē.";
-$ShowTutorDataComment = "Rādīt kājenē, atsauces par sesijas vadītāju (vārdu un e-pastu, ja ir pieejams)?";
-$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Parādīt informāciju par Lektoru kājenē";
-$ShowTeacherDataComment = "Rādīt atsauces par Lektoru (vārdu un e-pastu, ja ir pieejams),kājenē.";
-$TermsAndConditions = "Vides lietošanas \"Noteikumi un Nosacījumi\" Lietotājiem";
-$HTMLText = "HTML";
-$PageLink = "Lapas hipersaite";
-$DisplayTermsConditions = "Platformas lietošanas Nosacījumu un Noteikumu saturs, ko lai reģistrētos, var pieprasīt apmeklētājam akceptēt.";
-$AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle = "Pievienot jauna Lietotāja reģistra formai \" Lietošanas Noteikumus un Nosacījumus\"";
-$AllowTermsAndConditionsComment = "Šī opcija parādīs jauno Lietotāju reģistrā lapā \"Platformas lietošanas Noteikumus un Nosacījumus\" jauniem Lietotājiem, lai tie ar tiem iepazītos un tos apstiprinātu";
-$Load = "Ievietot";
-$AllVersions = "Visas versijas";
-$EditTermsAndConditions = "Rediģēt Noteikumus un Nosacījumus";
-$Changes = "Veiktās izmaiņas";
-$ExplainChanges = "Izskaidrojiet/ pamatojiet veiktās izmaiņas Noteikumos";
-$TermAndConditionNotSaved = "\"Noteikumi un Nosacījumi\" nav saglabāti";
-$AddTermsAndConditions = "Pievienot Noteikumus un Nosacījumus";
-$TermAndConditionSaved = "Noteikumi un nosacījumi ir saglabāti.";
-$Visibility = "Redzamība";
-$SessionCategory = "Sesiju kategorijas";
-$ListSessionCategory = "Sesiju kategoriju saraksts";
-$AddSessionCategory = "Pievienot kategoriju";
-$SessionCategoryName = "Kategorijas nosaukums";
-$EditSessionCategory = "Rediģēt sesijas kategoriju";
-$SessionCategoryAdded = "Kategorija pievienota";
-$SessionCategoryUpdate = "Atjaunināt kategoriju";
-$SessionCategoryDelete = "Atzīmētās kategorijas ir izdzēstas";
-$SessionCategoryNameIsRequired = "Lūdzu, piešķiriet sesijas kategorijai nosaukumu";
-$ThereIsNotStillASession = "Šeit nav pieejamu sesiju";
-$SelectASession = "Atzīmēt sesiju";
-$OriginCoursesFromSession = "Kursi oriģinālajā sesijā";
-$DestinationCoursesFromSession = "Kursi no galamērķa sesijas";
-$CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "Palīg instruments kursu iekšējai pārvietošanai / kopēšanai no sesijas uz sesiju";
-$TypeOfCopy = "Kopēšanas iespējas";
-$CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "Kopēt kursu no vienas sesijas otrā";
-$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "Stilu nevar pievienot";
-$SpecialExports = "Speciālais satura eksports <b>(tikai ADMIN)</b>";
-$CreateBackup = "Izveidot rezerves kopiju";
-$ConfigureInscription = "Papildus teksts/komentārs Reģistrācijas lapā";
-$EditTopRegister = "Rediģēt piezīmi";
-$InsertTabs = "Pievienot cilni";
-$EditTabs = "Rediģēt cilni";
-$BabyOrange = "Gaiši oranžs";
-$BlueLagoon = "Zilā lagūna";
-$CoolBlue = "Auksti zils";
-$Corporate = "Korporatīvais";
-$CosmicCampus = "Kosmiskais";
-$DeliciousBordeaux = "Delikātais bordo";
-$DokeosClassic2D = "Klasiskais Dokeos 2D";
-$DokeosBlue = "Dokeos zils";
-$EmpireGreen = "Majestātiski zaļš";
-$FruityOrange = "Apelsīnu oranžs";
-$Medical = "Medikāls";
-$RoyalPurple = "Karaliski sarkans";
-$SilverLine = "Sudrabains";
-$SoberBrown = "Brūns";
-$SteelGrey = "Tērauda pelēks";
-$TastyOlive = "Olīvju zaļš";
-$ExportCourses = "Eksportēt kursus";
-$IsAdministrator = "Ir Administrators";
-$IsNotAdministrator = "Tas nav administrators";
-$AddTimeLimit = "Pievienot laika ierobežojumus";
-$EditTimeLimit = "Rediģēt laika limitu";
-$SendEmailToAdminTitle = "E-pasta brīdinājums, par jauna Kursa izveidi platformā.";
-$SendEmailToAdminComment = "Nosūtīt e-pastu platformas administratoram, katru reizi kad Lektors reģistrē jaunu kursu.";
-$MathMimetexTitle = "mime TEX matemātiskais redaktors";
+Tas nozīmē, ka notikumu funkcionalitāte ir aktivizēta (skatīt iestatījumu iepriekš).";
+$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "Rādīt slēgtos apmācības kursus galvenajā reģistrācijas lapā un portāla sākuma lapā?";
+$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "Rādīt slēgtos kursus Portāla sākuma lapā un kursu sarakstā ? Portāla sākuma lapā ikona parādīsies blakus kategorijām, lai ātri varētu pierakstīties uz kursiem. <br>Ikonas parādās portālā sākuma lapā tikai tad, kad lietotājs ir ielogojies.";
+$EmailNotifySubscription = "Paziņot reģistrētajiem lietotājiem pa e-pastu";
+$UploadNewStylesheet = "Jauns e-vides interfeisa dizaina fails";
+$NameStylesheet = "E-vides Dizaina nosaukums";
+$StylesheetAdded = "Jauns E-vides dizains tika pievienots";
+$IsNotWritable = "Nav ierakstāms";
+$FieldMovedDown = "Lauks veiksmīgi tika pārvietots uz leju";
+$CannotMoveField = "Lauku nevar pārvietot";
+$FieldMovedUp = "Lauks ir veiksmīgi pārvietots uz augšu";
+$FieldShown = "Šis lauks tagad lietotājam ir redzams";
+$CannotShowField = "Lauku padarīt redzamu nav iespējams";
+$FieldHidden = "Šis lauks tagad lietotājam ir neredzams";
+$CannotHideField = "Lauku padarīt neredzamu nav iespējams";
+$FieldMadeChangeable = "Šo lauku lietotājs var izmainīt, to aizpildot vai rediģējot";
+$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "Šo lauku nav iespējams padarīt izmaināmu";
+$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "Lauks ir padarīts neizmaināms, lietotājs nevar to aizpildīt vai rediģēt";
+$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "Lauku nevar padarīt neizmaināmu";
+$FieldDeleted = "Lauks ir izdzēsts";
+$CannotDeleteField = "Lauks nevar izdzēst";
+$AddUsersByCoachTitle = "Lektors var reģistrēt Lietotājus";
+$AddUsersByCoachComment = "Lektors var veidot Lietotājus platformā un tos reģistrēt sesijās";
+$UserFieldsSortOptions = "Kārtot profila lauku opcijas";
+$FieldOptionMovedUp = "Opcija ir pārvietota uz augšu";
+$CannotMoveFieldOption = "Opciju nevar pārvietot";
+$FieldOptionMovedDown = "Opcija ir pārvietota uz leju";
+$DefineSessionOptions = "Definēt Lektora pieejas limitus";
+$DaysBefore = "Dienas pirms sesijas sākuma";
+$DaysAfter = "Dienas pēc";
+$SessionAddTypeUnique = "Individuāls reģistrs";
+$SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Kolektīvs reģistrs";
+$EnableSearchTitle = "Pilna teksta meklēšanas funkcija";
+$EnableSearchComment = "Izvēlieties \"Jā\", lai nodrošinātu šo funkciju.<br> Funkcijas darbība ir ļoti atkarīga no Xapian paplašinājuma PHP, tāpēc tā nevar darboties, ja šis paplašinājuma nav instalēts jūsu serverī. Minimālā versija 1.x .";
+$SearchASession = "Meklēt mācību sesiju";
+$ActiveSession = "Sesiju sesija";
+$AddUrl = "Pievienot URL";
+$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Rādīt sesijas vadītāju";
+$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Rādīt kopējās sesijas Lektora vārdu, pie sesijas nosaukuma mācību sarakstā";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Palielināt tiesības Asistentam";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "Aktivizējot šo opciju, Asistentam tiks dotas tādas pašas iespējas, kā Lektoram, lietojot Kursa veidošanas instrumentus";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "Aktivizējot šo opciju, Asistentam tiks dotas iespējas, veidot un rediģēt Aptaujas";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Paplašināt Aptauju veidošanas tiesības Asistentam";
+$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "Šo lietotāju nevar izdzēst, jo viņš joprojām ir, kā Lektors, kādā no Kursiem . Jūs varat:<br>- vai nu noņemt Lektora statusu šajā kursā, un pēc tam izdzēsiet šo kontu, <br>- vai atslēgt kontu, nevis dzēst to.";
+$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Ļaut personām, kuras nav platformas administratori, izveidot apmācības";
+$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Ļauj ārpuskopienas administratoriem ( Lektoriem ), izveidot jaunus mācību kursus portālā";
+$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Atļaut Lietotājie, pārlūkot apmācības kursu katalogu un parakstīties uz pieejamajiem kursiem.";
+$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Jā (faili tiks pilnībā izdzēsti un nebūs atgūstami)";
+$NoWillDeletePermanently = "Nē (faili tiks izdzēsti no aplikācijas, bet būs manuāli atgūstami ar servera administratora palīdzību)";
+$SelectAResponsible = "Izvēlēties vadītāju";
+$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "Personāla daļas vadītājs nav pieejams";
+$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Atļaut izglītojamajiem piekļūt apmācību kursu katalogam";
+$SharedSettingIconComment = "Tas ir koplietošanas iestatījums";
+$GlobalAgenda = "Platformas kopīgais notikumu plānotājs.";
+$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "Paplašinātais failu pārvaldnieks WYSIWYG redaktoram";
+$AdvancedFileManagerComment = "Nodrošināt WYSIWYG redaktorā uzlabotu failu pārvaldi? Tas pievienos ievērojamas papildu iespējas failu pārvaldē, kas atvērsies kā pop-up logs, augšupielādējot failus uz servera.";
+$ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "Vidējais satura apguves progress Kursos";
+$Templates = "Mācību lapu satura organizācijas šabloni";
+$HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "Nerādīt šo portālu kopējā Chamilo portālu sarakstā";
+$EnableVersionCheck = "Veikt uzstādītās versijas pārbaudi";
+$AllowMessageToolTitle = "Iekšējās ziņojumu apmaiņas instruments";
+$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "Jūs esat pārliecināts, iestatīt šo valodu, kā portāla pamatvalodu?";
+$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Pašreizējā portāla valoda";
+$LPTestScore = "Kursu rezultāti";
+$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Vidējie testu rezultāti Kursos";
+$ImportUsersToACourse = "Importēt lietotāju sarakstu";
+$ImportCourses = "Importēt kursu sarakstu";
+$ManageUsers = "Organizēt lietotājus";
+$ManageCourses = "Organizēt Kursus";
+$UserListIn = "Kursi no";
+$EditUsers = "Rediģēt lietotājus";
+$EditCourses = "Rediģēt kursus";
+$CourseListIn = "Kursi no";
+$AllowMessageToolComment = "Ieslēgt iekšējo ziņojumu apmaiņas instrumentu, ļaujot lietotājiem sūtīt ziņojumus citiem platformas lietotājiem un izveidot ziņojuma apmaiņas pastkasti.";
+$AllowSocialToolTitle = "Sociālais tīkls ( līdzīgi Facebook )";
+$AllowSocialToolComment = "Sociālā tīkla instruments ļauj lietotājiem organizēt attiecības ar citiem lietotājiem. To var darīt arī veidojot draugu grupas. Apvienojumā ar iekšējās ziņojumapmaiņas instrumentu, šis rīks ļauj veidot cieši sakarus ar draugiem, portāla vides iekšienē.";
+$SetLanguageAsDefault = "Iestatīt valodu, kā noklusēto platformas pamata valodu";
+$FieldFilter = "Filtrēt";
+$FilterOn = "Filtru ieslēgt";
+$FilterOff = "Filtru izslēgt";
+$FieldFilterSetOn = "Tagad varat izmantot šo lauku, kā filtru";
+$FieldFilterSetOff = "Jūs nevarat izmantot šo lauku, kā filtru";
+$buttonAddUserField = "Pievienot Lietotāja lauku";
+$FilterUsers = "Filtrēt lietotājus";
+$CoachIsRequired = "Jums jāatzīmē asistents";
+$EncryptMethodUserPass = "Šifrēšanas metode";
+$AddTemplate = "Pievienot mācību satura vadības šablonu";
+$TemplateImageComment100x70 = "Šis attēls reprezentēs šablonu visu šablonu sarakstā. Tas <b>nevar būt</b> lielāks par 100x70 pikseļiem";
+$TemplateAdded = "Šablons pievienots";
+$TemplateDeleted = "Šablons izdzēsts";
+$EditTemplate = "Rediģēt šablonu";
+$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "Šeit ir importēti lietotāji, kuri nav reģistrēti platformā.";
+$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "Jums ir jāimportē fails, kurš atbilst izvēlētajam formātam.";
+$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Rādīt Lektora e-pastu kājenē";
+$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "Rādīt Lektora e-pastu kājenē?";
+$Created = "Izveidots";
+$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Pievienot sistēmas paziņojumu";
+$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Rediģēt sistēmas paziņojumu";
+$LPProgressScore = "Mācību objektu procentuālais apmeklējums";
+$TotalTimeByCourse = "Viss kursā pavadītais laiks";
+$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Pēdējais kursu apmeklējušais kursants";
+$AnnouncementAvailable = "Paziņojums ir pieejams";
+$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "Paziņojums nav pieejams";
+$Searching = "Meklēšana";
+$AddLDAPUsers = "Pievienot LDAP lietotājus";
+$Academica = "Akadēmisks";
+$AddNews = "Pievienot ziņas";
+$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "Neizdevās atvērt meklēšanas datu bāzi";
+$FieldRemoved = "Lauks ir pārvietots";
+$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdded = "Jauna apakš-valoda ir pievienota";
+$DeleteSubLanguage = "Dzēst apakš-valodu";
+$TemplateEdited = "Šablons ir izmainīts";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Rādīt Skaidrojuma vārdnīcas terminus dokumentos";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "No šejienes jūs varat konfigurēt, kā pievienot saites uz Skaidrojuma vārdnīcas terminiem no dokumentiem";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automātiskā: pievieno saites uz visiem noteiktajiem Skaidrojuma vārdnīcas terminiem, kas atrodami dokumentā";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manuāli: parāda glosārija ikonu tiešsaistes redaktorā, lai jūs varētu atzīmēt terminus, kas ir glosārijā un kam jūs vēlaties izveidot saiti";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "Neviens: dokumentā nav neviena glossary termina";
+$LanguageVariable = "Mainīgā valoda";
+$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Sesijas(u) Pasniedzēju dati ir redzami kājenē.";
+$ShowTutorDataComment = "Rādīt kājenē, atsauces par sesijas vadītāju (vārdu un e-pastu, ja ir pieejams)?";
+$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Parādīt informāciju par Lektoru kājenē";
+$ShowTeacherDataComment = "Rādīt atsauces par Lektoru (vārdu un e-pastu, ja ir pieejams),kājenē.";
+$TermsAndConditions = "Vides lietošanas \"Noteikumi un Nosacījumi\" Lietotājiem";
+$HTMLText = "HTML";
+$PageLink = "Lapas hipersaite";
+$DisplayTermsConditions = "Platformas lietošanas Nosacījumu un Noteikumu saturs, ko lai reģistrētos, var pieprasīt apmeklētājam akceptēt.";
+$AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle = "Pievienot jauna Lietotāja reģistra formai \" Lietošanas Noteikumus un Nosacījumus\"";
+$AllowTermsAndConditionsComment = "Šī opcija parādīs jauno Lietotāju reģistrā lapā \"Platformas lietošanas Noteikumus un Nosacījumus\" jauniem Lietotājiem, lai tie ar tiem iepazītos un tos apstiprinātu";
+$Load = "Ievietot";
+$AllVersions = "Visas versijas";
+$EditTermsAndConditions = "Rediģēt Noteikumus un Nosacījumus";
+$Changes = "Veiktās izmaiņas";
+$ExplainChanges = "Izskaidrojiet/ pamatojiet veiktās izmaiņas Noteikumos";
+$TermAndConditionNotSaved = "\"Noteikumi un Nosacījumi\" nav saglabāti";
+$AddTermsAndConditions = "Pievienot Noteikumus un Nosacījumus";
+$TermAndConditionSaved = "Noteikumi un nosacījumi ir saglabāti.";
+$Visibility = "Redzamība";
+$SessionCategory = "Sesiju kategorijas";
+$ListSessionCategory = "Sesiju kategoriju saraksts";
+$AddSessionCategory = "Pievienot kategoriju";
+$SessionCategoryName = "Kategorijas nosaukums";
+$EditSessionCategory = "Rediģēt sesijas kategoriju";
+$SessionCategoryAdded = "Kategorija pievienota";
+$SessionCategoryUpdate = "Atjaunināt kategoriju";
+$SessionCategoryDelete = "Atzīmētās kategorijas ir izdzēstas";
+$SessionCategoryNameIsRequired = "Lūdzu, piešķiriet sesijas kategorijai nosaukumu";
+$ThereIsNotStillASession = "Šeit nav pieejamu sesiju";
+$SelectASession = "Atzīmēt sesiju";
+$OriginCoursesFromSession = "Kursi oriģinālajā sesijā";
+$DestinationCoursesFromSession = "Kursi no galamērķa sesijas";
+$CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "Palīg instruments kursu iekšējai pārvietošanai / kopēšanai no sesijas uz sesiju";
+$TypeOfCopy = "Kopēšanas iespējas";
+$CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "Kopēt kursu no vienas sesijas otrā";
+$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "Stilu nevar pievienot";
+$SpecialExports = "Speciālais satura eksports <b>(tikai ADMIN)</b>";
+$CreateBackup = "Izveidot rezerves kopiju";
+$ConfigureInscription = "Papildus teksts/komentārs Reģistrācijas lapā";
+$EditTopRegister = "Rediģēt piezīmi";
+$InsertTabs = "Pievienot cilni";
+$EditTabs = "Rediģēt cilni";
+$BabyOrange = "Gaiši oranžs";
+$BlueLagoon = "Zilā lagūna";
+$CoolBlue = "Auksti zils";
+$Corporate = "Korporatīvais";
+$CosmicCampus = "Kosmiskais";
+$DeliciousBordeaux = "Delikātais bordo";
+$DokeosClassic2D = "Klasiskais Dokeos 2D";
+$DokeosBlue = "Dokeos zils";
+$EmpireGreen = "Majestātiski zaļš";
+$FruityOrange = "Apelsīnu oranžs";
+$Medical = "Medikāls";
+$RoyalPurple = "Karaliski sarkans";
+$SilverLine = "Sudrabains";
+$SoberBrown = "Brūns";
+$SteelGrey = "Tērauda pelēks";
+$TastyOlive = "Olīvju zaļš";
+$ExportCourses = "Eksportēt kursus";
+$IsAdministrator = "Ir Administrators";
+$IsNotAdministrator = "Tas nav administrators";
+$AddTimeLimit = "Pievienot laika ierobežojumus";
+$EditTimeLimit = "Rediģēt laika limitu";
+$SendEmailToAdminTitle = "E-pasta brīdinājums, par jauna Kursa izveidi platformā.";
+$SendEmailToAdminComment = "Nosūtīt e-pastu platformas administratoram, katru reizi kad Lektors reģistrē jaunu kursu.";
+$MathMimetexTitle = "mime TEX matemātiskais redaktors";
 $MathMimetexComment = "Ieslēgt mimeTeX matemātisko redaktoru.
-The activation is not fully realized if not previously installed on the server the executable MimeTex file. See the Chamilo installation guide";
-$MathASCIImathMLTitle = "ASCIIMathML matemātiskais redaktors";
-$MathASCIImathMLComment = "Ieslēgt ASCIIMathML matemātisko redaktoru";
-$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Ļaut Kursantiem ievietot video no YouTube";
-$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Nodrošināt iespēju, ka studenti var ievietot YouTube video";
-$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Bloķēt studentiem iespēju kopēt un ielīmēt";
-$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Bloķēt studentiem iespēju kopēt un ielīmēt WYSIWYG redaktorā";
-$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "Rīku pogu josla ir pagarināta";
-$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "Ieslēgt instrumentu taustiņu paplašinājumu, kad WYSIWYG redaktors ir maksimizēts";
-$Editor = "HTML Redaktors";
-$GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Pēc Ielogošanās doties tieši uz Kursu.";
-$GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "Ja lietotājs ir reģistrēts vienā kursā, pēc ielogošanās , doties tieši uz šo Kursu";
-$GroupList = "Grupu saraksts";
-$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Ļaut Kursantiem lejupielādēt visu direktoriju/mapi";
-$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Ļaut Kursantiem zipot un lejupielādēt pilnu direktoriju/mapi no Dokumentu instrumenta";
-$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Atļaut Lietotājiem veidot grupas Sociālajā tīklā";
-$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Ļaut Kursantiem sociālajā tīklā veidot grupas";
-$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Ļaut nosūtīt ziņu visiem platformas lietotājiem";
-$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Ļaut nosūtīt ziņu visiem platformas lietotājiem";
-$TabsSocial = "Cilne - Sociālais tīkls";
-$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle = "Maksimālā augšupielādējamā faila izmērs vēstulēs";
-$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment = "Maksimālais izmērs failu augšupielādei, ziņojumu/vēstuļu apmaiņas rīkā (baitos)";
-$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Pievienot Lietotāja profila lauku";
-$Username = "Lietotāja vārds";
-$ChamiloHomepage = "Chamilo mājaslapa.";
-$ChamiloForum = "Chamilo forums";
-$ChamiloExtensions = "Chamilo paplašinājumi";
-$ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "Nebūtu iespējams patreiz sazināties ar versijas serveri. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlāk vēlreiz.";
-$ChamiloGreen = "Chamilo Zaļš";
-$ChamiloRed = "Chamilo sarkans";
-$MessagesSent = "Nosūtīto vēstuļu skaits";
-$MessagesReceived = "Saņemto vēstuļu skaits";
-$CountFriends = "Kontaktu skaits";
-$ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory = "Šis spraudnis ir dzēsts no paneļa spraudņu kataloga.";
-$EnableDashboardPlugins = "Ieslēgt paneļa spraudņus";
-$TimezoneValueTitle = "Laika joslas vērtības";
-$TimezoneValueComment = "Šī ir portāla laika josla. Ja to atstāj tukšu, tā izmantos servera joslu. Ja ir uzstādīti konkrēti parametri, visi sistēmas laiki tiks parādīti, pamatojoties uz šo joslu. Šim uzstādījumam ir zemāka prioritāte nekā Lietotāja izvēlētā un aktivizētā laika josla datorā.";
-$UseUsersTimezoneTitle = "Izmantot Lietotāja laika zonu.";
-$UseUsersTimezoneComment = "Nodrošināt iespēju lietotājiem izvēlēties savu laika joslu. Pirms lietotāji var izvēlēties savu, Laika josla ir jānosaka administrēšanas sadaļā. Kad tā ir konfigurēta, lietotāji varēs to redzēt un rediģēt.";
-$FieldTypeTimezone = "Laika zona";
-$Lock = "Noslēgt";
-$SessionsInformation = "Atskaite par sesijām";
-$YourSessionsList = "Jūsu sesijas";
-$TeachersInformationsList = "Atskaite par Lektoriem";
-$YourTeachers = "Jūsu lektori";
-$StudentsInformationsList = "Atskaite par Kursantiem";
-$YourStudents = "Jūsu kursanti";
-$TeachersInformationsGraph = "Skolotāju atskaites diagramma";
-$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Studentu atskaites diagramma";
-$Timezones = "Laika zonas";
-$TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Pagājušajā nedēļā Platformā pavadītais laiks, pa dienām";
-$GraphicNotAvailable = "Grafika nav pieejama";
-$AttendancesFaults = "Kavējumi";
-$SystemStatus = "Sistēmas statuss <b>(tikai ADMIN)</b>";
-$IsWritable = "Ir ierakstāms";
-$DirectoryExists = "Direktorija eksistē";
+The activation is not fully realized if not previously installed on the server the executable MimeTex file. See the Chamilo installation guide";
+$MathASCIImathMLTitle = "ASCIIMathML matemātiskais redaktors";
+$MathASCIImathMLComment = "Ieslēgt ASCIIMathML matemātisko redaktoru";
+$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Ļaut Kursantiem ievietot video no YouTube";
+$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Nodrošināt iespēju, ka studenti var ievietot YouTube video";
+$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Bloķēt studentiem iespēju kopēt un ielīmēt";
+$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Bloķēt studentiem iespēju kopēt un ielīmēt WYSIWYG redaktorā";
+$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "Rīku pogu josla ir pagarināta";
+$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "Ieslēgt instrumentu taustiņu paplašinājumu, kad WYSIWYG redaktors ir maksimizēts";
+$Editor = "HTML Redaktors";
+$GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Pēc Ielogošanās doties tieši uz Kursu.";
+$GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "Ja lietotājs ir reģistrēts vienā kursā, pēc ielogošanās , doties tieši uz šo Kursu";
+$GroupList = "Grupu saraksts";
+$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Ļaut Kursantiem lejupielādēt visu direktoriju/mapi";
+$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Ļaut Kursantiem zipot un lejupielādēt pilnu direktoriju/mapi no Dokumentu instrumenta";
+$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Atļaut Lietotājiem veidot grupas Sociālajā tīklā";
+$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Ļaut Kursantiem sociālajā tīklā veidot grupas";
+$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Ļaut nosūtīt ziņu visiem platformas lietotājiem";
+$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Ļaut nosūtīt ziņu visiem platformas lietotājiem";
+$TabsSocial = "Cilne - Sociālais tīkls";
+$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle = "Maksimālā augšupielādējamā faila izmērs vēstulēs";
+$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment = "Maksimālais izmērs failu augšupielādei, ziņojumu/vēstuļu apmaiņas rīkā (baitos)";
+$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Pievienot Lietotāja profila lauku";
+$Username = "Lietotāja vārds";
+$ChamiloHomepage = "Chamilo mājaslapa.";
+$ChamiloForum = "Chamilo forums";
+$ChamiloExtensions = "Chamilo paplašinājumi";
+$ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "Nebūtu iespējams patreiz sazināties ar versijas serveri. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlāk vēlreiz.";
+$ChamiloGreen = "Chamilo Zaļš";
+$ChamiloRed = "Chamilo sarkans";
+$MessagesSent = "Nosūtīto vēstuļu skaits";
+$MessagesReceived = "Saņemto vēstuļu skaits";
+$CountFriends = "Kontaktu skaits";
+$ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory = "Šis spraudnis ir dzēsts no paneļa spraudņu kataloga.";
+$EnableDashboardPlugins = "Ieslēgt paneļa spraudņus";
+$TimezoneValueTitle = "Laika joslas vērtības";
+$TimezoneValueComment = "Šī ir portāla laika josla. Ja to atstāj tukšu, tā izmantos servera joslu. Ja ir uzstādīti konkrēti parametri, visi sistēmas laiki tiks parādīti, pamatojoties uz šo joslu. Šim uzstādījumam ir zemāka prioritāte nekā Lietotāja izvēlētā un aktivizētā laika josla datorā.";
+$UseUsersTimezoneTitle = "Izmantot Lietotāja laika zonu.";
+$UseUsersTimezoneComment = "Nodrošināt iespēju lietotājiem izvēlēties savu laika joslu. Pirms lietotāji var izvēlēties savu, Laika josla ir jānosaka administrēšanas sadaļā. Kad tā ir konfigurēta, lietotāji varēs to redzēt un rediģēt.";
+$FieldTypeTimezone = "Laika zona";
+$Lock = "Noslēgt";
+$SessionsInformation = "Atskaite par sesijām";
+$YourSessionsList = "Jūsu sesijas";
+$TeachersInformationsList = "Atskaite par Lektoriem";
+$YourTeachers = "Jūsu lektori";
+$StudentsInformationsList = "Atskaite par Kursantiem";
+$YourStudents = "Jūsu kursanti";
+$TeachersInformationsGraph = "Skolotāju atskaites diagramma";
+$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Studentu atskaites diagramma";
+$Timezones = "Laika zonas";
+$TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Pagājušajā nedēļā Platformā pavadītais laiks, pa dienām";
+$GraphicNotAvailable = "Grafika nav pieejama";
+$AttendancesFaults = "Kavējumi";
+$SystemStatus = "Sistēmas statuss <b>(tikai ADMIN)</b>";
+$IsWritable = "Ir ierakstāms";
+$DirectoryExists = "Direktorija eksistē";
+$CategoriesNumber = "Kategorijas";
+$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle = "Atļaut Kursa Lietotājam piereģistrēties, kā Kursa Administratoram";
+$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment = "Aktivizējot šo iespēju, tā ļaus kursu administratoram pievienot lietotājus kursa iekšpusē.";
+$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Konfigurēt Paneļa spraudņus";
+$EditBlocks = "Pievienot / rediģēt blokus";
+$ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle = "Rādīt saiti, lai ziņotu par kļūdu";
+$ShowLinkBugNotificationComment = "Rādīt saiti platformas galvenē, lai ziņotu par kļūdu darbībā mūsu atbalsta platformai (http://support.chamilo.org). Nospiežot uz saites, Lietotājs nosūtīta uz wiki lapu, atbalsta platformā, informāciju, kas apraksta kļūdu.";
+$GradebookActivateScoreDisplayCustom = "Ieslēgt Ieskaites līmeņa marķēšanu, lai varētu uzstādīt informāciju par individuālajiem rezultātiem";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomValues = "Ieskaišu līmeņu pašiestatāmās vērtības";
+$GradebookNumberDecimals = "Ciparu skaits aiz komata";
+$GradebookNumberDecimalsComment = "Ļauj iestatīt skaitļu decimāldaļas rezultātos";
+$FillUsers = "Ierakstīt Lietotājus";
+$AssignCoach = "Nozīmēt mācību spēku";
+$Social = "Sociālais tīkls";
+$BackupCreated = "Rezerves kopija ir izveidota";
+$NotInserted = "Nav ievietots";
+$phone = "Telefons";
+$ResetLP = "Atkārtot / atjaunot tēmas apguvi <b>(reset)</b>";
+$LPWasReset = "Mācību satura apguve Kursantam ir atjaunināta.";
+$AnnouncementVisible = "Paziņojums redzams";
+$AnnouncementInvisible = "Paziņojums nav redzams";
+$GlossaryDeleted = "Glosārijs (Terminu Vārdnīca) izdzēsts";
+$CourseDescriptionUpdated = "Kursa apraksts atjaunināts.";
+$SessionReadOnly = "Tikai lasāms";
+$SessionAccessible = "Pieejams";
+$SessionNotAccessible = "Nav pieejams";
+$GroupAdded = "Grupa pievienota";
+$AddUsersToGroup = "Pievienot Lietotājus grupai";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -30,4 +30,5 @@ $SessionName = "Sesijas nosaukums";
 $SessionCategory = "Sesijas kategorijas";
 $SessionData = "Sesiju dati";
 $TheLPAutoLaunchSettingIsONStudentsWillBeRedirectToAnSpecificLP = "Apmācības automātiskās palaišanas iestatījums ir IESLĒGTS. <br>Kad studenti atvērs šo kursu, tie tiks automātiski virzīti apmācības procesā.";
+$ToolSearch = "Meklēt";

+ 863 - 861

@@ -1,865 +1,867 @@
-for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
-$DeleteAllAttendances = "Dzēst visu klātienes reģistru";
-$SearchXapianModuleNotInstalled = "Xapian meklēšanas modulis nav instalēts";
-$Title = "Virsraksts";
-$By = "Autors";
-$UsersOnline = "Lietotāji tiešsaistē";
-$Remove = "Izņemt";
-$langEnter = "Atpakaļ uz manu kursu sarakstu";
-$Description = "Apraksts";
-$Links = "__Hipersaišu arhīvā esošas tīmekļa hipersaites";
-$langWorks = "Referāti / Mājas darbi";
-$Forums = "__Apspriežamu tēmu Kursa Forumos";
-$langExercices = "Testi / Kontroldarbi";
-$langCreateDir = "Izveidot mapi";
-$Name = "Nosaukums/vārds (aktivitātei; elementam)";
-$langComment = "Papildus komentārs";
-$langVisible = "Redzams";
-$langNewDir = "Jaunās mapes nosaukums";
-$langDirCr = "Mape ir izveidota";
-$Download = "Lejupielāde";
-$langGroup = "Kursantu grupas";
-$langEdit = "Labot";
-$langGroupForum = "Grupas diskusija";
-$Language = "Valoda";
-$LoginName = "Lietotājvārds";
-$AutostartMp3 = "Vai Jūs vēlaties, lai audio fails sāktos automātiski?";
-$Assignments = "Referāti / Mājas darbi";
-$Forum = "Diskusijas kursā";
-$langDelImage = "Dzēst attēlu";
-$langCode = "Kursa kods";
-$langUp = "Augšup";
-$Down = "Lejup";
-$Up = "Augšup";
-$Theme = "Darba loga vizuālais izskats";
-$TheListIsEmpty = "Saraksts ir tukšs";
-$langUniqueSelect = "Vienas atbildes izvēle no vairākām";
-$CreateCategory = "Pievienot";
-$SendFile = "Augšupielādēt dokumentu";
-$SaveChanges = "Saglabāt izmaiņas";
-$SearchTerm = "Meklēt vārdu";
-$TooShort = "Par īsu";
-$langCourseCreate = "<b>Izveidot</b> jaunu Kursu";
-$langTodo = "Uzdevumi";
-$UserName = "Lietotājvārds";
-$lang_show_hide = "Redzams / neredzams";
-$langCategoryMod = "Rediģēt kursu kategorijas";
-$Hide = "Paslēpt";
-$langDear = "Cien.";
-$langArchive = "arhīvs";
-$langCourseCode = "Kursa kods";
-$langNoDescription = "nav apraksta";
-$langOfficialCode = "Dienesta kods";
-$FirstName = "Vārds";
-$LastName = "Uzvārds";
-$Status = "Statuss";
-$langEmail = "e-pasts";
-$SlideshowConversion = "Slaidu demonstrācijas konvertācija";
-$UploadFile = "Failu augšupielāde";
-$AvailableFrom = "Pieejams no";
-$AvailableTill = "Pieejams līdz";
-$Preview = "Priekšskatījums";
-$Type = "Veids";
-$EmailAddress = "E-pasta adrese";
-$Organisation = "Organizācija";
-$Reporting = "Atskaites";
-$Code = "Kods";
-$Update = "Atjaunināt";
-$SelectQuestionType = "Izvēlēties jautājuma veidu";
-$CurrentCourse = "Pašreizējais kurss";
-$Back = "Atpakaļ";
-$Info = "informācija";
-$Search = "Meklēt";
-$AdvancedSearch = "Paplašinātā meklēšana";
-$Open = "Atvērt";
-$Import = "Apstiprināt";
-$AddAnother = "Pievienot citu";
-$Author = "Autors";
-$TrueFalse = "Pareizi / Nepareizi";
-$QuestionType = "Jautājuma veids";
-$NoSearchResults = "Nekas netika atrasts";
-$SelectQuestion = "Atzīmēt jautājumu";
-$AddNewQuestionType = "Pievienot jaunu jautājuma veidu";
-$Numbered = "Numurēts";
-$iso639_2_code = "en";
-$iso639_1_code = "eng";
-$charset = "utf-8";
-$text_dir = "ltr";
-$left_font_family = "verdana, helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif";
-$right_font_family = "helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif";
-$number_thousands_separator = ",";
-$number_decimal_separator = ".";
-$dateFormatShort = "%b %d, %y";
-$dateFormatLong = "%A %B %d, %Y";
-$dateTimeFormatLong = "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p";
-$timeNoSecFormat = "%I:%M %p";
-$langYes = "Jā";
-$langNo = "<b>Nē!</b>";
-$Next = "Nākošais";
-$langAllowed = "Atļauts";
-$langBackHome = "Uz sākumlapu";
-$langPropositions = "Ieteikumi uzlabojumu veikšanai";
-$langMaj = "Atjaunot";
-$langModify = "Veikt izmaiņas";
-$langDelete = "Izdzēst";
-$langInvisible = "Padarīt neredzamu";
-$langSave = "Saglabāt";
-$langMove = "Pārvietot";
-$Help = "Palīgs";
-$langOk = "Darīts!";
-$langAdd = "Pievienot";
-$langAddIntro = "Pievienot Kursa ievada tekstu un attēlus";
-$langBackList = "Atpakaļ uz sarakstu";
-$langText = "Teksts";
-$langEmpty = "Jūs atstājāt dažus laukus tukšus.<br>Izmantojiet <b>Atpakaļ</b> pogu pārlūkprogrammā un mēģiniet vēlreiz. <br>Ja jūs neziniet Jūsu mācību kodu, skatieties Kursu Programmā.";
-$langConfirmYourChoice = "Lūdzu, apstipriniet savu izvēli";
-$langAnd = "un";
-$langChoice = "Jūsu izvēle";
-$langFinish = "Pabeigt !";
-$langCancel = "Atcelt!";
-$langNotAllowed = "<b>Jūsu sesijas pieejas laiks ir beidzies</b>, <br>vai arī, Jums nav pieejas tiesību. <br><br><b>Lūdzu, autorizējieties atkārtoti!</b>";
-$langNotLogged = "Jūs neesat autorizējies šim kursam";
-$langManager = "Platformas vadība";
-$langOptional = "Izvēles";
-$NextPage = "Nākošā lapa";
-$PreviousPage = "Iepriekšējā lapa";
-$langUse = "Lietot";
-$langTotal = "Kopumā";
-$langTake = "paņem";
-$langOne = "Viens";
-$langSeveral = "Vairāki";
-$langNotice = "Piezīme";
-$langDate = "Datums";
-$langAmong = "starp";
-$langShow = "Parādīt";
-$langMyCourses = "Mani kursi";
-$langModifyProfile = "Dati par mani";
-$langMyStats = "Statistika par manām darbībām kursos";
