* @author Gediminas Morkevicius * @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) */ class Closure implements Strategy { /** * TreeListener * * @var TreeListener */ protected $listener = null; /** * List of pending Nodes, which needs to * be post processed because of having a parent Node * which requires some additional calculations * * @var array */ private $pendingChildNodeInserts = array(); /** * List of nodes which has their parents updated, but using * new nodes. They have to wait until their parents are inserted * on DB to make the update * * @var array */ private $pendingNodeUpdates = array(); /** * List of pending Nodes, which needs their "level" * field value set * * @var array */ private $pendingNodesLevelProcess = array(); /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct(TreeListener $listener) { $this->listener = $listener; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getName() { return Strategy::CLOSURE; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processMetadataLoad($em, $meta) { $config = $this->listener->getConfiguration($em, $meta->name); $closureMetadata = $em->getClassMetadata($config['closure']); $cmf = $em->getMetadataFactory(); if (!$closureMetadata->hasAssociation('ancestor')) { // create ancestor mapping $ancestorMapping = array( 'fieldName' => 'ancestor', 'id' => false, 'joinColumns' => array( array( 'name' => 'ancestor', 'referencedColumnName' => 'id', 'unique' => false, 'nullable' => false, 'onDelete' => 'CASCADE', 'onUpdate' => null, 'columnDefinition' => null, ), ), 'inversedBy' => null, 'targetEntity' => $meta->name, 'cascade' => null, 'fetch' => ClassMetadataInfo::FETCH_LAZY, ); $closureMetadata->mapManyToOne($ancestorMapping); if (Version::compare('2.3.0-dev') <= 0) { $closureMetadata->reflFields['ancestor'] = $cmf ->getReflectionService() ->getAccessibleProperty($closureMetadata->name, 'ancestor') ; } } if (!$closureMetadata->hasAssociation('descendant')) { // create descendant mapping $descendantMapping = array( 'fieldName' => 'descendant', 'id' => false, 'joinColumns' => array( array( 'name' => 'descendant', 'referencedColumnName' => 'id', 'unique' => false, 'nullable' => false, 'onDelete' => 'CASCADE', 'onUpdate' => null, 'columnDefinition' => null, ), ), 'inversedBy' => null, 'targetEntity' => $meta->name, 'cascade' => null, 'fetch' => ClassMetadataInfo::FETCH_LAZY, ); $closureMetadata->mapManyToOne($descendantMapping); if (Version::compare('2.3.0-dev') <= 0) { $closureMetadata->reflFields['descendant'] = $cmf ->getReflectionService() ->getAccessibleProperty($closureMetadata->name, 'descendant') ; } } // create unique index on ancestor and descendant $indexName = substr(strtoupper("IDX_".md5($closureMetadata->name)), 0, 20); $closureMetadata->table['uniqueConstraints'][$indexName] = array( 'columns' => array( $this->getJoinColumnFieldName($em->getClassMetadata($config['closure'])->getAssociationMapping('ancestor')), $this->getJoinColumnFieldName($em->getClassMetadata($config['closure'])->getAssociationMapping('descendant')), ), ); // this one may not be very useful $indexName = substr(strtoupper("IDX_".md5($meta->name.'depth')), 0, 20); $closureMetadata->table['indexes'][$indexName] = array( 'columns' => array('depth'), ); if ($cacheDriver = $cmf->getCacheDriver()) { $cacheDriver->save($closureMetadata->name."\$CLASSMETADATA", $closureMetadata, null); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function onFlushEnd($em, AdapterInterface $ea) { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processPrePersist($em, $node) { $this->pendingChildNodeInserts[spl_object_hash($em)][spl_object_hash($node)] = $node; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processPreUpdate($em, $node) { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processPreRemove($em, $node) { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processScheduledInsertion($em, $node, AdapterInterface $ea) { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processScheduledDelete($em, $entity) { } protected function getJoinColumnFieldName($association) { if (count($association['joinColumnFieldNames']) > 1) { throw new RuntimeException('More association on field '.