COURSE_VISIBILITY_REGISTERED, SUBSCRIBE_NOT_ALLOWED NOT_VISIBLE_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED --> COURSE_VISIBILITY_REGISTERED, SUBSCRIBE_ALLOWED VISIBLE_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED --> COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_PLATFORM, SUBSCRIBE_ALLOWED VISIBLE_NO_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED --> COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_PLATFORM, SUBSCRIBE_NOT_ALLOWED */ //OLD SETTINGS define("NOT_VISIBLE_NO_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED", 0); define("NOT_VISIBLE_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED", 1); define("VISIBLE_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED", 2); define("VISIBLE_NO_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED", 3); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Variables ----------------------------------------------------------- */ $TABLECOURSE = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLECOURSDOMAIN = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $TABLEUSER = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $TABLEANNOUNCEMENTS = "announcement"; $coursesRepositories = $_configuration['root_sys']; /* ============================================================================== CourseManager CLASS ============================================================================== */ /** * @package dokeos.library */ class CourseManager { /** * Returns all the information of a given coursecode * @param string $course_code, the course code * @return an array with all the fields of the course table * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University */ function get_course_information($course_code) { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $sql="SELECT * FROM ".$course_table." WHERE code='".$course_code."'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); return $result; } /** * Returns a list of courses. Should work with quickform syntax * @param integer Offset (from the 7th = '6'). Optional. * @param integer Number of results we want. Optional. * @param string The column we want to order it by. Optional, defaults to first column. * @param string The direction of the order (ASC or DESC). Optional, defaults to ASC. * @param string The visibility of the course, or all by default. * @param string If defined, only return results for which the course *title* begins with this string */ function get_courses_list($from=0,$howmany=0,$orderby=1,$orderdirection='ASC',$visibility=-1,$startwith='') { $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT code, title " . "FROM $tbl_course "; if(!empty($startwith)) { $sql .= "WHERE LIKE title '".Database::escape_string($startwith)."%' "; if ($visibility !== -1 && $visibility == strval(intval($visibility)) ) { $sql .= " AND visibility = $visibility "; } } else { $sql .= "WHERE 1 "; if ($visibility !== -1 && $visibility == strval(intval($visibility)) ) { $sql .= " AND visibility = $visibility "; } } if(!empty($orderby)) { $sql .= " ORDER BY ".Database::escape_string($orderby)." "; } else { $sql .= " ORDER BY 1 "; } if(!empty($orderdirection)) { $sql .= Database::escape_string($orderdirection); } else { $sql .= 'ASC'; } if(!empty($howmany) and is_int($howmany) and $howmany>0) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.Database::escape_string($howmany); } else { $sql .= ' LIMIT 1000000'; //virtually no limit } if(!empty($from)) { $sql .= ' OFFSET '.Database::escape_string($from); } else { $sql .= ' OFFSET 0'; } $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); return api_store_result($res); } /** * Returns the access settings of the course: * which visibility; * wether subscribing is allowed; * wether unsubscribing is allowed. * * @param string $course_code, the course code * @todo for more consistency: use course_info call from database API * @return an array with int fields "visibility", "subscribe", "unsubscribe" */ function get_access_settings($course_code) { $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT visibility, subscribe, unsubscribe from ".$course_table." where code = '".$course_code."'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); return $result; } /** * Returns the status of a user in a course, which is COURSEMANAGER or STUDENT. * @param int User ID * @param string Course code * @return int the status of the user in that course */ function get_user_in_course_status($user_id, $course_code) { $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $course_user_table WHERE course_code = '$course_code' AND user_id = $user_id"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); return $result['status']; } /** * Unsubscribe one or more users from a course * @param int|array $user_id * @param string $course_code */ function unsubscribe_user($user_id, $course_code) { $tbl_session_rel_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $tbl_session_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_USER); $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); if(!is_array($user_id)) { $user_id = array($user_id); } if(count($user_id) == 0) { return; } $user_ids = implode(',', $user_id); $table_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $table_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); // Unsubscribe user from all groups in the course $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_course WHERE code = '".$course_code."'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $course = Database::fetch_object($res); $table_group = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP_USER, $course->db_name); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_group WHERE user_id IN (".$user_ids.")"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $tbl_group_rel_tutor = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP_TUTOR, $course->db_name); $sql = "DELETE FROM $tbl_group_rel_tutor WHERE user_id IN (".$user_ids.")"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Unsubscribe user from all blogs in the course $table_blog_user = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_REL_USER, $course->db_name); $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$table_blog_user." WHERE user_id IN (".$user_ids.")"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $table_blogtask_user = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS_TASKS_REL_USER, $course->db_name); $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$table_blogtask_user." WHERE user_id IN (".$user_ids.")"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); // Unsubscribe user from the course if(!empty($_SESSION["id_session"])) { // delete in table session_rel_course_rel_user // We suppose the session is safe! $add_session_course_rel = "DELETE FROM $tbl_session_rel_course_user WHERE id_session ='".$_SESSION["id_session"]."' AND course_code = '".$_SESSION['_course']['id']."' AND id_user IN ($user_ids)"; $result = api_sql_query($add_session_course_rel,__FILE__, __LINE__); // delete in table session_rel_user $add_session_rel_user = "DELETE FROM $tbl_session_rel_user WHERE id_session ='".$_SESSION["id_session"]."' AND id_user IN ($user_ids)"; $result = api_sql_query($add_session_rel_user,__FILE__, __LINE__); // update the table session $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from $tbl_session_rel_user WHERE id_session = '".$_SESSION["id_session"]."'"; $result = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__, __LINE__); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $count = $row[0]; // number of users by session $update_user_session = "UPDATE $tbl_session set nbr_users = '$count' WHERE id = '".$_SESSION["id_session"]."'" ; $result = api_sql_query($update_user_session,__FILE__,__LINE__); } else { $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_user WHERE user_id IN (".$user_ids.") AND course_code = '".$course_code."'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } /** * Subscribe a user to a course. No checks are performed here to see if * course subscription is allowed. * @param int User ID * @param string Course code * @param int Status (STUDENT, COURSEMANAGER, COURSE_ADMIN, NORMAL_COURSE_MEMBER) * @return bool True on success, false on failure * @see add_user_to_course */ function subscribe_user($user_id, $course_code, $status = STUDENT) { if ( $user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return false; //detected possible SQL injection } $user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $location_table = Database :: get_main_table(MAIN_LOCATION_TABLE); $user_role_table = Database :: get_main_table(MAIN_USER_ROLE_TABLE); $tbl_session_rel_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $tbl_session_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_USER); $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $status = ($status == STUDENT || $status == COURSEMANAGER) ? $status : STUDENT; $role_id = ($status == COURSEMANAGER) ? COURSE_ADMIN : NORMAL_COURSE_MEMBER; $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); if (empty ($user_id) || empty ($course_code)) { return false; } else { // previously check if the user are already registered on the platform $handle = @api_sql_query("SELECT status FROM ".