* @package chamilo.course_description */ /** * CourseDescription can be used to instanciate objects or as a library to manage course descriptions * @package chamilo.course_description */ class CourseDescription { private $id; private $title; private $content; private $session_id; private $description_type; private $progress; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() {} /** * Get all data of course description by session id, * first you must set session_id property with the object CourseDescription * @return array */ public function get_description_data() { $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION); $condition_session = api_get_session_condition($this->session_id, false, true); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_course_description $condition_session ORDER BY id "; $rs = Database::query($sql); $data = array(); while ($description = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { if ($description['description_type'] == THEMATIC_ADVANCE) { $description['progress_icon'] = $this->get_progress_porcent(); } $data['descriptions'][$description['description_type']] = $description; //reload titles to ensure we have the last version (after edition) $data['default_description_titles'][$description['description_type']] = $description['title']; } return $data; } /** * Get all data of course description by session id, * first you must set session_id property with the object CourseDescription * @return array */ public function get_description_history($description_type) { $tbl_stats_item_property = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ITEM_PROPERTY); $tbl_item_property = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $course_id = api_get_real_course_id(); $description_id = $this->get_id_by_description_type($description_type); $item_property_id = api_get_item_property_id($course_id, TOOL_COURSE_DESCRIPTION, $description_id); $sql = "SELECT tip.id, tip.course_id, tip.item_property_id, tip.title, tip.content, tip.progress, tip.lastedit_date, tip.session_id FROM $tbl_stats_item_property tip INNER JOIN $tbl_item_property ip ON ip.tool = '".TOOL_COURSE_DESCRIPTION."' AND ip.id = tip.item_property_id WHERE tip.course_id = '$course_id' AND tip.session_id = '".intval($this->session_id)."' ORDER BY tip.lastedit_date DESC"; $rs = Database::query($sql); $data = array(); while ($description = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $data['descriptions'][] = $description; } return $data; } /** * Get all data by description and session id, * first you must set session_id property with the object CourseDescription * @param int description type * @param string course code (optional) * @param int session id (optional) * @return array */ public function get_data_by_description_type($description_type, $course_code = '', $session_id = null) { $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION); if (!isset($session_id)) { $session_id = $this->session_id; } $condition_session = api_get_session_condition($session_id); if (!empty($course_code)) { $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code); $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION, $course_info['dbName']); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_course_description WHERE description_type='$description_type' $condition_session "; $rs = Database::query($sql); $data = array(); if ($description = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $data['description_title'] = $description['title']; $data['description_content'] = $description['content']; $data['progress'] = $description['progress']; } return $data; } /** * Get maximum description type by session id, first you must set session_id properties with the object CourseDescription * @return int maximum description time adding one */ public function get_max_description_type() { $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION); $sql = "SELECT MAX(description_type) as MAX FROM $tbl_course_description WHERE session_id='".$this->session_id."'"; $rs = Database::query($sql); $max = Database::fetch_array($rs); $description_type = $max['MAX']+1; if ($description_type < ADD_BLOCK) { $description_type = ADD_BLOCK; } return $description_type; } /** * Insert a description to the course_description table, * first you must set description_type, title, content, progress and session_id properties with the object CourseDescription * @return int affected rows */ public function insert() { $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION); $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $tbl_course_description SET description_type='".intval($this->description_type)."', title = '".Database::escape_string($this->title)."', content = '".Database::escape_string($this->content)."', progress = '".intval($this->progress)."', session_id = '".intval($this->session_id)."' "; Database::query($sql); $last_id = Database::insert_id(); $affected_rows = Database::affected_rows(); if ($last_id > 0) { //insert into item_property api_item_property_update(api_get_course_info(), TOOL_COURSE_DESCRIPTION, $last_id, 'CourseDescriptionAdded', api_get_user_id()); } return $affected_rows; } /** * Insert a row like history inside track_e_item_property table * first you must set description_type, title, content, progress and session_id properties with the object CourseDescription * @param int description type * @return int affected rows */ public function insert_stats($description_type) { $tbl_stats_item_property = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ITEM_PROPERTY); $description_id = $this->get_id_by_description_type($description_type); $course_id = api_get_real_course_id(); $course_code = api_get_course_id(); $item_property_id = api_get_item_property_id($course_code, TOOL_COURSE_DESCRIPTION, $description_id); $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $tbl_stats_item_property SET course_id = '$course_id', item_property_id = '$item_property_id', title = '".Database::escape_string($this->title)."', content = '".Database::escape_string($this->content)."', progress = '".intval($this->progress)."', lastedit_date = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."', lastedit_user_id = '".api_get_user_id()."', session_id = '".intval($this->session_id)."'"; Database::query($sql); $affected_rows = Database::affected_rows(); return $affected_rows; } /** * Update a description, first you must set description_type, title, content, progress * and session_id properties with the object CourseDescription * @return int affected rows */ public function update() { $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION); $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_course_description SET title = '".Database::escape_string($this->title)."', content = '".Database::escape_string($this->content)."', progress = '".$this->progress."' WHERE description_type='".intval($this->description_type)."' AND session_id = '".