* jquery oembed plugin
* Copyright (c) 2009 Richard Chamorro
* Licensed under the MIT license
* Orignal Author: Richard Chamorro
* Forked by Andrew Mee to Provide a slightly diffent kind of embedding
* experience
(function($) {
$.fn.oembed = function(url, options, embedAction) {
settings = $.extend(true, $.fn.oembed.defaults, options);
var shortURLList = ["0rz.tw", "1link.in", "1url.com", "2.gp", "2big.at", "2tu.us", "3.ly", "307.to", "4ms.me", "4sq.com", "4url.cc", "6url.com", "7.ly", "a.gg", "a.nf", "aa.cx", "abcurl.net",
"ad.vu", "adf.ly", "adjix.com", "afx.cc", "all.fuseurl.com", "alturl.com", "amzn.to", "ar.gy", "arst.ch", "atu.ca", "azc.cc", "b23.ru", "b2l.me", "bacn.me", "bcool.bz", "binged.it",
"bit.ly", "bizj.us", "bloat.me", "bravo.ly", "bsa.ly", "budurl.com", "canurl.com", "chilp.it", "chzb.gr", "cl.lk", "cl.ly", "clck.ru", "cli.gs", "cliccami.info",
"clickthru.ca", "clop.in", "conta.cc", "cort.as", "cot.ag", "crks.me", "ctvr.us", "cutt.us", "dai.ly", "decenturl.com", "dfl8.me", "digbig.com",
"http:\/\/digg\.com\/[^\/]+$", "disq.us", "dld.bz", "dlvr.it", "do.my", "doiop.com", "dopen.us", "easyuri.com", "easyurl.net", "eepurl.com", "eweri.com",
"fa.by", "fav.me", "fb.me", "fbshare.me", "ff.im", "fff.to", "fire.to", "firsturl.de", "firsturl.net", "flic.kr", "flq.us", "fly2.ws", "fon.gs", "freak.to",
"fuseurl.com", "fuzzy.to", "fwd4.me", "fwib.net", "g.ro.lt", "gizmo.do", "gl.am", "go.9nl.com", "go.ign.com", "go.usa.gov", "goo.gl", "goshrink.com", "gurl.es",
"hex.io", "hiderefer.com", "hmm.ph", "href.in", "hsblinks.com", "htxt.it", "huff.to", "hulu.com", "hurl.me", "hurl.ws", "icanhaz.com", "idek.net", "ilix.in", "is.gd",
"its.my", "ix.lt", "j.mp", "jijr.com", "kl.am", "klck.me", "korta.nu", "krunchd.com", "l9k.net", "lat.ms", "liip.to", "liltext.com", "linkbee.com", "linkbun.ch",
"liurl.cn", "ln-s.net", "ln-s.ru", "lnk.gd", "lnk.ms", "lnkd.in", "lnkurl.com", "lru.jp", "lt.tl", "lurl.no", "macte.ch", "mash.to", "merky.de", "migre.me", "miniurl.com",
"minurl.fr", "mke.me", "moby.to", "moourl.com", "mrte.ch", "myloc.me", "myurl.in", "n.pr", "nbc.co", "nblo.gs", "nn.nf", "not.my", "notlong.com", "nsfw.in",
"nutshellurl.com", "nxy.in", "nyti.ms", "o-x.fr", "oc1.us", "om.ly", "omf.gd", "omoikane.net", "on.cnn.com", "on.mktw.net", "onforb.es", "orz.se", "ow.ly", "ping.fm",
"pli.gs", "pnt.me", "politi.co", "post.ly", "pp.gg", "profile.to", "ptiturl.com", "pub.vitrue.com", "qlnk.net", "qte.me", "qu.tc", "qy.fi", "r.ebay.com", "r.im", "rb6.me", "read.bi",
"readthis.ca", "reallytinyurl.com", "redir.ec", "redirects.ca", "redirx.com", "retwt.me", "ri.ms", "rickroll.it", "riz.gd", "rt.nu", "ru.ly", "rubyurl.com", "rurl.org",
