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[svn r18451] DLTT import

Carlos Vargas il y a 16 ans

+ 5 - 0

@@ -916,4 +916,9 @@ $AllowSocialToolComment = "The social network tool allows users to define relati
 $SetLanguageAsDefault = "Set language as default";
 $GenerateApiKey = "Generate API key";
 $MyApiKey = "My API key";
+$FieldFilter = "Field filter";
+$FilterOn = "Filter on";
+$FilterOff = "Filter off";
+$FieldFilterSetOn = "You can use now this field as a filter ";
+$FieldFilterSetOff = "You can\'t use this field as a filter ";

+ 0 - 1

@@ -127,6 +127,5 @@ $QualifyWeight = "Weight of qualification";
 $QualifyNumeric = "Maximum score";
 $AlterQualifyThread = "Alter qualify thread";
 $ForumMoved = "The forum has moved";
-$ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "There Is Not Qualified Learners";
 $YouMustAssignWeightOfQualification = "You Must Assign Weight Of Qualification";

+ 2 - 1

@@ -687,5 +687,6 @@ $InvitationHasBeenNotSent = "The invitation hasn\'t been sent";
 $Overview = "Overview";
 $ApiKeys = "API keys";
 $Deny = "Deny";
-$ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners = "There Is Not Unqualified Learners";
+$ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "There are no qualified learners";
+$ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners = "There are no unqualified learners";

+ 19 - 12

@@ -30,31 +30,38 @@ $langUnregister = "Unregister";
 $langAddAUser = "Add users";
 $UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the course";
 $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "This student is subscribed in this course through a session. You cannot edit these informations";
-$PersonalData = "Personal Data";
+$PersonalData = "Profile";
 $Contacts = "Contacts";
-$SocialInformationComment = "allow categorize your contacts";
+$SocialInformationComment = "This screen allows you to organise your contacts";
 $AttachContactsToGroup = "Attach contacts to group";
 $ContactsList = "Contacts list";
 $AttachToGroup = "Attach to group";
 $SelectOneContact = "Select one contact";
 $SelectOneGroup = "Select one group";
-$AttachContactsPersonal = "Attach contacts personal";
-$AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly = "Attach contacts to group succesfuly";
+$AttachContactsPersonal = "Attach personal contacts";
+$AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly = "Successfully attached contacts to group";
 $InvitationDenied = "Invitation denied";
 $AddedContactToList = "Added contact to list";
-$ContactsGroupsComment = "Allow see their contacts grouped";
+$ContactsGroupsComment = "This screen is a list of contacts sorted by groups";
 $YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup = "You don\'t have contacts in this group";
 $SelectTheCheckbox = "Select the check box";
-$YouDontHaveInvites = "You don\'t have invites";
-$SocialInvitesComment = "Allow see your Invites";
+$YouDontHaveInvites = "You don\'t have invitations";
+$SocialInvitesComment = "This screen allows you to check your pending invitations";
 $InvitationSentBy = "Invitation sent by";
 $RequestContact = "Request contact";
-$DateSend = "Date send";
-$SocialUnknow = "Unknow";
+$DateSend = "Date sent";
+$SocialUnknow = "Unknown";
 $SocialParent = "My parents";
 $SocialFriend = "My friends";
-$SocialGoodFriend = "Good friends";
-$SocialEnemy = "My enemy";
+$SocialGoodFriend = "My real friends";
+$SocialEnemy = "My enemies";
 $SocialDeleted = "Deleted contact";
-$MessageOutboxComment = "Allow see messages of outbox";
+$MessageOutboxComment = "This screen shows the messages you sent";
+$MyPersonalData = "My personal data";
+$AlterPersonalData = "Alter personal data";
+$SocialNetwork = "Social network";
+$YouDontHaveInvites  = "You dont have invites";
+$Invites = "My invites";
+$ContactsGroups = "Contcats Groups";
+$BackToOutbox = "Back to outbox";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ $WeightNecessary = "Weight necessary";
 $QualificationOver = "Qualification over";
 $ExpiryDateAlreadyPassed = "Expiry date already passed";
 $EndDateAlreadyPassed = "End date already passed";
-$MoveXTo = "Move %s To";
+$MoveXTo = "Move %s to";

