@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Career extends Model
- 'updated_at'
+ 'updated_at',
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class Career extends Model
return [
CAREER_STATUS_ACTIVE => get_lang('Unarchived'),
- CAREER_STATUS_INACTIVE => get_lang('Archived')
+ CAREER_STATUS_INACTIVE => get_lang('Archived'),
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class Career extends Model
'ToolbarSet' => 'Careers',
'Width' => '100%',
- 'Height' => '250'
+ 'Height' => '250',
$status_list = $this->get_status_list();
@@ -313,7 +313,6 @@ class Career extends Model
$groupData = explode(':', $group);
$group = $groupData[0];
$groupLabel = isset($groupData[1]) ? $groupData[1] : '';
$subGroup = $vertex->getAttribute('SubGroup');
$subGroupData = explode(':', $subGroup);
$column = $vertex->getGroup();
@@ -334,7 +333,6 @@ class Career extends Model
$connections = '';
$groupDrawLine = [];
$groupCourseList = [];
// Read Connections column
foreach ($list as $group => $subGroupList) {
foreach ($subGroupList as $subGroupData) {
@@ -438,6 +436,365 @@ class Career extends Model
return $graphHtml;
+ /**
+ * @param Graph $graph
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public static function renderDiagramByColumn($graph)
+ {
+ if (!($graph instanceof Graph)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ // Getting max column
+ $maxColumn = 0;
+ foreach ($graph->getVertices() as $vertex) {
+ $groupId = (int) $vertex->getGroup();
+ if ($groupId > $maxColumn) {
+ $maxColumn = $groupId;
+ }
+ }
+ $list = [];
+ /** @var Vertex $vertex */
+ foreach ($graph->getVertices() as $vertex) {
+ $column = $vertex->getGroup();
+ $group = $groupOriginal = $vertex->getAttribute('Group');
+ $groupData = explode(':', $group);
+ $group = $groupData[0];
+ $groupLabel = isset($groupData[1]) ? $groupData[1] : '';
+ $subGroup = $vertex->getAttribute('SubGroup');
+ $subGroupData = explode(':', $subGroup);
+ $row = $vertex->getAttribute('Row');
+ $subGroupId = $subGroupData[0];
+ $subGroupLabel = isset($subGroupData[1]) ? $subGroupData[1] : '';
+ $list[$column]['rows'][$row]['items'][] = $vertex;
+ $list[$column]['rows'][$row]['label'] = $subGroupId;
+ $list[$column]['rows'][$row]['group'] = $group;
+ $list[$column]['rows'][$row]['group_label'] = $groupLabel;
+ $list[$column]['rows'][$row]['subgroup'] = $subGroup;
+ $list[$column]['rows'][$row]['subgroup_label'] = $subGroupLabel;
+ //$list[$column]['label'] = $subGroupLabel;
+ $list[$column]['label'] = $groupLabel;
+ $list[$column]['column'] = $column;
+ }
+ $connections = '';
+ $groupDrawLine = [];
+ $groupCourseList = [];
+ // Read Connections column
+ foreach ($list as $column => $groupList) {
+ foreach ($groupList['rows'] as $subGroupList) {
+ /** @var Vertex $vertex */
+ foreach ($subGroupList['items'] as $vertex) {
+ if ($vertex instanceof Vertex) {
+ $rowId = $vertex->getId();
+ $groupCourseList[$vertex->getAttribute('Column')][] = $vertex->getId();
+ $connectionList = $vertex->getAttribute('Connections');
+ if (empty($connectionList)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $firstConnection = '';
+ $secondConnection = '';
+ $explode = explode('-', $connectionList);
+ $pos = strpos($explode[0], 'SG');
+ if ($pos === false) {
+ $pos = strpos($explode[0], 'G');
+ if (is_numeric($pos)) {
+ // group_123 id
+ $groupValueId = (int) str_replace(
+ 'G',
+ '',
+ $explode[0]
+ );
+ $secondConnection = 'group_'.$groupValueId;
