@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Component\Utils\ChamiloApi;
+use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
* @copyright (c) 2001-2006 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
@@ -65,12 +66,7 @@ function get_and_unzip_uploaded_exercise($baseWorkDir, $uploadPath)
function import_exercise($file)
- global $exercise_info;
- global $element_pile;
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
- global $record_item_body;
- // used to specify the question directory where files could be found in relation in any question
- global $questionTempDir;
+ global $exerciseInfo;
global $resourcesLinks;
$baseWorkDir = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).'qti2/';
@@ -85,12 +81,9 @@ function import_exercise($file)
// set some default values for the new exercise
- $exercise_info = [];
- $exercise_info['name'] = preg_replace('/.zip$/i', '', $file);
- $exercise_info['question'] = [];
- $element_pile = [];
- // create parser and array to retrieve info from manifest
- $element_pile = []; //pile to known the depth in which we are
+ $exerciseInfo = [];
+ $exerciseInfo['name'] = preg_replace('/.zip$/i', '', $file);
+ $exerciseInfo['question'] = [];
// if file is not a .zip, then we cancel all
if (!preg_match('/.zip$/i', $file)) {
@@ -106,7 +99,7 @@ function import_exercise($file)
// find the different manifests for each question and parse them.
$exerciseHandle = opendir($baseWorkDir);
- $file_found = false;
+ $fileFound = false;
$result = false;
$filePath = null;
$resourcesLinks = [];
@@ -125,7 +118,7 @@ function import_exercise($file)
if ($isQti) {
$result = qti_parse_file($baseWorkDir, $file, $questionFile);
$filePath = $baseWorkDir.$file;
- $file_found = true;
+ $fileFound = true;
} else {
$isManifest = isQtiManifest($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file.'/'.$questionFile);
if ($isManifest) {
@@ -139,7 +132,7 @@ function import_exercise($file)
if ($isQti) {
$result = qti_parse_file($baseWorkDir, '', $file);
$filePath = $baseWorkDir.'/'.$file;
- $file_found = true;
+ $fileFound = true;
} else {
$isManifest = isQtiManifest($baseWorkDir.'/'.$file);
if ($isManifest) {
@@ -149,7 +142,7 @@ function import_exercise($file)
- if (!$file_found) {
+ if (!$fileFound) {
return 'NoXMLFileFoundInTheZip';
@@ -157,23 +150,20 @@ function import_exercise($file)
return false;
- $doc = new DOMDocument();
- $doc->load($filePath);
// 1. Create exercise.
$exercise = new Exercise();
- $exercise->exercise = $exercise_info['name'];
+ $exercise->exercise = $exerciseInfo['name'];
// Random QTI support
- if (isset($exercise_info['order_type'])) {
- if ($exercise_info['order_type'] == 'Random') {
+ if (isset($exerciseInfo['order_type'])) {
+ if ($exerciseInfo['order_type'] == 'Random') {
$exercise->random = -1;
- if (!empty($exercise_info['description'])) {
- $exercise->updateDescription(formatText(strip_tags($exercise_info['description'])));
+ if (!empty($exerciseInfo['description'])) {
+ $exercise->updateDescription(formatText(strip_tags($exerciseInfo['description'])));
@@ -181,7 +171,7 @@ function import_exercise($file)
$courseId = api_get_course_int_id();
if (!empty($last_exercise_id)) {
// For each question found...
