Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Julio Montoya c43ed6201c Merge il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya c2671b254e Fixing an annoying bug : white space before "<?php" in studentpublicationlink.class.php that broke the XLS and Word exports il y a 13 ans
  Yannick Warnier 3d380f14fb Fixed users list pager when looking for a specific username il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya f446c4b251 Fixing gradebook result list to PDF + fixing total column when using single/multiple gradebooks il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 2863bb7ac1 Fixing tip bubble in exercise, + showing the status of the exercise result il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 40c7912969 Fixing bug when saving exercise all in one page see BT#2974 il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya d7b7d1f9ab Adding main/css/print.css + some fixes during user list to PDF export see BT#2741 il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 9383e78929 Replacing filename from exercice_report.php to exercise_report.php il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 8fb0f757a3 Merge il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya e6293cfda6 Creation a new block skills in the admin/index.php see #1791 il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya f0b28a61da Fixing button name il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya c8f7be072c Adding tooltip to show pending results (experimental) il y a 13 ans
  Hubert Borderiou e5d0a697ef Merge il y a 13 ans
  Hubert Borderiou 4d035bf6c9 remove minor bug of counting the number of questions with random-by-categories test. il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 427294e700 Minor - fixing fill course feature refs #4056 il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 627c4aee20 Minor - cleaning scorm upload form il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 177f794f80 Fixing query of the exercise live stats in fact this view could be used for other purposes ... il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya b2240f255b Minor - UI + query fixes in announcements and groups il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya f4dbc099bf Minor - Group-Work UI improvements il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya c39831c4e7 Fixing bug in the work tool when using groups see BT#3240 il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 33d3ca206a Adding first draft to of the live stats see #4100 (not functional yet) il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya fd50571fe5 Cleaning exercice.php + adding a new function in events.lib.inc.php to get exercise results il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 7790bdb19a merge il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya da7a59d082 Now we accept float values in the gradebook weight see BT#3004 (partial) il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 3e14a32a2c More hotpotatoes fixes (due latest changes exercise_report.php) il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 20c0fa457c Fixing hotpotatoes results due latest changes when creating the new page exercise_report.php il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya e6365cc081 Moving exercise result to a new page exercise_report.php instead of exercice.php?show=result il y a 13 ans
  Hubert Borderiou dc0c35cef4 Remove bug with question type filter il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya d7e06f96ce Fixing SQl query see BT#3269 il y a 13 ans
  Julio Montoya 87da1f2253 Addin freeze class for items in the formvalidator il y a 13 ans