+ $firstConnection = 'row_'.(int) $rowId;
+ $groupDrawLine[$groupValueId] = true;
+ } else {
+ // Course block (row_123 id)
+ if (!empty($explode[0])) {
+ $firstConnection = 'row_'.(int) $explode[0];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // subgroup__123 id
+ $firstConnection = 'subgroup_'.(int)str_replace('SG', '', $explode[0]);
+ }
+ $pos = false;
+ if (isset($explode[1])) {
+ $pos = strpos($explode[1], 'SG');
+ }
+ if ($pos === false) {
+ if (isset($explode[1])) {
+ $pos = strpos($explode[1], 'G');
+ $value = $explode[1];
+ }
+ if (is_numeric($pos)) {
+ $groupValueId = (int)str_replace(
+ 'G',
+ '',
+ $value
+ );
+ $secondConnection = 'group_'.$groupValueId;
+ $groupDrawLine[$groupValueId] = true;
+ } else {
+ // Course block (row_123 id)
+ if (!empty($explode[0]) && isset($explode[1])) {
+ $secondConnection = 'row_'.(int)$explode[1];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $secondConnection = 'subgroup_'.(int)str_replace('SG', '', $explode[1]);
+ }
+ if (!empty($firstConnection) && !empty($firstConnection)) {
+ $connections .= self::createConnection(
+ $firstConnection,
+ $secondConnection,
+ ['Left', 'Right']
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $graphHtml = '<div id ="career_grid">';
+ $groupsBetweenColumns = [];
+ foreach ($list as $column => $columnList) {
+ foreach ($columnList['rows'] as $key => $subGroupList) {
+ $newGroup = $subGroupList['group'];
+ $label = $subGroupList['group_label'];
+ $newOrder[$newGroup]['items'][] = $subGroupList;
+ $newOrder[$newGroup]['label'] = $label;
+ $groupsBetweenColumns[$newGroup][] = $subGroupList;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($groupsBetweenColumns as $group => $items) {
+ $graphHtml .= self::parseColumnList($groupCourseList, $items, '');
+ }
+ $graphHtml .= '</div>';
+ $graphHtml .= $connections;
+ $graphHtml .= '<style>
+ #career_grid {
+ display: grid;
+ grid-gap: 40px;
+ grid-template-columns: repeat(6, [col] auto ) ;
+ grid-template-rows: repeat(2, [row] auto);
+ background-color: #fff;
+ color: #444;
+ justify-items: stretch;
+ align-items: start;
+ align-content: start;
+ justify-content: stretch;
+ }
+ .group_class {
+ border: solid 2px;
+ padding: 8px;
+ }
+ </style>
+ ';
+ /*$graphHtml .= '<script>
+ jsPlumb.ready(function() {
+ jsPlumb.addGroup({
+ el:".subgroup_1",
+ id:"aGroup"
+ });
+ });
+ </script>
+ ';*/
+ return $graphHtml;
+ }
+ public static function parseColumnList($groupCourseList, $columnList, $width)
+ {
+ $graphHtml = '';
+ $oldGroup = null;
+ $newOrder = [];
+ foreach ($columnList as $key => $subGroupList) {
+ $newGroup = $subGroupList['group'];
+ $label = $subGroupList['group_label'];
+ $newOrder[$newGroup]['items'][] = $subGroupList;
+ $newOrder[$newGroup]['label'] = $label;
+ }
+ foreach ($newOrder as $newGroup => $data) {
+ $label = $data['label'];
+ $subGroupList = $data['items'];
+ $maxColumn = 0;
+ $maxRow = 0;
+ $minColumn = 100;
+ $minRow = 100;
+ foreach ($subGroupList as $item) {
+ /** @var Vertex $vertex */
+ foreach ($item['items'] as $vertex) {
+ $column = $vertex->getAttribute('Column');
+ $realRow = $vertex->getAttribute('Row');
+ if ($column > $maxColumn) {
+ $maxColumn = $column;
+ }
+ if ($realRow > $maxRow) {
+ $maxRow = $realRow;
+ }
+ if ($column < $minColumn) {
+ $minColumn = $column;
+ }
+ if ($realRow < $minRow) {
+ $minRow = $realRow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($newGroup)) {
+ $graphHtml .= '<div
+ id ="group_'.$newGroup.'"