- foreach ($exercise_info['question'] as $question_array) {
+ foreach ($exerciseInfo['question'] as $question_array) {
//2. Create question
$question = new Ims2Question();
$question->type = $question_array['type'];
@@ -300,7 +290,6 @@ function formatText($text)
function qti_parse_file($exercisePath, $file, $questionFile)
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
global $record_item_body;
global $questionTempDir;
@@ -311,10 +300,13 @@ function qti_parse_file($exercisePath, $file, $questionFile)
Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('Error opening question\'s XML file'), 'error'));
return false;
- } else {
- $data = fread($fp, filesize($questionFilePath));
+ $data = fread($fp, filesize($questionFilePath));
+ //close file
+ fclose($fp);
//parse XML question file
//$data = str_replace(array('<p>', '</p>', '<front>', '</front>'), '', $data);
$data = ChamiloApi::stripGivenTags($data, ['p', 'front']);
@@ -327,53 +319,11 @@ function qti_parse_file($exercisePath, $file, $questionFile)
//used global variable start values declaration:
$record_item_body = false;
- $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid = [
- "BR",
- "IMG",
- ];
- $question_format_supported = true;
- $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
- xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, false);
- if ($qtiMainVersion == 1) {
- xml_set_element_handler(
- $xml_parser,
- 'startElementQti1',
- 'endElementQti1'
- );
- xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, 'elementDataQti1');
- } else {
- xml_set_element_handler(
- $xml_parser,
- 'startElementQti2',
- 'endElementQti2'
- );
- xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, 'elementDataQti2');
- }
- if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) {
- // if reading of the xml file in not successful :
- // set errorFound, set error msg, break while statement
+ if ($qtiMainVersion != 2) {
- get_lang('Error reading XML file').
- sprintf(
- '[%d:%d]',
- xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser),
- xml_get_current_column_number($xml_parser)
- ),
+ get_lang('UnsupportedQtiVersion'),
@@ -381,682 +331,293 @@ function qti_parse_file($exercisePath, $file, $questionFile)
return false;
- //close file
- fclose($fp);
- if (!$question_format_supported) {
- Display::addFlash(
- Display::return_message(
- get_lang(
- 'Unknown question format in file %file',
- [
- '%file' => $questionFile,
- ]
- ),
- 'error'
- )
- );
- return false;
- }
+ parseQti2($data);
return true;
- * Function used by the SAX xml parser when the parser meets a opening tag.
+ * Function used to parser a QTI2 xml file.
- * @param object $parser xml parser created with "xml_parser_create()"
- * @param string $name name of the element
- * @param array $attributes
+ * @param string $xmlData
-function startElementQti2($parser, $name, $attributes)
+function parseQti2($xmlData)
- global $element_pile;
- global $exercise_info;
- global $current_question_ident;
- global $current_answer_id;
- global $current_match_set;
- global $currentAssociableChoice;
- global $current_question_item_body;
- global $record_item_body;
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
- global $current_inlinechoice_id;
- global $cardinality;
+ global $exerciseInfo;
global $questionTempDir;
+ global $resourcesLinks;
- array_push($element_pile, $name);
- $current_element = end($element_pile);
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) {
- $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2];
- } else {
- $parent_element = '';
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) {
- $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3];
- } else {
- $grand_parent_element = '';
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) {
- $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4];
- } else {
- $great_grand_parent_element = '';
- }
+ $crawler = new Crawler($xmlData);
+ $nodes = $crawler->filter('*');
+ $currentQuestionIdent = '';
+ $currentAnswerId = '';
+ $currentQuestionItemBody = '';
+ $cardinality = '';
+ $nonHTMLTagToAvoid = [
+ "simpleChoice",
+ "choiceInteraction",
+ "inlineChoiceInteraction",
+ "inlineChoice",
+ "simpleAssociableChoice",
+ "textEntryInteraction",
+ "feedbackInline",
+ "matchInteraction",
+ 'extendedTextInteraction',
+ "itemBody",
+ "br",
+ "img",
+ ];
+ $currentMatchSet = null;
- if ($record_item_body) {
- if ((!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) {
- $current_question_item_body .= "<".$name;
- foreach ($attributes as $attribute_name => $attribute_value) {
- $current_question_item_body .= " ".$attribute_name."=\"".$attribute_value."\"";
- }
- $current_question_item_body .= ">";
- } else {
- //in case of FIB question, we replace the IMS-QTI tag b y the correct answer between "[" "]",
- //we first save with claroline tags ,then when the answer will be parsed, the claroline tags will be replaced
