$line = '';
foreach($row as $value)
$line .= '"'.str_replace('"','""',$value).'";';
fwrite($handle, $line."\n");
DocumentManager :: file_send_for_download($file, true, $filename.'.csv');
* Export tabular data to XLS-file
* @param array $data
* @param string $filename
function export_table_xls($data, $filename = 'export')
$file = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).'/'.uniqid('').'.xls';
$handle = fopen($file, 'a+');
foreach ($data as $index => $row)
fwrite($handle, implode("\t", $row)."\n");
DocumentManager :: file_send_for_download($file, true, $filename.'.xls');
* Export tabular data to XML-file
* @param array $data
* @param string $filename
function export_table_xml($data, $filename = 'export', $item_tagname = 'item', $wrapper_tagname = null)
$file = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).'/'.uniqid('').'.xml';
$handle = fopen($file, 'a+');
fwrite($handle, ''."\n");
if (!is_null($wrapper_tagname))
fwrite($handle, "\t".'<'.$wrapper_tagname.'>'."\n");
foreach ($data as $index => $row)
fwrite($handle, '<'.$item_tagname.'>'."\n");
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
fwrite($handle, "\t\t".'<'.$key.'>'.$value.''.$key.'>'."\n");
fwrite($handle, "\t".''.$item_tagname.'>'."\n");
if (!is_null($wrapper_tagname))
fwrite($handle, ''.$wrapper_tagname.'>'."\n");
DocumentManager :: file_send_for_download($file, true, $filename.'.xml');
* Backup a db to a file
* @param ressource $link lien vers la base de donnees
* @param string $db_name nom de la base de donnees
* @param boolean $structure true => sauvegarde de la structure des tables
* @param boolean $donnees true => sauvegarde des donnes des tables
* @param boolean $format format des donnees
'INSERT' => des clauses SQL INSERT
'CSV' => donnees separees par des virgules
* @param boolean $insertComplet true => clause INSERT avec nom des champs
* @param boolean $verbose true => comment are printed
* @deprecated Function only used in deprecated function makeTheBackup(...)
function backupDatabase($link, $db_name, $structure, $donnees, $format = 'SQL', $whereSave = '.', $insertComplet = '', $verbose = false)
$errorCode = "";
if (!is_resource($link))
GLOBAL $error_msg, $error_no;
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] link is not a ressource";
$error_no["backup"][] = "1";
return false;
$format = strtolower($format);
$filename = $whereSave."/courseDbContent.".$format;
$format = strtoupper($format);
$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
if (!is_resource($fp))
return false;
// liste des tables
$res = mysql_list_tables($db_name, $link);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($res);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $num_rows)
$tablename = mysql_tablename($res, $i);
if ($format == "PHP")
fwrite($fp, "\nmysql_query(\"");
if ($format == "HTML")
fwrite($fp, "\n
if ($verbose)
echo "[".$tablename."] ";
if ($structure === true)
if ($format == "PHP" || $format == "SQL")
fwrite($fp, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tablename`;");
if ($format == "PHP")
fwrite($fp, "\");\n");
if ($format == "PHP")
fwrite($fp, "\nmysql_query(\"");
// requete de creation de la table
$query = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `".$tablename."`";
$resCreate = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($resCreate);
$schema = $row[1].";";
if ($format == "PHP" || $format == "SQL")
fwrite($fp, "$schema");
if ($format == "PHP")
fwrite($fp, "\");\n\n");
if ($donnees === true)
// les données de la table
$query = "SELECT * FROM $tablename";
$resData = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($resData) > 0)
$sFieldnames = "";
if ($insertComplet === true)
$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($resData);
for ($j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j ++)
$sFieldnames .= "`".mysql_field_name($resData, $j)."`, ";
$sFieldnames = "(".substr($sFieldnames, 0, -2).")";
$sInsert = "INSERT INTO `$tablename` $sFieldnames values ";
while ($rowdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($resData))
if ($format == "HTML")
$lesDonnees = "\n\t\n\t\t".implode("\n\t\t | \n\t\t", $rowdata)."\n\t\t |
if ($format == "SQL" || $format == "PHP")
$lesDonnees = "".implode(",", $rowdata)."";