"rww.tw", "s4c.in", "s7y.us", "safe.mn", "sameurl.com", "sdut.us", "shar.es", "shink.de", "shorl.com", "short.ie", "short.to", "shortlinks.co.uk", "shorturl.com",
"shout.to", "show.my", "shrinkify.com", "shrinkr.com", "shrt.fr", "shrt.st", "shrten.com", "shrunkin.com", "simurl.com", "slate.me", "smallr.com", "smsh.me", "smurl.name",
"sn.im", "snipr.com", "snipurl.com", "snurl.com", "sp2.ro", "spedr.com", "srnk.net", "srs.li", "starturl.com", "stks.co", "su.pr", "surl.co.uk", "surl.hu", "t.cn", "t.co", "t.lh.com",
"ta.gd", "tbd.ly", "tcrn.ch", "tgr.me", "tgr.ph", "tighturl.com", "tiniuri.com", "tiny.cc", "tiny.ly", "tiny.pl", "tinylink.in", "tinyuri.ca", "tinyurl.com", "tk.", "tl.gd",
"tmi.me", "tnij.org", "tnw.to", "tny.com", "to.ly", "togoto.us", "totc.us", "toysr.us", "tpm.ly", "tr.im", "tra.kz", "trunc.it", "twhub.com", "twirl.at",
"twitclicks.com", "twitterurl.net", "twitterurl.org", "twiturl.de", "twurl.cc", "twurl.nl", "u.mavrev.com", "u.nu", "u76.org", "ub0.cc", "ulu.lu", "updating.me", "ur1.ca",
"url.az", "url.co.uk", "url.ie", "url360.me", "url4.eu", "urlborg.com", "urlbrief.com", "urlcover.com", "urlcut.com", "urlenco.de", "urli.nl", "urls.im",
"urlshorteningservicefortwitter.com", "urlx.ie", "urlzen.com", "usat.ly", "use.my", "vb.ly", "vevo.ly", "vgn.am", "vl.am", "vm.lc", "w55.de", "wapo.st", "wapurl.co.uk", "wipi.es",
"wp.me", "x.vu", "xr.com", "xrl.in", "xrl.us", "xurl.es", "xurl.jp", "y.ahoo.it", "yatuc.com", "ye.pe", "yep.it", "yfrog.com", "yhoo.it", "yiyd.com", "youtu.be", "yuarel.com",
"z0p.de", "zi.ma", "zi.mu", "zipmyurl.com", "zud.me", "zurl.ws", "zz.gd", "zzang.kr", "›.ws", "✩.ws", "✿.ws", "❥.ws", "➔.ws", "➞.ws", "➡.ws", "➨.ws", "➯.ws", "➹.ws", "➽.ws"];
if ($('#jqoembeddata').length === 0) $('').appendTo('body');
return this.each(function() {
var container = $(this),
resourceURL = (url && (!url.indexOf('http://') || !url.indexOf('https://'))) ? url : container.attr("href"),
if (embedAction) {
settings.onEmbed = embedAction;
} else if (!settings.onEmbed) {
settings.onEmbed = function(oembedData) {
$.fn.oembed.insertCode(this, settings.embedMethod, oembedData);
if (resourceURL !== null && resourceURL !== undefined) {
//Check if shorten URL
for (var j = 0, l = shortURLList.length; j < l; j++) {
var regExp = new RegExp('://' + shortURLList[j] + '/', "i");
if (resourceURL.match(regExp) !== null) {
//AJAX to http://api.longurl.org/v2/expand?url=http://bit.ly/JATvIs&format=json&callback=hhh
var ajaxopts = $.extend({
url: "http://api.longurl.org/v2/expand",
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: {
url: resourceURL,
format: "json"
//callback: "?"
