_securitySalt = CONFIG_SECURITY_SALT; $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl = CONFIG_SERVER_BASE_URL; } private function _processXmlResponse($url){ /* A private utility method used by other public methods to process XML responses. */ if (extension_loaded('curl')) { $ch = curl_init() or die ( curl_error($ch) ); $timeout = 10; curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $data = curl_exec( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); if($data) return (new SimpleXMLElement($data)); else return false; } return (simplexml_load_file($url)); } private function _requiredParam($param) { /* Process required params and throw errors if we don't get values */ if ((isset($param)) && ($param != '')) { return $param; } elseif (!isset($param)) { throw new Exception('Missing parameter.'); } else { throw new Exception(''.$param.' is required.'); } } private function _optionalParam($param) { /* Pass most optional params through as set value, or set to '' */ /* Don't know if we'll use this one, but let's build it in case. */ if ((isset($param)) && ($param != '')) { return $param; } else { $param = ''; return $param; } } /* __________________ BBB ADMINISTRATION METHODS _________________ */ /* The methods in the following section support the following categories of the BBB API: -- create -- join -- end */ public function getCreateMeetingUrl($creationParams) { /* USAGE: (see $creationParams array in createMeetingArray method.) */ $this->_meetingId = $this->_requiredParam($creationParams['meetingId']); $this->_meetingName = $this->_requiredParam($creationParams['meetingName']); // Set up the basic creation URL: $creationUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/create?"; // Add params: $params = 'name='.urlencode($this->_meetingName). '&meetingID='.urlencode($this->_meetingId). '&attendeePW='.urlencode($creationParams['attendeePw']). '&moderatorPW='.urlencode($creationParams['moderatorPw']). '&dialNumber='.urlencode($creationParams['dialNumber']). '&voiceBridge='.urlencode($creationParams['voiceBridge']). '&webVoice='.urlencode($creationParams['webVoice']). '&logoutURL='.urlencode($creationParams['logoutUrl']). '&maxParticipants='.urlencode($creationParams['maxParticipants']). '&record='.urlencode($creationParams['record']). '&duration='.urlencode($creationParams['duration']); //'&meta_category='.urlencode($creationParams['meta_category']); $welcomeMessage = $creationParams['welcomeMsg']; if(trim($welcomeMessage)) $params .= '&welcome='.urlencode($welcomeMessage); // Return the complete URL: return ( $creationUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1("create".$params.$this->_securitySalt) ); } public function createMeetingWithXmlResponseArray($creationParams) { /* USAGE: $creationParams = array( 'name' => 'Meeting Name', -- A name for the meeting (or username) 'meetingId' => '1234', -- A unique id for the meeting 'attendeePw' => 'ap', -- Set to 'ap' and use 'ap' to join = no user pass required. 'moderatorPw' => 'mp', -- Set to 'mp' and use 'mp' to join = no user pass required. 'welcomeMsg' => '', -- ''= use default. Change to customize. 'dialNumber' => '', -- The main number to call into. Optional. 'voiceBridge' => '', -- 5 digits PIN to join voice. Required. 'webVoice' => '', -- Alphanumeric to join voice. Optional. 'logoutUrl' => '', -- Default in bigbluebutton.properties. Optional. 'maxParticipants' => '-1', -- Optional. -1 = unlimitted. Not supported in BBB. [number] 'record' => 'false', -- New. 'true' will tell BBB to record the meeting. 'duration' => '0', -- Default = 0 which means no set duration in minutes. [number] 'meta_category' => '', -- Use to pass additional info to BBB server. See API docs to enable. ); */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getCreateMeetingURL($creationParams)); if ($xml) { if($xml->meetingID) return array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString(), 'meetingId' => $xml->meetingID->__toString(), 'attendeePw' => $xml->attendeePW->__toString(), 'moderatorPw' => $xml->moderatorPW->__toString(), 'hasBeenForciblyEnded' => $xml->hasBeenForciblyEnded->__toString(), 'createTime' => $xml->createTime->__toString() ); else return array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString() ); } else { return null; } } public function getJoinMeetingURL($joinParams) { /* NOTE: At this point, we don't use a corresponding joinMeetingWithXmlResponse here because the API doesn't respond on success, but you can still code that method if you need it. Or, you can take the URL that's returned from this method and simply send your users off to that URL in your code. USAGE: $joinParams = array( 'meetingId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - A unique id for the meeting 'username' => 'Jane Doe', -- REQUIRED - The name that will display for the user in the meeting 'password' => 'ap', -- REQUIRED - The attendee or moderator password, depending on what's passed here 'createTime' => '', -- OPTIONAL - string. Leave blank ('') unless you set this correctly. 