Using DataMapper to work with domain entities without per field setters ======================================================================= This is an example of using DataMapper with entities that avoid setters/getters for each field. Pre-requisites -------------- - You already have SonataAdmin and DoctrineORM up and running. - You already have an Entity class, in this example that class will be called ``Example``. - You already have an Admin set up, in this example it's called ``ExampleAdmin``. The recipe ---------- If there is a requirement for the entity to have domain specific methods instead of getters/setters for each entity field then it won't work with SonataAdmin out of the box. But Symfony Form component provides ``DataMapper`` that can be used to make it work. Symfony itself lacks examples of using ``DataMapper`` but there is an article by webmozart that covers it - Example Entity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: php name = $name; $this->description = $description; } public function update($description) { $this->description = $description } // rest of the code goes here } DataMapper ^^^^^^^^^^ To be able to set entity data without the possibility to use setters a ``DataMapper`` should be created. .. code-block:: php setData($data->getName()); $forms['description']->setData($data->getDescription()); } } /** * @param FormInterface[]|\Traversable $forms * @param Example $data */ public function mapFormsToData($forms, &$data) { $forms = iterator_to_array($forms); if (null === $data->getId()) { $name = $forms['name']->getData(); $description = $forms['description']->getData(); // New entity is created $data = new Example( $name, $description ); } else { $data->update( $forms['description']->getData() ); } } } Admin class ^^^^^^^^^^^ Now we need to configure the form to use our ``ExampleDataMapper``. .. code-block:: php add('name', null) ->add('description', null); ; $builder = $formMapper->getFormBuilder(); $builder->setDataMapper(new ExampleDataMapper()); } // ... }