- if ($current_element == 'INLINECHOICEINTERACTION') {
- $current_question_item_body .= "**claroline_start**".$attributes['RESPONSEIDENTIFIER']."**claroline_end**";
- }
- if ($current_element == 'TEXTENTRYINTERACTION') {
- $correct_answer_value = $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][$current_answer_id];
- $current_question_item_body .= "[".$correct_answer_value."]";
- }
- if ($current_element == 'BR') {
- $current_question_item_body .= "<br />";
- }
+ /** @var DOMElement $node */
+ foreach ($nodes as $node) {
+ if ('#text' === $node->nodeName) {
+ continue;
- }
- switch ($current_element) {
- // retrieve current question
- $current_question_ident = $attributes['IDENTIFIER'];
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident] = [];
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'] = [];
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'] = [];
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['title'] = isset($attributes['TITLE']) ? $attributes['TITLE'] : '';
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['category'] = isset($attributes['CATEGORY']) ? $attributes['CATEGORY'] : '';
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['tempdir'] = $questionTempDir;
- break;
- case 'SECTION':
- //retrieve exercise name
- if (isset($attributes['TITLE']) && !empty($attributes['TITLE'])) {
- $exercise_info['name'] = $attributes['TITLE'];
- }
- break;
- // Retrieve question type
- if ('multiple' == $attributes['CARDINALITY']) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCMA;
- $cardinality = 'multiple';
- }
- if ('single' == $attributes['CARDINALITY']) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCUA;
- $cardinality = 'single';
- }
- //needed for FIB
- $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENTIFIER'];
- break;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = FIB;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['subtype'] = 'LISTBOX_FILL';
- $current_answer_id = $attributes['RESPONSEIDENTIFIER'];
- break;
- $current_inlinechoice_id = $attributes['IDENTIFIER'];
- break;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = FIB;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['subtype'] = 'TEXTFIELD_FILL';
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['response_text'] = $current_question_item_body;
- //replace claroline tags
- break;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MATCHING;
- break;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = FREE_ANSWER;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['description'] = '';
- break;
- if (!isset($current_match_set)) {
- $current_match_set = 1;
- } else {
- $current_match_set++;
- }
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_match_set] = [];
- break;
- $currentAssociableChoice = $attributes['IDENTIFIER'];
- break;
- //retrieve answers id for MCUA and MCMA questions
- $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENTIFIER'];
- if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id])) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id] = [];
- }
- break;
- case 'MAPENTRY':
- if ($parent_element == 'MAPPING' || $parent_element == 'MAPENTRY') {
- $answer_id = $attributes['MAPKEY'];
- if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'])) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'] = [];
+ switch ($node->nodeName) {
+ case 'assessmentItem':
+ $currentQuestionIdent = $node->getAttribute('identifier');
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent] = [
+ 'answer' => [],
+ 'correct_answers' => [],
+ 'title' => $node->getAttribute('title'),
+ 'category' => $node->getAttribute('category'),
+ 'type' => '',
+ 'tempdir' => $questionTempDir,
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 'section':
+ $title = $node->getAttribute('title');
+ if (!empty($title)) {
+ $exerciseInfo['name'] = $title;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'responseDeclaration':
+ if ('multiple' === $node->getAttribute('cardinality')) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['type'] = MCMA;
+ $cardinality = 'multiple';
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'][$answer_id] = $attributes['MAPPEDVALUE'];
- }
- break;
- case 'MAPPING':
- if (isset($attributes['DEFAULTVALUE'])) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['default_weighting'] = $attributes['DEFAULTVALUE'];
- }
- // no break ?
- case 'ITEMBODY':
- $record_item_body = true;
- $current_question_item_body = '';
- break;
- case 'IMG':
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['attached_file_url'] = $attributes['SRC'];
- break;
- case 'ORDER':
- if (isset($attributes['ORDER_TYPE'])) {
- $exercise_info['order_type'] = $attributes['ORDER_TYPE'];
- }
- break;
- }
- * Function used by the SAX xml parser when the parser meets a closing tag.
