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+<title>ASCIIMathML: Syntax and constants</title>
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+<h2 id="title">
+ASCIIMathML.js (ver 2.0): Syntax and List of Constants
+<h4 id="subtitle">
+The main aims of the ASCIIMathML syntax are: -- 1. close to standard
+mathematical notation -- 2. easy to read -- 3. easy to type
+You can use your favorite editor to write HTML pages that use this
+JavaScript program. If the page is viewed by a browser that does not
+support MathML or JavaScript, the ASCII formulas are still quite
+readable. Most users will not have to read the technicalities on
+this page. If you type
+<pre>amath x^2 or a_(m n) or a_{m n} or (x+1)/y or sqrtx endamath</pre>
+you pretty much get what you expect: amath x^2 or a_(m n) or a_{m n} or
+(x+1)/y or sqrtx endamath. The a``math ... enda``math tokens are used to
+start/stop the <b>new auto-math-recognize mode</b>. Of course one can still use
+the \`...\` back-quotes to delimit math formulas explicitly
+(\$...\$ should only be used for LaTeX formulas).
+The choice of grouping parenthesis is up to you
+(they don't have to match either). If the displayed expression can be
+parsed uniquely without them, they are omitted. Printing the table of
+constant symbols (below) may be helpful (but is not necessary if you
+know the LaTeX equivalents).
+It is hoped that this simple input format for MathML will further
+encourage its use on the web. The remainder of this page gives a fairly
+detailed specification of the ASCII syntax. <b>The expressions described here
+correspond to a wellspecified subset of Presentation MathML and behave
+in a predictable way.</b>
+The syntax is very permissive and does not generate syntax
+errors. This allows mathematically incorrect expressions to be
+displayed, which is important for teaching purposes. It also causes
+less frustration when previewing formulas.
+The parser uses no operator precedence and only respects the grouping
+brackets, subscripts, superscript, fractions and (square) roots. This
+is done for reasons of efficiency and generality. The resulting MathML
+code can quite easily be processed further to ensure additional syntactic
+requirements of any particular application.
+<b>The grammar:</b> Here is a definition of the grammar used to parse
+ASCIIMathML expressions. In the Backus-Naur form given below, the
+letter on the left of the ::= represents a category of symbols that
+could be one of the possible sequences of symbols listed on the right.
+The vertical bar | separates the alternatives.
+<pre>c ::= [A-z] | numbers | greek letters | other constant symbols (see below)
+u ::= 'sqrt' | 'text' | 'bb' | other unary symbols for font commands
+b ::= 'frac' | 'root' | 'stackrel' binary symbols
+l ::= ( | [ | { | (: | {: left brackets
+r ::= ) | ] | } | :) | :} right brackets
+S ::= c | lEr | uS | bSS | "any" simple expression
+E ::= SE | S/S |S_S | S^S | S_S^S expression (fraction, sub-, super-, subsuperscript)
+<b>The translation rules:</b> Each terminal symbol is translated into
+a corresponding MathML node. The constants are mostly converted to
+their respective Unicode symbols. The other expressions are converted
+as follows:<br/>
+(note that any pair of brackets can be used to delimit subexpressions,
+they don't have to match)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>sqrt `S`</td><td>`to`</td><td><msqrt>`S'`</msqrt></td></tr>
+<tr><td>text `S`</td><td>`to`</td><td><mtext>`S'`</mtext></td></tr>
+frac `S_1` `S_2`</td><td>`to`</td><td><mfrac>`S_1'` `S_2'`</mfrac>
+root `S_1` `S_2`</td><td>`to`</td><td><mroot>`S_2'` `S_1'`</mroot>
+stackrel `S_1` `S_2`</td><td>`to`</td><td><mover>`S_2'` `S_1'`</mover>
+`S_1`/`S_2`</td><td>`to`</td><td><mfrac>`S_1'` `S_2'`</mfrac>
+`S_1`_`S_2`</td><td>`to`</td><td><msub>`S_1` `S_2'`</msub>
+`S_1`^`S_2`</td><td>`to`</td><td><msup>`S_1` `S_2'`</msup>
+<td><msubsup>`S_1` `S_2'` `S_3'`</msubsup> or
+<munderover>`S_1` `S_2'` `S_3'`</munderover> (in some cases)
+In the rules above, the expression `S'` is the same as `S`, except that if
+`S` has an outer level of brackets, then `S'` is the expression inside
+these brackets.
+<b>Matrices:</b> A simple syntax for matrices is also recognized:
+    or    
+Here <tt>l</tt> and <tt>r</tt> stand for any of the left and right
+brackets (just like in the grammar they do not have to match). Both of
+these expressions are translated to
+For example
+displays as `{(S_(11),...,S_(1n)),(vdots,ddots,vdots),(S_(m1),...,S_(mn))]`.
