* @author Miha Vrhovnik * @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) */ class Xml extends BaseXml { /** * List of types which are valid for slug and sluggable fields * * @var array */ private $validTypes = array( 'string', 'text', 'integer', 'int', 'datetime', 'citext', ); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function readExtendedMetadata($meta, array &$config) { /** * @var \SimpleXmlElement $xml */ $xml = $this->_getMapping($meta->name); if (isset($xml->field)) { foreach ($xml->field as $mapping) { $field = $this->_getAttribute($mapping, 'name'); $this->buildFieldConfiguration($meta, $field, $mapping, $config); } } if (isset($xml->{'attribute-overrides'})) { foreach ($xml->{'attribute-overrides'}->{'attribute-override'} as $mapping) { $field = $this->_getAttribute($mapping, 'name'); $this->buildFieldConfiguration($meta, $field, $mapping->field, $config); } } } private function buildFieldConfiguration($meta, $field, \SimpleXMLElement $mapping, array &$config) { /** * @var \SimpleXmlElement $mapping */ $mapping = $mapping->children(self::GEDMO_NAMESPACE_URI); if (isset($mapping->slug)) { /** * @var \SimpleXmlElement $slug */ $slug = $mapping->slug; if (!$this->isValidField($meta, $field)) { throw new InvalidMappingException("Cannot use field - [{$field}] for slug storage, type is not valid and must be 'string' in class - {$meta->name}"); } $fields = array_map('trim', explode(',', (string) $this->_getAttribute($slug, 'fields'))); foreach ($fields as $slugField) { if (!$meta->hasField($slugField)) { throw new InvalidMappingException("Unable to find slug [{$slugField}] as mapped property in entity - {$meta->name}"); } if (!$this->isValidField($meta, $slugField)) { throw new InvalidMappingException("Cannot use field - [{$slugField}] for slug storage, type is not valid and must be 'string' or 'text' in class - {$meta->name}"); } } $handlers = array(); if (isset($slug->handler)) { foreach ($slug->handler as $handler) { $class = (string) $this->_getAttribute($handler, 'class'); $handlers[$class] = array(); foreach ($handler->{'handler-option'} as $option) { $handlers[$class][(string) $this->_getAttribute($option, 'name')] = (string) $this->_getAttribute($option, 'value') ; } $class::validate($handlers[$class], $meta); } } // set all options $config['slugs'][$field] = array( 'fields' => $fields, 'slug' => $field, 'style' => $this->_isAttributeSet($slug, 'style') ? $this->_getAttribute($slug, 'style') : 'default', 'updatable' => $this->_isAttributeSet($slug, 'updatable') ? $this->_getBooleanAttribute($slug, 'updatable') : true, 'dateFormat' => $this->_isAttributeSet($slug, 'dateFormat') ? $this->_getAttribute($slug, 'dateFormat') : 'Y-m-d-H:i', 'unique' => $this->_isAttributeSet($slug, 'unique') ? $this->_getBooleanAttribute($slug, 'unique') : true, 'unique_base' => $this->_isAttributeSet($slug, 'unique-base') ? $this->_getAttribute($slug, 'unique-base') : null, 'separator' => $this->_isAttributeSet($slug, 'separator') ? $this->_getAttribute($slug, 'separator') : '-', 'prefix' => $this->_isAttributeSet($slug, 'prefix') ? $this->_getAttribute($slug, 'prefix') : '', 'suffix' => $this->_isAttributeSet($slug, 'suffix') ? $this->_getAttribute($slug, 'suffix') : '', 'handlers' => $handlers, ); if (!$meta->isMappedSuperclass && $meta->isIdentifier($field) && !$config['slugs'][$field]['unique']) { throw new InvalidMappingException("Identifier field - [{$field}] slug must be unique in order to maintain primary key in class - {$meta->name}"); } $ubase = $config['slugs'][$field]['unique_base']; if ($config['slugs'][$field]['unique'] === false && $ubase) { throw new InvalidMappingException("Slug annotation [unique_base] can not be set if unique is unset or 'false'"); } if ($ubase && !$meta->hasField($ubase) && !$meta->hasAssociation($ubase)) { throw new InvalidMappingException("Unable to find [{$ubase}] as mapped property in entity - {$meta->name}"); } } } /** * Checks if $field type is valid as Sluggable field * * @param object $meta * @param string $field * * @return boolean */ protected function isValidField($meta, $field) { $mapping = $meta->getFieldMapping($field); return $mapping && in_array($mapping['type'], $this->validTypes); } }