@@ -261,54 +261,12 @@ function move($source, $target, $forceMove = false, $moveContent = false)
function copyDirTo($orig_dir_path, $destination, $move = true)
- if ($orig_dir_path == $destination) {
- return false;
- }
- $save_dir = getcwd();
- // Extract directory name - create it at destination - update destination trail
- $dir_name = basename($orig_dir_path);
- $dir_to_copy = array();
- if (is_dir($orig_dir_path)) {
- if (!is_dir($destination.'/'.$dir_name)) {
- mkdir(
- $destination.'/'.$dir_name,
- api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()
- );
- }
- $destination_trail = $destination.'/'.$dir_name;
- if (is_dir($destination)) {
- chdir($orig_dir_path) ;
- $handle = opendir($orig_dir_path);
+ $fs = new \Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem();
+ $fs->mirror($orig_dir_path, $destination);
- while ($element = readdir($handle)) {
- if ($element == '.' || $element == '..') {
- continue; // Skip the current and parent directories
- } elseif (is_file($element)) {
- copy($element, $destination_trail.'/'.$element);
- if ($move) {
- unlink($element) ;
- }
- } elseif (is_dir($element)) {
- $dir_to_copy[] = $orig_dir_path.'/'.$element;
- }
- }
- closedir($handle) ;
- if (sizeof($dir_to_copy) > 0) {
- foreach ($dir_to_copy as $this_dir) {
- copyDirTo($this_dir, $destination_trail, $move); // Recursivity
- }
- }
- if ($move) {
- rmdir($orig_dir_path) ;
- }
- chdir($save_dir);
- }
- }
+ if ($move) {
+ $fs->remove($orig_dir_path);
+ }