Bladeren bron

Merge branch '1.11.x' of into 1.11.x

Julio Montoya 5 jaren geleden

+ 0 - 1

@@ -743,7 +743,6 @@ if ($count_fields > 0) {
 if (api_get_configuration_value('plugin_redirection_enabled')) {
     $list[] = 'Redirection';
     $list_reponse[] = api_get_path(WEB_PATH);

+ 39 - 1

@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class Diagnoser
-            echo $table->display();
+            $table->display();
         echo '</div></div>';
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ class Diagnoser
         $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
         if ($access_url_id === 1) {
+            $size = '-';
             global $_configuration;
             $message2 = '';
             if ($access_url_id === 1) {
@@ -203,6 +204,7 @@ class Diagnoser
                     $dir = api_get_path(SYS_PATH);
                     $du = exec('du -sh '.$dir, $err);
                     list($size, $none) = explode("\t", $du);
+                    unset($none);
                     $limit = 0;
                     if (isset($_configuration[$access_url_id])) {
                         if (isset($_configuration[$access_url_id]['hosting_limit_disk_space'])) {
@@ -224,6 +226,32 @@ class Diagnoser
+        $new_version = '-';
+        $new_version_status = '';
+        $file = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'install/version.php';
+        if (is_file($file)) {
+            @include($file);
+        }
+        $array[] = $this->build_setting(
+            self::STATUS_INFORMATION,
+            '[CONFIG]',
+            get_lang('VersionFromVersionFile'),
+            '#',
+            $new_version.' '.$new_version_status,
+            '-',
+            null,
+            get_lang('TheVersionFromTheVersionFileIsUpdatedWithEachVersionIfMainInstallDirectoryIsPresent')
+        );
+        $array[] = $this->build_setting(
+            self::STATUS_INFORMATION,
+            '[CONFIG]',
+            get_lang('VersionFromConfigFile'),
+            '#',
+            api_get_configuration_value('system_version'),
+            $new_version,
+            null,
+            get_lang('TheVersionFromTheConfigurationFileShowsOnTheAdminPageButHasToBeChangedManuallyOnUpgrade')
+        );
         return $array;
@@ -762,6 +790,15 @@ class Diagnoser
      * Additional functions needed for fast integration.
+     * @param   int   $status Status constant defining which icon to use to illustrate the info
+     * @param   string  $section    The name of the section this setting is included in
+     * @param   string  $title  The name of the setting (usually a translated string)
+     * @param   string  $url    A URL to point the user to regarding this setting, or '#' otherwise
+     * @param   mixed   $current_value   The current value for this setting
+     * @param   mixed   $expected_value  The expected value for this setting
+     * @param   string  $formatter  If this setting is expressed in some kind of format, which format to use
+     * @param   string  $comment    A translated string explaining what this setting represents
+     * @return array    A list of elements to show in an array's row
     public function build_setting(
@@ -784,6 +821,7 @@ class Diagnoser
                 $img = 'bullet_red.png';
             case self::STATUS_INFORMATION:
+            default:
                 $img = 'bullet_blue.png';

+ 1 - 0

@@ -656,6 +656,7 @@ class MySpace
      * Display a sortable table that contains an overview off all the progress of the user in a session.
+     *
      * @deprecated ?
      * @author César Perales <>, Beeznest Team