'userID' => '', -- OPTIONAL - string 'webVoiceConf' => '' -- OPTIONAL - string ); */ $this->_meetingId = $this->_requiredParam($joinParams['meetingId']); $this->_username = $this->_requiredParam($joinParams['username']); $this->_password = $this->_requiredParam($joinParams['password']); // Establish the basic join URL: $joinUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/join?"; // Add parameters to the URL: $params = 'meetingID='.urlencode($this->_meetingId). '&fullName='.urlencode($this->_username). '&password='.urlencode($this->_password). '&userID='.urlencode($joinParams['userID']). '&webVoiceConf='.urlencode($joinParams['webVoiceConf']); // Only use createTime if we really want to use it. If it's '', then don't pass it: if (((isset($joinParams['createTime'])) && ($joinParams['createTime'] != ''))) { $params .= '&createTime='.urlencode($joinParams['createTime']); } if (isset($joinParams['interface']) && (int) $joinParams['interface'] === BBBPlugin::INTERFACE_HTML5) { $bbbHost = api_remove_trailing_slash(CONFIG_SERVER_URL_WITH_PROTOCOL); $params .= '&redirectClient=true&clientURL='.$bbbHost.'/html5client/join'; } // Return the URL: $url = $joinUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1('join'.$params.$this->_securitySalt); return $url; } public function getEndMeetingURL($endParams) { /* USAGE: $endParams = array ( 'meetingId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - The unique id for the meeting 'password' => 'mp' -- REQUIRED - The moderator password for the meeting ); */ $this->_meetingId = $this->_requiredParam($endParams['meetingId']); $this->_password = $this->_requiredParam($endParams['password']); $endUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/end?"; $params = 'meetingID='.urlencode($this->_meetingId). '&password='.urlencode($this->_password); return ($endUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1("end".$params.$this->_securitySalt)); } public function endMeetingWithXmlResponseArray($endParams) { /* USAGE: $endParams = array ( 'meetingId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - The unique id for the meeting 'password' => 'mp' -- REQUIRED - The moderator password for the meeting ); */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getEndMeetingURL($endParams)); if ($xml) { return array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString() ); } else { return null; } } /* __________________ BBB MONITORING METHODS _________________ */ /* The methods in the following section support the following categories of the BBB API: -- isMeetingRunning -- getMeetings -- getMeetingInfo */ public function getIsMeetingRunningUrl($meetingId) { /* USAGE: $meetingId = '1234' -- REQUIRED - The unique id for the meeting */ $this->_meetingId = $this->_requiredParam($meetingId); $runningUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/isMeetingRunning?"; $params = 'meetingID='.urlencode($this->_meetingId); return ($runningUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1("isMeetingRunning".$params.$this->_securitySalt)); } public function isMeetingRunningWithXmlResponseArray($meetingId) { /* USAGE: $meetingId = '1234' -- REQUIRED - The unique id for the meeting */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getIsMeetingRunningUrl($meetingId)); if($xml) { return array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'running' => $xml->running->__toString() // -- Returns true/false. ); } else { return null; } } public function getGetMeetingsUrl() { /* Simply formulate the getMeetings URL We do this in a separate function so we have the option to just get this URL and print it if we want for some reason. */ $getMeetingsUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/getMeetings?checksum=".sha1("getMeetings".$this->_securitySalt); return $getMeetingsUrl; } public function getMeetingsWithXmlResponseArray() { /* USAGE: We don't need to pass any parameters with this one, so we just send the query URL off to BBB and then handle the results that we get in the XML response. */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getGetMeetingsUrl()); if($xml) { // If we don't get a success code, stop processing and return just the returncode: if ($xml->returncode != 'SUCCESS') { $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString() ); return $result; } elseif ($xml->messageKey == 'noMeetings') { /* No meetings on server, so return just this info: */ $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString() ); return $result; } else { // In this case, we have success and meetings. First return general response: $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString() ); // Then interate through meeting results and return them as part of the array: foreach ($xml->meetings->meeting as $m) { $result[] = array( 'meetingId' => $m->meetingID->__toString(), 