success: function(data) {
//this = $.fn.oembed;
resourceURL = data['long-url'];
provider = $.fn.oembed.getOEmbedProvider(data['long-url']);
if (provider !== null) {
provider.params = getNormalizedParams(settings[provider.name]) || {};
provider.maxWidth = settings.maxWidth;
provider.maxHeight = settings.maxHeight;
embedCode(container, resourceURL, provider);
} else {
settings.onProviderNotFound.call(container, resourceURL);
}, settings.ajaxOptions || {});
return container;
provider = $.fn.oembed.getOEmbedProvider(resourceURL);
if (provider !== null) {
provider.params = getNormalizedParams(settings[provider.name]) || {};
provider.maxWidth = settings.maxWidth;
provider.maxHeight = settings.maxHeight;
embedCode(container, resourceURL, provider);
} else {
settings.onProviderNotFound.call(container, resourceURL);
return container;
var settings;
// Plugin defaults
$.fn.oembed.defaults = {
maxWidth: null,
maxHeight: null,
useResponsiveResize: false,
includeHandle: true,
embedMethod: 'auto',
// "auto", "append", "fill"
onProviderNotFound: function() {
beforeEmbed: function() {
afterEmbed: function() {
onEmbed: false,
onError: function() {
ajaxOptions: { timeout: 2000 }
function checkProtocol() {
var protocol = window.location.protocol;
// fix local
if (protocol === "file:") {
return "http://";
} else {
return "//";
/* Private functions */
function rand(length, current) { //Found on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1349404/generate-a-string-of-5-random-characters-in-javascript
current = current ? current : '';
return length ? rand(--length, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 60)) + current) : current;
function getRequestUrl(provider, externalUrl) {
var url = provider.apiendpoint,
qs = "",
url += (url.indexOf("?") <= 0) ? "?" : "&";
url = url.replace('#', '%23');
if (provider.maxWidth !== null && (typeof provider.params.maxwidth === 'undefined' || provider.params.maxwidth === null)) {
provider.params.maxwidth = provider.maxWidth;
if (provider.maxHeight !== null && (typeof provider.params.maxheight === 'undefined' || provider.params.maxheight === null)) {
provider.params.maxheight = provider.maxHeight;
for (i in provider.params) {
// We don't want them to jack everything up by changing the callback parameter
if (i == provider.callbackparameter) continue;
// allows the options to be set to null, don't send null values to the server as parameters
if (provider.params[i] !== null) qs += "&" + escape(i) + "=" + provider.params[i];
url += "format=" + provider.format + "&url=" + escape(externalUrl) + qs;
if (provider.dataType != 'json') {
url += "&" + provider.callbackparameter + "=?";
return url;
function success(oembedData, externalUrl, container) {
$('#jqoembeddata').data(externalUrl, oembedData.code);
settings.beforeEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
settings.onEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
settings.afterEmbed.call(container, oembedData);
function embedCode(container, externalUrl, embedProvider) {
if ($('#jqoembeddata').data(externalUrl) != undefined && embedProvider.embedtag.tag != 'iframe') {
var oembedData = { code: $('#jqoembeddata').data(externalUrl) };
success(oembedData, externalUrl, container);
} else if (embedProvider.yql) {
var from = embedProvider.yql.from || 'htmlstring';
var url = embedProvider.yql.url ? embedProvider.yql.url(externalUrl) : externalUrl;
var query = 'SELECT * FROM '
+ from
+ ' WHERE url="' + (url) + '"'
+ " and " + (/html/.test(from) ? 'xpath' : 'itemPath') + "='" + (embedProvider.yql.xpath || '/') + "'";
if (from == 'html') {
query += " and compat='html5'";
var ajaxopts = $.extend({
url: checkProtocol() + "query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql",
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: {
q: query,
format: "json",
env: 'store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys',
callback: "?"
