@@ -30,31 +30,38 @@ $langUnregister = "Unregister";
$langAddAUser = "Add users";
$UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the course";
$ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "This student is subscribed in this course through a session. You cannot edit these informations";
-$PersonalData = "Personal Data";
+$PersonalData = "Profile";
$Contacts = "Contacts";
-$SocialInformationComment = "allow categorize your contacts";
+$SocialInformationComment = "This screen allows you to organise your contacts";
$AttachContactsToGroup = "Attach contacts to group";
$ContactsList = "Contacts list";
$AttachToGroup = "Attach to group";
$SelectOneContact = "Select one contact";
$SelectOneGroup = "Select one group";
-$AttachContactsPersonal = "Attach contacts personal";
-$AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly = "Attach contacts to group succesfuly";
+$AttachContactsPersonal = "Attach personal contacts";
+$AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly = "Successfully attached contacts to group";
$InvitationDenied = "Invitation denied";
$AddedContactToList = "Added contact to list";
-$ContactsGroupsComment = "Allow see their contacts grouped";
+$ContactsGroupsComment = "This screen is a list of contacts sorted by groups";
$YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup = "You don\'t have contacts in this group";
$SelectTheCheckbox = "Select the check box";
-$YouDontHaveInvites = "You don\'t have invites";
-$SocialInvitesComment = "Allow see your Invites";
+$YouDontHaveInvites = "You don\'t have invitations";
+$SocialInvitesComment = "This screen allows you to check your pending invitations";
$InvitationSentBy = "Invitation sent by";
$RequestContact = "Request contact";
-$DateSend = "Date send";
-$SocialUnknow = "Unknow";
+$DateSend = "Date sent";
+$SocialUnknow = "Unknown";
$SocialParent = "My parents";
$SocialFriend = "My friends";
-$SocialGoodFriend = "Good friends";
-$SocialEnemy = "My enemy";
+$SocialGoodFriend = "My real friends";
+$SocialEnemy = "My enemies";
$SocialDeleted = "Deleted contact";
-$MessageOutboxComment = "Allow see messages of outbox";
+$MessageOutboxComment = "This screen shows the messages you sent";
+$MyPersonalData = "My personal data";
+$AlterPersonalData = "Alter personal data";
+$SocialNetwork = "Social network";
+$YouDontHaveInvites = "You dont have invites";
+$Invites = "My invites";
+$ContactsGroups = "Contcats Groups";
+$BackToOutbox = "Back to outbox";