'meetingName' => $m->meetingName->__toString(), 'createTime' => $m->createTime->__toString(), 'attendeePw' => $m->attendeePW->__toString(), 'moderatorPw' => $m->moderatorPW->__toString(), 'hasBeenForciblyEnded' => $m->hasBeenForciblyEnded->__toString(), 'running' => $m->running->__toString() ); } return $result; } } else { return null; } } public function getMeetingInfoUrl($infoParams) { /* USAGE: $infoParams = array( 'meetingId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - The unique id for the meeting 'password' => 'mp' -- REQUIRED - The moderator password for the meeting ); */ $this->_meetingId = $this->_requiredParam($infoParams['meetingId']); $this->_password = $this->_requiredParam($infoParams['password']); $infoUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/getMeetingInfo?"; $params = 'meetingID='.urlencode($this->_meetingId). '&password='.urlencode($this->_password); return ($infoUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1("getMeetingInfo".$params.$this->_securitySalt)); } public function getMeetingInfoWithXmlResponseArray($infoParams) { /* USAGE: $infoParams = array( 'meetingId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - The unique id for the meeting 'password' => 'mp' -- REQUIRED - The moderator password for the meeting ); */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getMeetingInfoUrl($infoParams)); if($xml) { // If we don't get a success code or messageKey, find out why: if (($xml->returncode != 'SUCCESS') || ($xml->messageKey == null)) { $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString() ); return $result; } else { // In this case, we have success and meeting info: $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'meetingName' => $xml->meetingName->__toString(), 'meetingId' => $xml->meetingID->__toString(), 'createTime' => $xml->createTime->__toString(), 'voiceBridge' => $xml->voiceBridge->__toString(), 'attendeePw' => $xml->attendeePW->__toString(), 'moderatorPw' => $xml->moderatorPW->__toString(), 'running' => $xml->running->__toString(), 'recording' => $xml->recording->__toString(), 'hasBeenForciblyEnded' => $xml->hasBeenForciblyEnded->__toString(), 'startTime' => $xml->startTime->__toString(), 'endTime' => $xml->endTime->__toString(), 'participantCount' => $xml->participantCount->__toString(), 'maxUsers' => $xml->maxUsers->__toString(), 'moderatorCount' => $xml->moderatorCount->__toString(), ); // Then interate through attendee results and return them as part of the array: foreach ($xml->attendees->attendee as $a) { $result[] = array( 'userId' => $a->userID->__toString(), 'fullName' => $a->fullName->__toString(), 'role' => $a->role->__toString() ); } return $result; } } else { return null; } } /* __________________ BBB RECORDING METHODS _________________ */ /* The methods in the following section support the following categories of the BBB API: -- getRecordings -- publishRecordings -- deleteRecordings */ public function getRecordingsUrl($recordingParams) { /* USAGE: $recordingParams = array( 'meetingId' => '1234', -- OPTIONAL - comma separate if multiple ids ); */ $recordingsUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/getRecordings?"; $params = 'meetingID='.urlencode($recordingParams['meetingId']); return ($recordingsUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1("getRecordings".$params.$this->_securitySalt)); } public function getRecordingsWithXmlResponseArray($recordingParams) { /* USAGE: $recordingParams = array( 'meetingId' => '1234', -- OPTIONAL - comma separate if multiple ids ); NOTE: 'duration' DOES work when creating a meeting, so if you set duration when creating a meeting, it will kick users out after the duration. Should probably be required in user code when 'recording' is set to true. */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getRecordingsUrl($recordingParams)); if($xml) { // If we don't get a success code or messageKey, find out why: if (($xml->returncode != 'SUCCESS') || ($xml->messageKey == null)) { $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString() ); return $result; } else { // In this case, we have success and recording info: $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString() ); foreach ($xml->recordings->recording as $r) { $result[] = array( 'recordId' => $r->recordID->__toString(), 'meetingId' => $r->meetingID->__toString(), 'name' => $r->name->__toString(), 'published' => $r->published->__toString(), 'startTime' => $r->startTime->__toString(), 'endTime' => $r->endTime->__toString(), 'playbackFormatType' => $r->playback->format->type->__toString(), 'playbackFormatUrl' => $r->playback->format->url->__toString(), 'playbackFormatLength' => $r->playback->format->length->__toString(), 'metadataTitle' => $r->metadata->title->__toString(), 'metadataSubject' => $r->metadata->subject->__toString(), 'metadataDescription' => $r->metadata->description->__toString(), 