$user_table." WHERE user_id = '$user_id' ", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($handle) == 0){ return false; // the user isn't registered to the platform } else { //check if user isn't already subscribed to the course $handle = @api_sql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$course_user_table." WHERE user_id = '$user_id' AND course_code ='$course_code'", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($handle) > 0) { return false; // the user is already subscribed to the course } else { if (!empty($_SESSION["id_session"])) { //check if user isn't already estore to the session_rel_course_user table $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_session_rel_course_user WHERE course_code = '".$_SESSION['_course']['id']."' AND id_session ='".$_SESSION["id_session"]."' AND id_user = '".$user_id."'"; $result1 = @api_sql_query($sql1,__FILE__,__LINE__); $check1 = Database::num_rows($result1); //check if user isn't already estore to the session_rel_user table $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_session_rel_user WHERE id_session ='".$_SESSION["id_session"]."' AND id_user = '".$user_id."'"; $result2 = @api_sql_query($sql2,__FILE__,__LINE__); $check2 = Database::num_rows($result2); if ($check1 > 0 || $check2 > 0) { return false; } else { // add in table session_rel_course_rel_user $add_session_course_rel = "INSERT INTO $tbl_session_rel_course_user SET id_session ='".$_SESSION["id_session"]."', course_code = '".$_SESSION['_course']['id']."', id_user = '".$user_id."'"; $result = @api_sql_query($add_session_course_rel,__FILE__, __LINE__); // add in table session_rel_user $add_session_rel_user = "INSERT INTO $tbl_session_rel_user SET id_session ='".$_SESSION["id_session"]."', id_user = '".$user_id."'"; $result = @api_sql_query($add_session_rel_user,__FILE__, __LINE__); // update the table session $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) from $tbl_session_rel_user WHERE id_session = '".$_SESSION["id_session"]."'"; $result = @api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__, __LINE__); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $count = $row[0]; // number of users by session $update_user_session = "UPDATE $tbl_session set nbr_users = '$count' WHERE id = '".$_SESSION["id_session"]."'" ; $result = @api_sql_query($update_user_session,__FILE__,__LINE__); } } else { $course_sort = CourseManager :: userCourseSort($user_id,$course_code); $add_course_user_entry_sql = "INSERT INTO ".$course_user_table." SET course_code = '$course_code', user_id = '$user_id', status = '".$status."', sort = '". ($course_sort)."'"; $result = @api_sql_query($add_course_user_entry_sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } if ($result) { return true; } else { return false; } } } } } /** * Subscribe a user $user_id to a course $course_code. * @author Hugues Peeters * @author Roan Embrechts * * @param int $user_id the id of the user * @param string $course_code the course code * @param string $status (optional) The user's status in the course * * @return boolean true if subscription succeeds, boolean false otherwise. * @todo script has ugly ifelseifelseifelseif structure, improve */ function add_user_to_course($user_id, $course_code, $status = STUDENT) { $user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $status = ($status == STUDENT || $status == COURSEMANAGER) ? $status : STUDENT; if (empty($user_id) || empty ($course_code) || ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id)))) { return false; } else { $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); // previously check if the user are already registered on the platform $handle = api_sql_query("SELECT status FROM ".$user_table." WHERE user_id = '$user_id' ", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($handle) == 0) { return false; // the user isn't registered to the platform } else { //check if user isn't already subscribed to the course $handle = api_sql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$course_user_table." WHERE user_id = '$user_id' AND course_code ='$course_code'", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($handle) > 0) { return false; // the user is already subscribed to the course } else { // previously check if subscription is allowed for this course $handle = api_sql_query("SELECT code, visibility FROM ".$course_table." WHERE code = '$course_code' AND subscribe = '".SUBSCRIBE_NOT_ALLOWED."'", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($handle) > 0) { return false; // subscription not allowed for this course } else { $max_sort = api_max_sort_value('0', $user_id); $add_course_user_entry_sql = "INSERT INTO ".$course_user_table." SET course_code = '$course_code', user_id = '$user_id', status = '".$status."', sort = '". ($max_sort +1)."'"; $result=api_sql_query($add_course_user_entry_sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($result) { return true; } else { return false; } } } } } } /** * This code creates a select form element to let the user * choose a real course to link to. * * A good non-display library should not use echo statements, but just return text/html * so users of the library can choose when to display. * * We display the course code, but internally store the course id. * * @param boolean $has_size, true the select tag gets a size element, false it stays a dropdownmenu * @param boolean $only_current_user_courses, true only the real courses of which the * current user is course admin are displayed, false all real courses are shown. * @param string $element_name the name of the select element * @return a string containing html code for a form select element. * @deprecated Function not in use */ function get_real_course_code_select_html($element_name, $has_size = true, $only_current_user_courses = true, $user_id) { if ($only_current_user_courses == true) { $real_course_list = CourseManager :: get_real_course_list_of_user_as_course_admin($user_id); } else { $real_course_list = CourseManager :: get_real_course_list(); } if ($has_size == true) { $size_element = "size=\"".SELECT_BOX_SIZE."\""; } else { $size_element = ""; } $html_code = "\n"; return $html_code; } /** * Checks wether a parameter exists. * If it doesn't, the function displays an error message. * * @return true if parameter is set and not empty, false otherwise * @todo move function to better place, main_api ? */ function check_parameter($parameter, $error_message) { if (!isset ($parameter) || empty ($parameter)) { Display :: display_normal_message($error_message); return false; } return true; } /** * Lets the script die when a parameter check fails. * @todo move function to better place, main_api ? */ function check_parameter_or_fail($parameter, $error_message) { if (!CourseManager :: check_parameter($parameter, $error_message)) die(); } /** * @return true if there already are one or more courses * with the same code OR visual_code (visualcode), false otherwise */ function is_existing_course_code($wanted_course_code) { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $wanted_course_code = Database::escape_string($wanted_course_code); $sql_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as number FROM ".