success: function(data) {
var result;
if (embedProvider.yql.xpath && embedProvider.yql.xpath == '//meta|//title|//link') {
var meta = {};
if (data.query.results == null) {
data.query.results = { "meta": [] };
for (var i = 0, l = data.query.results.meta.length; i < l; i++) {
var name = data.query.results.meta[i].name || data.query.results.meta[i].property || null;
if (name == null) {
meta[name.toLowerCase()] = data.query.results.meta[i].content;
if (!meta.hasOwnProperty("title") || !meta.hasOwnProperty("og:title")) {
if (data.query.results.title != null) {
meta.title = data.query.results.title;
if (!meta.hasOwnProperty("og:image") && data.query.results.hasOwnProperty("link")) {
for (var i = 0, l = data.query.results.link.length; i < l; i++) {
if (data.query.results.link[i].hasOwnProperty("rel")) {
if (data.query.results.link[i].rel == "apple-touch-icon") {
if (data.query.results.link[i].href.charAt(0) == "/") {
meta["og:image"] = url.match(/^(([a-z]+:)?(\/\/)?[^\/]+\/).*$/)[1] + data.query.results.link[i].href;
} else {
meta["og:image"] = data.query.results.link[i].href;
result = embedProvider.yql.datareturn(meta);
} else {
result = embedProvider.yql.datareturn ? embedProvider.yql.datareturn(data.query.results) : data.query.results.result;
if (result === false) {
var oembedData = $.extend({}, result);
oembedData.code = result;
success(oembedData, externalUrl, container);
error: function() {
settings.onError.call(container, externalUrl, embedProvider);
}, settings.ajaxOptions || {});
} else if (embedProvider.templateRegex) {
if (embedProvider.embedtag.tag !== '') {
var flashvars = embedProvider.embedtag.flashvars || '';
var tag = embedProvider.embedtag.tag || 'embed';
var width = embedProvider.embedtag.width || 'auto';
var nocache = embedProvider.embedtag.nocache || 0;
var height = embedProvider.embedtag.height || 'auto';
var src = externalUrl.replace(embedProvider.templateRegex, embedProvider.apiendpoint);
if (!embedProvider.nocache) {
src += '&jqoemcache=' + rand(5);
if (embedProvider.apikey) {
src = src.replace('_APIKEY_', settings.apikeys[embedProvider.name]);
if (settings.maxHeight && settings.maxWidth) {
if (settings.useResponsiveResize) {
var ratio = 0; // Used for aspect ratio
var newWidth = width;
var newHeight = height;
// Check if the current width is larger than the max
if (width > settings.maxWidth) {
ratio = settings.maxWidth / width;
newWidth = settings.maxWidth;
newHeight = height * ratio;
// reset
height = height * ratio;
width = width * ratio;
// Check if current height is larger than max
if (height > settings.maxHeight) {
ratio = settings.maxHeight / height;
newHeight = settings.maxHeight;
newWidth = width * ratio;
// reset
width = width * ratio;
height = newHeight;
width = newWidth;
} else {
height = settings.maxHeight;
width = settings.maxWidth;
var code = $('<' + tag + '/>')
.attr('src', src)
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.attr('allowfullscreen', embedProvider.embedtag.allowfullscreen || 'true')
.attr('allowscriptaccess', embedProvider.embedtag.allowfullscreen || 'always')
.css('max-height', settings.maxHeight || 'auto')
.css('max-width', settings.maxWidth || 'auto');
if (tag == 'embed') {
.attr('type', embedProvider.embedtag.type || "application/x-shockwave-flash")
.attr('flashvars', externalUrl.replace(embedProvider.templateRegex, flashvars));