'metadataCreator' => $r->metadata->creator->__toString(), 'metadataContributor' => $r->metadata->contributor->__toString(), 'metadataLanguage' => $r->metadata->language->__toString(), // Add more here as needed for your app depending on your // use of metadata when creating recordings. ); } return $result; } } else { return null; } } /** * @param $array recordingParams * * @return array|null */ public function getRecordings($recordingParams) { /* USAGE: $recordingParams = array( 'meetingId' => '1234', -- OPTIONAL - comma separate if multiple ids ); NOTE: 'duration' DOES work when creating a meeting, so if you set duration when creating a meeting, it will kick users out after the duration. Should probably be required in user code when 'recording' is set to true. */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getRecordingsUrl($recordingParams)); if($xml) { // If we don't get a success code or messageKey, find out why: if (($xml->returncode != 'SUCCESS') || ($xml->messageKey == null)) { $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString() ); return $result; } else { // In this case, we have success and recording info: $result = array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey->__toString(), 'message' => $xml->message->__toString() ); $result['records'] = []; if (!empty($xml->recordings->recording)) { foreach ($xml->recordings->recording as $r) { $result['records'][] = array( 'recordId' => $r->recordID->__toString(), 'meetingId' => $r->meetingID->__toString(), 'name' => $r->name->__toString(), 'published' => $r->published->__toString(), 'startTime' => $r->startTime->__toString(), 'endTime' => $r->endTime->__toString(), 'playbackFormatType' => $r->playback->format->type->__toString(), 'playbackFormatUrl' => $r->playback->format->url->__toString(), 'playbackFormatLength' => $r->playback->format->length->__toString(), 'metadataTitle' => $r->metadata->title->__toString(), 'metadataSubject' => $r->metadata->subject->__toString(), 'metadataDescription' => $r->metadata->description->__toString(), 'metadataCreator' => $r->metadata->creator->__toString(), 'metadataContributor' => $r->metadata->contributor->__toString(), 'metadataLanguage' => $r->metadata->language->__toString(), ); } } return $result; } } return null; } public function getPublishRecordingsUrl($recordingParams) { /* USAGE: $recordingParams = array( 'recordId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - comma separate if multiple ids 'publish' => 'true', -- REQUIRED - boolean: true/false ); */ $recordingsUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/publishRecordings?"; $params = 'recordID='.urlencode($recordingParams['recordId']). '&publish='.urlencode($recordingParams['publish']); return ($recordingsUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1("publishRecordings".$params.$this->_securitySalt)); } public function publishRecordingsWithXmlResponseArray($recordingParams) { /* USAGE: $recordingParams = array( 'recordId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - comma separate if multiple ids 'publish' => 'true', -- REQUIRED - boolean: true/false ); */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getPublishRecordingsUrl($recordingParams)); if($xml) { return array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'published' => $xml->published->__toString() // -- Returns true/false. ); } else { return null; } } public function getDeleteRecordingsUrl($recordingParams) { /* USAGE: $recordingParams = array( 'recordId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - comma separate if multiple ids ); */ $recordingsUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl."api/deleteRecordings?"; $params = 'recordID='.urlencode($recordingParams['recordId']); return ($recordingsUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1("deleteRecordings".$params.$this->_securitySalt)); } public function deleteRecordingsWithXmlResponseArray($recordingParams) { /* USAGE: $recordingParams = array( 'recordId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - comma separate if multiple ids ); */ $xml = $this->_processXmlResponse($this->getDeleteRecordingsUrl($recordingParams)); if($xml) { return array( 'returncode' => $xml->returncode->__toString(), 'deleted' => $xml->deleted->__toString() // -- Returns true/false. ); } else { return null; } } /** USAGE: * $recordingParams = array( * 'recordId' => '1234', -- REQUIRED - comma separate if multiple ids * ); */ public function generateRecording($recordingParams) { $recordingsUrl = $this->_bbbServerBaseUrl.'../demo/regenerateRecord.jsp?'; $params = 'recordID='.urlencode($recordingParams['recordId']); $url = $recordingsUrl.$params.'&checksum='.sha1('regenerateRecord'.$params.$this->_securitySalt); $ch = curl_init() or die ( curl_error($ch) ); $timeout = 10; curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $data = curl_exec( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); return true; } }