$course_table."WHERE code = '$wanted_course_code' OR visual_code = '$wanted_course_code' "; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); if ($result["number"] > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @return an array with the course info of all real courses on the platform */ function get_real_course_list() { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $course_table WHERE target_course_code IS NULL"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result)) { $real_course_list[] = $result; } return $real_course_list; } /** * @return an array with the course info of all virtual courses on the platform */ function get_virtual_course_list() { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $course_table WHERE target_course_code IS NOT NULL"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result)) { $virtual_course_list[] = $result; } return $virtual_course_list; } /** * @return an array with the course info of the real courses of which * the current user is course admin */ function get_real_course_list_of_user_as_course_admin($user_id) { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return array(); } $sql_query = " SELECT * FROM $course_table course LEFT JOIN $course_user_table course_user ON course.code = course_user.course_code WHERE course.target_course_code IS NULL AND course_user.user_id = '$user_id' AND course_user.status = '1'"; //api_display_debug_info($sql_query); $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result)) { $result_array[] = $result; } return $result_array; } /** * @return an array with the course info of all the courses (real and virtual) of which * the current user is course admin */ function get_course_list_of_user_as_course_admin($user_id) { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return array(); } $sql_query = " SELECT * FROM $course_table course LEFT JOIN $course_user_table course_user ON course.code = course_user.course_code WHERE course_user.user_id = '$user_id' AND course_user.status = '1'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result)) { $result_array[] = $result; } return $result_array; } /** * Find out for which courses the user is registered and determine a visual course code and course title from that. * Takes virtual courses into account * * Default case: the name and code stay what they are. * * Scenarios: * - User is registered in real course and virtual courses; name / code become a mix of all * - User is registered in real course only: name stays that of real course * - User is registered in virtual course only: name becomes that of virtual course * - user is not registered to any of the real/virtual courses: name stays that of real course * (I'm not sure about the last case, but this seems not too bad) * * @author Roan Embrechts * @param $user_id, the id of the user * @param $course_info, an array with course info that you get using Database::get_course_info($course_system_code); * @return an array with indices * $return_result["title"] - the course title of the combined courses * $return_result["code"] - the course code of the combined courses */ function determine_course_title_from_course_info($user_id, $course_info) { $real_course_id = $course_info['system_code']; $real_course_info = Database :: get_course_info($real_course_id); $real_course_name = $real_course_info["title"]; $real_course_visual_code = $real_course_info["visual_code"]; $real_course_real_code = Database::escape_string($course_info['system_code']); if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return array(); } //is the user registered in the real course? $table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE user_id = '$user_id' AND course_code = '$real_course_real_code'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); if (!isset ($result) || empty ($result)) { $user_is_registered_in_real_course = false; } else { $user_is_registered_in_real_course = true; } //get a list of virtual courses linked to the current real course //and to which the current user is subscribed $user_subscribed_virtual_course_list = CourseManager :: get_list_of_virtual_courses_for_specific_user_and_real_course($user_id, $real_course_id); if (count($user_subscribed_virtual_course_list) > 0) { $virtual_courses_exist = true; } else { $virtual_courses_exist = false; } //now determine course code and name if ($user_is_registered_in_real_course && $virtual_courses_exist) { $course_info["name"] = CourseManager :: create_combined_name($user_is_registered_in_real_course, $real_course_name, $user_subscribed_virtual_course_list); $course_info['official_code'] = CourseManager :: create_combined_code($user_is_registered_in_real_course, $real_course_visual_code, $user_subscribed_virtual_course_list); } else if ($user_is_registered_in_real_course) { //course name remains real course name $course_info["name"] = $real_course_name; $course_info['official_code'] = $real_course_visual_code; } else if ($virtual_courses_exist) { $course_info["name"] = CourseManager :: create_combined_name($user_is_registered_in_real_course, $real_course_name, $user_subscribed_virtual_course_list); $course_info['official_code'] = CourseManager :: create_combined_code($user_is_registered_in_real_course, $real_course_visual_code, $user_subscribed_virtual_course_list); } else { //course name remains real course name $course_info["name"] = $real_course_name; $course_info['official_code'] = $real_course_visual_code; } $return_result["title"] = $course_info["name"]; $return_result["code"] = $course_info['official_code']; return $return_result; } /** * Create a course title based on all real and virtual courses the user is registered in. * @param boolean $user_is_registered_in_real_course * @param string $real_course_name, the title of the real course * @param array $virtual_course_list, the list of virtual courses */ function create_combined_name($user_is_registered_in_real_course, $real_course_name, $virtual_course_list) { if ($user_is_registered_in_real_course || count($virtual_course_list) > 1) { $complete_course_name_before = get_lang("CombinedCourse")." "; //from course_home lang file } if ($user_is_registered_in_real_course) { //add real name to result $complete_course_name[] = $real_course_name; } //add course titles of all virtual courses to the list foreach ($virtual_course_list as $current_course) { $complete_course_name[] = $current_course["title"]; } $complete_course_name = $complete_course_name_before.implode(' & ', $complete_course_name); return $complete_course_name; } /** * Create a course code based on all real and virtual courses the user is registered in. */ function create_combined_code($user_is_registered_in_real_course, $real_course_code, $virtual_course_list) { $complete_course_code .= ""; if ($user_is_registered_in_real_course) { //add real name to result $complete_course_code[] = $real_course_code; } //add course titles of all virtual courses to the list foreach ($virtual_course_list as $current_course) { $complete_course_code[] = $current_course["visual_code"]; } $complete_course_code = implode(' & ', $complete_course_code); return $complete_course_code; } /** * Return course info array of virtual course * * Note this is different from getting information about a real course! * * @param $real_course_code, the id of the real course which the virtual course is linked to */ function get_virtual_course_info($real_course_code) { $table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $real_course_code = Database::escape_string($real_course_code); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE target_course_code = '$real_course_code'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = array (); while ($virtual_course = Database::fetch_array($sql_result)) { $result[] = $virtual_course; } return $result; } /** * @param string $system_code, the system code of the course * @return true if the course is a virtual course, false otherwise */ function is_virtual_course_from_system_code($system_code) { $table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $system_code = Database::escape_string($system_code); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE code = '$system_code'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); $target_number = $result["target_course_code"]; if ($target_number == NULL) { return false; //this is not a virtual course } else { return true; //this is a virtual course } } /** * Returns whether the course code given is a visual code * @param string Visual course code * @return true if the course is a virtual course, false otherwise */ function is_virtual_course_from_visual_code($visual_code) { $table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $visual_code = Database::escape_string($visual_code); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE visual_code = '$visual_code'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); $target_number = $result["target_course_code"]; if ($target_number == NULL) { return false; //this is not a virtual course } else { return true; //this is a virtual course } } /** * @return true if the real course has virtual courses that the user is subscribed to, false otherwise */ function has_virtual_courses_from_code($real_course_code, $user_id) { $user_subscribed_virtual_course_list = CourseManager :: get_list_of_virtual_courses_for_specific_user_and_real_course($user_id, $real_course_code); $number_of_virtual_courses = count($user_subscribed_virtual_course_list); if (count($user_subscribed_virtual_course_list) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Return an array of arrays, listing course info of all virtual course * linked to the real course ID $real_course_code * * @param string The id of the real course which the virtual courses are linked to * @return array List of courses details */ function get_virtual_courses_linked_to_real_course($real_course_code) { $table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE target_course_code = '$real_course_code'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result_array = array (); while ($result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result)) { $result_array[] = $result; } return $result_array; } /** * This function returns the course code of the real course * to which a virtual course is linked. * * @param the course code of the virtual course * @return the course code of the real course */ function get_target_of_linked_course($virtual_course_code) { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $virtual_course_code = Database::escape_string($virtual_course_code); //get info about the virtual course $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $course_table WHERE code = '$virtual_course_code'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); $target_course_code = $result["target_course_code"]; return $target_course_code; } /* ============================================================================== USER FUNCTIONS ============================================================================== */ /** * Return course info array of virtual course * * @param $user_id, the id (int) of the user * @param $course_info, array with info about the course (comes from course table) * * @return true if the user is registered in the course, false otherwise */ function is_user_subscribed_in_course($user_id, $course_code, $in_a_session=false) { $user_id = intval($user_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE user_id = $user_id AND course_code = '$course_code'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); if (!isset ($result) || empty ($result)) { if ($in_a_session) { $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM '.Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER).' WHERE id_user = '.$user_id.' AND course_code="'.$course_code.'"'; $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($rs)>0) { return true; } else { $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM '.Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE).' WHERE id_coach = '.$user_id.' AND course_code="'.$course_code.'"'; $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($rs)>0) { return true; } else { $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM '.Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION).' WHERE id='.intval($_SESSION['id_session']).' AND id_coach='.$user_id; $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($rs)>0) { return true; } } } } else { return false; //user is not registered in course } } else { return true; //user is registered in course } } /** * Is the user a teacher in the given course? * * @param $user_id, the id (int) of the user * @param $course_code, the course code * * @return true if the user is a teacher in the course, false otherwise */ function is_course_teacher($user_id,$course_code) { $tbl_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return false; } $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $sql_query='SELECT status FROM '.$tbl_course_user.' WHERE course_code="'.$course_code.'" and user_id="'.$user_id.'"'; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); if(Database::num_rows($sql_result)>0) { $status=Database::result($sql_result,0,'status'); if ($status==1) return true; else return false; } return false; } /** * Is the user subscribed in the real course or linked courses? * * @param int the id of the user * @param array info about the course (comes from course table, see database lib) * * @return true if the user is registered in the real course or linked courses, false otherwise */ function is_user_subscribed_in_real_or_linked_course($user_id, $course_code, $session_id='') { if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return false; } $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); if ($session_id=='') { $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql_query = " SELECT * FROM $course_table course LEFT JOIN $course_user_table course_user ON course.code = course_user.course_code WHERE course_user.user_id = '$user_id' AND ( course.code = '$course_code' OR target_course_code = '$course_code') "; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result); if (!isset ($result) || empty ($result)) { return false; //user is not registered in course } else { return true; //user is registered in course } } else { // is he subscribed to the course of the session ? // Database Table Definitions $tbl_sessions = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $tbl_sessions_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $tbl_session_course_user= Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); //In the session we trust //users $sql = "SELECT id_user FROM $tbl_session_course_user WHERE id_session='".$_SESSION['id_session']."' AND id_user='$user_id'"; $result = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); if(Database::num_rows($result)) return true; // is it a course coach ? $sql = "SELECT id_coach FROM $tbl_sessions_course AS session_course WHERE id_session='".$_SESSION['id_session']."' AND id_coach = '$user_id' AND course_code='$course_code'"; $result = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); if(Database::num_rows($result)) return true; // is it a session coach ? $sql = "SELECT id_coach FROM $tbl_sessions AS session WHERE'".$_SESSION['id_session']."' AND id_coach='$user_id'"; $result = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); if(Database::num_rows($result)) return true; return false; } } /** * Return user info array of all users registered in the specified real or virtual course * This only returns the users that are registered in this actual course, not linked courses. * * @param string $course_code * @return array with user info */ function get_user_list_from_course_code($course_code, $with_session=true, $session_id=0, $limit='', $order_by='') { $session_id = intval($session_id); $a_users = array(); $table_users = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $table_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $where = array(); if ( $session_id == 0 ) { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT course_rel_user.status, user.user_id '; } else { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT user.user_id '; } if ( $session_id == 0 ) { $sql .= ', course_rel_user.role, course_rel_user.tutor_id '; } $sql .= ' FROM '.$table_users.' as user '; if (api_get_setting('use_session_mode')=='true' && $with_session) { $table_session_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$table_session_course_user.' as session_course_user ON user.user_id = session_course_user.id_user AND session_course_user.course_code="'.Database::escape_string($course_code).'"'; if ($session_id!=0) { $sql .= ' AND session_course_user.id_session = '.$session_id; } $where[] = ' session_course_user.course_code IS NOT NULL '; } if ($session_id == 0) { $table_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$table_course_user.' as course_rel_user ON user.user_id = course_rel_user.user_id AND course_rel_user.course_code="'.Database::escape_string($course_code).'"'; $where[] = ' course_rel_user.course_code IS NOT NULL '; } $sql .= ' WHERE '.implode(' OR ',$where); $sql .= ' '.$order_by; $sql .= ' '.$limit; $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($user = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $user_infos = Database :: get_user_info_from_id($user['user_id']); $user_infos['status'] = $user['status']; if ( isset($user['role']) ) { $user_infos['role'] = $user['role']; } if ( isset($user['tutor_id']) ) { $user_infos['tutor_id'] = $user['tutor_id']; } $a_users[$user['user_id']] = $user_infos; } return $a_users; } /** * Get a list of coaches of a course and a session * @param string Course code * @param int Session ID * @return array List of users */ function get_coach_list_from_course_code($course_code,$session_id){ if ($session_id != strval(intval($session_id))) { return array(); } $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $table_session_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $table_session = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $a_users=array(); //We get the coach for the given course in a given session $sql = 'SELECT id_coach FROM '.$table_session_course.' WHERE id_session="'.$session_id.'" AND course_code="'.$course_code.'"'; $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); while($user = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $user_infos = Database :: get_user_info_from_id($user['id_coach']); $user_infos["status"] = $user["status"]; $user_infos["role"] = $user["role"]; $user_infos["tutor_id"] = $user["tutor_id"]; $user_infos['email'] = $user['email']; $a_users[$user['id_coach']] = $user_infos; } //We get the session coach $sql = 'SELECT id_coach FROM '.$table_session.' WHERE id="'.