UnitTestCase('Main API tests'); } public function testApiGetPath() { $common_paths = array( WEB_PATH, SYS_PATH, REL_PATH, WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH, SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH, WEB_COURSE_PATH, SYS_COURSE_PATH, REL_COURSE_PATH, REL_CODE_PATH, WEB_CODE_PATH, SYS_CODE_PATH, SYS_LANG_PATH, WEB_IMG_PATH, WEB_CSS_PATH, SYS_PLUGIN_PATH, WEB_PLUGIN_PATH, SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH, WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH, INCLUDE_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, CONFIGURATION_PATH, WEB_LIBRARY_PATH ); $specific_paths = array( FLASH_PLAYER_AUDIO, FLASH_PLAYER_VIDEO, SCRIPT_SWFOBJECT, SCRIPT_ASCIIMATHML ); $res = array(); $is_ok = array(); $message = array(); $paths = array(); $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'A test about api_get_path()'; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = ''; $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Changed behaviour of the function api_get_path() after Dokeos, i.e. as of Dokeos'; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Old behaviour ( api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH) = '.api_get_path_1_8_6_1(INCLUDE_PATH).'   |   '.'New behaviour ( api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH) = '.api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH); $message[] = '* Reason for this change: Difference here is due to the fact that the etalonic old function api_get_path() has ben moved in this file ( see api_get_path_1_8_6_1() ). Even for such rare, hypothetical cases, this widely used function should be stable. Now, after installation, the function returns results based on configuration settings only, as it should be.'; $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Old behaviour ( api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH) = '.api_get_path_1_8_6_1(WEB_CSS_PATH).'   |   '.'New behaviour ( api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH) = '.api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH); $message[] = '* This is a proposed implementation. Retrieving css paths through user\'s configuration options has not been implemented yet.'; $message[] = ''; $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Reading common purpose paths'; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = ''; foreach ($common_paths as $path) { $test_case = "api_get_path($path)"; $res[$test_case] = api_get_path($path); switch ($path) { case INCLUDE_PATH: case WEB_CSS_PATH: $is_ok[$test_case] = is_string($res[$test_case]) && !empty($res[$test_case]); break; default: $is_ok[$test_case] = is_string($res[$test_case]) && !empty($res[$test_case]) && $res[$test_case] == api_get_path_1_8_6_1($path); } $message[] = ($is_ok[$test_case] ? 'Ok' : 'Failed').' : '.$test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; } $message[] = ''; $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Reading specific purpose paths'; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = ''; foreach ($specific_paths as $path) { $test_case = "api_get_path(TO_WEB, $path)"; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_WEB, $path); $is_ok[$test_case] = is_string($res[$test_case]) && !empty($res[$test_case]); $message[] = ($is_ok[$test_case] ? 'Ok' : 'Failed').' : '.$test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $paths[] = $path; $test_case = "api_get_path(TO_SYS, $path)"; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_SYS, $path); $is_ok[$test_case] = is_string($res[$test_case]) && !empty($res[$test_case]); $message[] = ($is_ok[$test_case] ? 'Ok' : 'Failed').' : '.$test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $paths[] = $path; $test_case = "api_get_path(TO_REL, $path)"; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_REL, $path); $is_ok[$test_case] = is_string($res[$test_case]) && !empty($res[$test_case]); $message[] = ($is_ok[$test_case] ? 'Ok' : 'Failed').' : '.$test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $paths[] = $path; } $message[] = ''; $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Testing path conversions'; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = ''; $paths = array(); foreach ($common_paths as $path) { $paths[] = array($path, api_get_path($path)); } foreach ($specific_paths as $path) { $paths[] = array($path, api_get_path(TO_WEB, $path)); $paths[] = array($path, api_get_path(TO_SYS, $path)); $paths[] = array($path, api_get_path(TO_REL, $path)); } foreach ($paths as $path) { $test_case = 'api_get_path(TO_WEB, '.$path[0].')'; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_WEB, $path[0]); $test_case_1 = 'api_get_path(TO_WEB, \''.$path[1].'