Histórico de Commits

Autor SHA1 Mensagem Data
  Yannick Warnier 7825033559 Added Python script to connect from OpenERP há 13 anos atrás
  Yannick Warnier d58b18f8c8 Added CM-webservices developed by Marco Sousa and team to handle Chamilo Android application calls há 13 anos atrás
  Yannick Warnier f6a51da538 Update document visibility check to increase usability - alters commit 6d493354cceb há 13 anos atrás
  ywarnier 187d221e76 Updated QR code precision after a few tests with a mobile phone - if smaller or lesser error correction, the phone doesn't catch it so well há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya e1e540a5b2 Adding chzn js when subscribing to the portal há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 9c1a10dfed Adding chzn js when adding/editing users há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya c2df7f17e1 Fixing Social Profile UI há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 3d19c148a6 Fixing error in script . Bad copy/paste? há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 4fe118faf0 Fixing bug when sending HTML mails with \n\r chars há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 492ce80da6 Updating libraries include references. course.lib.php and sessionmanager.lib.php added to global due the constant use in the platform (bis) há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 0213329a41 Updating CSS há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya f839aade63 Should fix problems when adding a work in the agenda see #3692 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 25eeeea708 Updating libraries include references. course.lib.php and sessionmanager.lib.php added to global due the constant use in the platform há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 87ee72af9d Adding already installed valildation há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya b2922fb361 Minor HTML fixes in the installation + showing the several/on DB inputs see #3804 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya e6da6f8f7e Fixing agenda icon funcionality in the admin user list há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 07d099ff8d Fixing variable mess há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya bea42935ff Lots of fixes in the Gradebook certification: QR code size, certificate actions menu, certifications generations há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 61e837227d Showing all exercise attempts link in the coach report há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 6bc71baeca Adding all exercise attempts to the Reporting student view há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 9c38ce97b3 Fixing warning message in certificates/index.php há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 5e4a4d4ce3 Work Tool: Teacher can edit the score even if the 2nd date is already passed há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 38eb4648b3 Fixing column name há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya b3a9e4f2ab Removing libraries that are already included in global.inc.php há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 209d07265c Certificate link more tiny há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 6cbce674ae Fixing wrong qr code tag há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 232d5b26c5 Fixing wrong message when generating the default Certification HTML há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya abb4448e0d Minor fixing exercise result column in My reporting há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya c33363cb2c Fixing breadcrumb for Chamilo themes há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 6abc870922 Adding new variables in order to now the big PHP version branchs IS_PHP_SUP_OR_EQ_53, IS_PHP_SUP_OR_EQ_52, IS_PHP_SUP_OR_EQ_51 see #3799 há 13 anos atrás