* @desc uses `$TABLETRACK_OPEN` to split recorded information, to count occurences (for os, provider,...) and to increment the number of occurrences of each different element into the corresponding tables */ function decodeOpenInfos() { global $TABLETRACK_OPEN; // record initial value of ignore_user_abort $ignore = ignore_user_abort(); // prevent script from being stopped while executing, the following can be considered // as a transaction ignore_user_abort(1) ; // we take the last event id to prevent miss of some recorded event // only processed record have to be cleaned $sql = "SELECT open_id FROM `$TABLETRACK_OPEN` WHERE open_date <= NOW() ORDER BY open_id DESC LIMIT 1"; //$processBegin = getOneResult($sql); $query = @mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_errno()) { echo "\n\n"; } $res = @mysql_fetch_array($query); $processBegin = $res[0]; // process //--Providers And Countries-------------------------------------------// $sql = "SELECT open_remote_host FROM `$TABLETRACK_OPEN` WHERE open_remote_host != '' AND open_id <= '".$processBegin."' "; $query = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_num_rows($query) != 0 ) { // load list of countries $list_countries = loadCountries(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row ($query) ) { $remote_host = $row[0]; /*****Provider*****/ //extract provider $provider = extractProvider( $remote_host ); // add or increment provider in the providers array $providers_array = addProvider( $provider,$providers_array ); /*****Countries*****/ // extract country $country = extractCountry( $remote_host, $list_countries ); // increment country in the countries table $countries_array = addCountry( $country, $countries_array ); } // update tables fillProvidersTable( $providers_array ); fillCountriesTable( $countries_array ); } // provider and countries done //--Browsers and OS---------------------------------------------------// $sql = "SELECT open_agent FROM `$TABLETRACK_OPEN` WHERE open_remote_host != '' AND open_id <= '".$processBegin."' "; $query = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_num_rows($query) != 0 ) { // load lists // of browsers $list_browsers = loadBrowsers(); // of OS $list_os = loadOs(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_row ($query) ) { $agent = $row[0]; /*****Browser and OS*****/ // extract browser and OS list( $browser,$os ) = split( "[|]",extractAgent( $agent , $list_browsers , $list_os ) ); // increment browser and OS in the corresponding arrays $browsers_array = addBrowser( $browser , $browsers_array ); $os_array = addOs( $os , $os_array ); } fillBrowsersTable( $browsers_array ); fillOsTable( $os_array ); } // browsers and OS done //--Referers----------------------------------------------------------// $sql = "SELECT open_referer FROM `$TABLETRACK_OPEN` WHERE open_referer != '' AND open_id <= '".$processBegin."' "; $query = mysql_query( $sql ); if( mysql_num_rows($query) != 0 ) { $i=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row ($query) ) { $ref = $row[0]; $referers_array = addReferer( $ref , $referers_array ); } fillReferersTable( $referers_array ); } // referers done //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // end of process // cleaning of $TABLETRACK_OPEN table cleanProcessedRecords($processBegin); // reset to the initial value ignore_user_abort($ignore); } /*************************************************************************** * * Utils * ***************************************************************************/ /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param limit : all records BEFORE $limit will be affected * @desc this function will delete the remote_host, user_agent and referer rows from the track_open table recorded before the date $limit. OPTIMIZE is called to get back the memory espaces deleted */ function cleanProcessedRecords( $limit ) { global $TABLETRACK_OPEN; $sql = "UPDATE `".$TABLETRACK_OPEN."` SET open_remote_host = '', open_agent = '', open_referer ='' WHERE open_id <= '".