+Note that each row must have the same number of expressions, and there
+should be at least two rows.
+<b>Tokenization:</b> The input formula is broken into tokens using a
+"longest matching initial substring search". Suppose the input formula
+has been processed from left to right up to a fixed position. The
+longest string from the list of constants (given below) that matches
+the initial part of the remainder of the formula is the next token. If
+there is no matching string, then the first character of the remainder
+is the next token. The symbol table at the top of the ASCIIMathML.js
+script specifies whether a symbol is a math operator (surrounded by a
+<mo> tag) or a math identifier (surrounded by a <mi> tag). For
+single character tokens, letters are treated as math identifiers, and
+non-alphanumeric characters are treated as math operators. For digits,
+see "Numbers" below.
+Spaces are significant when they separate characters and thus prevent
+a certain string of characters from matching one of the
+constants. Multiple spaces and end-of-line characters are equivalent
+to a single space.
+Now for a complete list of constants (<a
+LaTeX names</a> also work):
+Numbers: A string of digits, optionally preceded by a minus sign, and
+optionally followed by a decimal point (a period) and another string
+of digits, is parsed as a single token and converted to a MathML
+number, i.e., enclosed with the <mn> tag. If it is not desirable to
+have a preceding minus sign be part of the number, a space should be inserted.
+Thus <tt>x-1</tt> is converted to <mi>x</mi><mn>-1</mn>, whereas
+<tt>x - 1</tt> is converted to <mi>x</mi><mo>-</mo><mn>1</mn>.
+Greek letters:
+alpha `alpha`
+beta `beta`
+chi `chi`
+delta `delta`
+Delta `Delta`
+epsilon `epsilon`
+varepsilon `varepsilon`
+eta `eta`
+gamma `gamma`
+Gamma `Gamma`
+iota `iota`
+kappa `kappa`
+lambda `lambda`
+Lambda `Lambda`
+mu `mu`
+nu `nu`
+omega `omega`
+Omega `Omega`
+phi `phi`
+varphi `varphi`
+Phi `Phi`
+pi `pi`
+Pi `Pi`
+psi `psi`
+Psi `Psi`
+rho `rho`
+sigma `sigma`
+Sigma `Sigma`
+tau `tau`
+theta `theta`
+vartheta `vartheta`
+Theta `Theta`
+upsilon `upsilon`
+xi `xi`
+Xi `Xi`
+zeta `zeta`
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+<tr valign="top"><td>
+Operation symbols
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+<tr><td>\\</td><td>`\\ `</td></tr>
+Relation symbols
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+<tr><td>< </td><td>`<`</td></tr>
+Logical symbols
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+Grouping brackets
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+Miscellaneous symbols
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+<tr><td>|\ |</td><td>|`\ `|</td></tr>
+Standard functions
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+<tr><td>hat x</td><td>`hat x`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>bar x</td><td>`bar x`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>ul x</td><td>`ul x`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>vec x</td><td>`vec x`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>dot x</td><td>`dot x`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>ddot x</td><td>`ddot x`</td></tr>
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+Font commands
+<table border="5" cellpadding="10">
+<tr><td>bb A</td><td>`bb A`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>bbb A</td><td>`bbb A`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>cc A</td><td>`cc A`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>tt A</td><td>`tt A`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>fr A</td><td>`fr A`</td></tr>
+<tr><td>sf A</td><td>`sf A`</td></tr>
+Of course you may want or need other symbols from the thousands of <a
+symbols</a> or <a
+symbols</a>. Fortunately ASCIIMathML.js is very <a
+to extend</a>, so you can tailor it to your specific needs. (This
+could be compared to the LaTeX macro files that many users have
+developed over the years.)
+Large files with many formulas can take quite some time to display,
+especially on older hardware. To address this problem, there is a
+version ASCIIMathMLite.js that has a shorter symbol table (without the
+LaTeX symbol names) and slightly simplified parser. Send me an email
+at <a href="mailto:jipsen@chapman.edu">jipsen@chapman.edu</a> if you
+would like a copy.
+Another version that also recognizes some <a
+href="http://www.latex-project.org/">LaTeX</a> layout commands and
+(the fairly standard) <a
+formatting codes</a> for ASCII text is in the works. This further
+simplifies producing mathematical content for the web. However such a
+development is less easily justified since there are good free HTML
+editors and the HTML syntax is a well-established standard that is
+simple enough to be coded by hand.
+<div id="author">
+<a href="http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen/">Peter Jipsen</a>,
+<a href="http://www.chapman.edu/">Chapman University</a>, September 2007
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