$session_id.'"'; $rs = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $user_infos=array(); $session_id_coach = Database::result($rs,0,'id_coach'); $user_infos = Database :: get_user_info_from_id($session_id_coach); $user_infos["status"] = $user["status"]; $user_infos["role"] = $user["role"]; $user_infos["tutor_id"] = $user["tutor_id"]; $user_infos['email'] = $user['email']; $a_users[$session_id_coach] = $user_infos; return $a_users; } /** * Return user info array of all users registered in the specified real or virtual course * This only returns the users that are registered in this actual course, not linked courses. * * @param string $course_code * @param boolean $full list to true if we want sessions students too * @return array with user id */ function get_student_list_from_course_code($course_code, $with_session=false, $session_id=0) { $a_students = array(); $session_id = intval($session_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); if($session_id == 0) { // students directly subscribed to the course $table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE course_code = '$course_code' AND status = 5"; $rs = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while($student = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $a_students[$student['user_id']] = $student; } } // students subscribed to the course through a session if(api_get_setting('use_session_mode')=='true' && $with_session) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE course_code = '$course_code'"; if($session_id!=0) $sql_query .= ' AND id_session = '.$session_id; $rs = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while($student = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $a_students[$student['id_user']] = $student; } } return $a_students; } /** * Return user info array of all teacher-users registered in the specified real or virtual course * This only returns the users that are registered in this actual course, not linked courses. * * @param string $course_code * @return array with user id */ function get_teacher_list_from_course_code($course_code) { $a_teachers = array(); // teachers directly subscribed to the course $t_cu = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $t_u = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $sql_query = "SELECT u.user_id, u.lastname, u.firstname,, u.username, u.status " . "FROM $t_cu cu, $t_u u " . "WHERE cu.course_code = '$course_code' " . "AND cu.status = 1 " . "AND cu.user_id = u.user_id"; $rs = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while($teacher = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $a_students[$teacher['user_id']] = $teacher; } return $a_students; } /** * Return user info array of all users registered in the specified course * this includes the users of the course itsel and the users of all linked courses. * * @param array $course_info * @return array with user info */ function get_real_and_linked_user_list($course_code, $with_sessions = true, $session_id=0) { //get list of virtual courses $virtual_course_list = CourseManager :: get_virtual_courses_linked_to_real_course($course_code); //get users from real course $user_list = CourseManager :: get_user_list_from_course_code($course_code, $with_sessions, $session_id); foreach ($user_list as $this_user) { $complete_user_list[] = $this_user; } //get users from linked courses foreach ($virtual_course_list as $this_course) { $course_code = $this_course["code"]; $user_list = CourseManager :: get_user_list_from_course_code($course_code, $with_sessions, $session_id); foreach ($user_list as $this_user) { $complete_user_list[] = $this_user; } } return $complete_user_list; } /** * Return an array of arrays, listing course info of all courses in the list * linked to the real course $real_course_code, to which the user $user_id is subscribed. * * @param $user_id, the id (int) of the user * @param $real_course_code, the id (char) of the real course * * @return array of course info arrays */ function get_list_of_virtual_courses_for_specific_user_and_real_course($user_id, $real_course_code) { $result_array = array(); $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_user_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return $result_array; } $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $sql_query = " SELECT * FROM $course_table course LEFT JOIN $course_user_table course_user ON course.code = course_user.course_code WHERE course.target_course_code = '$real_course_code' AND course_user.user_id = '$user_id'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($result = Database::fetch_array($sql_result)) { $result_array[] = $result; } return $result_array; } /* ============================================================================== GROUP FUNCTIONS ============================================================================== */ /** * Get the list of groups from the course * @param string Course code * @param int Session ID (optional) * @return array List of groups info */ function get_group_list_of_course($course_code, $session_id=0) { $course_info = Database :: get_course_info($course_code); $database_name = $course_info['db_name']; $group_table = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP, $database_name); $group_user_table = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP_USER, $database_name); $group_list = array(); $session_condition = $session_id==0 ? '' : ' WHERE g.session_id IN(0,'.intval($session_id).')'; $sql = "SELECT,, COUNT( userNb FROM $group_table AS g LEFT JOIN $group_user_table gu ON = gu.group_id $session_condition GROUP BY ORDER BY"; $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__) or die(mysql_error()); while ($group_data = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $group_list[$group_data['id']] = $group_data; } return $group_list; } /** * Checks all parameters needed to create a virtual course. * If they are all set, the virtual course creation procedure is called. * * Call this function instead of create_virtual_course * @param string Course code * @param string Course title * @param string Wanted course code * @param string Course language * @param string Course category * @return bool True on success, false on error */ function attempt_create_virtual_course($real_course_code, $course_title, $wanted_course_code, $course_language, $course_category) { //better: create parameter list, check the entire list, when false display errormessage CourseManager :: check_parameter_or_fail($real_course_code, "Unspecified parameter: real course id."); CourseManager :: check_parameter_or_fail($course_title, "Unspecified parameter: course title."); CourseManager :: check_parameter_or_fail($wanted_course_code, "Unspecified parameter: wanted course code."); CourseManager :: check_parameter_or_fail($course_language, "Unspecified parameter: course language."); CourseManager :: check_parameter_or_fail($course_category, "Unspecified parameter: course category."); $creation_success = CourseManager :: create_virtual_course($real_course_code, $course_title, $wanted_course_code, $course_language, $course_category); return $creation_success; } /** * This function creates a virtual course. * It assumes all parameters have been checked and are not empty. * It checks wether a course with the $wanted_course_code already exists. * * Users of this library should consider this function private, * please call attempt_create_virtual_course instead of this one. * * @note The virtual course 'owner' id (the first course admin) is set to the CURRENT user id. * @param string Course code * @param string Course title * @param string Wanted course code * @param string Course language * @param string Course category * @return true if the course creation succeeded, false otherwise * @todo research: expiration date of a course */ function create_virtual_course($real_course_code, $course_title, $wanted_course_code, $course_language, $course_category) { global $firstExpirationDelay; $course_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $real_course_info = Database :: get_course_info($real_course_code); $real_course_code = $real_course_info['system_code']; //check: virtual course creation fails if another course has the same //code, real or fake. if (CourseManager :: is_existing_course_code($wanted_course_code)) { Display :: display_error_message($wanted_course_code." - ".get_lang("CourseCodeAlreadyExists")); return false; } //add data to course table, course_rel_user $course_sys_code = $wanted_course_code; $course_screen_code = $wanted_course_code; $course_repository = $real_course_info["directory"]; $course_db_name = $real_course_info["db_name"]; $responsible_teacher = $real_course_info["tutor_name"]; $faculty_shortname = $course_category; // $course_title = $course_title; // $course_language = $course_language; $teacher_id = $user_id; //HACK ---------------------------------------------------------------- $expiration_date = time() + $firstExpirationDelay; //END HACK ------------------------------------------------------------ register_course($course_sys_code, $course_screen_code, $course_repository, $course_db_name, $responsible_teacher, $faculty_shortname, $course_title, $course_language, $teacher_id, $expiration_date); //above was the normal course creation table update call, //now one more thing: fill in the target_course_code field $sql_query = "UPDATE $course_table SET target_course_code = '$real_course_code' WHERE code = '".Database::escape_string($course_sys_code)."' LIMIT 1 "; api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); return true; } /** * Delete a course * This function deletes a whole course-area from the platform. When the * given course is a virtual course, the database and directory will not be * deleted. * When the given course is a real course, also all virtual courses refering * to the given course will be deleted. * Considering the fact that we remove all traces of the course in the main * database, it makes sense to remove all tracking as well (if stats databases exist) * so that a new course created with this code would not use the remains of an older * course. * * @param string The code of the course to delete * @todo When deleting a virtual course: unsubscribe users from that virtual * course from the groups in the real course if they are not subscribed in * that real course. * @todo Remove globals */ function delete_course($code) { global $_configuration; $table_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $table_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $table_course_class = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_CLASS); $user_role_table = Database :: get_main_table(MAIN_USER_ROLE_TABLE); $location_table = Database::get_main_table(MAIN_LOCATION_TABLE); $role_right_location_table = Database::get_main_table(MAIN_ROLE_RIGHT_LOCATION_TABLE); $table_session_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $table_session_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $table_course_survey = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SHARED_SURVEY); $table_course_survey_question = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SHARED_SURVEY_QUESTION); $table_course_survey_question_option = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SHARED_SURVEY_QUESTION_OPTION); $stats = false; if(Database::get_statistic_database() != ''){ $stats = true; $table_stats_hotpots = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTPOTATOES); $table_stats_attempt = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT); $table_stats_exercises = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES); $table_stats_access = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ACCESS); $table_stats_lastaccess = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LASTACCESS); $table_stats_course_access = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_COURSE_ACCESS); $table_stats_online = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ONLINE); $table_stats_default = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DEFAULT); $table_stats_downloads = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DOWNLOADS); $table_stats_links = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LINKS); $table_stats_uploads = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_UPLOADS); } $code = Database::escape_string($code); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_course WHERE code='".$code."'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($res) == 0) { return; } $this_course = Database::fetch_array($res); $db_name = $this_course['db_name']; CourseManager :: create_database_dump($code); if (!CourseManager :: is_virtual_course_from_system_code($code)) { // If this is not a virtual course, look for virtual courses that depend on this one, if any $virtual_courses = CourseManager :: get_virtual_courses_linked_to_real_course($code); foreach ($virtual_courses as $index => $virtual_course) { // Unsubscribe all classes from the virtual course $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_class WHERE course_code='".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Unsubscribe all users from the virtual course $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_user WHERE course_code='".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Delete the course from the sessions tables $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_session_course WHERE course_code='".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_session_course_user WHERE course_code='".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); // Delete the course from the survey tables $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_survey WHERE course_code='".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_survey_user WHERE db_name='".$virtual_course['db_name']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_survey_reminder WHERE db_name='".$virtual_course['db_name']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); // Delete the course from the stats tables if ($stats) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_hotpots WHERE exe_cours_id = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_attempt WHERE course_code = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_exercises WHERE exe_cours_id = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_access WHERE access_cours_code = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_lastaccess WHERE access_cours_code = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_course_access WHERE course_code = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_online WHERE course = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_default WHERE default_cours_code = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_downloads WHERE down_cours_id = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_links WHERE links_cours_id = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_uploads WHERE upload_cours_id = '".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } // Delete the course from the course table $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course WHERE code='".$virtual_course['code']."'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_course WHERE code='".$code."'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $course = Database::fetch_array($res); if (!$_configuration['single_database']) { $sql = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ".$course['db_name']; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { //TODO Clean the following code as currently it would probably delete another course //similarly named, by mistake... $db_pattern = $_configuration['table_prefix'].$course['db_name'].$_configuration['db_glue']; $sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$db_pattern%'"; $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); while (list ($courseTable) = Database::fetch_array($result)) { api_sql_query("DROP TABLE $courseTable", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } $course_dir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$course['directory']; $garbage_dir = api_get_path(GARBAGE_PATH).$course['directory'].'_'.time(); rename($course_dir, $garbage_dir); } // Unsubscribe all classes from the course $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_class WHERE course_code='".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Unsubscribe all users from the course $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_user WHERE course_code='".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // Delete the course from the sessions tables $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_session_course WHERE course_code='".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_session_course_user WHERE course_code='".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql='SELECT survey_id FROM '.$table_course_survey.' WHERE course_code="'.$code.'"'; $result_surveys=api_sql_query($sql); while ($surveys=Database::fetch_array($result_surveys)) { $survey_id=$surveys[0]; $sql='DELETE FROM '.$table_course_survey_question.' WHERE survey_id="'.$survey_id.'"'; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql='DELETE FROM '.$table_course_survey_question_option.' WHERE survey_id="'.$survey_id.'"'; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql='DELETE FROM '.$table_course_survey.' WHERE survey_id="'.$survey_id.'"'; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } // Delete the course from the stats tables if($stats) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_hotpots WHERE exe_cours_id = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_attempt WHERE course_code = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_exercises WHERE exe_cours_id = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_access WHERE access_cours_code = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_lastaccess WHERE access_cours_code = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_course_access WHERE course_code = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_online WHERE course = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_default WHERE default_cours_code = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_downloads WHERE down_cours_id = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_links WHERE links_cours_id = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_stats_uploads WHERE upload_cours_id = '".