- *
- * @param $parser xml parser created with "xml_parser_create()"
- * @param $name name of the element
- */
-function endElementQti2($parser, $name)
- global $element_pile;
- global $exercise_info;
- global $current_question_ident;
- global $record_item_body;
- global $current_question_item_body;
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
- global $cardinality;
- array_push($element_pile, $name);
- $current_element = end($element_pile);
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) {
- $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2];
- } else {
- $parent_element = '';
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) {
- $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3];
- } else {
- $grand_parent_element = '';
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) {
- $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4];
- } else {
- $great_grand_parent_element = '';
- }
- //treat the record of the full content of itembody tag:
- if ($record_item_body && (!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) {
- $current_question_item_body .= "</".$name.">";
- }
+ if ('single' === $node->getAttribute('cardinality')) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['type'] = MCUA;
+ $cardinality = 'single';
+ }
- switch ($name) {
- case 'ITEMBODY':
- $record_item_body = false;
- if ($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] == FIB) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['response_text'] = $current_question_item_body;
- } else {
- if ($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] == FREE_ANSWER) {
- $current_question_item_body = trim($current_question_item_body);
- if (!empty($current_question_item_body)) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['description'] = $current_question_item_body;
+ $currentAnswerId = $node->getAttribute('identifier');
+ break;
+ case 'inlineChoiceInteraction':
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['type'] = FIB;
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['subtype'] = 'LISTBOX_FILL';
+ $currentAnswerId = $node->getAttribute('responseIdentifier');
+ break;
+ case 'inlineChoice':
+ $answerIdentifier = $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['correct_answers'][$currentAnswerId];
+ if ($node->getAttribute('identifier') == $answerIdentifier) {
+ $currentQuestionItemBody = str_replace(
+ "**claroline_start**".$currentAnswerId."**claroline_end**",
+ "[".$node->nodeValue."]",
+ $currentQuestionItemBody
+ );
+ } else {
+ if (!isset($exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['wrong_answers'])) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['wrong_answers'] = [];
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['wrong_answers'][] = $node->nodeValue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'textEntryInteraction':
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['type'] = FIB;
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['subtype'] = 'TEXTFIELD_FILL';
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['response_text'] = $currentQuestionItemBody;
+ break;
+ case 'matchInteraction':
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['type'] = MATCHING;
+ break;
+ case 'extendedTextInteraction':
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['type'] = FREE_ANSWER;
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['description'] = $node->nodeValue;
+ break;
+ case 'simpleMatchSet':
+ if (!isset($currentMatchSet)) {
+ $currentMatchSet = 1;
} else {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['statement'] = $current_question_item_body;
+ $currentMatchSet++;
+ }
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentMatchSet] = [];
+ break;
+ case 'simpleAssociableChoice':
+ $currentAssociableChoice = $node->getAttribute('identifier');
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentMatchSet][$currentAssociableChoice] = trim($node->nodeValue);
+ break;
+ case 'simpleChoice':
+ $currentAnswerId = $node->getAttribute('identifier');
+ if (!isset($exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentAnswerId])) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentAnswerId] = [];
- }
- break;
- }
- array_pop($element_pile);
- * @param $parser
- * @param $data
- */
-function elementDataQti2($parser, $data)
- global $element_pile;
- global $exercise_info;
- global $current_question_ident;
- global $current_answer_id;
- global $current_match_set;
- global $currentAssociableChoice;
- global $current_question_item_body;
- global $record_item_body;
