@@ -1197,10 +1197,16 @@ function update_Db_course($course_db_name) {
"theme varchar(255) not null default '', " . // stores the theme of the LP
"preview_image varchar(255) not null default '', " . // stores the theme of the LP
"author varchar(255) not null default '', " . // stores the theme of the LP
- "session_id int unsigned not null default 0, " . // the session_id
- "prerequisite int unsigned not null default 0, " . // pre requisite for next lp
+ "session_id int unsigned not null default 0, " . // the session_id
+ "prerequisite int unsigned not null default 0, " . // pre requisite for next lp
"use_max_score int unsigned not null default 1, " . // max scores for scorm packages
- "autolunch int unsigned not null default 0 " . // max scores for scorm packages
+ "autolunch int unsigned not null default 0, " . // auto lunch LP
+ "created_on DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', " . // auto lunch LP
+ "modified_on DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', " . // auto lunch LP
+ "publicated_on DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', " . // auto lunch LP
+ "expired_on DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' " . // auto lunch LP
")" . $charset_clause;
if (!Database::query($sql)) {