$association['fieldName']); } return array_shift($association['joinColumnFieldNames']); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processPostUpdate($em, $entity, AdapterInterface $ea) { $meta = $em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $config = $this->listener->getConfiguration($em, $meta->name); // Process TreeLevel field value if (!empty($config)) { $this->setLevelFieldOnPendingNodes($em); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processPostRemove($em, $entity, AdapterInterface $ea) { } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processPostPersist($em, $entity, AdapterInterface $ea) { $uow = $em->getUnitOfWork(); $emHash = spl_object_hash($em); while ($node = array_shift($this->pendingChildNodeInserts[$emHash])) { $meta = $em->getClassMetadata(get_class($node)); $config = $this->listener->getConfiguration($em, $meta->name); $identifier = $meta->getSingleIdentifierFieldName(); $nodeId = $meta->getReflectionProperty($identifier)->getValue($node); $parent = $meta->getReflectionProperty($config['parent'])->getValue($node); $closureClass = $config['closure']; $closureMeta = $em->getClassMetadata($closureClass); $closureTable = $closureMeta->getTableName(); $ancestorColumnName = $this->getJoinColumnFieldName($em->getClassMetadata($config['closure'])->getAssociationMapping('ancestor')); $descendantColumnName = $this->getJoinColumnFieldName($em->getClassMetadata($config['closure'])->getAssociationMapping('descendant')); $depthColumnName = $em->getClassMetadata($config['closure'])->getColumnName('depth'); $entries = array( array( $ancestorColumnName => $nodeId, $descendantColumnName => $nodeId, $depthColumnName => 0, ), ); if ($parent) { $dql = "SELECT c, a FROM {$closureMeta->name} c"; $dql .= " JOIN c.ancestor a"; $dql .= " WHERE c.descendant = :parent"; $q = $em->createQuery($dql); $q->setParameters(compact('parent')); $ancestors = $q->getArrayResult(); foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) { $entries[] = array( $ancestorColumnName => $ancestor['ancestor'][$identifier], $descendantColumnName => $nodeId, $depthColumnName => $ancestor['depth'] + 1, ); } if (isset($config['level'])) { $this->pendingNodesLevelProcess[$nodeId] = $node; } } elseif (isset($config['level'])) { $uow->scheduleExtraUpdate($node, array($config['level'] => array(null, 1))); $ea->setOriginalObjectProperty($uow, spl_object_hash($node), $config['level'], 1); $levelProp = $meta->getReflectionProperty($config['level']); $levelProp->setValue($node, 1); } foreach ($entries as $closure) { if (!$em->getConnection()->insert($closureTable, $closure)) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to insert new Closure record'); } } } // Process pending node updates if (!empty($this->pendingNodeUpdates)) { foreach ($this->pendingNodeUpdates as $info) { $this->updateNode($em, $info['node'], $info['oldParent']); } $this->pendingNodeUpdates = array(); } // Process TreeLevel field value $this->setLevelFieldOnPendingNodes($em); } /** * Process pending entities to set their "level" value * * @param \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager $em */ protected function setLevelFieldOnPendingNodes(ObjectManager $em) { if (!empty($this->pendingNodesLevelProcess)) { $first = array_slice($this->pendingNodesLevelProcess, 0, 1); $first = array_shift($first); $meta = $em->getClassMetadata(get_class($first)); unset($first); $identifier = $meta->getIdentifier(); $mapping = $meta->getFieldMapping($identifier[0]); $config = $this->listener->getConfiguration($em, $meta->name); $closureClass = $config['closure']; $closureMeta = $em->getClassMetadata($closureClass); $uow = $em->getUnitOfWork(); foreach ($this->pendingNodesLevelProcess as $node) { $children = $em->getRepository($meta->name)->children($node); foreach ($children as $child) { $this->pendingNodesLevelProcess[AbstractWrapper::wrap($child, $em)->getIdentifier()] = $child; } } // Avoid type conversion performance penalty $type = 'integer' === $mapping['type'] ? Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY : Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY; // We calculate levels for all nodes $sql = 'SELECT c.descendant, MAX(c.depth) + 1 AS levelNum '; $sql .= 'FROM '.$closureMeta->getTableName().' c '; $sql .= 'WHERE c.descendant IN (?) '; $sql .= 'GROUP BY c.descendant'; $levelsAssoc = $em->getConnection()->executeQuery($sql, array(array_keys($this->pendingNodesLevelProcess)), array($type))->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_NUM); //create key pair array with resultset $levels = array(); foreach( $levelsAssoc as $level ) { $levels[$level[0]] = $level[1]; } $levelsAssoc = null; // Now we update levels foreach ($this->pendingNodesLevelProcess as $nodeId => $node) { // Update new level $level = $levels[$nodeId]; $levelProp = $meta->getReflectionProperty($config['level']); $uow->scheduleExtraUpdate( $node, array($config['level'] => array( $levelProp->getValue($node), $level, )) ); $levelProp->setValue($node, $level); $uow->setOriginalEntityProperty(spl_object_hash($node), $config['level'], $level); } $this->pendingNodesLevelProcess = array(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processScheduledUpdate($em, $node, AdapterInterface $ea) { $meta = $em->getClassMetadata(get_class($node)); $config = $this->listener->getConfiguration($em, $meta->name); $uow = $em->getUnitOfWork(); $changeSet = $uow->getEntityChangeSet($node); if (array_key_exists($config['parent'], $changeSet)) { // If new parent is new, we need to delay the update of the node // until it is inserted on DB $parent = $changeSet[$config['parent']][1] ? AbstractWrapper::wrap($changeSet[$config['parent']][1], $em) : null; if ($parent && !$parent->getIdentifier()) { $this->pendingNodeUpdates[spl_object_hash($node)] = array( 'node' => $node, 'oldParent' => $changeSet[$config['parent']][0], ); } else { $this->updateNode($em, $node, $changeSet[$config['parent']][0]); } } } /** * Update node and closures * * @param EntityManagerInterface $em * @param object $node * @param object $oldParent */ public function updateNode(EntityManagerInterface $em, $node, $oldParent) { $wrapped = AbstractWrapper::wrap($node, $em); $meta = $wrapped->getMetadata(); $config = $this->listener->getConfiguration($em, $meta->name); $closureMeta = $em->getClassMetadata($config['closure']); $nodeId = $wrapped->getIdentifier(); $parent = $wrapped->getPropertyValue($config['parent']); $table = $closureMeta->getTableName(); $conn = $em->getConnection(); // ensure integrity if ($parent) { $dql = "SELECT COUNT(c) FROM {$closureMeta->name} c"; $dql .= " WHERE c.ancestor = :node"; $dql .= " AND c.descendant = :parent"; $q = $em->createQuery($dql); $q->setParameters(compact('node', 'parent')); if ($q->getSingleScalarResult()) { throw new \Gedmo\Exception\UnexpectedValueException("Cannot set child as parent to node: {$nodeId}"); } } if ($oldParent) { $subQuery = "SELECT c2.id FROM {$table} c1"; $subQuery .= " JOIN {$table} c2 ON c1.descendant = c2.descendant"; $subQuery .= " WHERE c1.ancestor = :nodeId AND c2.depth > c1.depth"; $ids = $conn->executeQuery($subQuery, compact('nodeId'))->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if ($ids) { // using subquery directly, sqlite acts unfriendly $query = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE id IN (".implode(', ', $ids).")"; if (!empty($ids) && !$conn->executeQuery($query)) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to remove old closures'); } } } if ($parent) { $wrappedParent = AbstractWrapper::wrap($parent, $em); $parentId = $wrappedParent->getIdentifier(); $query = "SELECT c1.ancestor, c2.descendant, (c1.depth + c2.depth + 1) AS depth"; $query .= " FROM {$table} c1, {$table} c2"; $query .= " WHERE c1.descendant = :parentId"; $query .= " AND c2.ancestor = :nodeId"; $closures = $conn->fetchAll($query, compact('nodeId', 'parentId')); foreach ($closures as $closure) { if (!$conn->insert($table, $closure)) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to insert new Closure record'); } } } if (isset($config['level'])) { $this->pendingNodesLevelProcess[$nodeId] = $node; } } }