+ 20 - 0

@@ -4,13 +4,33 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
 $Camera = "Kamera";
 $Microphone = "Mikrofoni";
 $Name = "Nimi";
+$DeleteStream = "Poista tallenne";
+$Progress = "Edistyminen";
+$Play = "Toista";
+$Stop = "Pysäytä";
+$Record = "Nauhoita";
+$NoFileAvailable = "Tiedostoa ei saatavilla";
 $RecordingOnlyForTeachers = "Äänittäminen vain opettajille.";
 $UsersNow = "Käyttäjiä tällä hetkellä:";
 $StartConference = "Aloita konferenssi";
 $MyName = "Nimeni";
 $ImportPresentation = "Lataa esitys";
 $RefreshList = "Virkistä lista";
+$GoToTop = "Mene alkuun";
 $NewPoll = "Uusi äänestys";
 $CreateNewPoll = "Luo uusi äänestys tähän huoneesen";
 $Question = "Kysymys:";
+$PollType = "Kyselyn tyyppi:";
+$Create = "Luo";
+$InfoConnectedUsersGetNotifiedOfThisPoll = "Info: Jokainen tässä tilassa oleva käyttäjä saa ilmoituksen uudesta kyselystä.";
+$YesNo = "Kyllä/Ei";
+$Numeric1To10 = "Numero 1-10";
+$Poll = "Kysely";
+$YouHaveToBecomeModeratorOfThisRoomToStartPolls = "Sinun tulee olla puheenjohtaja jotta voit tehdä kyselyitä.";
+$YourVoteHasBeenSent = "Äänesi on rekisteröity";
+$YouAlreadyVotedForThisPoll = "Olet jo äänestänyt";
+$VoteButton = "Äänestä!";
+$YourAnswer = "Vastauksesi:";
+$Yes = "Kyllä";
+$No = "Ei";

+ 3 - 0

@@ -913,4 +913,7 @@ $ManageSessions = "Gestion des sessions";
 $AllowMessageToolComment = "Activer l\'outil de messagerie interne permet aux utilisateurs de s\'envoyer des messages entre eux et de disposer d\'une boîte de réception de messages.";
 $AllowSocialToolTitle = "Outil de réseau social";
 $AllowSocialToolComment = "L\'outil de réseau social permet aux utilisateurs de définir des relations vis à vis d\'autres utilisateurs, et ainsi de former des groupes d\'amis. Combiné à l\'outil de messagerie, cet outil permet de communiquer de cette façon avec ses amis au sein du portail.";
+$SetLanguageAsDefault = "Utiliser cette langue par défaut";
+$GenerateApiKey = "Générer une nouvelle clef API";
+$MyApiKey = "Ma clef API";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -127,4 +127,5 @@ $QualifyWeight = "Pond
 $QualifyNumeric = "Score maximum";
 $AlterQualifyThread = "Changer la cotation du fil de discussion";
 $ForumMoved = "Le forum a été déplacé";
+$YouMustAssignWeightOfQualification = "Veuillez assigner un poids de qualification";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ $TermAdded = "Terme ajout
 $YouMustEnterATermName = "Veuillez entrer un terme";
 $YouMustEnterATermDefinition = "Veuillez entrer la définition du terme";
 $TableView = "Tableau";
+$GlossaryTermAlreadyExistsYouShouldEditIt = "Ce terme de glossaire existe déjà. Veuillez modifier le nom du terme.";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -28,4 +28,5 @@ $ConfirmDeleteMessage = "
 $DeleteMessage = "Supprimer le message";
 $ReadMessage = "Lire";
 $Outbox = "Envoyés";
+$SendInviteMessage = "Envoyer invitation";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@ $lang_new_dropbox_file = "nouveau document re
 $lang_update_dropbox_file = "document de la section de partage de fichier a été mis à jour";
 $ForumCategoryAdded = "Catégorie de forum ajoutée";
 $LearnpathAdded = "Cours ajouté";
+$GlossaryAdded = "Nouveau terme ajouté dans le glossaire";

+ 4 - 0

@@ -684,5 +684,9 @@ $SendFileError = "Une erreur a 
 $Expired = "Expiré";
 $InvitationHasBeenSent = "L\'invitation a été envoyée";
 $InvitationHasBeenNotSent = "L\'invitation n\'a pas été envoyée";
+$Overview = "Vue globale";
 $ApiKeys = "Clefs API";
+$Deny = "Refuser";
+$ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "Il n\'y a pas d\'apprenant coté";
+$ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners = "Il n\'y a pas d\'apprenant à coter";