$this->session_id."'"; Database::query($sql); $affected_rows = Database::affected_rows(); $description_id = $this->get_id_by_description_type($this->description_type); if ($description_id > 0) { //insert into item_property api_item_property_update(api_get_course_info(), TOOL_COURSE_DESCRIPTION, $description_id, 'CourseDescriptionUpdated', api_get_user_id()); } return $affected_rows; } /** * Delete a description, first you must set description_type and session_id properties with the object CourseDescription * @return int affected rows */ public function delete() { $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION); $description_id = $this->get_id_by_description_type($this->description_type); $sql = "DELETE FROM $tbl_course_description WHERE description_type = '".intval($this->description_type)."' AND session_id = '".intval($this->session_id)."'"; Database::query($sql); $affected_rows = Database::affected_rows(); if ($description_id > 0) { //insert into item_property api_item_property_update(api_get_course_info(), TOOL_COURSE_DESCRIPTION, $description_id, 'CourseDescriptionDeleted', api_get_user_id()); } return $affected_rows; } /** * Get description id by description type * @param int description type * @return int description id */ public function get_id_by_description_type($description_type) { $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION); $sql = "SELECT id FROM $tbl_course_description WHERE description_type = '".intval($description_type)."'"; $rs = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($rs); $description_id = $row['id']; return $description_id; } /** * get thematic progress in porcent for a course, * first you must set session_id property with the object CourseDescription * @param bool true for showing a icon about the progress, false otherwise (optional) * @param int Description type (optional) * @return string img html */ public function get_progress_porcent($with_icon = false, $description_type = THEMATIC_ADVANCE) { $tbl_course_description = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_DESCRIPTION); $session_id = intval($session_id); $sql = "SELECT progress FROM $tbl_course_description WHERE description_type = '".intval($description_type)."' AND session_id = '".intval($this->session_id)."' "; $rs = Database::query($sql); $progress = ''; $img = ''; $title = '0%'; $image = 'level_0.png'; if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($rs); $progress = $row['progress'].'%'; $image = 'level_'.$row['progress'].'.png'; } if ($with_icon) { $img = Display::return_icon($image,get_lang('ThematicAdvance'),array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle')); } $progress = $img.$progress; return $progress; } /** * Get description titles by default * @return array */ public function get_default_description_title() { $default_description_titles = array(); $default_description_titles[1]= get_lang('GeneralDescription'); $default_description_titles[2]= get_lang('Objectives'); $default_description_titles[3]= get_lang('Topics'); $default_description_titles[4]= get_lang('Methodology'); $default_description_titles[5]= get_lang('CourseMaterial'); $default_description_titles[6]= get_lang('HumanAndTechnicalResources'); $default_description_titles[7]= get_lang('Assessment'); //$default_description_titles[8]= get_lang('ThematicAdvance'); $default_description_titles[8]= get_lang('Other'); return $default_description_titles; } /** * Get description titles editable by default * @return array */ public function get_default_description_title_editable() { $default_description_title_editable = array(); $default_description_title_editable[1] = true; $default_description_title_editable[2] = true; $default_description_title_editable[3] = true; $default_description_title_editable[4] = true; $default_description_title_editable[5] = true; $default_description_title_editable[6] = true; $default_description_title_editable[7] = true; //$default_description_title_editable[8] = true; return $default_description_title_editable; } /** * Get description icons by default * @return array */ public function get_default_description_icon() { $default_description_icon = array(); $default_description_icon[1]= 'edu_miscellaneous.gif'; $default_description_icon[2]= 'spire.gif'; $default_description_icon[3]= 'kcmdf_big.gif'; $default_description_icon[4]= 'misc.gif'; $default_description_icon[5]= 'laptop.gif'; $default_description_icon[6]= 'personal.gif'; $default_description_icon[7]= 'korganizer.gif'; //$default_description_icon[8]= 'porcent.png'; $default_description_icon[8]= 'ktip.gif'; return $default_description_icon; } /** * Get questions by default for help * @return array */ public function get_default_question() { $question = array(); $question[1]= get_lang('GeneralDescriptionQuestions'); $question[2]= get_lang('ObjectivesQuestions'); $question[3]= get_lang('TopicsQuestions'); $question[4]= get_lang('MethodologyQuestions'); $question[5]= get_lang('CourseMaterialQuestions'); $question[6]= get_lang('HumanAndTechnicalResourcesQuestions'); $question[7]= get_lang('AssessmentQuestions'); //$question[8]= get_lang('ThematicAdvanceQuestions'); return $question; } /** * Get informations by default for help * @return array */ public function get_default_information() { $information = array(); $information[1]= get_lang('GeneralDescriptionInformation'); $information[2]= get_lang('ObjectivesInformation'); $information[3]= get_lang('TopicsInformation'); $information[4]= get_lang('MethodologyInformation'); $information[5]= get_lang('CourseMaterialInformation'); $information[6]= get_lang('HumanAndTechnicalResourcesInformation'); $information[7]= get_lang('AssessmentInformation'); //$information[8]= get_lang('ThematicAdvanceInformation'); return $information; } /** * Set description id * @return void */ public function set_id($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * Set description title * @return void */ public function set_title($title) { $this->title = $title; } /** * Set description content * @return void */ public function set_content($content) { $this->content = $content; } /** * Set description session id * @return void */ public function set_session_id($session_id) { $this->session_id = $session_id; } /** * Set description type * @return void */ public function set_description_type($description_type) { $this->description_type = $description_type; } /** * Set progress of a description * @return void */ public function set_progress($progress) { $this->progress = $progress; } /** * get description id * @return int */ public function get_id() { return $this->id; } /** * get description title * @return string */ public function get_title() { return $this->title; } /** * get description content * @return string */ public function get_content() { return $this->content; } /** * get session id * @return int */ public function get_session_id() { return $this->session_id; } /** * get description type * @return int */ public function get_description_type() { return $this->description_type; } /** * get progress of a description * @return int */ public function get_progress() { return $this->progress; } } ?>