-$langLogout = "Beigt darbu!";
-$langMyAgenda = "Mans plānotājs";
-$langCourseHomepage = "Uz Kursa sākuma lapu";
-$langCourseManagerview = "Skatīt, kā Lektoram";
-$langStudentView = "Skatīt, kā Kursantam";
-$AddResource = "Pievienot to";
-$AddedResources = "Pielikumi";
-$lang_modify_resource = "Izmainīt / Pievienot avotus";
-$lang_resource = "Avots";
-$lang_resources = "Avoti";
-$langNameOfLang['arabic'] = "ar&#257;bu";
-$langNameOfLang['brazilian'] = "braz&#299;&#316;u";
-$langNameOfLang['bulgarian'] = "bulg&#257;ru";
-$langNameOfLang['catalan'] = "kataloniešu";
-$langNameOfLang['croatian'] = "horv&#257;tu";
-$langNameOfLang['danish'] = "d&#257;&#326;u";
-$langNameOfLang['dutch'] = "fl&#257;mu";
-$langNameOfLang['english'] = "ang&#316;u";
-$langNameOfLang['finnish'] = "somu";
-$langNameOfLang['french'] = "fran&#269;u";
-$langNameOfLang['french_corporate'] = "korporat&#299;v&#257; fran&#269;u";
-$langNameOfLang['french_KM'] = "fran&#269;u KM";
-$langNameOfLang['galician'] = "gallīciešu";
-$langNameOfLang['german'] = "v&#257;cu";
-$langNameOfLang['greek'] = "grie&#311;u";
-$langNameOfLang['italian'] = "it&#257;&#316;u";
-$langNameOfLang['japanese'] = "jap&#257;&#326;u";
-$langNameOfLang['polish'] = "po&#316;u";
-$langNameOfLang['portuguese'] = "portug&#257;&#316;u";
-$langNameOfLang['russian'] = "krievu";
-$langNameOfLang['simpl_chinese'] = "vienk_ķīniešu";
-$langNameOfLang['spanish'] = "sp&#257;&#326;u";
-$Close = "aizvērt";
-$langPlatform = "Platforma";
-$localLangName = "valoda";
-$email = "e-pasts";
-$langCourseCodeAlreadyExists = "Hmm, bet šis kursa kods jau eksistē. Lūdzu izvēlies citu codu.";
-$Statistics = "Statistika";
-$langGrouplist = "grupas saraksts";
-$langPrevious = "iepriekšējo";
-$DestDirectoryDoesntExist = "Saņēmēj direktorija neeksistē";
-$Courses = "kursi";
-$In = "iekš";
-$langShowAll = "Parādīt visu";
-$langPage = "Lapa";
-$englishLangName = "Angļu";
-$Home = "Mana profila lapas sākums";
-$langAreYouSureToDelete = "Vai esat pārliecināti par dzēšanas nepieciešamību ?";
-$SelectAll = "<b>Iezīmēt</b> visu";
-$UnSelectAll = "<b>Atcelt</b> iezīmējumu";
-$WithSelected = "Ar iezīmēto";
-$langOnLine = "Tiešsaistē";
-$langUsers = "Lietotāji";
-$langPlatformAdmin = "Platformas administrēšana";
-$langNameOfLang['hungarian'] = "ung&#257;ru";
-$langNameOfLang['indonesian'] = "indonēziešu";
-$langNameOfLang['malay'] = "malaiziešu";
-$langNameOfLang['slovenian'] = "slov&#275;&#326;u";
-$langNameOfLang['spanish_latin'] = "sp&#257;&#326;u-lat&#299;&#326;u";
-$langNameOfLang['swedish'] = "zviedru";
-$langNameOfLang['thai'] = "taizemiešu";
-$langNameOfLang['turkce'] = "turku";
-$langNameOfLang['vietnamese'] = "vjetnamiešu";
-$UserInfo = "Informācija par lietotāju";
-$langModifyQuestion = "Saglabāt jautājumu";
-$langNameOfLang = "Valodas nosaukums";
-$langCheckAll = "Atzīmēt visus";
-$langNbAnnoucement = "Paziņojums";
-$lang_no_access_here = "JUMS NAV PIEEJAS TIESĪBU!";
-$langOtherCourses = "citi kursi";
-$Doc = "Kurss";
-$PlataformAdmin = "Platformas administrators";
-$Groups = "Grupas";
-$GroupManagement = "Grupu administrēšana";
-$All = "Visi vienā sarakstā";
-$None = "neviens";
-$langSorry = "Izvēlieties vispirms kursu";
-$langDenied = "Šī funkcija ir pieejama tikai kursa administratoriem";
-$Today = "Šodien";
-$langCourseHomepageLink = "Atgriezties kursa sākuma lapā";
-$Attachment = "pielikums";
-$User = "Lietotājvārds";
-$MondayInit = "P";
-$TuesdayInit = "O";
-$WednesdayInit = "T";
-$ThursdayInit = "C";
-$FridayInit = "P";
-$SaturdayInit = "S";
-$SundayInit = "Sv";
-$MondayShort = "Pirm";
-$TuesdayShort = "Otr";
-$WednesdayShort = "Tre";
-$ThursdayShort = "Cet";
-$FridayShort = "Piekt";
-$SaturdayShort = "Sest";
-$SundayShort = "Svēt";
-$MondayLong = "Pirmdiena";
-$TuesdayLong = "Otrdiena";
-$WednesdayLong = "Trešdiena";
-$ThursdayLong = "Ceturtdiena";
-$FridayLong = "Piektdiena";
-$SaturdayLong = "Sestdiena";
-$SundayLong = "Svētdiena";
-$JanuaryInit = "J";
-$FebruaryInit = "F";
-$MarchInit = "M";
-$AprilInit = "A";
-$MayInit = "M";
-$JuneInit = "J";
-$JulyInit = "J";
-$AugustInit = "A";
-$SeptemberInit = "S";
-$OctoberInit = "O";
-$NovemberInit = "N";
-$DecemberInit = "D";
-$JanuaryShort = "Jan";
-$FebruaryShort = "Feb";
-$MarchShort = "Mar";
-$AprilShort = "Apr";
-$MayShort = "Maijs";
-$JuneShort = "Jūn";
-$JulyShort = "Jūl";
-$AugustShort = "Aug";
-$SeptemberShort = "Sep";
-$OctoberShort = "Okt";
-$NovemberShort = "Nov";
-$DecemberShort = "Dec";
-$JanuaryLong = "Janvāris";
-$FebruaryLong = "Februāris";
-$MarchLong = "Marts";
-$AprilLong = "Aprilis";
-$MayLong = "Maijs";
-$JuneLong = "Jūnijs";
-$JulyLong = "Jūlijs";
-$AugustLong = "Augusts";
-$SeptemberLong = "Septembris";
-$OctoberLong = "Oktobris";
-$NovemberLong = "Novembris";
-$DecemberLong = "Decembris";
-$langMyCompetences = "Manas kompetences";
-$langMyDiplomas = "Mani sasniegumi / diplomi";
-$langMyPersonalOpenArea = "Papildus informācija, ko vēlos sniegt par sevi";
-$langMyTeach = "Papildus informācija:<br>- Kādus priekšmetus es varu mācīt? <br>- Kādas vēl ir manas prasmes?";
-$Agenda = "Kursa notikumu plānotājs";
-$HourShort = "st.";
-$PleaseTryAgain = "Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz!";
-$UplNoFileUploaded = "Neviens Fails netika augšupielādēts.";
-$UplSelectFileFirst = "Lūdzu izvēlēties failu, pirms spiežat augšupielādes pogu.";
-$UplNotAZip = "Dokuments, ko izvēlējāties, nav ZIP fails.";
-$UplUploadSucceeded = "Fails augšupielādēts veiksmīgi!";
-$ExportAsCSV = "Izeksportēt kā CSV failu";
-$ExportAsXLS = "Izeksportēt kā XLS failu";
-$langOpenarea = "Personīgais lauciņš";
-$Done = "Darīts!";
-$Documents = "__Mapē “ Dokumenti” esošu dokumentu, failu, vai attēlu";
-$DocumentAdded = "Dokuments pievienots";
-$DocumentUpdated = "Dokuments papildināts";
-$DocumentInFolderUpdated = "Dokuments papildināts mapītē";
-$Course_description = "Kursa satura un mērķu apraksts";
-$Calendar_event = "Kursa plānotājs";
-$Document = "Kursam pievienotie dokumenti";
-$Learnpath = "Kursa tēmas";
-$Link = "Hipersaites";
-$Announcement = "Paziņojumi kursa lietotājiem";
-$Dropbox = "Dokumentu / failu apmaiņa";
-$Quiz = "__Jau izstrādātu, vai izveidojiet jaunu, kontroldarbu vai testu";
-$langChat = "Tērzēšana";
-$Conference = "Konference";
-$Student_publication = "__Sagatavotu, patstāvīgi veicamu, mājas darbu";
-$Tracking = "Atskaites";
-$langhomepage_link = "Pievienot hipersaiti šai lapai";
-$Course_setting = "Kursa iestatījumi";
-$langbackup = "Kursa rezerves kopija";
-$langcopy_course_content = "Kopēt šī kursa saturu";
-$langrecycle_course = "Atjaunot šī kursa darbību, jeb iztīrīt visu iepriekšējo mācību procesa informāciju.";
-$StartDate = "Sākuma datums";
-$EndDate = "Beigu datums";
-$StartTime = "Sākšanas laiks";
-$EndTime = "Beigšanas laiks";
-$langYouWereCalled = "Jūs uz sarunu uzaicināja";
-$langDoYouAccept = "Vai Jūs tam piekrītat?";
-$Everybody = "Visi kursā reģistrētie";
-$SentTo = "Pieejams";
-$Export = "Eksportēt";
-$Tools = "Instrumenti";
-$Everyone = "Katrs";
-$SelectGroupsUsers = "Izvēlēties grupas/lietotājus";
-$Student = "Kursants";
-$Teacher = "Lektors";
-$Send2All = "Jūs nenorādījāt lietotāju/grupu. Paziņojums ir redzams katram kursā reģistrētajam kursantam";
-$Wiki = "Wiki grupa";
-$Complete = "Pabeigts";
-$Incomplete = "Nepabeigts";
-$reservation = "rezervācija";
-$StartTimeWindow = "Sākt!";
-$EndTimeWindow = "Beigt!";
-$AccessNotAllowed = "Pieeja šai lapai ir liegta";
-$InThisCourse = "Šajā kursā";
-$ThisFieldIsRequired = "Šis lauciņš ir jāaizpilda obligāti";
-$AllowedHTMLTags = "Pieļaujamās HTML koda frāzes";
-$FormHasErrorsPleaseComplete = "Formas lauciņos norādīti nekorekti dati vai tie ir nepilnīgi aizpildīti. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet ievadīto informāciju.";
-$StartDateShouldBeBeforeEndDate = "Sākuma datumam vajadzētu būt norādītam agrāk par beigu datumu";
-$InvalidDate = "Nekorekts datums";
-$OnlyLettersAndNumbersAllowed = "Ir atļauti tikai burti un cipari";
-$langBasicOverview = "Pamat pārskats";
-$CourseAdminRole = "Kursa administrators";
-$UserRole = "Loma";
-$OnlyImagesAllowed = "Tikai PNG, JPG vai GIF formāta attēli ir atļauti";
-$ViewRight = "Skatīt";
-$EditRight = "Mainīt";
-$DeleteRight = "Dzēst";
-$OverviewCourseRights = "Lomu & tiesību pārskats";
-$SeeAllRightsAllLocationsForSpecificRole = "Fokuss uz lomu";
-$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Fokuss uz tiesībām";
-$langAdvanced = "Papildus iespējas";
-$RightValueModified = "Vērtība tika izmainīta.";
-$course_rights = "Lomu & tiesību pārskats";
-$Visio_conference = "Virtuālā konference";
-$CourseAdminRoleDescription = "Lektors";
-$Move = "Pārvietot";
-$MoveTo = "Pārvietot uz";
-$Delete = "Dzēst";
-$MoveFileTo = "Pārvietot failu uz";
-$Save = "Saglabāt";
-$Error = "Kļūda";
-$Anonymous = "Aptauja ir anonīma";
-$h = "h";
-$CreateNewGlobalRole = "Veidot jaunu visaptverošu lomu";
-$CreateNewLocalRole = "Veidot jaunu lokālu lomu";
-$Actions = "Rediģēt, izdzēst";
-$Inbox = "Iesūtne";
-$ComposeMessage = "Sastādīt vēstuli";
-$Other = "Papildus informācijas bloks";
-$AddRight = "Pievienot";
-$CampusHomepage = "Mācību vides sākumlapa";
-$YouHaveNewMessage = "Tev ir vēstule !";
-$myActiveSessions = "Manas aktīvās sesijas";
-$myInactiveSessions = "Manas neaktīvās sesijas";
-$FileUpload = "Faila augšuplādēšana";
-$langMyActiveSessions = "Manas aktīvās sesijas";
-$langMyInActiveSessions = "Manas neaktīvās sesijas";
-$langMySpace = "Atskaites par padarīto manos kursos";
-$ExtensionActivedButNotYetOperational = "Šis paplašinājums ir aktivizēts, bet šajā brīdī nav pielietojams";
-$MyStudents = "Mani Kursanti";
-$Progress = "Apgūtais apjoms";
-$Or = "vai";
-$Uploading = "Augšupielāde...";
-$AccountExpired = "Konta pieejas tiesību termiņš beidzies";
-$AccountInactive = "Konts nav aktizvizēts";
-$ActionNotAllowed = "Darbība nav atļauta";
-$SubTitle = "Apakšvirsraksts";
-$NoResourcesToRecycle = "Nav resursu pārstrādāšanai";
-$noOpen = "Nevarēja atvērt";
-$TempsFrequentation = "Atkārtošanās laiks";
-$Progression = "Attīstība";
-$NoCourse = "Kurss nav atrasts";
-$Teachers = "Lektori";
-$Session = "Sesija";
-$Sessions = "Kursu sesijas";
-$NoSession = "Sesiju nevar atrast";
-$NoStudent = "Kursantu nevar atrast";
-$Students = "Kursanti";
-$NoResults = "Rezultāti nav atrasti";
-$Tutors = "Mācību spēki";
-$Tel = "Telefona Nr.";
-$NoTel = "No tel";
-$SendMail = "Sūtīt vēstuli";
-$RdvAgenda = "Dienaskārtības pieraksts";
-$VideoConf = "Video konference";
-$MyProgress = "Mans izglītības progress<br>(apgūtais apjoms)";
-$NoOnlineStudents = "Tiešsaistē neviena nav";
-$InCourse = "kursā";
-$UserOnlineListSession = "Manu kursu sesijās - tiešsaistē esošie kursanti";
-$From = "no";
-$To = "uz";
-$Content = "Saturs";
-$year = "gads";
-$Years = "gadi";
-$Day = "Diena";
-$Days = "dienas";
-$PleaseStandBy = "Lūdzu palieciet...";
-$AvailableUntil = "Pieejams līdz";
-$HourMinuteDivider = "h";
-$Visio_classroom = "Virtuālā klase";
-$Survey = "Aptaujas kursā";
-$More = "Skatīt paziņojuma saturu plašāk";
-$ClickHere = "Spiest šeit";
-$Here = "šeit";
-$SaveQuestion = "Saglabāt jautājumu";
-$ReturnTo = "Atgriezties uz";
-$Horizontal = "Horizontāls";
-$Vertical = "Vertikāls";
-$DisplaySearchResults = "Rādīt meklēšanas rezultātus";
-$DisplayAll = "Parādīt visu";
-$File_upload = "Faila augšupielādēšana";
-$NoUsersInCourse = "Kursā nav lietotāju.";
-$Percentage = "Vērtēt jautājumu %os no100";
-$Information = "Informācija";
-$EmailDestination = "Saņēmējs";
-$SendEmail = "Sūtīt vēstuli";
-$EmailTitle = "E-pasta vēstules nosaukums";
-$EmailText = "e-pasta saturs";
-$Send = "Sūtīt";
-$Comments = "Komentāri";
-$ModifyRecipientList = "Izmainīt saņēmēju sarakstu";
-$Line = "Līnija";
-$NoLinkVisited = "Hipersaite nav apmeklēta";
-$NoDocumentDownloaded = "Dokuments nav lejupielādēts";
-$Clicks = "Klikšķi";
-$SearchResults = "Meklēšanas rezultāti";
-$SessionPast = "Pagājis";
-$SessionActive = "Darbojas";
-$SessionFuture = "Patreiz nesāksies";
-$DateFormatLongWithoutDay = "%B %d, %Y";
-$InvalidDirectoryPleaseCreateAnImagesFolder = "Nederīga mape: Lūdzu izveidojiet, dokumentu instrumentā, mapi attēliem, lai attēlus var lejupielādēt tieši šajā mapē.";
-$UsersConnectedToMySessions = "Redzēt visus manu sesiju apmeklētājus";
-$Category = "Kategorija";
-$DearUser = "Cienījamais Kursant,";
-$YourRegistrationData = "Jūsu reģistrācijas dati";
-$ResetLink = "Uzklikšķināt šeit, lai atgūtu savu paroli";
-$VisibilityChanged = "Redzamības statuss tika izmainīts";
-$MainNavigation = "Galvenā navigācija";
-$SeeDetail = "Skatīt detaļas";
-$GroupSingle = "Grupa";
-$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Lūdzu mēģiniet reģistrēties atkārtoti, no sākuma lapas";
-$PleaseLoginAgainFromFormBelow = "Lūdzu, mēģiniet iereģistrēties vēlreiz, izmantojot zemāk esošo formu,";
-$AccessToFaq = "Pieeja Biežāk Uzdotajiem Jautājumiem";
-$Faq = "Biežāk Uzdotie Jautājumi";
-$RemindInactivesLearnersSince = "Atgādināt Kursantiem, kuri ir neaktīvi jau";
-$RemindInactiveLearnersMailSubject = "Jūsu pasivitāte e-mācību vidē %s !";
-$RemindInactiveLearnersMailContent = "Cienījamais Lietotāj,  e-mācību vidē \" %s \", <b> vairāk kā  %s dienas <b/> nav reģistrēta neviena Jūsu aktivitāte !";
-$OpenIdAuthentication = "OpenID autentifikācija";
-$UploadMaxSize = "Augšupielādes Max. izmērs";
-$Unknown = "Nezināms";
-$MoveUp = "Pārvietot uz augšu";
-$MoveDown = "Pārvietot uz leju";
-$UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension = "Failu augšupielāde ir atcelta: šo failu paplašinājums vai faila tips ir aizliegts";
-$OpenIDURL = "OpenID URL";
-$UplFileTooBig = "Fails, ko Jūs augšupielādējat ir pārāk liels attiecībā pret pašreizējiem platformas iestatījumiem (% MB). Lūdzu, sazinieties ar portāla administratoru, lai apspriestu šo jautājumu.";
-$UplGenericError = "Fails, ko jūs augšupielādējāt, netika saņemts. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlāk vēlreiz, vai sazinieties par šo jautājumu ar portāla administratoru.";
-$MyGradebook = "Ieskaišu grāmatiņas iestatījumi";
-$Gradebook = "Ieskaišu grāmatiņas iestatījumi";
-$OpenIDWhatIs = "Kas ir OpenID?";
+for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$DeleteAllAttendances = "Dzēst visu klātienes reģistru";
+$SearchXapianModuleNotInstalled = "Xapian meklēšanas modulis nav instalēts";
+$Title = "Virsraksts";
+$By = "Autors";
+$UsersOnline = "Lietotāji tiešsaistē";
+$Remove = "Izņemt";
+$langEnter = "Atpakaļ uz manu kursu sarakstu";
+$Description = "Apraksts";
+$Links = "__Hipersaišu arhīvā esošas tīmekļa hipersaites";
+$langWorks = "Referāti / Mājas darbi";
+$Forums = "__Apspriežamu tēmu Kursa Forumos";
+$langExercices = "Testi / Kontroldarbi";
+$langCreateDir = "Izveidot mapi";
+$Name = "Nosaukums/vārds (aktivitātei; elementam)";
+$langComment = "Papildus komentārs";
+$langVisible = "Redzams";
+$langNewDir = "Jaunās mapes nosaukums";
+$langDirCr = "Mape ir izveidota";
+$Download = "Lejupielāde";
+$langGroup = "Kursantu grupas";
+$langEdit = "Labot";
+$langGroupForum = "Grupas diskusija";
+$Language = "Valoda";
+$LoginName = "Lietotājvārds";
+$AutostartMp3 = "Vai Jūs vēlaties, lai audio fails sāktos automātiski?";
+$Assignments = "Referāti / Mājas darbi";
+$Forum = "Diskusijas kursā";
+$langDelImage = "Dzēst attēlu";
+$langCode = "Kursa kods";
+$langUp = "Augšup";
+$Down = "Lejup";
+$Up = "Augšup";
+$Theme = "Darba loga vizuālais izskats";
+$TheListIsEmpty = "Saraksts ir tukšs";
+$langUniqueSelect = "Vienas atbildes izvēle no vairākām";
+$CreateCategory = "Pievienot";
+$SendFile = "Augšupielādēt dokumentu";
+$SaveChanges = "Saglabāt izmaiņas";
+$SearchTerm = "Meklēt vārdu";
+$TooShort = "Par īsu";
+$langCourseCreate = "<b>Izveidot</b> jaunu Kursu";
+$langTodo = "Uzdevumi";
+$UserName = "Lietotājvārds";
+$lang_show_hide = "Redzams / neredzams";
+$langCategoryMod = "Rediģēt kursu kategorijas";
+$Hide = "Paslēpt";
+$langDear = "Cien.";
+$langArchive = "arhīvs";
+$langCourseCode = "Kursa kods";
+$langNoDescription = "nav apraksta";
+$langOfficialCode = "Dienesta kods";
+$FirstName = "Vārds";
+$LastName = "Uzvārds";
+$Status = "Statuss";
+$langEmail = "e-pasts";
+$SlideshowConversion = "Slaidu demonstrācijas konvertācija";
+$UploadFile = "Failu augšupielāde";
+$AvailableFrom = "Pieejams no";
+$AvailableTill = "Pieejams līdz";
+$Preview = "Priekšskatījums";
+$Type = "Veids";
+$EmailAddress = "E-pasta adrese";
+$Organisation = "Organizācija";
+$Reporting = "Atskaites";
+$Code = "Kods";
+$Update = "Atjaunināt";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Izvēlēties jautājuma veidu";
+$CurrentCourse = "Pašreizējais kurss";
+$Back = "Atpakaļ";
+$Info = "informācija";
+$Search = "Meklēt";
+$AdvancedSearch = "Paplašinātā meklēšana";
+$Open = "Atvērt";
+$Import = "Apstiprināt";
+$AddAnother = "Pievienot citu";
+$Author = "Autors";
+$TrueFalse = "Pareizi / Nepareizi";
+$QuestionType = "Jautājuma veids";
+$NoSearchResults = "Nekas netika atrasts";
+$SelectQuestion = "Atzīmēt jautājumu";
+$AddNewQuestionType = "Pievienot jaunu jautājuma veidu";
+$Numbered = "Numurēts";
+$iso639_2_code = "en";
+$iso639_1_code = "eng";
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+$right_font_family = "helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif";
+$number_thousands_separator = ",";
+$number_decimal_separator = ".";
+$dateFormatShort = "%b %d, %y";
+$dateFormatLong = "%A %B %d, %Y";
+$dateTimeFormatLong = "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p";
+$timeNoSecFormat = "%I:%M %p";
+$langYes = "Jā";
+$langNo = "<b>Nē!</b>";
+$Next = "Nākošais";
+$langAllowed = "Atļauts";
+$langBackHome = "Uz sākumlapu";
+$langPropositions = "Ieteikumi uzlabojumu veikšanai";
+$langMaj = "Atjaunot";
+$langModify = "Veikt izmaiņas";
+$langDelete = "Izdzēst";
+$langInvisible = "Padarīt neredzamu";
+$langSave = "Saglabāt";
+$langMove = "Pārvietot";
+$Help = "Palīgs";
+$langOk = "Darīts!";
+$langAdd = "Pievienot";
+$langAddIntro = "Pievienot Kursa ievada tekstu un attēlus";
+$langBackList = "Atpakaļ uz sarakstu";
+$langText = "Teksts";
+$langEmpty = "Jūs atstājāt dažus laukus tukšus.<br>Izmantojiet <b>Atpakaļ</b> pogu pārlūkprogrammā un mēģiniet vēlreiz. <br>Ja jūs neziniet Jūsu mācību kodu, skatieties Kursu Programmā.";
+$langConfirmYourChoice = "Lūdzu, apstipriniet savu izvēli";
+$langAnd = "un";
+$langChoice = "Jūsu izvēle";
+$langFinish = "Pabeigt !";
+$langCancel = "Atcelt!";
+$langNotAllowed = "<b>Jūsu sesijas pieejas laiks ir beidzies</b>, <br>vai arī, Jums nav pieejas tiesību. <br><br><b>Lūdzu, autorizējieties atkārtoti!</b>";
+$langNotLogged = "Jūs neesat autorizējies šim kursam";
+$langManager = "Platformas vadība";
+$langOptional = "Izvēles";
+$NextPage = "Nākošā lapa";
+$PreviousPage = "Iepriekšējā lapa";
+$langUse = "Lietot";
+$langTotal = "Kopumā";
+$langTake = "paņem";
+$langOne = "Viens";
+$langSeveral = "Vairāki";
+$langNotice = "Piezīme";
+$langDate = "Datums";
+$langAmong = "starp";
+$langShow = "Parādīt";
+$langMyCourses = "Mani kursi";
+$langModifyProfile = "Dati par mani";
+$langMyStats = "Statistika par manām darbībām kursos";
+$langLogout = "Beigt darbu!";
+$langMyAgenda = "Mans plānotājs";
+$langCourseHomepage = "Uz Kursa sākuma lapu";
+$langCourseManagerview = "Skatīt, kā Lektoram";
+$langStudentView = "Skatīt, kā Kursantam";
+$AddResource = "Pievienot to";
+$AddedResources = "Pielikumi";
+$lang_modify_resource = "Izmainīt / Pievienot avotus";
+$lang_resource = "Avots";
+$lang_resources = "Avoti";
+$langNameOfLang['arabic'] = "ar&#257;bu";
+$langNameOfLang['brazilian'] = "braz&#299;&#316;u";
+$langNameOfLang['bulgarian'] = "bulg&#257;ru";
+$langNameOfLang['catalan'] = "kataloniešu";
+$langNameOfLang['croatian'] = "horv&#257;tu";
+$langNameOfLang['danish'] = "d&#257;&#326;u";
+$langNameOfLang['dutch'] = "fl&#257;mu";
+$langNameOfLang['english'] = "ang&#316;u";
+$langNameOfLang['finnish'] = "somu";
+$langNameOfLang['french'] = "fran&#269;u";
+$langNameOfLang['french_corporate'] = "korporat&#299;v&#257; fran&#269;u";
+$langNameOfLang['french_KM'] = "fran&#269;u KM";
+$langNameOfLang['galician'] = "gallīciešu";
+$langNameOfLang['german'] = "v&#257;cu";
+$langNameOfLang['greek'] = "grie&#311;u";
+$langNameOfLang['italian'] = "it&#257;&#316;u";
+$langNameOfLang['japanese'] = "jap&#257;&#326;u";
+$langNameOfLang['polish'] = "po&#316;u";
+$langNameOfLang['portuguese'] = "portug&#257;&#316;u";
+$langNameOfLang['russian'] = "krievu";
+$langNameOfLang['simpl_chinese'] = "vienk_ķīniešu";
+$langNameOfLang['spanish'] = "sp&#257;&#326;u";
+$Close = "aizvērt";
+$langPlatform = "Platforma";
+$localLangName = "valoda";
+$email = "e-pasts";
+$langCourseCodeAlreadyExists = "Hmm, bet šis kursa kods jau eksistē. Lūdzu izvēlies citu codu.";
+$Statistics = "Statistika";
+$langGrouplist = "grupas saraksts";
+$langPrevious = "iepriekšējo";
+$DestDirectoryDoesntExist = "Saņēmēj direktorija neeksistē";
+$Courses = "kursi";
+$In = "iekš";
+$langShowAll = "Parādīt visu";
+$langPage = "Lapa";
+$englishLangName = "Angļu";
+$Home = "Mana profila lapas sākums";
+$langAreYouSureToDelete = "Vai esat pārliecināti par dzēšanas nepieciešamību ?";
+$SelectAll = "<b>Iezīmēt</b> visu";
+$UnSelectAll = "<b>Atcelt</b> iezīmējumu";
+$WithSelected = "Ar iezīmēto";
+$langOnLine = "Tiešsaistē";
+$langUsers = "Lietotāji";
+$langPlatformAdmin = "Platformas administrēšana";
+$langNameOfLang['hungarian'] = "ung&#257;ru";
+$langNameOfLang['indonesian'] = "indonēziešu";
+$langNameOfLang['malay'] = "malaiziešu";
+$langNameOfLang['slovenian'] = "slov&#275;&#326;u";
+$langNameOfLang['spanish_latin'] = "sp&#257;&#326;u-lat&#299;&#326;u";
+$langNameOfLang['swedish'] = "zviedru";
+$langNameOfLang['thai'] = "taizemiešu";
+$langNameOfLang['turkce'] = "turku";
+$langNameOfLang['vietnamese'] = "vjetnamiešu";
+$UserInfo = "Informācija par lietotāju";
+$langModifyQuestion = "Saglabāt jautājumu";
+$langNameOfLang = "Valodas nosaukums";
+$langCheckAll = "Atzīmēt visus";
+$langNbAnnoucement = "Paziņojums";
+$lang_no_access_here = "JUMS NAV PIEEJAS TIESĪBU!";
+$langOtherCourses = "citi kursi";
+$Doc = "Kurss";
+$PlataformAdmin = "Platformas administrators";
+$Groups = "Grupas";
+$GroupManagement = "Grupu administrēšana";
+$All = "Visi vienā sarakstā";
+$None = "neviens";
+$langSorry = "Izvēlieties vispirms kursu";
+$langDenied = "Šī funkcija ir pieejama tikai kursa administratoriem";
+$Today = "Šodien";
+$langCourseHomepageLink = "Atgriezties kursa sākuma lapā";
+$Attachment = "pielikums";
+$User = "Lietotājvārds";
+$MondayInit = "P";
+$TuesdayInit = "O";
+$WednesdayInit = "T";
+$ThursdayInit = "C";
+$FridayInit = "P";
+$SaturdayInit = "S";
+$SundayInit = "Sv";
+$MondayShort = "Pirm";
+$TuesdayShort = "Otr";
+$WednesdayShort = "Tre";
+$ThursdayShort = "Cet";
+$FridayShort = "Piekt";
+$SaturdayShort = "Sest";
+$SundayShort = "Svēt";
+$MondayLong = "Pirmdiena";
+$TuesdayLong = "Otrdiena";
+$WednesdayLong = "Trešdiena";
+$ThursdayLong = "Ceturtdiena";
+$FridayLong = "Piektdiena";
+$SaturdayLong = "Sestdiena";
+$SundayLong = "Svētdiena";
+$JanuaryInit = "J";
+$FebruaryInit = "F";
+$MarchInit = "M";
+$AprilInit = "A";
+$MayInit = "M";
+$JuneInit = "J";
+$JulyInit = "J";
+$AugustInit = "A";
+$SeptemberInit = "S";
+$OctoberInit = "O";
+$NovemberInit = "N";
+$DecemberInit = "D";
+$JanuaryShort = "Jan";
+$FebruaryShort = "Feb";
+$MarchShort = "Mar";
+$AprilShort = "Apr";
+$MayShort = "Maijs";
+$JuneShort = "Jūn";
+$JulyShort = "Jūl";
+$AugustShort = "Aug";
+$SeptemberShort = "Sep";
+$OctoberShort = "Okt";
+$NovemberShort = "Nov";
+$DecemberShort = "Dec";
+$JanuaryLong = "Janvāris";
+$FebruaryLong = "Februāris";
+$MarchLong = "Marts";
+$AprilLong = "Aprilis";
+$MayLong = "Maijs";
+$JuneLong = "Jūnijs";
+$JulyLong = "Jūlijs";
+$AugustLong = "Augusts";
+$SeptemberLong = "Septembris";
+$OctoberLong = "Oktobris";
+$NovemberLong = "Novembris";
+$DecemberLong = "Decembris";
+$langMyCompetences = "Manas kompetences";
+$langMyDiplomas = "Mani sasniegumi / diplomi";
+$langMyPersonalOpenArea = "Papildus informācija, ko vēlos sniegt par sevi";
+$langMyTeach = "Papildus informācija:<br>- Kādus priekšmetus es varu mācīt? <br>- Kādas vēl ir manas prasmes?";
+$Agenda = "Kursa notikumu plānotājs";
+$HourShort = "st.";
+$PleaseTryAgain = "Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz!";
+$UplNoFileUploaded = "Neviens Fails netika augšupielādēts.";
+$UplSelectFileFirst = "Lūdzu izvēlēties failu, pirms spiežat augšupielādes pogu.";
+$UplNotAZip = "Dokuments, ko izvēlējāties, nav ZIP fails.";
+$UplUploadSucceeded = "Fails augšupielādēts veiksmīgi!";
+$ExportAsCSV = "Izeksportēt kā CSV failu";
+$ExportAsXLS = "Izeksportēt kā XLS failu";
+$langOpenarea = "Personīgais lauciņš";
+$Done = "Darīts!";
+$Documents = "__Mapē “ Dokumenti” esošu dokumentu, failu, vai attēlu";
+$DocumentAdded = "Dokuments pievienots";
+$DocumentUpdated = "Dokuments papildināts";
+$DocumentInFolderUpdated = "Dokuments papildināts mapītē";
+$Course_description = "Kursa satura un mērķu apraksts";
+$Calendar_event = "Kursa plānotājs";
+$Document = "Kursam pievienotie dokumenti";
+$Learnpath = "Kursa tēmas";
+$Link = "Hipersaites";
+$Announcement = "Paziņojumi kursa lietotājiem";
+$Dropbox = "Dokumentu / failu apmaiņa";
+$Quiz = "__Jau izstrādātu, vai izveidojiet jaunu, kontroldarbu vai testu";
+$langChat = "Tērzēšana";
+$Conference = "Konference";
+$Student_publication = "__Sagatavotu, patstāvīgi veicamu, mājas darbu";
+$Tracking = "Atskaites";
+$langhomepage_link = "Pievienot hipersaiti šai lapai";
+$Course_setting = "Kursa iestatījumi";
+$langbackup = "Kursa rezerves kopija";
+$langcopy_course_content = "Kopēt šī kursa saturu";
+$langrecycle_course = "Atjaunot šī kursa darbību, jeb iztīrīt visu iepriekšējo mācību procesa informāciju.";
+$StartDate = "Sākuma datums";
+$EndDate = "Beigu datums";
+$StartTime = "Sākšanas laiks";
+$EndTime = "Beigšanas laiks";
+$langYouWereCalled = "Jūs uz sarunu uzaicināja";
+$langDoYouAccept = "Vai Jūs tam piekrītat?";
+$Everybody = "Visi kursā reģistrētie";
+$SentTo = "Pieejams";
+$Export = "Eksportēt";
+$Tools = "Instrumenti";
+$Everyone = "Katrs";
+$SelectGroupsUsers = "Izvēlēties grupas/lietotājus";
+$Student = "Kursants";
+$Teacher = "Lektors";
+$Send2All = "Jūs nenorādījāt lietotāju/grupu. Paziņojums ir redzams katram kursā reģistrētajam kursantam";
+$Wiki = "Wiki grupa";
+$Complete = "Pabeigts";
+$Incomplete = "Nepabeigts";
+$reservation = "rezervācija";
+$StartTimeWindow = "Sākt!";
+$EndTimeWindow = "Beigt!";
+$AccessNotAllowed = "Pieeja šai lapai ir liegta";
+$InThisCourse = "Šajā kursā";
+$ThisFieldIsRequired = "Šis lauciņš ir jāaizpilda obligāti";
+$AllowedHTMLTags = "Pieļaujamās HTML koda frāzes";
+$FormHasErrorsPleaseComplete = "Formas lauciņos norādīti nekorekti dati vai tie ir nepilnīgi aizpildīti. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet ievadīto informāciju.";
+$StartDateShouldBeBeforeEndDate = "Sākuma datumam vajadzētu būt norādītam agrāk par beigu datumu";
+$InvalidDate = "Nekorekts datums";
+$OnlyLettersAndNumbersAllowed = "Ir atļauti tikai burti un cipari";
+$langBasicOverview = "Pamat pārskats";
+$CourseAdminRole = "Kursa administrators";
+$UserRole = "Loma";
+$OnlyImagesAllowed = "Tikai PNG, JPG vai GIF formāta attēli ir atļauti";
+$ViewRight = "Skatīt";
+$EditRight = "Mainīt";
+$DeleteRight = "Dzēst";
+$OverviewCourseRights = "Lomu & tiesību pārskats";
+$SeeAllRightsAllLocationsForSpecificRole = "Fokuss uz lomu";
+$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Fokuss uz tiesībām";
+$langAdvanced = "Papildus iespējas";
+$RightValueModified = "Vērtība tika izmainīta.";
+$course_rights = "Lomu & tiesību pārskats";
+$Visio_conference = "Virtuālā konference";
+$CourseAdminRoleDescription = "Lektors";
+$Move = "Pārvietot";
+$MoveTo = "Pārvietot uz";
+$Delete = "Dzēst";
+$MoveFileTo = "Pārvietot failu uz";
+$Save = "Saglabāt";
+$Error = "Kļūda";
+$Anonymous = "Aptauja ir anonīma";
+$h = "h";
+$CreateNewGlobalRole = "Veidot jaunu visaptverošu lomu";
+$CreateNewLocalRole = "Veidot jaunu lokālu lomu";
+$Actions = "Rediģēt, izdzēst";
+$Inbox = "Iesūtne";
+$ComposeMessage = "Sastādīt vēstuli";
+$Other = "Papildus informācijas bloks";
+$AddRight = "Pievienot";
+$CampusHomepage = "Mācību vides sākumlapa";
+$YouHaveNewMessage = "Tev ir vēstule !";
+$myActiveSessions = "Manas aktīvās sesijas";
+$myInactiveSessions = "Manas neaktīvās sesijas";
+$FileUpload = "Faila augšuplādēšana";
+$langMyActiveSessions = "Manas aktīvās sesijas";
+$langMyInActiveSessions = "Manas neaktīvās sesijas";
+$langMySpace = "Atskaites par padarīto manos kursos";
+$ExtensionActivedButNotYetOperational = "Šis paplašinājums ir aktivizēts, bet šajā brīdī nav pielietojams";
+$MyStudents = "Mani Kursanti";
+$Progress = "Apgūtais apjoms";
+$Or = "vai";
+$Uploading = "Augšupielāde...";
+$AccountExpired = "Konta pieejas tiesību termiņš beidzies";
+$AccountInactive = "Konts nav aktizvizēts";
+$ActionNotAllowed = "Darbība nav atļauta";
+$SubTitle = "Apakšvirsraksts";
+$NoResourcesToRecycle = "Nav resursu pārstrādāšanai";
+$noOpen = "Nevarēja atvērt";
+$TempsFrequentation = "Atkārtošanās laiks";
+$Progression = "Attīstība";
+$NoCourse = "Kurss nav atrasts";
+$Teachers = "Lektori";
+$Session = "Sesija";
+$Sessions = "Kursu sesijas";
+$NoSession = "Sesiju nevar atrast";
+$NoStudent = "Kursantu nevar atrast";
+$Students = "Kursanti";
+$NoResults = "Rezultāti nav atrasti";
+$Tutors = "Mācību spēki";
+$Tel = "Telefona Nr.";
+$NoTel = "No tel";
+$SendMail = "Sūtīt vēstuli";
+$RdvAgenda = "Dienaskārtības pieraksts";
+$VideoConf = "Video konference";
+$MyProgress = "Mans izglītības progress<br>(apgūtais apjoms)";
+$NoOnlineStudents = "Tiešsaistē neviena nav";
+$InCourse = "kursā";
+$UserOnlineListSession = "Manu kursu sesijās - tiešsaistē esošie kursanti";
+$From = "no";
+$To = "uz";
+$Content = "Saturs";
+$year = "gads";
+$Years = "gadi";
+$Day = "Diena";
+$Days = "dienas";
+$PleaseStandBy = "Lūdzu palieciet...";
+$AvailableUntil = "Pieejams līdz";
+$HourMinuteDivider = "h";
+$Visio_classroom = "Virtuālā klase";
+$Survey = "Aptaujas kursā";
+$More = "Skatīt paziņojuma saturu plašāk";
+$ClickHere = "Spiest šeit";
+$Here = "šeit";
+$SaveQuestion = "Saglabāt jautājumu";
+$ReturnTo = "Atgriezties uz";
+$Horizontal = "Horizontāls";
+$Vertical = "Vertikāls";
+$DisplaySearchResults = "Rādīt meklēšanas rezultātus";
+$DisplayAll = "Parādīt visu";
+$File_upload = "Faila augšupielādēšana";
+$NoUsersInCourse = "Kursā nav lietotāju.";
+$Percentage = "Vērtēt jautājumu %os no100";
+$Information = "Informācija";
+$EmailDestination = "Saņēmējs";
+$SendEmail = "Sūtīt vēstuli";
+$EmailTitle = "E-pasta vēstules nosaukums";
+$EmailText = "e-pasta saturs";
+$Send = "Sūtīt";
+$Comments = "Komentāri";
+$ModifyRecipientList = "Izmainīt saņēmēju sarakstu";
+$Line = "Līnija";
+$NoLinkVisited = "Hipersaite nav apmeklēta";
+$NoDocumentDownloaded = "Dokuments nav lejupielādēts";
+$Clicks = "Klikšķi";
+$SearchResults = "Meklēšanas rezultāti";
+$SessionPast = "Pagājis";
+$SessionActive = "Darbojas";
+$SessionFuture = "Patreiz nesāksies";
+$DateFormatLongWithoutDay = "%B %d, %Y";
+$InvalidDirectoryPleaseCreateAnImagesFolder = "Nederīga mape: Lūdzu izveidojiet, dokumentu instrumentā, mapi attēliem, lai attēlus var lejupielādēt tieši šajā mapē.";
+$UsersConnectedToMySessions = "Redzēt visus manu sesiju apmeklētājus";
+$Category = "Kategorija";
+$DearUser = "Cienījamais Kursant,";
+$YourRegistrationData = "Jūsu reģistrācijas dati";
+$ResetLink = "Uzklikšķināt šeit, lai atgūtu savu paroli";
+$VisibilityChanged = "Redzamības statuss tika izmainīts";
+$MainNavigation = "Galvenā navigācija";
+$SeeDetail = "Skatīt detaļas";
+$GroupSingle = "Grupa";
+$PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Lūdzu mēģiniet reģistrēties atkārtoti, no sākuma lapas";
+$PleaseLoginAgainFromFormBelow = "Lūdzu, mēģiniet iereģistrēties vēlreiz, izmantojot zemāk esošo formu,";
+$AccessToFaq = "Pieeja Biežāk Uzdotajiem Jautājumiem";
+$Faq = "Biežāk Uzdotie Jautājumi";
+$RemindInactivesLearnersSince = "Atgādināt Kursantiem, kuri ir neaktīvi jau";
+$RemindInactiveLearnersMailSubject = "Jūsu pasivitāte e-mācību vidē %s !";
+$RemindInactiveLearnersMailContent = "Cienījamais Lietotāj,  e-mācību vidē \" %s \", <b> vairāk kā  %s dienas <b/> nav reģistrēta neviena Jūsu aktivitāte !";
+$OpenIdAuthentication = "OpenID autentifikācija";
+$UploadMaxSize = "Augšupielādes Max. izmērs";
+$Unknown = "Nezināms";
+$MoveUp = "Pārvietot uz augšu";
+$MoveDown = "Pārvietot uz leju";
+$UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension = "Failu augšupielāde ir atcelta: šo failu paplašinājums vai faila tips ir aizliegts";
+$OpenIDURL = "OpenID URL";
+$UplFileTooBig = "Fails, ko Jūs augšupielādējat ir pārāk liels attiecībā pret pašreizējiem platformas iestatījumiem (% MB). Lūdzu, sazinieties ar portāla administratoru, lai apspriestu šo jautājumu.";
+$UplGenericError = "Fails, ko jūs augšupielādējāt, netika saņemts. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlāk vēlreiz, vai sazinieties par šo jautājumu ar portāla administratoru.";
+$MyGradebook = "Ieskaišu grāmatiņas iestatījumi";
+$Gradebook = "Ieskaišu grāmatiņas iestatījumi";
+$OpenIDWhatIs = "Kas ir OpenID?";
 $OpenIDDescription = "OpenID novērš vajadzību pēc vairākiem pieteikumiem dažādās mājas lapās, kā arī vienkāršo Jūsu tiešsaistes pieredzi. Jums tikai jāizvēlas OpenID sniedzējs, kas vislabāk atbilst jūsu vajadzībām un vissvarīgākais, kam jūs uzticaties. 
 <br>Tajā pašā laikā, jūsu OpenID var palikt ar Jums, neatkarīgu kādu pārvaldītāju Jūs izvēlaties.
 <br>Visabākās no visiām  OpenID tehnoloģijām, ir tās kuras tas nav patentētas un ir pilnīgi bezmaksas. Uzņēmumam tas nozīmē zemākas izmaksas paroles un konta pārvaldību, kamēr ievieš jaunu  interneta satiksmi. 