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
- global $current_inlinechoice_id;
- global $cardinality;
- global $resourcesLinks;
- $current_element = end($element_pile);
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) {
- $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2];
- } else {
- $parent_element = '';
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) {
- $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3];
- } else {
- $grand_parent_element = '';
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) {
- $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4];
- } else {
- $great_grand_parent_element = '';
- }
- //treat the record of the full content of itembody tag (needed for question statment and/or FIB text:
- if ($record_item_body && (!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) {
- $current_question_item_body .= $data;
- }
- switch ($current_element) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['description'] .= $data;
- break;
- if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['value'])) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['value'] = trim($data);
- } else {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['value'] .= ''.trim($data);
- }
- break;
- if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['feedback'])) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['feedback'] = trim($data);
- } else {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id]['feedback'] .= ' '.trim($data);
- }
- break;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_match_set][$currentAssociableChoice] = trim($data);
- break;
- case 'VALUE':
- if ($parent_element == 'CORRECTRESPONSE') {
- if ($cardinality == 'single') {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][$data] = $data;
+ if (!isset($exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentAnswerId]['value'])) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentAnswerId]['value'] = trim(
+ $node->nodeValue
+ );
} else {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][] = $data;
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentAnswerId]['value'] .= ''
+ .trim($node->nodeValue);
- }
+ break;
+ case 'mapEntry':
+ if (in_array($node->parentNode->nodeName, ['mapping', 'mapEntry'])) {
+ $answer_id = $node->getAttribute('mapKey');
- // Getting score of free answer
- if ($grand_parent_element == 'OUTCOMEDECLARATION') {
- if (!empty(trim($data))) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'][0] = trim($data);
- }
- }
+ if (!isset($exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['weighting'])) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['weighting'] = [];
+ }
- break;
- case 'ITEMBODY':
- // Replace relative links by links to the documents in the course
- // $resourcesLinks is only defined by qtiProcessManifest()
- if (isset($resourcesLinks) && isset($resourcesLinks['manifest']) && isset($resourcesLinks['web'])) {
- foreach ($resourcesLinks['manifest'] as $key => $value) {
- $data = preg_replace('|'.$value.'|', $resourcesLinks['web'][$key], $data);
- }
- }
- $current_question_item_body .= $data;
- break;
- // if this is the right answer, then we must replace the claroline tags in the FIB text bye the answer between "[" and "]" :
- $answer_identifier = $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][$current_answer_id];
- if ($current_inlinechoice_id == $answer_identifier) {
- $current_question_item_body = str_replace(
- "**claroline_start**".$current_answer_id."**claroline_end**",
- "[".$data."]",
- $current_question_item_body
- );
- } else {
- if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['wrong_answers'])) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['wrong_answers'] = [];
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['weighting'][$answer_id] = $node->getAttribute(
+ 'mappedValue'
+ );
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['wrong_answers'][] = $data;
- }
- break;
- case 'MATTEXT':
- if ($grand_parent_element == 'FLOW_MAT' &&
- ($great_grand_parent_element == 'PRESENTATION_MATERIAL' || $great_grand_parent_element == 'SECTION')
- ) {
- if (!empty(trim($data))) {
- $exercise_info['description'] = $data;
+ break;
+ case 'mapping':
+ $defaultValue = $node->getAttribute('defaultValue');
+ if (!empty($defaultValue)) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['default_weighting'] = $defaultValue;
- }
- break;
- }
+ // no break ?
+ case 'itemBody':
+ $nodeValue = $node->nodeValue;
- * Function used by the SAX xml parser when the parser meets a opening tag for QTI1.
