/* * JavaScript Templates Test * https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Templates * * Copyright 2011, Sebastian Tschan * https://blueimp.net * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /*global beforeEach, afterEach, describe, it, require */ ;(function (context, expect, tmpl) { 'use strict' if (context.require === undefined) { // Override the template loading method: tmpl.load = function (id) { switch (id) { case 'template': return '{%=o.value%}' } } } var data beforeEach(function () { // Initialize the sample data: data = { value: 'value', nullValue: null, falseValue: false, zeroValue: 0, special: '<>&"\'\x00', list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], func: function () { return this.value }, deep: { value: 'value' } } }) afterEach(function () { // Purge the template cache: tmpl.cache = {} }) describe('Template loading', function () { it('String template', function () { expect( tmpl('{%=o.value%}', data) ).to.be( 'value' ) }) it('Load template by id', function () { expect( tmpl('template', data) ).to.be( 'value' ) }) it('Retun function when called without data parameter', function () { expect( tmpl('{%=o.value%}')(data) ).to.be( 'value' ) }) it('Cache templates loaded by id', function () { tmpl('template') expect( tmpl.cache.template ).to.be.a('function') }) }) describe('Interpolation', function () { it('Escape HTML special characters with {%=o.prop%}', function () { expect( tmpl('{%=o.special%}', data) ).to.be( '<>&"'' ) }) it('Allow HTML special characters with {%#o.prop%}', function () { expect( tmpl('{%#o.special%}', data) ).to.be( '<>&"\'\x00' ) }) it('Function call', function () { expect( tmpl('{%=o.func()%}', data) ).to.be( 'value' ) }) it('Dot notation', function () { expect( tmpl('{%=o.deep.value%}', data) ).to.be( 'value' ) }) it('Handle single quotes', function () { expect( tmpl('\'single quotes\'{%=": \'"%}', data) ).to.be( "'single quotes': '" ) }) it('Handle double quotes', function () { expect( tmpl('"double quotes"{%=": \\""%}', data) ).to.be( '"double quotes": "' ) }) it('Handle backslashes', function () { expect( tmpl('\\backslashes\\{%=": \\\\"%}', data) ).to.be( '\\backslashes\\: \\' ) }) it('Interpolate escaped falsy values except undefined or null', function () { expect( tmpl( '{%=o.undefinedValue%}' + '{%=o.nullValue%}' + '{%=o.falseValue%}' + '{%=o.zeroValue%}', data ) ).to.be( 'false0' ) }) it('Interpolate unescaped falsy values except undefined or null', function () { expect( tmpl( '{%#o.undefinedValue%}' + '{%#o.nullValue%}' + '{%#o.falseValue%}' + '{%#o.zeroValue%}', data ) ).to.be( 'false0' ) }) it('Preserve whitespace', function () { expect( tmpl( '\n\r\t{%=o.value%} \n\r\t{%=o.value%} ', data ) ).to.be( '\n\r\tvalue \n\r\tvalue ' ) }) }) describe('Evaluation', function () { it('Escape HTML special characters with print(data)', function () { expect( tmpl('{% print(o.special); %}', data) ).to.be( '<>&"'' ) }) it('Allow HTML special characters with print(data, true)', function () { expect( tmpl('{% print(o.special, true); %}', data) ).to.be( '<>&"\'\x00' ) }) it('Print out escaped falsy values except undefined or null', function () { expect( tmpl( '{% print(o.undefinedValue); %}' + '{% print(o.nullValue); %}' + '{% print(o.falseValue); %}' + '{% print(o.zeroValue); %}', data ) ).to.be( 'false0' ) }) it('Print out unescaped falsy values except undefined or null', function () { expect( tmpl( '{% print(o.undefinedValue, true); %}' + '{% print(o.nullValue, true); %}' + '{% print(o.falseValue, true); %}' + '{% print(o.zeroValue, true); %}', data ) ).to.be( 'false0' ) }) it('Include template', function () { expect( tmpl('{% include("template", {value: "value"}); %}', data) ).to.be( 'value' ) }) it('If condition', function () { expect( tmpl('{% if (o.value) { %}true{% } else { %}false{% } %}', data) ).to.be( 'true' ) }) it('Else condition', function () { expect( tmpl( '{% if (o.undefinedValue) { %}false{% } else { %}true{% } %}', data ) ).to.be( 'true' ) }) it('For loop', function () { expect( tmpl( '{% for (var i=0; i