-<br>OpenID pazemina lietotāju neapmierinātību, ļaujot lietotājiem kontrolēt savu reģistrācijas parametrus <br /> <br /> <a href=\"http://openid.net/what/\">   lasiet vairāk ...</ a>.";
-$NoManager = "Nav vadītāja";
-$ExportiCal = "iCal eksports";
-$ExportiCalPublic = "Eksportēt iCal formātā, kā publisku notikumu";
-$ExportiCalPrivate = "Eksportēt iCal formātā, kā privātu notikumu";
-$ExportiCalConfidential = "Eksportēt iCal formātā, kā konfidenciālu notikumu";
-$MoreStats = "Vairāk valstu";
-$Drh = "Personāla daļas vadītājs";
-$MinDecade = "dekāde";
-$MinYear = "Gads";
-$MinMonth = "Mēnesis";
-$MinWeek = "Nedēļa";
-$MinDay = "Diena";
-$MinHour = "Stunda";
-$MinMinute = "Minūte";
-$MinDecades = "Dekādes";
-$MinYears = "Gadi";
-$MinMonths = "Mēneši";
-$MinWeeks = "Nedēļas";
-$MinDays = "Dienas";
-$MinHours = "Stundas";
-$MinMinutes = "Minūtes";
-$HomeDirectory = "Atgriezties sākumā";
-$DocumentCreated = "Dokuments izveidots";
-$ForumAdded = "Diskusija pievienota";
-$ForumThreadAdded = "Diskusijas tēma pievienota";
-$ForumAttachmentAdded = "Diskusijas pielikumi pievienoti";
-$directory = "Direktorija";
-$Directories = "Direktorijas";
-$UserAge = "Vecums";
-$UserBirthday = "Dzimšanas diena";
-$Course = "Kurss /kursa kods";
-$FilesUpload = "Dokumenti";
-$ExerciseFinished = "Tests / kontroldarbs pabeigts";
-$UserSex = "Dzimums";
-$UserNativeLanguage = "Dzimtā valoda";
-$UserResidenceCountry = "Dzīvesvietas valsts";
-$AddAnAttachment = "Pievienot pielikumu";
-$FileComment = "Faila komentārs";
-$FileName = "Faila nosaukums";
-$SessionsAdmin = "Kursu sesijas administrātors";
-$MakeChangeable = "Padarīt izmaināmu";
-$MakeUnchangeable = "Padarīt neizmaināmu";
-$UserFields = "Profila atribūti/lauki";
-$FieldShown = "Lauks tagad ir Lietotājam redzams";
-$CannotShowField = "Nav iespējams padarīt lauku redzamu";
-$FieldHidden = "Lauks tagad ir Lietotājam <b>neredzams</b>";
-$CannotHideField = "Lauku padarīt neredzamu nav iespējams";
-$FieldMadeChangeable = "Lauks ir padarīts izmaināms, Lietotājs var aizpildīt vai rediģēt lauka saturu.";
-$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "Lauku padarīt maināmu nav iespējams";
-$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "Lauks ir padarīts neizmaināms, Lietotājs nevar aizpildīt vai rediģēt lauka saturu.";
-$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "Lauku padarīt nemaināmu nav iespējams";
-$Folder = "Mape";
-$CloseOtherSession = "Tērzēšana nav pieejama tāpēc, ka cits kurss ir atvērts kādā citā lapā. <br>Lai no tā izvairītos, lūdzu, pārliecinieties, vai paliksiet tajā pašā kursā, visā tērzēšanas sesijas garumā. <br>Lai pievienotos tērzēšanas sesijai atkal, lūdzu, vēlreiz sākt tērzēšanu no kursa mājas lapas.";
-$FileUploadSucces = "Fails ir veiksmīgi augšupielādēts";
-$Yesterday = "Vakar";
-$Submit = "Iesniegt";
-$Department = "Departaments / Nodaļa";
-$BackToNewSearch = "Atgriezties, lai uzsāktu jaunu meklēšanu.";
-$Step = "Solis";
-$SomethingFemininAddedSuccessfully = "Veiksmīgi pievienots";
-$SomethingMasculinAddedSuccessfully = "Veiksmīgi pievienots";
-$DeleteError = "Dzēst kļūdu";
-$StepsList = "Veikto soļu saraksts";
-$AddStep = "Pievienot soli";
-$StepCode = "Soļa kods";
-$Label = "Etiķete";
-$UnableToConnectTo = "Nav iespējams pieslēgties pie";
-$NoUser = "Nav lietotājs";
-$SearchResultsFor = "Meklēšanas rezultāti:";
-$SelectFile = "Iezīmēt failu";
-$WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "<b>Brīdinājums!</b> <br> BUJ fails, kas atrodas portāla / home / direktorijā, nav rediģējams. Jūsu teksts netiks saglabāts, līdz netiks izmainītas failu rediģēšanas atļaujas.";
-$AddCategory = "Pievienot kategoriju";
-$NoExercises = "Nav testu";
-$NotAllowedClickBack = "Atvainojiet. Jums nav piešķirtas tiesības piekļūt šai lapai. <br><br>Lūdzu, klikšķiniet:<br>-  Jūsu pārlūkprogrammā  vadības pogu “<b>Atpakaļ</b>”, <br>vai<br>- uz <b>zemāk novietoto saiti</b>, lai atgrieztos iepriekšējā lapā";
-$Exercise = "Tests / kontroldarbs";
-$Result = "Rezultāts";
-$AttemptingToLoginAs = "Mēģinājums autorizēties kā %s %s (id %s)";
-$LoginSuccessfulGoToX = "Autorizēšanās veiksmīga. Dodieties uz %s";
-$FckMp3Autostart = "Audio ieslēgt automātiski.";
-$Learner = "Kursants";
-$IntroductionTextUpdated = "Intro tika atjaunināts";
-$Align = "Izlīdzināt";
-$Width = "Platums";
-$VSpace = "Vertikālais izmērs";
-$HSpace = "Horizontālais izmērs";
-$Border = "Apmales";
-$Alt = "Alt";
-$Height = "Augstums";
-$ImageManager = "Attēlu vadība";
-$ImageFile = "Attēlu fails";
-$ConstrainProportions = "Definējiet proporcijas";
-$InsertImage = "Ievietot attēlu";
-$AccountActive = "Lietotājkonts aktīvs";
-$GroupSpace = "Grupas lauks";
-$GroupWiki = "Wiki grupa";
-$ExportToPDF = "Eksportēt PDF formātā";
-$CommentAdded = "Jūsu komentārs pievienots";
-$BackToPreviousPage = "Atpakaļ uz iepriekšējo lapu";
-$ListView = "Saraksta skats";
-$NoOfficialCode = "Nav koda";
-$Owner = "Pārvaldītājs";
-$DisplayOrder = "N.P.K.";
-$SearchFeatureDoIndexDocument = "Indeksēt dokumenta tekstu?";
-$SearchFeatureDocumentLanguage = "Dokumenta valoda indeksēšanai";
-$With = "ar";
-$GeneralCoach = "Galvenais mācību spēks";
-$SaveDocument = "Saglabāt dokumentu";
-$CategoryDeleted = "Kategorija tika izdzēsta";
-$CategoryAdded = "Kategorija ir pievienota";
-$IP = "IP";
-$Qualify = "Iezīmēt aktivitāti";
-$Words = "Vārdi";
-$GoBack = "Doties atpakaļ";
-$Details = "Papildus informācija";
-$EditLink = "Rediģēt saiti";
-$LinkEdited = "Rediģētais novērtējums";
-$ForumThreads = "Diskusiju temati";
-$GradebookVisible = "Redzams";
-$GradebookInvisible = "Neredzams";
-$Phone = "Tālrunis";
-$InfoMessage = "Informatīvs ziņojums.";
-$ConfirmationMessage = "Apstiprinājuma ziņojums";
-$WarningMessage = "Brīdinājuma ziņojums";
-$ErrorMessage = "Kļūdas / bojājuma ziņojums";
-$Glossary = "Terminu skaidrojumu vārdnīca";
-$Coach = "Kursa izstrādātājs";
-$Condition = "Gatavības pakāpe";
-$CourseSettings = "Kursa iestatījumi";
-$EmailNotifications = "E-pasta paziņojumi";
-$UserRights = "Lietotāja tiesības";
-$Theming = "Darba virsmas dizaina grafiskā tēma";
-$Qualification = "Punktu skaits";
-$OnlyNumbers = "Tikai skaitļi";
-$ReorderOptions = "Pārkārtot iespējas";
-$EditUserFields = "Rediģēt lietotāja laukus";
-$OptionText = "Teksts";
-$FieldTypeDoubleSelect = "Dubultā atlase";
-$FieldTypeDivider = "Vizuālais dalītājs";
-$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Nezināms paketes formāts";
-$ResourceDeleted = "Resurss izdzēsts";
-$AdvancedParameters = "Izvērstie parametri";
-$GoTo = "Doties uz";
-$SessionNameAndCourseTitle = "Sesijas un kursa nosaukums";
-$CreationDate = "Izveides datums";
-$LastUpdateDate = "Pēdējie atjauninājumi";
-$ViewHistoryChange = "Rādīt izmaiņu vēsturi";
-$langNameOfLang['asturian'] = "Astūriešu";
-$SearchGoToLearningPath = "Doties uz tēmu";
-$SearchLectureLibrary = "Lekcijas bibliotēka";
-$SearchImagePreview = "Priekšskatījuma attēls";
-$SearchAdvancedOptions = "Progresīvās meklēšanas opcijas";
-$SearchResetKeywords = "Atjaunot atslēgas vārdus";
-$SearchKeywords = "Atslēgas vārdi";
-$IntroductionTextDeleted = "Ievada teksts ir izdzēsts";
-$SearchKeywordsHelpTitle = "Atslēgas vārdu meklēšanas palīdzība.";
-$SearchKeywordsHelpComment = "Izvēlieties atslēgvārdus, vienā vai vairākos laukos, un noklikšķiniet uz meklēšanas pogas.  <br>Lai atlasītu vairāk nekā vienu atslēgvārdu laukā, izmantot Ctrl + klikšķi.";
-$Validate = "Apstiprināt";
-$SearchCombineSearchWith = "Kombinēt atslēgas vārdus ar";
-$SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "Pilna teksta meklēšanas funkcija Chamilo nav pieejama. Lūdzu sazinieties ar Chamilo Administratoru";
-$Top = "Augša";
-$YourTextHere = "Sastādiet Jums nepieciešamo tekstu, ievietojiet attēlus u.t.t. šeit:";
-$OrderBy = "Kārtot pēc";
-$Notebook = "Personīgās piezīmes";
-$FieldRequired = "Obligāti aizpildāmais lauks";
-$BookingSystem = "Rezervēšanas sistēma";
-$Any = "Jebkurš";
-$SpecificSearchFields = "Īpaši meklēšanas lauki";
-$SpecificSearchFieldsIntro = "Šeit jūs varat definēt laukus, kurus vēlaties izmantot satura indeksācijai. Kad esat indeksējuši vienu no elementiem, jums vajadzēs pievienot vienu vai vairākus noteikumus, kuru laukus atdala ar komatu.";
-$AddSpecificSearchField = "Pievienot īpašu meklēšanas lauku";
-$SaveSettings = "Saglabāt iestatījumus";
-$NoParticipation = "Šeit nav dalībnieku";
-$Subscribers = "Abonenti";
-$Accept = "Pieņemt";
-$Reserved = "Rezervēts";
-$SharedDocumentsDirectory = "Koplietošanas dokumentu mape";
-$Gallery = "Galerija";
-$Audio = "Audio";
-$GoToQuestion = "Doties uz jautājumu";
-$Level = "Līmenis";
-$Duration = "Ilgums";
-$SearchPrefilterPrefix = "Speciāls lauks priekšfiltrēšanai";
-$SearchPrefilterPrefixComment = "Šī opcija ļauj jums izvēlēties īpašu lauku, ko izmantot pirmsfiltra meklēšanai.";
-$MaxTimeAllowed = "Max. laiks (minūtes)";
-$Class = "Grupa";
-$Select = "Apstiprināt";
-$Booking = "Rezervēšana";
-$ManageReservations = "Rezervēšana";
-$DestinationUsers = "Gala lietotāji";
-$AttachmentFileDeleteSuccess = "Pievienotie faili tika izdzēsti";
-$AccountURLInactive = "Šim URL konts nav aktīvs";
-$MaxFileSize = "Maksimālais faila lielums";
-$SendFileError = "Saņemot Jūsu failu, tika konstatēta kļūda. Lūdzu pārbaudiet vai Jūsu fails nav bojāts. Tad mēģiniet atkārtoti.";
-$Expired = "Izbeidzies";
-$InvitationHasBeenSent = "Ielūgums ir nosūtīts";
-$InvitationHasBeenNotSent = "Ielūgums nav nosūtīts";
-$Outbox = "Izejošais pasts";
-$Overview = "Pārskats";
-$ApiKeys = "API atslēga";
-$GenerateApiKey = "Ģenerēt API atslēgu";
-$MyApiKey = "Mana API atslēga";
-$DateSend = "Datums, kad nosūtīts";
-$Deny = "Atteikts";
-$ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "Šeit nav kvalificētu kursantu";
-$ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners = "Šeit nav nekvalificētu kursantu";
-$SocialNetwork = "Mans profils un iekšējais sociālais tīkls";
-$BackToOutbox = "Atgriezties uz izejošo pastkasti";
-$Invitation = "Ielūgums";
-$SeeMoreOptions = "Skatīt vairāk iespēju";
-$TemplatePreview = "Šablonu priekšskatījums";
-$NoTemplatePreview = "Priekšskatījums nav pieejams";
-$ModifyCategory = "Rediģēt kategoriju";
-$Photo = "Foto";
-$MoveFile = "Pārvietot failu";
-$Filter = "Filtrs";
-$Subject = "Subjekts";
-$Message = "Vēstule";
-$MoreInformation = "Vairāk informācijas";
-$MakeInvisible = "Padarīt neredzamu";
-$MakeVisible = "Padarīt redzamu";
-$Image = "Attēls";
-$SaveIntroText = "Saglabāt ievada tekstu";
-$CourseName = "Kursa nosaukums";
-$SendAMessage = "Sūtīt ziņu";
-$Menu = "Izvēlne";
-$BackToUserList = "Atpakaļ uz lietotāju sarakstu";
-$GraphicNotAvailable = "Grafiks nav pieejams";
-$BackTo = "Atgriezties uz";
-$HistoryTrainingSessions = "Mācību sesiju vēsture";
-$ConversionFailled = "Konvertācija nav izdevusies";
-$AlreadyExists = "Jau eksistē.";
-$TheNewWordHasBeenAdded = "Jaunais vārds ir pievienots";
-$CommentErrorExportDocument = "Daži dokumenti ir pārāk sarežģīti, lai dokumentu pārveidotājs tos izskatītu automātiski.";
-$EventType = "Notikuma veids";
-$DataType = "Datu tips";
-$Value = "Vērtība";
-$System = "Sistēma";
-$ImportantActivities = "Svarīgas darbības";
-$SearchActivities = "Meklēt aktivitātes";
-$Parent = "Izcelsme";
-$SurveyAdded = "Aptauja pievienota";
-$WikiAdded = "Wiki pievienots";
-$ReadOnly = "Tikai lasāms";
-$Unacceptable = "Nav akceptējams";
-$DisplayTrainingList = "Rādīt mācību kursu sarakstu";
-$HistoryTrainingSession = "Mācību vēsture";
-$Until = "Līdz";
-$FirstPage = "Pirmā lapa";
-$LastPage = "Pēdējā lapa";
-$Coachs = "Mācību spēki";
-$ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "Šeit vēl nav datuma / laika reģistra";
-$CalendarList = "Plānoto Klātienes nodarbību diena un laiks";
-$AttendanceCalendarDescription = "<br><b>Klātienes nodarbību kalendārs</b>, hronoloģiskā uzskaites veidā, ļauj reģistrēt Kursantu klātbūtni šī kursa klātienes nodarbībās.<br>Lai izveidotu aktivitātes reģistru, ir nepieciešams vismaz viens reāls Kursants nodarbībā.<br>Pievienot nodarbībai laiku un datumu, var izmantojot augstāk novietoto pogu - <b>Pievienot datumu un laiku</b>";
-$CleanCalendar = "Dzēst visus, šeit esošos, kalendāra datus";
-$AddDateAndTime = "<b>Pievienot datumu un laiku</b>";
-$AttendanceSheet = "Kursantu reģistrs klātienes nodarbībā";
-$GoToAttendanceCalendar = "Doties uz <b>Klātienes nodarbību kalendāru</b>";
-$AttendanceCalendar = "<b>Klātienes nodarbību kalendārs</b> (pievienot /noņemt nodarbības datumu un laiku)";
-$QualifyAttendanceGradebook = "Iekļaut, šīs klātienes nodarbības apmeklējumu, kā ieskaiti kopējā sarakstā";
-$CreateANewAttendance = "Veidot jaunu klātienes nodarbības reģistra lapu";
-$Attendance = "Klātienes nodarbības";
-$langNameOfLang['bosnian'] = "bosniešu";
-$langNameOfLang['czech'] = "čehu";
-$langNameOfLang['dari'] = "dariešu";
-$langNameOfLang['dutch_corporate'] = "nīderlandiešu_korporatīvā";
-$langNameOfLang['english_org'] = "angļu_organizācijām";
-$langNameOfLang['friulian'] = "fruiliešu";
-$langNameOfLang['georgian'] = "gruzīņu";
-$langNameOfLang['hebrew'] = "ebreju";
-$langNameOfLang['korean'] = "korejiešu";
-$langNameOfLang['latvian'] = "latviešu";
-$langNameOfLang['lithuanian'] = "lietuviešu";
-$langNameOfLang['macedonian'] = "maķedoniešu";
-$langNameOfLang['norwegian'] = "norvēģu";
-$langNameOfLang['pashto'] = "pashto";
-$langNameOfLang['persian'] = "persiešu";
-$langNameOfLang['quechua_cusco'] = "quechua from Cusco";
-$langNameOfLang['romanian'] = "rumāņu";
-$langNameOfLang['serbian'] = "serbu";
-$langNameOfLang['slovak'] = "slovāku";
-$langNameOfLang['swahili'] = "swahili";
-$langNameOfLang['trad_chinese'] = "tradicionālā_ķīniešu";
-$ChamiloInstallation = "Chamilo instalēšana";
-$langNameOfLang['ukrainian'] = "ukraiņu";
-$langNameOfLang['yoruba'] = "yoruba";
-$New = "Jauns";
-$YouMustToInstallTheExtensionLDAP = "Jums ir jāinstalē papildinājums LDAP";
-$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Pievienot info lauku Lietotāja profilam";
-$InvitationDenied = "Uzaicinājums liegts";
-$UserAdded = "Lietotājs ir pievienots";
-$UpdatedIn = "Atjaunināts";
-$Metadata = "Metadati";
-$langAddMetadata = "Skatīt / Labot Metadatus";
-$SendMessage = "Sūtīt vēstuli";
-$SeeForum = "Skatīt forumu";
-$SeeMore = "Skatīt vairāk";
-$NoDataAvailable = "Dati nav pieejami";
-$Created = "Izveidots";
-$LastUpdate = "Pēdējā atjaunināšana";
-$UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "Lietotājs nav reģistrēts kursā";
-$EditMyProfile = "Rediģēt manu profilu";
-$Announcements = "Paziņojumi";
-$Password = "Parole";
-$DescriptionGroup = "Grupas apraksts";
-$Installation = "Instalācija";
-$ReadTheInstallationGuide = "Lasīt instalācijas instrukciju";
-$SeeBlog = "Skatīt blogu";
-$Blog = "Blogs";
-$BlogPosts = "Paziņojumi blogā";
-$BlogComments = "Komentāri blogā";
-$ThereAreNotExtrafieldsAvailable = "Papildus lauki nav pieejami";
-$StartToType = "Sāciet rakstīt, tad noklikšķiniet uz šīs joslas, lai apstiprinātu adresātu.";
-$InstallChamilo = "Instalēt Chamilo";
-$ChamiloURL = "Chamilo URL";
-$TitleColumnGradebook = "Nodarbības nosaukums, kas redzams ieskaišu kopsavilkuma kolonas virsrakstā";
-$QualifyWeight = "Nodarbības vērtība (punkti) atskaitē";
-$ThematicAdvance = "Priekšskatījums pa tematiem";
-$EditProfile = "Rediģēt savu profilu";
-$TabsDashboard = "Cilne - Panelis";
-$Dashboard = "Panelis";
-$DashboardPlugins = "Paneļa spraudņi";
-$SelectBlockForDisplayingInsideBlocksDashboardView = "Izvēlēties blokus, lai tos izvietotu uz Paneļa";
-$ColumnPosition = "Novietojums - kolonnās [1][2]";
-$EnableDashboardBlock = "Ieslēgt paneļa blokus";
-$ThereAreNoEnabledDashboardPlugins = "Paneļa spraudnis nav pieejams";
-$Enabled = "Ieslēgts";
-$ThematicAdvanceQuestions = "Kāds ir pašreizējais Kursantu sasniegtais progress Jūsu kursā? Cik daudz vēl ir jāapgūst, salīdzinot ar pilnu programmu?";
-$ThematicAdvanceHistory = "Notikumu priekšskatījums";
-$Homepage = "Mācību vides sākumlapa";
-$Attendances = "Klātienes nodarbības";
-$CountDoneAttendance = "# ir apmeklējuši";
-$AssignUsers = "Nozīmēt lietotājus";
-$AssignCourses = "Nozīmēt kursus";
-$AssignSessions = "Nozīmēt sesijas";
-$Timezone = "Laika zona.";
-$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "Paneļa spraudņi ir veiksmīgi atjaunināti";
-$LoginEnter = "Login";
-$AttendanceSheetDescription = "Klātienes nodarbību reģistrs, ļauj Jums veidot sarakstu ar datumiem, kuros Jūs vēlaties apkopot ziņas par apmeklējumu klātienes nodarbībās";
-$ThereAreNoRegisteredLearnersInsidetheCourse = "<b>Uzmanību !</b><br><b>Kursā nav reģistrēts neviens Kursants !</b><br>Spiediet uz šī paziņojuma, lai atvērtu Kursantu reģistra instrumentu un pievienotu kursam Kursantus";
-$GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Doties uz Klātienes nodarbību reģistrācijas kalendāru";
-$ToolCourseDescription = "Kursa satura, mērķu, uzdevumu u.c. apraksts";
-$ToolDocument = "Dokumenti";
-$ToolLearnpath = "Veidot mācību tēmas";
-$ToolLink = "Hipersaišu arhīvs";
-$ToolQuiz = "Veidot kontroldarbus / testus";
-$ToolAnnouncement = "Paziņojumi kursā";
-$ToolGradebook = "Kursa ieskaišu grāmatiņa";
-$ToolGlossary = "Terminu skaidrojumu vārdnīca";
-$ToolAttendance = "Klātienes nodarbību apmeklējuma reģistrs";
-$ToolCalendarEvent = "Kursa notikumu plānotājs";
-$ToolForum = "Forumi";
-$ToolDropbox = "Dokumentu un failu apmaiņa";
-$ToolUser = "Kursantu vadība";
-$ToolGroup = "Kursantu grupu vadība";
-$ToolChat = "Čats";
-$ToolStudentPublication = "Kursantu patstāvīgie darbi";
-$ToolSurvey = "Aptaujas";
-$ToolWiki = "Wiki - grupā veidots dokuments";
-$ToolNotebook = "Personīgās piezīmes";
-$ToolBlogManagement = "Projekti";
-$ToolTracking = "Kursa atskaites";
-$ToolCourseSetting = "Kursa iestatījumi";
-$ToolCourseMaintenance = "Kursa uzturēšana";
-$AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "Jūs esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties izdzēst visus datus?";
-$AddADateTime = "Pievienot datumu un laiku";
-$ThematicControl = "Tematiskā kontrole";
-$ThematicDetails = "Tematiskais skats ar aprakstu";
-$ThematicList = "Tematiskais apskats saraksta veidā";
-$Thematic = "Tematiskais apskats";
-$ThematicPlan = "Tematiskais plāns";
-$EditThematicPlan = "Rediģēt tematisko attīstību";
-$EditThematicAdvance = "Rediģēt tematisko attīstību";
-$ThereIsNoStillAthematicSection = "Šeit joprojām nav Tematiskā plāna sekcijas";
-$NewThematicSection = "Jauna tematiskā sekcija";
-$DeleteAllThematics = "Dzēst visus tematiskos elementus";
-$ThematicDetailsDescription = "Sīkāka informācija par plānoto aktivitāšu tematiem un to progresu. Lai norādītu tēmu par pabeigtu, izvēlēties datumu hronoloģisko secību, un sistēma parādīs visus iepriekšējos datumus kā pabeigtus.";
-$SkillToAcquireQuestions = "Kādām prasmēm ir jābūt, šis tematiskās sekcijas beigās";
-$DurationInHours = "Norises ilgums stundās";
+<br>OpenID pazemina lietotāju neapmierinātību, ļaujot lietotājiem kontrolēt savu reģistrācijas parametrus <br /> <br /> <a href=\"http://openid.net/what/\">   lasiet vairāk ...</ a>.";
+$NoManager = "Nav vadītāja";
+$ExportiCal = "iCal eksports";
+$ExportiCalPublic = "Eksportēt iCal formātā, kā publisku notikumu";
+$ExportiCalPrivate = "Eksportēt iCal formātā, kā privātu notikumu";
+$ExportiCalConfidential = "Eksportēt iCal formātā, kā konfidenciālu notikumu";
+$MoreStats = "Vairāk valstu";
+$Drh = "Personāla daļas vadītājs";
+$MinDecade = "dekāde";
+$MinYear = "Gads";
+$MinMonth = "Mēnesis";
+$MinWeek = "Nedēļa";
+$MinDay = "Diena";
+$MinHour = "Stunda";
+$MinMinute = "Minūte";
+$MinDecades = "Dekādes";
+$MinYears = "Gadi";
+$MinMonths = "Mēneši";
+$MinWeeks = "Nedēļas";
+$MinDays = "Dienas";
+$MinHours = "Stundas";
+$MinMinutes = "Minūtes";
+$HomeDirectory = "Atgriezties sākumā";
+$DocumentCreated = "Dokuments izveidots";
+$ForumAdded = "Diskusija pievienota";
+$ForumThreadAdded = "Diskusijas tēma pievienota";
+$ForumAttachmentAdded = "Diskusijas pielikumi pievienoti";
+$directory = "Direktorija";
+$Directories = "Direktorijas";
+$UserAge = "Vecums";
+$UserBirthday = "Dzimšanas diena";
+$Course = "Kurss /kursa kods";
+$FilesUpload = "Dokumenti";
+$ExerciseFinished = "Tests / kontroldarbs pabeigts";
+$UserSex = "Dzimums";
+$UserNativeLanguage = "Dzimtā valoda";
+$UserResidenceCountry = "Dzīvesvietas valsts";
+$AddAnAttachment = "Pievienot pielikumu";
+$FileComment = "Faila komentārs";
+$FileName = "Faila nosaukums";
+$SessionsAdmin = "Kursu sesijas administrātors";
+$MakeChangeable = "Padarīt izmaināmu";
+$MakeUnchangeable = "Padarīt neizmaināmu";
+$UserFields = "Profila atribūti/lauki";
+$FieldShown = "Lauks tagad ir Lietotājam redzams";
+$CannotShowField = "Nav iespējams padarīt lauku redzamu";
+$FieldHidden = "Lauks tagad ir Lietotājam <b>neredzams</b>";
+$CannotHideField = "Lauku padarīt neredzamu nav iespējams";
+$FieldMadeChangeable = "Lauks ir padarīts izmaināms, Lietotājs var aizpildīt vai rediģēt lauka saturu.";
+$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "Lauku padarīt maināmu nav iespējams";
+$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "Lauks ir padarīts neizmaināms, Lietotājs nevar aizpildīt vai rediģēt lauka saturu.";
+$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "Lauku padarīt nemaināmu nav iespējams";
+$Folder = "Mape";
+$CloseOtherSession = "Tērzēšana nav pieejama tāpēc, ka cits kurss ir atvērts kādā citā lapā. <br>Lai no tā izvairītos, lūdzu, pārliecinieties, vai paliksiet tajā pašā kursā, visā tērzēšanas sesijas garumā. <br>Lai pievienotos tērzēšanas sesijai atkal, lūdzu, vēlreiz sākt tērzēšanu no kursa mājas lapas.";
+$FileUploadSucces = "Fails ir veiksmīgi augšupielādēts";
+$Yesterday = "Vakar";
+$Submit = "Iesniegt";
+$Department = "Departaments / Nodaļa";
+$BackToNewSearch = "Atgriezties, lai uzsāktu jaunu meklēšanu.";
+$Step = "Solis";
+$SomethingFemininAddedSuccessfully = "Veiksmīgi pievienots";
+$SomethingMasculinAddedSuccessfully = "Veiksmīgi pievienots";
+$DeleteError = "Dzēst kļūdu";
+$StepsList = "Veikto soļu saraksts";
+$AddStep = "Pievienot soli";
+$StepCode = "Soļa kods";
+$Label = "Etiķete";
+$UnableToConnectTo = "Nav iespējams pieslēgties pie";
+$NoUser = "Nav lietotājs";
+$SearchResultsFor = "Meklēšanas rezultāti:";
+$SelectFile = "Iezīmēt failu";
+$WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "<b>Brīdinājums!</b> <br> BUJ fails, kas atrodas portāla / home / direktorijā, nav rediģējams. Jūsu teksts netiks saglabāts, līdz netiks izmainītas failu rediģēšanas atļaujas.";
+$AddCategory = "Pievienot kategoriju";
+$NoExercises = "Nav testu";
+$NotAllowedClickBack = "Atvainojiet. Jums nav piešķirtas tiesības piekļūt šai lapai. <br><br>Lūdzu, klikšķiniet:<br>-  Jūsu pārlūkprogrammā  vadības pogu “<b>Atpakaļ</b>”, <br>vai<br>- uz <b>zemāk novietoto saiti</b>, lai atgrieztos iepriekšējā lapā";
+$Exercise = "Tests / kontroldarbs";
+$Result = "Rezultāts";
+$AttemptingToLoginAs = "Mēģinājums autorizēties kā %s %s (id %s)";
+$LoginSuccessfulGoToX = "Autorizēšanās veiksmīga. Dodieties uz %s";
+$FckMp3Autostart = "Audio ieslēgt automātiski.";
+$Learner = "Kursants";
+$IntroductionTextUpdated = "Intro tika atjaunināts";
+$Align = "Izlīdzināt";
+$Width = "Platums";
+$VSpace = "Vertikālais izmērs";
+$HSpace = "Horizontālais izmērs";
+$Border = "Apmales";
+$Alt = "Alt";
+$Height = "Augstums";
+$ImageManager = "Attēlu vadība";
+$ImageFile = "Attēlu fails";
+$ConstrainProportions = "Definējiet proporcijas";
+$InsertImage = "Ievietot attēlu";
+$AccountActive = "Lietotājkonts aktīvs";
+$GroupSpace = "Grupas lauks";
+$GroupWiki = "Wiki grupa";
+$ExportToPDF = "Eksportēt PDF formātā";
+$CommentAdded = "Jūsu komentārs pievienots";
+$BackToPreviousPage = "Atpakaļ uz iepriekšējo lapu";
+$ListView = "Saraksta skats";
+$NoOfficialCode = "Nav koda";
+$Owner = "Pārvaldītājs";
+$DisplayOrder = "N.P.K.";
+$SearchFeatureDoIndexDocument = "Indeksēt dokumenta tekstu?";
+$SearchFeatureDocumentLanguage = "Dokumenta valoda indeksēšanai";
+$With = "ar";
+$GeneralCoach = "Galvenais mācību spēks";
+$SaveDocument = "Saglabāt dokumentu";
+$CategoryDeleted = "Kategorija tika izdzēsta";
+$CategoryAdded = "Kategorija ir pievienota";
+$IP = "IP";
+$Qualify = "Iezīmēt aktivitāti";
+$Words = "Vārdi";
+$GoBack = "Doties atpakaļ";
+$Details = "Papildus informācija";
+$EditLink = "Rediģēt saiti";
+$LinkEdited = "Rediģētais novērtējums";
+$ForumThreads = "Diskusiju temati";
+$GradebookVisible = "Redzams";
+$GradebookInvisible = "Neredzams";
+$Phone = "Tālrunis";
+$InfoMessage = "Informatīvs ziņojums.";
+$ConfirmationMessage = "Apstiprinājuma ziņojums";
+$WarningMessage = "Brīdinājuma ziņojums";
+$ErrorMessage = "Kļūdas / bojājuma ziņojums";
+$Glossary = "Terminu skaidrojumu vārdnīca";
+$Coach = "Kursa izstrādātājs";
+$Condition = "Gatavības pakāpe";
+$CourseSettings = "Kursa iestatījumi";
+$EmailNotifications = "E-pasta paziņojumi";
+$UserRights = "Lietotāja tiesības";
+$Theming = "Darba virsmas dizaina grafiskā tēma";
+$Qualification = "Punktu skaits";
+$OnlyNumbers = "Tikai skaitļi";
+$ReorderOptions = "Pārkārtot iespējas";
+$EditUserFields = "Rediģēt lietotāja laukus";
+$OptionText = "Teksts";
+$FieldTypeDoubleSelect = "Dubultā atlase";
+$FieldTypeDivider = "Vizuālais dalītājs";
+$ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Nezināms paketes formāts";
+$ResourceDeleted = "Resurss izdzēsts";
+$AdvancedParameters = "Izvērstie parametri";
+$GoTo = "Doties uz";
+$SessionNameAndCourseTitle = "Sesijas un kursa nosaukums";
+$CreationDate = "Izveides datums";
+$LastUpdateDate = "Pēdējie atjauninājumi";
+$ViewHistoryChange = "Rādīt izmaiņu vēsturi";
+$langNameOfLang['asturian'] = "Astūriešu";
+$SearchGoToLearningPath = "Doties uz tēmu";
+$SearchLectureLibrary = "Lekcijas bibliotēka";
+$SearchImagePreview = "Priekšskatījuma attēls";
+$SearchAdvancedOptions = "Progresīvās meklēšanas opcijas";
+$SearchResetKeywords = "Atjaunot atslēgas vārdus";
+$SearchKeywords = "Atslēgas vārdi";
+$IntroductionTextDeleted = "Ievada teksts ir izdzēsts";
+$SearchKeywordsHelpTitle = "Atslēgas vārdu meklēšanas palīdzība.";
+$SearchKeywordsHelpComment = "Izvēlieties atslēgvārdus, vienā vai vairākos laukos, un noklikšķiniet uz meklēšanas pogas.  <br>Lai atlasītu vairāk nekā vienu atslēgvārdu laukā, izmantot Ctrl + klikšķi.";
+$Validate = "Apstiprināt";
+$SearchCombineSearchWith = "Kombinēt atslēgas vārdus ar";
+$SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "Pilna teksta meklēšanas funkcija Chamilo nav pieejama. Lūdzu sazinieties ar Chamilo Administratoru";
+$Top = "Augša";
+$YourTextHere = "Sastādiet Jums nepieciešamo tekstu, ievietojiet attēlus u.t.t. šeit:";
+$OrderBy = "Kārtot pēc";
+$Notebook = "Personīgās piezīmes";
+$FieldRequired = "Obligāti aizpildāmais lauks";
+$BookingSystem = "Rezervēšanas sistēma";
+$Any = "Jebkurš";
+$SpecificSearchFields = "Īpaši meklēšanas lauki";
+$SpecificSearchFieldsIntro = "Šeit jūs varat definēt laukus, kurus vēlaties izmantot satura indeksācijai. Kad esat indeksējuši vienu no elementiem, jums vajadzēs pievienot vienu vai vairākus noteikumus, kuru laukus atdala ar komatu.";
+$AddSpecificSearchField = "Pievienot īpašu meklēšanas lauku";
+$SaveSettings = "Saglabāt iestatījumus";
+$NoParticipation = "Šeit nav dalībnieku";
+$Subscribers = "Abonenti";
+$Accept = "Pieņemt";
+$Reserved = "Rezervēts";
+$SharedDocumentsDirectory = "Koplietošanas dokumentu mape";
+$Gallery = "Galerija";
+$Audio = "Audio";
+$GoToQuestion = "Doties uz jautājumu";
+$Level = "Līmenis";
+$Duration = "Ilgums";
+$SearchPrefilterPrefix = "Speciāls lauks priekšfiltrēšanai";
+$SearchPrefilterPrefixComment = "Šī opcija ļauj jums izvēlēties īpašu lauku, ko izmantot pirmsfiltra meklēšanai.";
+$MaxTimeAllowed = "Max. laiks (minūtes)";
+$Class = "Grupa";
+$Select = "Apstiprināt";
+$Booking = "Rezervēšana";
+$ManageReservations = "Rezervēšana";
+$DestinationUsers = "Gala lietotāji";
+$AttachmentFileDeleteSuccess = "Pievienotie faili tika izdzēsti";
+$AccountURLInactive = "Šim URL konts nav aktīvs";
+$MaxFileSize = "Maksimālais faila lielums";
+$SendFileError = "Saņemot Jūsu failu, tika konstatēta kļūda. Lūdzu pārbaudiet vai Jūsu fails nav bojāts. Tad mēģiniet atkārtoti.";
+$Expired = "Izbeidzies";
+$InvitationHasBeenSent = "Ielūgums ir nosūtīts";
+$InvitationHasBeenNotSent = "Ielūgums nav nosūtīts";
+$Outbox = "Izejošais pasts";
+$Overview = "Pārskats";
+$ApiKeys = "API atslēga";
+$GenerateApiKey = "Ģenerēt API atslēgu";
+$MyApiKey = "Mana API atslēga";
+$DateSend = "Datums, kad nosūtīts";
+$Deny = "Atteikts";
+$ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "Šeit nav kvalificētu kursantu";
+$ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners = "Šeit nav nekvalificētu kursantu";
+$SocialNetwork = "Mans profils un iekšējais sociālais tīkls";
+$BackToOutbox = "Atgriezties uz izejošo pastkasti";
+$Invitation = "Ielūgums";
+$SeeMoreOptions = "Skatīt vairāk iespēju";
+$TemplatePreview = "Šablonu priekšskatījums";
+$NoTemplatePreview = "Priekšskatījums nav pieejams";
+$ModifyCategory = "Rediģēt kategoriju";
+$Photo = "Foto";
+$MoveFile = "Pārvietot failu";
+$Filter = "Filtrs";
+$Subject = "Subjekts";
+$Message = "Vēstule";
+$MoreInformation = "Vairāk informācijas";
+$MakeInvisible = "Padarīt neredzamu";
+$MakeVisible = "Padarīt redzamu";
+$Image = "Attēls";
+$SaveIntroText = "Saglabāt ievada tekstu";
+$CourseName = "Kursa nosaukums";
+$SendAMessage = "Sūtīt ziņu";
+$Menu = "Izvēlne";
+$BackToUserList = "Atpakaļ uz lietotāju sarakstu";
+$GraphicNotAvailable = "Grafiks nav pieejams";
+$BackTo = "Atgriezties uz";
+$HistoryTrainingSessions = "Mācību sesiju vēsture";
+$ConversionFailled = "Konvertācija nav izdevusies";
+$AlreadyExists = "Jau eksistē.";
+$TheNewWordHasBeenAdded = "Jaunais vārds ir pievienots";
+$CommentErrorExportDocument = "Daži dokumenti ir pārāk sarežģīti, lai dokumentu pārveidotājs tos izskatītu automātiski.";
+$EventType = "Notikuma veids";
+$DataType = "Datu tips";
+$Value = "Vērtība";
+$System = "Sistēma";
+$ImportantActivities = "Svarīgas darbības";
+$SearchActivities = "Meklēt aktivitātes";
+$Parent = "Izcelsme";
+$SurveyAdded = "Aptauja pievienota";
+$WikiAdded = "Wiki pievienots";
+$ReadOnly = "Tikai lasāms";
+$Unacceptable = "Nav akceptējams";
+$DisplayTrainingList = "Rādīt mācību kursu sarakstu";
+$HistoryTrainingSession = "Mācību vēsture";
+$Until = "Līdz";
+$FirstPage = "Pirmā lapa";
+$LastPage = "Pēdējā lapa";
+$Coachs = "Mācību spēki";
+$ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "Šeit vēl nav datuma / laika reģistra";
+$CalendarList = "Plānoto Klātienes nodarbību diena un laiks";
+$AttendanceCalendarDescription = "<br><b>Klātienes nodarbību kalendārs</b>, hronoloģiskā uzskaites veidā, ļauj reģistrēt Kursantu klātbūtni šī kursa klātienes nodarbībās.<br>Lai izveidotu aktivitātes reģistru, ir nepieciešams vismaz viens reāls Kursants nodarbībā.<br>Pievienot nodarbībai laiku un datumu, var izmantojot augstāk novietoto pogu - <b>Pievienot datumu un laiku</b>";
+$CleanCalendar = "Dzēst visus, šeit esošos, kalendāra datus";
+$AddDateAndTime = "<b>Pievienot datumu un laiku</b>";
+$AttendanceSheet = "Kursantu reģistrs klātienes nodarbībā";
+$GoToAttendanceCalendar = "Doties uz <b>Klātienes nodarbību kalendāru</b>";
+$AttendanceCalendar = "<b>Klātienes nodarbību kalendārs</b> (pievienot /noņemt nodarbības datumu un laiku)";
+$QualifyAttendanceGradebook = "Iekļaut, šīs klātienes nodarbības apmeklējumu, kā ieskaiti kopējā sarakstā";
+$CreateANewAttendance = "Veidot jaunu klātienes nodarbības reģistra lapu";
+$Attendance = "Klātienes nodarbības";
+$langNameOfLang['bosnian'] = "bosniešu";
+$langNameOfLang['czech'] = "čehu";
+$langNameOfLang['dari'] = "dariešu";
+$langNameOfLang['dutch_corporate'] = "nīderlandiešu_korporatīvā";
+$langNameOfLang['english_org'] = "angļu_organizācijām";
+$langNameOfLang['friulian'] = "fruiliešu";
+$langNameOfLang['georgian'] = "gruzīņu";
+$langNameOfLang['hebrew'] = "ebreju";
+$langNameOfLang['korean'] = "korejiešu";
+$langNameOfLang['latvian'] = "latviešu";
+$langNameOfLang['lithuanian'] = "lietuviešu";
+$langNameOfLang['macedonian'] = "maķedoniešu";
+$langNameOfLang['norwegian'] = "norvēģu";
+$langNameOfLang['pashto'] = "pashto";
+$langNameOfLang['persian'] = "persiešu";
+$langNameOfLang['quechua_cusco'] = "quechua from Cusco";
+$langNameOfLang['romanian'] = "rumāņu";
+$langNameOfLang['serbian'] = "serbu";
+$langNameOfLang['slovak'] = "slovāku";
+$langNameOfLang['swahili'] = "swahili";
+$langNameOfLang['trad_chinese'] = "tradicionālā_ķīniešu";
+$ChamiloInstallation = "Chamilo instalēšana";
+$langNameOfLang['ukrainian'] = "ukraiņu";
+$langNameOfLang['yoruba'] = "yoruba";
+$New = "Jauns";
+$YouMustToInstallTheExtensionLDAP = "Jums ir jāinstalē papildinājums LDAP";
+$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Pievienot info lauku Lietotāja profilam";
+$InvitationDenied = "Uzaicinājums liegts";
+$UserAdded = "Lietotājs ir pievienots";
+$UpdatedIn = "Atjaunināts";
+$Metadata = "Metadati";
+$langAddMetadata = "Skatīt / Labot Metadatus";
+$SendMessage = "Sūtīt vēstuli";
+$SeeForum = "Skatīt forumu";
+$SeeMore = "Skatīt vairāk";
+$NoDataAvailable = "Dati nav pieejami";
+$Created = "Izveidots";
+$LastUpdate = "Pēdējā atjaunināšana";
+$UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "Lietotājs nav reģistrēts kursā";
+$EditMyProfile = "Rediģēt manu profilu";
+$Announcements = "Paziņojumi";
+$Password = "Parole";
+$DescriptionGroup = "Grupas apraksts";
+$Installation = "Instalācija";
+$ReadTheInstallationGuide = "Lasīt instalācijas instrukciju";
+$SeeBlog = "Skatīt blogu";
+$Blog = "Blogs";
+$BlogPosts = "Paziņojumi blogā";
+$BlogComments = "Komentāri blogā";
+$ThereAreNotExtrafieldsAvailable = "Papildus lauki nav pieejami";
+$StartToType = "Sāciet rakstīt, tad noklikšķiniet uz šīs joslas, lai apstiprinātu adresātu.";
+$InstallChamilo = "Instalēt Chamilo";
+$ChamiloURL = "Chamilo URL";
+$TitleColumnGradebook = "Nodarbības nosaukums, kas redzams ieskaišu kopsavilkuma kolonas virsrakstā";
+$QualifyWeight = "Nodarbības vērtība (punkti) atskaitē";
+$ThematicAdvance = "Priekšskatījums pa tematiem";
+$EditProfile = "Rediģēt savu profilu";
+$TabsDashboard = "Cilne - Panelis";
+$Dashboard = "Panelis";
+$DashboardPlugins = "Paneļa spraudņi";
+$SelectBlockForDisplayingInsideBlocksDashboardView = "Izvēlēties blokus, lai tos izvietotu uz Paneļa";
+$ColumnPosition = "Novietojums - kolonnās [1][2]";
+$EnableDashboardBlock = "Ieslēgt paneļa blokus";
+$ThereAreNoEnabledDashboardPlugins = "Paneļa spraudnis nav pieejams";
+$Enabled = "Ieslēgts";
+$ThematicAdvanceQuestions = "Kāds ir pašreizējais Kursantu sasniegtais progress Jūsu kursā? Cik daudz vēl ir jāapgūst, salīdzinot ar pilnu programmu?";
+$ThematicAdvanceHistory = "Notikumu priekšskatījums";
+$Homepage = "Mācību vides sākumlapa";
+$Attendances = "Klātienes nodarbības";
+$CountDoneAttendance = "# ir apmeklējuši";
+$AssignUsers = "Nozīmēt lietotājus";
+$AssignCourses = "Nozīmēt kursus";
+$AssignSessions = "Nozīmēt sesijas";
+$Timezone = "Laika zona.";
+$DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "Paneļa spraudņi ir veiksmīgi atjaunināti";
+$LoginEnter = "Login";
+$AttendanceSheetDescription = "Klātienes nodarbību reģistrs, ļauj Jums veidot sarakstu ar datumiem, kuros Jūs vēlaties apkopot ziņas par apmeklējumu klātienes nodarbībās";
+$ThereAreNoRegisteredLearnersInsidetheCourse = "<b>Uzmanību !</b><br><b>Kursā nav reģistrēts neviens Kursants !</b><br>Spiediet uz šī paziņojuma, lai atvērtu Kursantu reģistra instrumentu un pievienotu kursam Kursantus";
+$GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Doties uz Klātienes nodarbību reģistrācijas kalendāru";
+$ToolCourseDescription = "Kursa satura, mērķu, uzdevumu u.c. apraksts";
+$ToolDocument = "Dokumenti";
+$ToolLearnpath = "Veidot mācību tēmas";
+$ToolLink = "Hipersaišu arhīvs";
+$ToolQuiz = "Veidot kontroldarbus / testus";
+$ToolAnnouncement = "Paziņojumi kursā";
+$ToolGradebook = "Kursa ieskaišu grāmatiņa";
+$ToolGlossary = "Terminu skaidrojumu vārdnīca";
+$ToolAttendance = "Klātienes nodarbību apmeklējuma reģistrs";
+$ToolCalendarEvent = "Kursa notikumu plānotājs";
+$ToolForum = "Forumi";
+$ToolDropbox = "Dokumentu un failu apmaiņa";
+$ToolUser = "Kursantu vadība";
+$ToolGroup = "Kursantu grupu vadība";
+$ToolChat = "Čats";
+$ToolStudentPublication = "Kursantu patstāvīgie darbi";
+$ToolSurvey = "Aptaujas";
+$ToolWiki = "Wiki - grupā veidots dokuments";
+$ToolNotebook = "Personīgās piezīmes";
+$ToolBlogManagement = "Projekti";
+$ToolTracking = "Kursa atskaites";
+$ToolCourseSetting = "Kursa iestatījumi";
+$ToolCourseMaintenance = "Kursa uzturēšana";
+$AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "Jūs esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties izdzēst visus datus?";
+$AddADateTime = "Pievienot datumu un laiku";
+$ThematicControl = "Tematiskā kontrole";
+$ThematicDetails = "Tematiskais skats ar aprakstu";
+$ThematicList = "Tematiskais apskats saraksta veidā";
+$Thematic = "Tematiskais apskats";
+$ThematicPlan = "Tematiskais plāns";
+$EditThematicPlan = "Rediģēt tematisko attīstību";
+$EditThematicAdvance = "Rediģēt tematisko attīstību";
+$ThereIsNoStillAthematicSection = "Šeit joprojām nav Tematiskā plāna sekcijas";
+$NewThematicSection = "Jauna tematiskā sekcija";
+$DeleteAllThematics = "Dzēst visus tematiskos elementus";
+$ThematicDetailsDescription = "Sīkāka informācija par plānoto aktivitāšu tematiem un to progresu. Lai norādītu tēmu par pabeigtu, izvēlēties datumu hronoloģisko secību, un sistēma parādīs visus iepriekšējos datumus kā pabeigtus.";
+$SkillToAcquireQuestions = "Kādām prasmēm ir jābūt, šis tematiskās sekcijas beigās";
+$SkillToAcquire = "Prasmes, kas jāiegūst";
+$InfrastructureQuestions = "Kāda infrastruktūra (plāns) ir nepieciešama, lai sasniegtu šī uzdevuma mērķus";
+$DurationInHours = "Norises ilgums stundās";

+ 1394 - 1392

@@ -1,1401 +1,1403 @@
-for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
-$AdminBy = "Administrado por:";
-$AdministrationTools = "Administración";
-$State = "Estado del sistema";
-$Statistiques = "Estadísticas";
-$VisioHostLocal = "Host para la videoconferencia";
-$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "El protocolo de la videoconferencia funciona en modo web (la mayoría de las veces no es así)";
-$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Mostrar un enlace  para volver a la jerarquía del curso. De todos modos, un enlace siempre estará disponible al final de la lista.";
-$langUsed = "usada";
-$langPresent = "Aceptar";
-$langMissing = "falta";
-$langExist = "existe";
-$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Mostrar un enlace para volver atrás encima del árbol de las categorías/cursos";
-$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Mostrar el número de cursos";
-$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Mostrar al profesor en el título del curso";
-$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Mostrar el nombre de cada profesor en cada uno de los cursos del listado";
-$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Mostrar el código del curso en cada uno de los cursos del listado";
-$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Mostrar el código del curso en el título de éste";
-$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "No hay cursos virtuales en la plataforma";
-$ConfigureHomePage = "Configuración de la página principal";
-$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Módulos activos al crear un curso";
-$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "¿ Qué herramientas serán activadas (visibles) por defecto al crear un curso ?";
-$SearchUsers = "Búsqueda de usuarios";
-$CreateUser = "Crear usuario";
-$ModifyInformation = "Modificar información";
-$ModifyUser = "Modificar usuario";
-$buttonEditUserField = "Editar campos de usuario";
-$ModifyCoach = "Modificar tutor";
-$ModifyThisSession = "Modificar esta sesión";
-$ExportSession = "Exportar sesión";
-$ImportSession = "Importar sesión";
-$langCourseBackup = "Copia de seguridad de este curso";
-$langCourseTitular = "Profesor principal";
-$langCourseTitle = "Título del curso";
-$langCourseFaculty = "Categoría del curso";
-$langCourseDepartment = "Departamento";
-$langCourseDepartmentURL = "URL del departamento";
-$langCourseLanguage = "Idioma del curso";
-$langCourseAccess = "Acceso al curso";
-$langCourseSubscription = "Inscripción en el curso";
-$langPublicAccess = "Acceso público";
-$langPrivateAccess = "Acceso privado";
-$langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "La administración de la base de datos sólo está disponible para el administrador del servidor";
-$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Mostrar los usuarios del curso";
-$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Mostrar las clases inscritas en este curso";
-$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Mostrar los grupos de este curso";
-$langPhone = "Teléfono";
-$langPhoneNumber = "Número de teléfono";
-$langActions = "Acciones";
-$langAddToCourse = "Añadir a un curso";
-$langDeleteFromPlatform = "Eliminar de la plataforma";
-$langDeleteCourse = "Eliminar cursos seleccionados";
-$langDeleteFromCourse = "Anular la inscripción del curso(s)";
-$langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Eliminar las clases seleccionadas";
-$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Eliminar los grupos seleccionados";
-$langAdministrator = "Administrador";
-$langAddPicture = "Añadir una foto";
-$langChangePicture = "Cambiar la imagen";
-$langDeletePicture = "Eliminar la imagen";
-$langAddUsers = "Añadir usuarios";
-$langAddGroups = "Crear grupos en la red social";
-$langAddClasses = "Crear clases";
-$langExportUsers = "Exportar usuarios";
-$langKeyword = "Palabra clave";
-$langGroupName = "Nombre del grupo";
-$langGroupTutor = "Tutor del grupo";
-$langGroupDescription = "Descripción del grupo";
-$langNumberOfParticipants = "Número de miembros";
-$langNumberOfUsers = "Número de usuarios";
-$langMaximum = "máximo";
-$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Número máximo de miembros";
-$langParticipants = "miembros";
-$langFirstLetterClass = "Primera letra (clase)";
-$langFirstLetterUser = "Primera letra (apellidos)";
-$langFirstLetterCourse = "Primera letra (código)";
-$langModifyUserInfo = "Modificar la información de un usuario";
-$langModifyClassInfo = "Modificar la información de una clase";
-$langModifyGroupInfo = "Modificar la información de un grupo";
-$langModifyCourseInfo = "Modificar la información del curso";
-$langPleaseEnterClassName = "¡ Introduzca la clase !";
-$langPleaseEnterLastName = "¡ Introduzca los apellidos del usuario !";
-$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "¡ Introduzca el nombre del usuario !";
-$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "¡ Introduzca una dirección de correo válida !";
-$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "¡ Introduzca un Nombre de usuario válido !";
-$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "¡ Introduzca el código del curso !";
-$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "¡ Introduzca el nombre y apellidos del profesor !";
-$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "¡ Introduzca el título del curso !";
-$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "¡Formatos aceptados: .jpg, .png y .gif!";
-$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "¡ Este Nombre de usuario ya está en uso !";
-$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Importar usuarios desde un fichero XML/CSV";
-$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Exportar usuarios a un fichero XML/CSV";
-$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Sólo usuarios del curso";
-$langAddClassesToACourse = "Añadir clases a un curso";
-$langAddUsersToACourse = "Inscribir usuarios en un curso";
-$langAddUsersToAClass = "Importar usuarios a una clase desde un fichero";
-$langAddUsersToAGroup = "Añadir usuarios a un grupo";
-$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "¡ Debe seleccionar al menos una clase y un curso !";
-$AtLeastOneUser = "¡ Debe seleccionar al menos un usuario !";
-$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "¡ Debe seleccionar al menos un usuario y un curso !";
-$langClassList = "Listado de clases";
-$langUserList = "Lista de usuarios";
-$langCourseList = "Lista de cursos";
-$langAddToThatCourse = "Añadir a este (estos)  curso(s)";
-$langAddToClass = "Añadir a la clase";
-$langRemoveFromClass = "Quitar de la clase";
-$langAddToGroup = "Añadir al grupo";
-$langRemoveFromGroup = "Quitar del grupo";
-$langUsersOutsideClass = "Usuarios que no pertenecen a la clase";
-$langUsersInsideClass = "Usuarios pertenecientes a la clase";
-$langUsersOutsideGroup = "Usuarios que no pertenecen al grupo";
-$langUsersInsideGroup = "Usuarios pertenecientes al grupo";
-$langImportFileLocation = "Ubicación del fichero XML / CSV";
-$langFileType = "Tipo de archivo";
-$langOutputFileType = "Tipo de archivo de destino";
-$langMustUseSeparator = "debe utilizar el carácter ';' como separador";
-$langCSVMustLookLike = "El fichero CSV debe tener el siguiente formato";
-$langXMLMustLookLike = "El fichero XML debe tener el siguiente formato";
-$langMandatoryFields = "Los campos en <strong>negrita</strong> son obligatorios";
-$langNotXML = "¡ El fichero especificado no está en formato XML !";
-$langNotCSV = "¡ El fichero especificado no está en formato CSV !";
-$langNoNeededData = "¡ El fichero especificado no contiene todos los datos necesarios !";
-$langMaxImportUsers = "¡ No se pueden importar más de 500 usuarios a la vez !";
-$langAdminDatabases = "Bases de datos (phpMyAdmin)";
-$langAdminUsers = "Usuarios";
-$langAdminClasses = "Clases de usuarios";
-$langAdminGroups = "Grupos de usuarios";
-$langAdminCourses = "Cursos";
-$langAdminCategories = "Categorías de cursos";
-$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Inscribir un usuario o un grupo en un curso";
-$langAddACategory = "Añadir una categoría";
-$langInto = "en";
-$langNoCategories = "Sin categorías";
-$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Permitir añadir cursos a esta categoría";
-$langGoToForum = "Ir al foro";
-$langCategoryCode = "Código de la categoría";
-$langCategoryName = "Nombre de la categoría";
-$langCategories = "categorías";
-$langEditNode = "Editar esta categoría";
-$langOpenNode = "Abrir esta categoría";
-$langDeleteNode = "Eliminar esta categoría";
-$langAddChildNode = "Añadir una subcategoría";
-$langViewChildren = "Ver hijos";
-$langTreeRebuildedIn = "Árbol reconstruido en";
-$langTreeRecountedIn = "Árbol recontado en";
-$langRebuildTree = "Reconstruir el árbol";
-$langRefreshNbChildren = "Actualizar el número de hijos";
-$langShowTree = "Ver el árbol";
-$langBack = "Volver a la página anterior";
-$langLogDeleteCat = "Categoría eliminada";
-$langRecountChildren = "Recontar los hijos";
-$langUpInSameLevel = "Subir en este nivel";
-$langSeconds = "Segundos";
-$langMailTo = "Correo a:";
-$lang_no_access_here = "No tiene autorización para acceder aquí";
-$lang_php_info = "información del sistema";
-$langAddAdminInApache = "Añadir un administrador";
-$langAddFaculties = "Añadir categorías";
-$langSearchACourse = "Buscar un curso";