if (tag == 'iframe') {
.attr('scrolling', embedProvider.embedtag.scrolling || "no")
.attr('frameborder', embedProvider.embedtag.frameborder || "0");
var oembedData = { code: code };
success(oembedData, externalUrl, container);
} else if (embedProvider.apiendpoint) {
//Add APIkey if true
if (embedProvider.apikey) embedProvider.apiendpoint = embedProvider.apiendpoint.replace('_APIKEY_', settings.apikeys[embedProvider.name]);
ajaxopts = $.extend({
url: externalUrl.replace(embedProvider.templateRegex, embedProvider.apiendpoint),
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
var oembedData = $.extend({}, data);
oembedData.code = embedProvider.templateData(data);
success(oembedData, externalUrl, container);
error: function() {
settings.onError.call(container, externalUrl, embedProvider);
}, settings.ajaxOptions || {});
} else {
var oembedData = { code: externalUrl.replace(embedProvider.templateRegex, embedProvider.template) };
success(oembedData, externalUrl, container);
} else {
var requestUrl = getRequestUrl(embedProvider, externalUrl),
ajaxopts = $.extend({
url: requestUrl,
dataType: embedProvider.dataType || 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
var oembedData = $.extend({}, data);
switch (oembedData.type) {
case "file":
//Deviant Art has this
case "photo":
oembedData.code = $.fn.oembed.getPhotoCode(externalUrl, oembedData);
case "video":
case "rich":
oembedData.code = $.fn.oembed.getRichCode(externalUrl, oembedData);
oembedData.code = $.fn.oembed.getGenericCode(externalUrl, oembedData);
success(oembedData, externalUrl, container);
error: function() {
settings.onError.call(container, externalUrl, embedProvider);
}, settings.ajaxOptions || {});
function getNormalizedParams(params) {
if (params === null) return null;
var key, normalizedParams = {};
for (key in params) {
if (key !== null) {
normalizedParams[key.toLowerCase()] = params[key];
return normalizedParams;
/* Public functions */
$.fn.oembed.insertCode = function(container, embedMethod, oembedData) {
if (oembedData === null) return;
if (embedMethod == 'auto' && container.attr("href") !== null) {
embedMethod = 'append';
} else if (embedMethod == 'auto') {
embedMethod = 'replace';
switch (embedMethod) {
case "replace":
case "fill":
case "append":
var oembedContainer = container.parent();
if (settings.includeHandle) {
$('↓').insertBefore(container).click(function() {
var encodedString = encodeURIComponent($(this).text());
$(this).html((encodedString == '%E2%86%91') ? '↓' : '↑');
try {
} catch(e) {
/* Make videos semi-responsive
* If parent div width less than embeded iframe video then iframe gets shrunk to fit smaller width
* If parent div width greater thans embed iframe use the max widht
* - works on youtubes and vimeo
/*if (settings.maxWidth) {
var post_width = oembedContainer.parent().width();
if (post_width < settings.maxWidth && settings.useResponsiveResize)
var iframe_width_orig = $('iframe',oembedContainer).width();
var iframe_height_orig = $('iframe',oembedContainer).height();
var ratio = iframe_width_orig / post_width;
$('iframe',oembedContainer).width(iframe_width_orig / ratio);
$('iframe',oembedContainer).height(iframe_height_orig / ratio);
} else {
$.fn.oembed.getPhotoCode = function(url, oembedData) {
var code, alt = oembedData.title ? oembedData.title : '';
