@@ -293,7 +293,6 @@ class Rest extends WebService
/** @var string $path */
$path = '/';
$sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0;
if ($directoryId) {
@@ -310,10 +309,9 @@ class Rest extends WebService
$path = $directory['path'];
- require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'fileDisplay.lib.php';
$courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($this->course->getId());
- $documents = DocumentManager::get_all_document_data(
+ $documents = DocumentManager::getAllDocumentData(
@@ -324,7 +322,7 @@ class Rest extends WebService
$results = [];
- if (is_array($documents)) {
+ if (!empty($documents)) {
$webPath = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'document/document.php?';
/** @var array $document */
@@ -343,16 +341,16 @@ class Rest extends WebService
'title' => $document['title'],
'path' => $document['path'],
'url' => $webPath.http_build_query([
- 'username' => $this->user->getUsername(),
- 'api_key' => $this->apiKey,
- 'cidReq' => $this->course->getCode(),
- 'id_session' => $sessionId,
- 'gidReq' => 0,
- 'gradebook' => 0,
- 'origin' => '',
- 'action' => 'download',
- 'id' => $document['id'],
- ]),
+ 'username' => $this->user->getUsername(),
+ 'api_key' => $this->apiKey,
+ 'cidReq' => $this->course->getCode(),
+ 'id_session' => $sessionId,
+ 'gidReq' => 0,
+ 'gradebook' => 0,
+ 'origin' => '',
+ 'action' => 'download',
+ 'id' => $document['id'],
+ ]),
'icon' => $icon,
'size' => format_file_size($document['size']),
@@ -363,8 +361,6 @@ class Rest extends WebService
- * @param int $courseId
- *
* @throws Exception
* @return array
@@ -388,14 +384,17 @@ class Rest extends WebService
- $announcements = array_map(function ($announcement) {
- return [
- 'id' => intval($announcement['id']),
- 'title' => strip_tags($announcement['title']),
- 'creatorName' => strip_tags($announcement['username']),
- 'date' => strip_tags($announcement['insert_date']),
- ];
- }, $announcements);
+ $announcements = array_map(
+ function ($announcement) {
+ return [
+ 'id' => intval($announcement['id']),
+ 'title' => strip_tags($announcement['title']),
+ 'creatorName' => strip_tags($announcement['username']),
+ 'date' => strip_tags($announcement['insert_date']),
+ ];
+ },
+ $announcements
+ );
return $announcements;
@@ -424,8 +423,11 @@ class Rest extends WebService
'id' => intval($announcement['announcement']->getIid()),
'title' => $announcement['announcement']->getTitle(),
'creatorName' => $announcement['item_property']->getInsertUser()->getCompleteName(),
- 'date' => api_convert_and_format_date($announcement['item_property']->getInsertDate(), DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H),
- 'content' => AnnouncementManager::parse_content(
+ 'date' => api_convert_and_format_date(
+ $announcement['item_property']->getInsertDate(),
+ ),
+ 'content' => AnnouncementManager::parseContent(
@@ -655,7 +657,6 @@ class Rest extends WebService
$forumInfo = get_forums($threadInfo['forum_id'], $this->course->getCode(), true, $sessionId);
$postsInfo = getPosts($forumInfo, $threadInfo['iid'], 'ASC');
foreach ($postsInfo as $postInfo) {
@@ -757,12 +758,12 @@ class Rest extends WebService
$timeLimits = false;
- //This is an old LP (from a migration 1.8.7) so we do nothing
+ // This is an old LP (from a migration 1.8.7) so we do nothing
if (empty($lpDetails['created_on']) && empty($lpDetails['modified_on'])) {
$timeLimits = false;
- //Checking if expired_on is ON
+ // Checking if expired_on is ON
if (!empty($lpDetails['expired_on'])) {
$timeLimits = true;
@@ -791,13 +792,13 @@ class Rest extends WebService
'title' => Security::remove_XSS($lpDetails['lp_name']),
'progress' => intval($progress),
'url' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'webservices/api/v2.php?'.http_build_query([
- 'hash' => $this->encodeParams([
- 'action' => 'course_learnpath',
- 'lp_id' => $lpId,
- 'course' => $this->course->getId(),
- 'session' => $sessionId,
+ 'hash' => $this->encodeParams([
+ 'action' => 'course_learnpath',
+ 'lp_id' => $lpId,
+ 'course' => $this->course->getId(),
+ 'session' => $sessionId,
+ ]),
- ]),
@@ -822,16 +823,9 @@ class Rest extends WebService