-$langSearchAUser = "Buscar un usuario";
-$langTechnicalTools = "Técnico";
-$langConfig = "Configuración del sistema";
-$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Lista de logins (detallada)";
-$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Máximo de usuarios mostrados en la lista desplegable";
-$NoTimeLimits = "Sin límite de tiempo";
-$GeneralCoach = "Tutor general";
-$GeneralProperties = "Propiedades generales";
-$CourseCoach = "Tutor del curso";
-$UsersNumber = "Número de usuarios";
-$DokeosClassic = "Chamilo clásico";
-$PublicAdmin = "Administración pública";
-$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Página después de identificarse";
-$PageAfterLoginComment = "Página que será visualizada por los usuarios que se conecten";
-$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Web de Chamilo";
-$TabsMyProfile = "Pestaña Mi perfil";
-$GlobalRole = "Perfil global";
-$langNomOutilTodo = "Gestionar la lista de sugerencias";
-$langNomPageAdmin = "Administración";
-$langSysInfo = "Información del Sistema";
-$langDiffTranslation = "Comparar traducciones";
-$langStatOf = "Estadíticas de";
-$langSpeeSubscribe = "Inscripción rápida como revisor de cursos";
-$langLogIdentLogout = "Lista de logins";
-$langServerStatus = "Estado del servidor MySQL:";
-$langDataBase = "Base de datos";
-$langRun = "Funciona";
-$langClient = " Cliente MySQL";
-$langServer = "Servidor MySQL";
-$langtitulary = "Titularidad";
-$langUpgradeBase = "Actualización de la  Base de datos";
-$langManage = "Administrar la Plataforma";
-$langErrorsFound = "errores encontrados";
-$langMaintenance = "Mantenimiento";
-$langUpgrade = "Actualizar Chamilo";
-$langWebsite = "Web de Chamilo";
-$langDocumentation = "Documentación";
-$langContribute = "Contribuir";
-$langInfoServer = "Información del servidor";
-$langOtherCategory = "Otra categoría";
-$langSendMailToUsers = "Enviar un correo a los usuarios";
-$langExampleXMLFile = "Ejemplo de archivo XML";
-$langExampleCSVFile = "Ejemplo de archivo CSV";
-$langCourseSystemCode = "Código del sistema";
-$langCourseVisualCode = "Código visual";
-$langSystemCode = "Código del sistema";
-$langVisualCode = "Código visual";
-$langAddCourse = "Crear un curso";
-$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Administrar cursos virtuales";
-$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Crear un curso virtual";
-$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "Un curso virtual comparte su espacio de almacenamiento (directorios y bases de datos) con un curso que físicamente ya existe previamente.";
-$langRealCourseCode = "Código real del curso";
-$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "El curso ha sido creado.";
-$langYourDokeosUses = "Su instalación de Chamilo actualmente usa";
-$langOnTheHardDisk = "en el disco duro";
-$langIsVirtualCourse = "Curso virtual";
-$langSystemAnnouncements = "Anuncios de la plataforma";
-$langAddAnnouncement = "Añadir un anuncio";
-$langAnnouncementAdded = "El anuncio ha sido añadido";
-$langAnnouncementUpdated = "El anuncio ha sido actualizado";
-$langAnnouncementDeleted = "El anuncio ha sido eliminado";
-$langContent = "Contenido";
-$PermissionsForNewFiles = "Permisos para los nuevos archivos";
-$PermissionsForNewFilesComment = "La posibilidad de definir la configuración de los permisos asignados a los nuevos archivos, aumenta la seguridad contra los ataques de hackers que puedan enviar material peligroso a la plataforma. La configuración por defecto (0550) debe ser suficiente para dar a su servidor un nivel de protección razonable. El formato proporcionado utiliza la terminología de UNIX Propietario-Grupo-Otros, con los permisos de Lectura-Escritura-Ejecución.";
-$langStudent = "Estudiante";
-$Guest = "Invitado";
-$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Entrar como";
-$langLoginAsThisUser = "Entrar";
-$SelectPicture = "Seleccionar imagen...";
-$DontResetPassword = "No reiniciar contraseña";
-$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participar en el desarrollo";
-$langCourseAdmin = "administrador de curso";
-$langOtherCourses = "otros cursos";
-$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Idioma de la plataforma";
-$ServerStatusComment = "¿ Qué tipo de servidor utiliza ? Esto activa o desactiva algunas opciones específicas. En un servidor de desarrollo hay una funcionalidad que indica las cadenas de caracteres no traducidas.";
-$ServerStatusTitle = "Tipo de servidor";
-$PlatformLanguages = "Idiomas de la plataforma Chamilo";
-$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "Esta herramienta genera el menú de selección de idiomas en la página de autentificación. El administrador de la plataforma puede decidir qué idiomas estarán disponibles para los usuarios.";
-$OriginalName = "Nombre original";
-$EnglishName = "Nombre inglés";
-$DokeosFolder = "Directorio Chamilo";
-$Properties = "Propiedades";
-$DokeosConfigSettings = "Parámetros de configuración de Chamilo";
-$SettingsStored = "Los parámetros han sido guardados";
-$InstitutionTitle = "Nombre de la Institución";
-$InstitutionComment = "Nombre de la Institución (aparece en el lado derecho de la cabecera)";
-$InstitutionUrlTitle = "URL de la Institución";
-$InstitutionUrlComment = "URL de la Institución (enlace que aparece en el lado derecho de la cabecera)";
-$SiteNameTitle = "Nombre del Sitio Web de su plataforma";
-$SiteNameComment = "El nombre del Sitio Web de su plataforma (aparece en la cabecera)";
-$emailAdministratorTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: e-mail";
-$emailAdministratorComment = "La dirección de correo electrónico del administrador de la plataforma (aparece en el lado izquierdo del pie)";
-$administratorSurnameTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: apellidos";
-$administratorSurnameComment = "Los apellidos del administrador de la plataforma (aparecen en el lado izquierdo del pie)";
-$administratorNameTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: nombre";
-$administratorNameComment = "El nombre del administrador de la plataforma (aparece en el lado izquierdo del pie)";
-$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Información del administrador de la plataforma en el pie";
-$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "¿ Mostrar la información del administrador de la plataforma en el pie ?";
-$HomepageViewTitle = "Vista de la página principal";
-$HomepageViewComment = "¿ Cómo quiere que se presente la página principal del curso ?";
-$HomepageViewDefault = "Presentación en dos columnas. Las herramientas desactivadas quedan escondidas";
-$HomepageViewFixed = "Presentación en tres columnas. Las herramientas desactivadas aparecen en gris (los iconos se mantienen en su lugar).";
-$Yes = "Sí";
-$No = "No";
-$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Barra de acceso rápido a las herramientas";
-$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "¿ Mostrar la barra de acceso rápido a las herramientas en la cabecera ?";
-$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Vista de estudiante";
-$ShowStudentViewComment = "¿ Habilitar la 'Vista de estudiante' ?<br>Esta funcionalidad permite al profesor previsualizar lo que los estudiantes van a ver.";
-$AllowGroupCategories = "Categorías de grupos";
-$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Permitir a los administradores de un curso crear categorías en el módulo grupos";
-$PlatformLanguageComment = "Determinar el idioma de la plataforma: <a href=\"languages.php\">Idiomas de la plataforma Chamilo</a>";
-$ProductionServer = "Servidor de producción";
-$TestServer = "Servidor de desarrollo";
-$ShowOnlineTitle = "¿ Quién está en línea ?";
-$AsPlatformLanguage = "como idioma de la plataforma";
-$ShowOnlineComment = "¿ Mostrar el número de personas que están en línea ?";
-$AllowNameChangeTitle = "¿ Permitir cambiar el nombre en el perfil ?";
-$AllowNameChangeComment = "¿ Permitir al usuario cambiar su nombre y apellidos ?";
-$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Cuota de espacio por defecto en el servidor para los documentos";
-$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "¿ Cuál es la cuota de espacio por defecto en el servidor para la herramienta documentos ? Se puede cambiar este espacio para un curso específico a través de: administración de la plataforma -> Cursos -> modificar";
-$ProfileChangesTitle = "Perfil";
-$ProfileChangesComment = "¿Qué parte de su perfil desea que el usuario pueda modificar?";
-$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Registro: campos obligatorios";
-$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "Campos que obligatoriamente deben ser rellenados (además del nombre, apellidos, nombre de usuario y contraseña). En el caso de idioma será visible o invisible.";
-$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "Cuota de espacio por defecto en el servidor para los grupos";
-$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "¿ Cuál es la cuota de espacio por defecto en el servidor para la herramienta documentos de los grupos ?";
-$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Olvidé mi contraseña";
-$AllowLostPasswordComment = "¿ Cuando un usuario ha perdido su contraseña, puede pedir que el sistema se la envíe automáticamente ?";
-$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Registro";
-$AllowRegistrationComment = "¿ Está permitido que los nuevos usuarios puedan registrarse por sí mismos ? ¿ Pueden los usuarios crear cuentas nuevas ?";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registro como profesor";
-$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "¿ Alguien puede registrarse como profesor (y poder crear cursos) ?";
-$PlatformLanguage = "Idioma de la plataforma";
-$Tuning = "Mejorar el rendimiento";
-$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Dividir el directorio de transferencias (upload) de los usuarios";
-$SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "En plataformas que tengan un uso muy elevado, donde están registrados muchos usuarios que envían sus fotos, el directorio al que se transfieren (main/upload/users/) puede contener demasiados archivos para que el sistema los maneje de forma eficiente (se ha documentado el caso de un servidor Debian con más de 36000 archivos). Si cambia esta opción añadirá un nivel de división a los directorios del directorio upload. Nueve directorios se utilizarán en el directorio base para contener los directorios de todos los usuarios. El cambio de esta opción no afectará a la estructura de los directorios en el disco, sino al comportamiento del código de Chamilo, por lo que si la activa tendrá que crear nuevos directorios y mover manualmente los directorios existentes en el servidor. Cuando cree y mueva estos directorios, tendrá que mover los directorios de los usuarios 1 a 9 a subdirectorios con el mismo nombre. Si no está seguro de usar esta opción, es mejor que no la active.";
-$CourseQuota = "Cuota de espacio del curso en el servidor";
-$EditNotice = "Editar aviso";
-$General = "general";
-$LostPassword = "Olvidé mi contraseña";
-$Registration = "Registro";
-$Password = "Contraseña";
-$InsertLink = "Insertar enlace";
-$EditNews = "Editar noticias";
-$EditCategories = "Editar categorías";
-$EditHomePage = "Editar la página principal";
-$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "¿ El administrador de un curso puede definir cabeceras para obtener información adicional de los usuarios ?";
-$Platform = "Plataforma";
-$Course = "Curso";
-$Languages = "Idiomas";
-$Privacy = "Privado";
-$NoticeTitle = "Título de la noticia";
-$NoticeText = "Texto de la noticia";
-$LinkName = "Texto del enlace";
-$LinkURL = "URL del enlace";
-$OpenInNewWindow = "Abrir en una nueva ventana";
-$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "En las pantallas de inscripción de usuarios a cursos o clases, si la primera lista no filtrada contiene más que este número de usuarios dejar por defecto la primera letra (A)";
-$Plugins = "Plugins";
-$HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Ocultar la marca [=...=] cuando una variable de idioma no esté traducida";
-$Info = "Información";
-$UserAdded = "El usuario ha sido añadido";
-$NoSearchResults = "No se han encontrado resultados";
-$UserDeleted = "Los usuarios seleccionados han sido eliminados";
-$NoClassesForThisCourse = "No hay clases inscritas en este curso";
-$CourseUsage = "Utilización del curso";
-$NoCoursesForThisUser = "Este usuario no está inscrito en ningún curso";
-$NoClassesForThisUser = "Este usuario no está inscrito en ninguna clase";
-$NoCoursesForThisClass = "Esta clase no está inscrita en ningún curso";
-$langOpenToTheWorld = "Público - acceso autorizado a cualquier persona";
-$OpenToThePlatform = "Público - acceso autorizado sólo para los usuarios registrados en la plataforma";
-$langPrivate = "Privado - acceso autorizado sólo para los miembros del curso";
-$langCourseVisibilityClosed = "Cerrado - acceso autorizado sólo para el administrador del curso";
-$langSubscription = "Inscripción";
-$langUnsubscription = "Anular la inscripción";
-$CourseAccessConfigTip = "Por defecto el curso es público. Pero Ud. puede definir el nivel de confidencialidad en los botones superiores.";
-$Tool = "Herramienta";
-$NumberOfItems = "Número de elementos";
-$DocumentsAndFolders = "Documentos y carpetas";
-$Learnpath = "Lecciones";
-$Exercises = "Ejercicios";
-$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Agenda personal";
-$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "¿ El usuario puede añadir elementos de la agenda personal a la sección 'Mi agenda' ?";
-$CurrentValue = "Valor actual";
-$CourseDescription = "Descripción del curso";
-$OnlineConference = "Videoconferencia";
-$Chat = "Chat";
-$Quiz = "Ejercicios";
-$Announcements = "Anuncios";
-$Links = "Enlaces";
-$LearningPath = "Lecciones";
-$Documents = "Documentos";
-$UserPicture = "Foto";
-$officialcode = "Código";
-$Login = "Nombre de usuario";
-$UserPassword = "Contraseña";
-$SubscriptionAllowed = "Inscripción";
-$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "Anular inscripción";
-$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Permitido";
-$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Denegado";
-$AddDummyContentToCourse = "Añadir contenidos de prueba al curso";
-$DummyCourseCreator = "Crear contenidos de prueba";
-$DummyCourseDescription = "Se añadirán contenidos al curso para que le sirvan de ejemplo. ¡ Esta utilidad sólo debe usarse para hacer pruebas !";
-$AvailablePlugins = "Estos son los plugins que se han encontrado en su sistema.";
-$CreateVirtualCourse = "Crear un curso virtual";
-$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Mostrar el listado de los cursos virtuales";
-$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Enlazado al código del curso físico";
-$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Creando el curso virtual...";
-$WantedCourseCode = "Código del curso";
-$ResetPassword = "Actualizar la contraseña";
-$CheckToSendNewPassword = "Enviar nueva contraseña";
-$AutoGeneratePassword = "Generar automáticamente una contraseña";
-$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Utilice un título para el nombre del documento";
-$UseDocumentTitleComment = "Esto permitirá utilizar un título para el nombre de cada documento en lugar de nom_document.ext";
-$StudentPublications = "Tareas";
-$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Los archivos eliminados no pueden ser recuperados";
-$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Si en el área de documentos elimina un archivo, esta eliminación será definitiva. El archivo no podrá ser recuperado después";
-$ClassName = "Nombre de la clase";
-$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Compartir documentos: tamaño máximo de los documentos";
-$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "¿ Qué tamaño (en bytes) puede tener un documento ?";
-$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Compartir documentos: los documentos se sobreescribirán";
-$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "¿ Puede sobreescribirse el documento original cuando un estudiante o profesor sube un documento con el mismo nombre de otro que ya existe ? Si responde sí, perderá la posibilidad de conservar sucesivas versiones";
-$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "¿ Compartir documentos: subir al propio espacio ?";
-$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Permitir a los profesores y a los estudiantes subir documentos en su propia sección de documentos compartidos sin enviarlos a nadie más (=enviarse un documento a uno mismo)";
-$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Compartir documentos: estudiante <-> estudiante";
-$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Permitir a los estudiantes enviar documentos a otros estudiantes (peer to peer, intercambio P2P). Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes pueden usar esta funcionalidad para enviarse documentos poco relevantes (mp3, soluciones,...). Si deshabilita esta opción los estudiantes sólo podrán enviar documentos a sus profesores";
-$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Compartir documentos: permitir el envío por correo";
-$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "Con la funcionalidad de envío por correo, Ud. puede enviar un documento personal a cada estudiante";
-$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Permisos para los nuevos directorios";
-$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "La posibilidad de definir la configuración de los permisos asignados a los nuevos directorios, aumenta la seguridad contra los ataques de hackers que puedan enviar material peligroso a la plataforma. La configuración por defecto (0770) debe ser suficiente para dar a su servidor un nivel de protección razonable. El formato proporcionado utiliza la terminología de UNIX Propietario-Grupo-Otros con los permisos de Lectura-Escritura-Ejecución.";
-$UserListHasBeenExported = "La lista de usuarios ha sido exportada.";
-$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Haga clic aquí para descargar el archivo.";
-$administratorTelephoneTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: teléfono";
-$administratorTelephoneComment = "Número de teléfono del administrador de la plataforma";
-$SendMailToNewUser = "Enviar un e-mail al nuevo usuario";
-$ExtendedProfileTitle = "Perfil extendido";
-$ExtendedProfileComment = "Si se configura como 'Verdadero', un usuario puede rellenar los siguientes campos (opcionales): 'Mis competencias', 'Mis títulos', '¿Qué puedo enseñar?' y 'Mi área personal pública'";
-$Classes = "Clases";
-$UserUnsubscribed = "La inscripción del usuario ha sido anulada.";
-$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "El usuario no puede anular su inscripci�n en el curso. Este usuario es un administrador del curso.";
-$InvalidStartDate = "Fecha de inicio no válida.";
-$InvalidEndDate = "Fecha de finalización no válida.";
-$DateFormatLabel = "(d/m/a h:m)";
-$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "¡ Los archivos de la página principal no se pueden escribir !";
-$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Por favor, introduzca el texto de la noticia";
-$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Por favor, introduzca el título de la noticia";
-$PleaseEnterLinkName = "Por favor, introduzca el nombre del enlace";
-$InsertThisLink = "Insertar este enlace";
-$FirstPlace = "Primer lugar";
-$After = "después";
-$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Compartir documentos: permitir al grupo";
-$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Los usuarios pueden enviar archivos a los grupos";
-$ClassDeleted = "La clase ha sido eliminada";
-$ClassesDeleted = "Las clases han sido eliminadas";
-$NoUsersInClass = "No hay usuarios en esta clase";
-$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "Los usuarios seleccionados han sido inscritos en sus correspondientes cursos";
-$InvalidTitle = "Por favor, introduzca un título";
-$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "Esta categoría ya está en uso";
-$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Por favor, introduzca un código y un nombre para esta categoría";
-$DokeosHomepage = "Página principal de Chamilo";
-$DokeosForum = "Foro de Chamilo";
-$RegisterYourPortal = "Registre su plataforma";
-$DokeosExtensions = "Extensiones de Chamilo";
-$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Mostrar el menú de navegación del curso";
-$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Mostrar el menu de navegación facilitará el acceso a las diferentes áreas del curso.";
-$LoginAs = "Iniciar sesión como";
-$ImportClassListCSV = "Importar un listado de clases desde un fichero CSV";
-$ShowOnlineWorld = "Mostrar el número de usuarios en línea en la página de autentificación (visible para todo el mundo)";
-$ShowOnlineUsers = "Mostrar el número de usuarios en línea en todas las páginas (visible para quienes se hayan autentificado)";
-$ShowOnlineCourse = "Mostrar el número de usuarios en línea en este curso";
-$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "¿ Mostrar los iconos en el menú de navegación ?";
-$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Ver todos los perfiles y lugares para un permiso específico";
-$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Ver todos los perfiles y permisos para un lugar específico";
-$ClassesUnsubscribed = "La clase seleccionada ha dejado de estar inscrita en los cursos seleccionados";
-$ClassesSubscribed = "Las clases seleccionadas fueron inscritas en los cursos seleccionados";
-$RoleId = "ID del perfil";
-$RoleName = "Nombre del perfil";
-$RoleType = "Tipo";
-$RightValueModified = "Este valor ha sido modificado.";
-$MakeAvailable = "Habilitar";
-$MakeUnavailable = "Deshabilitar";
-$Stylesheets = "Hojas de estilo";
-$DefaultDokeosStyle = "Estilo por defecto de Chamilo";
-$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "¿ Debe mostrar el menú de navegación los iconos de las herramientas ?";
-$Plugin = "Plugin";
-$MainMenu = "Menú principal";
-$MainMenuLogged = "Menú principal después de autentificarse";
-$Banner = "Banner";
-$ImageResizeTitle = "Redimensionar las imágenes enviadas por los usuarios";
-$ImageResizeComment = "Las imágenes de los usuarios pueden ser redimensionadas cuando se envían si PHP está compilado con <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\" target=\"_blank\">GD library</a>. Si GD no está disponible, la configuración será ignorada.";
-$MaxImageWidthTitle = "Anchura máxima de la imagen del usuario";
-$MaxImageWidthComment = "Anchura máxima en pixeles de la imagen de un usuario. Este ajuste se aplica solamente si las imágenes de lo usuarios se configuran para ser redimensionadas al enviarse.";
-$MaxImageHeightTitle = "Altura máxima de la imagen del usuario";
-$MaxImageHeightComment = "Altura máxima en pixels de la imagen de un usuario. Esta configuración sólo se aplica si las imágenes de los usuarios han sido configuradas para ser redimensionadas al enviarse.";
-$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Su versión no está actualizada";
-$YourVersionIs = "Su versión es";
-$PleaseVisitDokeos = "Por favor, visite Chamilo";
-$VersionUpToDate = "Su versión está actualizada";
-$ConnectSocketError = "Error de conexión vía socket";
-$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Las conexiones vía socket están deshabilitadas";
-$ShowEmailAddresses = "Mostrar la dirección de correo electrónico";
-$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Mostrar a los usuarios las direcciones de correo electrónico";
-$LatestVersionIs = "La última versión es";
-$langConfigureExtensions = "Configurar los servicios";
-$langActiveExtensions = "Activar los servicios";
-$langVisioconf = "Videoconferencia";
-$langVisioconfDescription = "Chamilo Live Conferencing® es una herramienta estándar de videoconferencia que ofrece: mostrar diapositivas, pizarra para dibujar y escribir, audio/video duplex, chat. Tan solo requiere Flash® player, permitiendo tres modos: uno a uno, uno a muchos, y muchos a muchos.";
-$langPpt2lp = "Chamilo RAPID Lecciones";
-$langPpt2lpDescription = "Chamilo RAPID es una herramienta que permite generar secuencias de aprendizaje rápidamente.Puede convertir presentaciones Powerpoint y documentos Word, así como sus equivalentes de Openoffice en cursos tipo SCORM. Tras la conversión, el documento podrá ser gestionado por  la herramienta lecciones de Chamilo. Podrá añadir diapositivas, audio, ejercicios entre las diapositivas o actividades como foros de discusión y el envío de tareas. Al ser un curso SCORM permite el informe y el seguimiento de los estudiantes. El sistema combina el poder de Openoffice como herramienta de conversión de documentos MS-Office + el servidor streamming RED5 para la grabación de audio + la herramienta de administración de lecciones de Chamilo.";
-$langBandWidthStatistics = "Estadísticas del tráfico";
-$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG le permite consultar estadísticas detalladas del estado del servidor en las últimas 24 horas.";
-$ServerStatistics = "Estadísticas del servidor";
-$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats le permite consultar las estadísticas de su plataforma: visitantes, páginas vistas, referenciadores...";
-$SearchEngine = "Buscador de texto completo";
-$langSearchEngineDescription = "El buscador de texto completo le permite buscar una palabra a través de toda la plataforma. La indización diaria de los contenidos le asegura la calidad de los resultados.";
-$langListSession = "Lista de sesiones de formación";
-$AddSession = "Crear una sesión de formación";
-$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Importar sesiones en formato XML/CSV";
-$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Exportar sesiones en formato XML/CSV";
-$SessionName = "Nombre de la sesión";
-$langNbCourses = "Número de cursos";
-$DateStart = "Fecha inicial";
-$DateEnd = "Fecha final";
-$CoachName = "Nombre del tutor";
-$SessionList = "Lista de sesiones de formación";
-$SessionNameIsRequired = "Debe dar un nombre a la sesión";
-$NextStep = "Siguiente elemento";
-$keyword = "Palabra clave";
-$Confirm = "Confirmar";
-$UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "Anular la inscripción de los usuarios en el curso";
-$MissingClassName = "Falta el nombre de la clase";
-$ClassNameExists = "El nombre de la clase ya existe";
-$ImportCSVFileLocation = "Localización del fichero de importación CSV";
-$ClassesCreated = "Clases creadas";
-$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errores al importar el fichero";
-$ServiceActivated = "Servicio activado";
-$ActivateExtension = "Activar servicios";
-$InvalidExtension = "Extensión no válida";
-$VersionCheckExplanation = "Para habilitar la comprobación automática de la versión debe registrar su plataforma en chamilo.com. La información obtenida al hacer clic en este botón sólo es para uso interno y sólo los datos añadidos estarán disponibles públicamente (número total de usuarios de la plataforma, número total de cursos, número total de estudiantes,...) (ver <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.com/stats/\">http://www.chamilo.com/stats/</a>). Cuando se registre, también aparecerá en esta lista mundial (<a href=\"http://www.chamilo.com/community.php\">http://www.chamilo.com/community.php</a>. Si no quiere aparecer en esta lista, debe marcar la casilla inferior. El registro es tan fácil como hacer clic sobre este botón: <br />";
-$AfterApproval = "Después de ser aprobado";
-$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Activar la Vista de estudiante";
-$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Habilitar la Vista de estudiante, que permite que un profesor o un administrador pueda ver un curso como lo vería un estudiante";
-$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Límite de tiempo de Usuarios en línea";
-$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "Este límite de tiempo define cuantos segundos han de pasar despúes de la última acción de un usuario para seguir considerándolo *en línea*";
-$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Material de ejemplo para la creación de un curso";
-$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Crear automáticamente material de ejemplo al crear un nuevo curso";
-$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Validez de la cuenta";
-$AccountValidDurationComment = "Una cuenta de usuario es válida durante este número de días a partir de su creación";
-$UseSessionModeTitle = "Usar sesiones de formación";
-$UseSessionModeComment = "Las sesiones ofrecen una forma diferente de tratar los cursos, donde el curso tiene un creador, un tutor y unos estudiantes. Cada tutor imparte un curso por un perido de tiempo, llamado *sesión*, a un conjunto de estudiantes";
-$HomepageViewActivity = "Ver la actividad";
-$HomepageView2column = "Visualización en dos columnas";
-$HomepageView3column = "Visualización en tres columnas";
-$AllowUserHeadings = "Permitir encabezados de usuarios";
-$IconsOnly = "Sólo iconos";
-$TextOnly = "Sólo texto";
-$IconsText = "Iconos y texto";
-$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Activar introducción a las herramientas";
-$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Habilitar una introducción en cada herramienta de la página principal";
-$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Barra de navegación de la página principal del curso";
-$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "La barra de navegación es un sistema de navegación horizontal mediante enlaces que generalmente se sitúa en la zona superior izquierda de su página. Esta opción le permite seleccionar el contenido de esta barra en la página principal de cada curso";
-$Comment = "Comentario";
-$Version = "Versión";
-$LoginPageMainArea = "Area principal de la página de acceso";
-$LoginPageMenu = "Menú de la página de acceso";
-$CampusHomepageMainArea = "Area principal de la página de acceso a la plataforma";
-$CampusHomepageMenu = "Menú de la página de acceso a la plataforma";
-$MyCoursesMainArea = "Área principal de cursos";
-$MyCoursesMenu = "Menú de cursos";
-$Header = "Cabecera";
-$Footer = "Pie";
-$PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Páginas públicas conformes a WAI";
-$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) es una iniciativa para hacer la web más accesible. Seleccionando esta opción, las páginas públicas de Chamilo serán más accesibles. Esto también hará que algunos contenidos de las páginas publicadas en la plataforma puedan mostrarse de forma diferente.";
-$VersionCheck = "Comprobar versión";
-$Active = "Activo";
-$Inactive = "No activo";
-$SessionOverview = "Resumen de la sesión de formación";
-$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Inscribir un usuario en el caso de que ya no lo esté";
-$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Dar de baja a un usuario si no está en el fichero";
-$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Eliminar las sesiones seleccionadas";
-$CourseListInSession = "Lista de cursos en esta sesión";
-$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Cancelar la inscripción en la sesión de los cursos seleccionados";
-$NbUsers = "Usuarios";
-$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Inscribir usuarios en esta sesión";
-$UserListInPlatform = "Lista de usuarios de la plataforma";
-$UserListInSession = "Lista de usuarios inscritos en esta sesión";
-$CourseListInPlatform = "Lista de cursos de la plataforma";
-$Host = "Servidor";
-$UserOnHost = "Nombre de usuario";
-$FtpPassword = "Contraseña FTP";
-$PathToLzx = "Path de los archivos LZX";
-$WCAGContent = "texto";
-$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Inscribir cursos en esta sesión";
-$DateStartSession = "Fecha de comienzo de sesión";
-$DateEndSession = "Fecha de fin de sesión";
-$EditSession = "Editar esta sesión";
-$VideoConferenceUrl = "Path de la reunión por videoconferencia";
-$VideoClassroomUrl = "Path del aula de videoconferencia";
-$ReconfigureExtension = "Reconfigurar la extensión";
-$ServiceReconfigured = "Servicio reconfigurado";
-$ChooseNewsLanguage = "Seleccionar idioma";
-$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Suma el tiempo transcurrido en un curso";
-$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Esta opción se usa para calcular en tiempo real el tiempo que un usuario ha pasado en un curso. El valor de este campo es el intervalo de refresco en segundos. Para desactivar esta opción, dejar en el campo el valor por defecto 0.";
-$EditLink = "Editar enlace";
-$FinishSessionCreation = "Terminar la creación de la sesión";
-$VisioRTMPPort = "Puerto del protocolo RTMP para la videoconferencia";
-$SessionNameAlreadyExists = "El nombre de la sesión ya existe";
-$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "No se ha creado ninguna clase";
-$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Este campo debe ser numérico";
-$UserLocked = "Usuario bloqueado";
-$UserUnlocked = "Usuario desbloqueado";
-$CannotDeleteUser = "No puede eliminar este usuario";
-$SelectedUsersDeleted = "Los usuarios seleccionados han sido borrados";
-$SomeUsersNotDeleted = "Algunos usuarios no han sido borrados";
-$ExternalAuthentication = "Autentificación externa";
-$RegistrationDate = "Fecha de registro";
-$UserUpdated = "Usuario actualizado";
-$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "Los ficheros de la página principal no son legibles";
-$Choose = "Seleccione";
-$ModifySessionCourse = "Modificar la sesión del curso";
-$CourseSessionList = "Lista de los cursos de la sesión";
-$SelectACoach = "Seleccionar un tutor";
-$UserNameUsedTwice = "El nombre de usuario ya está en uso";
-$UserNameNotAvailable = "Este nombre de usuario no está disponible pues ya está siendo utilizado por otro usuario";
-$UserNameTooLong = "Este nombre de usuario es demasiado largo";
-$WrongStatus = "Este estatus no existe";
-$ClassNameNotAvailable = "Este nombre de clase no está disponible";
-$FileImported = "Archivo importado";
-$WhichSessionToExport = "Seleccione la sesión a exportar";
-$AllSessions = "Todas las sesiones";
-$CodeDoesNotExists = "Este código no existe";
-$UnknownUser = "Usuario desconocido";
-$UnknownStatus = "Estatus desconocido";
-$SessionDeleted = "La sesión ha sido borrada";
-$CourseDoesNotExist = "Este curso no existe";
-$UserDoesNotExist = "Este usuario no existe";
-$ButProblemsOccured = "pero se han producido problemas";
-$UsernameTooLongWasCut = "Este nombre de usuario fue cortado";
-$NoInputFile = "No se envió ningún archivo";
-$StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "El estatus de estudiante ha sido dado a";
-$WrongDate = "Formato de fecha erróneo (yyyy-mm-dd)";
-$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "Este es un mensaje automático de correo electrónico. Por favor no responda al mismo.";
-$YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "En breve, recibirá un correo electrónico de su tutor.";
-$SlideSize = "Tamaño de las diapositivas";
-$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Prevención de plagio Ephorus";
-$CourseTeachers = "Profesores del curso";
-$UnknownTeacher = "Profesor desconocido";
-$HideDLTTMarkup = "Ocultar las marcas DLTT";
-$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "Lista de cursos de la sesión";
-$UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Cancelar la inscripción en la sesión de los usuarios seleccionados";
-$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Mostrar el idioma de cada curso, después de su título, en la lista los cursos de la página principal";
-$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Mostrar las categorías de cursos en la página principal, aunque estén vacías";
-$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Mostrar las categorías de cursos vacías";
-$XMLNotValid = "El documento XML no es válido";
-$ForTheSession = "de la sesión";
-$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Activar el editor de correo electrónico en línea";
-$AllowEmailEditorComment = "Si se activa esta opción, al hacer clic en un correo electrónico, se abrirá un editor en línea.";
-$AddCSVHeader = "¿ Añadir la linea de cabecera del CSV ?";
-$YesAddCSVHeader = "Sí, añadir las cabeceras CSV <br /> Esta línea define los campos y es necesaria cuando quiera importar el archivo en otra plataforma Chamilo";
-$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "Lista de usuarios inscritos en el curso";
-$NumberOfCourses = "Número de cursos";
-$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Mostrar los idiomas de los cursos";
-$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Puerto de tunelización del protocolo RTMP para la videoconferencia (RTMTP)";
-$name = "Nombre";
-$Security = "Seguridad";
-$UploadExtensionsListType = "Tipo de filtrado en los envíos de documentos";
-$UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "Utilizar un filtrado blacklist o whitelist. Para más detalles, vea más abajo la descripción ambos filtros.";
-$Blacklist = "Blacklist";
-$Whitelist = "Whitelist";
-$UploadExtensionsBlacklist = "Blacklist - parámetros";
-$UploadExtensionsWhitelist = "Whitelist - parámetros";
-$UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "La blacklist o lista negra, se usa para filtrar los ficheros según sus extensiones, eliminando (o renombrando) cualquier fichero cuya extensión se encuentre en la lista inferior. Las extensiones deben figurar sin el punto (.) y separadas por punto y coma (;) por ejemplo: exe; COM; palo; SCR; php. Los archivos sin extensión serán aceptados. Que las letras estén en mayúsculas o en minúsculas no tiene importancia.";
-$UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "La whitelist o lista blanca, se usa para filtrar los ficheros según sus extensiones, eliminando (o renombrando) cualquier fichero cuya extensión *NO* figure en la lista inferior. Es el tipo de filtrado más seguro, pero también el más restrictivo. Las extensiones deben figurar sin el punto (.) y separadas por punto y coma (;) por ejemplo: htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Los archivos sin extensión serán aceptados. Que las letras estén en mayúsculas o en minúsculas no tiene importancia.";
-$UploadExtensionsSkip = "Comportamiento del filtrado (eliminar/renombrar)";
-$UploadExtensionsSkipComment = "Si elige eliminar, los archivos filtrados a través de la blacklist o de la whitelist no podrán ser enviados al sistema. Si elige renombrarlos, su extensión será sustituida por la definida en la configuración del reemplazo de extensiones. Tenga en cuenta que renombrarlas realmente no le protege y que  puede ocasionar un conflicto de nombres si previamente existen varios ficheros con el mismo nombre y diferentes extensiones.";
-$UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Reemplazo de extensiones";
-$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Introduzca la extensión que quiera usar para reemplazar las extensiones peligrosas detectadas por el filtro. Sólo es necesario si ha seleccionado filtrar por reemplazo.";
-$Remove = "Eliminar";
-$Rename = "Renombrar";
-$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Mostrar el número de cursos de cada categoría, en las categorías de cursos de la página principal";
-$EphorusDescription = "Comenzar a usar en Chamilo el servicio antiplagio de Ephorus. <br /><strong>Con Ephorus, prevendrá el plagio de Internet sin ningún esfuerzo adicional.</strong><br />Puede utilizar nuestro servicio web estándar para construir su propia integración o utilizar uno de los módulos de la integración de Chamilo.";
-$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<STRONG>Líderes en <BR>antiplagio </STRONG>";
-$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Haga clic aquí para más información y precios";
-$NameOfTheSession = "Nombre de la sesión";
-$NoSessionsForThisUser = "Este usuario no está inscrito en ninguna sesión de formación";
-$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Mostrar categorías en la página principal";
-$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "Esta opción mostrará u ocultará las categorías de cursos en la página principal de la plataforma";
-$ShowTabsTitle = "Pestañas en la cabecera";
-$ShowTabsComment = "Seleccione que pestañas quiere que aparezcan en la cabecera. Las pestañas no seleccionadas, si fueran necesarias, aparecerán en el menú derecho de la página principal de la plataforma y en la página de mis cursos";
-$DefaultForumViewTitle = "Vista del foro por defecto";
-$DefaultForumViewComment = "Cuál es la opción por defecto cuando se crea un nuevo foro. Sin embargo, cualquier administrador de un curso puede elegir una vista diferente en cada foro";
-$TabsMyCourses = "Pestaña Mis cursos";
-$TabsCampusHomepage = "Pestaña Página principal de la plataforma";
-$TabsReporting = "Pestaña Informes";
-$TabsPlatformAdministration = "Pestaña Administración de la plataforma";
-$NoCoursesForThisSession = "No hay cursos para esta sesión";
-$NoUsersForThisSession = "No hay usuarios para esta sesión";
-$LastNameMandatory = "Los apellidos deben completarse obligatoriamente";
-$FirstNameMandatory = "El nombre no puede ser vacio";
-$EmailMandatory = "La dirección de correo electrónico debe cumplimentarse obligatoriamente";
-$TabsMyAgenda = "Pestaña Mi agenda";
-$NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "La noticia no será mostrada en la página principal";
-$LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Deje estos campos vacíos si no quiere mostrar la noticia";
-$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "La funcionalidad de grabación de voz en el Editor de Itinerarios de aprendizaje depende un servidor de streaming Red5. Los parámetros de este servidor pueden configurarse en la sección de videoconferencia de esta misma página.";
-$PlatformCharsetTitle = "Juego de caracteres";
-$PlatformCharsetComment = "El juego de caracteres es el que controla la manera en que determinados idiomas son mostrados en Chamilo. Si, por ejemplo, utiliza caracteres rusos o japoneses, es posible que quiera cambiar este juego.  Para todos los caracteres anglosajones, latinos y de Europa Occidental,  el juego por defecto iso-8859-15 debe ser el correcto.";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Campos del perfil extendido del registro";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment = "¿ Qué campos del perfil extendido deben estar disponibles en el proceso de registro de un usuario ? Esto requiere que el perfil extendido esté activado (ver más arriba).";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle = "Campos requeridos en el perfil extendido del registro";
-$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment = "¿ Qué campos del perfil extendido son obligatorios en el proceso de registro de un usuario ? Esto requiere que el perfil extendido esté activado y que el campo también esté disponible en el formulario de registro (véase más arriba).";
-$NoReplyEmailAddress = "No responder a este correo (No-reply e-mail address)";
-$NoReplyEmailAddressComment = "Esta es la dirección de correo electrónico que se utiliza cuando se envía un correo para solicitar que no se realice ninguna respuesta. Generalmente, esta dirección de correo electrónico  debe ser configurada en su servidor eliminando/ignorando cualquier correo entrante.";
-$SurveyEmailSenderNoReply = "Remitente de la encuesta (no responder)";
-$SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment = "¿ Los correos electrónicos utilizados para enviar las encuestas, deben usar el  correo electrónico del tutor o una dirección especial de correo electrónico a la que el destinatario no responde (definida en los parámetros de configuración de la plataforma) ?";
-$CourseCoachEmailSender = "Correo electrónico del tutor";
-$NoReplyEmailSender = "No responder a este correo (No-reply e-mail address)";
-$Flat = "Plana";
-$Threaded = "Arborescente";
-$Nested = "Anidada";
-$OpenIdAuthenticationComment = "Activar la autentificación basada en URL OpenID (muestra un formulario de adicional de identificación en la página principal de la plataforma)";
-$VersionCheckEnabled = "Comprobación de la versión activada";
-$InstallDirAccessibleSecurityThreat = "El directorio de instalación main/install/ es todavía accesible a los usuarios de la Web. Esto podría representar una amenaza para su seguridad. Le recomendamos que elimine este directorio o que cambie sus permisos, de manera que los usuarios de la Web no puedan usar los scripts que contiene.";
-$GradebookActivation = "Activación de la herramienta Evaluaciones";
-$GradebookActivationComment = "La herramienta Evaluaciones le permite evaluar las competencias de su organización mediante la fusión de las evaluaciones de actividades de clase y de actividades en línea en Informes comunes. ¿ Está seguro de querer activar esta herramienta ?";
-$UserTheme = "Tema (hoja de estilo)";
-$UserThemeSelection = "Selección de tema por el usuario";
-$UserThemeSelectionComment = "Permitir a los usuarios elegir su propio tema visual en su perfil. Esto les cambiará el aspecto de Chamilo, pero dejará intacto el estilo por defecto de la plataforma.  Si un curso o una sesión han sido asignados a un tema específico, en ellos éste tendrá prioridad sobre el tema definido para el perfil de un usuario.";
-$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "El parámetro de PHP \"allow_url_fopen\" está desactivado. Esto impide que el mecanismo de registro funcione correctamente. Este parámetro puede cambiarse en el archivo de configuración de PHP (php.ini) o en la configuración del Virtual Host de Apache, mediante la directiva php_admin_value";
-$VisioHost = "Nombre o dirección IP del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
-$VisioPort = "Puerto del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
-$VisioPassword = "Contraseña del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
-$Port = "Puerto";
-$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "Haga clic aquí para obtener una cuenta de demostración";
-$ManageUserFields = "Gestionar los campos de usuario";
-$UserFields = "Campos de usuario";
-$AddUserField = "Añadir un campo de usuario";
-$FieldLabel = "Etiqueta del campo";
-$FieldType = "Tipo de campo";
-$FieldTitle = "Título del campo";
-$FieldDefaultValue = "Valor por defecto del campo";
-$FieldOrder = "Orden del campo";
-$FieldVisibility = "Visibilidad del campo";
-$FieldChangeability = "Modificable";
-$FieldTypeText = "Texto";
-$FieldTypeTextarea = "Area de texto";
-$FieldTypeRadio = "Botones de radio";
-$FieldTypeSelect = "Desplegable";
-$FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "Desplegable con elección múltiple";
