@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ $CreateFromExistingSurveys = "Create From Existing Surveys";
$SurveyTemplate = "Survey template";
$SurveyTemplate = "Survey template";
$PleaseEnterSurveyTitle = "Please enter survey title";
$PleaseEnterSurveyTitle = "Please enter survey title";
$PleaseEnterValidDate = "Please Enter Valid Date";
$PleaseEnterValidDate = "Please Enter Valid Date";
-$AddQuestionGroup = "Add Question/Group";
-$PleaseEnterGroupName = "Please Enter Group Name";
-$AddQuestionsInDefaultGroup = "Add Questions in Default Group";
-$AddQuestionsInExistingGroup = "Add Questions in Existing Group";
$NotPublished = "Not published";
$NotPublished = "Not published";
$AdvancedReportDetails = "Advanced report allows to choose the user and the questions to see more precis informations";
$AdvancedReportDetails = "Advanced report allows to choose the user and the questions to see more precis informations";
$AdvancedReport = "Advanced report";
$AdvancedReport = "Advanced report";
@@ -39,7 +35,6 @@ $ViewSurvey = "View survey";
$SelectDisplayType = "Select Display Type :";
$SelectDisplayType = "Select Display Type :";
$Thanks = "Feedback message";
$Thanks = "Feedback message";
$AnsTarget = "Answered/Targeted";
$AnsTarget = "Answered/Targeted";
-$NoQuestionAvailableInThisGroup = "No question available in this group";
$SurveyReporting = "Survey reporting";
$SurveyReporting = "Survey reporting";
$Reporting = "Reporting";
$Reporting = "Reporting";
$NoSurveyAvailable = "No survey available";
$NoSurveyAvailable = "No survey available";
@@ -48,22 +43,15 @@ $YourSurveyHasBeenPublished = "has been published";
$CreateFromExistingSurvey = "Create from existing survey";
$CreateFromExistingSurvey = "Create from existing survey";
$Publish = "Publish survey";
$Publish = "Publish survey";
$SearchASurvey = "Search a survey";
$SearchASurvey = "Search a survey";
-$GroupIntroduction = "Group introduction";
$CourseName = "Course name";
$CourseName = "Course name";
$SurveysOfAllCourses = "Survey(s) Of All Courses";
$SurveysOfAllCourses = "Survey(s) Of All Courses";
-$GroupCreated = "created ! You can now add question(s) to the new group";
-$ImportGroups = "Import Groups";
$ImportExistingSurvey = "Import Existing Survey";
$ImportExistingSurvey = "Import Existing Survey";
-$AlreadyImported = "Group(s) already imported";
$ImportSurvey = "Import survey";
$ImportSurvey = "Import survey";
$ImportQuestion = "Import question";
$ImportQuestion = "Import question";
$PleaseSelectAChoice = "Please make a choice";
$PleaseSelectAChoice = "Please make a choice";
$ThereAreNoQuestionsInTheDatabase = "There are no questions in the database";
$ThereAreNoQuestionsInTheDatabase = "There are no questions in the database";
$UpdateQuestionType = "Update Question Type : ";
$UpdateQuestionType = "Update Question Type : ";
-$ModifyGroupInformation = "Modify group information";
-$SelectGroup = "Select group";
$SelectQuestionType = "Select question type";
$SelectQuestionType = "Select question type";
-$AddNewGroup = "Add new group / edit group";
$AddAnotherQuestion = "Add new question";
$AddAnotherQuestion = "Add new question";
$IsShareSurvey = "Share survey with others";
$IsShareSurvey = "Share survey with others";
$Proceed = "Proceed";
$Proceed = "Proceed";
@@ -97,7 +85,6 @@ $ThisCodeAlradyExists = "This code already exist";
$SaveAndExit = "Save and exit";
$SaveAndExit = "Save and exit";
$CreateExistingSurvey = "Create from an existing survey";
$CreateExistingSurvey = "Create from an existing survey";
$SurveyName = "Survey name";
$SurveyName = "Survey name";
-$AvailableUntill = "Available untill";
$SurveySubTitle = "Survey subtitle";
$SurveySubTitle = "Survey subtitle";
$ShareSurvey = "Share survey";
$ShareSurvey = "Share survey";
$SurveyThanks = "Survey thanks";
$SurveyThanks = "Survey thanks";
@@ -106,5 +93,46 @@ $NoSurveysSelected = "No surveys selected";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "the survey has been succesfully updated";
$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "the survey has been succesfully updated";
$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "You can now add questions to your survey";
$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "You can now add questions to your survey";
$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Or return to survey overview";
$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "Or return to survey overview";
-$ImportQuestionsFromExistingGroup = "Import questions from existing groups";
+$SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste = "There is a parameter missing in the link. Please use copy and past";
+$WrongInvitationCode = "Wrong invitation code";
+$SurveyFinished = "You have finished this survey.";
+$SurveyPreview = "Survey preview";
+$InvallidSurvey = "Invalid survey";
+$AddQuestion = "Add a question";
+$EditQuestion = "Edit question";
+$TypeDoesNotExist = "This type does not exist";
+$SurveyCreatedSuccesfully = "The survey has been created succesfully";
+$YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey = "You can now add questions to your survey";
+$SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully = "The survey has been updated succesfully";
+$OrReturnToSurveyOverview = "or return to the survey overview";
+$QuestionAdded = "The question has been added.";
+$QuestionUpdated = "The question has been updated.";
+$SaveQuestion = "Save question";
+$RemoveAnswer = "Remove option";
+$AddAnswer = "Add option";
+$DisplayAnswersHorVert = "Display";
+$AnswerOptions = "Answer options";
+$YesNo = "Yes / No";
+$MultipleChoice = "Multiple choice";
+$MultipleResponse = "Multiple Response";
+$Open = "open";
+$Dropdown = "Dropdown";
+$Pagebreak = "Page end";
+$QuestionNumber = "Question number";
+$NumberOfOptions = "Number of options";
+$SurveyInvitations = "Survey invitations";
+$InvitationCode = "Invitation code";
+$InvitationDate = "Invitation date";
+$Answered = "Answered";
+$CourseUsers = "Course users";
+$AdditonalUsers = "Additonal users";
+$AdditonalUsersComment = "You can invite additional users to fill the survey. To do so you can type their email adresses here separated by , or ; ";
+$MailTitle = "Mail title";
+$MailText = "Mail text";
+$UseLinkSyntax = "Every invited user will receive an email with a unique link. Users have to click that link to fill the survey. When you do nothing special the unique link will automatically be added to the end of the mail. You can however determine where the link has to appear by adding **link** in your text. This **link** is automatically replaced with the unique link for every user.";
+$InvitationsSend = "invitations sent.";
+$SurveyDeleted = "The survey has been deleted.";
+$NoSurveysSelected = "No surveys have been selected.";
+$NumberOfQuestions = "Number of questions";
+$Invite = "Invite";