+ 26 - 26

@@ -886,6 +886,32 @@ class PDF
+    /**
+     * @param string $theme
+     *
+     * @throws MpdfException
+     */
+    public function setBackground($theme)
+    {
+        $themeName = empty($theme) ? api_get_visual_theme() : $theme;
+        $themeDir = \Template::getThemeDir($themeName);
+        $customLetterhead = $themeDir.'images/letterhead.png';
+        $urlPathLetterhead = api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH).$customLetterhead;
+        $urlWebLetterhead = '#FFFFFF';
+        $fullPage = false;
+        if (file_exists($urlPathLetterhead)) {
+            $fullPage = true;
+            $urlWebLetterhead = 'url('.api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH).$customLetterhead.')';
+        }
+        if ($fullPage) {
+            $this->pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage');
+            $this->pdf->SetDefaultBodyCSS('background', $urlWebLetterhead);
+            $this->pdf->SetDefaultBodyCSS('background-image-resize', '6');
+        }
+    }
      * Fix images source paths to allow export to pdf.
@@ -990,30 +1016,4 @@ class PDF
         return $doc->saveHTML();
-    /**
-     * @param string $theme
-     *
-     * @throws MpdfException
-     */
-    public function setBackground($theme)
-    {
-        $themeName = empty($theme) ? api_get_visual_theme() : $theme;
-        $themeDir = \Template::getThemeDir($themeName);
-        $customLetterhead = $themeDir.'images/letterhead.png';
-        $urlPathLetterhead = api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH).$customLetterhead;
-        $urlWebLetterhead = '#FFFFFF';
-        $fullPage = false;
-        if (file_exists($urlPathLetterhead)) {
-            $fullPage = true;
-            $urlWebLetterhead = 'url('.api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH).$customLetterhead.')';
-        }
-        if ($fullPage) {
-            $this->pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage');
-            $this->pdf->SetDefaultBodyCSS('background', $urlWebLetterhead);
-            $this->pdf->SetDefaultBodyCSS('background-image-resize', '6');
-        }
-    }

+ 11 - 11

@@ -163,20 +163,20 @@ class UserManager
      * @param string        $firstName
      * @param string        $lastName
-     * @param int           $status               (1 for course tutor, 5 for student, 6 for anonymous)
+     * @param int           $status                  (1 for course tutor, 5 for student, 6 for anonymous)
      * @param string        $email
      * @param string        $loginName
      * @param string        $password
-     * @param string        $official_code        Any official code (optional)
-     * @param string        $language             User language    (optional)
-     * @param string        $phone                Phone number    (optional)
-     * @param string        $picture_uri          Picture URI        (optional)
-     * @param string        $authSource           Authentication source (defaults to 'platform', dependind on constant)
-     * @param string        $expirationDate       Account expiration date (optional, defaults to null)
-     * @param int           $active               Whether the account is enabled or disabled by default
-     * @param int           $hr_dept_id           The department of HR in which the user is registered (defaults to 0)
-     * @param array         $extra                Extra fields
-     * @param string        $encrypt_method       Used if password is given encrypted. Set to an empty string by default
+     * @param string        $official_code           Any official code (optional)
+     * @param string        $language                User language    (optional)
+     * @param string        $phone                   Phone number    (optional)
+     * @param string        $picture_uri             Picture URI        (optional)
+     * @param string        $authSource              Authentication source (defaults to 'platform', dependind on constant)
+     * @param string        $expirationDate          Account expiration date (optional, defaults to null)
+     * @param int           $active                  Whether the account is enabled or disabled by default
+     * @param int           $hr_dept_id              The department of HR in which the user is registered (defaults to 0)
+     * @param array         $extra                   Extra fields
+     * @param string        $encrypt_method          Used if password is given encrypted. Set to an empty string by default
      * @param bool          $send_mail
      * @param bool          $isAdmin
      * @param string        $address