$lesDonnees = str_replace("", "'", addslashes($lesDonnees));
if ($format == "SQL")
$lesDonnees = $sInsert." ( ".$lesDonnees." );";
if ($format == "PHP")
fwrite($fp, "\nmysql_query(\"");
fwrite($fp, "$lesDonnees");
if ($format == "PHP")
fwrite($fp, "\");\n");
$i ++;
if ($format == "HTML")
fwrite($fp, "\n
echo "fin du backup au format :".$format;
* @deprecated use function copyDirTo($origDirPath, $destination) in
* fileManagerLib.inc.php
function copydir($origine, $destination, $verbose = false)
$dossier = @ opendir($origine) or die("
impossible d'ouvrir ".$origine." [".__LINE__."]");
if ($verbose)
echo "
$origine -> $destination";
/* if (file_exists($destination))
echo "la cible existe, ca ne va pas être possible";
return 0;
mkpath($destination, 0770);
if ($verbose)
echo "
$total = 0;
while ($fichier = readdir($dossier))
$l = array ('.', '..');
if (!in_array($fichier, $l))
if (is_dir($origine."/".$fichier))
if ($verbose)
echo "
- ";
$total += copydir("$origine/$fichier", "$destination/$fichier", $verbose);
copy("$origine/$fichier", "$destination/$fichier");
if ($verbose)
echo "
$total ++;
if ($verbose)
echo "
if ($verbose)
echo "
return $total;
* Export a course to a zip file
* @param integer $currentCourseID needed sysId Of course to be exported
* @param boolean $verbose_backup def FALSE echo step of work
* @param string $ignore def NONE // future param for selected bloc to export.
* @param string $formats def ALL ALL,SQL,PHP,XML,CSV,XLS,HTML
* @deprecated Function not in use (old backup system)
* 1° Check if all data needed are aivailable
* 2° Build the archive repository tree
* 3° Build exported element and Fill the archive repository tree
* 4° Compress the tree
== tree structure == == here we can found ==
/archivePath/ temporary files of export for the current claroline
/$exportedCourseId temporary files of export for the current course
/$dateBackuping/ root of the future archive
archive.ini course properties
about "ignore"
As we don't know what is add in course by the local admin of claroline,
I prefer follow the logic : save all except ...
function makeTheBackup($exportedCourseId, $verbose_backup = FALSE, $ignore = "", $formats = "ALL")
global $error_msg, $error_no, $db, $archiveRepositorySys, $archiveRepositoryWeb,
$appendCourse, $appendMainDb, $archiveName, $_configuration, $_course, $TABLEUSER, $TABLECOURSUSER, $TABLECOURS, $TABLEANNOUNCEMENT;
// ****** 1° 2. params.
$errorCode = 0;
$stop = FALSE;
// ****** 1° 2. 1 params.needed
if (!isset ($exportedCourseId))
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] Course Id Missing";
$error_no["backup"][] = "1";
$stop = TRUE;
if (!isset ($_configuration['main_database']))
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] Main Db name is Missing";
$error_no["backup"][] = "2";
$stop = TRUE;
if (!isset ($archiveRepositorySys))
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] archive Path not found";
$error_no["backup"][] = "3";
$stop = TRUE;
if (!isset ($appendMainDb))
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] where place course datas from main db in archive";
$error_no["backup"][] = "4";
$stop = TRUE;
if (!isset ($appendCourse))
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] where place course datas in archive";
$error_no["backup"][] = "5";
$stop = TRUE;
if (!isset ($TABLECOURS))
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] name of table of course not defined";
$error_no["backup"][] = "6";
$stop = TRUE;
if (!isset ($TABLEUSER))
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] name of table of users not defined";
$error_no["backup"][] = "7";
$stop = TRUE;
if (!isset ($TABLECOURSUSER))
$error_msg["backup"][] = "[".basename(__FILE__)."][".__LINE__."] name of table of subscription of users in courses not defined";
$error_no["backup"][] = "8";
$stop = TRUE;
if ($stop)
return false;
// ****** 1° 2. 2 params.optional
if (!isset ($verbose_backup))
$verbose_backup = false;
// ****** 1° 3. check if course exist
// not done
// ****** 2° Build the archive repository tree
// ****** 2° 1. fix names
$shortDateBackuping = date("YzBs"); // YEAR - Day in Year - Swatch - second
$archiveFileName = "archive.".$exportedCourseId.".".$shortDateBackuping.".zip";
$dateBackuping = $shortDateBackuping;