+ class="group'.$newGroup.' group_class"
+ style="display:grid;
+ align-self: start;
+ grid-gap: 10px;
+ justify-items: stretch;
+ align-items: start;
+ align-content: start;
+ justify-content: stretch;
+ grid-area:'.$minRow.'/'.$minColumn.'/'.$maxRow.'/'.$maxColumn.'">'; //style="display:grid"
+ }
+ $addRow = 0;
+ if (!empty($label)) {
+ $graphHtml .= "<div class='my_label' style='grid-area:$minRow/$minColumn/$maxRow/$maxColumn'>$label</div>";
+ $addRow = 1;
+ }
+ foreach ($subGroupList as $item) {
+ $graphHtml .= self::parseVertexList($groupCourseList, $item['items'], $addRow);
+ }
+ if (!empty($newGroup)) {
+ $graphHtml .= '</div >';
+ }
+ }
+ return $graphHtml;
+ }
+ public static function parseVertexList($groupCourseList, $vertexList, $addRow = 0)
+ {
+ if (empty($vertexList)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $graphHtml = '';
+ $row = 1;
+ /** @var Vertex $vertex */
+ foreach ($vertexList as $vertex) {
+ $column = $vertex->getAttribute('Column');
+ $realRow = $vertex->getAttribute('Row');
+ if ($addRow) {
+ $realRow = $realRow + $addRow;
+ }
+ $id = $vertex->getId();
+ $rowId = "row_$row";
+ $area = "$realRow/$column";
+ $graphHtml .= '<div
+ class="'.$rowId.'"
+ style="
+ align-self: start;
+ justify-content: stretch;
+ grid-area:'.$area.'"
+ >';
+ $color = '';
+ if (!empty($vertex->getAttribute('DefinedColor'))) {
+ $color = $vertex->getAttribute('DefinedColor');
+ }
+ $content = $vertex->getAttribute('Notes');
+ $content .= '<div class="pull-right">['.$id.']</div>';
+ $title = $vertex->getAttribute('graphviz.label');
+ if (!empty($vertex->getAttribute('LinkedElement'))) {
+ $title = Display::url($title, $vertex->getAttribute('LinkedElement'));
+ }
+ $graphHtml .= Display::panel(
+ $content,
+ $title,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ "row_$id",
+ $color
+ );
+ $graphHtml .= '</div>';
+ $arrow = $vertex->getAttribute('DrawArrowFrom');
+ $found = false;
+ if (!empty($arrow)) {
+ $pos = strpos($arrow, 'SG');
+ if ($pos === false) {
+ $pos = strpos($arrow, 'G');
+ if (is_numeric($pos)) {
+ $parts = explode('G', $arrow);
+ if (empty($parts[0]) && count($parts) == 2) {
+ $groupArrow = $parts[1];
+ $graphHtml .= self::createConnection(
+ "group_$groupArrow",
+ "row_$id",
+ ['Left', 'Right']
+ );
+ $found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $parts = explode('SG', $arrow);
+ if (empty($parts[0]) && count($parts) == 2) {
+ $subGroupArrow = $parts[1];
+ $graphHtml .= self::createConnection(
+ "subgroup_$subGroupArrow",
+ "row_$id",
+ ['Left', 'Right']
+ );
+ $found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($found == false) {
+ $defaultArrow = ['Left', 'Right'];
+ if (isset($groupCourseList[$column]) &&
+ in_array($arrow, $groupCourseList[$column])
+ ) {
+ $defaultArrow = ['Top', 'Bottom'];
+ }
+ //$defaultArrow = ['Top', 'Bottom'];
+ $graphHtml .= self::createConnection(
+ "row_$arrow",
+ "row_$id",
+ $defaultArrow
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $graphHtml;
+ }
* @param array $groupCourseList list of groups and their courses
* @param int $group
@@ -603,8 +960,6 @@ class Career extends Model
$parts = explode('SG', $arrow);
if (empty($parts[0]) && count($parts) == 2) {
$subGroupArrow = $parts[1];
- /*var_dump($subGroupArrow);
- var_dump(array_keys($subGroupList));*/
$graphHtml .= self::createConnection(