public static function decodeParams($encoded)
- $decoded = str_replace(['-', '_', '.'], ['+', '/', '='], $encoded);
- $mod4 = strlen($decoded) % 4;
- if ($mod4) {
- $decoded .= substr('====', $mod4);
- }
- $b64Decoded = base64_decode($decoded);
+ $decoded = json_decode($encoded);
- return unserialize($b64Decoded);
+ return $decoded;
@@ -844,22 +838,21 @@ class Rest extends WebService
$loggedUser['user_id'] = $this->user->getId();
$loggedUser['status'] = $this->user->getStatus();
$loggedUser['uidReset'] = true;
$sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0;
ChamiloSession::write('_user', $loggedUser);
Login::init_user($this->user->getId(), true);
$url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'lp/lp_controller.php?'.http_build_query([
- 'cidReq' => $this->course->getCode(),
- 'id_session' => $sessionId,
- 'gidReq' => 0,
- 'gradebook' => 0,
- 'origin' => '',
- 'action' => 'view',
- 'lp_id' => intval($lpId),
- 'isStudentView' => 'true',
- ]);
+ 'cidReq' => $this->course->getCode(),
+ 'id_session' => $sessionId,
+ 'gidReq' => 0,
+ 'gradebook' => 0,
+ 'origin' => '',
+ 'action' => 'view',
+ 'lp_id' => intval($lpId),
+ 'isStudentView' => 'true',
+ ]);
header("Location: $url");
@@ -876,7 +869,6 @@ class Rest extends WebService
require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'forum/forumfunction.inc.php';
$forum = get_forums($forumId, $this->course->getCode());
store_reply($forum, $postValues, $this->course->getId(), $this->user->getId());
return [
@@ -917,7 +909,7 @@ class Rest extends WebService
- $sessionBox = Display::get_session_title_box($sessions['session_id']);
+ $sessionBox = Display::getSessionTitleBox($sessions['session_id']);
$categorySessions[] = [
'name' => $sessionBox['title'],
@@ -964,8 +956,7 @@ class Rest extends WebService
public function getMessageUsers($search)
/** @var UserRepository $repo */
- $repo = Database::getManager()
- ->getRepository('ChamiloUserBundle:User');
+ $repo = Database::getManager()->getRepository('ChamiloUserBundle:User');
$users = $repo->findUsersToSendMessage($this->user->getId(), $search);
@@ -993,7 +984,7 @@ class Rest extends WebService
* @param string $title
* @param string $text
- * @return bool
+ * @return array
public function saveCourseNotebook($title, $text)
@@ -1025,7 +1016,6 @@ class Rest extends WebService
$sessionId = $this->session ? $this->session->getId() : 0;
$forum = get_forums($forumId, $this->course->getCode(), true, $sessionId);
$courseInfo = api_get_course_info($this->course->getCode());
$id = store_thread($forum, $values, $courseInfo, false, $this->user->getId(), $sessionId);
return [
@@ -1033,6 +1023,284 @@ class Rest extends WebService
+ /**
+ * @param array $courseParam
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function addCourse(array $courseParam)
+ {
+ $tableCourse = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
+ $extraList = [];
+ $results = [];
+ $title = isset($courseParam['title']) ? $courseParam['title'] : '';
+ $categoryCode = isset($courseParam['category_code']) ? $courseParam['category_code'] : '';
+ $wantedCode = isset($courseParam['wanted_code']) ? intval($courseParam['wanted_code']) : 0;
+ $tutorName = isset($courseParam['tutor_name']) ? $courseParam['tutor_name'] : '';
+ $courseLanguage = isset($courseParam['language']) ? $courseParam['language'] : null;
+ $originalCourseIdName = isset($courseParam['original_course_id_name'])
+ ? $courseParam['original_course_id_name']
+ : null;
+ $originalCourseIdValue = isset($courseParam['original_course_id_value'])
+ ? $courseParam['original_course_id_value']
+ : null;
+ $diskQuota = isset($courseParam['disk_quota']) ? $courseParam['disk_quota'] : '100';
+ $visibility = isset($courseParam['visibility']) ? (int) $courseParam['visibility'] : null;
+ if (isset($courseParam['visibility'])) {
+ if ($courseParam['visibility'] &&
+ $courseParam['visibility'] >= 0 &&
+ $courseParam['visibility'] <= 3
+ ) {
+ $visibility = (int) $courseParam['visibility'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Check whether exits $x_course_code into user_field_values table.