+ 27 - 0

@@ -30,4 +30,31 @@ $langUnregister = "Non enregistr
 $langAddAUser = "Ajouter des utilisateurs";
 $UsersUnsubscribed = "Les utilisateurs sélectionnés ont été désinscrits du cours";
 $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "Cet apprenant est inscrit dans ce cours via une session de formation. Vous ne pouvez pas modifier ses informations";
+$PersonalData = "Fiche perso";
+$Contacts = "Contacts";
+$SocialInformationComment = "Cet écran vous permet d\'organiser vos contacts";
+$AttachContactsToGroup = "Assigner des contacts à ce groupe";
+$ContactsList = "Liste des contacts";
+$AttachToGroup = "Attacher à ce groupe";
+$SelectOneContact = "Sélectionnez un contact";
+$SelectOneGroup = "Sélectionnez un groupe";
+$AttachContactsPersonal = "Attacher les contacts personnels";
+$AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly = "Contacts attachés au groupe avec succès";
+$InvitationDenied = "Invitation refusée";
+$AddedContactToList = "Ajouté contact à la liste";
+$ContactsGroupsComment = "Cet écran vous présente une liste de contacts triés par groupes";
+$YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup = "Vous n\'avez aucun contact dans ce groupe";
+$SelectTheCheckbox = "Cochez la case";
+$YouDontHaveInvites = "Vous n\'avez pas d\'invitation";
+$SocialInvitesComment = "Cet écran vous permet de vérifier vos invitations en attente";
+$InvitationSentBy = "Invitation envoyée par";
+$RequestContact = "Demander un contact";
+$DateSend = "Date d\'envoi";
+$SocialUnknow = "Inconnu";
+$SocialParent = "Ma famille";
+$SocialFriend = "Mes amis";
+$SocialGoodFriend = "Mes vrais amis";
+$SocialEnemy = "Mes ennemis";
+$SocialDeleted = "Contact supprimé";
+$MessageOutboxComment = "Cet écran vous permet de visualiser les messages que vous avez envoyés";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -56,4 +56,5 @@ $WeightNecessary = "Minimum requis";
 $QualificationOver = "Cotation sur";
 $ExpiryDateAlreadyPassed = "La date d\'expiration est déjà passée";
 $EndDateAlreadyPassed = "La date de fin est déjà passée";
+$MoveXTo = "Déplacer %s vers";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -916,4 +916,9 @@ $AllowSocialToolComment = "Esta opci
 $SetLanguageAsDefault = "Definir como idioma por defecto";
 $GenerateApiKey = "Generar API key";
 $MyApiKey = "Mi API key";
+$FieldFilter = "Filtro ";
+$FilterOn = "Habilitar filtro";
+$FilterOff = "Deshabilitar filtro";
+$FieldFilterSetOn = "Puede utilizar este campo como filtro ";
+$FieldFilterSetOff = "Filtro deshabilitado";

+ 0 - 1

@@ -127,6 +127,5 @@ $QualifyWeight = "Peso de la calificaci
 $QualifyNumeric = "Calificación numérica sobre";
 $AlterQualifyThread = "Editar la calificación del tema";
 $ForumMoved = "El foro se ha movido";
-$ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "No hay estudiantes calificados";
 $YouMustAssignWeightOfQualification = "Debe asignar el peso de la cualificación";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -685,6 +685,8 @@ $Expired = "Vencido";
 $InvitationHasBeenSent = "La invitación ha sido enviada";
 $InvitationHasBeenNotSent = "La invitación no ha sido enviada";
 $Overview = "Vista global";
+$ApiKeys = "Llaves API";
 $Deny = "Denegar";
+$ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "No hay estudiantes calificados";
 $ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners = "No hay estudiantes sin calificar";

+ 7 - 0

@@ -57,4 +57,11 @@ $SocialGoodFriend = "Mis mejores amigos";
 $SocialEnemy = "Mis enemigos";
 $SocialDeleted = "Contacto eliminado";
 $MessageOutboxComment = "Desde aquí usted puede ver los mensajes ques usted envió";
+$MyPersonalData = "Desde aquí puede ver y modificar sus datos personales";
+$AlterPersonalData = "Modifique sus datos personales desde aquí";
+$SocialNetwork = "Red social";
+$YouDontHaveInvites  = "Usted no tiene invitaciones";
+$Invites = "Mis invitados";
+$ContactsGroups = "Mis grupos de contactos";
+$BackToOutbox = "Volver a la bandeja de salida";