alt += oembedData.author_name ? ' - ' + oembedData.author_name : '';
alt += oembedData.provider_name ? ' - ' + oembedData.provider_name : '';
if (oembedData.url) {
code = '';
} else if (oembedData.thumbnail_url) {
var newURL = oembedData.thumbnail_url.replace('_s', '_b');
code = '';
} else {
code = 'Error loading this picture
if (oembedData.html) code += "" + oembedData.html + "
return code;
$.fn.oembed.getRichCode = function(url, oembedData) {
var code = oembedData.html;
return code;
$.fn.oembed.getGenericCode = function(url, oembedData) {
var title = (oembedData.title !== null) ? oembedData.title : url,
code = '' + title + '';
if (oembedData.html) code += "" + oembedData.html + "
return code;
$.fn.oembed.getOEmbedProvider = function(url) {
for (var i = 0; i < $.fn.oembed.providers.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0, l = $.fn.oembed.providers[i].urlschemes.length; j < l; j++) {
var regExp = new RegExp($.fn.oembed.providers[i].urlschemes[j], "i");
if (url.match(regExp) !== null) return $.fn.oembed.providers[i];
return null;
$.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider = function(name, type, urlschemesarray, apiendpoint, extraSettings) {
this.name = name;
this.type = type; // "photo", "video", "link", "rich", null
this.urlschemes = urlschemesarray;
this.apiendpoint = apiendpoint;
this.maxWidth = 500;
this.maxHeight = 400;
extraSettings = extraSettings || {};
if (extraSettings.useYQL) {
if (extraSettings.useYQL == 'xml') {
extraSettings.yql = {
xpath: "//oembed/html",
from: 'xml',
apiendpoint: this.apiendpoint,
url: function(externalurl) { return this.apiendpoint + '?format=xml&url=' + externalurl; },
datareturn: function(results) { return results.html.replace(/.*\[CDATA\[(.*)\]\]>$/, '$1') || ''; }
} else {
extraSettings.yql = {
from: 'json',
apiendpoint: this.apiendpoint,
url: function(externalurl) { return this.apiendpoint + '?format=json&url=' + externalurl; },
datareturn: function(results) {
if (results.json.type != 'video' && (results.json.url || results.json.thumbnail_url)) {
return '
} else if (results.json.html.indexOf("iframe")) {
// Quick fix to handle attribute less html5 properties in ckeditor
if (results.json.html.indexOf("allowfullscreen>")) {
results.json.html = results.json.html.replace('allowfullscreen>', 'allowfullscreen="false">');
var html = $.parseHTML(results.json.html);
var width = html[0].width;
var height = html[0].height;
if (settings.maxHeight && settings.maxWidth) {
if (settings.useResponsiveResize) {
var ratio;
var newWidth = width;
var newHeight = height;
// Check if the current width is larger than the max
if (width > settings.maxWidth) {
ratio = settings.maxWidth / width;
newWidth = settings.maxWidth;
newHeight = height * ratio;
// reset
height = height * ratio;
width = width * ratio;
// Check if current height is larger than max
if (height > settings.maxHeight) {
ratio = settings.maxHeight / height;
newHeight = settings.maxHeight;
newWidth = width * ratio;
height = newHeight;
width = newWidth;
} else {
height = settings.maxHeight;
width = settings.maxWidth;
html[0].width = width;
html[0].height = height;
return html[0].outerHTML;
return results.json.html || '';
this.apiendpoint = null;
for (var property in extraSettings) {
this[property] = extraSettings[property];
this.format = this.format || 'json';
this.callbackparameter = this.callbackparameter || "callback";