+ 14 - 1

@@ -7830,7 +7830,7 @@ $AreYouSureYouWantToUnassignTheTicket = "Tem certeza de que deseja desatribuir e
 $AreYouSureYouWantToCloseTheTicket = "Tem certeza de que quer encerrar este Tickets?";
 $Unassigned = "Não atribuído";
 $SelectWeeksSpan = "Selecione o período de tempo em semanas";
-$CourseXAdded = "Curso X Adicionado";
+$CourseXAdded = "Curso %s adicionado";
 $CurrentPassword = "Senha atual";
 $DeleteCorrections = "Excluir correções";
 $AllowMyFilesTitle = "Permitir Minha página Arquivos";
@@ -8277,4 +8277,17 @@ $ThisQuizCanBeEmbeddable = "Este questionário pode ser incorporado em vídeos o
 $SearchGeolocalization = "Procurar por este local";
 $LegalTermsAgreementStatus = "Termos do contrato de termos de uso";
 $HideSurveyInvitationLink = "Ocultar link de convite de pesquisa";
+$LeaveAMessage = "Deixe um recado";
+$OrphanQuestion = "Pergunta órfã";
+$WelcomeToPortalXInCourseSessionX = "Bem-vindo à sessão do curso do portal %s: %s";
+$WelcomeToPortalXInCourseSessionXCoursePartOfCareerX = "Bem vindo ao portal %s no curso %s, parte da carreira %s";
+$YourNextModule = "Seu próximo módulo";
+$FirstLesson = "Primeira lição";
+$ImportCourseTeachersAsCourseCoach = "Importar professores do curso como treinador do curso na sessão";
+$ResumeImport = "Retomar a importação";
+$Candidate = "Candidate";
+$GeneralTotal = "Total geral";
+$Domains = "Domínios";
+$ScormStartAttemptDate = "Data de início da tentativa do Scorm";
+$LoginsByDate = "Logins por data";

+ 4 - 0

@@ -8410,4 +8410,8 @@ $AllowHtaccessScormImport = "Allow htaccess in the SCORM import";
 $ExerciseAutoEvaluationAndRankingMode = "Auto-evaluation mode and ranking";
 $YouAreReceivingACopyBecauseYouAreACourseCoach = "You're receiving a copy because, you're a course coach";
 $GenerateReport = "Generate report";
+$VersionFromVersionFile = "Version from the version file";
+$VersionFromConfigFile = "Version from the config file";
+$TheVersionFromTheVersionFileIsUpdatedWithEachVersionIfMainInstallDirectoryIsPresent = "The version from the version.php file is updated with each version but only available if the main/install/ directory is present.";
+$TheVersionFromTheConfigurationFileShowsOnTheAdminPageButHasToBeChangedManuallyOnUpgrade = "The version from the main configuration file shows on the main administration page, but has to be changed manually on upgrade.";

+ 8 - 0

@@ -8337,5 +8337,13 @@ $Candidate = "Candidat";
 $GeneralTotal = "Total général";
 $Domains = "Domaines";
 $ScormStartAttemptDate = "Date";
+$LoginsByDate = "Logins par date";
+$AllowHtaccessScormImport = "Permettre les fichiers htaccess dans les imports SCORM";
+$ExerciseAutoEvaluationAndRankingMode = "Mode auto-évaluation et ranking: Montrer seulement la note globale (pas le détail de chaque question) et montrer la réponse correcte et la réponse sélectionnée par l'apprenant, tout en montrant la table de classification";
+$YouAreReceivingACopyBecauseYouAreACourseCoach = "Vous recevez cette copie en tant que tuteur de ce cours";
 $GenerateReport = "Générer le rapport";
+$VersionFromVersionFile = "Version du fichier de version";
+$VersionFromConfigFile = "Version du fichier de configuration";
+$TheVersionFromTheVersionFileIsUpdatedWithEachVersionIfMainInstallDirectoryIsPresent = "La version du fichier version.php est mise à jour à chaque nouvelle version installée, mais n'est disponible que si le répertoire main/install/ est présent sur le disque.";
+$TheVersionFromTheConfigurationFileShowsOnTheAdminPageButHasToBeChangedManuallyOnUpgrade = "La version du fichier de configuration principal s'affiche sur la page principale d'administration, mais doit être modifiée manuellement à chaque mise à jour.";

