iCalcreator 2.24 releaseNotes This is a major release! The release includes (but not limited to) MAJOR rewrite (but same API) - require PHP >= 5.4 - namespace 'kigkonsult\iCalcreator' - all calendar properties implemented as traits with property declaration, create- and set-methods - class 'iCalUtilityFunctions' renamed 'util' - component, property, config key names etc defined as public static properties in util - more common operations refactored into util classes - (component) method copy removed - all config assembled in an array config FORMAT and NL removed (always using iCal 'CRLF') - old xCal (XML) output removed - new class timezoneHandler (method createTimezone etc) - new class iCalXML managing (rfc6321) XML - new class iCalvCard managing vCard export - new class vcalendarSortHandler managing comparison functions - updated autoloader and altered folder structure - improved performance Bug fixed and updates: util::size75() no line break in CRLF preserve opt. trailing CRLF vcalendar::selectComponents() index typo no 'split' when event end at midnight iCalXML::XMLgetProps() X-prop parameter VALUE PHP 7 substr adapt vcalendar::sort() reworked util::splitContent() attribute split index vcalendar::getComponent() calendarComponent::getComponent() iCalBase::deleteComponent() UID/component name spilt code refresh: fixed typos and fcn arg. and return types utilRecur class timezoneHandler::createTimezone(), timezone mgnt vcalendar::newComponent() wrappers, ex. vcalendar::newVevent() etc