$archiveDir .= $archiveRepositorySys.$exportedCourseId."/".$shortDateBackuping."/";
$archiveDirOriginalDocs = $archiveDir."originalDocs/";
$archiveDirHtml = $archiveDir."HTML/";
$archiveDirCsv = $archiveDir."CSV/";
$archiveDirXml = $archiveDir."XML/";
$archiveDirPhp = $archiveDir."PHP/";
$archiveDirLog = $archiveDir."LOG/";
$archiveDirSql = $archiveDir."SQL/";
$systemFileNameOfArchive = "claroBak-".$exportedCourseId."-".$dateBackuping.".txt";
$systemFileNameOfArchiveIni = "archive.ini";
$systemFileNameOfReadMe = "readme.txt";
$systemFileNameOfarchiveLog = "readme.txt";
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
", get_lang('ArchiveName'), " : ", "", basename($systemFileNameOfArchive), "
", get_lang('ArchiveLocation'), " : ", "", realpath($systemFileNameOfArchive), "
", get_lang('SizeOf'), " ", realpath("../../".$exportedCourseId."/"), " : ", "", DirSize("../../".$exportedCourseId."/"), " bytes
if (function_exists(diskfreespace))
echo "".get_lang('DiskFreeSpace')." : ".diskfreespace("/")." bytes";
echo "
mkpath($archiveDirOriginalDocs.$appendMainDb, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirHtml.$appendMainDb, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirCsv.$appendMainDb, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirXml.$appendMainDb, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirPhp.$appendMainDb, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirLog.$appendMainDb, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirSql.$appendMainDb, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirOriginalDocs.$appendCourse, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirHtml.$appendCourse, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirCsv.$appendCourse, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirXml.$appendCourse, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirPhp.$appendCourse, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirLog.$appendCourse, $verbose_backup);
mkpath($archiveDirSql.$appendCourse, $verbose_backup);
$dirCourBase = $archiveDirSqlCourse;
$dirMainBase = $archiveDirSqlMainDb;
// ****** 3° Build exported element and Fill the archive repository tree
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
build config file
// ********************************************************************
// build config file
// ********************************************************************
$stringConfig = "
".get_lang('BUCourseDataOfMainBase')." ".$exportedCourseId."
$sqlInsertCourse = "
$csvInsertCourse = "\n";
$iniCourse = "[".$exportedCourseId."]\n";
$sqlSelectInfoCourse = "Select * from `".$TABLECOURS."` `course` where code = '".$exportedCourseId."' ";
$resInfoCourse = api_sql_query($sqlSelectInfoCourse, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$infoCourse = mysql_fetch_array($resInfoCourse);
for ($noField = 0; $noField < mysql_num_fields($resInfoCourse); $noField ++)
if ($noField > 0)
$sqlInsertCourse .= ", ";
$nameField = mysql_field_name($resInfoCourse, $noField);
/*echo "
$nameField -> ".$infoCourse["$nameField"]." ";
$sqlInsertCourse .= "$nameField = '".$infoCourse["$nameField"]."'";
$csvInsertCourse .= "'".addslashes($infoCourse["$nameField"])."';";
// buildTheIniFile
$iniCourse .= "name=".strtr($infoCourse['title'], "()", "[]")."\n"."official_code=".strtr($infoCourse['visual_code'], "()", "[]")."\n".// use in echo
"adminCode=".strtr($infoCourse['code'], "()", "[]")."\n".// use as key in db
"path=".strtr($infoCourse['code'], "()", "[]")."\n".// use as key in path
"dbName=".strtr($infoCourse['code'], "()", "[]")."\n".// use as key in db list
"titular=".strtr($infoCourse['titulaire'], "()", "[]")."\n"."language=".strtr($infoCourse['language'], "()", "[]")."\n"."extLinkUrl=".strtr($infoCourse['departementUrl'], "()", "[]")."\n"."extLinkName=".strtr($infoCourse['departementName'], "()", "[]")."\n"."categoryCode=".strtr($infoCourse['faCode'], "()", "[]")."\n"."categoryName=".strtr($infoCourse['faName'], "()", "[]")."\n"."visibility=". ($infoCourse['visibility'] == 2 || $infoCourse['visibility'] == 3)."registrationAllowed=". ($infoCourse['visibility'] == 1 || $infoCourse['visibility'] == 2);
$sqlInsertCourse .= ";";
// echo $csvInsertCourse."