+ 72 - 0

@@ -7741,6 +7741,8 @@ $EnableRecordAudioComment = "Omogoči WebRTC (brez tehnologije flash) avdio snem
 $EnableRecordAudioTitle = "Omogoči avdio snemalnik";
 $ShowOfficialCodeInWhoIsOnlinePageComment = "Prikaže uradno kodo pod uporabniškim imenom uporabnika na strani 'Aktivni uporabniki'";
 $ShowOfficialCodeInWhoIsOnlinePage = "Uradna koda na strani 'Aktvni uporabniki'";
+$JobPublic = "Javna zaposlitev";
+$ApplyJob = "Zaprosi za zaposlitev";
 $PublicCompany = "Javna organizacija";
 $PrivateCompany = "Privatna organizacija";
 $NonForProfitCompany = "Neprofitna organizacija";
@@ -7772,8 +7774,12 @@ $TicketMsgWelcome = "Dobrodošli v razdelku VAŠIH zahtevkov. Tu lahko spremljat
 $TicketNoHistory = "Brez zgodovine";
 $RecalculateResults = "Preračunaj rezultate";
 $XParenthesisDeleted = "%s (odstranjeno)";
+$VisibleToSelf = "Vidno zgolj samemu sebi";
+$VisibleToOthers = "Vidno tudi ostalim";
 $UpgradeVersion = "Nadgradi inačico Chamilo LMS";
+$CRSTablesIntro = "Namestitvena skripta je zaznala tabele podatkovne zbirke, ki so ostale iz predhodnih namestitev in lahko povzročajo probleme v postopku nadgradnje. Kliknite na gumb spodaj, da te tabele odstranite. Toplo pa vam priporočamo, da pred tem zadnjim korakom nadgradnje izvedete arhiviranje celotne podatkovne zbirke.";
 $Removing = "Odstranjujem";
+$CheckForCRSTables = "Preveri tabele iz predhodnih različic";
 $YourPasswordCannotBeTheSameAsYourEmail = "Geslo ne more biti enako e-poštnemu naslovu";
 $YourPasswordCannotContainYourUsername = "Geslo ne sme vsebovati vašega uporabniškega imena";
 $TooManyRepetitions = "Preveč ponovitev";
@@ -7823,6 +7829,7 @@ $PleaseSelect = "Prosim, izberi";
 $PleaseSelectThread = "Prosim izberi nit";
 $TotalTickets = "Skupaj zahtevkov";
 $ThereWasAnErrorRegisteringTheTicket = "Napaka pri registraciji zahtevka";
+$AreYouSureYouWantToCloseTheTicket = "Resnično želite zapreti ta zahtevek?";
 $Unassigned = "Nedodeljeno";
 $SelectWeeksSpan = "Izberi časovni razpon v tednih";
 $CourseXAdded = "Tečaj %s je bil dodan";
@@ -7906,6 +7913,8 @@ $MyCoursePageCategoryIntroduction = "Spodaj najdeš seznam kategorij tečajev. K
 $FeatureDisabledByAdministrator = "Možnost onemogočena s strani upravitelja";
 $SubscribeUsersToLpCategory = "Vpiši uporabnike v kategorije";
 $SubscribeGroupsToLpCategory = "Vpiši skupine v kategorijo";
+$FieldTypeSelectWithTextField = "Izbira z besedilnim poljem";
+$FieldTypeTripleSelect = "Trojna izbira";
 $DoubleValidationMessage = "Potrjujete, da se resnično želite vpisati v to platformo.";
 $AddText = "Dodaj besedilo";
 $BestScoreInLearningPath = "Najboljši rezultat v učni poti";
@@ -7913,6 +7922,58 @@ $BestScoreNotInLearningPath = "Najboljši rezultat izven učnih poti";
 $ReSendConfirmationMail = "Ponovno pošlji potrditveno sporočilo";
 $UserConfirmedNowYouCanLogInThePlatform = "Potrditev uporabnika je bila uspešna. Seaj se lahko prijavite v platformo.";
 $YourSessionTimeIsExpired = "Čas tvoje seje je potekel";
+$ThisEmailWasSentViaCourseX = "To e-sporočilo je bilo poslano preko tečaja %s";