$limit."'"; $query = mysql_query( $sql ); mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE $TABLETRACK_OPEN"); } /*************************************************************************** * * Provider * ***************************************************************************/ /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param remhost : must be @getHostByAddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] * @desc this function will extract the provider name from a given remote host and record this occurence in the corresponding table */ function extractProvider($remhost) { if($remhost == "Unknown") return $remhost; $explodedRemhost = explode(".", $remhost); $provider = $explodedRemhost[sizeof( $explodedRemhost )-2] ."." .$explodedRemhost[sizeof( $explodedRemhost )-1]; if($provider == "co.uk" || $provider == "co.jp") return $explodedRemhost[sizeof( $explodedRemhost )-3].$provider; else return $provider; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param provider : name of the provider * @param providers_array : list of providers and their counter * @desc this function will : - if the provider is already in the array it will increment the corresponding value - if the provider doesn't exist it will be added and set to 1 */ function addProvider($provider,$providers_array) { if( isset( $providers_array[$provider] ) ) { // add one unity to this provider occurrences $providers_array[$provider] = $providers_array[$provider] + 1; } else { // first occurrence of this provider $providers_array[$provider] = 1; } return $providers_array; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param providers_array : list of providers and their counter * @desc update the providers'table with new values */ function fillProvidersTable($providers_array) { global $TABLESTATS_PROVIDERS; if(is_array($providers_array)) { foreach ( $providers_array as $prov=>$number ) { $sql = "SELECT counter FROM `".$TABLESTATS_PROVIDERS."` WHERE `provider` = '".$prov."'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); // if this provider already exists in the DB if( $row = mysql_num_rows($res) ) { // update $sql2 = "UPDATE `".$TABLESTATS_PROVIDERS."` SET `counter` = counter + '$number' WHERE `provider` = '".$prov."'"; } else { // insert $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `".$TABLESTATS_PROVIDERS."` (`provider`,`counter`) VALUES ('".$prov."','".$number."')"; } mysql_query($sql2); } } } /*************************************************************************** * * Country * ***************************************************************************/ /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @return a 2D array filled with code and name of countries * @desc This function is used to build an array containing countries informations */ function loadCountries() { global $TABLESTATS_COUNTRIES; $sql = "SELECT code, country FROM `".$TABLESTATS_COUNTRIES."`"; $res = mysql_query( $sql ); $i = 0 ; while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $res ) ) { $list_countries[$i][0] = $row["code"]; $list_countries[$i][1] = $row["country"]; $i++; } return $list_countries; mysql_free_result($res); } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param remhost : must be @getHostByAddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] * @param list_countries : list of countries -__- * @return Name of the country or "Unknown" if not found * @desc this function will extract the country from a given remote host and increment the good value in the corresponding table */ function extractCountry($remhost,$list_countries) { if($remhost == "Unknown") return $remhost; // country code is the last value of remote host $explodedRemhost = explode(".",$remhost); $countryCode = $explodedRemhost[sizeof( $explodedRemhost )-1]; for($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof( $list_countries );$i++) { if($list_countries[$i][0] == $countryCode) return $list_countries[$i][1]; } } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param country : name of the country or 'Unknown' * @param countries_array : list of countries and their number of occurence * @desc this function will increment number of occurrence for $country in the countries' tables */ function addCountry($country,$countries_array) { if( isset( $countries_array[$country] ) ) { // add one unity to this provider occurrences $countries_array[$country] = $countries_array[$country] + 1; } else { // first occurrence of this provider $countries_array[$country] = 1; } return $countries_array; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param countries_array : list of countries and their counter * @desc update the countries'table with new values */ function fillCountriesTable($countries_array) { global $TABLESTATS_COUNTRIES; if(is_array($countries_array) ) { foreach ( $countries_array as $country=>$number ) { // update $sql = "UPDATE `".