this.embedtag = this.embedtag || { tag: "" };
* Function to update existing providers
* @param {String} name The name of the provider
* @param {String} type The type of the provider can be "file", "photo", "video", "rich"
* @param {String} urlshemesarray Array of url of the provider
* @param {String} apiendpoint The endpoint of the provider
* @param {String} extraSettings Extra settings of the provider
$.fn.updateOEmbedProvider = function(name, type, urlschemesarray, apiendpoint, extraSettings) {
for (var i = 0; i < $.fn.oembed.providers.length; i++) {
if ($.fn.oembed.providers[i].name === name) {
if (type !== null) {
$.fn.oembed.providers[i].type = type;
if (urlschemesarray !== null) {
$.fn.oembed.providers[i].urlschemes = urlschemesarray;
if (apiendpoint !== null) {
$.fn.oembed.providers[i].apiendpoint = apiendpoint;
if (extraSettings !== null) {
$.fn.oembed.providers[i].extraSettings = extraSettings;
for (var property in extraSettings) {
if (extraSettings[property] !== null) {
$.fn.oembed.providers[i][property] = extraSettings[property];
/* Native & common providers */
$.fn.oembed.providers = [
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("youtube", "video", ["youtube\\.com/watch.+v=[\\w-]+&?", "youtu\\.be/[\\w-]+", "youtube.com/embed"], checkProtocol() + 'www.youtube.com/embed/$1?wmode=transparent', {
templateRegex: /.*(?:v\=|be\/|embed\/)([\w\-]+)&?.*/,embedtag: {tag: 'iframe',width: '425',height: '349'}}),
/*new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("youtube", "video", ["youtube\\.com/watch.+v=[\\w-]+&?", "youtu\\.be/[\\w-]+"], checkProtocol() + 'www.youtube.com/oembed', { useYQL: 'json' }),*/
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("youtubeiframe", "video", ["youtube.com/embed"], "$1?wmode=transparent",
{ templateRegex: /(.*)/, embedtag: { tag: 'iframe', width: '425', height: '349' } }),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("wistia", "video", ["wistia.com/m/.+", "wistia.com/embed/.+", "wi.st/m/.+", "wi.st/embed/.+"], 'http://fast.wistia.com/oembed', { useYQL: 'json' }),
new $.fn.oembed.OEmbedProvider("xtranormal", "video", ["xtranormal\\.com/watch/.+"], "http://www.xtranormal.com/xtraplayr/$1/$2", {
templateRegex: /.*com\/watch\/([\w\-]+)\/([\w\-]+).*/,
embedtag: { tag: 'iframe', width: '320', height: '269' }
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//This is needed for gravatar :(
String.prototype.md5 = function() {
var a = function(a, b) {
var c = (a & 65535) + (b & 65535);
var d = (a >> 16) + (b >> 16) + (c >> 16);
return d << 16 | c & 65535;
var b = function(a, b) { return a << b | a >>> 32 - b; };
var c = function(c, d, e, f, g, h) { return a(b(a(a(d, c), a(f, h)), g), e); };
var d = function(a, b, d, e, f, g, h) { return c(b & d | ~b & e, a, b, f, g, h); };
var e = function(a, b, d, e, f, g, h) { return c(b & e | d & ~e, a, b, f, g, h); };
var f = function(a, b, d, e, f, g, h) { return c(b ^ d ^ e, a, b, f, g, h); };
var g = function(a, b, d, e, f, g, h) { return c(d ^ (b | ~e), a, b, f, g, h); };
var h = function(b) {
var c, h, i, j, k, l = b.length;
var m = 1732584193;
var n = -271733879;
var o = -1732584194;
var p = 271733878;
for (k = 0; k < l; k += 16) {
c = m;
h = n;
i = o;
j = p;
m = d(m, n, o, p, b[k + 0], 7, -680876936);
p = d(p, m, n, o, b[k + 1], 12, -389564586);