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); } global $_configuration; if ($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']==true) { require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'urlmanager.lib.php'); $url_id=1; if (api_get_current_access_url_id()!=-1) $url_id=api_get_current_access_url_id(); UrlManager::delete_url_rel_course($code,$url_id); } // Delete the course from the database $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course WHERE code='".$code."'"; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); // delete extra course fields $t_cf = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_FIELD); $t_cfv = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_FIELD_VALUES); $sql = "SELECT distinct field_id FROM $t_cfv WHERE course_code = '$code'"; $res_field_ids = @api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); while($row_field_id = Database::fetch_row($res_field_ids)){ $field_ids[] = $row_field_id[0]; } //delete from table_course_field_value from a given course_code $sql_course_field_value = "DELETE FROM $t_cfv WHERE course_code = '$code'"; @api_sql_query($sql_course_field_value,__FILE__,__LINE__); $sql = "SELECT distinct field_id FROM $t_cfv"; $res_field_all_ids = @api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); while ($row_field_all_id = Database::fetch_row($res_field_all_ids)){ $field_all_ids[] = $row_field_all_id[0]; } if (count($field_ids)>0) { foreach($field_ids as $field_id) { // check if field id is used into table field value if (is_array($field_all_ids)) { if (in_array($field_id,$field_all_ids)) { continue; } else { $sql_course_field = "DELETE FROM $t_cf WHERE id = '$field_id'"; api_sql_query($sql_course_field,__FILE__,__LINE__); } } } } } /** * Creates a file called mysql_dump.sql in the course folder * @param $course_code The code of the course * @todo Implementation for single database */ function create_database_dump($course_code) { global $_configuration; if ($_configuration['single_database']) { return; } $sql_dump = ''; $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $table_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_course WHERE code = '$course_code'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $course = Database::fetch_array($res); $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM ".$course['db_name']; $res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($table = Database::fetch_array($res)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$course['db_name'].".".$table[0].""; $res3 = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($res3)) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $row[$key] = $key."='".addslashes($row[$key])."'"; } $sql_dump .= "\nINSERT INTO $table[0] SET ".implode(', ', $row).';'; } } $file_name = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$course['directory'].'/mysql_dump.sql'; $handle = fopen($file_name, 'a+'); if($handle!==false){ fwrite($handle, $sql_dump); fclose($handle); }else{ //TODO trigger exception in a try-catch } } /** * Sort courses for a specific user ?? * @param int User ID * @param string Course code * @return int Minimum course order * @todo Review documentation */ function userCourseSort($user_id,$course_code){ if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return false; } $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $TABLECOURSE = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql = 'SELECT title FROM '.$TABLECOURSE.' WHERE code="'.$course_code.'"'; $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $course_title = Database::result($result,0,0); $sql = 'SELECT course.code as code, course.title as title, cu.sort as sort FROM '.$TABLECOURSUSER.' as cu, '.$TABLECOURSE.' as course WHERE course.code = cu.course_code AND user_id = "'.$user_id.'" AND user_course_cat=0 ORDER BY cu.sort'; $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $s_course_title_precedent = ''; $counter = 0; $b_find_course = false; $i_course_sort = 1; while($courses=Database::fetch_array($result)){ if($s_course_title_precedent == ''){ $s_course_title_precedent = $courses['title']; } if(strcasecmp($s_course_title_precedent,$course_title)<0){ $b_find_course = true; $i_course_sort = $courses['sort']; $s_course_code = $courses['code']; if($counter == 0){ $sql = 'UPDATE '.$TABLECOURSUSER.' SET sort = sort+1 WHERE user_id= "'.$user_id.'" AND user_course_cat="0" AND sort > "'.$i_course_sort.'"'; $i_course_sort++; } else{ $sql = 'UPDATE '.$TABLECOURSUSER.' SET sort = sort+1 WHERE user_id= "'.$user_id.'" AND user_course_cat="0" AND sort >= "'.$i_course_sort.'"'; } api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } else{ $s_course_title_precedent = $courses['title']; } $counter++; } //We must register the course in the beginning of the list if(Database::num_rows($result)>0 && !$b_find_course) { $sql_max = 'SELECT min(sort) as min_sort FROM '.$TABLECOURSUSER.' WHERE user_id="'.$user_id.'" AND user_course_cat="0"'; $result_min_sort=api_sql_query($sql_max, __FILE__, __LINE__); $i_course_sort = Database::result($result_min_sort,0,0); $sql = 'UPDATE '.$TABLECOURSUSER.' SET sort = sort+1 WHERE user_id= "'.$user_id.'" AND user_course_cat="0"'; api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); } return $i_course_sort; } /** * create recursively all categories as option of the select passed in paramater. * * @param object $select_element the quickform select where the options will be added * @param string $category_selected_code the option value to select by default (used mainly for edition of courses) * @param string $parent_code the parent category of the categories added (default=null for root category) * @param string $padding the indent param (you shouldn't indicate something here) */ function select_and_sort_categories($select_element, $category_selected_code="", $parent_code=null , $padding="") { $table_course_category = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $sql = "SELECT code, name, auth_course_child, auth_cat_child FROM ".$table_course_category." WHERE parent_id ".(is_null($parent_code) ? "IS NULL" : "='".Database::escape_string($parent_code)."'")." ORDER BY code"; $res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); $new_padding = $padding.' - '; while ($cat = Database::fetch_array($res)) { $params = $cat['auth_course_child'] == 'TRUE' ? '' : 'disabled'; $params .= ($cat['code'] == $category_selected_code) ? ' selected' : ''; $select_element->addOption($padding.'('.$cat['code'].') '.$cat['name'], $cat['code'], $params); if($cat['auth_cat_child']) { CourseManager::select_and_sort_categories($select_element, $category_selected_code, $cat['code'], $new_padding); } } } /** * check if course exists * @param string course_code * @param string whether to accept virtual course codes or not * @return true if exists, false else */ function course_exists($course_code, $accept_virtual=false) { if ($accept_virtual === true) { $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM '.Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE).' WHERE code="'.Database::escape_string($course_code).'" OR visual_code="'.Database::escape_string($course_code).'"'; } else { $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM '.Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE).' WHERE code="'.Database::escape_string($course_code).'"'; } $rs = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); return Database::num_rows($rs); } /** * Send an email to tutor after the auth-suscription of a student in your course * @author Carlos Vargas , Dokeos Latino * @param int $user_id the id of the user * @param string $course_code the course code * @param string $send_to_tutor_also * @return string we return the message that is displayed when the action is succesfull */ function email_to_tutor($user_id,$course_code,$send_to_tutor_also=false) { $TABLECOURS=Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLE_USER= Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $TABLECOURSUSER=Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); if ($user_id != strval(intval($user_id))) { return false; } $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $sql_me="SELECT * FROM ".$TABLE_USER." WHERE user_id='".$user_id."'"; $result_me=api_sql_query($sql_me,__FILE__,__LINE__); $student = Database::fetch_array($result_me); $information = CourseManager::get_course_information($course_code); $name_course=$information['title']; $sql="SELECT * FROM ".