$TABLESTATS_COUNTRIES."` SET `counter` = counter + '$number' WHERE `country` = '".$country."'"; mysql_query($sql); } } } /*************************************************************************** * * Agent : Browser and OS * ***************************************************************************/ /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @return a 2D array filled with code and name of browsers * @desc This function is used to build an array containing browser informations */ function loadBrowsers() { $buffer = split ("#","Gecko|Gecko#Mozilla/3|Mozilla 3.x#Mozilla/4.0|Mozilla 4.0x#Mozilla/4.5|Mozilla 4.5x#Mozilla/4.6|Mozilla 4.6x#Mozilla/4.7|Mozilla 4.7x#Mozilla/5.0|Mozilla 5.0x#MSIE 1.2|MSIE 1.2#MSIE 3.01|MSIE 3.x#MSIE 3.02|MSIE 3.x#MSIE 4.0|MSIE 4.x#MSIE 4.01|MSIE 4.x#MSIE 4.5|MSIE 4.5#MSIE 5.0b1|MSIE 5.0x#MSIE 5.0b2|MSIE 5.0x#MSIE 5.0|MSIE 5.0x#MSIE 5.01|MSIE 5.0x#MSIE 5.1|MSIE 5.1#MSIE 5.1b1|MSIE 5.1#MSIE 5.5|MSIE 5.5#MSIE 5.5b1|MSIE 5.5#MSIE 5.5b2|MSIE 5.5#MSIE 6.0|MSIE 6#MSIE 6.0b|MSIE 6#MSIE 6.5a|MSIE 6.5#Lynx/2.8.0|Lynx 2#Lynx/2.8.1|Lynx 2#Lynx/2.8.2|Lynx 2#Lynx/2.8.3|Lynx 2#Lynx/2.8.4|Lynx 2#Lynx/2.8.5|Lynx 2#HTTrack 3.0x|HTTrack#OmniWeb/4.0.1|OmniWeb#Opera 3.60|Opera 3.60#Opera 4.0|Opera 4#Opera 4.01|Opera 4#Opera 4.02|Opera 4#Opera 5|Opera 5#Opera/3.60|Opera 3.60#Opera/4|Opera 4#Opera/5|Opera 5#Opera/6|Opera 6#Opera 6|Opera 6#Netscape6|NS 6#Netscape/6|NS 6#Netscape7|NS 7#Netscape/7|NS 7#Konqueror/2.0|Konqueror 2#Konqueror/2.0.1|Konqueror 2#Konqueror/2.1|Konqueror 2#Konqueror/2.1.1|Konqueror 2#Konqueror/2.1.2|Konqueror 2#Konqueror/2.2|Konqueror 2#Teleport Pro|Teleport Pro#WebStripper|WebStripper#WebZIP|WebZIP#Netcraft Web|NetCraft#Googlebot|Googlebot#WebCrawler|WebCrawler#InternetSeer|InternetSeer#ia_archiver|ia archiver"); //$list_browser[x][0] is the name of browser as in $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] //$list_browser[x][1] is the name of browser that will be used in display and tables $i=0; foreach( $buffer as $buffer1 ) { list ( $list_browsers[$i][0], $list_browsers[$i][1]) = split ('[|]', $buffer1 ); $i++; } return $list_browsers; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @return a 2D array filled with code and name of OS * @desc This function is used to build an array containing OS informations */ function loadOs() { $buffer = split ("#","Windows 95|Win 95#Windows_95|Win 95#Windows 98|Win 98#Windows NT|Win NT#Windows NT 5.0|Win 2000#Windows NT 5.1|Win XP#Windows 2000|Win 2000#Windows XP|Win XP#Windows ME|Win Me#Win95|Win 95#Win98|Win 98#WinNT|Win NT#linux-2.2|Linux 2#Linux|Linux#Linux 2|Linux 2#Macintosh|Mac#Mac_PPC|Mac#Mac_PowerPC|Mac#SunOS 5|SunOS 5#SunOS 6|SunOS 6#FreeBSD|FreeBSD#beOS|beOS#InternetSeer|InternetSeer#Googlebot|Googlebot#Teleport Pro|Teleport Pro"); $i=0; foreach( $buffer as $buffer1 ) { list ( $list_os[$i][0], $list_os[$i][1]) = split ('[|]', $buffer1 ); $i+=1; } return $list_os; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param remhost : must be $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] * @param list_browsers : browsers list :x * @param list_os : os list :x * @return a string formatted like : browser|OS browser and OS are the 'viewable' names * @desc this function will extract browser and OS from $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] */ function extractAgent( $user_agent, $list_browsers, $list_os ) { // default values, if nothing corresponding found $viewable_browser = "Unknown"; $viewable_os = "Unknown"; // search for corresponding pattern in $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] // for browser for($i = 0; $i < count( $list_browsers ); $i++) { $pos = strpos( $user_agent, $list_browsers[$i][0] ); if( $pos !== false ) { $viewable_browser = $list_browsers[$i][1]; } } // for os for($i = 0; $i < count($list_os); $i++) { $pos = strpos( $user_agent, $list_os[$i][0] ); if( $pos !== false ) { $viewable_os = $list_os[$i][1]; } } return $viewable_browser."|".