@@ -101,76 +101,6 @@ function parse_csv_data($file)
return $skills;
- * XML-parser: handle start of element.
- */
-function element_start($parser, $data)
- $data = api_utf8_decode($data);
- global $skill;
- global $current_tag;
- switch ($data) {
- case 'Skill':
- $skill = [];
- break;
- default:
- $current_tag = $data;
- }
- * XML-parser: handle end of element.
- */
-function element_end($parser, $data)
- $data = api_utf8_decode($data);
- global $skill;
- global $skills;
- global $current_value;
- switch ($data) {
- case 'Skill':
- $skills[] = $skill;
- break;
- default:
- $skill[$data] = $current_value;
- break;
- }
- * XML-parser: handle character data.
- */
-function character_data($parser, $data)
- $data = trim(api_utf8_decode($data));
- global $current_value;
- $current_value = $data;
- * Read the XML-file.
- *
- * @param string $file Path to the XML-file
- *
- * @return array All userinformation read from the file
- */
-function parse_xml_data($file)
- global $current_tag;
- global $current_value;
- global $skill;
- global $skills;
- $skills = [];
- $parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8');
- xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'element_start', 'element_end');
- xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'character_data');
- xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
- xml_parse($parser, api_utf8_encode_xml(file_get_contents($file)));
- xml_parser_free($parser);
- return $skills;
@@ -186,7 +116,7 @@ if (!empty($_POST['formSent']) && $_FILES['import_file']['size'] !== 0) {
$file_type = $_POST['file_type'];
$tok = Security::get_token();
- $allowed_file_mimetype = ['csv', 'xml'];
+ $allowed_file_mimetype = ['csv'];
$error_kind_file = false;
$error_message = '';
@@ -197,10 +127,6 @@ if (!empty($_POST['formSent']) && $_FILES['import_file']['size'] !== 0) {
$skills = parse_csv_data($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']);
$errors = validate_data($skills);
$error_kind_file = false;
- } elseif (strcmp($file_type, 'xml') === 0 && $ext_import_file == $allowed_file_mimetype[1]) {
- $skills = parse_xml_data($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']);
- $errors = validate_data($skills);
- $error_kind_file = false;
} else {
$error_kind_file = true;
@@ -225,8 +151,6 @@ if (!empty($_POST['formSent']) && $_FILES['import_file']['size'] !== 0) {
if (strcmp($file_type, 'csv') === 0) {
- } elseif (strcmp($file_type, 'xml') === 0) {
- save_data($skills_to_insert);
} else {
$error_message = get_lang('YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption');
@@ -275,7 +199,7 @@ $group[] = $form->createElement(
- 'CSV (<a href="skill_example.csv" target="_blank">'.get_lang('ExampleCSVFile').'</a>)',
+ 'CSV (<a href="skill_example.csv" target="_blank" download>'.get_lang('ExampleCSVFile').'</a>)',
$form->addGroup($group, '', get_lang('FileType'));
@@ -286,23 +210,6 @@ $defaults['file_type'] = 'csv';
-$list = [];
-$list_reponse = [];
-$result_xml = '';
-$i = 0;
-$count_fields = count($extra_fields);
-if ($count_fields > 0) {
- foreach ($extra_fields as $extra) {
- $list[] = $extra[1];
- $list_reponse[] = 'xxx';
- $spaces = ' ';
- $result_xml .= $spaces.'<'.$extra[1].'>xxx</'.$extra[1].'>';
- if ($i != $count_fields - 1) {
- $result_xml .= '<br/>';
- }
- $i++;
- }
<p><?php echo get_lang('CSVMustLookLike').' ('.get_lang('MandatoryFields').')'; ?> :</p>