o = d(o, p, m, n, b[k + 2], 17, 606105819);
n = d(n, o, p, m, b[k + 3], 22, -1044525330);
m = d(m, n, o, p, b[k + 4], 7, -176418897);
p = d(p, m, n, o, b[k + 5], 12, 1200080426);
o = d(o, p, m, n, b[k + 6], 17, -1473231341);
n = d(n, o, p, m, b[k + 7], 22, -45705983);
m = d(m, n, o, p, b[k + 8], 7, 1770035416);
p = d(p, m, n, o, b[k + 9], 12, -1958414417);
o = d(o, p, m, n, b[k + 10], 17, -42063);
n = d(n, o, p, m, b[k + 11], 22, -1990404162);
m = d(m, n, o, p, b[k + 12], 7, 1804603682);
p = d(p, m, n, o, b[k + 13], 12, -40341101);
o = d(o, p, m, n, b[k + 14], 17, -1502002290);
n = d(n, o, p, m, b[k + 15], 22, 1236535329);
m = e(m, n, o, p, b[k + 1], 5, -165796510);
p = e(p, m, n, o, b[k + 6], 9, -1069501632);
o = e(o, p, m, n, b[k + 11], 14, 643717713);
n = e(n, o, p, m, b[k + 0], 20, -373897302);
m = e(m, n, o, p, b[k + 5], 5, -701558691);
p = e(p, m, n, o, b[k + 10], 9, 38016083);
o = e(o, p, m, n, b[k + 15], 14, -660478335);
n = e(n, o, p, m, b[k + 4], 20, -405537848);
m = e(m, n, o, p, b[k + 9], 5, 568446438);
p = e(p, m, n, o, b[k + 14], 9, -1019803690);
o = e(o, p, m, n, b[k + 3], 14, -187363961);
n = e(n, o, p, m, b[k + 8], 20, 1163531501);
m = e(m, n, o, p, b[k + 13], 5, -1444681467);
p = e(p, m, n, o, b[k + 2], 9, -51403784);
o = e(o, p, m, n, b[k + 7], 14, 1735328473);
n = e(n, o, p, m, b[k + 12], 20, -1926607734);
m = f(m, n, o, p, b[k + 5], 4, -378558);
p = f(p, m, n, o, b[k + 8], 11, -2022574463);
o = f(o, p, m, n, b[k + 11], 16, 1839030562);
n = f(n, o, p, m, b[k + 14], 23, -35309556);
m = f(m, n, o, p, b[k + 1], 4, -1530992060);
p = f(p, m, n, o, b[k + 4], 11, 1272893353);
o = f(o, p, m, n, b[k + 7], 16, -155497632);
n = f(n, o, p, m, b[k + 10], 23, -1094730640);
m = f(m, n, o, p, b[k + 13], 4, 681279174);
p = f(p, m, n, o, b[k + 0], 11, -358537222);
o = f(o, p, m, n, b[k + 3], 16, -722521979);
n = f(n, o, p, m, b[k + 6], 23, 76029189);
m = f(m, n, o, p, b[k + 9], 4, -640364487);
p = f(p, m, n, o, b[k + 12], 11, -421815835);
o = f(o, p, m, n, b[k + 15], 16, 530742520);
n = f(n, o, p, m, b[k + 2], 23, -995338651);
m = g(m, n, o, p, b[k + 0], 6, -198630844);
p = g(p, m, n, o, b[k + 7], 10, 1126891415);
o = g(o, p, m, n, b[k + 14], 15, -1416354905);
n = g(n, o, p, m, b[k + 5], 21, -57434055);
m = g(m, n, o, p, b[k + 12], 6, 1700485571);
p = g(p, m, n, o, b[k + 3], 10, -1894986606);
o = g(o, p, m, n, b[k + 10], 15, -1051523);
n = g(n, o, p, m, b[k + 1], 21, -2054922799);
m = g(m, n, o, p, b[k + 8], 6, 1873313359);
p = g(p, m, n, o, b[k + 15], 10, -30611744);
o = g(o, p, m, n, b[k + 6], 15, -1560198380);
n = g(n, o, p, m, b[k + 13], 21, 1309151649);
m = g(m, n, o, p, b[k + 4], 6, -145523070);
p = g(p, m, n, o, b[k + 11], 10, -1120210379);
o = g(o, p, m, n, b[k + 2], 15, 718787259);
n = g(n, o, p, m, b[k + 9], 21, -343485551);
m = a(m, c);
n = a(n, h);
o = a(o, i);
p = a(p, j);
return [m, n, o, p];
var i = function(a) {
var b = "0123456789abcdef", c = "", d, e = a.length * 4;
for (d = 0; d < e; d++) {
c += b.charAt(a[d >> 2] >> d % 4 * 8 + 4 & 15) + b.charAt(a[d >> 2] >> d % 4 * 8 & 15);
return c;
var j = function(a) {
var b = (a.length + 8 >> 6) + 1;
var c = [], d, e = b * 16, f, g = a.length;
for (d = 0; d < e; d++) {
for (f = 0; f < g; f++) {
c[f >> 2] |= (a.charCodeAt(f) & 255) << f % 4 * 8;
c[f >> 2] |= 128 << f % 4 * 8;
c[b * 16 - 2] = g * 8;
return c;
return i(h(j(this)));