$stringConfig .= "
# Insert Course
# ".$sqlInsertCourse."
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
$fcoursql = fopen($archiveDirSql.$appendMainDb."course.sql", "w");
fwrite($fcoursql, $sqlInsertCourse);
$fcourcsv = fopen($archiveDirCsv.$appendMainDb."course.csv", "w");
fwrite($fcourcsv, $csvInsertCourse);
$fcourini = fopen($archiveDir.$systemFileNameOfArchiveIni, "w");
fwrite($fcourini, $iniCourse);
echo $iniCourse, " ini Course";
// ********************************************************************
// info about users
// ********************************************************************
// if ($backupUser )
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
".get_lang('BUUsersInMainBase')." ".$exportedCourseId."
// recup users
$sqlUserOfTheCourse = "
WHERE `user`.`user_id`=`".$TABLECOURSUSER."`.`user_id`
AND `".$TABLECOURSUSER."`.`course_code`='".$exportedCourseId."'";
$resUsers = api_sql_query($sqlUserOfTheCourse, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$nbUsers = mysql_num_rows($resUsers);
if ($nbUsers > 0)
$nbFields = mysql_num_fields($resUsers);
$sqlInsertUsers = "";
$csvInsertUsers = "";
$htmlInsertUsers = "
// creation of headers
for ($noField = 0; $noField < $nbFields; $noField ++)
$nameField = mysql_field_name($resUsers, $noField);
$csvInsertUsers .= "'".addslashes($nameField)."';";
$htmlInsertUsers .= "\t\t".$nameField." | \n";
$htmlInsertUsers .= "\t
// creation of body
while ($users = mysql_fetch_array($resUsers))
$htmlInsertUsers .= "\t\n";
$sqlInsertUsers .= "
$csvInsertUsers .= "\n";
for ($noField = 0; $noField < $nbFields; $noField ++)
if ($noField > 0)
$sqlInsertUsers .= ", ";
$nameField = mysql_field_name($resUsers, $noField);
/*echo "
$nameField -> ".$users["$nameField"]." ";
$sqlInsertUsers .= "$nameField = '".$users["$nameField"]."' ";
$csvInsertUsers .= "'".addslashes($users["$nameField"])."';";
$htmlInsertUsers .= "\t\t".$users["$nameField"]." | \n";
$sqlInsertUsers .= ";";
$htmlInsertUsers .= "\t
$htmlInsertUsers .= "
$stringConfig .= "
# INSERT Users
# ".$sqlInsertUsers."
$fuserssql = fopen($archiveDirSql.$appendMainDb."users.sql", "w");
fwrite($fuserssql, $sqlInsertUsers);
$fuserscsv = fopen($archiveDirCsv.$appendMainDb."users.csv", "w");
fwrite($fuserscsv, $csvInsertUsers);
$fusershtml = fopen($archiveDirHtml.$appendMainDb."users.html", "w");
fwrite($fusershtml, $htmlInsertUsers);
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
NO user in this course !!!!
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "";
/* End of backup user */
if ($saveAnnouncement)
// ********************************************************************
// info about announcment
// ********************************************************************
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
".get_lang('BUAnnounceInMainBase')." ".$exportedCourseId."
// recup annonce
$sqlAnnounceOfTheCourse = "
WHERE course_code='".$exportedCourseId."'";
$resAnn = api_sql_query($sqlAnnounceOfTheCourse, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$nbFields = mysql_num_fields($resAnn);
$sqlInsertAnn = "";
$csvInsertAnn = "";
$htmlInsertAnn .= "
// creation of headers
for ($noField = 0; $noField < $nbFields; $noField ++)
$nameField = mysql_field_name($resUsers, $noField);
$csvInsertAnn .= "'".addslashes($nameField)."';";
$htmlInsertAnn .= "\t\t".$nameField." | \n";
$htmlInsertAnn .= "\t
// creation of body
while ($announce = mysql_fetch_array($resAnn))
$htmlInsertAnn .= "\t\n";
$sqlInsertAnn .= "
$csvInsertAnn .= "\n";
for ($noField = 0; $noField < $nbFields; $noField ++)
if ($noField > 0)
$sqlInsertAnn .= ", ";
$nameField = mysql_field_name($resAnn, $noField);
/*echo "
$nameField -> ".$users["$nameField"]." ";
$sqlInsertAnn .= "$nameField = '".addslashes($announce["$nameField"])."' ";
$csvInsertAnn .= "'".addslashes($announce["$nameField"])."';";
$htmlInsertAnn .= "\t\t".$announce["$nameField"]." | \n";
$sqlInsertAnn .= ";";
$htmlInsertAnn .= "\t
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "";
$htmlInsertAnn .= "
$stringConfig .= "
