@@ -163,5 +163,24 @@ $_configuration['deny_delete_users'] = false;
// Version settings
$_configuration['system_version'] = '{NEW_VERSION}';
$_configuration['system_stable'] = NEW_VERSION_STABLE;
-$_configuration['hide_home_top_when_connected'] = true;
-$_configuration['hide_global_announcements_when_not_connected'] = true;
+ * Settings to be included as settings_current in future versions
+ */
+// Hide the main home section for connected users (to show announcements instead)
+//$_configuration['hide_home_top_when_connected'] = true;
+// Hide the global announcements for non-connected users
+//$_configuration['hide_global_announcements_when_not_connected'] = true;
+// Use this course as template for all new courses (define course real ID as value)
+//$_configuration['course_creation_use_template'] = 14;
+// Uncomment the following to prevent all admins to use the "login as" feature
+//$_configuration['login_as_forbidden_globally'] = true;
+// Add password strength checker
+//$_configuration['allow_strength_pass_checker'] = true;
+// Enable captcha
+//$_configuration['enable_captcha'] = true;
+//$_configuration['allow_captcha'] = true;
+// Prevent account from logging in for a certain amount of time if captcha is wrong for the specified number of times
+//$_configuration['captcha_number_mistakes_to_block_account'] = 5;
+// Prevent account from logging in for the specified number of minutes
+//$_configuration['captcha_time_to_block'] = 5;//minutes