- *
- * @param object $parser xml parser created with "xml_parser_create()"
- * @param string $name name of the element
- * @param array $attributes
- */
-function startElementQti1($parser, $name, $attributes)
- global $element_pile;
- global $exercise_info;
- global $current_question_ident;
- global $current_answer_id;
- global $current_match_set;
- global $currentAssociableChoice;
- global $current_question_item_body;
- global $record_item_body;
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
- global $current_inlinechoice_id;
- global $cardinality;
- global $questionTempDir;
- global $lastLabelFieldName;
- global $lastLabelFieldValue;
- array_push($element_pile, $name);
- $current_element = end($element_pile);
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) {
- $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2];
- } else {
- $parent_element = '';
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) {
- $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3];
- } else {
- $grand_parent_element = "";
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) {
- $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4];
- } else {
- $great_grand_parent_element = "";
- }
+ $currentQuestionItemBody = '';
- if ($record_item_body) {
- if ((!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) {
- $current_question_item_body .= "<".$name;
- foreach ($attributes as $attribute_name => $attribute_value) {
- $current_question_item_body .= " ".$attribute_name."=\"".$attribute_value."\"";
- }
- $current_question_item_body .= ">";
- } else {
- //in case of FIB question, we replace the IMS-QTI tag b y the correct answer between "[" "]",
- //we first save with claroline tags ,then when the answer will be parsed, the claroline tags will be replaced
- if ($current_element == 'INLINECHOICEINTERACTION') {
- $current_question_item_body .= "**claroline_start**".$attributes['RESPONSEIDENTIFIER']."**claroline_end**";
- }
- if ($current_element == 'TEXTENTRYINTERACTION') {
- $correct_answer_value = $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][$current_answer_id];
- $current_question_item_body .= "[".$correct_answer_value."]";
- }
- if ($current_element == 'BR') {
- $current_question_item_body .= "<br />";
- }
- }
- }
+ /** @var DOMElement $childNode */
+ foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) {
+ if ('#text' === $childNode->nodeName) {
+ continue;
+ }
- switch ($current_element) {
- case 'ASSESSMENT':
- // This is the assessment element: we don't care, we just want questions
- if (!empty($attributes['TITLE'])) {
- $exercise_info['name'] = $attributes['TITLE'];
- }
- break;
- case 'ITEM':
- //retrieve current question
- $current_question_ident = $attributes['IDENT'];
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident] = [];
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'] = [];
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'] = [];
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['tempdir'] = $questionTempDir;
- break;
- case 'SECTION':
- break;
- case 'RESPONSE_LID':
- // Retrieve question type
- if ("multiple" == strtolower($attributes['RCARDINALITY'])) {
- $cardinality = 'multiple';
- }
- if ("single" == strtolower($attributes['RCARDINALITY'])) {
- $cardinality = 'single';
- }
- //needed for FIB
- $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENT'];
- $current_question_item_body = '';
- break;
- break;
- if (!empty($attributes['IDENT'])) {
- $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENT'];
- //set the placeholder for the answer to come (in endElementQti1)
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$current_answer_id] = '';
- }
- break;
- case 'DECVAR':
- if ($parent_element == 'OUTCOMES' && $grand_parent_element == 'RESPROCESSING') {
- // The following attributes are available
- //$attributes['VARTYPE'];
- //$attributes['DEFAULTVAL'];
- //$attributes['MINVALUE'];
- //$attributes['MAXVALUE'];
- }
- break;
- case 'VAREQUAL':
- if ($parent_element == 'CONDITIONVAR' && $grand_parent_element == 'RESPCONDITION') {
- // The following attributes are available
- //$attributes['RESPIDENT']
- }
- break;
- case 'SETVAR':
- if ($parent_element == 'RESPCONDITION') {
- // The following attributes are available
- //$attributes['ACTION']
- }
- break;
- case 'IMG':
- break;
- case 'MATTEXT':
- if ($parent_element == 'MATERIAL') {
- if ($grand_parent_element == 'PRESENTATION') {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['title'] = $current_question_item_body;
+ if (!in_array($childNode->nodeName, $nonHTMLTagToAvoid)) {
+ $currentQuestionItemBody .= '<'.$childNode->nodeName;
+ if ($childNode->attributes) {
+ foreach ($childNode->attributes as $attribute) {
+ $currentQuestionItemBody .= ' '.$attribute->nodeName.'="'.$attribute->nodeValue.'"';
+ }
+ }
+ $currentQuestionItemBody .= '>'
+ .$childNode->nodeValue
+ .'</'.$node->nodeName.'>';
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('inlineChoiceInteraction' === $childNode->nodeName) {
+ $currentQuestionItemBody .= "**claroline_start**"
+ .$childNode->attr('responseIdentifier')
+ ."**claroline_end**";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('textEntryInteraction' === $childNode->nodeName) {
+ $correct_answer_value = $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['correct_answers'][$currentAnswerId];
+ $currentQuestionItemBody .= "[".$correct_answer_value."]";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('br' === $childNode->nodeName) {
+ $currentQuestionItemBody .= '<br>';
+ }
- }
- break;
- }
- * Function used by the SAX xml parser when the parser meets a closing tag for QTI1.
