* @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) */ abstract class MappedEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriber { /** * Static List of cached object configurations * leaving it static for reasons to look into * other listener configuration * * @var array */ protected static $configurations = array(); /** * Listener name, etc: sluggable * * @var string */ protected $name; /** * ExtensionMetadataFactory used to read the extension * metadata through the extension drivers * * @var ExtensionMetadataFactory */ private $extensionMetadataFactory = array(); /** * List of event adapters used for this listener * * @var array */ private $adapters = array(); /** * Custom annotation reader * * @var object */ private $annotationReader; /** * @var \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader */ private static $defaultAnnotationReader; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $parts = explode('\\', $this->getNamespace()); $this->name = end($parts); } /** * Get an event adapter to handle event specific * methods * * @param EventArgs $args * * @throws \Gedmo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException - if event is not recognized * * @return \Gedmo\Mapping\Event\AdapterInterface */ protected function getEventAdapter(EventArgs $args) { $class = get_class($args); if (preg_match('@Doctrine\\\([^\\\]+)@', $class, $m) && in_array($m[1], array('ODM', 'ORM'))) { if (!isset($this->adapters[$m[1]])) { $adapterClass = $this->getNamespace().'\\Mapping\\Event\\Adapter\\'.$m[1]; if (!class_exists($adapterClass)) { $adapterClass = 'Gedmo\\Mapping\\Event\\Adapter\\'.$m[1]; } $this->adapters[$m[1]] = new $adapterClass(); } $this->adapters[$m[1]]->setEventArgs($args); return $this->adapters[$m[1]]; } else { throw new \Gedmo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Event mapper does not support event arg class: '.$class); } } /** * Get the configuration for specific object class * if cache driver is present it scans it also * * @param ObjectManager $objectManager * @param string $class * * @return array */ public function getConfiguration(ObjectManager $objectManager, $class) { $config = array(); if (isset(self::$configurations[$this->name][$class])) { $config = self::$configurations[$this->name][$class]; } else { $factory = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory(); $cacheDriver = $factory->getCacheDriver(); if ($cacheDriver) { $cacheId = ExtensionMetadataFactory::getCacheId($class, $this->getNamespace()); if (($cached = $cacheDriver->fetch($cacheId)) !== false) { self::$configurations[$this->name][$class] = $cached; $config = $cached; } else { // re-generate metadata on cache miss $this->loadMetadataForObjectClass($objectManager, $factory->getMetadataFor($class)); if (isset(self::$configurations[$this->name][$class])) { $config = self::$configurations[$this->name][$class]; } } $objectClass = isset($config['useObjectClass']) ? $config['useObjectClass'] : $class; if ($objectClass !== $class) { $this->getConfiguration($objectManager, $objectClass); } } } return $config; } /** * Get extended metadata mapping reader * * @param ObjectManager $objectManager * * @return ExtensionMetadataFactory */ public function getExtensionMetadataFactory(ObjectManager $objectManager) { $oid = spl_object_hash($objectManager); if (!isset($this->extensionMetadataFactory[$oid])) { if (is_null($this->annotationReader)) { // create default annotation reader for extensions $this->annotationReader = $this->getDefaultAnnotationReader(); } $this->extensionMetadataFactory[$oid] = new ExtensionMetadataFactory( $objectManager, $this->getNamespace(), $this->annotationReader ); } return $this->extensionMetadataFactory[$oid]; } /** * Set annotation reader class * since older doctrine versions do not provide an interface * it must provide these methods: * getClassAnnotations([reflectionClass]) * getClassAnnotation([reflectionClass], [name]) * getPropertyAnnotations([reflectionProperty]) * getPropertyAnnotation([reflectionProperty], [name]) * * @param Reader $reader - annotation reader class */ public function setAnnotationReader($reader) { $this->annotationReader = $reader; } /** * Scans the objects for extended annotations * event subscribers must subscribe to loadClassMetadata event * * @param ObjectManager $objectManager * @param object $metadata * @return void */ public function loadMetadataForObjectClass(ObjectManager $objectManager, $metadata) { $factory = $this->getExtensionMetadataFactory($objectManager); try { $config = $factory->getExtensionMetadata($metadata); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { // entity\document generator is running $config = false; // will not store a cached version, to remap later } if ($config) { self::$configurations[$this->name][$metadata->name] = $config; } } /** * Get the namespace of extension event subscriber. * used for cache id of extensions also to know where * to find Mapping drivers and event adapters * * @return string */ abstract protected function getNamespace(); /** * Create default annotation reader for extensions * * @return \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader */ private function getDefaultAnnotationReader() { if (null === self::$defaultAnnotationReader) { if (version_compare(\Doctrine\Common\Version::VERSION, '2.2.0-DEV', '>=')) { $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader(); \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry::registerAutoloadNamespace( 'Gedmo\\Mapping\\Annotation', __DIR__.'/../../' ); $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader($reader, new ArrayCache()); } elseif (version_compare(\Doctrine\Common\Version::VERSION, '2.1.0RC4-DEV', '>=')) { $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader(); \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry::registerAutoloadNamespace( 'Gedmo\\Mapping\\Annotation', __DIR__.'/../../' ); $reader->setDefaultAnnotationNamespace('Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\\'); $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader($reader, new ArrayCache()); } elseif (version_compare(\Doctrine\Common\Version::VERSION, '2.1.0-BETA3-DEV', '>=')) { $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader(); $reader->setDefaultAnnotationNamespace('Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\\'); $reader->setIgnoreNotImportedAnnotations(true); $reader->setAnnotationNamespaceAlias('Gedmo\\Mapping\\Annotation\\', 'gedmo'); $reader->setEnableParsePhpImports(false); $reader->setAutoloadAnnotations(true); $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader( new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader($reader), new ArrayCache() ); } else { $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader(); $reader->setAutoloadAnnotations(true); $reader->setAnnotationNamespaceAlias('Gedmo\\Mapping\\Annotation\\', 'gedmo'); $reader->setDefaultAnnotationNamespace('Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\\'); } self::$defaultAnnotationReader = $reader; } return self::$defaultAnnotationReader; } /** * Sets the value for a mapped field * * @param AdapterInterface $adapter * @param object $object * @param string $field * @param mixed $oldValue * @param mixed $newValue */ protected function setFieldValue(AdapterInterface $adapter, $object, $field, $oldValue, $newValue) { $manager = $adapter->getObjectManager(); $meta = $manager->getClassMetadata(get_class($object)); $uow = $manager->getUnitOfWork(); $meta->getReflectionProperty($field)->setValue($object, $newValue); $uow->propertyChanged($object, $field, $oldValue, $newValue); $adapter->recomputeSingleObjectChangeSet($uow, $meta, $object); } }