Histórico de Commits

Autor SHA1 Mensagem Data
  Julio Montoya b2922fb361 Minor HTML fixes in the installation + showing the several/on DB inputs see #3804 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya e6da6f8f7e Fixing agenda icon funcionality in the admin user list há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 07d099ff8d Fixing variable mess há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya bea42935ff Lots of fixes in the Gradebook certification: QR code size, certificate actions menu, certifications generations há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 61e837227d Showing all exercise attempts link in the coach report há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 6bc71baeca Adding all exercise attempts to the Reporting student view há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 9c38ce97b3 Fixing warning message in certificates/index.php há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 5e4a4d4ce3 Work Tool: Teacher can edit the score even if the 2nd date is already passed há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 38eb4648b3 Fixing column name há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya b3a9e4f2ab Removing libraries that are already included in global.inc.php há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 209d07265c Certificate link more tiny há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 6cbce674ae Fixing wrong qr code tag há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 232d5b26c5 Fixing wrong message when generating the default Certification HTML há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya abb4448e0d Minor fixing exercise result column in My reporting há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya c33363cb2c Fixing breadcrumb for Chamilo themes há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 6abc870922 Adding new variables in order to now the big PHP version branchs IS_PHP_SUP_OR_EQ_53, IS_PHP_SUP_OR_EQ_52, IS_PHP_SUP_OR_EQ_51 see #3799 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya af745b72ae Partial fix of the api_strrpos() function when using PHP 5.1 #3799 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 75fd76155e Adding QR code in Changelog há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 8fbe0be4a8 Adding QR support for certificates see #3631 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 0bb4adb83b Setting the cache and log path of the PHP code QR lib #3631 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 0664eccf70 Removing cache and files not necessary for the qr code generation #3631 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 18877dbbef Adding PHP qr code 1.1.4 see #3631 há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 70fba7b5db Changelog updated há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 8aea84e335 Fixing breadcrumb for old CSS styles há 13 anos atrás
  ywarnier 41edaefd70 Temporary work on adding certificate URL to certificate há 13 anos atrás
  Yannick Warnier 7c9cd4ba7b merge há 13 anos atrás
  Yannick Warnier 14c2bc3eac Possibly fixed tracking for delineation result há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya 23c77f64b4 Adding certificate shortcut link see #3630 + some fixes in the certification tool há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya fd523dec65 No need to set to invisible an assesment há 13 anos atrás
  Julio Montoya a7cac53a0a Removing requires already added in global.inc.php há 13 anos atrás