+$ThisEmailWasSentViaCourseXInSessionX = "To e-sporočilo je bilo poslano preko tečaja %s iz seje %s.";
+$Diagram = "Diagram";
+$CareerXDoesntHaveADiagram = "Kariera %s ne vsebuje diagrama.";
+$MailConfirmation = "Zahteva potrditev z e-poštnim sporočilom";
+$UrlAlreadyExists = "Ta URL že obstaja.";
+$ErrorAddCloudLink = "Pri dodajanju povezave do datoteke v oblaku je prišlo do napake.";
+$AddCloudLink = "Dodaj povezo k datoteki v oblaku.";
+$CloudLinkDeleted = "Oblačna povezava je bila odstranjena.";
+$CloudLinkMoved = "Oblačna povezava je bila prestavljena";
+$CloudLinkDeleteError = "Napaka pri odstranjevanju povezave na oblak.";
+$CloudLinkAdded = "Povezava na oblak je bila dodana.";
+$PleaseEnterCloudLinkName = "Podajte ime za to oblačno povezavo.";
+$CloudLinkModified = "Povezava na oblačno datoteko je bila ažurirana.";
+$NotValidDomain = "Domena ni veljavna. Mora biti nekaj od naslednjega:";
+$ValidDomainList = "Seznam veljavnih domen";
+$FileExtension = "Datotečna končnica";
+$SessionTemplate = "Predloga seje";
+$CloudFileLink = "Povezava oblačne datoteke";
+$ResetFieldX = "Ponastavi %s";
+$ScoreNote = "Beležka";
+$ScoreTest = "Test";
+$MessageTracking = "Sledenje sporočil";
+$MessagesExchangeBetweenXAndY = "Izmenjava sporočil med %s in %s";
+$YouWillReceivedASecondEmail = "Prejeli boste drugo e-sporočilo z vašim geslom";
+$NoPendingSurveys = "Ni čakajočih vprašalnikov";
+$HottestSessions = "Najpopularnejše seje";
+$ItemXBlocksThisElement = "Element %s preprečuje ta korak";
+$RegistrationRoleWhatDoYouWantToDo = "Kaj bi želel storiti?";
+$RegistrationRoleFollowCourses = "Slediti tečajem";
+$RegistrationRoleTeachCourses = "Poučevati v tečaju";
+$ExploreMoreCourses = "Razišči več tečajev";
+$ExportToChamiloFormat = "Izvoz v Chamilo obliki";
+$SalePrice = "Prodajna cena";
+$BuyNow = "Kupi";
+$DocumentGroupCollaborationMode = "Sodelovalni način";
+$DocumentGroupReadOnlyMode = "Zgolj bralni način";
+$DocumentGroupShareMode = "Deljen način";
+$SessionDurationXDaysTotal = "Ta seja ima omejitev trajanja na %s dni";
+$LastMonth = "Zadnji mesec";
+$ThisMonth = "Ta mesec";
+$EncryptedData = "Kriptirani podatki";
+$RandomData = "Naključni podatki";
+$PersonalDataReport = "Osebni podatki";
+$ComplexDataNotShown = "Kompleksni podatki (niso prikazani)";
+$PersonalDataIntroductionTitle = "Osebni podatki: uvod";
+$PersonalDataKeptOnYou = "Osebni podatki, ki jih o vas hranimo";
+$PersonalDataPermissionsYouGaveUs = "Dovoljenja, ki ste nam jih odobrili";
+$PersonalDataResponsibleOrganizationTitle = "Organizacija, odgovorna za postoppanje z vašimi podatki";
+$PersonalDataTreatmentTitle = "Ravnanje z osebnimi podatki";
+$PersonalDataCollectionTitle = "Zbiranje osebnih podatkov";
+$PersonalDataRecordingTitle = "Shranjevanje osebnih podatkov";
 $PersonalDataOrganizationTitle = "Organizacija osebnih podatkov";
 $PersonalDataStructureTitle = "Struktura osebnih podatkov";
 $PersonalDataConservationTitle = "Ohranjanje oz. hranjenje osebnih podatkov";
@@ -7920,6 +7981,9 @@ $PersonalDataAdaptationTitle = "Prilagoditev osebnih podatkov ali njihova spreme