- *
- * @param object $parser xml parser created with "xml_parser_create()"
- * @param string $name name of the element
- * @param array $attributes The element attributes
- */
-function endElementQti1($parser, $name, $attributes)
- global $element_pile;
- global $exercise_info;
- global $current_question_ident;
- global $record_item_body;
- global $current_question_item_body;
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
- global $cardinality;
- global $lastLabelFieldName;
- global $lastLabelFieldValue;
- global $resourcesLinks;
+ // Replace relative links by links to the documents in the course
+ // $resourcesLinks is only defined by qtiProcessManifest()
+ if (isset($resourcesLinks) && isset($resourcesLinks['manifest']) && isset($resourcesLinks['web'])) {
+ foreach ($resourcesLinks['manifest'] as $key => $value) {
+ $nodeValue = preg_replace('|'.$value.'|', $resourcesLinks['web'][$key], $nodeValue);
+ }
+ }
- $current_element = end($element_pile);
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) {
- $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2];
- } else {
- $parent_element = "";
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 3) {
- $grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 3];
- } else {
- $grand_parent_element = "";
- }
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 4) {
- $great_grand_parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 4];
- } else {
- $great_grand_parent_element = "";
- }
+ $currentQuestionItemBody .= $node->firstChild->nodeValue;
- //treat the record of the full content of itembody tag :
- if ($record_item_body && (!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) {
- $current_question_item_body .= "</".$name.">";
- }
+ if ($exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['type'] == FIB) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['response_text'] = $currentQuestionItemBody;
+ } else {
+ if ($exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['type'] == FREE_ANSWER) {
+ $currentQuestionItemBody = trim($currentQuestionItemBody);
- switch ($name) {
- case 'MATTEXT':
- if ($parent_element == 'MATERIAL') {
- // For some reason an item in a hierarchy <item><presentation><material><mattext> doesn't seem to
- // catch the grandfather 'presentation', so we check for 'item' as a patch (great-grand-father)
- if ($grand_parent_element == 'PRESENTATION' || $grand_parent_element == 'ITEM') {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['title'] = $current_question_item_body;
- $current_question_item_body = '';
- } elseif ($grand_parent_element == 'RESPONSE_LABEL') {
- $last = '';
- foreach ($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'] as $key => $value) {
- $last = $key;
+ if (!empty($currentQuestionItemBody)) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['description'] = $currentQuestionItemBody;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['statement'] = $currentQuestionItemBody;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['answer'][$last]['value'] = $current_question_item_body;
- $current_question_item_body = '';
- }
- // no break ?
- case 'RESPONSE_LID':
- // Retrieve question type
- if (!isset($exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'])) {
- if ("multiple" == strtolower($attributes['RCARDINALITY'])) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCMA;
+ break;
+ case 'img':
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['attached_file_url'] = $node->getAttribute('src');
+ break;
+ case 'order':
+ $orderType = $node->getAttribute('order_type');
+ if (!empty($orderType)) {
+ $exerciseInfo['order_type'] = $orderType;
- if ("single" == strtolower($attributes['RCARDINALITY'])) {
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCUA;
+ break;
+ case 'feedbackInline':
+ if (!isset($exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentAnswerId]['feedback'])) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentAnswerId] = trim(
+ $node->nodeValue
+ );
+ } else {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['answer'][$currentAnswerId]['feedback'] .= ''
+ .trim(
+ $node->nodeValue
+ );
- }
- $current_question_item_body = '';
- //needed for FIB
- $current_answer_id = $attributes['IDENT'];
- break;
- $current_question_item_body = '';
- break;
- }
- array_pop($element_pile);
+ break;
+ case 'value':
+ if ('correctResponse' === $node->parentNode->nodeName) {
+ $nodeValue = trim($node->nodeValue);
- * QTI1 element parser.