-$FieldAdded = "El campo ha sido añadido";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "Coloreado de puntuaciones";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment = "Seleccione la casilla para habilitar el coloreado de las puntuaciones (por ejemplo, tendrá que definir qué puntuaciones serán marcadas en rojo)";
-$TabsGradebookEnableColoring = "Habilitar el coloreado de las puntuaciones";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayCustom = "Personalización de la presentación de las puntuaciones";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment = "Marque la casilla para activar la personalización de las puntuaciones (seleccione el nivel que se asociará a cada puntuación)";
-$TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "Activar la configuración de puntuaciones";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "Límite para el coloreado de las puntuaciones";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "Porcentaje límite por debajo del cual las puntuaciones se colorearán en rojo";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "Mostrar el límite superior de puntuación";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Marque la casilla para mostrar el límite superior de la puntuación";
-$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Activar la visualización del límite superior de la puntuación";
-$AddUserFields = "Añadir campos de usuario";
-$FieldPossibleValues = "Valores posibles";
-$FieldPossibleValuesComment = "Sólo en campos repetitivos, debiendo estar separados por punto y coma (;)";
-$FieldTypeDate = "Fecha";
-$FieldTypeDatetime = "Fecha y hora";
-$UserFieldsAddHelp = "Añadir un campo de usuario es muy fácil: <br />- elija una palabra como identificador en minúsculas, <br /> - seleccione un tipo, <br /> - elija el texto que le debe aparecer al usuario (si utiliza un nombre ya traducido por Chamilo,  como BirthDate o UserSex, automáticamente se traduce a todos los idiomas), <br /> - si ha elegido un campo del tipo selección múltiple (radio, seleccionar, selección múltiple), tiene la oportunidad de elegir (también aquí, puede hacer uso de las variables de idioma definidas en Chamilo), separado por punto y coma, <br /> - en los campos tipo texto, puede elegir un valor por defecto. <br /> <br /> Una vez que esté listo, agregue el campo y elija si desea hacerlo visible y modificable. Hacerlo modificable pero oculto es inútil.";
-$AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Permitir temas para personalizar el aspecto del curso";
-$AllowCourseThemeComment = "Permitir que los cursos puedan tener un tema gráfico distinto, cambiando la hoja de estilo usada por una de las disponibles en Chamilo. Cuando un usuario entra en un curso, la hoja de estilo del curso tiene preferencia sobre la del usuario y sobre la que esté definida por defecto para la plataforma.";
-$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Mostrar en la agenda el calendario mensual reducido";
-$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "Esta configuración activa o desactiva el pequeño calendario mensual que aparece a la izquierda en la herramienta agenda de un curso";
-$DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Mostrar los próximos eventos en la agenda";
-$DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "Esta configuración activa o desactiva los próximos eventos que aparecen a la izquierda de la herramienta agenda de un curso.";
-$NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "Número de próximos eventos que se deben mostrar";
-$NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment = "Número de próximos eventos que serán mostrados en la agenda. Esto requiere que la funcionalidad próximos eventos esté activada (ver más arriba la configuración)";
-$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "¿ Mostrar los cursos cerrados en la página de registro y en la página principal de la plataforma ?";
-$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "¿ Mostrar los cursos cerrados en la página de registro y en la página principal de la plataforma ? En la página de inicio de la plataforma aparecerá un icono junto al curso, para inscribirse rápidamente en el mismo. Esto solo se mostrará en la página principal de la plataforma tras la autentificación del usuario y siempre que ya no esté inscrito en el curso.";
-$LDAPConnectionError = "Error de conexión LDAP";
-$LDAP = "LDAP";
-$LDAPEnableTitle = "Habilitar LDAP";
-$LDAPEnableComment = "Si tiene un servidor LDAP, tendrá que configurar los parámetros inferiores y modificar el fichero de configuración descrito en la guía de instalación, y finalmente activarlo. Esto permitirá a los usuarios autentificarse usando su nombre de usuario LDAP. Si no conoce LDAP es mejor que deje esta opción desactivada";
-$LDAPMainServerAddressTitle = "Dirección del servidor LDAP principal";
-$LDAPMainServerAddressComment = "La dirección IP o la URL de su servidor LDAP principal.";
-$LDAPMainServerPortTitle = "Puerto del servidor LDAP principal";
-$LDAPMainServerPortComment = "El puerto  en el que el servidor LDAP principal responderá (generalmente 389). Este parámetro es obligatorio.";
-$LDAPDomainTitle = "Dominio LDAP";
-$LDAPDomainComment = "Este es el dominio (dc) LDAP que será usado para encontrar los contactos en el servidor LDAP. Por ejemplo: dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz";
-$LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle = "Dirección del servidor de replicación";
-$LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment = "Cuando el servidor principal no está disponible, este servidor le dará acceso. Deje en blanco o use el mismo valor que el del servidor principal si no tiene un servidor de replicación.";
-$LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle = "Puerto del servidor LDAP de replicación";
-$LDAPReplicateServerPortComment = "El puerto en el que el servidor LDAP de replicación responderá.";
-$LDAPSearchTermTitle = "Término de búsqueda";
-$LDAPSearchTermComment = "Este término será usado para filtrar la búsqueda de contactos en el servidor LDAP. Si no está seguro de lo que escribir aquí, consulte la documentación y configuración de su servidor LDAP.";
-$LDAPVersionTitle = "Versión LDAP";
-$LDAPVersionComment = "Por favor, seleccione la versión del servidor LDAP que quiere usar. El uso de la versión correcta depende de la configuración de su servidor LDAP.";
-$LDAPVersion2 = "LDAP 2";
-$LDAPVersion3 = "LDAP 3";
-$LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle = "Campo de identificación de profesor";
-$LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment = "Comprobará el contenido del campo de contacto LDAP donde los nuevos usuarios serán insertados. Si este campo no está vacío, el usuario será considerado como profesor y será insertado en Chamilo como tal. Si Ud. quiere que todos los usuarios sean reconocidos como simples usuarios, deje este campo en blanco. Podrá modificar este comportamiento cambiando el código. Para más información lea la <a href=\"../../documentation/installation_guide.html\">guía de instalación</a>.";
-$LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle = "Identificador de autentificación";
-$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "Si está usando un servidor LDAP que no acepta acceso anónimo, rellene el siguiente campo con el nombre de usuario que debe ser usado. No incluya \"cn=\". En el caso de aceptar acceso anónimo y querer usarlo, déjelo vacío.";
-$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle = "Contraseña de autentificación";
-$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment = "Si está usando un servidor LDAP que no acepta acceso anónimo, rellene el siguiente campo con la contraseña que tenga que usarse.";
-$LDAPImport = "Importación LDAP";
-$EmailNotifySubscription = "Notificar usuarios registrados por e-mail";
-$DontUncheck = "No desactivar";
-$AllSlashNone = "Todos/Ninguno";
-$LDAPImportUsersSteps = "Importación LDAP: Usuarios/Etapas";
-$EnterStepToAddToYourSession = "Introduzca la etapa que quiera añadir a su sesión";
-$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearDepartmentAndStep = "Para hacer esto, debe introducir el año, el departamento y la etapa";
-$FollowEachOfTheseStepsStepByStep = "Siga cada una de los elementos, paso a paso";
-$RegistrationYearExample = "Año de registro. Ejemplo: %s para el año académico %s-%s";
-$SelectDepartment = "Seleccionar departamento";
-$RegistrationYear = "Año de registro";
-$SelectStepAcademicYear = "Seleccionar etapa (año académico)";
-$ErrorExistingStep = "Error: esta etapa ya existe";
-$ErrorStepNotFoundOnLDAP = "Error: etapa no encontrada en el servidor LDAP";
-$StepDeletedSuccessfully = "La etapa ha sido suprimida";
-$StepUsersDeletedSuccessfully = "Los usuarios han sido quitados de la etapa";
-$NoStepForThisSession = "No hay etapas  para esta sesión";
-$DeleteStepUsers = "Quitar usuarios de la etapa";
-$ImportStudentsOfAllSteps = "Importar los alumnos de todas las etapas";
-$ImportLDAPUsersIntoPlatform = "Añadir usuarios LDAP";
-$NoUserInThisSession = "No hay usuario en esta sesión";
-$SubscribeSomeUsersToThisSession = "Inscribir usuarios en esta sesión";
-$EnterStudentsToSubscribeToCourse = "Introduzca los alumnos que quiera inscribir en su curso";
-$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearComponentAndComponentStep = "Para hacer esto, debe introducir el año, la componente y la etapa de la componente";
-$SelectComponent = "Seleccionar componente";
-$Component = "Componente";
-$SelectStudents = "Seleccionar alumnos";
-$LDAPUsersAdded = "Usuarios LDAP añadidos";
-$NoUserAdded = "Ningún usuario añadido";
-$ImportLDAPUsersIntoCourse = "Importar usuarios LDAP en un curso";
-$ImportLDAPUsersAndStepIntoSession = "Importar usuarios LDAP y una etapa en esta sesión";
-$LDAPSynchroImportUsersAndStepsInSessions = "Sincronización LDAP: Importar usuarios/etapas en las sesiones";
-$TabsMyGradebook = "Pestaña Evaluaciones";
-$LDAPUsersAddedOrUpdated = "Usuarios LDAP añadidos o actualizados";
-$SearchLDAPUsers = "Buscar usuarios LDAP";
-$SelectCourseToImportUsersTo = "Seleccione el curso en el que desee inscribir los usuarios que ha seleccionado";
-$ImportLDAPUsersIntoSession = "Importar usuarios LDAP en una sesión";
-$LDAPSelectFilterOnUsersOU = "Seleccione un filtro para encontrar usuarios cuyo atributo OU (Unidad Organizativa) acabe por el mismo";
-$LDAPOUAttributeFilter = "Filtro del atributo OU";
-$SelectSessionToImportUsersTo = "Seleccione la sesión en la que quiere importar estos usuarios";
-$VisioUseRtmptTitle = "Usar el protocolo rtmpt";
-$VisioUseRtmptComment = "El protocolo rtmpt permite acceder a una videoconferencia desde detrás de un firewall, redirigiendo las comunicaciones a través del puerto 80. Esto ralentizará el streaming por lo que se recomienda no utilizarlo a menos que sea necesario.";
-$UploadNewStylesheet = "Nuevo archivo de hoja de estilo";
-$NameStylesheet = "Nombre de la hoja de estilo";
-$StylesheetAdded = "La hoja de estilo ha sido añadida";
-$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueTitle = "Valor de identificación de un profesor";
-$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueComment = "Cuando se realice una comprobación en el campo profesor que aparece arriba, para que el usuario sea considerado profesor, el valor que se le dé debe ser uno de los subelementos del campo profesor. Si deja este campo en blanco, la única condición para que sea considerado como profesor es que en este usuario LDAP el campo exista. Por ejemplo, el campo puede ser \"memberof\" y el valor de búsqueda puede ser \"CN=G_TRAINER,OU=Trainer\"";
-$IsNotWritable = "no se puede escribir";
-$FieldMovedDown = "El campo ha sido desplazado hacia abajo";
-$CannotMoveField = "No se puede mover el campo";
-$FieldMovedUp = "El campo ha sido desplazado hacia arriba";
-$FieldShown = "El campo ahora es visible para el usuario";
-$CannotShowField = "No se puede hacer visible el campo";
-$FieldHidden = "El campo ahora no es visible por el usuario";
-$CannotHideField = "No se puede ocultar el campo";
-$FieldMadeChangeable = "El campo ahora es modificable por el usuario: el usuario puede rellenar o modificar el campo";
-$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "El campo no se puede convertir en modificable";
-$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "El campo ahora es fijo: el usuario no puede rellenar o modificar el campo";
-$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "No se puede convertir el campo en fijo";
-$FieldDeleted = "El campo ha sido eliminado";
-$CannotDeleteField = "No se puede eliminar el campo";
-$AddUsersByCoachTitle = "Registro de usuarios por el tutor";
-$AddUsersByCoachComment = "El tutor puede registrar nuevos usuarios en la plataforma e inscribirlos en una sesión.";
-$UserFieldsSortOptions = "Ordenar las opciones de los campos del perfil";
-$FieldOptionMovedUp = "Esta opción ha sido movida arriba.";
-$CannotMoveFieldOption = "No se puede mover la opción.";
-$FieldOptionMovedDown = "La opción ha sido movida abajo.";
-$DefineSessionOptions = "Definir el retardo del acceso del tutor";
-$DaysBefore = "días antes";
-$DaysAfter = "días después";
-$SessionAddTypeUnique = "Registro individual";
-$SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Registro múltiple";
-$EnableSearchTitle = "Funcionalidad de búsqueda de texto completo";
-$EnableSearchComment = "Seleccione \"Sí\" para habilitar esta funcionalidad. Esta utilidad depende de la extensión Xapian para PHP, por lo que no funcionará si esta extensión no está instalada en su servidor, como mínimo la versión 1.x";
-$SearchASession = "Buscar una sesión";
-$ActiveSession = "Activación de la sesión";
-$AddUrl = "Agregar URL";
-$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Mostrar el tutor de la sesión";
-$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Mostrar el nombre del tutor global de la sesión dentro de la caja de título de la página del listado de cursos";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Ampliar los permisos del tutor";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "La activación de esta opción dará a los tutores los mismos permisos que tenga un profesor sobre las herramientas de autoría";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "La activación de esta opción dará a los tutores el derecho de crear y editar encuestas";
-$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Ampliar los permisos de los tutores en las encuestas";
-$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "Este usuario no se puede eliminar porque sigue como docente de un curso o más. Puede cambiar su título de docente de estos cursos antes de eliminarlo, o bloquear su cuenta.";
-$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Permitir la creación de cursos";
-$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Los profesores pueden crear cursos en la plataforma";
-$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Permitir a los estudiantes consular el catálogo de cursos en los que se pueden matricularse";
-$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Sí (los archivos se eliminarán permanentemente y no podrán ser recuperados)";
-$NoWillDeletePermanently = "No (los archivos se borrarán de la aplicación, pero podrán ser recuperados manualmente por su administrador)";
-$SelectAResponsible = "Seleccione a un responsable";
-$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "Aún no hay responsables";
-$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Los estudiantes pueden consultar el catálogo de cursos";
-$SharedSettingIconComment = "Esta configuración está compartida";
-$GlobalAgenda = "Agenda global";
-$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "Gestor avanzado de ficheros para el editor WYSIWYG";
-$AdvancedFileManagerComment = "¿ Activar el gestor avanzado de archivos para el editor WYSIWYG ? Esto añadirá un considerable número de opciones al gestor de ficheros que se abre en una ventana cuando se envían archivos al servidor.";
-$ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "Promedio total de progreso de SCORM y soló lecciones";
-$MultipleAccessURLs = "Multiple access URL";
-$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle = "Búsqueda full-text: mostrar resultados no accesibles";
-$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment = "Al momento de mostrar los resultados de la búsqueda full-text, como debería comportarse el sistema para los enlaces que no estan accesibles para el usuario actual?";
-$SearchHideUnlinkedResults = "No mostrarlos";
-$SearchShowUnlinkedResults = "Mostrarlos pero sin enlace hasta el recurso";
-$Templates = "Plantillas";
-$HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "No mostrar mi campus en la lista pública de plataformas Chamilo";
-$EnableVersionCheck = "Activar la verificación de versiones";
-$AllowMessageToolTitle = "Habilitar la herramienta mensajes";
-$AllowReservationTitle = "Habilitar la herramienta de Reservas";
-$AllowReservationComment = "Esta opción habilitará el sistema de Reservas";
-$ConfigureResourceType = "Configurar tipo de recurso";
-$ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "Configurar acceso a multiple URLs";
-$URLAdded = "URL agregada";
-$URLAlreadyAdded = "La URL ya se encuentra registrada, ingrese otra URL";
-$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "¿Esta seguro de que desea que este idioma sea el idioma por defecto de la plataforma?";
-$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Idioma actual de la plataforma";
-$EditUsersToURL = "Editar usuarios y URLs";
-$AddUsersToURL = "Agregar usuarios a una URL";
-$URLList = "Lista de URLs";
-$AddToThatURL = "Agregar usuarios a esta URL";
-$SelectUrl = "Seleccione una URL";
-$UserListInURL = "Usuarios registrados en esta URL";
-$UsersWereEdited = "Los usuarios fueron modificados";
-$AtLeastOneUserAndOneURL = "Seleccione por lo menos un usuario y una URL";
-$UsersBelongURL = "Usuarios fueron editados";
-$LPTestScore = "Puntuación total por lección";
-$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Media de los ejercicios realizados en las lecciones";
-$ImportUsersToACourse = "Importar usuarios a un curso desde un fichero";
-$ImportCourses = "Importar cursos desde un fichero";
-$ManageUsers = "Administrar usuarios";
-$ManageCourses = "Administrar cursos";
-$UserListIn = "Usuarios de";
-$URLInactive = "La URL ha sido desactivada";
-$URLActive = "La URL ha sido activada";
-$EditUsers = "Editar usuarios";
-$EditCourses = "Editar cursos";
-$CourseListIn = "Cursos de";
-$AddCoursesToURL = "Agregar cursos a una URL";
-$EditCoursesToURL = "Editar cursos de una URL";
-$AddCoursesToThatURL = "Agregar cursos a esta URL";
-$EnablePlugins = "Habilitar los plugins seleccionados";
-$AtLeastOneCourseAndOneURL = "Debe escoger por lo menos un curso y una URL";
-$ClickToRegisterAdmin = "Haga click para registrar al usuario Admin en todas las URLs";
-$AdminShouldBeRegisterInSite = "El usuario administrador deberia estar registrado en:";
-$URLNotConfiguredPleaseChangedTo = "URL no configurada favor de agregar la siguiente URL";
-$AdminUserRegisteredToThisURL = "Usuario registrado a esta URL";
-$CoursesWereEdited = "Los cursos fueron editados";
-$URLEdited = "La URL ha sido modificada";
-$AddSessionToURL = "Agregar una sesión a una URL";
-$FirstLetterSession = "Primera letra del nombre de la sessión";
-$EditSessionToURL = "Editar una sesión";
-$AddSessionsToThatURL = "Agregar sesiones a esta URL";
-$SessionBelongURL = "Las sesiones fueron registradas";
-$ManageSessions = "Administrar sesiones";
-$AllowMessageToolComment = "Esta opción habilitará la herramienta de mensajes";
-$AllowSocialToolTitle = "Habilita la herramienta de red social";
-$AllowSocialToolComment = "Esta opción habilitará la herramienta de red social";
-$SetLanguageAsDefault = "Definir como idioma por defecto";
-$FieldFilter = "Filtro";
-$FilterOn = "Habilitar filtro";
-$FilterOff = "Deshabilitar filtro";
-$FieldFilterSetOn = "Puede utilizar este campo como filtro";
-$FieldFilterSetOff = "Filtro deshabilitado";
-$buttonAddUserField = "Añadir campo de usuario";
-$UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "Los usuarios han sido registrados a los siguientes cursos porque varios cursos comparten el mismo código visual";
-$TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "Los siguientes cursos ya utilizan este código";
-$UsersSubscribedToBecauseVisualCode = "Los usuarios han sido suscritos a los siguientes cursos, porque muchos cursos comparten el mismo codigo visual";
-$UsersUnsubscribedFromBecauseVisualCode = "los usuarios desuscritos de los  siguientes cursos, porque muchos cursos comparten el mismo codigo visual";
-$FilterUsers = "Filtro de usuarios";
-$SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "Varios cursos se suscribieron a la sesión a causa de un código duplicado de curso";
-$CoachIsRequired = "Debe seleccionar un tutor";
-$EncryptMethodUserPass = "Método de encriptación";
-$AddTemplate = "Añadir una plantilla";
-$TemplateImageComment100x70 = "Esta imagen representará su plantilla en la lista de plantillas. No debería ser mayor de 100x70 píxeles";
-$TemplateAdded = "Plantilla añadida";
-$TemplateDeleted = "Plantilla borrada";
-$EditTemplate = "Edición de plantilla";
-$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "Sólamente se importaron los usuarios que no estaban registrados en la plataforma";
-$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "Debe importar un archivo de acuerdo a la opción seleccionada";
-$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Correo electrónico del profesor o del tutor en el pie";
-$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "¿ Mostrar el correo electrónico del profesor o del tutor en el pie de página ?";
-$Created = "Creado";
-$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Añadir un anuncio del sistema";
-$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Editar anuncio del sistema";
-$LPProgressScore = "Progreso total por lección";
-$TotalTimeByCourse = "Tiempo total por lección";
-$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Último acceso a la lección";
-$AnnouncementAvailable = "El anuncio está disponible";
-$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "El anuncio no está disponible";
-$Searching = "Buscando";
-$AddLDAPUsers = "Añadir usuarios LDAP";
-$Academica = "Académica";
-$AddNews = "Crear anuncio";
-$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "No se pudo abrir la base de datos del motor de indexación,pruebe añadir un nuevo recurso (ejercicio,enlace,lección,etc) el cual será indexado al buscador";
-$SearchDatabaseVersionError = "La base de datos está en un formato no soportado";
-$SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "La base de datos ha sido modificada(alterada)";
-$SearchDatabaseLockError = "No se pudo bloquear una base de datos";
-$SearchDatabaseCreateError = "No se pudo crear una base de datos";
-$SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "Se detectó graves errores en la base de datos";
-$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "Tiempo expirado mientras se conectaba a una base de datos remota";
-$SearchOtherXapianError = "Se ha producido un error relacionado al motor de indexación";
-$FieldRemoved = "Campo removido";
-$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdded = "El sub-idioma ha sido creado";
-$DeleteSubLanguage = "Eliminar sub-idioma";
-$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Crear sub-idioma para el idioma";
-$DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "Eliminar sub-idioma de idioma";
-$CreateSubLanguage = "Crear sub-idioma";
-$RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Registrar términos del sub-idioma para el idioma";
-$AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Añada sus nuevos términos para éste sub-idioma";
-$LoadLanguageFile = "Cargar fichero de idiomas";
-$AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Permite definir sub-idiomas";
-$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "Al activar esta opción, podrá definir variaciones para cada término del lenguaje usado para la interfaz de la plataforma, en la forma de un nuevo lenguaje basado en un lenguaje existente.Podrá encontrar esta opción en el menu de idiomas de su página de administración.";
-$AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Añadir palabras al sub-idioma";
-$TemplateEdited = "Plantilla modificada";
-$SubLanguage = "Sub-idioma";
-$LanguageIsNowVisible = "El idioma ahora es visible";
-$LanguageIsNowHidden = "El idioma ahora no es visible";
-$LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "El directorio /main/lang usado en éste portal,no tiene permisos de escritura. Por favor contacte con su administrador";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Mostrar los términos del glosario en los documentos";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "Desde aquí puede configurar la forma de como se añadirán los términos del glosario a los documentos";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automática. Al activar está opción se añadirá un enlace a todos los términos del glosario que se encuentren en el documento.";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manual. Al activar está opción, se mostrará un icono en el editor en línea que le permitirá marcar las palabras que desee que enlacen con los términos del glosario.";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "Ninguno. Si activa esta opción, las palabras de sus documentos no se enlazarán con los términos que aparezcan en el glosario.";
-$LanguageVariable = "Variable de idioma";
-$ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "Si quiere exportar un documento que contenga términos del glosario, tendrá que asegurarse de que estos términos han sido incluidos en la exportación; para eso tendrá que haberlos seleccionado en la lista del glosario.";
-$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Información del tutor de sesion en el pie";
-$ShowTutorDataComment = "¿ Mostrar la información del tutor de sesion en el pie ?";
-$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Información del profesor en el pie";
-$ShowTeacherDataComment = "¿ Mostrar la información del profesor en el pie ?";
-$TermsAndConditions = "Términos y condiciones";
-$HTMLText = "HTML";
-$PageLink = "Enlace";
-$DisplayTermsConditions = "Mostrar Términos y condiciones en la página de registro, el visitante debe aceptar los T&C para poder registrarse.";
-$AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle = "Habilitar Términos y Condiciones";
-$AllowTermsAndConditionsComment = "Esta opción mostrará los Términos y Condiciones en el formulario de registro para los nuevos usuarios";
-$Load = "Cargar";
-$AllVersions = "Todas las versiones";
-$EditTermsAndConditions = "Modificar términos y condiciones";
-$Changes = "Cambios";
-$ExplainChanges = "Explicar cambios";
-$TermAndConditionNotSaved = "Términos y condiciones no guardados.";
-$TheSubLanguageHasBeenRemoved = "El sub-idioma ha sido eliminado";
-$AddTermsAndConditions = "Añadir términos y condiciones";
-$TermAndConditionSaved = "Términos y condiciones guardados.";
-$Visibility = "Visibilidad";
-$SessionCategory = "Categoría de la sesión";
-$ListSessionCategory = "Categorías de sesiones de formación";
-$AddSessionCategory = "Añadir categoría";
-$SessionCategoryName = "Nombre de la categoría";
-$EditSessionCategory = "Editar categoría de sesión";
-$SessionCategoryAdded = "La categoría ha sido añadida";
-$SessionCategoryUpdate = "Categoría actualizada";
-$SessionCategoryDelete = "Se han eliminado las categorías seleccionadas";
-$SessionCategoryNameIsRequired = "Debe dar un nombre de la categoría de sesión";
-$ThereIsNotStillASession = "No hay aún una sesión";
-$SelectASession = "Seleccione una sesión";
-$OriginCoursesFromSession = "Cursos de origen de la sesión";
-$DestinationCoursesFromSession = "Cursos de destino de la sesión";
-$CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "Si desea copiar un curso de una sesión a otro curso de otra sesión, primero debe seleccionar un curso de la lista cursos de origen de la sesión. Puedes copiar contenidos de las herramientas descripción del curso, documentos, glosario, enlaces, ejercicios y lecciones, de forma directa o seleccionando los componentes del curso";
-$TypeOfCopy = "Tipo de copia";
-$CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "Copiar cursos de una sesión a otra";
-$YouMustSelectACourseFromOriginalSession = "Debe seleccionar un curso de la lista original y una sesión de la lista de destino";
-$MaybeYouWantToDeleteThisUserFromSession = "Tal vez desea eliminar al usuario de la sesión en lugar de eliminarlo de todos los cursos.";
-$EditSessionCoursesByUser = "Editar cursos por usuario";
-$CoursesUpdated = "Cursos actualizados";
-$CurrentCourses = "Cursos del usuario";
-$CoursesToAvoid = "Cursos a evitar";
-$EditSessionCourses = "Editar cursos";
-$SessionVisibility = "Visibilidad después de la fecha de finalización";
-$BlockCoursesForThisUser = "Bloquear cursos a este usuario";
-$LanguageFile = "Archivo de idioma";
-$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle = "Mostrar las descripciones de los cursos en el catálogo";
-$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment = "Mostrar las descripciones de los cursos como ventanas emergentes al hacer clic en un icono de información del curso en el catálogo de cursos";
-$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "La hoja de estilos no ha sido añadida,probablemente su archivo zip contenga ficheros no permitidos,el zip debe contener ficheros con las siguientes extensiones('png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'css')";
-$AddSessionsInCategories = "Añadir varias sesiones a una categoría";
-$ItIsRecommendedInstallImagickExtension = "Se recomienda instalar la extension imagick de php para obtener mejor performancia en la resolucion de las imagenes al generar los thumbnail de lo contrario no se mostrara muy bien, pues sino esta instalado por defecto usa la extension gd de php.";
-$EditSpecificSearchField = "Editar campo específico";
-$FieldName = "Campo";
-$SpecialExports = "Exportaciones especiales";
-$SpecialCreateFullBackup = "Crear exportación especial completa";
-$SpecialLetMeSelectItems = "Seleccionar los componentes";
-$CreateBackup = "Crear copia de seguridad";
-$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions = "Permitir a los tutores editar dentro de los cursos de las sesiones";
-$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment = "Permitir a los tutores editar comentarios dentro de los cursos de las sesiones";
-$ShowSessionDataTitle = "Mostrar datos del período de la sesión";
-$ShowSessionDataComment = "Mostrar comentarios de datos de la sesion";
-$SubscribeSessionsToCategory = "Inscribir sesiones en una categoría";
-$SessionListInPlatform = "Lista de sesiones de la plataforma";
-$SessionListInCategory = "Lista de sesiones en la categoría";
-$ToExportSpecialSelect = "Si quiere exportar cursos que contenga sessiones, tendría que asegurarse de que estos sean incluidos en la exportación; para eso tendría que haberlos seleccionado en la lista.";
-$ErrorMsgSpecialExport = "No se encontraron cursos registrados o es posible que no se haya realizado su asociación con las sesiones";
-$ConfigureInscription = "Configuración de la página de registro";
-$MsgErrorSessionCategory = "Debe seleccionar una categoría y las sessiones";
-$NumberOfSession = "Número de sesiones";
-$DeleteSelectedSessionCategory = "Eliminar solo las categorias seleccionadas sin sesiones";
-$DeleteSelectedFullSessionCategory = "Eliminar las categorias seleccionadas con las sesiones";
-$EditTopRegister = "Editar Aviso";
-$InsertTabs = "Insertar Tabs";
-$EditTabs = "Editar Tabs";
-$BabyOrange = "Niños naranja";
-$BlueLagoon = "Laguna azul";
-$CoolBlue = "Azul fresco";
-$Corporate = "Corporativo";
-$CosmicCampus = "Campus cósmico";
-$DeliciousBordeaux = "Delicioso burdeos";
-$DokeosClassic2D = "Chamilo clásico 2D";
-$DokeosBlue = "Chamilo azul";
-$EmpireGreen = "Verde imperial";
-$FruityOrange = "Naranja afrutado";
-$Medical = "Médica";
-$RoyalPurple = "Púrpura real";
-$SilverLine = "Línea plateada";
-$SoberBrown = "Marrón sobrio";
-$SteelGrey = "Gris acero";
-$TastyOlive = "Sabor oliva";
-$ExportCourses = "Exportar cursos";
-$IsAdministrator = "Administrador";
-$IsNotAdministrator = "No es administrador";
-$AddTimeLimit = "Añadir límite de tiempo";
-$EditTimeLimit = "Editar límite de tiempo";
-$TheTimeLimitsAreReferential = "El plazo de una categoría es referencial, no afectará a los límites de una sesión de formación";
-$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle = "Muestra los términos del glosario en las herramientas lecciones(scorm) y ejercicios";
-$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment = "Desde aquí puede configurar como añadir los términos del glosario en herramientas como lecciones y ejercicios";
-$FieldTypeTag = "User tag";
-$SendEmailToAdminTitle = "Aviso por correo electrónico, de la creación de un nuevo curso";
-$SendEmailToAdminComment = "Enviar un correo electrónico al administardor de la plataforma, cada vez que un profesor cree un nuevo curso";
-$UserTag = "Etiqueta de usuario";
-$SelectSession = "Seleccionar sesión";
-$GroupPermissions = "Permisos del grupo";
-$SpecialCourse = "Curso especial";
-$MathMimetexTitle = "Editor matemático mimeTEX";
-$MathMimetexComment = "Habilitar el editor matemático mimeTEX. La activación no se realizará plenamente si no se ha instalado en el servidor el archivo ejecutable mimetex. Consulte la guía de instalación de Chamilo.";
-$MathASCIImathMLTitle = "Editor matemático ASCIIMathML";
-$MathASCIImathMLComment = "Habilitar el editor matemático ASCIIMathML";
-$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Permitir a los estudiantes insertar videos de YouTube";
-$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Habilitar la posibilidad de que los estudiantes puedan insertar videos de Youtube";
-$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Bloquear a los estudiantes copiar y pegar";
-$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Bloquear a los estudiantes la posibilidad de copiar y pegar en el editor WYSIWYG";
-$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "Barras de botones extendidas";
-$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "Habilitar las barras de botones extendidas cuando el editor WYSIWYG está maximizado";
-$Editor = "Editor HTML";
-$GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Ir directamente al curso tras identificarse";
-$GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "Cuando un usuario está inscrito sólamente en un curso, ir directamente al curso despúes de identificarse";
-$GroupList = "Lista de grupos de la red social";
-$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Permitir a los estudiantes descargar directorios";
-$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Permitir a los estudiantes empaquetar y descargar un directorio completo en la herramienta documentos";
-$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Permitir a los usuarios crear grupos en la red social";
-$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Permitir a los usuarios crear sus propios grupos en la red social";
-$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Permitir enviar mensajes a todos los usuarios de la plataforma";
-$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Permite poder enviar mensajes a todos los usuarios de la plataforma";
-$TabsSocial = "Pestaña Red social";
-$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle = "Tamaño máximo del archivo en mensajes";
-$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment = "Tamaño máximo del archivo permitido para adjuntar a un mensaje (en Bytes)";
-$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Añadir un campo del perfil de usuario";
-$Username = "Nombre de usuario";
-$ChamiloHomepage = "Página principal de Chamilo";
-$ChamiloForum = "Foro de Chamilo";
-$ChamiloExtensions = "Servicios de Chamilo";
-$ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "Imposible de conectarse al servidor de versiones. Por favor intentelo de nuevo más tarde";
-$ChamiloGreen = "Chamilo Verde";
-$ChamiloRed = "Chamilo rojo";
-$MessagesSent = "Número de mensajes enviados";
-$MessagesReceived = "Número de mensajes recibidos";
-$CountFriends = "Número de contactos";
-$ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory = "Este plugin ha sido eliminado de la lista de plugins del panel de control";
-$EnableDashboardPlugins = "Habilitar los plugins del panel del control";
-$CoursesListInPlatform = "Lista de cursos de la plataforma";
-$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourceManager = "Cursos asignados al Director de Recursos Humanos";
-$AssignedCoursesTo = "Cursos asignados a";
-$AssignCoursesToHumanResourcesManager = "Asignar cursos al Director de Recursos Humanos";
-$TimezoneValueTitle = "Zona horaria";
-$TimezoneValueComment = "Esta es la zona horaria de este portal. Si la deja vacía, se usará la zona horaria del servidor. Si la configura, todas las horas del sistema se mostrarán en función de ella. Esta configuración tiene una prioridad más baja que la zona horaria del usuario si éste habilita y selecciona otra.";
-$UseUsersTimezoneTitle = "Utilizar las zonas horarias de los usuarios";
-$UseUsersTimezoneComment = "Activar la selección por los usuarios de su zona horaria. El campo de zona horaria debe seleccionarse como visible y modificable antes de que los usuarios elijan su cuenta. \r\nUna vez configurada los usuarios podrán verla.";
-$FieldTypeTimezone = "Zona horaria";
-$AssignedSessionsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "Las sesiones asignadas han sido actualizadas";
-$AssignedCoursesHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "Los cursos asignados han sido actualizados";
-$AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "Los usuarios asignados han sido actualizados";
-$Lock = "Bloquear";
-$AssignUsersToX = "Asignar usuarios a %s";
-$AssignUsersToHumanResourcesManager = "Asignar usuarios al director de recursos humanos";
-$AssignedUsersListToHumanResourcesManager = "Lista de usuarios asignados al director de recursos humanos";
-$AssignCoursesToX = "Asignar cursos a %s";
-$SessionsListInPlatform = "Lista de sesiones en la plataforma";
-$AssignSessionsToHumanResourcesManager = "Asignar sesiones al director de recursos humanos";
-$AssignedSessionsListToHumanResourcesManager = "Lista de sesiones asignadas al director de recursos humanos";
-$SessionsInformation = "Informe de sesiones";
-$YourSessionsList = "Sus sesiones";
-$TeachersInformationsList = "Informe de profesores";
-$YourTeachers = "Sus profesores";
-$StudentsInformationsList = "Informe de estudiantes";
-$YourStudents = "Sus alumnos";
-$GoToThematicAdvance = "Ir al avance temático";
-$TeachersInformationsGraph = "Informe gráfico de profesores";
-$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Informe gráfico de alumnos";
-$Timezones = "Zonas horarias";
-$TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Tiempo en la plataforma la semana pasada, por día";
-$GraphicNotAvailable = "Gráfico no disponible";
-$AttendancesFaults = "Faltas de asistencia";
-$Minutes = "Minutos";
-$SystemStatus = "Información del sistema";
-$IsWritable = "La escritura es posible en";
-$DirectoryExists = "El directorio existe";
-$DirectoryMustBeWritable = "El Servidor Web tiene que poder escribir en este directorio";
-$DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "Es conveniente que elimine este directorio (ya no es necesario)";
-$Section = "Sección";
-$Expected = "Esperado";
-$Setting = "Parámetro";
-$Current = "Actual";
-$SessionGCMaxLifetimeInfo = "El tiempo máximo de vida del recolector de basura es el tiempo máximo que se da entre dos ejecuciones del recolector de basura.";
-$PHPVersionInfo = "Versión PHP";
-$FileUploadsInfo = "La carga de archivos indica si la subida de archivos está autorizada";
-$UploadMaxFilesizeInfo = "Tamaño máximo de un archivo cuando se sube. Este ajuste debe en la mayoría de los casos ir acompañado de la variable post_max_size";
-$MagicQuotesRuntimeInfo = "Esta es una característica en absoluto recomendable que convierte los valores devueltos por todas las funciones que devuelven valores externos en valores con barras de escape. Esta funcionalidad *no* debería activarse.";
-$PostMaxSizeInfo = "Este es el tamaño máximo de los envíos realizados a través de formularios utilizando el método POST (es decir, la forma típica de carga de archivos mediante formularios)";
-$SafeModeInfo = "Modo seguro es una característica obsoleta de PHP que limita (mal) el acceso de los scripts PHP a otros recursos. Es recomendable dejarlo desactivado.";
-$DisplayErrorsInfo = "Muestra los errores en la pantalla. Activarlo en servidores de desarrollo y desactivarlo en servidores de producción.";
-$MaxInputTimeInfo = "El tiempo máximo permitido para que un formulario sea procesado por el servidor. Si se sobrepasa, el proceso es abandonado y se devuelve una página en blanco.";
-$DefaultCharsetInfo = "Juego de caracteres predeterminado que será enviado cuando se devuelvan las páginas";
-$RegisterGlobalsInfo = "Permite seleccionar, o no,  el uso de variables globales. El uso de esta funcionalidad representa un riesgo de seguridad.";
-$ShortOpenTagInfo = "Permite utilizar etiquetas abreviadas o no. Esta funcionalidad no debería ser usada.";
-$MemoryLimitInfo = "Límite máximo de memoria para  la ejecución de un script. Si la memoria necesaria es mayor, el proceso se detendrá para evitar consumir toda la memoria disponible del servidor y, por consiguiente que esto afecte a otros usuarios.";
-$MagicQuotesGpcInfo = "Permite escapar automaticamente valores de GET, POST y COOKIES. Una característica similar es provista para  los datos requeridos en este software, así que su uso provoca una doble barra de escape en los valores.";
-$VariablesOrderInfo = "El orden de preferencia de las variables del Entorno, GET, POST, COOKIES y SESSION";
-$MaxExecutionTimeInfo = "Tiempo máximo que un script puede tomar para su ejecución. Si se utiliza más, el script es abandonado para evitar la ralentización de otros usuarios.";
-$ExtensionMustBeLoaded = "Esta extensión debe estar cargada.";
-$MysqlProtoInfo = "Protocolo MySQL";
-$MysqlHostInfo = "Servidor MySQL";
-$MysqlServerInfo = "Información del servidor MySQL";
-$MysqlClientInfo = "Cliente MySQL";
-$ServerProtocolInfo = "Protocolo usado por este servidor";
-$ServerRemoteInfo = "Acceso remoto (su dirección como es recibida por el servidor)";
-$ServerAddessInfo = "Dirección del servidor";
-$ServerNameInfo = "Nombre del servidor (como se utiliza en su petición)";
-$ServerPortInfo = "Puerto del servidor";
-$ServerUserAgentInfo = "Su agente de usuario como es recibido por el servidor";
-$ServerSoftwareInfo = "Software ejecutándose como un servidor web";
-$UnameInfo = "Información del sistema sobre el que está funcionando el servidor";
-$AssignSessionsToX = "Asignar sesiones a %s";
-$AssignCoursesToSessionsAdministrator = "Asignar cursos al administrador de sesiones";
-$AssignCoursesToPlatformAdministrator = "Asignar cursos al administrador de la plataforma";
-$AssignedCoursesListToPlatformAdministrator = "Lista de cursos asignados al administrador de la plataforma";
-$AssignedCoursesListToSessionsAdministrator = "Lista de cursos asignados al administrador de sesiones";
-$AssignSessionsToPlatformAdministrator = "Asignar sesiones al administrador de la plataforma";
-$AssignSessionsToSessionsAdministrator = "Asignar sesiones al administrador de sesiones";
-$AssignedSessionsListToPlatformAdministrator = "Lista de sesiones asignadas al administrador de la plataforma";
-$AssignedSessionsListToSessionsAdministrator = "Lista de sesiones asignadas al administrador de sesiones";
-$EvaluationsGraph = "Gráficos de las evaluaciones";
-$Action = "Acción";
-$ISOCode = "Código ISO";
-$TheSubLanguageForThisLanguageHasBeenAdded = "El sub-lenguaje de este idioma ha sido añadido";
-$ReturnToLanguagesList = "Volver a la lista de idiomas";
-$ActivityCoach = "El tutor de la sesion, tendrá todos los derechos y permisos en todos los cursos que pertenecen a la sesion.";
-$CategoriesNumber = "Categorías";
-$CourseProgress = "Avance temático";
-$ExportAllCoursesList = "Exportar toda la lista de cursos";
-$ExportSelectedCoursesFromCoursesList = "Exportar solo algunos cursos de la lista";
-$CoursesListHasBeenExported = "La lista de cursos ha sido exportada";
-$WhichCoursesToExport = "Seleccione los cursos que desea exportar";
-$AssignUsersToPlatformAdministrator = "Asignar usuarios al administrador de la plataforma";
-$AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Lista de usuarios asignados al administrador de la plataforma";
-$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Lista de usuarios asignados al administrador de recursos humanos";
-$ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "No hay cursos creados";
-$HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Ver la actividad en forma vertical";
-$CoursesInformation = "Información de cursos";
-$SpecialExportsIntroduction = "La funcionalidad de exportaciones especiales existe para ayudar el revisor instruccional/académico en exportar los documentos de todos los cursos en un solo paso. Otra opción le permite escoger los cursos que desea exportar, y exportará los documentos presentes en las sesiones de estos cursos también. Esto es una operación muy pesada. Por lo tanto, le recomendamos no iniciarla durante las horas de uso normal de su portal. Hagalo en un periodo más tranquilo. Si no necesita todos los contenidos de una vez, prueba exportar documentos de cursos directamente desde la herramienta de mantenimiento del curso, dentro del curso mismo.";
-$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle = "Permitir a los profesores registrar usuarios en un curso";
-$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment = "Al activar esta opción permitirá que los profesores puedan inscribir usuarios en su curso";
-$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Configurar el plugin del Panel de control";
-$EditBlocks = "Editar bloques";
-$ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle = "Mostrar el enlace para informar de errores";
-$ShowLinkBugNotificationComment = "Mostrar un enlace en la cabecera para informar de un error a la plataforma de apoyo (http://support.chamilo.org). Al hacer clic en el enlace el usuario será dirigido al sistema de soporte de Chamilo, en el que una página wiki describe el procedimiento para informar de errores.";
-$DataFiller = "Rellenar datos";
-$GradebookActivateScoreDisplayCustom = "Habilitar el etiquetado de nivel de competencia con el fin de establecer la información de resultados personalizados";