$viewable_os; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param browser : name of the browser or 'Unknown' * @param browsers_array : * @desc this function will : - if the browser is already in the table it will increment the corresponding value - if the browser doesn't exist it will be added and set to 1 */ function addBrowser($browser,$browsers_array) { if( isset( $browsers_array[$browser] ) ) { // add one unity to this provider occurrences $browsers_array[$browser] = $browsers_array[$browser] + 1; } else { // first occurrence of this provider $browsers_array[$browser] = 1; } return $browsers_array; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param os : name of the OS or 'Unknown' * @param os_array : list of os and number of occurences * @desc this function will : - if the os is already in the table it will increment the corresponding value - if the os doesn't exist it will be added and set to 1 */ function addOs($os,$os_array) { if( isset( $os_array[$os] ) ) { // add one unity to this provider occurrences $os_array[$os] = $os_array[$os] + 1; } else { // first occurrence of this provider $os_array[$os] = 1; } return $os_array; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param browsers_array : list of browsers and their counter * @desc update the browsers'table with new values */ function fillBrowsersTable($browsers_array) { global $TABLESTATS_BROWSERS; if ( is_array($browsers_array ) ) { foreach ( $browsers_array as $browser=>$number ) { $sql = "SELECT counter FROM `".$TABLESTATS_BROWSERS."` WHERE `browser` = '".$browser."'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); // if this provider already exists in the DB if( $row = mysql_num_rows($res) ) { // update $sql2 = "UPDATE `".$TABLESTATS_BROWSERS."` SET `counter` = counter + '$number' WHERE `browser` = '".$browser."'"; } else { // insert $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `".$TABLESTATS_BROWSERS."` (`browser`,`counter`) VALUES ('".$browser."','".$number."')"; } mysql_query($sql2); } } } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param os_array : list of os and their counter * @desc update the os'table with new values */ function fillOsTable($os_array) { global $TABLESTATS_OS; if ( is_array($os_array) ) { foreach ( $os_array as $os=>$number ) { $sql = "SELECT counter FROM `".$TABLESTATS_OS."` WHERE `os` = '".$os."'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); // if this provider already exists in the DB if( $row = mysql_num_rows($res) ) { // update $sql2 = "UPDATE `".$TABLESTATS_OS."` SET `counter` = counter + '$number' WHERE `os` = '".$os."'"; } else { // insert $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `".$TABLESTATS_OS."` (`os`,`counter`) VALUES ('".$os."','".$number."')"; } mysql_query($sql2); } } } /*************************************************************************** * * Referers * ***************************************************************************/ /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param referer : name of the referer * @param referers_array : list of referer and number of occurences * @desc this function will : - if the referer is already in the table it will increment the corresponding value - if the referer doesn't exist it will be added and set to 1 */ function addReferer($referer,$referers_array) { if( isset( $referers_array[$referer] ) ) { // add one unity to this provider occurrences $referers_array[$referer] = $referers_array[$referer] + 1; } else { // first occurrence of this provider $referers_array[$referer] = 1; } return $referers_array; } /** * @author Sebastien Piraux * @param referers_array : list of referers and their counter * @desc update the referers'table with new values */ function fillReferersTable($referers_array) { global $TABLESTATS_REFERERS; if (is_array($referers_array) ) { foreach ( $referers_array as $referer=>$number ) { $sql = "SELECT counter FROM `".$TABLESTATS_REFERERS."` WHERE `referer` = '".$referer."'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); // if this provider already exists in the DB if( $row = mysql_num_rows($res) ) { // update $sql2 = "UPDATE `".$TABLESTATS_REFERERS."` SET `counter` = counter + '$number' WHERE `referer` = '".$referer."'"; } else { // insert $sql2 = "INSERT INTO `".$TABLESTATS_REFERERS."` (`referer`,`counter`) VALUES ('".$referer."','".$number."')"; } mysql_query($sql2); } } } ?>