+ $courseInfo = CourseManager::getCourseInfoFromOriginalId(
+ $originalCourseIdValue,
+ $originalCourseIdName
+ );
+ if (!empty($courseInfo)) {
+ if ($courseInfo['visibility'] != 0) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE $tableCourse SET
+ course_language = '".Database::escape_string($courseLanguage)."',
+ title = '".Database::escape_string($title)."',
+ category_code = '".Database::escape_string($categoryCode)."',
+ tutor_name = '".Database::escape_string($tutorName)."',
+ visual_code = '".Database::escape_string($wantedCode)."'";
+ if ($visibility !== null) {
+ $sql .= ", visibility = $visibility ";
+ }
+ $sql .= " WHERE id = ".$courseInfo['real_id'];
+ Database::query($sql);
+ if (is_array($extraList) && count($extraList) > 0) {
+ foreach ($extraList as $extra) {
+ $extraFieldName = $extra['field_name'];
+ $extraFieldValue = $extra['field_value'];
+ // Save the external system's id into course_field_value table.
+ CourseManager::update_course_extra_field_value(
+ $courseInfo['code'],
+ $extraFieldName,
+ $extraFieldValue
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $results[] = $courseInfo['code'];
+ }
+ }
+ $params = [];
+ $params['title'] = $title;
+ $params['wanted_code'] = $wantedCode;
+ $params['category_code'] = $categoryCode;
+ $params['course_category'] = $categoryCode;
+ $params['tutor_name'] = $tutorName;
+ $params['course_language'] = $courseLanguage;
+ $params['user_id'] = $this->user->getId();
+ $params['visibility'] = $visibility;
+ $params['disk_quota'] = $diskQuota;
+ $params['subscribe'] = empty($courseParam['subscribe']) ? 0 : 1;
+ $params['unsubscribe'] = empty($courseParam['unsubscribe']) ? 0 : 1;
+ $courseInfo = CourseManager::create_course($params, $params['user_id']);
+ if (!empty($courseInfo)) {
+ $courseCode = $courseInfo['code'];
+ // Save new field label into course_field table
+ CourseManager::create_course_extra_field(
+ $originalCourseIdName,
+ 1,
+ $originalCourseIdName,
+ ''
+ );
+ // Save the external system's id into user_field_value table.
+ CourseManager::update_course_extra_field_value(
+ $courseCode,
+ $originalCourseIdName,
+ $originalCourseIdValue
+ );
+ if (is_array($extraList) && count($extraList) > 0) {
+ foreach ($extraList as $extra) {
+ $extraFieldName = $extra['field_name'];
+ $extraFieldValue = $extra['field_value'];
+ // Save new fieldlabel into course_field table.
+ CourseManager::create_course_extra_field(
+ $extraFieldName,
+ 1,
+ $extraFieldName,
+ ''
+ );
+ // Save the external system's id into course_field_value table.