\')'; $res[$test_case_1] = api_get_path(TO_WEB, $path[1]); $is_ok[$test_case] = is_string($res[$test_case]) && !empty($res[$test_case]) && is_string($res[$test_case_1]) && !empty($res[$test_case_1]) && $res[$test_case] == $res[$test_case_1]; $message[] = ($is_ok[$test_case] ? 'Ok' : 'Failed').' : '; $message[] = $test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $message[] = $test_case_1.' => '.$res[$test_case_1]; $message[] = ''; $test_case = 'api_get_path(TO_SYS, '.$path[0].')'; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_SYS, $path[0]); $test_case_1 = 'api_get_path(TO_SYS, \''.$path[1].'\')'; $res[$test_case_1] = api_get_path(TO_SYS, $path[1]); $is_ok[$test_case] = is_string($res[$test_case]) && !empty($res[$test_case]) && is_string($res[$test_case_1]) && !empty($res[$test_case_1]) && $res[$test_case] == $res[$test_case_1]; $message[] = ($is_ok[$test_case] ? 'Ok' : 'Failed').' : '; $message[] = $test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $message[] = $test_case_1.' => '.$res[$test_case_1]; $message[] = ''; $test_case = 'api_get_path(TO_REL, '.$path[0].')'; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_REL, $path[0]); $test_case_1 = 'api_get_path(TO_REL, \''.$path[1].'\')'; $res[$test_case_1] = api_get_path(TO_REL, $path[1]); $is_ok[$test_case] = is_string($res[$test_case]) && !empty($res[$test_case]) && is_string($res[$test_case_1]) && !empty($res[$test_case_1]) && $res[$test_case] == $res[$test_case_1]; $message[] = ($is_ok[$test_case] ? 'Ok' : 'Failed').' : '; $message[] = $test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $message[] = $test_case_1.' => '.$res[$test_case_1]; $message[] = ''; } $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Random examples, check them visually'; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = ''; $message[] = '$_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'] => '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $message[] = 'Note: Try some query strings. They should be removed from the results.'; $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_WEB, $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\']) => '.api_get_path(TO_WEB, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_SYS, $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\']) => '.api_get_path(TO_SYS, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_REL, $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\']) => '.api_get_path(TO_REL, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $message[] = ''; $message[] = '__FILE__ => '.__FILE__; $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_WEB, __FILE__) => '.api_get_path(TO_WEB, __FILE__); $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_SYS, __FILE__) => '.api_get_path(TO_SYS, __FILE__); $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_REL, __FILE__) => '.api_get_path(TO_REL, __FILE__); $message[] = ''; $message[] = '$_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\'] => '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_WEB, $_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\']) => '.api_get_path(TO_WEB, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_SYS, $_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\']) => '.api_get_path(TO_SYS, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $message[] = 'api_get_path(TO_REL, $_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\']) => '.api_get_path(TO_REL, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $message[] = ''; $message[] = ''; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = 'This test and changes of behaviour of api_get_path() have been done by Ivan Tcholakov, September 22, 2009.'; $message[] = ''; $result = !in_array(false, $is_ok); $this->assertTrue($result); //var_dump($res); foreach ($message as $line) { echo $line.'
'; } // Sample code for showing results in different context. /* $common_paths = array( WEB_PATH, SYS_PATH, REL_PATH, WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH, SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH, WEB_COURSE_PATH, SYS_COURSE_PATH, REL_COURSE_PATH, REL_CODE_PATH, WEB_CODE_PATH, SYS_CODE_PATH, SYS_LANG_PATH, WEB_IMG_PATH, WEB_CSS_PATH, SYS_PLUGIN_PATH, WEB_PLUGIN_PATH, SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH, WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH, INCLUDE_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, CONFIGURATION_PATH, WEB_LIBRARY_PATH ); $specific_paths = array( FLASH_PLAYER_AUDIO, FLASH_PLAYER_VIDEO, SCRIPT_SWFOBJECT, SCRIPT_ASCIIMATHML ); $res = array(); $is_ok = array(); $message = array(); $paths = array(); $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Reading common purpose paths'; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = ''; foreach ($common_paths as $path) { $test_case = "api_get_path($path)"; $res[$test_case] = api_get_path($path); $message[] = $test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; } $message[] = ''; $message[] = ''; $message[] = 'Reading specific purpose paths'; $message[] = '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'; $message[] = ''; foreach ($specific_paths as $path) { $test_case = "api_get_path(TO_WEB, $path)"; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_WEB, $path); $message[] = $test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $paths[] = $path; $test_case = "api_get_path(TO_SYS, $path)"; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_SYS, $path); $message[] = $test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $paths[] = $path; $test_case = "api_get_path(TO_REL, $path)"; $test_case = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $test_case); $res[$test_case] = api_get_path(TO_REL, $path); $message[] = $test_case.' => '.$res[$test_case]; $paths[] = $path; } foreach ($message as $line) { echo $line.'
'; } */ } public function testApiIsInternalPath() { $path1 = api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH); $path2 = 'http://kdflskfsenfnmzsdn/fnefsdsmdsdmsdfsdcmxaddfdafada/index.html'; $path3 = api_get_path(TO_SYS, WEB_IMG_PATH); $path4 = 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\fnefsdsmdsdmsdfsdcmxaddfdafada/index.html'; $path5 = api_get_path(TO_REL, WEB_IMG_PATH); $path6 = '/fnefsdsmdsdmsdfsdcmxaddfdafada/index.html'; $res1 = api_is_internal_path($path1); $res2 = api_is_internal_path($path2); $res3 = api_is_internal_path($path3); $res4 = api_is_internal_path($path4); $res5 = api_is_internal_path($path5); $res6 = api_is_internal_path($path6); $this->assertTrue(is_bool($res1) && is_bool($res2) && is_bool($res3) && is_bool($res4) && is_bool($res5) && is_bool($res6) && $res1 && !$res2 && $res3 && !$res4 && $res5 && !$res6); //var_dump($res1); //var_dump($res2); //var_dump($res1); //var_dump($res2); //var_dump($res1); //var_dump($res2); } public function testApiAddTrailingSlash() { $string1 = 'path'; $string2 = 'path/'; $res1 = api_add_trailing_slash($string1); $res2 = api_add_trailing_slash($string2); $this->assertTrue(is_string($res1) && is_string($res2) && $res1 == $res2); //var_dump($res1); //var_dump($res2); } public function testRemoveAddTrailingSlash() { $string1 = 'path'; $string2 = 'path/'; $res1 = api_remove_trailing_slash($string1); $res2 = api_remove_trailing_slash($string2); $this->assertTrue(is_string($res1) && is_string($res2) && $res1 == $res2); //var_dump($res1); //var_dump($res2); } } /** * Returns a full path to a certain Dokeos area, which you specify * through a parameter. * * See $_configuration['course_folder'] in the configuration.php * to alter the WEB_COURSE_PATH and SYS_COURSE_PATH parameters. * * @param one of the following constants: * WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH, SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH, * WEB_PATH, SYS_PATH, REL_PATH, WEB_COURSE_PATH, SYS_COURSE_PATH, * REL_COURSE_PATH, REL_CODE_PATH, WEB_CODE_PATH, SYS_CODE_PATH, * SYS_LANG_PATH, WEB_IMG_PATH, GARBAGE_PATH, WEB_PLUGIN_PATH, SYS_PLUGIN_PATH, WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH, SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH, * INCLUDE_PATH, WEB_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, CONFIGURATION_PATH * * @example assume that your server root is /var/www/ dokeos is installed in a subfolder dokeos/ and the URL of your campus is http://www.mydokeos.com * The other configuration paramaters have not been changed. * The different api_get_paths will give * WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH http://www.mydokeos.com/ * SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH /var/www/ - This is the physical folder where the system Dokeos has been placed. It is not always equal to $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. * WEB_PATH http://www.mydokeos.com/dokeos/ * SYS_PATH /var/www/dokeos/ * REL_PATH dokeos/ * WEB_COURSE_PATH http://www.mydokeos.com/dokeos/courses/ * SYS_COURSE_PATH /var/www/dokeos/courses/ * REL_COURSE_PATH /dokeos/courses/ * REL_CODE_PATH /dokeos/main/ * WEB_CODE_PATH http://www.mydokeos.com/dokeos/main/ * SYS_CODE_PATH /var/www/dokeos/main/ * SYS_LANG_PATH /var/www/dokeos/main/lang/ * WEB_IMG_PATH http://www.mydokeos.com/dokeos/main/img/ * GARBAGE_PATH * WEB_PLUGIN_PATH http://www.mydokeos.com/dokeos/plugin/ * SYS_PLUGIN_PATH /var/www/dokeos/plugin/ * WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH http://www.mydokeos.com/dokeos/archive/ * SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH /var/www/dokeos/archive/ * INCLUDE_PATH /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/ * WEB_LIBRARY_PATH http://www.mydokeos.com/dokeos/main/inc/lib/ * LIBRARY_PATH /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/lib/ * CONFIGURATION_PATH /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/conf/ */ function api_get_path_1_8_6_1($path_type) { global $_configuration; if (!isset($_configuration['access_url']) || $_configuration['access_url']==1 || $_configuration['access_url']=='') { //by default we call the $_configuration['root_web'] we don't query to the DB //$url_info= api_get_access_url(1); //$root_web = $url_info['url']; if(isset($_configuration['root_web'])) $root_web = $_configuration['root_web']; } else { //we look into the DB the function api_get_access_url //this funcion have a problem because we can't called to the Database:: functions $url_info= api_get_access_url($_configuration['access_url']); if ($url_info['active']==1) { $root_web = $url_info['url']; } else { $root_web = $_configuration['root_web']; } } switch ($path_type) { case WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH: // example: http://www.mydokeos.com/ $result = preg_replace('@'.api_get_path(REL_PATH).'$@', '', api_get_path(WEB_PATH)); if (substr($result, -1) == '/') { return $result; } else { return $result.'/'; } break; case SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH: $result = preg_replace('@'.api_get_path(REL_PATH).'$@', '', api_get_path(SYS_PATH)); if (substr($result, -1) == '/') { return $result; } else { return $result.'/'; } break; case WEB_PATH : // example: http://www.mydokeos.com/ or http://www.mydokeos.com/dokeos/ if you're using // a subdirectory of your document root for Dokeos if (substr($root_web,-1) == '/') { return $root_web; } else { return $root_web.'/'; } break; case SYS_PATH : // example: /var/www/dokeos/ if (substr($_configuration['root_sys'],-1) == '/') { return $_configuration['root_sys']; } else { return $_configuration['root_sys'].'/'; } break; case REL_PATH : // example: dokeos/ if (substr($_configuration['url_append'], -1) === '/') { return $_configuration['url_append']; } else { return $_configuration['url_append'].'/'; } break; case WEB_COURSE_PATH : // example: http://www.mydokeos.com/courses/ return $root_web.$_configuration['course_folder']; break; case SYS_COURSE_PATH : // example: /var/www/dokeos/courses/ return $_configuration['root_sys'].$_configuration['course_folder']; break; case REL_COURSE_PATH : // example: courses/ or dokeos/courses/ return api_get_path(REL_PATH).$_configuration['course_folder']; break; case REL_CODE_PATH : // example: main/ or dokeos/main/ return api_get_path(REL_PATH).$_configuration['code_append']; break; case WEB_CODE_PATH : // example: http://www.mydokeos.com/main/ //return $GLOBALS['clarolineRepositoryWeb']; // this was changed return $root_web.$_configuration['code_append']; break; case SYS_CODE_PATH : // example: /var/www/dokeos/main/ return $GLOBALS['clarolineRepositorySys']; break; case SYS_LANG_PATH : // example: /var/www/dokeos/main/lang/ return api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'lang/'; break; case WEB_IMG_PATH : // example: http://www.mydokeos.com/main/img/ return api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'img/'; break; case SYS_PLUGIN_PATH : // example: /var/www/dokeos/plugin/ return api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'plugin/'; break; case WEB_PLUGIN_PATH : // example: http://www.mydokeos.com/plugin/ return api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'plugin/'; break; case GARBAGE_PATH : //now set to be same as archive case SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH : // example: /var/www/dokeos/archive/ return api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'archive/'; break; case WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH : // example: http://www.mydokeos.com/archive/ return api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'archive/'; break; case INCLUDE_PATH : // Generated by main/inc/global.inc.php // example: /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/ $incpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../'); return str_replace('\\', '/', $incpath).'/'; break; case LIBRARY_PATH : // example: /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/lib/ return api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH).'lib/'; break; case WEB_LIBRARY_PATH : // example: http://www.mydokeos.com/main/inc/lib/ return api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'inc/lib/'; break; case CONFIGURATION_PATH : // example: /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/conf/ return api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH).'conf/'; break; default : return; break; } } ?>