-$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomValues = "Niveles de competencia valores personalizados";
-$GradebookNumberDecimals = "Número de decimales";
-$GradebookNumberDecimalsComment = "Establecer el número de decimales permitidos en una puntuación";
-$EditSessionsToURL = "Editar sesiones de una URL";
-$AddSessionsToURL = "Añadir sesiones a una URL";
-$SessionListIn = "Lista de sesiones en";
-$FillUsers = "Generar usuarios";
-$ThisSectionIsOnlyVisibleOnSourceInstalls = "Esta sección sólo es visible en instalaciones desde el código fuente, no en versiones estables de la plataforma. Le permitirá insertar en su plataforma datos de prueba. Úsela con cuidado(los datos se insertan realmente) y sólo en instalaciones de desarrollo o de prueba.";
-$UsersFillingReport = "Rellenar el informe de usuarios";
-$AllUsersAreAutomaticallyRegistered = "Todos los usuarios serán agregados automaticamente";
-$AssignCoach = "Asignar tutor";
-$chamilo = "chamilo";
-$php = "php";
-$Off = "Desactivado";
-$minimum = "mínimo";
-$webserver = "Webserver";
-$mysql = "mysql";
-$Social = "Social";
-$BackupCreated = "Copia de seguridad generada";
-$NotInserted = "No insertado";
-$phone = "Teléfono";
-$ResetLP = "Restablecer la secuencia de aprendizaje";
-$LPWasReset = "La secuencia de aprendizaje fue restablecida para el alumno";
-$AnnouncementVisible = "Anuncio visible";
-$AnnouncementInvisible = "Anuncio invisible";
-$GlossaryDeleted = "Glosario borrado";
-$CourseDescriptionUpdated = "Descripción de curso actualizada";
-$SessionReadOnly = "Sólo lectura";
-$SessionAccessible = "Accesible";
-$SessionNotAccessible = "No accesible";
-$GroupAdded = "Grupo añadido";
-$AddUsersToGroup = "Añadir usuarios al grupo";
-$ErrorReadingZip = "Error leyendo el archivo ZIP";
-$ErrorStylesheetFilesExtensionsInsideZip = "Las únicas extensiones aceptadas en el archivo ZIP son jpg, jpeg, png, gif y css.";
-$MyTextHere = "Introduzca su texto aquí...";
-$FieldTypeSocialProfile = "Vínculo red social";
-$AllowUsersCopyFilesTitle = "Permitir a los usuarios copiar archivos de un curso en su área de archivos personales";
-$AllowUsersCopyFilesComment = "Permite a los usuarios copiar archivos de un curso en su área personal, visible a través de la herramienta de Red Social o mediante el editor de HTML cuando se encuentran fuera de un curso";
-$ReviewCourseRequests = "Validar Cursos";
-$AcceptedCourseRequests = "Cursos Validados";
-$RejectedCourseRequests = "Cursos Rechazados";
-$BrowscapInfo = "Browscap carga el archivo browscap.ini que contiene una gran cantidad de datos sobre los navegadores y sus capacidades, para que pueda ser usada por la función get_browser() de PHP";
-$EnableCourseValidation = "Solicitud de cursos";
-$EnableCourseValidationComment = "Cuando la solicitud de cursos está activada, un profesor no podrá crear un curso por si mismo sino que tendrá que rellenar una solicitud. El administrador de la plataforma revisará la solicitud y la aprobará o rechazará. Esta funcionalidad se basa en mensajes de correo electrónico automáticos por lo que debe asegurarse de que su instalación de Chamilo usa un servidor de correo y una dirección de correo dedicada a ello.";
-$CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLink = "Solicitud de cursos - enlace a términos y condiciones";
-$CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLinkComment = "La URL que enlaza el documento \"Términos y condiciones\" que rige la solicitud de un curso. Si esta dirección está configurada, el usario tendrá que leer y aceptar los términos y condiciones antes de enviar su solicitud de curso. Si activa el módulo \"Términos y condiciones\" de Chamilo y quiere usar éste en lugar de términos y condiciones propias, deje este campo vacío.";
-$EnableSSOTitle = "Single Sign On (registro único)";
-$EnableSSOComment = "La activación de Single Sign On le permite conectar esta plataforma como cliente de un servidor de autentificación, por ejemplo una web de Drupal que tenga el módulo Drupal-Chamilo o cualquier otro servidor con una configuración similar.";
-$SSOServerDomainTitle = "Dominio del servidor de Single Sign On";
-$SSOServerDomainComment = "Dominio del servidor de Single Sign On (dirección web del servidor que permitirá el registro automático dentro de Chamilo). La dirección del servidor debe escribirse sin el protocolo al comienzo y sin la barra al final, por ejemplo www.example.com";
-$SSOServerAuthURITitle = "URL del servidor de Single Sign On";
-$SSOServerAuthURIComment = "Dirección de la página encargada de verificar la autentificación. Por ejemplo, en el caso de Drupal: /?q=user";
-$SSOServerUnAuthURITitle = "URL de logout del servidor de Single Sign Out";
-$SSOServerUnAuthURIComment = "Dirección de la página del servidor que desconecta a un usuario. Esta opción únicamente es útil si desea que los usuarios que se desconectan de Chamilo también se desconecten del servidor de autentificación.";
-$SSOServerProtocolTitle = "Protocolo del servidor Single Sign On";
-$SSOServerProtocolComment = "Prefijo que indica el protocolo del dominio del servidor de Single Sign On (si su servidor lo permite, recomendamos https:// pues protocolos no seguros son un peligro para un sistema de autentificación)";
-$EnabledWirisTitle = "Editor matemático WIRIS";
-$EnabledWirisComment = "Habilitar el editor matemático WIRIS";
-$AllowSpellCheckTitle = "Corrector ortográfico";
-$AllowSpellCheckComment = "Activar el corrector ortográfico";
-$EnabledSVGTitle = "Creación y edición de archivos SVG";
-$EnabledSVGComment = "Esta opción le permitirá crear y editar archivos SVG (Gráficos vectoriales escalables) multicapa en línea, así como exportarlos a imágenes en formato png.";
-$ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextTitle = "Obligar a pegar como texto plano en el Wiki";
-$ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextComment = "Esto impedirá que muchas etiquetas ocultas, incorrectas o no estándar, copiadas de otros textos acaben corrompiendo el texto del Wiki después de muchas ediciones; pero perderá algunas posibilidades durante la edición.";
-$EnabledGooglemapsTitle = "Activar Google maps";
-$EnabledGooglemapsComment = "Activar el botón para insertar mapas de Google. La activación no se realizará completamente si previamente no ha editado el archivo main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php y añadido una clave API de Google maps.";
-$EnabledImageMapsTitle = "Activar Mapas de imagen";
-$EnabledImageMapsComment = "Activar el botón para insertar Mapas de imagen. Esto le permitirá asociar direcciones url a zonas de una imagen, generando zonas interactivas.";
-$CourseTool = "Herramienta del curso";
-$BigBlueButtonEnableTitle = "Herramienta de videoconferencia BigBlueButton";
+for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
+$AdminBy = "Administrado por:";
+$AdministrationTools = "Administración";
+$State = "Estado del sistema";
+$Statistiques = "Estadísticas";
+$VisioHostLocal = "Host para la videoconferencia";
+$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "El protocolo de la videoconferencia funciona en modo web (la mayoría de las veces no es así)";
+$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "Mostrar un enlace  para volver a la jerarquía del curso. De todos modos, un enlace siempre estará disponible al final de la lista.";
+$langUsed = "usada";
+$langPresent = "Aceptar";
+$langMissing = "falta";
+$langExist = "existe";
+$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "Mostrar un enlace para volver atrás encima del árbol de las categorías/cursos";
+$ShowNumberOfCourses = "Mostrar el número de cursos";
+$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "Mostrar al profesor en el título del curso";
+$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "Mostrar el nombre de cada profesor en cada uno de los cursos del listado";
+$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "Mostrar el código del curso en cada uno de los cursos del listado";
+$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "Mostrar el código del curso en el título de éste";
+$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "No hay cursos virtuales en la plataforma";
+$ConfigureHomePage = "Configuración de la página principal";
+$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "Módulos activos al crear un curso";
+$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "¿ Qué herramientas serán activadas (visibles) por defecto al crear un curso ?";
+$SearchUsers = "Búsqueda de usuarios";
+$CreateUser = "Crear usuario";
+$ModifyInformation = "Modificar información";
+$ModifyUser = "Modificar usuario";
+$buttonEditUserField = "Editar campos de usuario";
+$ModifyCoach = "Modificar tutor";
+$ModifyThisSession = "Modificar esta sesión";
+$ExportSession = "Exportar sesión";
+$ImportSession = "Importar sesión";
+$langCourseBackup = "Copia de seguridad de este curso";
+$langCourseTitular = "Profesor principal";
+$langCourseTitle = "Título del curso";
+$langCourseFaculty = "Categoría del curso";
+$langCourseDepartment = "Departamento";
+$langCourseDepartmentURL = "URL del departamento";
+$langCourseLanguage = "Idioma del curso";
+$langCourseAccess = "Acceso al curso";
+$langCourseSubscription = "Inscripción en el curso";
+$langPublicAccess = "Acceso público";
+$langPrivateAccess = "Acceso privado";
+$langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "La administración de la base de datos sólo está disponible para el administrador del servidor";
+$langShowUsersOfCourse = "Mostrar los usuarios del curso";
+$langShowClassesOfCourse = "Mostrar las clases inscritas en este curso";
+$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "Mostrar los grupos de este curso";
+$langPhone = "Teléfono";
+$langPhoneNumber = "Número de teléfono";
+$langActions = "Acciones";
+$langAddToCourse = "Añadir a un curso";
+$langDeleteFromPlatform = "Eliminar de la plataforma";
+$langDeleteCourse = "Eliminar cursos seleccionados";
+$langDeleteFromCourse = "Anular la inscripción del curso(s)";
+$langDeleteSelectedClasses = "Eliminar las clases seleccionadas";
+$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "Eliminar los grupos seleccionados";
+$langAdministrator = "Administrador";
+$langAddPicture = "Añadir una foto";
+$langChangePicture = "Cambiar la imagen";
+$langDeletePicture = "Eliminar la imagen";
+$langAddUsers = "Añadir usuarios";
+$langAddGroups = "Crear grupos en la red social";
+$langAddClasses = "Crear clases";
+$langExportUsers = "Exportar usuarios";
+$langKeyword = "Palabra clave";
+$langGroupName = "Nombre del grupo";
+$langGroupTutor = "Tutor del grupo";
+$langGroupDescription = "Descripción del grupo";
+$langNumberOfParticipants = "Número de miembros";
+$langNumberOfUsers = "Número de usuarios";
+$langMaximum = "máximo";
+$langMaximumOfParticipants = "Número máximo de miembros";
+$langParticipants = "miembros";
+$langFirstLetterClass = "Primera letra (clase)";
+$langFirstLetterUser = "Primera letra (apellidos)";
+$langFirstLetterCourse = "Primera letra (código)";
+$langModifyUserInfo = "Modificar la información de un usuario";
+$langModifyClassInfo = "Modificar la información de una clase";
+$langModifyGroupInfo = "Modificar la información de un grupo";
+$langModifyCourseInfo = "Modificar la información del curso";
+$langPleaseEnterClassName = "¡ Introduzca la clase !";
+$langPleaseEnterLastName = "¡ Introduzca los apellidos del usuario !";
+$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "¡ Introduzca el nombre del usuario !";
+$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "¡ Introduzca una dirección de correo válida !";
+$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "¡ Introduzca un Nombre de usuario válido !";
+$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "¡ Introduzca el código del curso !";
+$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "¡ Introduzca el nombre y apellidos del profesor !";
+$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "¡ Introduzca el título del curso !";
+$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "¡Formatos aceptados: .jpg, .png y .gif!";
+$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "¡ Este Nombre de usuario ya está en uso !";
+$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "Importar usuarios desde un fichero XML/CSV";
+$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "Exportar usuarios a un fichero XML/CSV";
+$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "Sólo usuarios del curso";
+$langAddClassesToACourse = "Añadir clases a un curso";
+$langAddUsersToACourse = "Inscribir usuarios en un curso";
+$langAddUsersToAClass = "Importar usuarios a una clase desde un fichero";
+$langAddUsersToAGroup = "Añadir usuarios a un grupo";
+$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "¡ Debe seleccionar al menos una clase y un curso !";
+$AtLeastOneUser = "¡ Debe seleccionar al menos un usuario !";
+$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "¡ Debe seleccionar al menos un usuario y un curso !";
+$langClassList = "Listado de clases";
+$langUserList = "Lista de usuarios";
+$langCourseList = "Lista de cursos";
+$langAddToThatCourse = "Añadir a este (estos)  curso(s)";
+$langAddToClass = "Añadir a la clase";
+$langRemoveFromClass = "Quitar de la clase";
+$langAddToGroup = "Añadir al grupo";
+$langRemoveFromGroup = "Quitar del grupo";
+$langUsersOutsideClass = "Usuarios que no pertenecen a la clase";
+$langUsersInsideClass = "Usuarios pertenecientes a la clase";
+$langUsersOutsideGroup = "Usuarios que no pertenecen al grupo";
+$langUsersInsideGroup = "Usuarios pertenecientes al grupo";
+$langImportFileLocation = "Ubicación del fichero XML / CSV";
+$langFileType = "Tipo de archivo";
+$langOutputFileType = "Tipo de archivo de destino";
+$langMustUseSeparator = "debe utilizar el carácter ';' como separador";
+$langCSVMustLookLike = "El fichero CSV debe tener el siguiente formato";
+$langXMLMustLookLike = "El fichero XML debe tener el siguiente formato";
+$langMandatoryFields = "Los campos en <strong>negrita</strong> son obligatorios";
+$langNotXML = "¡ El fichero especificado no está en formato XML !";
+$langNotCSV = "¡ El fichero especificado no está en formato CSV !";
+$langNoNeededData = "¡ El fichero especificado no contiene todos los datos necesarios !";
+$langMaxImportUsers = "¡ No se pueden importar más de 500 usuarios a la vez !";
+$langAdminDatabases = "Bases de datos (phpMyAdmin)";
+$langAdminUsers = "Usuarios";
+$langAdminClasses = "Clases de usuarios";
+$langAdminGroups = "Grupos de usuarios";
+$langAdminCourses = "Cursos";
+$langAdminCategories = "Categorías de cursos";
+$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "Inscribir un usuario o un grupo en un curso";
+$langAddACategory = "Añadir una categoría";
+$langInto = "en";
+$langNoCategories = "Sin categorías";
+$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "Permitir añadir cursos a esta categoría";
+$langGoToForum = "Ir al foro";
+$langCategoryCode = "Código de la categoría";
+$langCategoryName = "Nombre de la categoría";
+$langCategories = "categorías";
+$langEditNode = "Editar esta categoría";
+$langOpenNode = "Abrir esta categoría";
+$langDeleteNode = "Eliminar esta categoría";
+$langAddChildNode = "Añadir una subcategoría";
+$langViewChildren = "Ver hijos";
+$langTreeRebuildedIn = "Árbol reconstruido en";
+$langTreeRecountedIn = "Árbol recontado en";
+$langRebuildTree = "Reconstruir el árbol";
+$langRefreshNbChildren = "Actualizar el número de hijos";
+$langShowTree = "Ver el árbol";
+$langBack = "Volver a la página anterior";
+$langLogDeleteCat = "Categoría eliminada";
+$langRecountChildren = "Recontar los hijos";
+$langUpInSameLevel = "Subir en este nivel";
+$langSeconds = "Segundos";
+$langMailTo = "Correo a:";
+$lang_no_access_here = "No tiene autorización para acceder aquí";
+$lang_php_info = "información del sistema";
+$langAddAdminInApache = "Añadir un administrador";
+$langAddFaculties = "Añadir categorías";
+$langSearchACourse = "Buscar un curso";
+$langSearchAUser = "Buscar un usuario";
+$langTechnicalTools = "Técnico";
+$langConfig = "Configuración del sistema";
+$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Lista de logins (detallada)";
+$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "Máximo de usuarios mostrados en la lista desplegable";
+$NoTimeLimits = "Sin límite de tiempo";
+$GeneralCoach = "Tutor general";
+$GeneralProperties = "Propiedades generales";
+$CourseCoach = "Tutor del curso";
+$UsersNumber = "Número de usuarios";
+$DokeosClassic = "Chamilo clásico";
+$PublicAdmin = "Administración pública";
+$PageAfterLoginTitle = "Página después de identificarse";
+$PageAfterLoginComment = "Página que será visualizada por los usuarios que se conecten";
+$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Web de Chamilo";
+$TabsMyProfile = "Pestaña Mi perfil";
+$GlobalRole = "Perfil global";
+$langNomOutilTodo = "Gestionar la lista de sugerencias";
+$langNomPageAdmin = "Administración";
+$langSysInfo = "Información del Sistema";
+$langDiffTranslation = "Comparar traducciones";
+$langStatOf = "Estadíticas de";
+$langSpeeSubscribe = "Inscripción rápida como revisor de cursos";
+$langLogIdentLogout = "Lista de logins";
+$langServerStatus = "Estado del servidor MySQL:";
+$langDataBase = "Base de datos";
+$langRun = "Funciona";
+$langClient = " Cliente MySQL";
+$langServer = "Servidor MySQL";
+$langtitulary = "Titularidad";
+$langUpgradeBase = "Actualización de la  Base de datos";
+$langManage = "Administrar la Plataforma";
+$langErrorsFound = "errores encontrados";
+$langMaintenance = "Mantenimiento";
+$langUpgrade = "Actualizar Chamilo";
+$langWebsite = "Web de Chamilo";
+$langDocumentation = "Documentación";
+$langContribute = "Contribuir";
+$langInfoServer = "Información del servidor";
+$langOtherCategory = "Otra categoría";
+$langSendMailToUsers = "Enviar un correo a los usuarios";
+$langExampleXMLFile = "Ejemplo de archivo XML";
+$langExampleCSVFile = "Ejemplo de archivo CSV";
+$langCourseSystemCode = "Código del sistema";
+$langCourseVisualCode = "Código visual";
+$langSystemCode = "Código del sistema";
+$langVisualCode = "Código visual";
+$langAddCourse = "Crear un curso";
+$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "Administrar cursos virtuales";
+$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "Crear un curso virtual";
+$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "Un curso virtual comparte su espacio de almacenamiento (directorios y bases de datos) con un curso que físicamente ya existe previamente.";
+$langRealCourseCode = "Código real del curso";
+$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "El curso ha sido creado.";
+$langYourDokeosUses = "Su instalación de Chamilo actualmente usa";
+$langOnTheHardDisk = "en el disco duro";
+$langIsVirtualCourse = "Curso virtual";
+$langSystemAnnouncements = "Anuncios de la plataforma";
+$langAddAnnouncement = "Añadir un anuncio";
+$langAnnouncementAdded = "El anuncio ha sido añadido";
+$langAnnouncementUpdated = "El anuncio ha sido actualizado";
+$langAnnouncementDeleted = "El anuncio ha sido eliminado";
+$langContent = "Contenido";
+$PermissionsForNewFiles = "Permisos para los nuevos archivos";
+$PermissionsForNewFilesComment = "La posibilidad de definir la configuración de los permisos asignados a los nuevos archivos, aumenta la seguridad contra los ataques de hackers que puedan enviar material peligroso a la plataforma. La configuración por defecto (0550) debe ser suficiente para dar a su servidor un nivel de protección razonable. El formato proporcionado utiliza la terminología de UNIX Propietario-Grupo-Otros, con los permisos de Lectura-Escritura-Ejecución.";
+$langStudent = "Estudiante";
+$Guest = "Invitado";
+$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "Entrar como";
+$langLoginAsThisUser = "Entrar";
+$SelectPicture = "Seleccionar imagen...";
+$DontResetPassword = "No reiniciar contraseña";
+$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participar en el desarrollo";
+$langCourseAdmin = "administrador de curso";
+$langOtherCourses = "otros cursos";
+$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Idioma de la plataforma";
+$ServerStatusComment = "¿ Qué tipo de servidor utiliza ? Esto activa o desactiva algunas opciones específicas. En un servidor de desarrollo hay una funcionalidad que indica las cadenas de caracteres no traducidas.";
+$ServerStatusTitle = "Tipo de servidor";
+$PlatformLanguages = "Idiomas de la plataforma Chamilo";
+$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "Esta herramienta genera el menú de selección de idiomas en la página de autentificación. El administrador de la plataforma puede decidir qué idiomas estarán disponibles para los usuarios.";
+$OriginalName = "Nombre original";
+$EnglishName = "Nombre inglés";
+$DokeosFolder = "Directorio Chamilo";
+$Properties = "Propiedades";
+$DokeosConfigSettings = "Parámetros de configuración de Chamilo";
+$SettingsStored = "Los parámetros han sido guardados";
+$InstitutionTitle = "Nombre de la Institución";
+$InstitutionComment = "Nombre de la Institución (aparece en el lado derecho de la cabecera)";
+$InstitutionUrlTitle = "URL de la Institución";
+$InstitutionUrlComment = "URL de la Institución (enlace que aparece en el lado derecho de la cabecera)";
+$SiteNameTitle = "Nombre del Sitio Web de su plataforma";
+$SiteNameComment = "El nombre del Sitio Web de su plataforma (aparece en la cabecera)";
+$emailAdministratorTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: e-mail";
+$emailAdministratorComment = "La dirección de correo electrónico del administrador de la plataforma (aparece en el lado izquierdo del pie)";
+$administratorSurnameTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: apellidos";
+$administratorSurnameComment = "Los apellidos del administrador de la plataforma (aparecen en el lado izquierdo del pie)";
+$administratorNameTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: nombre";
+$administratorNameComment = "El nombre del administrador de la plataforma (aparece en el lado izquierdo del pie)";
+$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Información del administrador de la plataforma en el pie";
+$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "¿ Mostrar la información del administrador de la plataforma en el pie ?";
+$HomepageViewTitle = "Vista de la página principal";
+$HomepageViewComment = "¿ Cómo quiere que se presente la página principal del curso ?";
+$HomepageViewDefault = "Presentación en dos columnas. Las herramientas desactivadas quedan escondidas";
+$HomepageViewFixed = "Presentación en tres columnas. Las herramientas desactivadas aparecen en gris (los iconos se mantienen en su lugar).";
+$Yes = "Sí";
+$No = "No";
+$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Barra de acceso rápido a las herramientas";
+$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "¿ Mostrar la barra de acceso rápido a las herramientas en la cabecera ?";
+$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Vista de estudiante";
+$ShowStudentViewComment = "¿ Habilitar la 'Vista de estudiante' ?<br>Esta funcionalidad permite al profesor previsualizar lo que los estudiantes van a ver.";
+$AllowGroupCategories = "Categorías de grupos";
+$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Permitir a los administradores de un curso crear categorías en el módulo grupos";
+$PlatformLanguageComment = "Determinar el idioma de la plataforma: <a href=\"languages.php\">Idiomas de la plataforma Chamilo</a>";
+$ProductionServer = "Servidor de producción";
+$TestServer = "Servidor de desarrollo";
+$ShowOnlineTitle = "¿ Quién está en línea ?";
+$AsPlatformLanguage = "como idioma de la plataforma";
+$ShowOnlineComment = "¿ Mostrar el número de personas que están en línea ?";
+$AllowNameChangeTitle = "¿ Permitir cambiar el nombre en el perfil ?";
+$AllowNameChangeComment = "¿ Permitir al usuario cambiar su nombre y apellidos ?";
+$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "Cuota de espacio por defecto en el servidor para los documentos";
+$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "¿ Cuál es la cuota de espacio por defecto en el servidor para la herramienta documentos ? Se puede cambiar este espacio para un curso específico a través de: administración de la plataforma -> Cursos -> modificar";
+$ProfileChangesTitle = "Perfil";
+$ProfileChangesComment = "¿Qué parte de su perfil desea que el usuario pueda modificar?";
+$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "Registro: campos obligatorios";
+$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "Campos que obligatoriamente deben ser rellenados (además del nombre, apellidos, nombre de usuario y contraseña). En el caso de idioma será visible o invisible.";
+$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "Cuota de espacio por defecto en el servidor para los grupos";
+$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "¿ Cuál es la cuota de espacio por defecto en el servidor para la herramienta documentos de los grupos ?";
+$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "Olvidé mi contraseña";
+$AllowLostPasswordComment = "¿ Cuando un usuario ha perdido su contraseña, puede pedir que el sistema se la envíe automáticamente ?";
+$AllowRegistrationTitle = "Registro";
+$AllowRegistrationComment = "¿ Está permitido que los nuevos usuarios puedan registrarse por sí mismos ? ¿ Pueden los usuarios crear cuentas nuevas ?";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "Registro como profesor";
+$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "¿ Alguien puede registrarse como profesor (y poder crear cursos) ?";
+$PlatformLanguage = "Idioma de la plataforma";
+$Tuning = "Mejorar el rendimiento";
+$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "Dividir el directorio de transferencias (upload) de los usuarios";
+$SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "En plataformas que tengan un uso muy elevado, donde están registrados muchos usuarios que envían sus fotos, el directorio al que se transfieren (main/upload/users/) puede contener demasiados archivos para que el sistema los maneje de forma eficiente (se ha documentado el caso de un servidor Debian con más de 36000 archivos). Si cambia esta opción añadirá un nivel de división a los directorios del directorio upload. Nueve directorios se utilizarán en el directorio base para contener los directorios de todos los usuarios. El cambio de esta opción no afectará a la estructura de los directorios en el disco, sino al comportamiento del código de Chamilo, por lo que si la activa tendrá que crear nuevos directorios y mover manualmente los directorios existentes en el servidor. Cuando cree y mueva estos directorios, tendrá que mover los directorios de los usuarios 1 a 9 a subdirectorios con el mismo nombre. Si no está seguro de usar esta opción, es mejor que no la active.";
+$CourseQuota = "Cuota de espacio del curso en el servidor";
+$EditNotice = "Editar aviso";
+$General = "general";
+$LostPassword = "Olvidé mi contraseña";
+$Registration = "Registro";
+$Password = "Contraseña";
+$InsertLink = "Insertar enlace";
+$EditNews = "Editar noticias";
+$EditCategories = "Editar categorías";
+$EditHomePage = "Editar la página principal";
+$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "¿ El administrador de un curso puede definir cabeceras para obtener información adicional de los usuarios ?";
+$Platform = "Plataforma";
+$Course = "Curso";
+$Languages = "Idiomas";
+$Privacy = "Privado";
+$NoticeTitle = "Título de la noticia";
+$NoticeText = "Texto de la noticia";
+$LinkName = "Texto del enlace";
+$LinkURL = "URL del enlace";
+$OpenInNewWindow = "Abrir en una nueva ventana";
+$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "En las pantallas de inscripción de usuarios a cursos o clases, si la primera lista no filtrada contiene más que este número de usuarios dejar por defecto la primera letra (A)";
+$Plugins = "Plugins";
+$HideDLTTMarkupComment = "Ocultar la marca [=...=] cuando una variable de idioma no esté traducida";
+$Info = "Información";
+$UserAdded = "El usuario ha sido añadido";
+$NoSearchResults = "No se han encontrado resultados";
+$UserDeleted = "Los usuarios seleccionados han sido eliminados";
+$NoClassesForThisCourse = "No hay clases inscritas en este curso";
+$CourseUsage = "Utilización del curso";
+$NoCoursesForThisUser = "Este usuario no está inscrito en ningún curso";
+$NoClassesForThisUser = "Este usuario no está inscrito en ninguna clase";
+$NoCoursesForThisClass = "Esta clase no está inscrita en ningún curso";
+$langOpenToTheWorld = "Público - acceso autorizado a cualquier persona";
+$OpenToThePlatform = "Público - acceso autorizado sólo para los usuarios registrados en la plataforma";
+$langPrivate = "Privado - acceso autorizado sólo para los miembros del curso";
+$langCourseVisibilityClosed = "Cerrado - acceso autorizado sólo para el administrador del curso";
+$langSubscription = "Inscripción";
+$langUnsubscription = "Anular la inscripción";
+$CourseAccessConfigTip = "Por defecto el curso es público. Pero Ud. puede definir el nivel de confidencialidad en los botones superiores.";
+$Tool = "Herramienta";
+$NumberOfItems = "Número de elementos";
+$DocumentsAndFolders = "Documentos y carpetas";
+$Learnpath = "Lecciones";
+$Exercises = "Ejercicios";
+$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "Agenda personal";
+$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "¿ El usuario puede añadir elementos de la agenda personal a la sección 'Mi agenda' ?";
+$CurrentValue = "Valor actual";
+$CourseDescription = "Descripción del curso";
+$OnlineConference = "Videoconferencia";
+$Chat = "Chat";
+$Quiz = "Ejercicios";
+$Announcements = "Anuncios";
+$Links = "Enlaces";
+$LearningPath = "Lecciones";
+$Documents = "Documentos";
+$UserPicture = "Foto";
+$officialcode = "Código";
+$Login = "Nombre de usuario";
+$UserPassword = "Contraseña";
+$SubscriptionAllowed = "Inscripción";
+$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "Anular inscripción";
+$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "Permitido";
+$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "Denegado";
+$AddDummyContentToCourse = "Añadir contenidos de prueba al curso";
+$DummyCourseCreator = "Crear contenidos de prueba";
+$DummyCourseDescription = "Se añadirán contenidos al curso para que le sirvan de ejemplo. ¡ Esta utilidad sólo debe usarse para hacer pruebas !";
+$AvailablePlugins = "Estos son los plugins que se han encontrado en su sistema.";
+$CreateVirtualCourse = "Crear un curso virtual";
+$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Mostrar el listado de los cursos virtuales";
+$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Enlazado al código del curso físico";
+$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Creando el curso virtual...";
+$WantedCourseCode = "Código del curso";
+$ResetPassword = "Actualizar la contraseña";
+$CheckToSendNewPassword = "Enviar nueva contraseña";
+$AutoGeneratePassword = "Generar automáticamente una contraseña";
+$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Utilice un título para el nombre del documento";
+$UseDocumentTitleComment = "Esto permitirá utilizar un título para el nombre de cada documento en lugar de nom_document.ext";
+$StudentPublications = "Tareas";
+$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Los archivos eliminados no pueden ser recuperados";
+$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Si en el área de documentos elimina un archivo, esta eliminación será definitiva. El archivo no podrá ser recuperado después";
+$ClassName = "Nombre de la clase";
+$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Compartir documentos: tamaño máximo de los documentos";
+$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "¿ Qué tamaño (en bytes) puede tener un documento ?";
+$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Compartir documentos: los documentos se sobreescribirán";
+$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "¿ Puede sobreescribirse el documento original cuando un estudiante o profesor sube un documento con el mismo nombre de otro que ya existe ? Si responde sí, perderá la posibilidad de conservar sucesivas versiones";
+$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "¿ Compartir documentos: subir al propio espacio ?";
+$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Permitir a los profesores y a los estudiantes subir documentos en su propia sección de documentos compartidos sin enviarlos a nadie más (=enviarse un documento a uno mismo)";
+$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "Compartir documentos: estudiante <-> estudiante";
+$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Permitir a los estudiantes enviar documentos a otros estudiantes (peer to peer, intercambio P2P). Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes pueden usar esta funcionalidad para enviarse documentos poco relevantes (mp3, soluciones,...). Si deshabilita esta opción los estudiantes sólo podrán enviar documentos a sus profesores";
+$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "Compartir documentos: permitir el envío por correo";
+$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "Con la funcionalidad de envío por correo, Ud. puede enviar un documento personal a cada estudiante";
+$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Permisos para los nuevos directorios";
+$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "La posibilidad de definir la configuración de los permisos asignados a los nuevos directorios, aumenta la seguridad contra los ataques de hackers que puedan enviar material peligroso a la plataforma. La configuración por defecto (0770) debe ser suficiente para dar a su servidor un nivel de protección razonable. El formato proporcionado utiliza la terminología de UNIX Propietario-Grupo-Otros con los permisos de Lectura-Escritura-Ejecución.";
+$UserListHasBeenExported = "La lista de usuarios ha sido exportada.";
+$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "Haga clic aquí para descargar el archivo.";
+$administratorTelephoneTitle = "Administrador de la plataforma: teléfono";
+$administratorTelephoneComment = "Número de teléfono del administrador de la plataforma";
+$SendMailToNewUser = "Enviar un e-mail al nuevo usuario";
+$ExtendedProfileTitle = "Perfil extendido";
+$ExtendedProfileComment = "Si se configura como 'Verdadero', un usuario puede rellenar los siguientes campos (opcionales): 'Mis competencias', 'Mis títulos', '¿Qué puedo enseñar?' y 'Mi área personal pública'";
+$Classes = "Clases";
+$UserUnsubscribed = "La inscripción del usuario ha sido anulada.";
+$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "El usuario no puede anular su inscripci�n en el curso. Este usuario es un administrador del curso.";
+$InvalidStartDate = "Fecha de inicio no válida.";
+$InvalidEndDate = "Fecha de finalización no válida.";
+$DateFormatLabel = "(d/m/a h:m)";
+$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "¡ Los archivos de la página principal no se pueden escribir !";
+$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Por favor, introduzca el texto de la noticia";
+$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Por favor, introduzca el título de la noticia";
+$PleaseEnterLinkName = "Por favor, introduzca el nombre del enlace";
+$InsertThisLink = "Insertar este enlace";
+$FirstPlace = "Primer lugar";
+$After = "después";
+$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Compartir documentos: permitir al grupo";
+$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Los usuarios pueden enviar archivos a los grupos";
+$ClassDeleted = "La clase ha sido eliminada";
+$ClassesDeleted = "Las clases han sido eliminadas";
+$NoUsersInClass = "No hay usuarios en esta clase";
+$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "Los usuarios seleccionados han sido inscritos en sus correspondientes cursos";
+$InvalidTitle = "Por favor, introduzca un título";
+$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "Esta categoría ya está en uso";
+$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Por favor, introduzca un código y un nombre para esta categoría";
+$DokeosHomepage = "Página principal de Chamilo";
+$DokeosForum = "Foro de Chamilo";
+$RegisterYourPortal = "Registre su plataforma";
+$DokeosExtensions = "Extensiones de Chamilo";
+$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Mostrar el menú de navegación del curso";
+$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Mostrar el menu de navegación facilitará el acceso a las diferentes áreas del curso.";
+$LoginAs = "Iniciar sesión como";
+$ImportClassListCSV = "Importar un listado de clases desde un fichero CSV";
+$ShowOnlineWorld = "Mostrar el número de usuarios en línea en la página de autentificación (visible para todo el mundo)";
+$ShowOnlineUsers = "Mostrar el número de usuarios en línea en todas las páginas (visible para quienes se hayan autentificado)";
+$ShowOnlineCourse = "Mostrar el número de usuarios en línea en este curso";
+$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "¿ Mostrar los iconos en el menú de navegación ?";
+$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Ver todos los perfiles y lugares para un permiso específico";
+$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Ver todos los perfiles y permisos para un lugar específico";
+$ClassesUnsubscribed = "La clase seleccionada ha dejado de estar inscrita en los cursos seleccionados";
+$ClassesSubscribed = "Las clases seleccionadas fueron inscritas en los cursos seleccionados";
+$RoleId = "ID del perfil";
+$RoleName = "Nombre del perfil";
+$RoleType = "Tipo";
+$RightValueModified = "Este valor ha sido modificado.";
+$MakeAvailable = "Habilitar";
+$MakeUnavailable = "Deshabilitar";
+$Stylesheets = "Hojas de estilo";
+$DefaultDokeosStyle = "Estilo por defecto de Chamilo";
+$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "¿ Debe mostrar el menú de navegación los iconos de las herramientas ?";
+$Plugin = "Plugin";
+$MainMenu = "Menú principal";
+$MainMenuLogged = "Menú principal después de autentificarse";
+$Banner = "Banner";
+$ImageResizeTitle = "Redimensionar las imágenes enviadas por los usuarios";
+$ImageResizeComment = "Las imágenes de los usuarios pueden ser redimensionadas cuando se envían si PHP está compilado con <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\" target=\"_blank\">GD library</a>. Si GD no está disponible, la configuración será ignorada.";
+$MaxImageWidthTitle = "Anchura máxima de la imagen del usuario";
+$MaxImageWidthComment = "Anchura máxima en pixeles de la imagen de un usuario. Este ajuste se aplica solamente si las imágenes de lo usuarios se configuran para ser redimensionadas al enviarse.";
+$MaxImageHeightTitle = "Altura máxima de la imagen del usuario";
+$MaxImageHeightComment = "Altura máxima en pixels de la imagen de un usuario. Esta configuración sólo se aplica si las imágenes de los usuarios han sido configuradas para ser redimensionadas al enviarse.";
+$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Su versión no está actualizada";
+$YourVersionIs = "Su versión es";
+$PleaseVisitDokeos = "Por favor, visite Chamilo";
+$VersionUpToDate = "Su versión está actualizada";
+$ConnectSocketError = "Error de conexión vía socket";
+$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Las conexiones vía socket están deshabilitadas";
+$ShowEmailAddresses = "Mostrar la dirección de correo electrónico";
+$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Mostrar a los usuarios las direcciones de correo electrónico";
+$LatestVersionIs = "La última versión es";
+$langConfigureExtensions = "Configurar los servicios";
+$langActiveExtensions = "Activar los servicios";
+$langVisioconf = "Videoconferencia";
+$langVisioconfDescription = "Chamilo Live Conferencing® es una herramienta estándar de videoconferencia que ofrece: mostrar diapositivas, pizarra para dibujar y escribir, audio/video duplex, chat. Tan solo requiere Flash® player, permitiendo tres modos: uno a uno, uno a muchos, y muchos a muchos.";
+$langPpt2lp = "Chamilo RAPID Lecciones";
+$langPpt2lpDescription = "Chamilo RAPID es una herramienta que permite generar secuencias de aprendizaje rápidamente.Puede convertir presentaciones Powerpoint y documentos Word, así como sus equivalentes de Openoffice en cursos tipo SCORM. Tras la conversión, el documento podrá ser gestionado por  la herramienta lecciones de Chamilo. Podrá añadir diapositivas, audio, ejercicios entre las diapositivas o actividades como foros de discusión y el envío de tareas. Al ser un curso SCORM permite el informe y el seguimiento de los estudiantes. El sistema combina el poder de Openoffice como herramienta de conversión de documentos MS-Office + el servidor streamming RED5 para la grabación de audio + la herramienta de administración de lecciones de Chamilo.";
+$langBandWidthStatistics = "Estadísticas del tráfico";
+$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG le permite consultar estadísticas detalladas del estado del servidor en las últimas 24 horas.";
+$ServerStatistics = "Estadísticas del servidor";
+$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats le permite consultar las estadísticas de su plataforma: visitantes, páginas vistas, referenciadores...";
+$SearchEngine = "Buscador de texto completo";
+$langSearchEngineDescription = "El buscador de texto completo le permite buscar una palabra a través de toda la plataforma. La indización diaria de los contenidos le asegura la calidad de los resultados.";
+$langListSession = "Lista de sesiones de formación";
+$AddSession = "Crear una sesión de formación";
+$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Importar sesiones en formato XML/CSV";
+$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "Exportar sesiones en formato XML/CSV";
+$SessionName = "Nombre de la sesión";
+$langNbCourses = "Número de cursos";
+$DateStart = "Fecha inicial";
+$DateEnd = "Fecha final";
+$CoachName = "Nombre del tutor";
+$SessionList = "Lista de sesiones de formación";
+$SessionNameIsRequired = "Debe dar un nombre a la sesión";
+$NextStep = "Siguiente elemento";
+$keyword = "Palabra clave";
+$Confirm = "Confirmar";
+$UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "Anular la inscripción de los usuarios en el curso";
+$MissingClassName = "Falta el nombre de la clase";
+$ClassNameExists = "El nombre de la clase ya existe";
+$ImportCSVFileLocation = "Localización del fichero de importación CSV";
+$ClassesCreated = "Clases creadas";
+$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "Errores al importar el fichero";
+$ServiceActivated = "Servicio activado";
+$ActivateExtension = "Activar servicios";
+$InvalidExtension = "Extensión no válida";
+$VersionCheckExplanation = "Para habilitar la comprobación automática de la versión debe registrar su plataforma en chamilo.com. La información obtenida al hacer clic en este botón sólo es para uso interno y sólo los datos añadidos estarán disponibles públicamente (número total de usuarios de la plataforma, número total de cursos, número total de estudiantes,...) (ver <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.com/stats/\">http://www.chamilo.com/stats/</a>). Cuando se registre, también aparecerá en esta lista mundial (<a href=\"http://www.chamilo.com/community.php\">http://www.chamilo.com/community.php</a>. Si no quiere aparecer en esta lista, debe marcar la casilla inferior. El registro es tan fácil como hacer clic sobre este botón: <br />";
+$AfterApproval = "Después de ser aprobado";
+$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "Activar la Vista de estudiante";
+$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Habilitar la Vista de estudiante, que permite que un profesor o un administrador pueda ver un curso como lo vería un estudiante";
+$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Límite de tiempo de Usuarios en línea";
+$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "Este límite de tiempo define cuantos segundos han de pasar despúes de la última acción de un usuario para seguir considerándolo *en línea*";
+$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Material de ejemplo para la creación de un curso";
+$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Crear automáticamente material de ejemplo al crear un nuevo curso";
+$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Validez de la cuenta";
+$AccountValidDurationComment = "Una cuenta de usuario es válida durante este número de días a partir de su creación";
+$UseSessionModeTitle = "Usar sesiones de formación";
+$UseSessionModeComment = "Las sesiones ofrecen una forma diferente de tratar los cursos, donde el curso tiene un creador, un tutor y unos estudiantes. Cada tutor imparte un curso por un perido de tiempo, llamado *sesión*, a un conjunto de estudiantes";
+$HomepageViewActivity = "Ver la actividad";
+$HomepageView2column = "Visualización en dos columnas";
+$HomepageView3column = "Visualización en tres columnas";
+$AllowUserHeadings = "Permitir encabezados de usuarios";
+$IconsOnly = "Sólo iconos";
+$TextOnly = "Sólo texto";
+$IconsText = "Iconos y texto";
+$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "Activar introducción a las herramientas";
+$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "Habilitar una introducción en cada herramienta de la página principal";
+$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "Barra de navegación de la página principal del curso";
+$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "La barra de navegación es un sistema de navegación horizontal mediante enlaces que generalmente se sitúa en la zona superior izquierda de su página. Esta opción le permite seleccionar el contenido de esta barra en la página principal de cada curso";
+$Comment = "Comentario";
+$Version = "Versión";
+$LoginPageMainArea = "Area principal de la página de acceso";
+$LoginPageMenu = "Menú de la página de acceso";
+$CampusHomepageMainArea = "Area principal de la página de acceso a la plataforma";
+$CampusHomepageMenu = "Menú de la página de acceso a la plataforma";
+$MyCoursesMainArea = "Área principal de cursos";
+$MyCoursesMenu = "Menú de cursos";
+$Header = "Cabecera";
+$Footer = "Pie";
+$PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Páginas públicas conformes a WAI";
+$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) es una iniciativa para hacer la web más accesible. Seleccionando esta opción, las páginas públicas de Chamilo serán más accesibles. Esto también hará que algunos contenidos de las páginas publicadas en la plataforma puedan mostrarse de forma diferente.";
+$VersionCheck = "Comprobar versión";
+$Active = "Activo";
+$Inactive = "No activo";
+$SessionOverview = "Resumen de la sesión de formación";
+$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "Inscribir un usuario en el caso de que ya no lo esté";
+$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "Dar de baja a un usuario si no está en el fichero";
+$DeleteSelectedSessions = "Eliminar las sesiones seleccionadas";
+$CourseListInSession = "Lista de cursos en esta sesión";
+$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "Cancelar la inscripción en la sesión de los cursos seleccionados";
+$NbUsers = "Usuarios";
+$SubscribeUsersToSession = "Inscribir usuarios en esta sesión";
+$UserListInPlatform = "Lista de usuarios de la plataforma";
+$UserListInSession = "Lista de usuarios inscritos en esta sesión";
+$CourseListInPlatform = "Lista de cursos de la plataforma";
+$Host = "Servidor";
+$UserOnHost = "Nombre de usuario";
+$FtpPassword = "Contraseña FTP";
+$PathToLzx = "Path de los archivos LZX";
+$WCAGContent = "texto";
+$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "Inscribir cursos en esta sesión";
+$DateStartSession = "Fecha de comienzo de sesión";
+$DateEndSession = "Fecha de fin de sesión";
+$EditSession = "Editar esta sesión";
+$VideoConferenceUrl = "Path de la reunión por videoconferencia";
+$VideoClassroomUrl = "Path del aula de videoconferencia";
+$ReconfigureExtension = "Reconfigurar la extensión";
+$ServiceReconfigured = "Servicio reconfigurado";
+$ChooseNewsLanguage = "Seleccionar idioma";
+$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Suma el tiempo transcurrido en un curso";
+$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "Esta opción se usa para calcular en tiempo real el tiempo que un usuario ha pasado en un curso. El valor de este campo es el intervalo de refresco en segundos. Para desactivar esta opción, dejar en el campo el valor por defecto 0.";
+$EditLink = "Editar enlace";
+$FinishSessionCreation = "Terminar la creación de la sesión";
+$VisioRTMPPort = "Puerto del protocolo RTMP para la videoconferencia";
+$SessionNameAlreadyExists = "El nombre de la sesión ya existe";
+$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "No se ha creado ninguna clase";
+$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "Este campo debe ser numérico";
+$UserLocked = "Usuario bloqueado";
+$UserUnlocked = "Usuario desbloqueado";
+$CannotDeleteUser = "No puede eliminar este usuario";
+$SelectedUsersDeleted = "Los usuarios seleccionados han sido borrados";
+$SomeUsersNotDeleted = "Algunos usuarios no han sido borrados";
+$ExternalAuthentication = "Autentificación externa";
+$RegistrationDate = "Fecha de registro";
+$UserUpdated = "Usuario actualizado";
+$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "Los ficheros de la página principal no son legibles";
+$Choose = "Seleccione";
+$ModifySessionCourse = "Modificar la sesión del curso";
+$CourseSessionList = "Lista de los cursos de la sesión";
+$SelectACoach = "Seleccionar un tutor";
+$UserNameUsedTwice = "El nombre de usuario ya está en uso";
+$UserNameNotAvailable = "Este nombre de usuario no está disponible pues ya está siendo utilizado por otro usuario";
+$UserNameTooLong = "Este nombre de usuario es demasiado largo";
+$WrongStatus = "Este estatus no existe";
+$ClassNameNotAvailable = "Este nombre de clase no está disponible";
+$FileImported = "Archivo importado";
+$WhichSessionToExport = "Seleccione la sesión a exportar";
+$AllSessions = "Todas las sesiones";
+$CodeDoesNotExists = "Este código no existe";
+$UnknownUser = "Usuario desconocido";
+$UnknownStatus = "Estatus desconocido";
+$SessionDeleted = "La sesión ha sido borrada";
+$CourseDoesNotExist = "Este curso no existe";
+$UserDoesNotExist = "Este usuario no existe";
+$ButProblemsOccured = "pero se han producido problemas";
+$UsernameTooLongWasCut = "Este nombre de usuario fue cortado";
+$NoInputFile = "No se envió ningún archivo";
+$StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "El estatus de estudiante ha sido dado a";
+$WrongDate = "Formato de fecha erróneo (yyyy-mm-dd)";
+$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "Este es un mensaje automático de correo electrónico. Por favor no responda al mismo.";
+$YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "En breve, recibirá un correo electrónico de su tutor.";
+$SlideSize = "Tamaño de las diapositivas";
+$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "Prevención de plagio Ephorus";
+$CourseTeachers = "Profesores del curso";
+$UnknownTeacher = "Profesor desconocido";
+$HideDLTTMarkup = "Ocultar las marcas DLTT";
+$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "Lista de cursos de la sesión";
+$UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "Cancelar la inscripción en la sesión de los usuarios seleccionados";
+$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "Mostrar el idioma de cada curso, después de su título, en la lista los cursos de la página principal";
+$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "Mostrar las categorías de cursos en la página principal, aunque estén vacías";
+$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "Mostrar las categorías de cursos vacías";
+$XMLNotValid = "El documento XML no es válido";
+$ForTheSession = "de la sesión";
+$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "Activar el editor de correo electrónico en línea";
+$AllowEmailEditorComment = "Si se activa esta opción, al hacer clic en un correo electrónico, se abrirá un editor en línea.";
+$AddCSVHeader = "¿ Añadir la linea de cabecera del CSV ?";
+$YesAddCSVHeader = "Sí, añadir las cabeceras CSV <br /> Esta línea define los campos y es necesaria cuando quiera importar el archivo en otra plataforma Chamilo";
+$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "Lista de usuarios inscritos en el curso";
+$NumberOfCourses = "Número de cursos";
+$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "Mostrar los idiomas de los cursos";
+$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "Puerto de tunelización del protocolo RTMP para la videoconferencia (RTMTP)";
+$name = "Nombre";
+$Security = "Seguridad";
+$UploadExtensionsListType = "Tipo de filtrado en los envíos de documentos";
+$UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "Utilizar un filtrado blacklist o whitelist. Para más detalles, vea más abajo la descripción ambos filtros.";
+$Blacklist = "Blacklist";
+$Whitelist = "Whitelist";
+$UploadExtensionsBlacklist = "Blacklist - parámetros";
+$UploadExtensionsWhitelist = "Whitelist - parámetros";
+$UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "La blacklist o lista negra, se usa para filtrar los ficheros según sus extensiones, eliminando (o renombrando) cualquier fichero cuya extensión se encuentre en la lista inferior. Las extensiones deben figurar sin el punto (.) y separadas por punto y coma (;) por ejemplo: exe; COM; palo; SCR; php. Los archivos sin extensión serán aceptados. Que las letras estén en mayúsculas o en minúsculas no tiene importancia.";
+$UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "La whitelist o lista blanca, se usa para filtrar los ficheros según sus extensiones, eliminando (o renombrando) cualquier fichero cuya extensión *NO* figure en la lista inferior. Es el tipo de filtrado más seguro, pero también el más restrictivo. Las extensiones deben figurar sin el punto (.) y separadas por punto y coma (;) por ejemplo: htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Los archivos sin extensión serán aceptados. Que las letras estén en mayúsculas o en minúsculas no tiene importancia.";
+$UploadExtensionsSkip = "Comportamiento del filtrado (eliminar/renombrar)";
+$UploadExtensionsSkipComment = "Si elige eliminar, los archivos filtrados a través de la blacklist o de la whitelist no podrán ser enviados al sistema. Si elige renombrarlos, su extensión será sustituida por la definida en la configuración del reemplazo de extensiones. Tenga en cuenta que renombrarlas realmente no le protege y que  puede ocasionar un conflicto de nombres si previamente existen varios ficheros con el mismo nombre y diferentes extensiones.";
+$UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "Reemplazo de extensiones";
+$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Introduzca la extensión que quiera usar para reemplazar las extensiones peligrosas detectadas por el filtro. Sólo es necesario si ha seleccionado filtrar por reemplazo.";
+$Remove = "Eliminar";
+$Rename = "Renombrar";
+$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "Mostrar el número de cursos de cada categoría, en las categorías de cursos de la página principal";
+$EphorusDescription = "Comenzar a usar en Chamilo el servicio antiplagio de Ephorus. <br /><strong>Con Ephorus, prevendrá el plagio de Internet sin ningún esfuerzo adicional.</strong><br />Puede utilizar nuestro servicio web estándar para construir su propia integración o utilizar uno de los módulos de la integración de Chamilo.";
+$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "<STRONG>Líderes en <BR>antiplagio </STRONG>";
+$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "Haga clic aquí para más información y precios";
+$NameOfTheSession = "Nombre de la sesión";
+$NoSessionsForThisUser = "Este usuario no está inscrito en ninguna sesión de formación";
+$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "Mostrar categorías en la página principal";
+$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "Esta opción mostrará u ocultará las categorías de cursos en la página principal de la plataforma";
+$ShowTabsTitle = "Pestañas en la cabecera";
+$ShowTabsComment = "Seleccione que pestañas quiere que aparezcan en la cabecera. Las pestañas no seleccionadas, si fueran necesarias, aparecerán en el menú derecho de la página principal de la plataforma y en la página de mis cursos";
+$DefaultForumViewTitle = "Vista del foro por defecto";
+$DefaultForumViewComment = "Cuál es la opción por defecto cuando se crea un nuevo foro. Sin embargo, cualquier administrador de un curso puede elegir una vista diferente en cada foro";
+$TabsMyCourses = "Pestaña Mis cursos";
+$TabsCampusHomepage = "Pestaña Página principal de la plataforma";
+$TabsReporting = "Pestaña Informes";
+$TabsPlatformAdministration = "Pestaña Administración de la plataforma";
+$NoCoursesForThisSession = "No hay cursos para esta sesión";
+$NoUsersForThisSession = "No hay usuarios para esta sesión";
+$LastNameMandatory = "Los apellidos deben completarse obligatoriamente";
+$FirstNameMandatory = "El nombre no puede ser vacio";
+$EmailMandatory = "La dirección de correo electrónico debe cumplimentarse obligatoriamente";
+$TabsMyAgenda = "Pestaña Mi agenda";
+$NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "La noticia no será mostrada en la página principal";
+$LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "Deje estos campos vacíos si no quiere mostrar la noticia";
+$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "La funcionalidad de grabación de voz en el Editor de Itinerarios de aprendizaje depende un servidor de streaming Red5. Los parámetros de este servidor pueden configurarse en la sección de videoconferencia de esta misma página.";
+$PlatformCharsetTitle = "Juego de caracteres";
+$PlatformCharsetComment = "El juego de caracteres es el que controla la manera en que determinados idiomas son mostrados en Chamilo. Si, por ejemplo, utiliza caracteres rusos o japoneses, es posible que quiera cambiar este juego.  Para todos los caracteres anglosajones, latinos y de Europa Occidental,  el juego por defecto iso-8859-15 debe ser el correcto.";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "Campos del perfil extendido del registro";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment = "¿ Qué campos del perfil extendido deben estar disponibles en el proceso de registro de un usuario ? Esto requiere que el perfil extendido esté activado (ver más arriba).";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle = "Campos requeridos en el perfil extendido del registro";
+$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment = "¿ Qué campos del perfil extendido son obligatorios en el proceso de registro de un usuario ? Esto requiere que el perfil extendido esté activado y que el campo también esté disponible en el formulario de registro (véase más arriba).";
+$NoReplyEmailAddress = "No responder a este correo (No-reply e-mail address)";
+$NoReplyEmailAddressComment = "Esta es la dirección de correo electrónico que se utiliza cuando se envía un correo para solicitar que no se realice ninguna respuesta. Generalmente, esta dirección de correo electrónico  debe ser configurada en su servidor eliminando/ignorando cualquier correo entrante.";
+$SurveyEmailSenderNoReply = "Remitente de la encuesta (no responder)";
+$SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment = "¿ Los correos electrónicos utilizados para enviar las encuestas, deben usar el  correo electrónico del tutor o una dirección especial de correo electrónico a la que el destinatario no responde (definida en los parámetros de configuración de la plataforma) ?";
+$CourseCoachEmailSender = "Correo electrónico del tutor";
+$NoReplyEmailSender = "No responder a este correo (No-reply e-mail address)";
+$Flat = "Plana";
+$Threaded = "Arborescente";
+$Nested = "Anidada";
+$OpenIdAuthenticationComment = "Activar la autentificación basada en URL OpenID (muestra un formulario de adicional de identificación en la página principal de la plataforma)";
+$VersionCheckEnabled = "Comprobación de la versión activada";
+$InstallDirAccessibleSecurityThreat = "El directorio de instalación main/install/ es todavía accesible a los usuarios de la Web. Esto podría representar una amenaza para su seguridad. Le recomendamos que elimine este directorio o que cambie sus permisos, de manera que los usuarios de la Web no puedan usar los scripts que contiene.";
+$GradebookActivation = "Activación de la herramienta Evaluaciones";
+$GradebookActivationComment = "La herramienta Evaluaciones le permite evaluar las competencias de su organización mediante la fusión de las evaluaciones de actividades de clase y de actividades en línea en Informes comunes. ¿ Está seguro de querer activar esta herramienta ?";
+$UserTheme = "Tema (hoja de estilo)";
+$UserThemeSelection = "Selección de tema por el usuario";
+$UserThemeSelectionComment = "Permitir a los usuarios elegir su propio tema visual en su perfil. Esto les cambiará el aspecto de Chamilo, pero dejará intacto el estilo por defecto de la plataforma.  Si un curso o una sesión han sido asignados a un tema específico, en ellos éste tendrá prioridad sobre el tema definido para el perfil de un usuario.";
+$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "El parámetro de PHP \"allow_url_fopen\" está desactivado. Esto impide que el mecanismo de registro funcione correctamente. Este parámetro puede cambiarse en el archivo de configuración de PHP (php.ini) o en la configuración del Virtual Host de Apache, mediante la directiva php_admin_value";
+$VisioHost = "Nombre o dirección IP del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
+$VisioPort = "Puerto del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
+$VisioPassword = "Contraseña del servidor de streaming para la videoconferencia";
+$Port = "Puerto";
+$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "Haga clic aquí para obtener una cuenta de demostración";
+$ManageUserFields = "Gestionar los campos de usuario";
+$UserFields = "Campos de usuario";
+$AddUserField = "Añadir un campo de usuario";
+$FieldLabel = "Etiqueta del campo";
+$FieldType = "Tipo de campo";
+$FieldTitle = "Título del campo";
+$FieldDefaultValue = "Valor por defecto del campo";
+$FieldOrder = "Orden del campo";
+$FieldVisibility = "Visibilidad del campo";
+$FieldChangeability = "Modificable";
+$FieldTypeText = "Texto";
+$FieldTypeTextarea = "Area de texto";
+$FieldTypeRadio = "Botones de radio";
+$FieldTypeSelect = "Desplegable";
+$FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "Desplegable con elección múltiple";
+$FieldAdded = "El campo ha sido añadido";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "Coloreado de puntuaciones";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment = "Seleccione la casilla para habilitar el coloreado de las puntuaciones (por ejemplo, tendrá que definir qué puntuaciones serán marcadas en rojo)";
+$TabsGradebookEnableColoring = "Habilitar el coloreado de las puntuaciones";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustom = "Personalización de la presentación de las puntuaciones";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment = "Marque la casilla para activar la personalización de las puntuaciones (seleccione el nivel que se asociará a cada puntuación)";
+$TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "Activar la configuración de puntuaciones";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "Límite para el coloreado de las puntuaciones";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "Porcentaje límite por debajo del cual las puntuaciones se colorearán en rojo";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "Mostrar el límite superior de puntuación";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "Marque la casilla para mostrar el límite superior de la puntuación";
+$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "Activar la visualización del límite superior de la puntuación";
+$AddUserFields = "Añadir campos de usuario";
+$FieldPossibleValues = "Valores posibles";
+$FieldPossibleValuesComment = "Sólo en campos repetitivos, debiendo estar separados por punto y coma (;)";
+$FieldTypeDate = "Fecha";
+$FieldTypeDatetime = "Fecha y hora";
+$UserFieldsAddHelp = "Añadir un campo de usuario es muy fácil: <br />- elija una palabra como identificador en minúsculas, <br /> - seleccione un tipo, <br /> - elija el texto que le debe aparecer al usuario (si utiliza un nombre ya traducido por Chamilo,  como BirthDate o UserSex, automáticamente se traduce a todos los idiomas), <br /> - si ha elegido un campo del tipo selección múltiple (radio, seleccionar, selección múltiple), tiene la oportunidad de elegir (también aquí, puede hacer uso de las variables de idioma definidas en Chamilo), separado por punto y coma, <br /> - en los campos tipo texto, puede elegir un valor por defecto. <br /> <br /> Una vez que esté listo, agregue el campo y elija si desea hacerlo visible y modificable. Hacerlo modificable pero oculto es inútil.";
+$AllowCourseThemeTitle = "Permitir temas para personalizar el aspecto del curso";
+$AllowCourseThemeComment = "Permitir que los cursos puedan tener un tema gráfico distinto, cambiando la hoja de estilo usada por una de las disponibles en Chamilo. Cuando un usuario entra en un curso, la hoja de estilo del curso tiene preferencia sobre la del usuario y sobre la que esté definida por defecto para la plataforma.";
+$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "Mostrar en la agenda el calendario mensual reducido";
+$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "Esta configuración activa o desactiva el pequeño calendario mensual que aparece a la izquierda en la herramienta agenda de un curso";
+$DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "Mostrar los próximos eventos en la agenda";
+$DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "Esta configuración activa o desactiva los próximos eventos que aparecen a la izquierda de la herramienta agenda de un curso.";
+$NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "Número de próximos eventos que se deben mostrar";
+$NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment = "Número de próximos eventos que serán mostrados en la agenda. Esto requiere que la funcionalidad próximos eventos esté activada (ver más arriba la configuración)";
+$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "¿ Mostrar los cursos cerrados en la página de registro y en la página principal de la plataforma ?";
+$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "¿ Mostrar los cursos cerrados en la página de registro y en la página principal de la plataforma ? En la página de inicio de la plataforma aparecerá un icono junto al curso, para inscribirse rápidamente en el mismo. Esto solo se mostrará en la página principal de la plataforma tras la autentificación del usuario y siempre que ya no esté inscrito en el curso.";
+$LDAPConnectionError = "Error de conexión LDAP";
+$LDAP = "LDAP";
+$LDAPEnableTitle = "Habilitar LDAP";
+$LDAPEnableComment = "Si tiene un servidor LDAP, tendrá que configurar los parámetros inferiores y modificar el fichero de configuración descrito en la guía de instalación, y finalmente activarlo. Esto permitirá a los usuarios autentificarse usando su nombre de usuario LDAP. Si no conoce LDAP es mejor que deje esta opción desactivada";
+$LDAPMainServerAddressTitle = "Dirección del servidor LDAP principal";
+$LDAPMainServerAddressComment = "La dirección IP o la URL de su servidor LDAP principal.";
+$LDAPMainServerPortTitle = "Puerto del servidor LDAP principal";
+$LDAPMainServerPortComment = "El puerto  en el que el servidor LDAP principal responderá (generalmente 389). Este parámetro es obligatorio.";
+$LDAPDomainTitle = "Dominio LDAP";
+$LDAPDomainComment = "Este es el dominio (dc) LDAP que será usado para encontrar los contactos en el servidor LDAP. Por ejemplo: dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz";
+$LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle = "Dirección del servidor de replicación";
+$LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment = "Cuando el servidor principal no está disponible, este servidor le dará acceso. Deje en blanco o use el mismo valor que el del servidor principal si no tiene un servidor de replicación.";
+$LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle = "Puerto del servidor LDAP de replicación";
+$LDAPReplicateServerPortComment = "El puerto en el que el servidor LDAP de replicación responderá.";
+$LDAPSearchTermTitle = "Término de búsqueda";
+$LDAPSearchTermComment = "Este término será usado para filtrar la búsqueda de contactos en el servidor LDAP. Si no está seguro de lo que escribir aquí, consulte la documentación y configuración de su servidor LDAP.";
+$LDAPVersionTitle = "Versión LDAP";
+$LDAPVersionComment = "Por favor, seleccione la versión del servidor LDAP que quiere usar. El uso de la versión correcta depende de la configuración de su servidor LDAP.";
+$LDAPVersion2 = "LDAP 2";
+$LDAPVersion3 = "LDAP 3";
+$LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle = "Campo de identificación de profesor";
+$LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment = "Comprobará el contenido del campo de contacto LDAP donde los nuevos usuarios serán insertados. Si este campo no está vacío, el usuario será considerado como profesor y será insertado en Chamilo como tal. Si Ud. quiere que todos los usuarios sean reconocidos como simples usuarios, deje este campo en blanco. Podrá modificar este comportamiento cambiando el código. Para más información lea la <a href=\"../../documentation/installation_guide.html\">guía de instalación</a>.";
+$LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle = "Identificador de autentificación";
+$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "Si está usando un servidor LDAP que no acepta acceso anónimo, rellene el siguiente campo con el nombre de usuario que debe ser usado. No incluya \"cn=\". En el caso de aceptar acceso anónimo y querer usarlo, déjelo vacío.";
+$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle = "Contraseña de autentificación";
+$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment = "Si está usando un servidor LDAP que no acepta acceso anónimo, rellene el siguiente campo con la contraseña que tenga que usarse.";
+$LDAPImport = "Importación LDAP";
+$EmailNotifySubscription = "Notificar usuarios registrados por e-mail";
+$DontUncheck = "No desactivar";
+$AllSlashNone = "Todos/Ninguno";
+$LDAPImportUsersSteps = "Importación LDAP: Usuarios/Etapas";
+$EnterStepToAddToYourSession = "Introduzca la etapa que quiera añadir a su sesión";
+$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearDepartmentAndStep = "Para hacer esto, debe introducir el año, el departamento y la etapa";
+$FollowEachOfTheseStepsStepByStep = "Siga cada una de los elementos, paso a paso";
+$RegistrationYearExample = "Año de registro. Ejemplo: %s para el año académico %s-%s";
+$SelectDepartment = "Seleccionar departamento";
+$RegistrationYear = "Año de registro";
+$SelectStepAcademicYear = "Seleccionar etapa (año académico)";
+$ErrorExistingStep = "Error: esta etapa ya existe";
+$ErrorStepNotFoundOnLDAP = "Error: etapa no encontrada en el servidor LDAP";
+$StepDeletedSuccessfully = "La etapa ha sido suprimida";
+$StepUsersDeletedSuccessfully = "Los usuarios han sido quitados de la etapa";
+$NoStepForThisSession = "No hay etapas  para esta sesión";
+$DeleteStepUsers = "Quitar usuarios de la etapa";
+$ImportStudentsOfAllSteps = "Importar los alumnos de todas las etapas";
+$ImportLDAPUsersIntoPlatform = "Añadir usuarios LDAP";
+$NoUserInThisSession = "No hay usuario en esta sesión";
+$SubscribeSomeUsersToThisSession = "Inscribir usuarios en esta sesión";
+$EnterStudentsToSubscribeToCourse = "Introduzca los alumnos que quiera inscribir en su curso";
+$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearComponentAndComponentStep = "Para hacer esto, debe introducir el año, la componente y la etapa de la componente";
+$SelectComponent = "Seleccionar componente";
+$Component = "Componente";
+$SelectStudents = "Seleccionar alumnos";
+$LDAPUsersAdded = "Usuarios LDAP añadidos";
+$NoUserAdded = "Ningún usuario añadido";
+$ImportLDAPUsersIntoCourse = "Importar usuarios LDAP en un curso";
+$ImportLDAPUsersAndStepIntoSession = "Importar usuarios LDAP y una etapa en esta sesión";
+$LDAPSynchroImportUsersAndStepsInSessions = "Sincronización LDAP: Importar usuarios/etapas en las sesiones";
+$TabsMyGradebook = "Pestaña Evaluaciones";
+$LDAPUsersAddedOrUpdated = "Usuarios LDAP añadidos o actualizados";
+$SearchLDAPUsers = "Buscar usuarios LDAP";
+$SelectCourseToImportUsersTo = "Seleccione el curso en el que desee inscribir los usuarios que ha seleccionado";
+$ImportLDAPUsersIntoSession = "Importar usuarios LDAP en una sesión";
+$LDAPSelectFilterOnUsersOU = "Seleccione un filtro para encontrar usuarios cuyo atributo OU (Unidad Organizativa) acabe por el mismo";
+$LDAPOUAttributeFilter = "Filtro del atributo OU";
+$SelectSessionToImportUsersTo = "Seleccione la sesión en la que quiere importar estos usuarios";
+$VisioUseRtmptTitle = "Usar el protocolo rtmpt";
+$VisioUseRtmptComment = "El protocolo rtmpt permite acceder a una videoconferencia desde detrás de un firewall, redirigiendo las comunicaciones a través del puerto 80. Esto ralentizará el streaming por lo que se recomienda no utilizarlo a menos que sea necesario.";
+$UploadNewStylesheet = "Nuevo archivo de hoja de estilo";
+$NameStylesheet = "Nombre de la hoja de estilo";
+$StylesheetAdded = "La hoja de estilo ha sido añadida";
+$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueTitle = "Valor de identificación de un profesor";
+$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueComment = "Cuando se realice una comprobación en el campo profesor que aparece arriba, para que el usuario sea considerado profesor, el valor que se le dé debe ser uno de los subelementos del campo profesor. Si deja este campo en blanco, la única condición para que sea considerado como profesor es que en este usuario LDAP el campo exista. Por ejemplo, el campo puede ser \"memberof\" y el valor de búsqueda puede ser \"CN=G_TRAINER,OU=Trainer\"";
+$IsNotWritable = "no se puede escribir";
+$FieldMovedDown = "El campo ha sido desplazado hacia abajo";
+$CannotMoveField = "No se puede mover el campo";
+$FieldMovedUp = "El campo ha sido desplazado hacia arriba";
+$FieldShown = "El campo ahora es visible para el usuario";
+$CannotShowField = "No se puede hacer visible el campo";
+$FieldHidden = "El campo ahora no es visible por el usuario";
+$CannotHideField = "No se puede ocultar el campo";
+$FieldMadeChangeable = "El campo ahora es modificable por el usuario: el usuario puede rellenar o modificar el campo";
+$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "El campo no se puede convertir en modificable";
+$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "El campo ahora es fijo: el usuario no puede rellenar o modificar el campo";
+$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "No se puede convertir el campo en fijo";
+$FieldDeleted = "El campo ha sido eliminado";
+$CannotDeleteField = "No se puede eliminar el campo";
+$AddUsersByCoachTitle = "Registro de usuarios por el tutor";
+$AddUsersByCoachComment = "El tutor puede registrar nuevos usuarios en la plataforma e inscribirlos en una sesión.";
+$UserFieldsSortOptions = "Ordenar las opciones de los campos del perfil";
+$FieldOptionMovedUp = "Esta opción ha sido movida arriba.";
+$CannotMoveFieldOption = "No se puede mover la opción.";
+$FieldOptionMovedDown = "La opción ha sido movida abajo.";
+$DefineSessionOptions = "Definir el retardo del acceso del tutor";
+$DaysBefore = "días antes";
+$DaysAfter = "días después";
+$SessionAddTypeUnique = "Registro individual";
+$SessionAddTypeMultiple = "Registro múltiple";
+$EnableSearchTitle = "Funcionalidad de búsqueda de texto completo";
+$EnableSearchComment = "Seleccione \"Sí\" para habilitar esta funcionalidad. Esta utilidad depende de la extensión Xapian para PHP, por lo que no funcionará si esta extensión no está instalada en su servidor, como mínimo la versión 1.x";
+$SearchASession = "Buscar una sesión";
+$ActiveSession = "Activación de la sesión";
+$AddUrl = "Agregar URL";
+$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Mostrar el tutor de la sesión";
+$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Mostrar el nombre del tutor global de la sesión dentro de la caja de título de la página del listado de cursos";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Ampliar los permisos del tutor";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "La activación de esta opción dará a los tutores los mismos permisos que tenga un profesor sobre las herramientas de autoría";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "La activación de esta opción dará a los tutores el derecho de crear y editar encuestas";
+$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Ampliar los permisos de los tutores en las encuestas";
+$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "Este usuario no se puede eliminar porque sigue como docente de un curso o más. Puede cambiar su título de docente de estos cursos antes de eliminarlo, o bloquear su cuenta.";
+$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Permitir la creación de cursos";
+$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Los profesores pueden crear cursos en la plataforma";
+$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "Permitir a los estudiantes consular el catálogo de cursos en los que se pueden matricularse";
+$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Sí (los archivos se eliminarán permanentemente y no podrán ser recuperados)";
+$NoWillDeletePermanently = "No (los archivos se borrarán de la aplicación, pero podrán ser recuperados manualmente por su administrador)";
+$SelectAResponsible = "Seleccione a un responsable";
+$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "Aún no hay responsables";
+$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "Los estudiantes pueden consultar el catálogo de cursos";
+$SharedSettingIconComment = "Esta configuración está compartida";
+$GlobalAgenda = "Agenda global";
+$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "Gestor avanzado de ficheros para el editor WYSIWYG";
+$AdvancedFileManagerComment = "¿ Activar el gestor avanzado de archivos para el editor WYSIWYG ? Esto añadirá un considerable número de opciones al gestor de ficheros que se abre en una ventana cuando se envían archivos al servidor.";
+$ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "Promedio total de progreso de SCORM y soló lecciones";
+$MultipleAccessURLs = "Multiple access URL";
+$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle = "Búsqueda full-text: mostrar resultados no accesibles";
+$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment = "Al momento de mostrar los resultados de la búsqueda full-text, como debería comportarse el sistema para los enlaces que no estan accesibles para el usuario actual?";
+$SearchHideUnlinkedResults = "No mostrarlos";
+$SearchShowUnlinkedResults = "Mostrarlos pero sin enlace hasta el recurso";
+$Templates = "Plantillas";
+$HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "No mostrar mi campus en la lista pública de plataformas Chamilo";
+$EnableVersionCheck = "Activar la verificación de versiones";
+$AllowMessageToolTitle = "Habilitar la herramienta mensajes";
+$AllowReservationTitle = "Habilitar la herramienta de Reservas";
+$AllowReservationComment = "Esta opción habilitará el sistema de Reservas";
+$ConfigureResourceType = "Configurar tipo de recurso";
+$ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "Configurar acceso a multiple URLs";
+$URLAdded = "URL agregada";
+$URLAlreadyAdded = "La URL ya se encuentra registrada, ingrese otra URL";
+$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "¿Esta seguro de que desea que este idioma sea el idioma por defecto de la plataforma?";
+$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "Idioma actual de la plataforma";
+$EditUsersToURL = "Editar usuarios y URLs";
+$AddUsersToURL = "Agregar usuarios a una URL";
+$URLList = "Lista de URLs";
+$AddToThatURL = "Agregar usuarios a esta URL";
+$SelectUrl = "Seleccione una URL";
+$UserListInURL = "Usuarios registrados en esta URL";
+$UsersWereEdited = "Los usuarios fueron modificados";
+$AtLeastOneUserAndOneURL = "Seleccione por lo menos un usuario y una URL";
+$UsersBelongURL = "Usuarios fueron editados";
+$LPTestScore = "Puntuación total por lección";
+$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "Media de los ejercicios realizados en las lecciones";
+$ImportUsersToACourse = "Importar usuarios a un curso desde un fichero";
+$ImportCourses = "Importar cursos desde un fichero";
+$ManageUsers = "Administrar usuarios";
+$ManageCourses = "Administrar cursos";
+$UserListIn = "Usuarios de";
+$URLInactive = "La URL ha sido desactivada";
+$URLActive = "La URL ha sido activada";
+$EditUsers = "Editar usuarios";
+$EditCourses = "Editar cursos";
+$CourseListIn = "Cursos de";
+$AddCoursesToURL = "Agregar cursos a una URL";
+$EditCoursesToURL = "Editar cursos de una URL";
+$AddCoursesToThatURL = "Agregar cursos a esta URL";
+$EnablePlugins = "Habilitar los plugins seleccionados";
+$AtLeastOneCourseAndOneURL = "Debe escoger por lo menos un curso y una URL";
+$ClickToRegisterAdmin = "Haga click para registrar al usuario Admin en todas las URLs";
+$AdminShouldBeRegisterInSite = "El usuario administrador deberia estar registrado en:";
+$URLNotConfiguredPleaseChangedTo = "URL no configurada favor de agregar la siguiente URL";
+$AdminUserRegisteredToThisURL = "Usuario registrado a esta URL";
+$CoursesWereEdited = "Los cursos fueron editados";
+$URLEdited = "La URL ha sido modificada";
+$AddSessionToURL = "Agregar una sesión a una URL";
+$FirstLetterSession = "Primera letra del nombre de la sessión";
+$EditSessionToURL = "Editar una sesión";
+$AddSessionsToThatURL = "Agregar sesiones a esta URL";
+$SessionBelongURL = "Las sesiones fueron registradas";
+$ManageSessions = "Administrar sesiones";
+$AllowMessageToolComment = "Esta opción habilitará la herramienta de mensajes";
+$AllowSocialToolTitle = "Habilita la herramienta de red social";
+$AllowSocialToolComment = "Esta opción habilitará la herramienta de red social";
+$SetLanguageAsDefault = "Definir como idioma por defecto";
+$FieldFilter = "Filtro";
+$FilterOn = "Habilitar filtro";
+$FilterOff = "Deshabilitar filtro";
+$FieldFilterSetOn = "Puede utilizar este campo como filtro";
+$FieldFilterSetOff = "Filtro deshabilitado";
+$buttonAddUserField = "Añadir campo de usuario";
+$UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "Los usuarios han sido registrados a los siguientes cursos porque varios cursos comparten el mismo código visual";
+$TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "Los siguientes cursos ya utilizan este código";
+$UsersSubscribedToBecauseVisualCode = "Los usuarios han sido suscritos a los siguientes cursos, porque muchos cursos comparten el mismo codigo visual";
+$UsersUnsubscribedFromBecauseVisualCode = "los usuarios desuscritos de los  siguientes cursos, porque muchos cursos comparten el mismo codigo visual";
+$FilterUsers = "Filtro de usuarios";
+$SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "Varios cursos se suscribieron a la sesión a causa de un código duplicado de curso";
+$CoachIsRequired = "Debe seleccionar un tutor";
+$EncryptMethodUserPass = "Método de encriptación";
+$AddTemplate = "Añadir una plantilla";
+$TemplateImageComment100x70 = "Esta imagen representará su plantilla en la lista de plantillas. No debería ser mayor de 100x70 píxeles";
+$TemplateAdded = "Plantilla añadida";
+$TemplateDeleted = "Plantilla borrada";
+$EditTemplate = "Edición de plantilla";
+$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "Sólamente se importaron los usuarios que no estaban registrados en la plataforma";
+$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "Debe importar un archivo de acuerdo a la opción seleccionada";
+$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "Correo electrónico del profesor o del tutor en el pie";
+$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "¿ Mostrar el correo electrónico del profesor o del tutor en el pie de página ?";
+$Created = "Creado";
+$AddSystemAnnouncement = "Añadir un anuncio del sistema";
+$EditSystemAnnouncement = "Editar anuncio del sistema";
+$LPProgressScore = "Progreso total por lección";
+$TotalTimeByCourse = "Tiempo total por lección";
+$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "Último acceso a la lección";
+$AnnouncementAvailable = "El anuncio está disponible";
+$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "El anuncio no está disponible";
+$Searching = "Buscando";
+$AddLDAPUsers = "Añadir usuarios LDAP";
+$Academica = "Académica";
+$AddNews = "Crear anuncio";
+$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "No se pudo abrir la base de datos del motor de indexación,pruebe añadir un nuevo recurso (ejercicio,enlace,lección,etc) el cual será indexado al buscador";
+$SearchDatabaseVersionError = "La base de datos está en un formato no soportado";
+$SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "La base de datos ha sido modificada(alterada)";
+$SearchDatabaseLockError = "No se pudo bloquear una base de datos";
+$SearchDatabaseCreateError = "No se pudo crear una base de datos";
+$SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "Se detectó graves errores en la base de datos";
+$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "Tiempo expirado mientras se conectaba a una base de datos remota";
+$SearchOtherXapianError = "Se ha producido un error relacionado al motor de indexación";
+$FieldRemoved = "Campo removido";
+$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdded = "El sub-idioma ha sido creado";
+$DeleteSubLanguage = "Eliminar sub-idioma";
+$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Crear sub-idioma para el idioma";
+$DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "Eliminar sub-idioma de idioma";
+$CreateSubLanguage = "Crear sub-idioma";
+$RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Registrar términos del sub-idioma para el idioma";
+$AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Añada sus nuevos términos para éste sub-idioma";
+$LoadLanguageFile = "Cargar fichero de idiomas";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Permite definir sub-idiomas";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "Al activar esta opción, podrá definir variaciones para cada término del lenguaje usado para la interfaz de la plataforma, en la forma de un nuevo lenguaje basado en un lenguaje existente.Podrá encontrar esta opción en el menu de idiomas de su página de administración.";
+$AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Añadir palabras al sub-idioma";
+$TemplateEdited = "Plantilla modificada";
+$SubLanguage = "Sub-idioma";
+$LanguageIsNowVisible = "El idioma ahora es visible";
+$LanguageIsNowHidden = "El idioma ahora no es visible";
+$LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "El directorio /main/lang usado en éste portal,no tiene permisos de escritura. Por favor contacte con su administrador";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Mostrar los términos del glosario en los documentos";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "Desde aquí puede configurar la forma de como se añadirán los términos del glosario a los documentos";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automática. Al activar está opción se añadirá un enlace a todos los términos del glosario que se encuentren en el documento.";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manual. Al activar está opción, se mostrará un icono en el editor en línea que le permitirá marcar las palabras que desee que enlacen con los términos del glosario.";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "Ninguno. Si activa esta opción, las palabras de sus documentos no se enlazarán con los términos que aparezcan en el glosario.";
+$LanguageVariable = "Variable de idioma";
+$ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "Si quiere exportar un documento que contenga términos del glosario, tendrá que asegurarse de que estos términos han sido incluidos en la exportación; para eso tendrá que haberlos seleccionado en la lista del glosario.";
+$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Información del tutor de sesion en el pie";
+$ShowTutorDataComment = "¿ Mostrar la información del tutor de sesion en el pie ?";
+$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Información del profesor en el pie";
+$ShowTeacherDataComment = "¿ Mostrar la información del profesor en el pie ?";
+$TermsAndConditions = "Términos y condiciones";
+$HTMLText = "HTML";
+$PageLink = "Enlace";
+$DisplayTermsConditions = "Mostrar Términos y condiciones en la página de registro, el visitante debe aceptar los T&C para poder registrarse.";
+$AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle = "Habilitar Términos y Condiciones";
+$AllowTermsAndConditionsComment = "Esta opción mostrará los Términos y Condiciones en el formulario de registro para los nuevos usuarios";
+$Load = "Cargar";
+$AllVersions = "Todas las versiones";
+$EditTermsAndConditions = "Modificar términos y condiciones";
+$Changes = "Cambios";
+$ExplainChanges = "Explicar cambios";
+$TermAndConditionNotSaved = "Términos y condiciones no guardados.";
+$TheSubLanguageHasBeenRemoved = "El sub-idioma ha sido eliminado";
+$AddTermsAndConditions = "Añadir términos y condiciones";
+$TermAndConditionSaved = "Términos y condiciones guardados.";
+$Visibility = "Visibilidad";
+$SessionCategory = "Categoría de la sesión";
+$ListSessionCategory = "Categorías de sesiones de formación";
+$AddSessionCategory = "Añadir categoría";
+$SessionCategoryName = "Nombre de la categoría";
+$EditSessionCategory = "Editar categoría de sesión";
+$SessionCategoryAdded = "La categoría ha sido añadida";
+$SessionCategoryUpdate = "Categoría actualizada";
+$SessionCategoryDelete = "Se han eliminado las categorías seleccionadas";
+$SessionCategoryNameIsRequired = "Debe dar un nombre de la categoría de sesión";
+$ThereIsNotStillASession = "No hay aún una sesión";
+$SelectASession = "Seleccione una sesión";
+$OriginCoursesFromSession = "Cursos de origen de la sesión";
+$DestinationCoursesFromSession = "Cursos de destino de la sesión";
+$CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "Si desea copiar un curso de una sesión a otro curso de otra sesión, primero debe seleccionar un curso de la lista cursos de origen de la sesión. Puedes copiar contenidos de las herramientas descripción del curso, documentos, glosario, enlaces, ejercicios y lecciones, de forma directa o seleccionando los componentes del curso";
+$TypeOfCopy = "Tipo de copia";
+$CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "Copiar cursos de una sesión a otra";
+$YouMustSelectACourseFromOriginalSession = "Debe seleccionar un curso de la lista original y una sesión de la lista de destino";
+$MaybeYouWantToDeleteThisUserFromSession = "Tal vez desea eliminar al usuario de la sesión en lugar de eliminarlo de todos los cursos.";
+$EditSessionCoursesByUser = "Editar cursos por usuario";
+$CoursesUpdated = "Cursos actualizados";
+$CurrentCourses = "Cursos del usuario";
+$CoursesToAvoid = "Cursos a evitar";
+$EditSessionCourses = "Editar cursos";
+$SessionVisibility = "Visibilidad después de la fecha de finalización";
+$BlockCoursesForThisUser = "Bloquear cursos a este usuario";
+$LanguageFile = "Archivo de idioma";
+$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle = "Mostrar las descripciones de los cursos en el catálogo";
+$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment = "Mostrar las descripciones de los cursos como ventanas emergentes al hacer clic en un icono de información del curso en el catálogo de cursos";
+$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "La hoja de estilos no ha sido añadida,probablemente su archivo zip contenga ficheros no permitidos,el zip debe contener ficheros con las siguientes extensiones('png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'css')";
+$AddSessionsInCategories = "Añadir varias sesiones a una categoría";
+$ItIsRecommendedInstallImagickExtension = "Se recomienda instalar la extension imagick de php para obtener mejor performancia en la resolucion de las imagenes al generar los thumbnail de lo contrario no se mostrara muy bien, pues sino esta instalado por defecto usa la extension gd de php.";
+$EditSpecificSearchField = "Editar campo específico";
+$FieldName = "Campo";
+$SpecialExports = "Exportaciones especiales";
+$SpecialCreateFullBackup = "Crear exportación especial completa";
+$SpecialLetMeSelectItems = "Seleccionar los componentes";
+$CreateBackup = "Crear copia de seguridad";
+$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions = "Permitir a los tutores editar dentro de los cursos de las sesiones";
+$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment = "Permitir a los tutores editar comentarios dentro de los cursos de las sesiones";
+$ShowSessionDataTitle = "Mostrar datos del período de la sesión";
+$ShowSessionDataComment = "Mostrar comentarios de datos de la sesion";
+$SubscribeSessionsToCategory = "Inscribir sesiones en una categoría";
+$SessionListInPlatform = "Lista de sesiones de la plataforma";
+$SessionListInCategory = "Lista de sesiones en la categoría";