+ CourseManager::update_course_extra_field_value(
+ $courseCode,
+ $extraFieldName,
+ $extraFieldValue
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $results[] = $courseCode;
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $user_param
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function addUser($user_param)
+ {
+ $results = [];
+ $orig_user_id_value = [];
+ $userManager = UserManager::getManager();
+ $userRepository = UserManager::getRepository();
+ $firstName = $user_param['firstname'];
+ $lastName = $user_param['lastname'];
+ $status = $user_param['status'];
+ $email = $user_param['email'];
+ $loginName = $user_param['loginname'];
+ $password = $user_param['password'];
+ $official_code = '';
+ $language = '';
+ $phone = '';
+ $picture_uri = '';
+ $auth_source = PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE;
+ $expiration_date = '';
+ $active = 1;
+ $hr_dept_id = 0;
+ $extra = null;
+ $original_user_id_name = $user_param['original_user_id_name'];
+ $original_user_id_value = $user_param['original_user_id_value'];
+ $orig_user_id_value[] = $user_param['original_user_id_value'];
+ $extra_list = $user_param['extra'];
+ if (!empty($user_param['language'])) {
+ $language = $user_param['language'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($user_param['phone'])) {
+ $phone = $user_param['phone'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($user_param['expiration_date'])) {
+ $expiration_date = $user_param['expiration_date'];
+ }
+ // Default language.
+ if (empty($language)) {
+ $language = api_get_setting('platformLanguage');
+ }
+ // First check wether the login already exists.
+ if (!UserManager::is_username_available($loginName)) {
+ $results[] = 0;
+ }
+ $userId = UserManager::create_user(
+ $firstName,
+ $lastName,
+ $status,
+ $email,
+ $loginName,
+ $password,
+ $official_code,
+ $language,
+ $phone,
+ $picture_uri,
+ $auth_source,
+ $expiration_date,
+ $active,
+ $hr_dept_id
+ );
+ if ($userId) {
+ if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
+ if (api_get_current_access_url_id() != -1) {
+ UrlManager::add_user_to_url(
+ $userId,
+ api_get_current_access_url_id()
+ );
+ } else {
+ UrlManager::add_user_to_url($userId, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We add by default the access_url_user table with access_url_id = 1
+ UrlManager::add_user_to_url($userId, 1);
+ }
+ // Save new field label into user_field table.
+ UserManager::create_extra_field(
+ $original_user_id_name,
+ 1,
+ $original_user_id_name,
+ ''
+ );
+ // Save the external system's id into user_field_value table.
+ UserManager::update_extra_field_value(
+ $userId,
+ $original_user_id_name,
+ $original_user_id_value
+ );
+ if (is_array($extra_list) && count($extra_list) > 0) {
+ foreach ($extra_list as $extra) {
+ $extra_field_name = $extra['field_name'];
+ $extra_field_value = $extra['field_value'];
+ // Save new field label into user_field table.
+ UserManager::create_extra_field(
+ $extra_field_name,
+ 1,
+ $extra_field_name,
+ ''
+ );
+ // Save the external system's id into user_field_value table.
+ UserManager::update_extra_field_value(
+ $userId,
+ $extra_field_name,
+ $extra_field_value
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $results[] = $userId;
+ } else {
+ $results[] = 0;
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Subscribe User to Course.
+ *
+ * @param array $params
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function subscribeUserToCourse($params)
+ {
+ $course_id = $params['course_id'];
+ $course_code = $params['course_code'];
+ $user_id = $params['user_id'];
+ if (!$course_id && !$course_code) {
+ return [false];
+ }
+ if (!$course_code) {
+ $course_code = CourseManager::get_course_code_from_course_id($course_id);
+ }
+ if (CourseManager::subscribe_user($user_id, $course_code)) {
+ return [true];
+ } else {
+ return [false];
+ }
+ return [true];
+ }
* @param array $additionalParams Optional
@@ -1044,11 +1312,8 @@ class Rest extends WebService
'api_key' => $this->apiKey,
'username' => $this->user->getUsername(),
+ $encoded = json_encode($params);
- $strParams = serialize($params);
- $b64Encoded = base64_encode($strParams);
- return str_replace(['+', '/', '='], ['-', '_', '.'], $b64Encoded);
+ return $encoded;