$TABLECOURSUSER." WHERE course_code='".$course_code."'"; if($send_to_tutor_also=true) { $sql.=" AND tutor_id=1"; } else { $sql.=" AND status=1"; } $result = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $sql_tutor="SELECT * FROM ".$TABLE_USER." WHERE user_id='".$row['user_id']."'"; $result_tutor=api_sql_query($sql_tutor,__FILE__,__LINE__); $tutor=Database::fetch_array($result_tutor); $emailto = $tutor['email']; $emailsubject = get_lang('NewUserInTheCourse').': '.$name_course; $emailbody = get_lang('Dear').': '. $tutor['firstname'].' '.$tutor['lastname']."\n"; $emailbody .=get_lang('MessageNewUserInTheCourse').': '.$name_course."\n"; $emailbody .=get_lang('UserName').': '.$student['username']."\n"; $emailbody .=get_lang('LastName').': '.$student['lastname']."\n"; $emailbody .=get_lang('FirstName').': '.$student['firstname']."\n"; $emailbody .=get_lang('Email').': '.$student['email']."\n\n"; $recipient_name = $tutor['firstname'].' '.$tutor['lastname']; $sender_name = get_setting('administratorName').' '.get_setting('administratorSurname'); $email_admin = get_setting('emailAdministrator'); @api_mail($recipient_name, $emailto, $emailsubject, $emailbody, $sender_name,$email_admin); } } /** * Get list of courses for a given user * @param int user ID * @return array List of codes and db names * @author isaac flores paz */ function get_courses_list_by_user_id($user_id) { $course_list=array(); $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $tbl_course_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql='SELECT c.code,c.db_name,c.title FROM '.$tbl_course.' c inner join '.$tbl_course_rel_user.' cru on c.code=cru.course_code WHERE cru.user_id='.$user_id; $result=api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); while ($row=Database::fetch_array($result,'ASSOC')) { $course_list[]=$row; } return $course_list; } /** * Get course ID from a given course directory name * @param string Course directory (without any slash) * @return string Course code, or false if not found */ function get_course_id_from_path($path) { $path = str_replace('/','',$path); $path = str_replace('.','',$path); $path = Database::escape_string($path); $t_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $sql = "SELECT code FROM $t_course WHERE directory LIKE BINARY '$path'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); if ($res === false) {return false;} if (Database::num_rows($res) != 1) {return false;} $row = Database::fetch_array($res); return $row['code']; } /** * Get course code(s) from visual code * @param string Visual code * @return array List of codes for the given visual code */ function get_courses_info_from_visual_code ($code) { $table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $code = Database::escape_string($code); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE visual_code = '$code'"; $sql_result = api_sql_query($sql_query, __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = array (); while ($virtual_course = Database::fetch_array($sql_result)) { $result[] = $virtual_course; } return $result; } /** * Get emails of tutors to course * @param string Visual code * @return array List of emails of tutors to course * @author @author Carlos Vargas , Dokeos Latino * */ function get_emails_of_tutors_to_course($code) { $users = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $course_rel_users = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $code = Database::escape_string($code); $sql="SELECT user_id FROM $course_rel_users WHERE course_code='$code' AND status=1"; $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $list=array(); while ($list_users = Database::fetch_array($res)){ $sql_list="SELECT * FROM $users WHERE user_id=".$list_users['user_id']; $result = api_sql_query($sql_list,__FILE__,__LINE__); while ($row_user = Database::fetch_array($result)){ $name_teacher=$row_user['firstname'].' '.$row_user['lastname']; $list[]=array($row_user['email']=>$name_teacher); } } return $list; } /** * Get emails of tutors to course * @param string session session * @return string email of tutor to session * @author @author Carlos Vargas , Dokeos Latino * */ function get_email_of_tutor_to_session($session) { $users = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $session_rel_users = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $session = Database::escape_string($session); $sql_tutor="SELECT * FROM $session_rel_users WHERE id_session='$session'"; $res = api_sql_query($sql_tutor,__FILE__,__LINE__); $row_email = Database::fetch_array($res); $sql_list="SELECT * FROM $users WHERE user_id=".$row_email["id_coach"]; $result_user = api_sql_query($sql_list,__FILE__,__LINE__); while ($row_emails = Database::fetch_array($result_user)) { $name_tutor=$row_emails["firstname"].' '.$row_emails["lastname"]; $mail_tutor=array($row_emails["email"]=>$name_tutor); } return $mail_tutor; } /** * Creates a new extra field for a given course * @param string Field's internal variable name * @param int Field's type * @param string Field's language var name * @return int new extra field id */ function create_course_extra_field($fieldvarname, $fieldtype, $fieldtitle) { // database table definition $t_cfv = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_FIELD_VALUES); $t_cf = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_FIELD); $fieldvarname = Database::escape_string($fieldvarname); $fieldtitle = Database::escape_string($fieldtitle); $fieldtype = (int)$fieldtype; $time = time(); $sql_field = "SELECT id FROM $t_cf WHERE field_variable = '$fieldvarname'"; $res_field = api_sql_query($sql_field,__FILE__,__LINE__); $r_field = Database::fetch_row($res_field); if (Database::num_rows($res_field)>0) { $field_id = $r_field[0]; } else { // save new fieldlabel into course_field table $sql = "SELECT MAX(field_order) FROM $t_cf"; $res = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $order = 0; if (Database::num_rows($res)>0) { $row = Database::fetch_row($res); $order = $row[0]+1; } $sql = "INSERT INTO $t_cf SET field_type = '$fieldtype', field_variable = '$fieldvarname', field_display_text = '$fieldtitle', field_order = '$order', tms = FROM_UNIXTIME($time)"; $result = api_sql_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__); $field_id=Database::get_last_insert_id(); } return $field_id; } /** * Update an extra field value for a given course * @param integer Course ID * @param string Field variable name * @param string Field value * @return boolean true if field updated, false otherwise */ function update_course_extra_field_value($course_code,$fname,$fvalue='') { $t_cfv = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_FIELD_VALUES); $t_cf = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_FIELD); $fname = Database::escape_string($fname); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $fvalues = ''; if(is_array($fvalue)) { foreach($fvalue as $val) { $fvalues .= Database::escape_string($val).';'; } if(!empty($fvalues)) { $fvalues = substr($fvalues,0,-1); } } else { $fvalues = Database::escape_string($fvalue); } $sqlcf = "SELECT * FROM $t_cf WHERE field_variable='$fname'"; $rescf = api_sql_query($sqlcf,__FILE__,__LINE__); if(Database::num_rows($rescf)==1) { //ok, the field exists // Check if enumerated field, if the option is available $rowcf = Database::fetch_array($rescf); $tms = time(); $sqlcfv = "SELECT * FROM $t_cfv WHERE course_code = '$course_code' AND field_id = '".$rowcf['id']."' ORDER BY id"; $rescfv = api_sql_query($sqlcfv,__FILE__,__LINE__); $n = Database::num_rows($rescfv); if ($n>1) { //problem, we already have to values for this field and user combination - keep last one while($rowcfv = Database::fetch_array($rescfv)) { if($n > 1) { $sqld = "DELETE FROM $t_cfv WHERE id = ".$rowcfv['id']; $resd = api_sql_query($sqld,__FILE__,__LINE__); $n--; } $rowcfv = Database::fetch_array($rescfv); if($rowcfv['field_value'] != $fvalues) { $sqlu = "UPDATE $t_cfv SET field_value = '$fvalues', tms = FROM_UNIXTIME($tms) WHERE id = ".$rowcfv['id']; $resu = api_sql_query($sqlu,__FILE__,__LINE__); return($resu?true:false); } return true; } } else if ($n==1) { //we need to update the current record $rowcfv = Database::fetch_array($rescfv); if($rowcfv['field_value'] != $fvalues) { $sqlu = "UPDATE $t_cfv SET field_value = '$fvalues', tms = FROM_UNIXTIME($tms) WHERE id = ".$rowcfv['id']; //error_log('UM::update_extra_field_value: '.$sqlu); $resu = api_sql_query($sqlu,__FILE__,__LINE__); return($resu?true:false); } return true; } else { $sqli = "INSERT INTO $t_cfv (course_code,field_id,field_value,tms) " . "VALUES ('$course_code',".$rowcf['id'].",'$fvalues',FROM_UNIXTIME($tms))"; //error_log('UM::update_extra_field_value: '.$sqli); $resi = api_sql_query($sqli,__FILE__,__LINE__); return($resi?true:false); } } else { return false; //field not found } } } //end class CourseManager