- *
- * @param $parser
- * @param $data
- */
-function elementDataQti1($parser, $data)
- global $element_pile;
- global $exercise_info;
- global $current_question_ident;
- global $current_answer_id;
- global $current_match_set;
- global $currentAssociableChoice;
- global $current_question_item_body;
- global $record_item_body;
- global $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid;
- global $current_inlinechoice_id;
- global $cardinality;
- global $lastLabelFieldName;
- global $lastLabelFieldValue;
- global $resourcesLinks;
- $current_element = end($element_pile);
- if (sizeof($element_pile) >= 2) {
- $parent_element = $element_pile[sizeof($element_pile) - 2];
- } else {
- $parent_element = "";
- }
- //treat the record of the full content of itembody tag (needed for question statment and/or FIB text:
+ if ('single' === $cardinality) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['correct_answers'][$nodeValue] = $nodeValue;
+ } else {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['correct_answers'][] = $nodeValue;
+ }
+ }
- if ($record_item_body && (!in_array($current_element, $non_HTML_tag_to_avoid))) {
- $current_question_item_body .= $data;
- }
+ if ('outcomeDeclaration' === $node->parentNode->parentNode->nodeName) {
+ $nodeValue = trim($node->nodeValue);
- switch ($current_element) {
- case 'FIELDLABEL':
- if (!empty($data)) {
- $lastLabelFieldName = $current_element;
- $lastLabelFieldValue = $data;
- }
- // no break ?
- case 'FIELDENTRY':
- $current_question_item_body = $data;
- switch ($lastLabelFieldValue) {
- case 'cc_profile':
- // The following values might be proprietary in MATRIX software. No specific reference
- // in QTI doc: http://www.imsglobal.org/question/qtiv1p2/imsqti_asi_infov1p2.html#1415855
- switch ($data) {
- case 'cc.true_false.v0p1':
- //this is a true-false question (translated to multiple choice in Chamilo because true-false comes with "I don't know")
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCUA;
- break;
- case 'cc.multiple_choice.v0p1':
- //this is a multiple choice (unique answer) question
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCUA;
- break;
- case 'cc.multiple_response.v0p1':
- //this is a multiple choice (unique answer) question
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['type'] = MCMA;
- break;
+ if (!empty($nodeValue)) {
+ $exerciseInfo['question'][$currentQuestionIdent]['weighting'][0] = $nodeValue;
- break;
- case 'cc_weighting':
- //defines the total weight of the question
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['default_weighting'] = $lastLabelFieldValue;
- break;
- case 'assessment_question_identifierref':
- //placeholder - not used yet
- // Possible values are not defined by qti v1.2
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'MATTEXT':
- // Replace relative links by links to the documents in the course
- // $resourcesLinks is only defined by qtiProcessManifest()
- if (isset($resourcesLinks) && isset($resourcesLinks['manifest']) && isset($resourcesLinks['web'])) {
- foreach ($resourcesLinks['manifest'] as $key => $value) {
- $data = preg_replace('|'.$value.'|', $resourcesLinks['web'][$key], $data);
- }
- if (!empty($current_question_item_body)) {
- $current_question_item_body .= $data;
- } else {
- $current_question_item_body = $data;
- }
- break;
- case 'VAREQUAL':
- $lastLabelFieldName = 'VAREQUAL';
- $lastLabelFieldValue = $data;
- break;
- case 'SETVAR':
- if ($parent_element == 'RESPCONDITION') {
- // The following attributes are available
- //$attributes['ACTION']
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['correct_answers'][] = $lastLabelFieldValue;
- $exercise_info['question'][$current_question_ident]['weighting'][$lastLabelFieldValue] = $data;
- }
- break;
+ break;
+ case 'mattext':
+ if ('flow_mat' === $node->parentNode->parentNode->nodeName &&
+ ('presentation_material' === $node->parentNode->parentNode->parentNode->nodeName ||
+ 'section' === $node->parentNode->parentNode->parentNode->nodeName
+ )
+ ) {
+ $nodeValue = trim($node->nodeValue);
+ if (!empty($nodeValue)) {
+ $exerciseInfo['description'] = $node->nodeValue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }