/************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/entities/s.js * * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ (function (MATHML) { MathJax.Hub.Insert(MATHML.Parse.Entity,{ 'SHCHcy': '\u0429', 'SHcy': '\u0428', 'SOFTcy': '\u042C', 'Sacute': '\u015A', 'Sc': '\u2ABC', 'Scaron': '\u0160', 'Scedil': '\u015E', 'Scirc': '\u015C', 'Scy': '\u0421', 'ShortDownArrow': '\u2193', 'ShortLeftArrow': '\u2190', 'ShortRightArrow': '\u2192', 'ShortUpArrow': '\u2191', 'Sub': '\u22D0', 'Sup': '\u22D1', 'sacute': '\u015B', 'sbquo': '\u201A', 'sc': '\u227B', 'scE': '\u2AB4', 'scaron': '\u0161', 'sccue': '\u227D', 'sce': '\u2AB0', 'scedil': '\u015F', 'scirc': '\u015D', 'scpolint': '\u2A13', 'scsim': '\u227F', 'scy': '\u0441', 'sdotb': '\u22A1', 'sdote': '\u2A66', 'seArr': '\u21D8', 'searhk': '\u2925', 'searrow': '\u2198', 'semi': '\u003B', 'seswar': '\u2929', 'setminus': '\u2216', 'setmn': '\u2216', 'sext': '\u2736', 'sfrown': '\u2322', 'shchcy': '\u0449', 'shcy': '\u0448', 'shortmid': '\u2223', 'shortparallel': '\u2225', 'shy': '\u00AD', 'sigmaf': '\u03C2', 'sim': '\u223C', 'simdot': '\u2A6A', 'sime': '\u2243', 'simeq': '\u2243', 'simg': '\u2A9E', 'simgE': '\u2AA0', 'siml': '\u2A9D', 'simlE': '\u2A9F', 'simplus': '\u2A24', 'simrarr': '\u2972', 'slarr': '\u2190', 'smallsetminus': '\u2216', 'smashp': '\u2A33', 'smeparsl': '\u29E4', 'smid': '\u2223', 'smt': '\u2AAA', 'smte': '\u2AAC', 'smtes': '\u2AAC\uFE00', 'softcy': '\u044C', 'sol': '\u002F', 'solb': '\u29C4', 'solbar': '\u233F', 'spadesuit': '\u2660', 'spar': '\u2225', 'sqcap': '\u2293', 'sqcaps': '\u2293\uFE00', 'sqcup': '\u2294', 'sqcups': '\u2294\uFE00', 'sqsub': '\u228F', 'sqsube': '\u2291', 'sqsubset': '\u228F', 'sqsubseteq': '\u2291', 'sqsup': '\u2290', 'sqsupe': '\u2292', 'sqsupset': '\u2290', 'sqsupseteq': '\u2292', 'squ': '\u25A1', 'square': '\u25A1', 'squarf': '\u25AA', 'squf': '\u25AA', 'srarr': '\u2192', 'ssetmn': '\u2216', 'ssmile': '\u2323', 'sstarf': '\u22C6', 'star': '\u2606', 'starf': '\u2605', 'straightepsilon': '\u03F5', 'straightphi': '\u03D5', 'strns': '\u00AF', 'subdot': '\u2ABD', 'sube': '\u2286', 'subedot': '\u2AC3', 'submult': '\u2AC1', 'subplus': '\u2ABF', 'subrarr': '\u2979', 'subset': '\u2282', 'subseteq': '\u2286', 'subseteqq': '\u2AC5', 'subsetneq': '\u228A', 'subsetneqq': '\u2ACB', 'subsim': '\u2AC7', 'subsub': '\u2AD5', 'subsup': '\u2AD3', 'succ': '\u227B', 'succapprox': '\u2AB8', 'succcurlyeq': '\u227D', 'succeq': '\u2AB0', 'succnapprox': '\u2ABA', 'succneqq': '\u2AB6', 'succnsim': '\u22E9', 'succsim': '\u227F', 'sum': '\u2211', 'sung': '\u266A', 'sup': '\u2283', 'sup1': '\u00B9', 'sup2': '\u00B2', 'sup3': '\u00B3', 'supdot': '\u2ABE', 'supdsub': '\u2AD8', 'supe': '\u2287', 'supedot': '\u2AC4', 'suphsol': '\u27C9', 'suphsub': '\u2AD7', 'suplarr': '\u297B', 'supmult': '\u2AC2', 'supplus': '\u2AC0', 'supset': '\u2283', 'supseteq': '\u2287', 'supseteqq': '\u2AC6', 'supsetneq': '\u228B', 'supsetneqq': '\u2ACC', 'supsim': '\u2AC8', 'supsub': '\u2AD4', 'supsup': '\u2AD6', 'swArr': '\u21D9', 'swarhk': '\u2926', 'swarrow': '\u2199', 'swnwar': '\u292A', 'szlig': '\u00DF' }); MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(MATHML.entityDir+"/s.js"); })(MathJax.InputJax.MathML);