# ".$sqlInsertAnn."
$fannsql = fopen($archiveDirSql.$appendMainDb."annonces.sql", "w");
fwrite($fannsql, $sqlInsertAnn);
$fanncsv = fopen($archiveDirCsv.$appendMainDb."annnonces.csv", "w");
fwrite($fanncsv, $csvInsertAnn);
$fannhtml = fopen($archiveDirHtml.$appendMainDb."annonces.html", "w");
fwrite($fannhtml, $htmlInsertAnn);
/* End of backup Annonces */
// we can copy file of course
if ($verbose_backup)
echo ''.get_lang('CopyDirectoryCourse');
$nbFiles = copydir(api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'], $archiveDirOriginalDocs.$appendCourse, $verbose_backup);
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
$stringConfig .= "
// ".$nbFiles." was in ".realpath($archiveDirOriginalDocs);
// ********************************************************************
// Copy of DB course
// with mysqldump
// ********************************************************************
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
".get_lang('BackupOfDataBase')." ".$exportedCourseId." (SQL)
backupDatabase($db, $exportedCourseId, true, true, 'SQL', $archiveDirSql.$appendCourse, true, $verbose_backup);
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
".get_lang('BackupOfDataBase')." ".$exportedCourseId." (PHP)
backupDatabase($db, $exportedCourseId, true, true, 'PHP', $archiveDirPhp.$appendCourse, true, $verbose_backup);
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
".get_lang('BackupOfDataBase')." ".$exportedCourseId." (CSV)
backupDatabase($db, $exportedCourseId, true, true, 'CSV', $archiveDirCsv.$appendCourse, true, $verbose_backup);
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
".get_lang('BackupOfDataBase')." ".$exportedCourseId." (HTML)
backupDatabase($db, $exportedCourseId, true, true, 'HTML', $archiveDirHtml.$appendCourse, true, $verbose_backup);
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
".get_lang('BackupOfDataBase')." ".$exportedCourseId." (XML)
backupDatabase($db, $exportedCourseId, true, true, 'XML', $archiveDirXml.$appendCourse, true, $verbose_backup);
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
".get_lang('BackupOfDataBase')." ".$exportedCourseId." (LOG)
backupDatabase($db, $exportedCourseId, true, true, 'LOG', $archiveDirLog.$appendCourse, true, $verbose_backup);
// ********************************************************************
// Copy of DB course
// with mysqldump
// ********************************************************************
$fdesc = fopen($archiveDir.$systemFileNameOfArchive, "w");
fwrite($fdesc, $stringConfig);
if ($verbose_backup)
echo "
// ****** 4° Compress the tree
if (extension_loaded("zlib"))
$whatZip[] = $archiveRepositorySys.$exportedCourseId."/".$shortDateBackuping."/HTML";
$forgetPath = $archiveRepositorySys.$exportedCourseId."/".$shortDateBackuping."/";
$prefixPath = $exportedCourseId;
$zipCourse = new PclZip($archiveRepositorySys.$archiveFileName);
$zipRes = $zipCourse->create($whatZip, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $prefixPath, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $forgetPath);
if ($zipRes == 0)
echo "", $zipCourse->errorInfo(true), "";
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($zipRes); $i ++)
for (reset($zipRes[$i]); $key = key($zipRes[$i]); next($zipRes[$i]))
echo "File $i / [$key] = ".$list[$i][$key]."
echo "
$pathToArchive = $archiveRepositoryWeb.$archiveFileName;
if ($verbose_backup)
echo '
// removeDir($archivePath);
return 1;
} // function makeTheBackup()