@@ -12,21 +12,40 @@ Feature: Session tool
And I press "Add category"
Then I should see "The category has been added"
-# @javascript
-# Scenario: Create a session
-# Given I am on "/main/session/session_add.php"
-# When I fill in the following:
-# | name | Session 1 |
-# And I fill in select2 input "#coach_username" with id "1" and value "admin"
-# And I press "submit"
-# Then I should see "Add courses to this session (Session 1)"
-# Then I select "TEMP (TEMP)" from "NoSessionCoursesList[]"
-# And I press "add_course"
-# And I press "next"
-# Then I should see "Update successful"
+ Scenario: Create a session with hidden description
+ Given I am on "/main/session/session_add.php"
+ When I fill in the following:
+ | name | Temp Session |
+ And I press "advanced_params"
+ And I fill in ckeditor field "description" with "Description for Temp Session"
+ And I press "submit"
+ Then I should see "Add courses to this session (Temp Session)"
+ Then I select "TEMP (TEMP)" from "NoSessionCoursesList[]"
+ And I press "add_course"
+ And I press "next"
+ Then I should see "Update successful"
+ Scenario: Check hidden session description
+ Given I am on "/user_portal.php?nosession=true"
+ Then I should see "Temp Session"
+ And I should not see "Description for Temp Session"
+ Scenario: Show session description
+ Given I am on "/main/session/session_list.php?keyword=Temp+session"
+ And wait for the page to be loaded
+ And I follow "Edit"
+ When I press "advanced_params"
+ And I check "Show description"
+ And I press "submit"
+ Then I should see "Update successful"
+ Scenario: Check shown session description
+ Given I am on "/user_portal.php?nosession=true"
+ Then I should see "Temp Session"
+ And I should see "Description for Temp Session"
# Scenario: Delete session
-# Given I am on "/main/session/session_list.php?keyword=Session+1"
+# Given I am on "/main/session/session_list.php?keyword=Temp+session"
# And wait for the page to be loaded
# And I follow "Delete"
# And I confirm the popup