 $PersonalDataExtractionTitle = "Izločanje osebnih podatkov";
 $PersonalDataConsultationTitle = "Vpogled v osebne podke (povpraševanja po podatkih)";
 $PersonalDataUsageTitle = "Raba osebnih podatkov";
+$PersonalDataCommunicationTitle = "Komuniciranje z in razširjanje/deljenje vaših osebnih podatkov";
+$PersonalDataInterconnectionTitle = "Povezovanje vaših osebnih podatkov";
+$PersonalDataLimitationTitle = "Omejitvi pri obravnavi osebnih podatkov";
 $PersonalDataDeletionTitle = "Odstranjevanje/brisanje osebnih podatkov";
 $PersonalDataDestructionTitle = "Uničevanje osebnih podatkov";
 $PersonalDataProfilingTitle = "Profiliranje na osnovi osebnih podatkov";
@@ -7954,6 +8018,14 @@ $TotalHours = "Skupaj ur";
 $MinutesPerDay = "Minut na dan";
 $ClassroomActivity = "Aktivnost v razredu";
 $OneDay = "1 dan";
+$Anonymize = "Anonimiziraj";
+$XQuestions = "%d vprašanj";
+$CopyTextToClipboard = "Kopiraj besedilo";
+$Skype = "Skype";
+$PersonalDataOfficerName = "Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo osebnih podatkov (DPO/GDPR)";
+$PersonalDataOfficerRole = "Vloga pooblaščena osebe za varstvo osebnih podatkov (DPO/GDPR)";
+$TotalLPTime = "Skupen čas v učnih poteh";
+$AddStatus = "Dodaj status";
 $BackToTop = "Nazaj na vrh";
 $PersonalDataCollectionTitleHelp = "Zakaj zbiramo te podatke?";
 $PersonalDataAdaptationTitleHelp = "Katere spremebe lahko izvršimo na pridobljenih podatkih? Katere spremembe lahko izvršimo, ne da bi vplivali na delovanje storitev platforme?";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -8437,4 +8437,9 @@ $LoginsByDate = "Inicios de sesión por fecha";
 $AllowHtaccessScormImport = "Habilitar archivo htaccess en el importe SCORM";
 $ExerciseAutoEvaluationAndRankingMode = "Mostrar sólo la nota global (no la nota de cada pregunta) y mostrar la respuesta correcta y la respuesta seleccionada por el alumno + modo clasificación.";
 $YouAreReceivingACopyBecauseYouAreACourseCoach = "Usted recibe esta copia en calidad de tutor de este curso";
+$GenerateReport = "Generar reporte";
+$VersionFromVersionFile = "Versión del archivo version";
+$VersionFromConfigFile = "Versión del archivo de configuración";
+$TheVersionFromTheVersionFileIsUpdatedWithEachVersionIfMainInstallDirectoryIsPresent = "La version del archivo version.php es actualizada a cada actualización del software, pero solo está disponible si la carpeta main/install/ está presente en el disco.";
+$TheVersionFromTheConfigurationFileShowsOnTheAdminPageButHasToBeChangedManuallyOnUpgrade = "La versión del archivo de configuración principal se muestra en la página principal de administración, pero tiene que ser modificada manualmente a cada actualización de la plataforma.";

+ 0 - 1

@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ if ($form->validate()) {
 $interbreadcrumb[] = ['url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('AccessDetails')];

+ 1 - 1

@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class RedirectionPlugin extends Plugin
-     * Deletes redirection from user
+     * Deletes redirection from user.
      * @param int $userId