+$ToExportSpecialSelect = "Si quiere exportar cursos que contenga sessiones, tendría que asegurarse de que estos sean incluidos en la exportación; para eso tendría que haberlos seleccionado en la lista.";
+$ErrorMsgSpecialExport = "No se encontraron cursos registrados o es posible que no se haya realizado su asociación con las sesiones";
+$ConfigureInscription = "Configuración de la página de registro";
+$MsgErrorSessionCategory = "Debe seleccionar una categoría y las sessiones";
+$NumberOfSession = "Número de sesiones";
+$DeleteSelectedSessionCategory = "Eliminar solo las categorias seleccionadas sin sesiones";
+$DeleteSelectedFullSessionCategory = "Eliminar las categorias seleccionadas con las sesiones";
+$EditTopRegister = "Editar Aviso";
+$InsertTabs = "Insertar Tabs";
+$EditTabs = "Editar Tabs";
+$BabyOrange = "Niños naranja";
+$BlueLagoon = "Laguna azul";
+$CoolBlue = "Azul fresco";
+$Corporate = "Corporativo";
+$CosmicCampus = "Campus cósmico";
+$DeliciousBordeaux = "Delicioso burdeos";
+$DokeosClassic2D = "Chamilo clásico 2D";
+$DokeosBlue = "Chamilo azul";
+$EmpireGreen = "Verde imperial";
+$FruityOrange = "Naranja afrutado";
+$Medical = "Médica";
+$RoyalPurple = "Púrpura real";
+$SilverLine = "Línea plateada";
+$SoberBrown = "Marrón sobrio";
+$SteelGrey = "Gris acero";
+$TastyOlive = "Sabor oliva";
+$ExportCourses = "Exportar cursos";
+$IsAdministrator = "Administrador";
+$IsNotAdministrator = "No es administrador";
+$AddTimeLimit = "Añadir límite de tiempo";
+$EditTimeLimit = "Editar límite de tiempo";
+$TheTimeLimitsAreReferential = "El plazo de una categoría es referencial, no afectará a los límites de una sesión de formación";
+$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle = "Muestra los términos del glosario en las herramientas lecciones(scorm) y ejercicios";
+$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment = "Desde aquí puede configurar como añadir los términos del glosario en herramientas como lecciones y ejercicios";
+$FieldTypeTag = "User tag";
+$SendEmailToAdminTitle = "Aviso por correo electrónico, de la creación de un nuevo curso";
+$SendEmailToAdminComment = "Enviar un correo electrónico al administardor de la plataforma, cada vez que un profesor cree un nuevo curso";
+$UserTag = "Etiqueta de usuario";
+$SelectSession = "Seleccionar sesión";
+$GroupPermissions = "Permisos del grupo";
+$SpecialCourse = "Curso especial";
+$MathMimetexTitle = "Editor matemático mimeTEX";
+$MathMimetexComment = "Habilitar el editor matemático mimeTEX. La activación no se realizará plenamente si no se ha instalado en el servidor el archivo ejecutable mimetex. Consulte la guía de instalación de Chamilo.";
+$MathASCIImathMLTitle = "Editor matemático ASCIIMathML";
+$MathASCIImathMLComment = "Habilitar el editor matemático ASCIIMathML";
+$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "Permitir a los estudiantes insertar videos de YouTube";
+$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "Habilitar la posibilidad de que los estudiantes puedan insertar videos de Youtube";
+$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "Bloquear a los estudiantes copiar y pegar";
+$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "Bloquear a los estudiantes la posibilidad de copiar y pegar en el editor WYSIWYG";
+$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "Barras de botones extendidas";
+$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "Habilitar las barras de botones extendidas cuando el editor WYSIWYG está maximizado";
+$Editor = "Editor HTML";
+$GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "Ir directamente al curso tras identificarse";
+$GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "Cuando un usuario está inscrito sólamente en un curso, ir directamente al curso despúes de identificarse";
+$GroupList = "Lista de grupos de la red social";
+$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "Permitir a los estudiantes descargar directorios";
+$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "Permitir a los estudiantes empaquetar y descargar un directorio completo en la herramienta documentos";
+$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "Permitir a los usuarios crear grupos en la red social";
+$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "Permitir a los usuarios crear sus propios grupos en la red social";
+$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Permitir enviar mensajes a todos los usuarios de la plataforma";
+$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "Permite poder enviar mensajes a todos los usuarios de la plataforma";
+$TabsSocial = "Pestaña Red social";
+$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle = "Tamaño máximo del archivo en mensajes";
+$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment = "Tamaño máximo del archivo permitido para adjuntar a un mensaje (en Bytes)";
+$AddAdditionalProfileField = "Añadir un campo del perfil de usuario";
+$Username = "Nombre de usuario";
+$ChamiloHomepage = "Página principal de Chamilo";
+$ChamiloForum = "Foro de Chamilo";
+$ChamiloExtensions = "Servicios de Chamilo";
+$ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "Imposible de conectarse al servidor de versiones. Por favor intentelo de nuevo más tarde";
+$ChamiloGreen = "Chamilo Verde";
+$ChamiloRed = "Chamilo rojo";
+$MessagesSent = "Número de mensajes enviados";
+$MessagesReceived = "Número de mensajes recibidos";
+$CountFriends = "Número de contactos";
+$ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory = "Este plugin ha sido eliminado de la lista de plugins del panel de control";
+$EnableDashboardPlugins = "Habilitar los plugins del panel del control";
+$CoursesListInPlatform = "Lista de cursos de la plataforma";
+$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourceManager = "Cursos asignados al Director de Recursos Humanos";
+$AssignedCoursesTo = "Cursos asignados a";
+$AssignCoursesToHumanResourcesManager = "Asignar cursos al Director de Recursos Humanos";
+$TimezoneValueTitle = "Zona horaria";
+$TimezoneValueComment = "Esta es la zona horaria de este portal. Si la deja vacía, se usará la zona horaria del servidor. Si la configura, todas las horas del sistema se mostrarán en función de ella. Esta configuración tiene una prioridad más baja que la zona horaria del usuario si éste habilita y selecciona otra.";
+$UseUsersTimezoneTitle = "Utilizar las zonas horarias de los usuarios";
+$UseUsersTimezoneComment = "Activar la selección por los usuarios de su zona horaria. El campo de zona horaria debe seleccionarse como visible y modificable antes de que los usuarios elijan su cuenta. \r\nUna vez configurada los usuarios podrán verla.";
+$FieldTypeTimezone = "Zona horaria";
+$AssignedSessionsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "Las sesiones asignadas han sido actualizadas";
+$AssignedCoursesHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "Los cursos asignados han sido actualizados";
+$AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "Los usuarios asignados han sido actualizados";
+$Lock = "Bloquear";
+$AssignUsersToX = "Asignar usuarios a %s";
+$AssignUsersToHumanResourcesManager = "Asignar usuarios al director de recursos humanos";
+$AssignedUsersListToHumanResourcesManager = "Lista de usuarios asignados al director de recursos humanos";
+$AssignCoursesToX = "Asignar cursos a %s";
+$SessionsListInPlatform = "Lista de sesiones en la plataforma";
+$AssignSessionsToHumanResourcesManager = "Asignar sesiones al director de recursos humanos";
+$AssignedSessionsListToHumanResourcesManager = "Lista de sesiones asignadas al director de recursos humanos";
+$SessionsInformation = "Informe de sesiones";
+$YourSessionsList = "Sus sesiones";
+$TeachersInformationsList = "Informe de profesores";
+$YourTeachers = "Sus profesores";
+$StudentsInformationsList = "Informe de estudiantes";
+$YourStudents = "Sus alumnos";
+$GoToThematicAdvance = "Ir al avance temático";
+$TeachersInformationsGraph = "Informe gráfico de profesores";
+$StudentsInformationsGraph = "Informe gráfico de alumnos";
+$Timezones = "Zonas horarias";
+$TimeSpentOnThePlatformLastWeekByDay = "Tiempo en la plataforma la semana pasada, por día";
+$GraphicNotAvailable = "Gráfico no disponible";
+$AttendancesFaults = "Faltas de asistencia";
+$Minutes = "Minutos";
+$SystemStatus = "Información del sistema";
+$IsWritable = "La escritura es posible en";
+$DirectoryExists = "El directorio existe";
+$DirectoryMustBeWritable = "El Servidor Web tiene que poder escribir en este directorio";
+$DirectoryShouldBeRemoved = "Es conveniente que elimine este directorio (ya no es necesario)";
+$Section = "Sección";
+$Expected = "Esperado";
+$Setting = "Parámetro";
+$Current = "Actual";
+$SessionGCMaxLifetimeInfo = "El tiempo máximo de vida del recolector de basura es el tiempo máximo que se da entre dos ejecuciones del recolector de basura.";
+$PHPVersionInfo = "Versión PHP";
+$FileUploadsInfo = "La carga de archivos indica si la subida de archivos está autorizada";
+$UploadMaxFilesizeInfo = "Tamaño máximo de un archivo cuando se sube. Este ajuste debe en la mayoría de los casos ir acompañado de la variable post_max_size";
+$MagicQuotesRuntimeInfo = "Esta es una característica en absoluto recomendable que convierte los valores devueltos por todas las funciones que devuelven valores externos en valores con barras de escape. Esta funcionalidad *no* debería activarse.";
+$PostMaxSizeInfo = "Este es el tamaño máximo de los envíos realizados a través de formularios utilizando el método POST (es decir, la forma típica de carga de archivos mediante formularios)";
+$SafeModeInfo = "Modo seguro es una característica obsoleta de PHP que limita (mal) el acceso de los scripts PHP a otros recursos. Es recomendable dejarlo desactivado.";
+$DisplayErrorsInfo = "Muestra los errores en la pantalla. Activarlo en servidores de desarrollo y desactivarlo en servidores de producción.";
+$MaxInputTimeInfo = "El tiempo máximo permitido para que un formulario sea procesado por el servidor. Si se sobrepasa, el proceso es abandonado y se devuelve una página en blanco.";
+$DefaultCharsetInfo = "Juego de caracteres predeterminado que será enviado cuando se devuelvan las páginas";
+$RegisterGlobalsInfo = "Permite seleccionar, o no,  el uso de variables globales. El uso de esta funcionalidad representa un riesgo de seguridad.";
+$ShortOpenTagInfo = "Permite utilizar etiquetas abreviadas o no. Esta funcionalidad no debería ser usada.";
+$MemoryLimitInfo = "Límite máximo de memoria para  la ejecución de un script. Si la memoria necesaria es mayor, el proceso se detendrá para evitar consumir toda la memoria disponible del servidor y, por consiguiente que esto afecte a otros usuarios.";
+$MagicQuotesGpcInfo = "Permite escapar automaticamente valores de GET, POST y COOKIES. Una característica similar es provista para  los datos requeridos en este software, así que su uso provoca una doble barra de escape en los valores.";
+$VariablesOrderInfo = "El orden de preferencia de las variables del Entorno, GET, POST, COOKIES y SESSION";
+$MaxExecutionTimeInfo = "Tiempo máximo que un script puede tomar para su ejecución. Si se utiliza más, el script es abandonado para evitar la ralentización de otros usuarios.";
+$ExtensionMustBeLoaded = "Esta extensión debe estar cargada.";
+$MysqlProtoInfo = "Protocolo MySQL";
+$MysqlHostInfo = "Servidor MySQL";
+$MysqlServerInfo = "Información del servidor MySQL";
+$MysqlClientInfo = "Cliente MySQL";
+$ServerProtocolInfo = "Protocolo usado por este servidor";
+$ServerRemoteInfo = "Acceso remoto (su dirección como es recibida por el servidor)";
+$ServerAddessInfo = "Dirección del servidor";
+$ServerNameInfo = "Nombre del servidor (como se utiliza en su petición)";
+$ServerPortInfo = "Puerto del servidor";
+$ServerUserAgentInfo = "Su agente de usuario como es recibido por el servidor";
+$ServerSoftwareInfo = "Software ejecutándose como un servidor web";
+$UnameInfo = "Información del sistema sobre el que está funcionando el servidor";
+$AssignSessionsToX = "Asignar sesiones a %s";
+$AssignCoursesToSessionsAdministrator = "Asignar cursos al administrador de sesiones";
+$AssignCoursesToPlatformAdministrator = "Asignar cursos al administrador de la plataforma";
+$AssignedCoursesListToPlatformAdministrator = "Lista de cursos asignados al administrador de la plataforma";
+$AssignedCoursesListToSessionsAdministrator = "Lista de cursos asignados al administrador de sesiones";
+$AssignSessionsToPlatformAdministrator = "Asignar sesiones al administrador de la plataforma";
+$AssignSessionsToSessionsAdministrator = "Asignar sesiones al administrador de sesiones";
+$AssignedSessionsListToPlatformAdministrator = "Lista de sesiones asignadas al administrador de la plataforma";
+$AssignedSessionsListToSessionsAdministrator = "Lista de sesiones asignadas al administrador de sesiones";
+$EvaluationsGraph = "Gráficos de las evaluaciones";
+$Action = "Acción";
+$ISOCode = "Código ISO";
+$TheSubLanguageForThisLanguageHasBeenAdded = "El sub-lenguaje de este idioma ha sido añadido";
+$ReturnToLanguagesList = "Volver a la lista de idiomas";
+$ActivityCoach = "El tutor de la sesion, tendrá todos los derechos y permisos en todos los cursos que pertenecen a la sesion.";
+$CategoriesNumber = "Categorías";
+$CourseProgress = "Avance temático";
+$ExportAllCoursesList = "Exportar toda la lista de cursos";
+$ExportSelectedCoursesFromCoursesList = "Exportar solo algunos cursos de la lista";
+$CoursesListHasBeenExported = "La lista de cursos ha sido exportada";
+$WhichCoursesToExport = "Seleccione los cursos que desea exportar";
+$AssignUsersToPlatformAdministrator = "Asignar usuarios al administrador de la plataforma";
+$AssignedUsersListToPlatformAdministrator = "Lista de usuarios asignados al administrador de la plataforma";
+$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourcesManager = "Lista de usuarios asignados al administrador de recursos humanos";
+$ThereAreNotCreatedCourses = "No hay cursos creados";
+$HomepageViewVerticalActivity = "Ver la actividad en forma vertical";
+$CoursesInformation = "Información de cursos";
+$SpecialExportsIntroduction = "La funcionalidad de exportaciones especiales existe para ayudar el revisor instruccional/académico en exportar los documentos de todos los cursos en un solo paso. Otra opción le permite escoger los cursos que desea exportar, y exportará los documentos presentes en las sesiones de estos cursos también. Esto es una operación muy pesada. Por lo tanto, le recomendamos no iniciarla durante las horas de uso normal de su portal. Hagalo en un periodo más tranquilo. Si no necesita todos los contenidos de una vez, prueba exportar documentos de cursos directamente desde la herramienta de mantenimiento del curso, dentro del curso mismo.";
+$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminTitle = "Permitir a los profesores registrar usuarios en un curso";
+$AllowUserCourseSubscriptionByCourseAdminComment = "Al activar esta opción permitirá que los profesores puedan inscribir usuarios en su curso";
+$ConfigureDashboardPlugin = "Configurar el plugin del Panel de control";
+$EditBlocks = "Editar bloques";
+$ShowLinkBugNotificationTitle = "Mostrar el enlace para informar de errores";
+$ShowLinkBugNotificationComment = "Mostrar un enlace en la cabecera para informar de un error a la plataforma de apoyo (http://support.chamilo.org). Al hacer clic en el enlace el usuario será dirigido al sistema de soporte de Chamilo, en el que una página wiki describe el procedimiento para informar de errores.";
+$DataFiller = "Rellenar datos";
+$GradebookActivateScoreDisplayCustom = "Habilitar el etiquetado de nivel de competencia con el fin de establecer la información de resultados personalizados";
+$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomValues = "Niveles de competencia valores personalizados";
+$GradebookNumberDecimals = "Número de decimales";
+$GradebookNumberDecimalsComment = "Establecer el número de decimales permitidos en una puntuación";
+$EditSessionsToURL = "Editar sesiones de una URL";
+$AddSessionsToURL = "Añadir sesiones a una URL";
+$SessionListIn = "Lista de sesiones en";
+$FillUsers = "Generar usuarios";
+$ThisSectionIsOnlyVisibleOnSourceInstalls = "Esta sección sólo es visible en instalaciones desde el código fuente, no en versiones estables de la plataforma. Le permitirá insertar en su plataforma datos de prueba. Úsela con cuidado(los datos se insertan realmente) y sólo en instalaciones de desarrollo o de prueba.";
+$UsersFillingReport = "Rellenar el informe de usuarios";
+$AllUsersAreAutomaticallyRegistered = "Todos los usuarios serán agregados automaticamente";
+$AssignCoach = "Asignar tutor";
+$chamilo = "chamilo";
+$php = "php";
+$Off = "Desactivado";
+$minimum = "mínimo";
+$webserver = "Webserver";
+$mysql = "mysql";
+$Social = "Social";
+$BackupCreated = "Copia de seguridad generada";
+$NotInserted = "No insertado";
+$phone = "Teléfono";
+$ResetLP = "Restablecer la secuencia de aprendizaje";
+$LPWasReset = "La secuencia de aprendizaje fue restablecida para el alumno";
+$AnnouncementVisible = "Anuncio visible";
+$AnnouncementInvisible = "Anuncio invisible";
+$GlossaryDeleted = "Glosario borrado";
+$CourseDescriptionUpdated = "Descripción de curso actualizada";
+$SessionReadOnly = "Sólo lectura";
+$SessionAccessible = "Accesible";
+$SessionNotAccessible = "No accesible";
+$GroupAdded = "Grupo añadido";
+$AddUsersToGroup = "Añadir usuarios al grupo";
+$ErrorReadingZip = "Error leyendo el archivo ZIP";
+$ErrorStylesheetFilesExtensionsInsideZip = "Las únicas extensiones aceptadas en el archivo ZIP son jpg, jpeg, png, gif y css.";
+$MyTextHere = "Introduzca su texto aquí...";
+$FieldTypeSocialProfile = "Vínculo red social";
+$AllowUsersCopyFilesTitle = "Permitir a los usuarios copiar archivos de un curso en su área de archivos personales";
+$AllowUsersCopyFilesComment = "Permite a los usuarios copiar archivos de un curso en su área personal, visible a través de la herramienta de Red Social o mediante el editor de HTML cuando se encuentran fuera de un curso";
+$ReviewCourseRequests = "Validar Cursos";
+$AcceptedCourseRequests = "Cursos Validados";
+$RejectedCourseRequests = "Cursos Rechazados";
+$BrowscapInfo = "Browscap carga el archivo browscap.ini que contiene una gran cantidad de datos sobre los navegadores y sus capacidades, para que pueda ser usada por la función get_browser() de PHP";
+$EnableCourseValidation = "Solicitud de cursos";
+$EnableCourseValidationComment = "Cuando la solicitud de cursos está activada, un profesor no podrá crear un curso por si mismo sino que tendrá que rellenar una solicitud. El administrador de la plataforma revisará la solicitud y la aprobará o rechazará. Esta funcionalidad se basa en mensajes de correo electrónico automáticos por lo que debe asegurarse de que su instalación de Chamilo usa un servidor de correo y una dirección de correo dedicada a ello.";
+$CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLink = "Solicitud de cursos - enlace a términos y condiciones";
+$CourseValidationTermsAndConditionsLinkComment = "La URL que enlaza el documento \"Términos y condiciones\" que rige la solicitud de un curso. Si esta dirección está configurada, el usario tendrá que leer y aceptar los términos y condiciones antes de enviar su solicitud de curso. Si activa el módulo \"Términos y condiciones\" de Chamilo y quiere usar éste en lugar de términos y condiciones propias, deje este campo vacío.";
+$EnableSSOTitle = "Single Sign On (registro único)";
+$EnableSSOComment = "La activación de Single Sign On le permite conectar esta plataforma como cliente de un servidor de autentificación, por ejemplo una web de Drupal que tenga el módulo Drupal-Chamilo o cualquier otro servidor con una configuración similar.";
+$SSOServerDomainTitle = "Dominio del servidor de Single Sign On";
+$SSOServerDomainComment = "Dominio del servidor de Single Sign On (dirección web del servidor que permitirá el registro automático dentro de Chamilo). La dirección del servidor debe escribirse sin el protocolo al comienzo y sin la barra al final, por ejemplo www.example.com";
+$SSOServerAuthURITitle = "URL del servidor de Single Sign On";
+$SSOServerAuthURIComment = "Dirección de la página encargada de verificar la autentificación. Por ejemplo, en el caso de Drupal: /?q=user";
+$SSOServerUnAuthURITitle = "URL de logout del servidor de Single Sign Out";
+$SSOServerUnAuthURIComment = "Dirección de la página del servidor que desconecta a un usuario. Esta opción únicamente es útil si desea que los usuarios que se desconectan de Chamilo también se desconecten del servidor de autentificación.";
+$SSOServerProtocolTitle = "Protocolo del servidor Single Sign On";
+$SSOServerProtocolComment = "Prefijo que indica el protocolo del dominio del servidor de Single Sign On (si su servidor lo permite, recomendamos https:// pues protocolos no seguros son un peligro para un sistema de autentificación)";
+$EnabledWirisTitle = "Editor matemático WIRIS";
+$EnabledWirisComment = "Habilitar el editor matemático WIRIS";
+$AllowSpellCheckTitle = "Corrector ortográfico";
+$AllowSpellCheckComment = "Activar el corrector ortográfico";
+$EnabledSVGTitle = "Creación y edición de archivos SVG";
+$EnabledSVGComment = "Esta opción le permitirá crear y editar archivos SVG (Gráficos vectoriales escalables) multicapa en línea, así como exportarlos a imágenes en formato png.";
+$ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextTitle = "Obligar a pegar como texto plano en el Wiki";
+$ForceWikiPasteAsPlainTextComment = "Esto impedirá que muchas etiquetas ocultas, incorrectas o no estándar, copiadas de otros textos acaben corrompiendo el texto del Wiki después de muchas ediciones; pero perderá algunas posibilidades durante la edición.";
+$EnabledGooglemapsTitle = "Activar Google maps";
+$EnabledGooglemapsComment = "Activar el botón para insertar mapas de Google. La activación no se realizará completamente si previamente no ha editado el archivo main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php y añadido una clave API de Google maps.";
+$EnabledImageMapsTitle = "Activar Mapas de imagen";
+$EnabledImageMapsComment = "Activar el botón para insertar Mapas de imagen. Esto le permitirá asociar direcciones url a zonas de una imagen, generando zonas interactivas.";
+$CourseTool = "Herramienta del curso";
+$BigBlueButtonEnableTitle = "Herramienta de videoconferencia BigBlueButton";
 $BigBlueButtonEnableComment = "Seleccione si desea habilitar la herramienta de videoconferencia BigBlueButton. Una vez activada, se mostrará como una herramienta en la página principal todos los curso. Los profesores podrán lanzar una videoconferencia en cualquier momento, pero los alumnos sólo podrán unirse a una ya lanzada.
 Si no dispone de un servidor BigBlueButton, pruebe a 
 <a href=\"http://bigbluebutton.org/\" target=\"_blank\">configurar uno</a> o pida ayuda a los <a href=\"http://www.chamilo.org/en/providers\" target=\"_blank\">proveedores oficiales de Chamilo</a>.
-BigBlueButton es libre, pero su instalación requiere ciertas habilidades técnicas que no todo el mundo posee. Puede instalarlo por su cuenta o buscar ayuda profesional con el consiguiente costo. En la lógica del software libre, nosotros le ofrecemos las herramientas para hacer más fácil su trabajo y le recomendamos profesionales (los proveedores oficiales de Chamilo) que serán capaces de ayudarle.";
-$BigBlueButtonHostTitle = "Servidor BigBlueButton";
-$BigBlueButtonHostComment = "Este es el nombre del servidor donde su servidor BigBlueButton está ejecutándose. Puede ser localhost, una dirección IP (ej., o un nombre de dominio (por ej., my.video.com).";
-$BigBlueButtonSecuritySaltTitle = "Clave de seguridad del servidor BigBlueButton";
-$BigBlueButtonSecuritySaltComment = "Esta es la clave de seguridad de su servidor BigBlueButton, que permitirá a su servidor autentificar la instalación Chamilo. Consulte la documentación de BigBlueButton para localizarla.";
-$AsciiSvgTitle = "Editor de gráficos matemáticos ASCIIsvg";
-$AsciiSvgComment = "Activación del editor de gráficos matemáticos (ASCIIsvg)";
-$Text2AudioTitle = "Activar servicios de conversión de texto en audio";
-$Text2AudioComment = "Herramienta on-line para convertir texto en voz. Utiliza tecnología y sistemas de síntesis del habla para ofrecer recursos de voz.";
-$ShowUsersFoldersTitle = "Mostrar las carpetas de los usuarios en la herramienta documentos";
+BigBlueButton es libre, pero su instalación requiere ciertas habilidades técnicas que no todo el mundo posee. Puede instalarlo por su cuenta o buscar ayuda profesional con el consiguiente costo. En la lógica del software libre, nosotros le ofrecemos las herramientas para hacer más fácil su trabajo y le recomendamos profesionales (los proveedores oficiales de Chamilo) que serán capaces de ayudarle.";
+$BigBlueButtonHostTitle = "Servidor BigBlueButton";
+$BigBlueButtonHostComment = "Este es el nombre del servidor donde su servidor BigBlueButton está ejecutándose. Puede ser localhost, una dirección IP (ej., o un nombre de dominio (por ej., my.video.com).";
+$BigBlueButtonSecuritySaltTitle = "Clave de seguridad del servidor BigBlueButton";
+$BigBlueButtonSecuritySaltComment = "Esta es la clave de seguridad de su servidor BigBlueButton, que permitirá a su servidor autentificar la instalación Chamilo. Consulte la documentación de BigBlueButton para localizarla.";
+$AsciiSvgTitle = "Editor de gráficos matemáticos ASCIIsvg";
+$AsciiSvgComment = "Activación del editor de gráficos matemáticos (ASCIIsvg)";
+$Text2AudioTitle = "Activar servicios de conversión de texto en audio";
+$Text2AudioComment = "Herramienta on-line para convertir texto en voz. Utiliza tecnología y sistemas de síntesis del habla para ofrecer recursos de voz.";
+$ShowUsersFoldersTitle = "Mostrar las carpetas de los usuarios en la herramienta documentos";
 $ShowUsersFoldersComment = "
-Esta opción le permitirá mostrar u ocultar a los profesores las carpetas que el sistema genera para cada usuario que visita la herramienta documentos o envía un archivo a través del editor web. Si muestra estas carpetas a los profesores, éstos podrán hacerlas visibles o no a los estudiantes y permitirán a cada estudiante tener un lugar específico en el curso donde, no sólo almacenar documentos, sino donde también podrán crear y modificar páginas web y poder exportarlas a pdf, realizar dibujos, realizar plantillas web personales, enviar archivos, así como crear, mover y eliminar subdirectorios y archivos, y sacar copias de seguridad de sus carpetas. Cada usuario del curso dispondrá de un completo gestor de documentos. Además, recuerde que cualquier usuario podrá copiar un archivo, que sea visible, de cualquier carpeta de la herramienta documentos (sea o no la suya) a su portafolios o área personal de documentos de la red social, donde estará disponible para que lo pueda usar en otros cursos.";
-$ShowDefaultFoldersTitle = "Mostrar en la herramienta documentos las carpetas que contienen los recursos multimedia suministrados por defecto.";
-$ShowDefaultFoldersComment = "Las carpetas de archivos multimedia suministradas por defecto contienen archivos de libre distribución organizados en las categorías de video, audio, imagen y animaciones flash que para utilizar en sus cursos. Aunque las oculte en la herramienta documentos, podrá seguir usándolas en el editor web de la plataforma.";
-$ShowChatFolderTitle = "Mostrar la carpeta del historial de las conversaciones del chat";
-$ShowChatFolderComment = "Esto mostrará al profesorado la carpeta que contiene todas las sesiones que se han realizado en el chat, pudiendo éste hacerlas visibles o no a los estudiantes y utilizarlas como un recurso más.";
-$EnabledStudentExport2PDFTitle = "Permitir a los estudiantes exportar documentos web al formato PDF en las herramientas documentos y wiki";
-$EnabledStudentExport2PDFComment = "Esta prestación está habilitada por defecto, pero en caso de sobrecarga del servidor por abuso de ella, o en entornos de formación específicos, puede que desee dsactivarla en todos los cursos.";
-$EnabledInsertHtmlTitle = "Permitir la inserción de Widgets";
-$EnabledInsertHtmlComment = "Esto le permitirá embeber en sus páginas web sus videos y aplicaciones favoritas como vimeo o slideshare y todo tipo de widgets y gadgets";
-$IncludeAsciiMathMlTitle = "Cargar el fichero ASCIIMathML.js para todas las páginas de la plataforma";
-$IncludeAsciiMathMlComment = "Active este parámetro si desea mostrar fórmulas matemáticas basadas en ASCIIMathML y gráficos matemáticos basados en ASCIIsvg, no solo en la herramienta \"Documentos\", pero también en otras herramientas de la plataforma.";
-$CourseHideToolsTitle = "Ocultar las herramientas a los docentes";
-$CourseHideToolsComment = "Seleccione las herramientas que desea esconder del docente. Esto no prohibirá el acceso a la herramienta (no tiene vocación de seguridad), pero hará invisible la herramienta para el docente para evitar la confusión debida a una gran cantidad de herramientas (vocación de usabilidad).";
-$MoveUserStats = "Mover los resultados de los usuarios desde/hacia una sesión de formación";
+Esta opción le permitirá mostrar u ocultar a los profesores las carpetas que el sistema genera para cada usuario que visita la herramienta documentos o envía un archivo a través del editor web. Si muestra estas carpetas a los profesores, éstos podrán hacerlas visibles o no a los estudiantes y permitirán a cada estudiante tener un lugar específico en el curso donde, no sólo almacenar documentos, sino donde también podrán crear y modificar páginas web y poder exportarlas a pdf, realizar dibujos, realizar plantillas web personales, enviar archivos, así como crear, mover y eliminar subdirectorios y archivos, y sacar copias de seguridad de sus carpetas. Cada usuario del curso dispondrá de un completo gestor de documentos. Además, recuerde que cualquier usuario podrá copiar un archivo, que sea visible, de cualquier carpeta de la herramienta documentos (sea o no la suya) a su portafolios o área personal de documentos de la red social, donde estará disponible para que lo pueda usar en otros cursos.";
+$ShowDefaultFoldersTitle = "Mostrar en la herramienta documentos las carpetas que contienen los recursos multimedia suministrados por defecto.";
+$ShowDefaultFoldersComment = "Las carpetas de archivos multimedia suministradas por defecto contienen archivos de libre distribución organizados en las categorías de video, audio, imagen y animaciones flash que para utilizar en sus cursos. Aunque las oculte en la herramienta documentos, podrá seguir usándolas en el editor web de la plataforma.";
+$ShowChatFolderTitle = "Mostrar la carpeta del historial de las conversaciones del chat";
+$ShowChatFolderComment = "Esto mostrará al profesorado la carpeta que contiene todas las sesiones que se han realizado en el chat, pudiendo éste hacerlas visibles o no a los estudiantes y utilizarlas como un recurso más.";
+$EnabledStudentExport2PDFTitle = "Permitir a los estudiantes exportar documentos web al formato PDF en las herramientas documentos y wiki";
+$EnabledStudentExport2PDFComment = "Esta prestación está habilitada por defecto, pero en caso de sobrecarga del servidor por abuso de ella, o en entornos de formación específicos, puede que desee dsactivarla en todos los cursos.";
+$EnabledInsertHtmlTitle = "Permitir la inserción de Widgets";
+$EnabledInsertHtmlComment = "Esto le permitirá embeber en sus páginas web sus videos y aplicaciones favoritas como vimeo o slideshare y todo tipo de widgets y gadgets";
+$IncludeAsciiMathMlTitle = "Cargar el fichero ASCIIMathML.js para todas las páginas de la plataforma";
+$IncludeAsciiMathMlComment = "Active este parámetro si desea mostrar fórmulas matemáticas basadas en ASCIIMathML y gráficos matemáticos basados en ASCIIsvg, no solo en la herramienta \"Documentos\", pero también en otras herramientas de la plataforma.";
+$CourseHideToolsTitle = "Ocultar las herramientas a los docentes";
+$CourseHideToolsComment = "Seleccione las herramientas que desea esconder del docente. Esto no prohibirá el acceso a la herramienta (no tiene vocación de seguridad), pero hará invisible la herramienta para el docente para evitar la confusión debida a una gran cantidad de herramientas (vocación de usabilidad).";
+$MoveUserStats = "Mover los resultados de los usuarios desde/hacia una sesión de formación";
 $CompareUserResultsBetweenCoursesAndCoursesInASession = "Esta herramienta avanzada le permite mejorar manualmente el seguimiento de los resultados de los usuarios cuando cambia de un modelo de cursos a un modelo de sesiones de formación. En una mayoría de casos, no necesitará usarla.<br />
 En esta pantalla, puede comparar los resultados que los usuarios tienen en el contexto de un curso y en el contexto del mismo curso dentro de una sesión de formación.<br />
-Una vez que decidida cuál es el mejor contexto para el seguimiento (resultados de ejercicios y seguimiento de lecciones), podrá moverlo de un curso a una sesión.";
-$PDFExportWatermarkEnableTitle = "Marcas de agua en las exportaciones a PDF";
-$PDFExportWatermarkEnableComment = "Si activa esta opción podrá cargar una imagen o un texto que serán automáticamente añadidos como marca de agua en los documentos resultantes de todas las exportaciones a PDF que realice el sistema.";
-$AddWaterMark = "Cargar una imagen para marca de agua";
-$PDFExportWatermarkByCourseTitle = "Activar la definición de marcas de agua por curso";
-$PDFExportWatermarkByCourseComment = "Cuando esta opción está activada, los profesores podrán definir sus propias marcas de agua en los documentos de sus cursos.";
-$PDFExportWatermarkTextTitle = "Texto de marca de agua para PDF";
-$PDFExportWatermarkTextComment = "Este texto se añadirá como marca de agua en los documentos resultantes de las exportaciones al formato PDF.";
-$ExerciseMinScoreTitle = "Puntuación mínima de los ejercicios";
-$ExerciseMinScoreComment = "Establezca una puntuación mínima (generalmente 0) para todos los ejercicios de la plataforma. Esto definirá como los resultados finales se mostrarán a los alumnos y profesores.";
-$ExerciseMaxScoreTitle = "Puntuación máxima de los ejercicios";
-$ExerciseMaxScoreComment = "Establezca una puntuación máxima (generalmente 10, 20 o 100) para todos los ejercicios de la plataforma. Esto definirá la manera en que los resultados finales se mostrarán a los profesores y a los alumnos.";
-$CareersAndPromotions = "Carreras y promociones";
-$Careers = "Carreras";
-$Promotions = "Promociones";
-$Updated = "Actualización correcta";
-$Career = "Carrera";
-$SubscribeSessionsToPromotions = "Inscribirse en las sesiones de la promoción";
-$SessionsInPlatform = "Sesiones no asociadas";
-$FirstLetterSessions = "Primera letra del nombre de la sesión";
-$SessionsInPromotion = "Sesiones en esta promoción";
-$SubscribeSessionsToPromotion = "Subscribirse a sesiones de la promoción";
-$NoEndTime = "Sin fecha de fin";
-$SubscribeUsersToGroup = "Inscribir usuarios en la clase";
-$SubscribeCoursesToGroup = "Asociar un curso a la clase";
-$SubscribeSessionsToGroup = "Asociar sesiones a la clase";
-$SessionsInGroup = "Sesiones de la clase";
-$CoursesInGroup = "Cursos del grupo";
-$UsersInGroup = "Uusuarios del grupo";
-$UsersInPlatform = "Usuarios de la plataforma";
-$YouNeedToCreateACareerFirst = "Se requiere que exista una carrera antes de poder añadir promociones (promociones son sub-elementos de una carrera).";
-$OutputBufferingInfo = "El output buffering (o caché de salida) está a \"On\" cuando activado y a \"Off\" cuando desactivado. Este parámetro también puede ser activado a través de un valor entero (4096, por ejemplo) que suele ser le tamaño de la memoria caché de salida.";
-$LoadedExtension = "Extensión cargada";
-$SubscribeGroupToSessions = "Asociar la clase a varias sesiones";
-$SubscribeGroupToCourses = "Inscribir grupo en cursos";
-$CompareStats = "Comparar estadísticas";
-$EnabledPixlrTitle = "Activar los servicios externos de Pixlr";
-$EnabledPixlrComment = "Pixlr le permitirá editar, ajustar y filtrar sus fotografías con prestaciones similares a las de Photoshop. Es el complemento ideal para tratar imágenes basadas en mapas de bits";
-$PromotionXArchived = "La promoción <i>%s</i> ha sido archivada. Esta acción tiene como consecuencia hacer invisibles todas las sesiones registradas a esta promoción. Puede deshacer este cambio desarchivando la promoción.";
-$PromotionXUnarchived = "La promoción <i>%s</i> ha sido desarchivada. Esta acción tiene como consecuencia hacer visibles todas las sesiones registradas a esta promoción. Puede deshacer este cambio archivando la promoción.";
-$CareerXArchived = "La carrera <i>%s</i> ha sido archivada. Esto tiene como consecuencia el hacer invisible la carrera, sus promociones así como las sesiones registradas en estas promociones. Puede deshacer esta acción desarchivando a la carrera.";
-$CareerXUnarchived = "La carrera <i>%s</i> ha sido desarchivada. Esto tiene como consecuencia el hacer visible la carrera, sus promociones así como las sesiones registradas en estas promociones. Puede deshacer esta acción archivando a la carrera.";
-$RegistrationByUsersGroups = "Inscripción por clases";
-$FillCourses = "Generar cursos";
-$FillSessions = "Generar sesiones";
-$Archived = "Archivada";
-$Unarchived = "Sin archivar";
-$StatsUsersDidNotLoginInLastPeriods = "No conectados por un tiempo";
-$LastXMonths = "Últimos %i meses";
-$NeverConnected = "Nunca conectados";
-$EnableAccessibilityFontResizeTitle = "Funcionalidad de redimensionamiento de fuentes";
-$EnableAccessibilityFontResizeComment = "Activar esta opción mostrará una serie de opciones de redimensionamiento de fuentes en la parte arriba a la derecha de su campus. Esto permitirá a las personas con problemas de vista leer más fácilmente los contenidos de sus cursos.";
-$GlobalEvent = "Evento de la plataforma";
-$SearchEnabledTitle = "Búsqueda full-text";
+Una vez que decidida cuál es el mejor contexto para el seguimiento (resultados de ejercicios y seguimiento de lecciones), podrá moverlo de un curso a una sesión.";
+$PDFExportWatermarkEnableTitle = "Marcas de agua en las exportaciones a PDF";
+$PDFExportWatermarkEnableComment = "Si activa esta opción podrá cargar una imagen o un texto que serán automáticamente añadidos como marca de agua en los documentos resultantes de todas las exportaciones a PDF que realice el sistema.";
+$AddWaterMark = "Cargar una imagen para marca de agua";
+$PDFExportWatermarkByCourseTitle = "Activar la definición de marcas de agua por curso";
+$PDFExportWatermarkByCourseComment = "Cuando esta opción está activada, los profesores podrán definir sus propias marcas de agua en los documentos de sus cursos.";
+$PDFExportWatermarkTextTitle = "Texto de marca de agua para PDF";
+$PDFExportWatermarkTextComment = "Este texto se añadirá como marca de agua en los documentos resultantes de las exportaciones al formato PDF.";
+$ExerciseMinScoreTitle = "Puntuación mínima de los ejercicios";
+$ExerciseMinScoreComment = "Establezca una puntuación mínima (generalmente 0) para todos los ejercicios de la plataforma. Esto definirá como los resultados finales se mostrarán a los alumnos y profesores.";
+$ExerciseMaxScoreTitle = "Puntuación máxima de los ejercicios";
+$ExerciseMaxScoreComment = "Establezca una puntuación máxima (generalmente 10, 20 o 100) para todos los ejercicios de la plataforma. Esto definirá la manera en que los resultados finales se mostrarán a los profesores y a los alumnos.";
+$CareersAndPromotions = "Carreras y promociones";
+$Careers = "Carreras";
+$Promotions = "Promociones";
+$Updated = "Actualización correcta";
+$Career = "Carrera";
+$SubscribeSessionsToPromotions = "Inscribirse en las sesiones de la promoción";
+$SessionsInPlatform = "Sesiones no asociadas";
+$FirstLetterSessions = "Primera letra del nombre de la sesión";
+$SessionsInPromotion = "Sesiones en esta promoción";
+$SubscribeSessionsToPromotion = "Subscribirse a sesiones de la promoción";
+$NoEndTime = "Sin fecha de fin";
+$SubscribeUsersToGroup = "Inscribir usuarios en la clase";
+$SubscribeCoursesToGroup = "Asociar un curso a la clase";
+$SubscribeSessionsToGroup = "Asociar sesiones a la clase";
+$SessionsInGroup = "Sesiones de la clase";
+$CoursesInGroup = "Cursos del grupo";
+$UsersInGroup = "Uusuarios del grupo";
+$UsersInPlatform = "Usuarios de la plataforma";
+$YouNeedToCreateACareerFirst = "Se requiere que exista una carrera antes de poder añadir promociones (promociones son sub-elementos de una carrera).";
+$OutputBufferingInfo = "El output buffering (o caché de salida) está a \"On\" cuando activado y a \"Off\" cuando desactivado. Este parámetro también puede ser activado a través de un valor entero (4096, por ejemplo) que suele ser le tamaño de la memoria caché de salida.";
+$LoadedExtension = "Extensión cargada";
+$SubscribeGroupToSessions = "Asociar la clase a varias sesiones";
+$SubscribeGroupToCourses = "Inscribir grupo en cursos";
+$CompareStats = "Comparar estadísticas";
+$EnabledPixlrTitle = "Activar los servicios externos de Pixlr";
+$EnabledPixlrComment = "Pixlr le permitirá editar, ajustar y filtrar sus fotografías con prestaciones similares a las de Photoshop. Es el complemento ideal para tratar imágenes basadas en mapas de bits";
+$PromotionXArchived = "La promoción <i>%s</i> ha sido archivada. Esta acción tiene como consecuencia hacer invisibles todas las sesiones registradas a esta promoción. Puede deshacer este cambio desarchivando la promoción.";
+$PromotionXUnarchived = "La promoción <i>%s</i> ha sido desarchivada. Esta acción tiene como consecuencia hacer visibles todas las sesiones registradas a esta promoción. Puede deshacer este cambio archivando la promoción.";
+$CareerXArchived = "La carrera <i>%s</i> ha sido archivada. Esto tiene como consecuencia el hacer invisible la carrera, sus promociones así como las sesiones registradas en estas promociones. Puede deshacer esta acción desarchivando a la carrera.";
+$CareerXUnarchived = "La carrera <i>%s</i> ha sido desarchivada. Esto tiene como consecuencia el hacer visible la carrera, sus promociones así como las sesiones registradas en estas promociones. Puede deshacer esta acción archivando a la carrera.";
+$RegistrationByUsersGroups = "Inscripción por clases";
+$FillCourses = "Generar cursos";
+$FillSessions = "Generar sesiones";
+$Archived = "Archivada";
+$Unarchived = "Sin archivar";
+$StatsUsersDidNotLoginInLastPeriods = "No conectados por un tiempo";
+$LastXMonths = "Últimos %i meses";
+$NeverConnected = "Nunca conectados";
+$EnableAccessibilityFontResizeTitle = "Funcionalidad de redimensionamiento de fuentes";
+$EnableAccessibilityFontResizeComment = "Activar esta opción mostrará una serie de opciones de redimensionamiento de fuentes en la parte arriba a la derecha de su campus. Esto permitirá a las personas con problemas de vista leer más fácilmente los contenidos de sus cursos.";
+$GlobalEvent = "Evento de la plataforma";
+$SearchEnabledTitle = "Búsqueda full-text";
 $SearchEnabledComment = "Esta funcionalidad permite la indexación de la mayoría de los documentos subidos a su portal, y a través de esto provee la funcionalidad de búsqueda para los usuarios.<br />
 Esta funcionalidad no indexa los documentos que ya estuvieron subidos anteriormente, por lo que es importante (si deseado) de activarla al inicio de su implementación.<br />
-Una vez activada, una caja de búsqueda aparecerá en la lista de cursos de cada usuario. Buscar un término específico trae una lista de documentos, ejercicios o temas de foro correspondientes, filtrados dependiendo de su disponibilidad para el usuario.";
-$SpecificSearchFieldsAvailable = "Campos de búsqueda personalizados disponibles";
-$XapianModuleInstalled = "Módulo Xapian instalado";
-$ProgramsNeededToConvertFiles = "Programas necesarios para indexar archivos de formatos ajenos";
-$YouAreUsingChamiloInAWindowsPlatformSadlyYouCantConvertDocumentsInOrderToSearchTheContentUsingThisTool = "Está usando Chamilo en una plataforma Windows. Lamenablemente, no puede convertir los documentos para indexarlos usando esta herramienta.";
-$HideCoursesInSessionsTitle = "Esconder cursos en lista de sesiones";
-$HideCoursesInSessionsComment = "Cuando muestra los bloques de sesiones en la página de cursos, esconder la lista de cursos dentro de la sesión (solo mostrarlos en la página específica de sesión).";
-$ShowGroupsToUsersTitle = "Mostrar las clases a los usuarios";
-$ShowGroupsToUsersComment = "Mostrar las clases a los usuarios. Las clases son una funcionalidad que permite subscribir/desuscribir grupos de usuarios dentro de una sesión o un curso directamente, reduciendo el trabajo administrativo. Cuando activa esta opción, los alumnos pueden ver de que clase forman parte, a través de su interfaz de red social.";
-$HomepageViewActivityBig = "Grande vista actividad (estilo iPad)";
+Una vez activada, una caja de búsqueda aparecerá en la lista de cursos de cada usuario. Buscar un término específico trae una lista de documentos, ejercicios o temas de foro correspondientes, filtrados dependiendo de su disponibilidad para el usuario.";
+$SpecificSearchFieldsAvailable = "Campos de búsqueda personalizados disponibles";
+$XapianModuleInstalled = "Módulo Xapian instalado";
+$ProgramsNeededToConvertFiles = "Programas necesarios para indexar archivos de formatos ajenos";
+$YouAreUsingChamiloInAWindowsPlatformSadlyYouCantConvertDocumentsInOrderToSearchTheContentUsingThisTool = "Está usando Chamilo en una plataforma Windows. Lamenablemente, no puede convertir los documentos para indexarlos usando esta herramienta.";
+$HideCoursesInSessionsTitle = "Esconder cursos en lista de sesiones";
+$HideCoursesInSessionsComment = "Cuando muestra los bloques de sesiones en la página de cursos, esconder la lista de cursos dentro de la sesión (solo mostrarlos en la página específica de sesión).";
+$ShowGroupsToUsersTitle = "Mostrar las clases a los usuarios";
+$ShowGroupsToUsersComment = "Mostrar las clases a los usuarios. Las clases son una funcionalidad que permite subscribir/desuscribir grupos de usuarios dentro de una sesión o un curso directamente, reduciendo el trabajo administrativo. Cuando activa esta opción, los alumnos pueden ver de que clase forman parte, a través de su interfaz de red social.";
+$HomepageViewActivityBig = "Grande vista actividad (estilo iPad)";
+$EnableNanogongTitle = "Activar el grabador - reproductor de voz Nanogong";
+$EnableNanogongComment = "Nanogong es un grabador - reproductor de voz que le permite grabar su voz y enviarla a la plataforma o descargarla en su disco duro. También permite reproducir la grabación. Los estudiantes sólo necesitan un micrófono y unos altavoces, y aceptar la carga del applet cuando se cargue por primera vez. Es muy útil para que los estudiantes de idiomas puedan oir su voz después de oir la correcta pronunciación propuesta por el profesor en otro archivo wav o mp3.";

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