/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /************************************************************* * * MathJax/jax/output/SVG/autoload/maction.js * * Implements the SVG output for elements. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("SVG Jax Ready",function () { var VERSION = "2.7.2"; var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml, SVG = MathJax.OutputJax["SVG"]; var currentTip, hover, clear; // // Add configuration for tooltips // var CONFIG = SVG.config.tooltip = MathJax.Hub.Insert({ delayPost: 600, delayClear: 600, offsetX: 10, offsetY: 5 },SVG.config.tooltip||{}); MML.maction.Augment({ SVGtooltip: MathJax.HTML.addElement(document.body,"div",{id:"MathJax_SVG_Tooltip"}), toSVG: function (HW,D) { this.SVGgetStyles(); var svg = this.SVG(); var selected = this.selected(); if (selected.type == "null") {this.SVGsaveData(svg);return svg;} svg.Add(this.SVGdataStretched(this.Get("selection")-1,HW,D)); svg.removeable = false; this.SVGhandleHitBox(svg); this.SVGhandleSpace(svg); this.SVGhandleColor(svg); this.SVGsaveData(svg); return svg; }, SVGhandleHitBox: function (svg) { var frame = SVG.Element("rect", {width:svg.w, height:svg.h+svg.d, y:-svg.d, fill:"none", "pointer-events":"all"}); svg.element.insertBefore(frame,svg.element.firstChild); var type = this.Get("actiontype"); if (this.SVGaction[type]) {this.SVGaction[type].call(this,svg,svg.element,this.Get("selection"))} }, SVGstretchH: MML.mbase.prototype.SVGstretchH, SVGstretchV: MML.mbase.prototype.SVGstretchV, // // Implementations for the various actions // SVGaction: { toggle: function (svg,frame,selection) { this.selection = selection; SVG.Element(frame,{cursor:"pointer"}); frame.onclick = MathJax.Callback(["SVGclick",this]); }, statusline: function (svg,frame,selection) { frame.onmouseover = MathJax.Callback(["SVGsetStatus",this]), frame.onmouseout = MathJax.Callback(["SVGclearStatus",this]); frame.onmouseover.autoReset = frame.onmouseout.autoReset = true; }, tooltip: function(svg,frame,selection) { frame.onmouseover = MathJax.Callback(["SVGtooltipOver",this]), frame.onmouseout = MathJax.Callback(["SVGtooltipOut",this]); frame.onmouseover.autoReset = frame.onmouseout.autoReset = true; } }, // // Handle a click on the maction element // (remove the original rendering and rerender) // SVGclick: function (event) { this.selection++; if (this.selection > this.data.length) {this.selection = 1} var math = this; while (math.type !== "math") {math = math.inherit} var jax = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(math.inputID); //, hover = !!jax.hover; jax.Update(); /* * if (hover) { * var span = document.getElementById(jax.inputID+"-Span"); * MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Hover.Hover(jax,span); * } */ return MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event.False(event); }, // // Set/Clear the window status message // SVGsetStatus: function (event) { // FIXME: Do something better with non-token elements this.messageID = MathJax.Message.Set ((this.data[1] && this.data[1].isToken) ? this.data[1].data.join("") : this.data[1].toString()); }, SVGclearStatus: function (event) { if (this.messageID) {MathJax.Message.Clear(this.messageID,0)} delete this.messageID; }, // // Handle tooltips // SVGtooltipOver: function (event) { if (!event) {event = window.event} if (clear) {clearTimeout(clear); clear = null} if (hover) {clearTimeout(hover)} var x = event.pageX; var y = event.pageY; if (x == null) { x = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; y = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } var callback = MathJax.Callback(["SVGtooltipPost",this,x+CONFIG.offsetX,y+CONFIG.offsetY]) hover = setTimeout(callback,CONFIG.delayPost); }, SVGtooltipOut: function (event) { if (hover) {clearTimeout(hover); hover = null} if (clear) {clearTimeout(clear)} var callback = MathJax.Callback(["SVGtooltipClear",this,80]); clear = setTimeout(callback,CONFIG.delayClear); }, SVGtooltipPost: function (x,y) { hover = null; if (clear) {clearTimeout(clear); clear = null} // // Get the tip div and show it at the right location, then clear its contents // var tip = this.SVGtooltip; tip.style.display = "block"; tip.style.opacity = ""; if (this === currentTip) return; tip.style.left = x+"px"; tip.style.top = y+"px"; tip.innerHTML = ''; var span = MathJax.HTML.addElement(tip,"span"); // // Get the sizes from the jax (FIXME: should calculate again?) // var math = this; while (math.type !== "math") {math = math.inherit} var jax = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(math.inputID); this.em = MML.mbase.prototype.em = jax.SVG.em; this.ex = jax.SVG.ex; this.linebreakWidth = jax.SVG.lineWidth; this.cwidth = jax.SVG.cwidth; // // Make a new math element and temporarily move the tooltip to it // Display the math containing the tip, but check for errors // Then put the tip back into the maction element // var mml = this.data[1]; math = MML.math(mml); try {math.toSVG(span,tip)} catch(err) { this.SetData(1,mml); tip.style.display = "none"; if (!err.restart) {throw err} MathJax.Callback.After(["SVGtooltipPost",this,x,y],err.restart); return; } this.SetData(1,mml); currentTip = this; }, SVGtooltipClear: function (n) { var tip = this.SVGtooltip; if (n <= 0) { tip.style.display = "none"; tip.style.opacity = ""; clear = null; } else { tip.style.opacity = n/100; clear = setTimeout(MathJax.Callback(["SVGtooltipClear",this,n-20]),50); } } }); MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("SVG maction Ready"); MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete(SVG.autoloadDir+"/maction.js"); });