@@ -471,54 +471,3 @@ function GetFullUserName($uid) {
- * Gets a list of chat calls made by others to the current user (info kept in main.user table)
- * @param none - taken from global space
- * @return string An HTML-formatted message
- */
-function chatcall() {
- $_cid = api_get_course_id();
- $_user = api_get_user_info();
- if (!$_user['user_id']) {
- return (false);
- }
- $userId = intval($_user['user_id']);
- $track_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
- $sql="SELECT chatcall_user_id, chatcall_date FROM $track_user_table
- WHERE ( id = $userId )";
- $result=Database::query($sql);
- $row=Database::fetch_array($result);
- $login_date=$row['chatcall_date'];
- $hour = substr($login_date,11,2);
- $minute = substr($login_date,14,2);
- $second = substr($login_date,17,2);
- $month = substr($login_date,5,2);
- $day = substr($login_date,8,2);
- $year = substr($login_date,0,4);
- $calltime = mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year);
- $time = api_get_utc_datetime();
- $minute_passed=5; //within this limit, the chat call request is valid
- $limittime = mktime(date("H"),date("i")-$minute_passed,date("s"),date("m"),date("d"),date("Y"));
- if (($row['chatcall_user_id']) and ($calltime>$limittime)) {
- $webpath=api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH);
- $message=get_lang('YouWereCalled').' : '.GetFullUserName($row['chatcall_user_id'],'').'<br>'.get_lang('DoYouAccept')
- ."<p>"
- ."<a href=\"".$webpath."chat/chat.php?cidReq=".$_cid."&origin=whoisonlinejoin\">"
- . get_lang("Yes")
- ."</a>"
- ." | "
- ."<a href=\"".api_get_path(WEB_PATH)."webchatdeny.php\">"
- . get_lang("No")
- ."</a>"
- ."</p>";
- return($message);
- } else {
- return false;
- }