Extensions ========== Admin extensions allow you to add or change features of one or more Admin instances. To create an extension your class must implement the interface ``Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AdminExtensionInterface`` and be registered as a service. The interface defines a number of functions which you can use to customize the edit form, list view, form validation, alter newly created objects and other admin features. .. code-block:: php use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdminExtension; use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper; class PublishStatusAdminExtension extends AbstractAdminExtension { public function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper) { $formMapper ->add('status', 'choice', array( 'choices' => array( 'draft' => 'Draft', 'published' => 'Published', ), )) ; } } Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two ways to configure your extensions and connect them to an admin. You can include this information in the service definition of your extension. Add the tag *sonata.admin.extension* and use the *target* attribute to point to the admin you want to modify. Please note you can specify as many tags you want. Set the *global* attribute to *true* and the extension will be added to all admins. The *priority* attribute is *0* by default and can be a positive or negative integer. The higher the priority, the earlier it's executed. .. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml services: app.publish.extension: class: AppBundle\Admin\Extension\PublishStatusAdminExtension tags: - { name: sonata.admin.extension, target: app.admin.article } - { name: sonata.admin.extension, target: app.admin.blog } app.order.extension: class: AppBundle\Admin\Extension\OrderAdminExtension tags: - { name: sonata.admin.extension, global: true } app.important.extension: class: AppBundle\Admin\Extension\ImportantAdminExtension tags: - { name: sonata.admin.extension, priority: 5 } The second option is to add it to your config.yml file. .. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/config.yml sonata_admin: extensions: app.publish.extension: admins: - app.admin.article Using the ``config.yml`` file has some advantages, it allows you to keep your configuration centralized and it provides some extra options you can use to wire your extensions in a more dynamic way. This means you can change the behaviour of all admins that manage a class of a specific type. admins: specify one or more admin service ids to which the Extension should be added excludes: specify one or more admin service ids to which the Extension should not be added (this will prevent it matching any of the other settings) extends: specify one or more classes. If the managed class of an admin extends one of the specified classes the extension will be added to that admin. implements: specify one or more interfaces. If the managed class of an admin implements one of the specified interfaces the extension will be added to that admin. instanceof: specify one or more classes. If the managed class of an admin extends one of the specified classes or is an instance of that class the extension will be added to that admin. uses: Requires PHP >= 5.4.0. Specify one or more traits. If the managed class of an admin uses one of the specified traits the extension will be added to that admin. priority: Can be a positive or negative integer. The higher the priority, the earlier it’s executed. .. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/config.yml sonata_admin: extensions: app.publish.extension: admins: - app.admin.article implements: - AppBundle\Publish\PublishStatusInterface excludes: - app.admin.blog - app.admin.news extends: - AppBundle\Document\Blog instanceof: - AppBundle\Document\Page uses: - AppBundle\Trait\Timestampable